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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

That sparked a new interest in this boy. She arched an eyebrow. "Alright." She looked up into his eyes. "I'll humor you creature. Let's hear this deal." This should be good.
"Help me find my sister, and I won't be treat you as such. If not, -" He shrugged his shoulders, turning his gaze off in another direction just before he finished talking." oh well."
"That was not as exciting as I had previously imagined this deal being," she said a bit disappointed. But then again it was the perfect opportunity to make lead way in her master plan. She pretended to think it over for a second. "Alright I'll accompany you in your search for your sister." She began walking back into the academy. "What does she look like."
He shrugged. "Like a little sister. But like me all in the same." He paused to collect his thoughts for a moment, preparing a proper description. "Silver hair, eyes like mine. "
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Nodding Alice headed back to the room. Once there his tiredness hit him full force and he drowsily crowled into bed next to Phoenix. Within seconds he was asleep.

Phoenix, while still being asleep, snuggles alice, thinking he was a teddy bear as he slept.
"Ugh," Warren sighed as he collapsed onto his bed. His Astral Studies teacher was a being a bit annoying as of late, with questions like "How does one being take another's soul? Is there some sort of science involved?" and "How do the Reaper families get along?". He couldn't go one class without being reminded about his family; it made him homesick, and he hated it.
Neal continued reading the journal under the tree and finally got bored he stood up and walked back into the school he turned to the hallway and saw the vampire that he fought and someone new. he walked past them and glared at the vampire.
Tine walked in, dropping his bag on the ground when he saw Warren with a stressed look on his face. After calming himself down and taking a few deep breaths, the boy walked over to his bed side. "Um... Hey I wanted to thank you for ... Um... Y..yesterday." He said. The boy felt his palms get clammy. He felt as if he owed Warren and he hated it. "And... I...I...I, I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need anything f... F... Freellfreeroask" Tine rushed the last words and ran out of the room down the hallway. "I'm a coward."
After noticing Tine had entered the room, Warren got up, and waved hello, but frowned when he noticed the rather nervous look on Tine's face. Before Warren could say anything, however, Tine spoke first, thanking Warren for the incident that had happened the day before, and then proceeded to run out of the hall. Warren was a bit surprised at this, and he decided to go after him. "Hey, wait!" He called, running out into the hallway in tow.
Tine heard Warren's voice. He turned to see him in tow of the boy. Tine picked up the pace. "Wh... Why are you chasing after me?!?!?" He yelled as he ran down the hall. People began to open their doors to see what was going on. Some had obviously been annoyed by the racket, and others were genuinely curious. "What do you want from me!!!!!"

(Oh Kat would love this... Lol)
Warren was falling behind, so he ran faster. "Why are you so antsy?! Stop running!" Warren was in full sprint now; Tine was surprisingly fast, and Warren had to make an effort not to lose him. Jeez, I had no idea I was so out of shape, Warren thought to himself, bobbing and weaving through the various people in the hall.

(Ah, indeed)
Tine was almost out when he ran straight into someone sending them both to the ground.

(Leaving this open for anyone who wants to be the person I run into because they are stuck or have no one to interact with.)

"OOW" Tine said as he held his nose which was now bleeding. "Damn it." He yelled as he stood up. He would've tried to run but Warren was to close now. "What do you want with me?" He asked redfaced as he threw his head back to stop the blood.
Warren made near-deathly gasps as he knelt down to catch his breath. He took a large gulp, and made one last large gasp before speaking; "You know, it's impolite to run from someone right after you see them! What's been up with you lately?"

Warren looked back to Tine's asthma incident; He had saved his life, but really, that wasn't something to avoid a person for. Warren was genuinely confused at Tine's behavior as of late, and he was going to get the bottom of it.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Alice mumbled something like candy in his sleep and snuggled deeper into Phoenix arms. His bed was so warm.

Alicia giggles as she wacthed the two boys that are sleeping, she thought it was cute and adorable.
"N-n-nothing." The boy rebuttled. "What makes you think something is wrong with me... I mean..." Time took a big breath. "Its... It's nothing I'm completely fine." He said plastering a fake smile on his face. "Anything else you want to ask? I'm going to the cafe to eat so... Yeeeeaaa." He stood up taking a tissue from someone to wipe the blood from his face.
Warren gave Tine a very stern look. "I may only be a novice Reaper, but I can still tell when a person's lying. So long as you have a soul, you're not foolin' me. Seriously, what's up?" Warren wasn't going to let this go on for very long. If they were going to live together, they were going to have to be honest with each other.
"Like I told you nothing. Now... If you'll excuse me I'm going to the cafe to get some food he said as he began walking off. "Your free to join if you'd like." When Tine exited the dorms he fell against the wall. "Holy shoot that was terrifying." He thought. "I don't know what these feelings are but I need to find out." He said as he continued on his way to the cafe.
Warren didn't believe Tine was fine, but he opted not to press matters for the sake of keeping things civil. He turned around to head back to his dorm room, and check up on his emails. However, he was stopped by another student, whom was carrying a parcel.

"Excuse me," he interrupted, "Are you Warren Atkinson?"

"Yeah, that's me," Warren confirmed. "But who are you?"

"Oh, just a mailman," The student answered with a smile, handing the parcel to Warren. "Sign here, please," he requested, holding out a clipboard with a form.

Warren nodded, signed the paper, and handed him back the form, and the "mailman" was immediately off. Warren held the package in his hands, shaking it to get a sense of what was inside. "How odd," He remarked.
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(Dun dun dun.)

After having lunch Tine headed to the counselor's office to talk. "And... I guess when I'm around said person I get these... These... Emotions... These feelings that I-I can't explain. It's like a feeling you want to throw up and cry and be happy all in one." Tine explained. "Could it be... L-" Tine ran out of the room before the counselor could even finish speaking. "Oh god what was she going to say? Could it be... THE L WORD!?!?" Tine shuddered. "Nonsense." He said. Tine stopped at his dorm door and sighed. "Guess I can't ignore this room forever." He walked in straight to his bag and pulled out his geometry homework, along with some pens and pencils.
Kayla huffed, roaming the halls all by her lonesome. Not that she minded being alone, for she was quite accustomed to it, due to her not locating her brother since he left for school. She knew shed have to be alone, but she didn't expect it to go as such. As she continued her strolled, she witnessed the running of the two strange boys. It seemed as though they were having a romantic relationship in her eyes. Not that it was any of her business. She simply brushed past the incident, until she was knocked down by one of the two. She didn't know whom or what it was, but it caused her to fall back on her bottom, tossing her clothing upward on her form.

(Responded late O.o Oh whale xD )

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