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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Not really....but you should........" He whistled a tune. "Have...." Then whistling another. "Some....." Then the last. "Fun...." The walls of the building were being smashed through by thousands of roots from the nearby forest. The roots came in smashing anything and everything it could except Damian. Most of them were aiming straight forward the demon. The boy wasn't to sure if anything happened to the demon. He knew most of the girls that were staring straight at the demon admiring him were dead.
Warren, having finished classes for the day, went back to his room. In light of recent events, he had completely forgotten to open the package that had been sent for him. However, as he walked into the room, he spotted Tine lying down on his bed. "Oh... hey..."
(( O.o Oh no... That blows... I don't know how to help.))

Luther landed lightly on his feet. He reached his arms out, smirking before being swallowed by the vines. Moments passed. He wasn't hurt or anything, but the pause made for a dramatic effect he couldn't resist. Deep laughter filled the hallways as black smoke escaped the vines. Within seconds, the vines began to wilt and wither away, crumbling at his feet. "Bravo. Any other monster would have been dead for sure. Sadly for you I'm no normal monster." He put his glove back on, looking up at Damian. "Thank you for the energy. Plants are organic, so now I can allow myself dessert tonight." He chuckled to himself. "I must have really hit home with you there eh mutt," he smirked, brushing a bit of dead plant matter off his shirt, he shoved his hands in his pockets.
Alice nose scrunched up hearing Alicias giggld. Burying his head further in Phoenix neck thinking it was a pillow he mumbles. '' Go to sleep. Noisy spider.''
CrimsonEclipse said:
(Well, I might make a new character. Is that alright?)
((Of course. Only seems fair. And if you really REALLY love your OC right now, you can re-enter the RP and we will void all previous engagements so you may have a fresh start. Let me know.))
(Yeah for being 2300 years old....)

Damian ignored the boy's words entirely as he approached the demon, his wings fluttering. "....I wasn't trying......" Was all he said before he came in a flash in front of the demon caused by his supernatural speed which amplified his flying speed. He pulled his fist back and launched it forward with the force to crush 10 redwood trees combined. He sent the blow straight towards the demons gut.
((No one wants to lose here lol))

Luther closed his eyes, focusing all his energy in his chest. Just as Damian made contact with him, Luther's entire body materializes into the same black smoke as before. The smoke billowed onto the ground, creeping behind Damian, before coming back together, forming a black mass. The mass piled on top of itself, revealing Luther with the same arrogant smirk as before. "Alright Damian. That's about all I have left. Let's call a tie. I'm getting hungry," he pouted. In all honesty he was a bit concerned about how much energy he actually used to materialize. He felt... Almost human.


Lillith had finished her reading in much less time than she thought it would. All the while she heard the faint sounds of what she thought was a fight. Feeling a bit better than she did before, she left the study room. Guess I'll go see who's killing who, she thought. She made her way down the halls, curiosity taking over as the crashes continued. Someone must be in real trouble. Maybe I'll be able to take their soul! She smiled devilishly. She turned the corner, finding a destroyed hallway. Wow, I'm impressed, she nodded. She tried to get a better view of who was in the brawl. She saw a familiar face; one that irritated her, but kept her coming back. "Damian?"
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Kain looked at the girl" you are welcome madam pleasure to make your acquaintance my name is kain." He said kindly as he saw her begin to walk away he spoke again" I would very much like to know your name if I may have the pleasure of knowing it." He asked.
@ the dark princess

(Alright have fun lol)

"Kain..."Kayla paused, turning to face him just as she released his helping hand. "My name?" She was quiet for a moment, never having spoken much to a boy so up close without them being her food. She shrugged her shoulders, turning her gaze sideways. "My names Kayla. Nice to meet you Kain."
((Sorry I wasn't getting notifications.))

Apollon woke up in his bed not in human form. He stood up and floated over to his mirror. He quickly turned into a bright flash of light and he was in his red headed human form. He thought that he looked kind of cool in his human form. He flexed in the mirror and then got changed for school. He walked out of his dorm room and took a few turns down some hallways to pass time. Then he saw it. It was beautiful. The destruction in one place. He almost shed a tear from the beautiful destruction. He looked around to see who did it and then saw two people. He flew over to them, because who likes walking? He said, "Im so proud of whoever you two are. This is beautiful artwork." He made a face that looked like he was about to cry, just jokingly of course.
Tine heard a vooce and turned to see Warren. "Sup." He said. After a long bout of silence Tine broke in. "Tell me something." Tine said. "Did I say what I think I said yesterday?" Tine was to the point where he wanted to get settled.
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]"Kain..."Kayla paused, turning to face him just as she released his helping hand. "My name?" She was quiet for a moment, never having spoken much to a boy so up close without them being her food. She shrugged her shoulders, turning her gaze sideways. "My names Kayla. Nice to meet you Kain."

