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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

[QUOTE="Death Reaper]...'Everyone thinks he the hero...


((Hetalia reference no one will get))
Crowley exhaled, lifting a ton of weight off of his chest. "It's a beautiful sunset, isn't it?"
"At home with my dad. It was like any other day. He'd come home drunk,curse me out then start throwing things at me. When he ran out of things to throw at me that's when he started to beat me. I got beat everyday. The day that world went to shit he came home drunk as usual but before he could close the door one jumped on him and started to attack him. I left him there and I just ran."
Heading back into the alley way Anne found Eloise playing with a kitten Eloise run up to her picking her up "Sweety don't play with that ." Eloise walked out of the alley way and set the girl down Ann looked up " I'm sorry aunty , it was just so adorable. . . .uh aunty?" Eloise took out a bottle of water from the bag she had found near a church " Yes honey, what is it?" Ann played with her fingers " Where's Mommy ? " Eloise looked up at the girl she bent down to her level and tried to calm her self " Y-yo-youre mother ? Ann we spoke about this many times your mommy is going to go buy you some stuff , far far away from her ." Eloise nodded in understanding and Eloise thought that was the end " But.. .... she always takes me with her . why couldn't she take me with her this time ?" Eloise on the verge of tears she put her right hand on Ann's head " That because it was very far away . and dangerous ." Ann pouted and folded her arms Eloise removed her hand off of ann's head " FINE , promise me ." Eloise smiled " Promise you what sweety?" Ann put her pinky out in front of her "Promise me i will see mommy again ." Eloise flinched but regained her self sticking out her pinky and tangling it with ann's "I promise, one day , not today or tomorrow but one day you will see your mother again."

Ann smiled her whole face lit up like a christmas tree, Eloise got up and lifted her bag over her shoulder and stuck her hand out for ann to take , and she did walking for what it seemed like hours we had finally reached what seemed to be a house? (not sure) Ann spoke up "
i hear a voice inside aunty what if its the monsters ?" Eloise bent down in front of Ann " its ok , you stay right her next to the house and i'll go see whats inside alright?" Ann nodded .

Eloise got up and headed inside the house "
Hello?" Taking out a gun she walked around.


@Safety Hammer

@Death Reaper


CALLA said:
Heading back into the alley way Anne found Eloise playing with a kitten Eloise run up to her picking her up "Sweety don't play with that ." Eloise walked out of the alley way and set the girl down Ann looked up " I'm sorry aunty , it was just so adorable. . . .uh aunty?" Eloise took out a bottle of water from the bag she had found near a church " Yes honey, what is it?" Ann played with her fingers " Where's Mommy ? " Eloise looked up at the girl she bent down to her level and tried to calm her self " Y-yo-youre mother ? Ann we spoke about this many times your mommy is going to go buy you some stuff , far far away from her ." Eloise nodded in understanding and Eloise thought that was the end " But.. .... she always takes me with her . why couldn't she take me with her this time ?" Eloise on the verge of tears she put her right hand on Ann's head " That because it was very far away . and dangerous ." Ann pouted and folded her arms Eloise removed her hand off of ann's head " FINE , promise me ." Eloise smiled " Promise you what sweety?" Ann put her pinky out in front of her "Promise me i will see mommy again ." Eloise flinched but regained her self sticking out her pinky and tangling it with ann's "I promise, one day , not today or tomorrow but one day you will see your mother again."
Ann smiled her whole face lit up like a christmas tree, Eloise got up and lifted her bag over her shoulder and stuck her hand out for ann to take , and she did walking for what it seemed like hours we had finally reached what seemed to be a house? (not sure) Ann spoke up "
i hear a voice inside aunty what if its the monsters ?" Eloise bent down in front of Ann " its ok , you stay right her next to the house and i'll go see whats inside alright?" Ann nodded .

Eloise got up and headed inside the house "
Hello?" Taking out a gun she walked around.


