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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

"Would you perhaps take 'no' for an answer?" Crowley said in vain, as he held his face.
Crowley sighed, and unlocked his door. "Now, before you say anything, I just want you to know that I am sincerely sorry for that. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, I understand."
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Megan hugged him." Thank you that made me feel a bit better." She half smiled at him. "You should sing more often."
Crowley felt weird. Hugging had always been a foreign concept to him. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around the girl and gently squeezed her. "Wait, you want me to sing more?! Oh god.."
"No not now, I'm just saying once in awhile singing okay?" Megan let go. "Sorry I shouldn't have hugged you that was weird." She rubbed the back of her neck.
"Anyways, I am going out to get some food from around the city. I'll be back soon. Oh, also, please don't go in my dresser. I have some... stuff in there that- you know what, never mind. Just don't go in there. See ya!"
Megan gave him a confused look."okay? I'm going back to the roof now. Thanks for the song." She kissed his cheek and made her way back to the roof
"Umm.. Yeah. Kay, bye." Crowley hurried out of the door before Megan could see him blush. But in his haste, he forgot to replace the hidden bottom to his dresser, revealing his stockpile of guns and other weapons. On his way down the stairs, he continued to ask himself the same question: "What just happened?"
Once Megan got to the roof she questioned herself on what just happened. "Mom I can't do this." She sighed and sat against a wall.
As Crowley walked down the stairs, he noticed that the there were no zombies outside, or even, none in the streets. The city was completely barren. Strange, Crowley thought as he looked around. But, Crowley didn't let this bother him. He continued to walk down to the supermarket a couple of blocks away.
Megan looked at the city below and listen. She heard nothing. No more growling from the undead
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Stepping under the broken sliding door frame, Crowley heard the familiar groans of the living dead. Luckily, this store seemed to be untouched by other survivors. Even the produce was fresh. Crowley slowly pulled out his P99 put of his chest holster and screwed in a silencer.
Megan sat down again and then slowly went to sleep. She started to have a nightmare about her past. It was getting worse and she was shaking bad.
The next morning Adsila woke up as Megan was still sleeping, so Adsilla got a devilish idea, she decided to imitate zombie moans as a practical joke "ruhhhhh Uuuuh" she imitated

midnightrose said:
Megan sat down again and then slowly went to sleep. She started to have a nightmare about her past. It was getting worse and she was shaking bad.
Megan woke up and threw her knife missing adsilas head by an inch. "What the fuck you bitch." Megan growled picked up her knife and went inside.
Crowley looked around the aisle to find five zombies eating the corpse of what appeared to be the cashier. Crowley sreadied his aim, and shot two of the zombies before he was noticed. Shit,
Throwing down his P99 pistol, Crowley resorted t using his revolver. His first shot hit a zombie in the forehead, sending a large spray of grey matter across the wall, and then threw his butterfly knife into one of the other undead's eye socket, killing it instantly, and finished the last one with a kick to the back of the skull. Brushing off his shoulders, Crowley picked up his pistol and knife, pulled out a shopping cart, and started to load the cart with food.

((GTG, See you guys tomorrow))
Zoe stands up leaving Romeo sleeping peacefully on the floor and walks into the kitchen scratching her head. It's oddly quiet here. She thinks as she opens the cupboard and gets out a mug. As she's puts some water into the kettle she sees Megan walking in, seeming slightly annoyed.

"Do you want a drink?" She offers.

"Okay." Zoe shrugs and turns back around making herself a coffee, she stirs it slowly, lost in thought.

She walks back over to Romeo and sits next to him on the floor blowing on her coffee trying to cool it down.

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