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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Tine began doing random things to divert Warrens questioning. "Let's listen to some heavy metal." He suggested as he turned the radio on. "L... Is for the way you look at me." Frank Sinatra began. "The L WORD!?" Tine fell to the ground. "Turn that wretched song off... It burns!!!!"
((By the power invested in me from the great thread of Kaiju Academy, it is my honor to pronounce you; canon. lololol))

Warren reluctantly obliged, switching the radio off tentatively. "Ok, you're weirding me out, here... 'L Word'? That drama on Showtime that nobody watches?" He was drawing a blank here, and he was becoming less and less concerned for Tine's well-being and more concerned about what could stand for the letter L. He wasn't sure his priorities weren't in the right place, but Tine was pulling some kind of riddle, and Warren hated riddles.
Kayla's gaze trailed upwards towards the stranger, she scooted backwards, but eventually took hold of his hand, deciding to accept his offer of helping her up. Seeing as though it was thew least she could do since he was the only one to help her up, she took in a deep breath before speaking in low mumbles. "Thank you, whatever your name is." She then usher herself off, pulling down the pieces of clothing of which flew out of place during her fall.

Christopher halted in his steps, refusing to continue in such a heated manner. "If you want to go. Then go." He finally allowed his eyelids to lift, revealing threatening crimson irises, only to allow them to observe the reaction of the girl he was walking with. "I'm not holding you hostage here. So there's no need to be so mad about it." He rolled his irises, brushing past her as he finished his sentence. He no longer cared for anyone's help, this being the reason he acted the way he did. "Seeya." He waved up his right hand as he strolled onwards, just before turning the corner as his hand retreated back into his pocket.

(I'm out. Time to go shopping."
(Lol Kat. I feel like everyone else is watching and waiting to see what's gonna happen.)

"Love... Love... Love... LOVE... LOVE... LOVE... LOVE"

Continued to play in his head. "Aggghhh I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE!" Tine fainted... Luckily his bed was there to break the fall.

(Chibi Tine: -_- " KAT!)
Kain looked at the girl" you are welcome madam pleasure to make your acquaintance my name is kain." He said kindly as he saw her begin to walk away he spoke again" I would very much like to know your name if I may have the pleasure of knowing it." He asked.

@ the dark princess

(Alright have fun lol)
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Damian whistled. He made it seem as if he was whistling at the boys power, but Malphos came. The wolf was gone for sometime now so Luther had no clue of what the creature was. The portal opened behind Luther making no noise as it did. The wolf with its orders was already pouncing at the demons neck. Damian himself pulled back the vines. Then forming his body into a hell hound. He retreated back letting his wolf impact with Luther.

Oh. OH.

Warren... had no idea how to react, really. He was speechless. Flabbergasted. Astounded. Everything suddenly made sense. So there he stood, mouth gaping open, completely dumbstruck at a single word; Love.

Warren wasn't sure on how to proceed. Tine was nice and all, but he didn't see any real connection between them; they had only really known each other for a little over two days. Then again, Warren had saved his life, so that was something. But there were many problems that this position posed; He didn't see Tine in that way, but if he rejected him, it would most likely make things incredibly awkward between them, and that would be very painful. Tine was the first and only real friend Warren had at this school, and he didn't want that to change.

This depressed Warren, and that was very hard to do, seeing as his family dealt with death on a daily basis. But when it hit, it hit hard. He slumped over onto his bed, the room completely silent except for the ticking of the clock and the slight chatter of people outside.
Lillith was about to yell a string of snarky comments, but held her tongue. He wasn't worth her breath. Someone with such anger was just looking for a fight. Frankly, she didn't have the time or energy to mess with any of that. She exhaled, clearing her thoughts before continuing. I guess I should retire somewhere quiet where I can finish my studies, she thought, looking down at her book. She was about half done. It shouldn't take her too long. She made her way down the hall to a private study room.


Luther kept his eyes locked on Damian as he took a small step to his right. He watched the wold launch past him. "Oh you actually do have a mutt! That's too funny." He ran after the hell hound, closing in behind him. "Why are you running? Afraid of a little competition?" He chuckled as his whole hand began to glow the same dark purple as before. He launched a beam of dark energy at the hound.
(That ending was beautiful.)

Then next day Tine woke up feeling weird. "What happened?" He asked himself. "Whatever it is it'll have to wait... I got to get to class." The boy immediately got dressed, grabbed a breakfast burrito, and headed for geometry. "Tine your homework!?" Tine's geometry teacher asked. "Oh I'm sure it's in here some... OH... MY... GOD!" Yesterday's events began coming back to the boy. "Did that really... Happen?" He began getting pale and clammy. "Tine are you alright." His teacher asked. "Um... May I be excused..."

Tintme lay in his bed thinking what had happened. "I'm gonna die." He thought. What was he thinking? Like someone like Warren would give him even a thought. Tine turned over in bed and screamed into his pillow.
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[QUOTE="Loke Fullbuster](That ending was beautiful.)
Tine died that very night.

(((Chibi Kat: WHAT!?!?!?! THATS IT!?!?!?!)
His body dove down as it changed to a rabbit completely dodging the beam. "You missed idiot" His voice a little higher then usual. Then his body reverted to human. His hand was changing into a deadly head of a hydra, his arm was its neck. He broke off into a sprint....Straight towards the other. He wings sprouted through clothes. His body took off into the sky were it floated. The hydra head was gripped and thrown at the demon, its neck the length of an anaconda. The hydras head opened, letting a fiery burst of flames to escape and head straight for the demon.
((i don't know where it is, but i'm still positive it's illegal.))

Luther burst into laughter. "A bunny? Really? Oh Damian, you really are too much." Smirking, he jumped up to meet the hydra head on. He put his hand up to the anaconda's firey blast, returning it in dark energy. As the energy met with the fire, a small explosion began to form between the two. "You've got to do better than that. Are you even trying mutt?"
John walks to the school, and puts his backpack down. He smiled as he registered all the people in the school. So many people that I can turn...

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