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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

midnightrose said:
"I'm not going anyway anytime soon. I'm scared again. I realize I dont think I could take on this world alone." She whispered while looking at a wall
"Well, you won't take it on alone." Crowley said as he gave her a small kiss.
Megan half smiled at him. "I honestly thought that he would kill me. That the beating was my last experience alive. That I would die in pain."
midnightrose said:
Megan half smiled at him. "I honestly thought that he would kill me. That the beating was my last experience alive. That I would die in pain."
Crowley sighed. "I know. Do you need anything at all?" Crowley said, as he got up from the bed, and took off his tie.
Adsila can be seen on one of Crowly's Cousy weeping & playing Candy Crush. The Cherokee writing is on a wall opposite of where she's lying down.
midnightrose said:
"No I'm okay." She sighed and tried to roll over but stopped because a bunch of pain shot through her body.
"Woah there." Crowley said, easing her back to her original position. "You are going to have to stay like this for a while." Crowley looked at the bedridden Megan, and couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened. "Is there anything. Anything at all that you need right now?"
"No I'm fine. I'm cold though." She wish she didn't walk out. 'None of this would have happened if you weren't being stupid.' She thought to herself.
midnightrose said:
"No I'm fine. I'm cold though." She wish she didn't walk out. 'None of this would have happened if you weren't being stupid.' She thought to herself.
"Blanket! Right away!" Crowley said as he looked through his closet. He came out with a blue fleece blanket. He was hesitant, but he laid it on her anyways. "Just.. don't ruin it, will you?"
"Guh..." Michael groaned as he opened his eyes to the world once again, only this time everything was upside down, and he was caught in a swaying motion. His head was pounding, more towards the back more than anything. He didn't really know the situation he was in, or how he got into it in the first place. The more he blinked and breathed the more reality came back to him, his vision un-blurred, sound faded back in, and feeling came back to him. Another deep breath and the motion of his hand to the back of his head to feel for the source of pain, and there it was, a small bump towards the top of his dome under his hair. He had hit himself on something, on what was yet to be determined. Michael forced his eyes closed and groaned again as he shook his head upon opening them again. "Where.. Where am I?" he asked himself as he looked up, or rather, down at the hands that reached up for him. People? Were they here to help him?


The smell hit him then. The putrid odor those beings emitted was just enough to make him gag, but he held back his lunch as best he could. Everything started to come back to him. The state the world was in. How society had fallen. Down to the reason he was there in the middle of a supermarket, hanging upside down from a rope around his ankle. He was there looking for some food supplies, and ended up falling for the whole "too good to be true; last box of Twinkies" trap. The moment he had the empty box in his hand, a wire gave way and the meat cooler had fallen, pulling the rope (and Michael) up with it. When it did, he fell before being picked up, this was when he hit the back of his head on the floor, knocking him out in the process. He followed the rope over a rafter and tied to a heavy looking meat cooler filled with what looked like the piled leftovers of the staff that probably worked here. or at least the ones that were lucky enough to be picked clean, eaten down to the bone. Worry now began to set in when the noises below him filled his ears. Groaning. The eerie raspy breathing of those who had changed.

"Roamers...shite." Michael cursed to himself as he looked back down at the crowd of the dead that formed beneath him hoping that the rope the man hung from would snap and they could feast once more. "Bloody hell.." he muttered as he looked around, trying to think of what to do. That was when he noticed that he was swaying, and grinned slightly. The next time he swung backwards he used the weight of his torso to gain some momentum on the swing forwards. He repeated this process several times until he was swinging rather close to the entrance. He prepared himself mentally for a couple swings before he unbuttoned the holster that held his knife, and reached up grabbing his calf and looking forward trying to "aim" in a sense before he swung at the rope just above his foot, cutting the rope. When he did this he balled up, flying through the air for a second or two before he hit the floor on his side, rolling for a couple feet before he came to a stop. "Bollocks.." he grunted to himself as he slowly made his way to his feet, holding the side he had fallen on all the way. Soon enough he was on his feet, shuffling towards the exit as the groans and footsteps of the dead following closely behind him.

The moment he was outside, he shielded his eyes from the rays of the sun, letting them adjust before he spotted his pack. Now able to jog through the pain, he made his way over to it, and picking it up with out stopping before he picked up the pace to ensure that he put enough distance between himself and the roamers that followed him out of the supermarket. Confident with the distance barrier he made, he stopped to get a sense of his surroundings. "Shite.." he muttered under his breath. Not only had he run in the opposite direction of his little camp, but he realized that he only had a day's worth of rations in his pack. He sighed to himself, taking another look around before he decided to take shelter in a small gas station just down the road.

