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Realistic or Modern Zombie Appocalypse..

The apocalypse has actually happened... people have gone nuts... its still unknown how it started, but its clear that once someone dies they're turned into a zombie. The infection awakens upon death, but also can be spread mainly thought a saliva-blood mix. Dead plasma from blood along with epithelial cell degeneration waste seems to be activating the pathogen that sits dormant in saliva. ((Info to come))
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Meinir sighed and glanced up at the sky. Her shoulders slumped and her head tilted in a bored way. It was a sad time to be alone, but a sort of normal feeling at this point. "Grr.." she grumbled and puffed out her cheeks like a squirrel as she continued walking on through a small desolate town. Buildings were trashed, graffiti littered walls, a few corpses littered the street. It'd been a while since she'd seen an actual person, never mind being in a group. People were hard to trust, more so than the z's. When ever she was alone, bored, or trying to get something- like a nightmare or flashback out of her head- she'd taken to rambling old Irish poetry her mum n da' had taught.

"I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,

And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;

Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,

And live alone in the bee loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,

Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;

There midnight’s all a glimmer, and
noon a purple glow,

And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day

I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;

While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,

I hear it in the deep hear
t’s core."

She evenly recited the famous poem. With yet another sigh she crossed over what would be the town limits, and out into the forest. Most of the day, and that of the previous, she spent scavenging. A small pack on her back held two waterbotles, a canteen, some cans of food, and a few suture kits. Out of everything, that was what she usually tended to need the most. For once in her life, she was very glad that her father had taught her as well as he did.
"Get up," Zeus growled, chucking a dead squirrel at Athena's sleeping form and startling her from her sleep.

"What the hell?" She hissed.

"Up," Zeus said again, walking over to Hades and shoving his shoulder. "Princess, wake up."

Hades stirred and rose, wiping sleepies from his eyes.

Athena stood and tucked the squirrel into her backpack to cook later. "Did you actually shoot this animal? With a gun?"

Zeus shrugged. "Yeah."

"You know full well that will draw rotters," She muttered angrily.

Zeus shrugged again.

Hades sat up, cracking his knuckles and listening to his sister patronize their older brother, almost a full ten years older than Athena. It was nearly comical, to see someone so small yell at someone so big. He reached into his bag and threw a few berries in his mouth before standing. He threw his assault rifle over his shoulder and nodded. "You guys ready to go?" He asked, to which they nodded.

Zeus tucked his guns into the belt of his pants, walked towards the front door of the house, and threw it open. He began walking and then froze still in his tracks. Someone was talking. "There's someone out there," He growled to his siblings. Athena and Hades quickly ran to Zeus' side as they headed out the door.

"Let's find her," Zeus said, an evil smile playing on his lips.
A loud shot rang in a deep echo. She blinked and lifted up her head. Suddenly she became aware of rustling behind her. Her eyes narrowed and she tensed up. She listened for a second more before sighing. "Puppies n' kittens." She said and slid her sling shot from her pocket. The methodical heavy sliding steps grew louder as the Zs came closer. She dug out two gears from her pocket and turned just as they came into her view. Both legs spread shoulder length apart, she drew in a deep breath and squared her shoulders. She slid a gear onto the small leather piece then drew back the sling. It was just like shooting a bow. She nailed one easily, then the other. The gears slid through the air silently and with great force. One of them even went straight through and lodged itself into the trees beyond their little encounter. She smirked and both the z's dropped in unison.
Zeus sauntered out of the door, not caring who or what heard him. "There's someone out here, let's find them," He said, motioning for his siblings and the dog to follow.

Hades trotted along at Zeus' heels, eyes scanning the roads for any people. He knew Zeus would try to harm them, so Hades would have to make it very clear up front that whatever person they came upon was friendly, or else Zeus would attack. Honestly, it felt a bit like controlling Navi. Like controlling a puppy, trying to make sure it listened to you. Which was absolutely a ridiculous thought, considering Hades was a measly 23 in comparison to Zeus' 26.

Athena saw the girl almost instantly. She kept quiet though. She knew what this would turn into if they saw her. Athena was behind her brother, and motioned to the girl. She raised her arms and waved them wildly about, trying to tell her to leave. Athena realized what she was doing could be interpreted as friendly, and she let her arms fall to her side. "Fuck," she muttered.
Zoe sat up slowly rubbing her eyes. Sunlight shone through the glassless window on the other side of the room. She squints her eyes looking out to the peaceful blue sky, for a moment it felt like things could be normal that there wasn't the everyday fear of becoming or being chased by zombies. But that daydream was crushed by the low grumbling of a zombie passing by the house. She sighs stretching her arms up and looking over to Romeo who's ears twichted sensing the the presence of the zombie. His head sharply lifted and looked over to Zoe.

"Hey, it's okay boy, it's okay." She whispers softly which seemed to calm Romeo as he slowly got to his feet and stretched out.

Zoe rolls to stand up picking up her pillow which doubled as her jacket.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving." She smiles to Romeo who circles happily around her.

