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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

"That's a lovely name." Zoe half smiles at Ann. "We can take Romeo for a walk later if it's ok with your aunty." She looks over at Elosie.
"Well. It looks like I'll be drinking in my room today." Crowley said as he grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels, un-screwed the top, and took a large drink.
Crowley walked to his room and slammed the door behind him. "Kids.. As if Asdila wasn't enough."
"Thank you Eloise." She ruffled Romeos fur.

She sighs as Crowley leaves the room. "Just ignore him." She says to Ann and Elosie.
He walked by Zoe and the little girl ignoring the new people that were in the room. He went back and sat down. Wolf barked at Romeo and walked to Reaper.

Crowley took another large drink. "..I'm not an alcoholic.. I.. just like to drink.." Crowley said to himself. Half of the bottle was already gone.
Ann pouted "Does he not like me? Should i apologize? " She turned back to her aunty then back to zoe Eloise walked to where zoe had been sitting and smiled at her and looked down at ann "He's probably just busy , like your father was he used to leave in a hurry, right?" Ann nodded "yeah but he seemed like he was angry ." Eloise sighed noticing a new person has walked in she greeted him "Hello - " ann turned to look at the boy "Hi i'm ann this is my aunty."


@Death Reaper
Megan sighed when Crowley left the room. She wasn't going to follow because of the big bottle of alcohol in his hand. She tends to stay away from people who drink.
"No it's nothing personal." Zoe smiles. "Don't worry about it."

Zoe stands up brushing her legs. "Does anyone want a drink?" She walks into the kitchen putting the kettle on.
Crowley opened his door and looked at the rest of the group. His hair was unruly and his tie was untied and hung limply around his neck. "All of you are judging me." Crowley said pointing at them and dizzily wobbling around. "I don't deserve this from you. ESPECIALLY YOU!" Crowley yelled. It would have been intimidating, if he wasn't pointing at a potted plant.
Megan covered her ears and crouched against the wall. The shouting reminded her of her father right before he beat her. In a second after crouching she ran out the room and out the door.
"And don't come back out until you can see straight." Zoe shouts to Crowley. Idiot..

She walks over to Eloise and Ann. "I'm so sorry.. It's not usually like this.."
Crowley laid in his bed, staring into space. "Hello there Victor." Crowley shot up to see Edgar standing next to his open window. "Wha-what the fuck are you doing in here?! You-you're supposed to be dead!" Crowley said, pistol drawn. "I'm just here to take a look around. You have changed, Victor. You've gone soft." Edgar walked over to Crowley's shelf and picked up a sweatshirt that belonged to Megan. "You used to be the most feared killer in the world, Victor. And now look at you. Your only goal in life is to get in some girl's pants." Crowley's hands shook as he tried to point his gun at the man in white. "I-it's not like that, I jus-" "YOU JUST WHAT, VICTOR? You just want to 'protect' her?! You have never been good at lying, Victor. And that will someday be your down fall. So go, pretend that you have changed. I'll be waiting." Edgar smiled a painful cartoon of a smile at Crowley as he shouted in his face. Crowley yelled, shooting the gun until the clip was empty. When he opened his eyes, the man in white was gone, and 12 bullet holes littered the wall in front of him.
(Crowley just screams and empties a clip into his wall, and no one wants to see if anything is wrong? *slowest fucking clap ever*)
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"My name is Reaper....yeah I know it's kinda unusaul" He said with a chuckle. "And this is Wolf" His Dog jumped in front of him and sat in front of him gaurding him. He sat back until he Crowley talking to someone named Edgar in his room. He got up and walked to the door. He then heated the gunshots "what the hell is going on in there".
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Crowley was sitting, his back up against the wall and his head in his arms. A smoking gun was in his hands and worse of all, he was sobbing as if someone he cared about had died.
Ann yawned and climbed into Eloises hands , which she gladly picked her up cradling her "It's alright , is megan alright ? she seemed scared . " looking back she could hear reaper and crowely " you guys have been through a lot huh?" Eloise hand gets numb because of ann laying on it while she's carrying her.

Megan was gone for about an hour. She came back with a bit of blood on her shirt. She slowly made her way through the door.
Eloise set the sleeping child down and ran to means aid "Are you alright ? did you have a nose bleed ? " Eloise checked every inch of megan to make sure she wasn't hurt "You look pale ,what happened ?"

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Crowley sobbed deep and low, tears streaming down his cheeks. Maybe it was because he was drunk. Maybe it was because of the stress. Or maybe it was because he had just seen the man who haunted every waking minute of his life.
"I'm fine. I'm fine. Its not my blood its from a zombie. I'm not injured or anything." She held her hands up to Eloise.
Eloise tilted her head "Zombie were you attacked by one ? " Examining Megan one more time sighing at the process "Well thats a relief ,uh Megan. .. you should go to crowely . . . he's having a melt down, i could hear him sobbing " Eloise held megans face "he was there for you , you should be there for him . Right? " she smiled lightly letting go of means face and pointing towards the direction reaper went (he was heading to crowely )

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"No I wasn't attacked and you're right..." Megan half smiled at her before going to Crowley's room. She knocked on the door."hey it's Megan... Can I come in?"

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