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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Lillith I'm sorry" saying the words a sincerely as he could. "How about this....all talk to him and say I was joking about the whole thing....Would you be happy then" He would talk to the boy if she wanted him to, even if she didn't he will still talk to the boy. Even though Lillith was a spoiled brat at times he didn't want her to be angry with him for a long period of time.
Neal just sighs "fine i'll give her one chance but i shouldn't just tell you this i'm going to find her but just in case" he clips the whip to his belt and holds the sword in hand and begins to walk.
Kain watched as the boy walked away. He thought to himself' there is a lesson to be learned in everything friend. Hopefully you do not learn it the hard way.' He said in his mind as he followed him.
Lillith shook her head. "No. I want you to keep your mouth shut." He had done enough. She was no longer going to put up with his torment. Without looking at him, she shoved her way past him, walking out of the library.
He stood in front of the school door and let his shadow blade disappeared and he placed the handle in the bag. He sighs and walks into the building.
He stood there letting her leave before he went into the halls himself he scurried around heading for the outside. He passed through the doors and made his way to the inside of the forest where he would space out and day dream in till he felt that he should return. So he laid down and with the flick of a finger the roots of a tree covered him like a cage were he would stay for the time being.
Lillith walked the halls, her eyes on the floor. She was about to step outside when she stepped right into Neal. "Why don't you watch-..." She looked up, stopping herself. "Oh... Neal. Greetings again..." She didn't know what to say.
Kain watched in his spectral form leaning against the wall. He kept his distance as two sprites sat on his shoulders. He awaited to see how thing would turn out.
"Oh ..hey" he looked at her "I need to know if you were really going to help me or if you were going to stab me in the back" Neal looks up towards Lillith.
Lillith sighed., "I was going to in the beginning... Yet I realized that I found it would be an unpleasant matter. I did not want that." Yes, that was Lillith's way of saying she might have cared about a person. Just a little bit though. She was still a ruthless leader after all.
Kain spoke again in his echoish voice" keep calm my friend hear the whole story before rendering judgment." He said calmly. There were many ways this could play out he new well.
Lillith's brows pulled together in confusion. "What? No of course not. I was going to befriend you. That's what normal creatures do. I thought about recruiting you for my army, but voted against it." She felt ashamed. "I never wanted to see you hurt," she sounded weak...
Kain looked at her even though he held no corporeal form. He spoke in a kind tone" sympathy, respect and care for ones soldier, army whatever it may be is no weakness in a leader." He said sensing the tone in her voice. He then remained silent so that they could continue.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Nodding Alice sent her a smile."Alright thanks!" Turning he gabbed a nearby pair of scissors and put it to his wrist. Biting his lip he carefully slit his wrist making sure he didn't hit any veins. Blood started to flow and he hurriedly set the scissors aside before putting his bleeding wrist to Phoenix mouth. "Drink birdy and get better."

Phoenix begins to regain his consciousness, and swallowed some of alice's blood. "What... happened?" he asked as he looked at alice. "What happened... To you?" he asked curiously, and became concerned.
"Birdy I'm glad your alright." Alice chirped grinning at him. When he remembered his question he glanced at his wrist and rubbed the back of his neck nervously."Oh that well you needed blood so I gave you some of mine."
"Thanksssss...... alice." he said. "Maybe you can help look for someone different?" he asked sincerely. the whole situation actually made him forget about lilith. "Lilith ain't my type." he said as alicia claps and screeched with joy. @kira blackthorn
"Of course. Finally you realize it!" Alice cheered jumping from the bed. Blood from his wrist splattered the floor and he smiled sheepishly have temporary forgotten it. Lifting the wrist to his mouth he licked it once and watched it heal. Normally he wouldn't bleed by being cut but since he willed it it was possible.
"Its fine." Alice smiled waving it off. He actually found the compliment flattering. "Now," He grabbed Phoenixs hand and tugged him up as Alicia jumped back onto his head."Let's go find you a nice girl that will make you sing instead of weep."
In an effort to fill the silent void in the room, Warren attempted to make conversation. "So, uh... what are you?" Warren immediately noticed the tactlessness in the question. "I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! I just thought that it would be better if we got to know each other." He cleared his throat nervously. @Loke Fullbuster
Luther began making his way back to the Academy. He knew unscheduled field trips to the Human World were against the rules, but then again he was never one for rules. He brought his hand up to his mouth, licking a bit of blood off of his leather glove with a smirk. He was able to recruit 3 more souls to his army today, so and all a very successful trip. Luther pushed past deep brush to find a strange, cage like, structure made out of vines. Interested for a brief moment, he looked the cage over. "Hello?" He peaked through the vines. "Are you a miserable soul for the taking?" @The Akolite
"No....I'm not a soul to be taken....to some people I don't have a soul" He said as he commanded all of the roots to go into the ground. "So I assume your a demon...." He said still lying on the grass of the forest floor.

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