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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Not let's have some fun now the girls gone...." His arm still having a built in tusk. Was pointed straight forward to the demons neck. "Time to see this heart of yours. His body lurched forward, being propelled by his wings that had him hover of the ground and straight at the male. Then the tusk was replaced with a hydra head that was breathing an intense fire as he moved the head was also ready to sink its fangs in to the demon.
Luther's eyes began to glow deep purple as he smirked. "Well with your help I was able to recharge. I guess that stubborn brat is good for something after all." He shot a ray of dark energy towards the ground, sending him into the air. He landed behind Damian, launching another beam of dark energy into the back of the boy's neck.

"I'm fine." Lillith forced herself to sit up, shaking from the amount of blood she had already lost. "Do you understand wh-what I'm saying to you?" His help was well wasted here. "I don't need your h-..." She collapsed back onto the ground, the blood from her side began darkening until it became black. This was not a good sign. Unable to refuse help any longer she looked up, "I need L-Luther!"
As the boy was launched. He assumed something fishy was going on. So acting on instincts he changed into a flea and hoped away from were he was flying. Good thing to. Because the demon landed straight behind him and fired just as he scampered off. There would have been no time to react on that. The bug was jumping now hopping over to the boy. He didn't approach directly, he was hoping to the demons side. Even if he was small he could still get noticed so he was taking this battle cautiously. So he jumped out and came at him. Reverting to his human form and still having the momentum of the jump. He was flying at the demon with a tusk as his arms only two feet from his shoulder.
Kain did not like the idea of handing her over to the boy who just used her as a human shield. In a last effort although he would do as she asked he next over to her wound. He held his arm over her wound cutting his wrist with a extended claw. His blood dropped onto the blackened blood hardened pouring over it. His wound healed as he, then blew a small puff of white flame that burned his blood with the black. If anything he knew was that celestial white flames fueled by only the royal blood lines blood could erase the effect of powerful black magice, a trick he learned to late to help the only true friend he had in his life. The flam extinguished with the blood burnt away the wound scared, but heald he hoped. However if she still required that vile boys Aid he would have no choice, but to take her to him.
Luther braced himself as the tusk made contact. He yelled out in pain for a second, but it quickly faded into laughter. "Oh I'm sorry... I tried to pretend that hurt. But here's a valuable piece of information: I'm not the one taking damage." He pulled himself free from the tusk, revealing the hole in his shoulder that quickly began regenerating.

Lillith squirmed as he worked. She had no idea what he was doing until it was too late. "Y-you can't erease my dark energy. M-my entire being is dark energy!" The scar along her side began to disintegrate, dripping not black, but dark red blood. That was a good sign if nothing else. However it didn't last long. Her skin began to rip, creating another deep gash on her shoulder. She screamed. "Listen to me! I-I need Luther!" Demon's magic was a bit more complex than just dark magic. She was doing everything in her power not to cry.
Kain looked at her with sympathetic eyes if anything what he watched was the exact thing that happened to him. He lifted her in his arms gently before they were enveloped not in light energy, but dark. Before teleported he looked at her speaking in a saddened tone" I'm sorry I could not aid you forgive me." He said as they appeared in the hall. He laid her on the ground gently before looking at the demon male" She calls for you luther." He said emotion less. Kain walked over to the other boy, then looked over his shoulder" crusada reshedefriel mortis. " He said before looking at the other boy" you are only hurting her not him I'm afraid. " He said before walking past him. He exited the double doors leading out to the main courtyard. Kain jumped in the air as his wings quickly sprouted out flapping one time strongly lifting him above the school where he landed on the roof. His eyes know shifted from red yo a dark purple. He stood their looking at the girls blood spilt on the roof. Flashes of memories long sence passed filled his mind, as he recalled the tragic events.
"You know what I don't give a crap about your stupid power....even if your power relies around the life force of my mother!" He screeched out. "I don't care and I never will....because all I have left is a retard of a father that decided my life the day he found me." His hand extended out to the demon reverting it human. And when the other male arrived. He still didn't care for the girls life how could he. They shared no bond. "I have a question for you...we're does a demon go when it dies... Straight back to hell I'm assuming if there is an afterlife after all" He finished off his question before moving over to Lilith. "Because I'll just kill her if that's the case" His arm was now a tusk again pointed straight for the girls neck only a centimeter away.
Luther stood, not moving as the boy began to spout. He really was a firey one. Luther smiled wickedly as he threatened to kill Lillith. However, he wanted that pleasure. "Demons don't go to Hell. They go into the Darkness where their "soul" is tormented for the rest of eternity."

Lillith sat at Luthers feet, as Damian held the tusk to her neck. She looked into his eyes with pure fear, a new emotion for her. As Luther mentioned the Darkness, tears escaped her eyes. All demons fear the Darkness. Lillith closed her eyes tightly, waiting for him to strike.
Kain watched from the roof using a spying spell. The boy was making matters worse, and you should never make a girl cry. Kain spoke the words again ad the boy was surrounded by dark energy being transported else where into the heart of the forest. He hoped that there he would reflect on his actions perhaps even calm down. As for the girl, and luther he continued to watch for a time, but then stopped as he knew what further laid ahead he would not want to see.
As the boy arrived he didn't care he wasn't going to kill her. His wings lifted him and all he did was fly back. He landed and yelled to the other that transported him "Really now...You could have waited...I wasn't going to kill her..." He stayed outside the building. "But ill stay here because all you'll do is force me away again...."
Kain looked at the boy with hardly any emotion" your right I would force you away again....If I had waited longer it would not of mattered if you killed her or not her wound would of done it for you. You pushed to far know you must watch the repercussions of your actions." He said as he looked at the sky. Kain then looked at the garden" you are quick to anger..." He simply said.
"I get pissed when something....that I hate from my past comes into the factor of discussion." He said to the man before laying down on the grass and closing his eyes. "Well have fun micromanaging others life, sounds like a fun job...."
Kain looked at the boy" if only you knew...If only you knew." He said as he sat on the edge of the building. He did not like the situation, but it was what it was simple as that.
Luther glared at the empty hall for a moment. That fight had been too close. No one was to ever cross the line like that again. He would not allow it. He kneeled down beside Lillith, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back to look her in the eyes. He chuckled as her tears. "So this is the ruthless tyrant of Violents Outer Ring. Crying like a child. Pathetic." He picked her up, smirking as she whimpered.

Luther darted out of the school, running off onto the forest. He dropped Lillith on the ground before removing his glove. Purple drops of his energy were dripped into her wounds. She screamed once more as the wound closed itself, leaving large black bruises on her bone white skin. "Until we meet again my sweet Lilly Pad," was the last thing he purred as he faded into the trees.
Kain left the boy to rest on the grass flying towards the girl. He landed softly as his wings dark as night folded behind him. He knelt beside her, not touching simply looking in her eyes" are you alright know? " He said as his words held little emotion save for just a bit of concern. His dark side chose a bad time to take over expecially given the emotional state he was in warping himself into a sad sorry state.
He noticed the demon leaving he didn't follow. He made his way up standing and made his way into the school and made his way through the hall ways to the dorms...

(Im tired.....)
Warren entered the school once again, returning from his walk. Much to his surprise, he found that there had been quite a scuffle in the hallway, with various small fires and craters scattered about. "Holy crap, what happened here?" He said aloud, completely awestruck at the wanton destruction that had taken place.

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