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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"oh i'm sorry for saying that when you were never going to" 'i'm an idiot' he thought "why do you care so much for me Lillith" he was surprised that Lillith didn't want him to be hurt Neal didn't care for his protection, He cared about the protection of his friends.
Lillith shifted her eyes around the halls, not knowing how to respond. "Because-... I-..." She bit her lip. It felt like she was choking on her words. "Think of you as a-..." Oh she must look ridiculous. She cleared her throat. "-as a friend," she muttered at a low, fast pace, just bearly audible.
Neal only smiles and places his hand on her shoulder "i think of you as a friend too,but i rather protect you" then he takes his hand of her shoulder before making matters turn.
She tried not to stiffen in disgust as he touched her. Lillith's self control had surprised her. She even managed a, rather forced, smile. "I appreciate the notion of your concern, but I myself do not need protected." She paused. "But I will keep the offer in mind."
"alright Lillith" he said he wanted to study a bit more on black magic before leaving he turns to Lillith "have a good day Lillith i'll see you later" He walks past her and walked into the library he opes his bag and takes out the journal and began to read it.
"hmm wonder what this one does" he thought and walked outside and walked to a tree and waved his hand in a circle while saying the spell more and more leaves began to circle around him at a fast rate he walked a bit closer to the tree and it began to cut the tree he dismissed the spell "a shield huh awesome" Neal said while smiling.
((Wont be posting again for.. probably a day or so.. depends on how long I end up staying with my friends.))

"Oh, cool." She replied, walking with him. She said nothing more for a while lost in her own thoughts. Though, she continued looking towards the other, she still was having trouble thinking of what else to talk about, as she didnt usually converse with others.

((@SilverAngel303 ))
Christopher yawned, halting in his tracks promptly at the front of the school. Being new, he was already suspecting few people or even nobody to speak to him or approach him. Which he found to be a comfort. It simply made his life easier the more he was avoided. Anyway, Christopher shoved Hus hands deep within his pockets, taking in a brief breath of fresh air before continuing his trek forward into the school building.
Tine looked up from his computer screen and turned to face Warren. "Oh... I'm a mage, a being who specializes in a specific kind of magic. For example mine is Elemental. I can also do elemental takeovers." He looked back down at his computer and replied to the email he had just received. "So what about y-" Tine's body began to shake violently and he dropped his laptop onto the ground. "No..." He said to himself.
Amelia sighed and stared at the ground below, she pulled her legs up on the sill and reentered the classroom which window she had been sitting on. "If I remember correctly... the gym is that way." She spoke to herself feigning enthusiasm. "At least I can do something there." She muttered, her ears were perked to the side in annoyance, her tail flicking letharically. She reached the gym rather quickly and stepped inside the empty space with wide eyes. It was huge! And had all aorts of equipment. "Cool!" Her voice echoed. She giggled. She searched for the light switch and frowned when you needed a key. "Hm...." she placed her fingers over the area and felt the air around her charge with electricity, her hair standing up and fur puffing out as she felt the current flow through her. She focused and felt the switch foribly turn with the amount of volts running from her to the wiring. The lights flickered on and she winced as she pulled her hand away quickly. Her fingertips were burned and bright red in protest to the electricity she controlled. "Darn... oh well." She headed to the metal bars where normally pull ups were done. Ahe jumped and grabbed hold, her burned fingers protesting as she tightened her grip and pulled herself up. She twisted and swung, hitching a leg over the bar so she could sit, then stand on top, balancng perfectly. "I found my new playground." She smiled.