@Safety Hammer

@Death Reaper


((Umm.. We are in a PENTHOUSE. A house on top of a apartment. Sorry.))
(( Xp opps i'll fix it then, also i know what a penthouse it lol waaiiit i'll just be in the house then ))

@Safety Hammer
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Going back outside Eloise lifted ann up into her arms " There is no one there." ann pouted "But aunty i heard voices . ..they were faint but i heard it . " Eloise nodded " alright alright. " going inside she set her down ann started to wonder around when she found a door opening it " aunty there are stairs can we go up ." eloise looked through the door and nodded both of them started sprinting up the stairs ann laughing , finally reaching the top they started roaming around eloise made sure it was safe, ann jumped up and down "London bridge is falling down falling down-" eloise sighed and smiled " Ann i'll be down stairs at the first level alright , don't get hurt." Ann nodded , eloise went down stairs still she could her ann singing. Ann roamed around "Londan bridge is falling down falling down my fair lady, build it up with- " She passed by a door 'Penthouse ' written across it " P-p-p-e-e-n-t pent h-h-h-o-o-u-u-s-e house . . . .penthouse. . . whats that?" Ann tried opening the door but it was locked she knocked on it a couple of times " knock knock. "

((tried fixing it @.@))



@Safety Hammer

@Death Reaper
Crowley heard a knock on the door. He looked at Megan. "I'll be right back. Reaper must have locked himself out again." He gave the girl a kiss on the cheek and walked down the stairwell. He reached his floor and saw a woman and a little girl. Without thinking, Crowley sprung from the stairs and pointed a pistol at the woman. "Who are you and why are you here?"

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(( its just the little girl the women is down stairs ))

Ann looked at the weirdly shaped object and giggled "I'm Ann , me and my aunty just came her is this your house mister? i like your toy." she poked the gun with her index finger and smiled pulling away " What's your name mister ? " bending her head down to look in through the door " is she your friend ? "

@Safety Hammer

Megan walked down the stair to see a little girl and Crowley pointing a gun at her. "Hey put it down." She said in a serious tone to Crowley. She bent down and sat on her knees in front of the girl. "I'm Megan where's your parents sweetie?"
Ann looked at the beautiful lady " Nice to meet you miss , my daddy in heaven and mommy went some place far away . i'm here with aunty she's down stairs , where are your parents?" ann slowly twirled around something she has always done a. .. habit .


@Safety Hammer
Crowley put down the gun. "Oh shi- I mean, oh darn. I'm sorry." He hadn't noticed that it was only a little girl until his gun was drawn. "How about you tell her to come up here, eh?"
"My moms in heaven and my dad... Is some place far away. How old are you?" She questioned the little girl. "Crowley go get her aunt I'll stay here with her." She turned her head to look at Crowley.
Ann put up 5 fingers up "i'll be turning 6 but i'm 5 now. " she pouted then lighting up "your very pretty i wanna be like you when i grow up ." looking back at the man " um... mister be careful to not scare aunty." she turned back to look at the girl "she's scared of every thing." she made a face and giggled.


@Safety Hammer
midnightrose said:
"My moms in heaven and my dad... Is some place far away. How old are you?" She questioned the little girl. "Crowley go get her aunt I'll stay here with her." She turned her head to look at Crowley.
"Got it." Crowley said, putting his pistol in his holster and walking down the stairs. As he passed each floor, he wondered if things could ever go back to normal. All he wanted at the moment was to live in a world in which things wouldn't hurt the one he loved. As he reached the first floor, he saw a nervous looking woman standing in the lobby. Crowley opened the door and walked out into the open. "Uh, hello there. Is your niece upstairs?"
"You're so adorable." She smiled at the girl. "Hey are you hungry?" She questioned the adorable girl. 'She wants to be like me? All full of scars and words? Maybe its my blueish hair?' She thought to herself

Nodding her head she smiled " yeah , i haven't eaten anything but water . " she giggled and looked up at her hair "how did you get your hair to be blue ? by hair is brown i tried to paint it once it didn't work, blueberries are for eating only ."



eloise flinched at the noise of someone voice " oh uh yes , who are you ? did she cause trouble? i'm sorry i though uno one was here." she headed towards the stairs going up \

@Safety Hammer
Megan giggled at the girl. "I dyed my hair this color and it stayed ever since. Its been blue for a long time. I like your hair its pretty." She smiled at the girl and got up. "Okay what can I get you to eat?" She questioned while walking to the kitchen

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