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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"I-I did, but I know you don't see me in that way and... I know I shouldn't of said it because it's probably just gonna make things akward for us." Tine got up and put some pants and a T shirt on, gathering his stuff into his bag and pulling a slip of paper off if his bedside table. "So here." The boy handed Warren a paper and stopped a little ways past him. "It's a room change reques I got." He said. He was on the verge of tears. "Listen, Warren... I care about you... Maybe even like you, but the last thing I want to do is make this uncomfortable for you." Tine opened the door and stopped. "These have oddly been the best 3 days of my life... And I pray that our paths may cross once again... Until next time." He exited the room, walking down the hallway. Part of him wanted Warren to come running down that hallway after him, as he had done that ones day... But alas... It was only a wish... And he knew what they had was over. And to think... It was his birthday.

Tine continued down the hall... Humming happy birthday to himself.

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Warren took the paper from Tine; it felt unnaturally heavy in his hands. "Tine, I..." He wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want him to leave, but at the same time, he knew that it was the best thing for their friendship. He got up, and followed him out into the hall. "Look, Tine," Warren started, "You've been the only real friend I've had ever since I came to this school. I don't want that to change, so... we can still be friends, right?"

Warren didn't want things between them to just end like that. Sure, there wasn't going to be a romantic relationship between them, but they were still close, and that meant something.
Tine turned around. "Sure." He said. "As a matter of fact let's meet for lunch tomorrow." He said. "As friends." Tine held up the peace sign and ran out of the dorm are towards the counselor. "Its obvious you care about him." she said. "Yea..." Tine replied. "And that's why I made the decision."
Warren smiled, waving back at Tine before going back to the dorm room. He still hadn't gotten around to opening that box, and he was dying to know what was inside.

He picked up the parcel, observing that it was somewhat heavy. Knowing his family (Or rather, his sister), it was probably a rock or something; She loved playing tricks like that on him. He tore at the wrapping, and found that there was a letter taped to the box, which was odd, given that his family never wrote letters, only emails. It must've been important.

Unfolding the letter, he began to read it;

Dearest Warren,

Inside this box is a gift, from your uncle.

We hope you are doing well in your studies. Your sister captured her 5,000th soul this week, so we have very high expectations! Your uncle thinks that you are not quite living up to your full potential, so he has sent this package as a kind of... incentive to try harder. Your father and I don't approve of giving bribes to our own child, especially since he shouldn't need any, but your uncle insisted. We hope we enjoy your new present, and continue to do well at your new school.

With love, your mother.

His uncle? Death? Why on Earth would Death himself take the time to send a present to his lowly nephew? Surely he meant his sister, or something.

And yet, it was addressed to Warren. He put the letter aside and opened the box tentatively. Inside was a simple bronze urn. What am I gonna do with a jar? Warren asked himself, picking it up and examining it.

He opened the jar, expecting to find ashes, but a ghostly energy escaped in its stead, flying about the room. "Holy crap!" He yelled as the apparition flew, before going directly into Warren's chest. Warren began to cough violently, keeling over onto his bed; it felt as if a thousand pine needles were lodged in his throat, and he couldn't get them out for the life of him. Pain was radiating all throughout his body.

After some time, however, it slowly subsided, and Warren got up. Much to his surprise, he noticed that his scythe was no longer the mediocre rusty hatchet-like thing it was; it was still terrible compared to the other scythes he had seen, but it was much larger, easily a meter and a half long. The blade had also grown larger, and was no longer a rusty jagged mess, but a shining bronze. "Awesome," He said with a smile. as he picked it up, he went to look at himself in the mirror, being the narcissistic young man that he was, but upon seeing himself in the mirror, he noticed that he had grown small skeletal wings, and jumped. They weren't large enough to fly with yet, but they were a sight, nonetheless.
Tine was walking through the halls towards his next class when a strong burn began to radiate through his chest. It was familiar to the boy. The boy fell onto a locker on the right side. The halls were empty since he was tardy so no one was there to help, but the pain subsided. "Somethings wrong." He thought. "Not a romantic relationship huh?" He remembered Oracle say. "Well perhaps a relationship of different sort, but a relationship nonetheless." Tine sighed. "Are you sure?" He questioned. "Yes... Very." She smiled.