( @LordAnubis)
Warren's eyes widened. "Oh, crap..." he muttered. He had no idea what was going on; was this a medical issue? Some sort of sick magic spell? This wasn't exactly fair; the first two people he had a chance to talk to wanted nothing to do with him, and now the only person that seemed friendly enough was having convulsions mere feet away from him. In desperation, Warren ran out into the hall. "Someone, help!" He shouted, the panic clear in his voice.
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[QUOTE="Laney Lane]Amelia sighed and stared at the ground below, she pulled her legs up on the sill and reentered the classroom which window she had been sitting on. "If I remember correctly... the gym is that way." She spoke to herself feigning enthusiasm. "At least I can do something there." She muttered, her ears were perked to the side in annoyance, her tail flicking letharically. She reached the gym rather quickly and stepped inside the empty space with wide eyes. It was huge! And had all aorts of equipment. "Cool!" Her voice echoed. She giggled. She searched for the light switch and frowned when you needed a key. "Hm...." she placed her fingers over the area and felt the air around her charge with electricity, her hair standing up and fur puffing out as she felt the current flow through her. She focused and felt the switch foribly turn with the amount of volts running from her to the wiring. The lights flickered on and she winced as she pulled her hand away quickly. Her fingertips were burned and bright red in protest to the electricity she controlled. "Darn... oh well." She headed to the metal bars where normally pull ups were done. Ahe jumped and grabbed hold, her burned fingers protesting as she tightened her grip and pulled herself up. She twisted and swung, hitching a leg over the bar so she could sit, then stand on top, balancng perfectly. "I found my new playground." She smiled.
( @LordAnubis)

Kain left lilith and neal to their own devices walking along towards the gym where he was to practice. He slowly made his way there as he liked the air of the cool day. Upon entering the gym he noticed the lights had begun to flicker from power interuption. Scanning the room he noticed a girl messing with a lock. From the looks of things she was using electricity to open it. However it looked to of backfired as she winced in pain.

As she moved to the metal bars he watched as she showed how athletic she was. He decided not to be rude, and just stair so he walked over to her. Kain placed his bag on the ground against the wall. Looking up at her a bit aways he spoke in a friendly tone" you seem quite the athlete ms I'd say your rather good." He said politly.
Tine fell onto the ground gripping at his chest and clawing at his throat. He remembered the inhaler in his bag but when he tried to get it he couldn't think clear enough for it to come to him. He lay there on the ground shivering, unable to breath. "We have your parents..."
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]"I think so." Alice hummed beaming as he absently swung his legs."I don't remember a time I wasn't doing something."
(Bed now goodnight)

Phoenix chuckles. "I don't remember much either....." he said as he yawned and closed his eyes, and snores lightly.
Hearing Tine's rasping breaths, Warren quickly turned back to him, and saw that he was staring at his bag intently. He must be having some sort of asthma attack, Warren concluded. He ran over to the bag, but when he looked into the bag to find some sort of inhaler, it was empty; a void. Warren looked back to Tine, a frightened look on his face. "I--I don't know what to do!"
Tine grabbed Warrren's collar and shook him, then his eyes began to roll back into his head. The boys head fell down to earth as his vision went black. He was passing out. "I'm gonna die." he said. "I would do CPR on myself, but I''ll be too DEAD to do it." Tine began to loose his grasp. "This is it... I bet this school will think twice about not having CPR as a requirement.
"He does doesn't he." Alice chirped smiling at Alicia. "If we take some pictures we can show it to any potential girls. I'm sure they will bag him in a heartbeat."
"No! You're not gonna freaking die!" Warren wasn't sure how exactly to do CPR, but if it meant saving a life, he was willing to take a stab at it. "Someone help! PLEASE!" He shouted into the hall. Warren didn't actually know CPR, but he was desperate to help his friend. In a panicked, last ditch attempt at assisting Tine, Warren inhaled deeply, pressed his mouth to his, and blew. His airway may have been constricted, but maybe if some extra air was introduced, it would help.
Tine breathed in the air and shot up, bumping heads with Warren. He took a couple deep breaths then slowed his breaths slowly. He stood there for a moment red-faced. After standing up he walked towards the door. "Speak of this to no one." And that's when he ran, fuul Sprint down the hallway. He had shown weakness which is what he intinded not to do. He didn't know where he was going but he'd take anywhere but there.

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