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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

He smiled at the gun "Of course i could use it.." He said as hey rushed out of the house and down the street. He left Wolf at home just in case Mr.White tries to kill him. Wolf whimpered as the door shut. Meanwhile Crowley was at least a half a block ahead of me. When he got there he started to bang on the door as Reaper went around the back and up a ladder to the roof. He started to point his gun in the skyline, but Mr.White started to run. He quickly went to the side of the warehouse roof where Mr.White had ran out. He saw Mr.white through his scope and shot a bullet at him. He didn't know if he would get him, but before he disappeard in the shadows, he stumbled. Reaper pumped his fist "Got'em" he said as he retreated back down the ladder and regrouped with Crowley and Megan. "You look like shit.." he said to megan.
[QUOTE="Death Reaper]He smiled at the gun "Of course i could use it.." He said as hey rushed out of the house and down the street. He left Wolf at home just in case Mr.White tries to kill him. Wolf whimpered as the door shut. Meanwhile Crowley was at least a half a block ahead of me. When he got there he started to bang on the door as Reaper went around the back and up a ladder to the roof. He started to point his gun in the skyline, but Mr.White started to run. He quickly went to the side of the warehouse roof where Mr.White had ran out. He saw Mr.white through his scope and shot a bullet at him. He didn't know if he would get him, but before he disappeard in the shadows, he stumbled. Reaper pumped his fist "Got'em" he said as he retreated back down the ladder and regrouped with Crowley and Megan. "You look like shit.." he said to megan.

"Not the time, Reaper." Crowley said as he jogged down the empty street. "What did he do to you?"
Reaper was jogging behind Crowley "Sorry..." He didnt say anything on the way back. as they got to the penthouse, Reaper ran upstairs and got a few things ready for megans recovery.
midnightrose said:
"He punched me, hit me with a crow bar and kicked me twice." She barely whispered.
Crowley ran through the streets, when all of a sudden, three zombies jumped out of nowhere. Crowley, who was holding a beeding Megan in his arms, couldn't kill them. "FUCK!! REAPER, I NEED SOME ASSISTANCE!!"

@Death Reaper
midnightrose said:
Megan tried to hide her face but was to weak to do anything.
Crowley grabbed his pistol and shot one. "Shh.. Everything is going to be okay."
Reaper ran outside with the gun that Crowley let him use. He ran and hit one in the back of the head with the butt of the gun "Get to the house..I'll cover you"
midnightrose said:
"In the rib area and smash the back of my head. He also punched my face." She whispered
"Fuck. Arms up." Crowley ordered as he ran into the bathroom and grabbed a med kit. He grabbed some gauze and antiseptic.
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Megan slowly reached her arms up but they dropped."it fucking hurts."she gritted through her teeth holding back a scream.
midnightrose said:
Megan slowly reached her arms up but they dropped."it fucking hurts."she gritted through her teeth holding back a scream.
As Megan held up her arms, Crowley took off her shirt. He grabbed the antiseptic and soaked the gauze, then wrapped it around her torso. "I hope this feels better. Your rib will be better in a couple of days. You might be suffering from a concussion, too."
Reaper was backing into the house "GET BACK MEATSACK" He yelled at a zombie before kicking it down the stairs. He quickly shut the door and locked it and sighed "Well..shit" He said going toward Megan and Crowley "Is she stable?" he asked Crowley.
[QUOTE="Death Reaper]Reaper was backing into the house "GET BACK MEATSACK" He yelled at a zombie before kicking it down the stairs. He quickly shut the door and locked it and sighed "Well..shit" He said going toward Megan and Crowley "Is she stable?" he asked Crowley.

"Yeah. Just let me stay alone with her, will you?" Crowley said, looking at him.
midnightrose said:
Megan held her head and leaned against her knees. She couldn't move and she couldn't talk.
Crowley laid her down and drew the covers over her. "I'm sorry. You need to sleep. You can leave in the morning, if you want."
"No problem, I'll just be out here..." He said leaving the room. He went to the laundry room and threw his clothes into the washing machine. He made his way to the bathroom and shut the door. He needed a shower.
midnightrose said:
Megan stayed quiet and avoided eye contact. She didn't want to admit she was scared and she was in major ass pain.
Crowley didn't know that she was still awake. He sat on the opposite side of the bed, and brushed her hair with is hand. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I just wish I could have protected you from him."
Megan gave a half smile even though he probably didn't see it. "Its okay." She whispered to him. "I've been in something almost like this before."
midnightrose said:
Megan gave a half smile even though he probably didn't see it. "Its okay." She whispered to him. "I've been in something almost like this before."
Crowley looked over at Megan, sort of shocked that she was awake. "It's not okay. I brought attention to you. I drove you out because I thought that I could save you by being as protective as I could. I wasn't thinking about how that would effect you." Crowley looked away. "I can't force you to stay. You can leave as soon as you want."
"I'm not going anyway anytime soon. I'm scared again. I realize I dont think I could take on this world alone." She whispered while looking at a wall

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