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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

Adsila calls up her post apocalyptic tribe (the fallen saviors, not the Cherokees) after the phone rang for a few minutes Dr. Morrison answers "hello" Adsila said in response "Hello, this is Adsila I'd like you to cancel the meeting on account for zombies, I'm up in a guy's penthouse & it's armed to the brim, don't go to the meeting lodge for your own safety" Dr. Morrisson said "thanks for responding, I'll cancel the tribe meeting" Dr. Morrison hung up as Adsila plugged her phone to a wall socket underneeth Her bunk.
Megan snuck away from the group while they were busy talking and made her way to the roof of the building. She looked up at the sky then down at the ground below her. She started thinking about the past and what's happening now. A stray tear ran down her face without her noticing. "I miss you mom." She said barely in a whisper.
Christian Killian walked down the alleyway of an abandoned town, looking up at the sky, remembering his old group at a prison and looked back down, knowing he was good and well responsible. He adjusted his mask back over his face and felt an arrow like it was the last hope in the world...

"The arrow that killed Ash... Ryan... All my friends..." He thought to himself as he kept walking, killing a zed (zombie) along the way with his staff in two fluid motions, knocking it down, and kicking it's head in.

After a few minutes of walking, he went down main street, sneaking past the dead, and eventually he picked up a sword in the middle of the street, almost beckoning for him to pick it up, and climbed up on a rooftop to inspect it, BUT he dropped it in sheer terror, his hood and mask falling down, and let out a few words in a yell...

"No... It Isn't it!" he yelled, falling back on the rooftop.

This wasn't a regular sword... It was the sword he gave to Ashley at the prison...

The sword she would hold onto until she died...
Crowley walks over to a large stereo and pops in a CD.


As the music plays, he gets dressed, putting on a tan trench coat and a brown tie. He grabs his butterfly knife, his revolver and a small P99 pistol and straps it to the inside of his chest holster. "Alright. Last time I'm asking. Anyone else want to go out and get some food?

((Hey guys. GTG. Also, since I have to drive back to Michigan from South Carolina tomorrow, I won't be on then either.))
Miranda had been walking for days trying to find shelter in an unknown city filled with the undead. She saw a convenience store and decided to take a look inside. She slid her two dual swords out and had one in each hand firmly grasped and she was very cautious of what could be lurking about. She began to look for water and food which were two things on her mind. She found the fridge and opened it and grabbed about three water bottles and she put them in this satchel she had that went across her chest and she found a couple of snacks that she could keep herself full with for a while until she finds something as well as the canned corn she found which looked to be still good. There were footsteps behind her and she put the canned corn in her satchel and turned around to see a walker. She put her swords out in front of her in a fighting stance,"Damn it, can't you give me a break for just a second." She told it and of course it's response would be a moan and it walked towards her with a bit of a speed. She put her walked towards it quickly and pierced her sword into its head with a force of hatred towards the monster. And when she was done she pulled her sword out and watched as it fell to the ground like the lifeless body it was,"I guess it's time to go before the rest of your friends showed up." She told it as it bled on the ground like a real person whos blood looked fresh. Miranda exited the convenience store and headed away from it before more of them showed up.

Adsila calls from her bedroom "No thanks, I had a late lunch!"

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley walks over to a large stereo and pops in a CD.

As the music plays, he gets dressed, putting on a tan trench coat and a brown tie. He grabs his butterfly knife, his revolver and a small P99 pistol and straps it to the inside of his chest holster. "Alright. Last time I'm asking. Anyone else want to go out and get some food?


Crowley then noticed that Megan was gone. After looking around his penthouse, he decided to look up at the roof.
Megan stood there and didn't have a care in the world. Her father made her feel worthless and she believed him for the longest time. "Why mom? Why did you have to go?" She questioned but knew she wouldn't get an answer
"Uh, Megan? Am I interrupting anything?" Crowley asked, peeking from the doorway of the stairwell.
"Great. Because I was going to ask you if you wanted to help Zoe and I find food." Crowley said. Megan seemed upset about something. But alas, Crowley was not very good with "emotions". Tell him to kill something with a rusty spoon, and he'll have it done in seconds. But tell him to help console someone? Not a chance.
An idea popped into Crowley's head. It was something he had never done and definitely something he would never want to do, but he was going to. Something about this girl made him do stupid things. Unprofessional things.
"Meeeeegan," Crowley said in a sing-song voice. "If you don't get back down here, I am going to perhaps utterly humiliate myself!"
"Are you sure???" Crowley said. " I really don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." At that, Crowley closed the door and ran downstairs.
After a minute, Crowley came back up to the roof with a bar stool and an acoustic guitar. Crowley dabbled with his guitar in between jobs. It helped him relieve stress and focus. He only knew one song, though. But he thought that song suited him well. "This is your last chance, Megan." Crowley said. "Are you going to come back down?"

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"Then you have forced my hand." Crowley said, sitting on the bar stool and started to tune the guitar. WHY THE HELL AM I DOING THIS?! Crowley screamed internally, as he cleared his throat. As he strummed upon the strings of the guitar, he did something that he would have shot himself for doing in public, under any other circumstance. He started to fucking sing. God help him.


Megan turned around and stared at him. He's singing but why. Megan waited till he was done and approached him. "Why are you singing?
After he finished singing, Crowley looked up at Megan, and immediately realized what he had just done. "Oh god. Did-did I seriously just do that? Oh Christ." With that, Crowley grabbed his guitar and the bar stool, ran downstairs, and locked himself in his room.
WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK WAS THAT, VICTOR?!, Crowley thought, as he paced his room. It was then Crowley felt another thing that he was not used to. Embarrassment. Maybe if I don't answer, she'll go away. He couldn't bear to face her after that stunt he had just pulled. Just because singing people down from roofs worked in the movies, doesn't mean that the shame disappears.

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