"Let's get out of here." Cautiously she walks down the unstable and rotting wooden steps and outside, being bathed in sunlight made her smile as she took off with a slight spring in her step towards the forest near the towns limits, Zoe's logic told her she had more of a chance to find food there as less people would be there, at least that's what she hoped.
Megan held on to her knife as she walked down the abandoned road. She glanced into the abandoned cars along the road. "There's nothing good in these rust buckets." She mumbled while kicking the tire.
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People. Her head whipped to the side and narrowed her eyes. Her hand slinked into her pocket to grab a few more gears. She looked a bit closer and smirked. Some girl was madly waving her hands, then she stopped. Meinir made a questioning face. They weren't shooting her... so that was a good sign...

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Megan narrowed her eyes at the man. "Hey I don't want any trouble." She tightened her grip on her knife. She keep her eyes on the man and took a step back.
midnightrose said:
Megan narrowed her eyes at the man. "Hey I don't want any trouble." She tightened her grip on her knife. She keep her eyes on the man and took a step back.
The old man says: "Are you from the tea tribe or not?"
"I'm not from anywhere." Megan gives him a confused look. She backs up. " I'm gonna go now." Megan does a quick spin on her foot and heads back up the road.
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Old man says "You can pass right through, sorry for scaring you off, the reason why I did that was to make sure that your not from a tribe that we're feuding with!
"You know what I'm good." Megan shouted over her shoulder. She didn't trust this man one bit. She learned not to trust anyone.
Megan wanted to get away from the tribe or whatever the man was talking about. "That guy was crazy." Megan thought to herself.
Reaper was running down the stairs in an abandoned apartment complex as zombies tailed him. "These ones are pretty fast.." he said to himself, the zombies yelling at him. He smiled for a quick second, but vanished instantly when he turned around and threw his knife at the first zombie which fell over dead. He chuckled as he hit the second zombie with the butt of his Mp5 and started shooting at the few other zombies chasing him. His laugh and the roar of the gun echoed through out the parking lot and the gunshots could be heard from up to a mile away.


Crowley looked down at the zombies from the fire escape. Only three? Not worth the effort, Crowley thinks, as he climbs down. They don't notice him. Oh, what the hell. Crowley stabs one of the undead straight in the temple, and then shoves his blade straight underneath the second undead's jaw, going through his mouth and into his skull. As they both slump over, Crowley takes out a red, silk handkerchief, and wipes the blood off of his sleeve. Messy work, this is. But such is life.
Zoe climbs through an overgrown bush the thorns pulling at her legs leaving light scratches across them. Damn.. She ignores it and carries on into the forrest, Romeo walks next to her keeping close his ears on high alert listening out. She jumps over a branch effortlessly and Romeo shadows her movements.

She stops at a bush with some berries on it, she takes a handful and holds them out to Romeo who sniffs them and gently nods his head. She starts filling her bag with the berries eating a few as she puts them away.

Loud gunshot noises echo throughout the forest, she jumps at the sound of it dropping her bag. Romeo whimpers and hides behind Zoe facing the direction of the gunshot. Shoot! She picks up her bag and puts it on her back keeping low as she does so.

"Come on boy." She whispers while cautiously walking towards the area where the gunshot came from making as little noise possible.
Megan ended up somewhere in the woods. From a distance she heard gun shots. "Fuck it." She mumbled and walked in that direction
Cowley stops dead in his tracks. He could know that sound anywhere. Gunshots. They are loud, but have a low hangtime. They are also being fired by an automatic submachine gun. Mp5.

Sounds like danger.

Sounds like fun.
midnightrose said:
Megan ended up somewhere in the woods. From a distance she heard gun shots. "Fuck it." She mumbled and walked in that direction
Crowley is sprinting down the empty street, towards the gunfire. Almost halfway from his original position, Crowley looks up into the skyline to see where the gunfire was coming from. It was a grey, sleek apartment building. One that he might have lived in a couple of years ago. But, in the middle of his daydream, he ends up running straight into a girl with blue-ish grey hair. Tumbling to the ground, Crowley looks up rubbing the back of his head. "Oh. You aren't a walker. Great."
Megan is taken back when a guy runs into her. She falls down and drops her knife. "Um yeah I'm not dead." Megan mumbled and picked up her knife. She pointed it at the man. "Who are you?" @Safety Hammer
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"Well this is hell of a time.." he said reloading his Mp5 and taking his knife out of the zombies skull and sliced a nearby zombies throat. He back up and fired the Mp5 from his hip. He stopped and started to run the other way he pulled his Five seven out and started to shoot the heads of the upcoming zombies, jumping over the carcasses. He had a good smile as he ran behind a near by car and was shocked to look down and see a crawler next to him he quickly kicked it away and stabbed it in the head. He took a deep breathe to steady his thinking and heart rate. Zombies were attracted by the noise of gunshots "damn.." he muttered to himself reloading his Five seven.
Zoe hears the gun shots getting louder as she gets closer. This idiot is going to attract more zombies. She groans quietly and looks through the bushes seeing a small group of zombies heading towards her, panicked she starts to climb a nearby tree while Romeo climbs into a nearby bush out of sight.

They've got to be around here somewhere.. She looks around and spots a guy dressed in all black reloading a gun. That's probably not a good idea if you're trying to avoid zombies.
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