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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

"Oh yeah..what did he say?" he said looking at Zoe. He then looked into the horizon, seeing the sun go down over the buildings.

It was stunning with just how much had happened in the past couple minutes. Some idiot was off wasting ammo in the distance, a car alarm had been set off, and now there were two people just in front of him, one just a little not right in the noggin', the other a carefree lad with a dog. Between the bloke who'd burned a hole in his ammo supply, and the yelping car, he was sure many, many roamers had their interest peaked. It'd be just a matter of minutes before the streets would be deemed safe for travel.

"Guh. Fine." He sighed as be placed his ID back in his pocket, and holstered his gun. "Look, I'm not going to stay here and be zombie chow, and neither should you guys." He began as he walked back over to his backpack, completely waving off the stranger with a knife. "If you guys want to come with me, I have a little safe house just south of here. Running water, place up high, small garden some old lady left behind. The works." He continued as he loaded up and threw his pack over his shoulder. "If you don't wanna come, then the best of luck to ya. Cheers." He nodded as he walked passed the female and her dog, on his way to quickly investigate the car alarm before he headed home. "Could be a distress signal. Stupid one, but hey..desperate times." He muttered to himself as he headed off in a slight jog.

PixieDusts said:
Layla pressed her back against a wall and let out a deep sigh s a few zombies passed by. Once they were gone, she walked out of the alley and made a run for it, running quickly, breathing heavily, as the wind whipped through her hair. She began to slow down when she got further onto the sidewalk. She smiled at the leaves blowing in the howling wind. After a while of walking, she saw a truck. Not a good looking truck, but a truck. She opened the truck door, and a blaring alarm went off, making the group of zombies turn around.
Keira looked at Jegger and shrugged. She jogged after the man. " So much for a warm welcome." She murmured. She turned and shot a zombie that was stumbling there way. It's head blew up and it fell to the ground.

@Yuri Reeka
The shot from behind Michael came as a surprise, and as an annoyance. He made this clear when he paused at the corner of the next building to quickly assess his surroundings, and as soon as he did that he reached out, hearing the female's footsteps. The moment he heard she was in reach he grabbed the barrel of her rifle and aimed it downwards to the pavement away from them both. Turning his head towards her he quickly linked his lips before he spoke, "Alright, looks like we will be getting to know each other better. First things first, silence is key. Do not fire unless it is the last thing you can do to save yourself or another. Clear?" He whispered hoarsely as he cast an intense stare into her eyes. "Do you have any sort of melee weapon?" He continued, turning away to make sure there weren't any roamers getting too close. At this point he released his grip on her rifle, glancing over at the dog to her side. "Cute pup, by the way."

@Tessa Roberts
Keira nodded at his question about her melted weapon and took out her dagger. " Got it, not guns. Now gimme." She strapped her gun across her back. Jegger growled slightly, then calmed down when Keira gave him a look.

@Yuri Reeka
As soon as he deemed the trio ready he gave the notion to follow him as he moved from vehicle to vehicle. The closer they got the more condensed the roamers got, slowly shifting towards the alarm. Another look at the truck and he saw that the driver's side door was open, still blocking his view from the inside. "Hm, sketchy. But I'd hate to hear that thing going off all night."

@Tessa Roberts

Keira crept after the man. Her hand gripped her dagger. Jegger crept after her. They did not want to attract any more roamers than were already there. " That car is getting rather annoying."

@Yuri Reeka @PixieDusts
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"You need to learn how to protect yourself." Crowley said, as he rolled up his sleeves. "Plus, it'll help you work out some problems."
"I can protect myself." Megan stated. She didn't want to seem weak even though she couldn't really protect herself. She could put up a good fight.
midnightrose said:
"I can protect myself." Megan stated. She didn't want to seem weak even though she couldn't really protect herself. She could put up a good fight.
Crowley pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Megan's head. "Okay then. What are you going to do now?"
midnightrose said:
"Nothing. absolutely nothing." She stared at the gun. "I honestly don't care if you shot me or not . "
"This is what I'm talking about. I know White. He might not kill you first, but he'll sure as hell kill everyone you care about." Crowley put down the gun and lifted Megan off of the couch. He cracked his neck and then looked at Megan in the eyes. "I want you to hit me as hard as you can."
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Megan quickly braided her hair. "You want me to punch you? Okay..." Megan then aimed her fist at his face then swung.
midnightrose said:
Megan quickly braided her hair. "You want me to punch you? Okay..." Megan then aimed her fist at his face then swung.
Crowley caught her hand and twisted it, making her buckle to her knees. "Your punch is sloppy. I could see it coming from a mile away. Try again" Crowley said, before releasing her hand.

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