Ark 2: Fateful Encounter

"Warren." Tine thought. He ran back towards his room and began knocking. An energy was given off from the room. The boy began to knock harder. "WARREN!" He yelled.
Jarred from his focus on his new-found wings by the knocking, Warren put his scythe aside and went to the door. Opening it, Warren found that Tine was there waiting for him. "Tine? What are you doing here?" This was odd, seeing as he wasn't supposed to have lunch with him until tomorrow.
Luther began dodging left and right as Damian attacked. He began slowing down a bit, almost to the point where Damian could actually land a blow. "You're sadly mistaken if you think you can beat me mutt." As he kept dodging, Luther heard a voice. Someone was interrupting their fight. Looking past Damian, a smile spread across his face. "Oh this is perfect." He flipped over Damain, and within seconds was behind Lillith, holding her against his body with an arm crushing grasp around her neck. She began gasping. "Not another move Mutt."
Kain looked at the boy clutching the girl irritated with him. While he did not particularly like the girl he did however had a problem with him attacking her.(he's a royal taught to aid a damsel in distress lol.) Kain walked over to the boy choking the girl" I'd advise you to release the girl this instant." He said as he stood tall.
Tine gagged when Warren opened the door. After racking his brain he realized where he had felt that feeling before... "THE DAY MY PARENTS WERE TAKEN." He thought. Tine looked up and saw Warrens change off appearance. "Warren... What are you?" Tine asked in horror.
He licked his lips before approaching the boy with a slow stride. "Like I said I won't stop in till your heart is in my hand....and if you kill her....I'll just drink from her pale corpse...." He stopped and stared at the demon showing him he didn't care if she did die. Then he turned his gaze to the rather distracting man. He used this moment to jump forward with all his speed and aim for any open area on the male demons body with the tusk.
Luther simply smiled at the new man who assumed he had authority. "Oh I'm sorry, but a creature like you had no say in matters such as this." He took a step back, dragging Lillith along.

Lillith was clawing at Luther's hand, desperately trying to make him let go. She felt like she was slipping into darkness. She couldn't pass out now. she watched Damian walking closer, looking for any sign he was going to assist her. Then he spoke. Lillith looked away with disappointment in her eyes as she continued to fend for herself.

Luther was late to see Damian's reaction. The other bastard had distracted him. Knowing he wasn't going to be able to dodge he did the next best thing. He turned slightly using Lillith as a shield. The tusk tore through her side. Lillith screamed in pain as Luther sighed. "Look what you made me do to my fiancé." He shook his head, releasing the grip from her neck to her torso, holding up the girl who could no longer hold herself. "That wasn't very nice."
Kain spoke in his ancient toung" veilerushoth teleptris sacrende" He said his eyes glowed white. Liliths body glowed white as well converting her into celestial energy transporting her elsewhere to the top of the school. Meanwhile Kain looked at the other boy" I will help the girl do wrap up your little dispute soon I hate fixing after everyone's destruction. " He said as he too was enveloped in celestial energy. Him being natural with it did not require him to speak the words.

He arrived on the roof next to lilith, and knelt next to her. He knew any form of light healing spell would harm her more then heal. So he shifted his energy to dark celestial magic. Blood began to flow from the open wound, and Kain immediately geld his hand on top of the wound. He used his life force to power the dark magice in healing her demonic form. He knelt their hoping it would work.
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"What am I?" Warren repeated indignantly. "I'm--" Warren had somehow forgotten recent events. "Oh, the wings. I guess I got upgraded to Apprentice Reaper after, uh, certain goings-on. Anyway, back to the task at hand; what about your parents?"
"N-n-nothing... I just got this weird feeling something was wrong and came to check up on you." He said. "Guess I was just overreacting." Tine smiled. "Bye then." Tine walked out closing the door behind him. "That energy... What was that?" He asked himself. "Whatever it is... I don't like it." Tine walked out of the dorms and headed to his next class as he did before.
Lillith lay on the roof, trying not to show how much pain she was really in. As mr self righteous, she really needed to learn his damn name already, pulled the tusk out she screamed once again, unable to hold back. Taking quick, shallow breaths Lillith tried pushing him away. "S-stop! It's no use. You're o-only helping him get stronger." She wanted to explain everything, but found herself too weak to focus on anything but the pain. "Just stop."
Kain headed her words, and removed his hand. He looked in her eyes" then tell me how I can help that would is serious weather you'd like to admit it or not. " He said with determination to help in his voice.
(I'm my tusk wasn't detachable....I don't know we're that came from but it's still attached to his arm.)

(Or Damians tusk isn't...)
Tine's reaction to his wings made Warren rather self-conscious. Were they really that frightening? Great, another reason for people to avoid me, he thought to himself as he looked back at them. He shook his head, going over to his backpack, pulling out his laptop and opening it up to email his family back.

Hey guys, thanks for the present.

Uncle sent me a soul, guys. Isn't that cheating? Well, whatever.
Anyway, my scythe got upgraded, and I got some wings too. Not too happy about the wings, though, since they aren't really useful at all. Anyway, thank Uncle for the gift for me, would ya?

Love, Warren.

Closing his computer, Warren decided it was a good time to go outside for a walk, to clear his head. He grabbed his scythe, which conveniently collapsed into an ornate cane, much to his surprise.

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