@Tessa Roberts

(Sorry for the long post. xP)
( Wow! That's okay!) @Yuri Reeka

Keira sighed and shot yet another roamed in the head. She whistled for Jegger, who was sniffing the remains of an old building. " Good boy, Jeg." She knelt down and rubbed him vigorously, checking for any wounds. Satisfied with her search, she stood back up and continued walking, jumping over the occasion beam, or cement chunk, Jegger not far behind her. Seeing yet another roamed, she aimed and fired. The head blew off. She looked at her gun and smiled. She'd gotten good at this since the zombie apocalypse.
Zep was roaming through the ruin streets of whatever city he was in at the moment, it's name and location was like many other things something that Zep had no idea of. He just wandered from city to town to village with no ulterior motive other then walking for the sake of walking, And why would he? He had no-one to look for. he didn't have a son, wife/girlfriend or siblings well at least as far as he knew, which admittedly wasn't much. No Zep walked for no other reason other then because he could and wanted to.

Tessa Roberts]( Wow! That's okay!) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19112-yuri-reeka/ said:
@Yuri Reeka[/URL]
Keira sighed and shot yet another roamed in the head. She whistled for Jegger, who was sniffing the remains of an old building. " Good boy, Jeg." She knelt down and rubbed him vigorously, checking for any wounds. Satisfied with her search, she stood back up and continued walking, jumping over the occasion beam, or cement chunk, Jegger not far behind her. Seeing yet another roamed, she aimed and fired. The head blew off. She looked at her gun and smiled. She'd gotten good at this since the zombie apocalypse.
Zep heard the whistling and barking. he snuck around trying to get a good look at the whistler and saw woman and her wolf dog 'Lady?' Zap ducked out of her sight when he saw her turn around, he peeked his head from behind the wall he had taken cover behind "shotting Lady and Big Doggy." Zep quietly muttered to himself as he stepped away from the wall and continued sneakily following the duo.
Thinking she heard something, Keira turned around. Seeing nothing, she shrugged and turned back around. She kept her finger on the trigger, though, just in case something happened. She snapped her fingers at Jegger softly. " Alert, Jeg." Jegger, remembering his training, sniffed the air, his ears erect and eyes alert.

Zep noticing the dog was getting close to him quickly snuck ahead of the duo, intending to leg it when he gets far enough. when he felt he was far enough. he sprang up like a squirrel "ZEP HAS ESCAPED AGAIN FROM THE TICKLISH GRIPS OF LADY DEATH!!!" he screamed before legging it and running at top speeds that would make Usain Bolt look like a fat wheelchair bound snail, or he would if Zep's prosthetic leg hadn't been caught on a gap causing the mad cripple to make out with earth "D'oh"
midnightrose said:
@Safety Hammer
"Thanks and I'll try not to." Megan said with a half smile. "Crowley?" Megan looked at him with a bit of sad eyes.
"Yes? Do you need anything else?" Crowley said, spinning around to face the girl.
midnightrose said:
"Don't leave." She whispered. A stray tear slipped out from her eye and she closed her eyes.
@Safety Hammer
"I..I won't." Crowley said, being a slight bit surprised by Megan. "I will always be here for you." Crowley gave her another kiss, but this time on the lips. "I hope you didn't mind that. I'm still new to the whole 'kissing' thing." Blush covered Crowley's face as he pulled back from the kiss.
midnightrose said:
"I don't mind." She whispered to him with a smile. "Its adorable."
"A-adorable?" Crowley stammered. He wasn't blushing this time. His face had turned the exact shade of an apple.
"Oh."Crowley said, as he let out a nervous laugh. "Um.. yeah. I guess. Are-are you sure you don't need anything? Maybe some tea?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Oh."Crowley said, as he let out a nervous laugh. "Um.. yeah. I guess. Are-are you sure you don't need anything? Maybe some tea?"

Adsila walked in with clear concern for Megan. She asked megan "What did mr. White do to you!"
"No I don't need anything else." She said to Crowley and she turned her head to adsila"He punched me, kicked my ribs, hit me with a crow bar and smacked my head against an iron support."

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