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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..


On the roof was a picnic. "You have been really stressed out about, so I thought you would like to spend some quality time."
"Um, yeah... I guess it is.." Crowley said, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. He sat down on the gravel and opened the bottle of wine. "How was your day?"
Megan sat on the other side of the blanket. She cheeks were slightly pink. "My day was okay I guess what about yours?" She questioned while looking at the sky in front of her.
"As lucid as a dream." Crowley said, as he stared off into the skyline. "To be honest, I missed you." Crowley gave Megan a small kiss on the cheek.
"Its ok...I shouldn't had talked about it" He said still walking "Well i guess I'll see you back at the house." Reaper and Wolf Started to walk into the mist that was just ahead. He ignored Crowley's comment as he kept walking, thinking.
midnightrose said:
Megan blushed and looked at him."really? That's a first." she pokes his cheek."I missed you to big guy."
Crowley uncorked the bottle of wine and poured two glasses. "I got this in Rome, you know. Been saving this for a while now."
Zoe sighs watching Reaper walk off, she turns back and starts walking back. She then hears barking from behind her.

"Romeo?" She runs back to Romeo who's backing up to a wall with a large group of zombies walking towards him.

"Shit." She pulls out the gun and fires at one, hitting it in the chest. Causing the rest of them to turn to her. She fires a few more times hitting two more in the head.

"Romeo, go get Reaper." She calls to Romeo who immediately runs off in the direction Reaper went.
Reaper and Wolf continued their walk in a nearby forest 'Its a good thing Dad was in the army or else I wouldn't be so prepared and skilled.' He thought to himself and heard leaves and twigs breaking from behind him. He turned around swiftly and saw Romeo running his way "Whats wrong Romeo.."
Romeo barks urgently turning around a few times then runs back where he came from, stopping to look back and bark again before continuing to run back to Zoe.

Crowley looks down off of the roof. "It's really nice to- OH WHAT THE HELL!?" Crowley yelled as he saw Zoe shooting zombies. "I'll be right back, baby." Crowley ran downstairs and headed into the bathroom. He opened up the medicine cabinet and pushed aside the medicine and toiletries to reveal a button. He pressed it, and the medicine cabinet moved, revealing a rifle. He grabbed it and ran back upstairs.
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Zoe shoots another zombie causing it to tumble backwards into another zombie keeping it occupied for a moment. Zoe steps back losing her balance and falling over a zombie drags itself along the floor and towards Zoe. She kicks it in the face and rolls over crawling towards her gun. She grabs her gun and turns around as the zombie grips onto her foot. She aims at the zombie.

No no no not now.. She groans and throws her empty gun at the zombie hitting it in the face.
She soon sees a foot smash into the head of the zombie "Need some help.." He asked holding his hand out. He shot a few zombies that were behind him. Romeo and Wolf were protecting Reaper and Zoe.
NightSky said:
Zoe shoots another zombie causing it to tumble backwards into another zombie keeping it occupied for a moment. Zoe steps back losing her balance and falling over a zombie drags itself along the floor and towards Zoe. She kicks it in the face and rolls over crawling towards her gun. She grabs her gun and turns around as the zombie grips onto her foot. She aims at the zombie.
No no no not now.. She groans and throws her empty gun at the zombie hitting it in the face.
Suddenly, one of the zombies' head exploded out of the right side, as Crowley shot the high powered rifle. Zombies gradually started to fall, but more kept appearing. "MEGAN! QUICKLY RUN DOWNSTAIRS AND LET THEM IN!" Crowley shouted as he dispatched two more zombies.

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She grabs his hand and jumps up.

"Thank you." She keeping her distance from the multiplying zombies "That was close.."
"No Problem...." He says seeing a nearby zombies head explode into bits. He looked around and saw crowley with a rifle on the roof. "Lets go.." He said grabbing her hand and started sprinting toward the house. Wolf and Romeo followed behind us.
Freya puffed out her reddened cheeks and rubbed her pale freckled face. She was tired. She was covered in sweat. If the world wasn't like it was now, she’d probably be disgusted. Her head tilted as she glanced at her brother. He was hoisting up several thick branches onto his shoulders. They’d be remaking their defenses later. Some of the Deadies had managed to cluster so thick around their previous ones they had snapped. Early on Freya and Nick had found a church in tiny little town. Most of the people there were dead, except for some of the more vigilant members. The siblings hadn't wanted to fight or..kill… but. As it turns out… The people remaining had turned to canniablism. It was really killed or be killed at that point. From there they both turned into hardened souls.~*~*~*~Nick wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before glancing back at his sister. He smiled and made a pointing gesture back towards the church. Freya flashed a smile and nodded. Nick was always super alert when his sister was outside. Sure, the Deadies were a problem, but, they were even worse a problem when you had a deaf sister. ‘Well then again’, he smiled to himself in thought, ‘some times she knows the Deadies are there before I do.’ He smirked and started walking. He knew that since she had lost her hearing her sense of smell had heightened exponentially.~*~*~ She sighed and stretched her arms above her head. Her weapon of choice was an old English rapier. They’d raided the museum not to long ago and stocked up. She was surprised it was in such a good shape.
Megan sprinted down the stairs as quick as she could. She almost fell a couple of times. She soon reached the bottom. "COME ON GUYS." She managed to get out before she started breathing heavily.
The sound of moaning and flesh being cut could be heard everywhere, the shifting of feet and stumbling of the rotten and decayed was the only sound that was present on the ruined street. One of them approached mouth open showing its decaying mouth and yellow teeth. Its mouth leaking murky black liquid ready to tear the soft flesh of humans to sunder, but it never happened, one instant it was tensed and ready to strike like a wolf ready to pounce on a deer, the next second a flash of something shining and the sound of the air being cut was the only warning it received. The vile creature’s body hitting the pavement with a thump, its head which had been removed from its body rolling across the ruined and trash ridden ground of the pavement. Only to stop across a black combat boots which proceeded to stomp on the decayed things head causing brain matter to ooze out of the vile things eyes and leaking onto the already ruined pavement staining it in more bleed. The sound of footsteps could be heard and a black humanoid figure was seen walking by the corpse it's black trench coat bellowing in the wind

(sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes am on my tablet at the moment)
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Freya puffed out her cheeks like a squirrel and lead the way back. Her hands gently skimmed the trees as they passed. The siblings made sure to never use the same rout more than once. Better safe than sorry!
Zoe gets inside and sprints up the stairs not looking back. She sits in her usual spot by the window out of breath. Romeo flops down next to her seeming unfazed.

"That was so tiring.." She sighs rubbing her eyes.
"Now that you two aren't getting killed anytime soon," Crowley said, picking up Megan in his arms, "I am going to have this romantic picnic with my girlfriend no matter what, okay?!" Crowley then stormed off to the roof and sat her down on the picnic blanket.

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