Kain bowed his head in respect" pleasure to make your acquaintance Kayla I do apologies for my rudeness, but I'm afraid I must make heist their is trouble brewing else wear. " He held up her hand gently kissing it then letting go" till we meet again." He said before taking off towards the magical disturbance.
Kayla's cheeks flushed with a lightened shade of a somewhat pinkish color just as his lips met her hand. Pure embarrassment coursed throughout her nervous system. If her brother, or even worse her father found out she allowed one not of her essence to acvt toward her in such a way, she would be in dire trouble. Even so, she brushed off the fact, deciding to keep the event to herself just as he walked away.
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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Kayla's cheeks flu she with a lightened shade of a somewhat pinkish color just as his lips met her hand. Pure embarrassment coursed throughout her nervous system. If her brother, or even worse her father found out she allowed one not of her essence to acvt toward her in such a way, she would be in dire trouble. Even so, she brushed off the fact, deciding to keep the event to herself just as he walked away.

Kain found the hall were three people were one he recognized one the other two he did not. Kain rubbed his temples irritated by the boy he always caused trouble or distruction. He did not want to deal with that so he turned back around. He proceeded back to Kayla. Kain looked In her eyes" never mind the trouble I really don't want to get a headache from that right know. Anyways welcome to the acadamy do you require any help getting somewhere?" He asked.
Kayla was currently fumbling with her clothing, debating upon where to proceed to next with her gaze fixated upon the hallway floor just as he reapproached her, causing her irises to trail upward to his face to meet his gaze. "Hm?" She took a moment, realizing she had forgotten about meeting up with her brother. "Oh. Yes. I do."
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Kayla was currently fumbling with her clothing, debating upon where to proceed to next with her gaze fixated upon the hallway floor just as he reapproached her, causing her irises to trail upward to his face to meet his gaze. "Hm?" She took a moment, realizing she had forgotten about meeting up with her brother. "Oh. Yes. I do."

Kain kept eye contact with Kayla as she spoke. When she said she did require help he asked" what is it that I may help you with?" He said in a polite tone.
Kayla took a step backwards, creating a means of escape from further conversation with Kain. Just as always, she was trying to avoid deep conversation, especially with those of the opposite sex. She somewhat feared boys. Regarding this she simply remained silent, shaking her head to refuse his offer. She needn't have him tag along because then it would heighten her fear. Thus, she simply shook her head, continuing to back away.
Kain noticed her fear he could sence it. He stood straight, bowed his head" very well if you require assistance at anytime do feel free to aske." He said politly before turning. He walked away to the double doors at the end of the hall. He did not wish to traumatize the girl that would be highly unkind. Opening the doors he decided to head to the library where he would spend first period helping the staff.
She nodded quietly in response, quickly turning on her heels, causing her back to face him. Finally she could calm down. It went deeper than she wanted it to go, but at least she knew someone was around. Hopefully she could hurry and locate her brother before she had another confrontation with a male student. "Ugh." She shivered at the thought, clasping her hands together behind her back as she journeyed on.
Kain walked past the two boys fighting . He walked down the hall to the library. Going inside he proceeded to go to the main desk where he sat with Te librarian helping her.
[QUOTE="Loke Fullbuster]Tine heard a vooce and turned to see Warren. "Sup." He said. After a long bout of silence Tine broke in. "Tell me something." Tine said. "Did I say what I think I said yesterday?" Tine was to the point where he wanted to get settled.

"Y--yeah," Warren said with a sigh. "You did." He went to his bed and sat down on it, taking the package beside him into his hands. "Did you mean what you said back there?"
(Yeah for blood lust..........and no breathing....)

Standing on the crumbling rubble of the school he cackled loudly and said "Why would I stop now....I've never felt this great...The blood from those creatures makes me a excited...but yours.....yours is something I've never had...So I wont stop in till your hearts in my hand and my fangs are in your neck..." Then the whistle came and Malphos joined his side. "Lets go" His words flowed to the wolf. He punched at the boys chest, his hand and arm switched form to leave partial amount of skin and muscle near the torso, so he could move the elephant tusk that came from it. His mutt was ready to jump at the boy if he made a move...for the dog was never trying as well.
After a while Kain finished hus work proceeding to the hall. Seeing the destruction he sighed as he began reconstructing the damage done to the building..again.

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