Zombie Apocalypse

As soon as he heard her say something about the windows he quickly shut all the ones downstairs, dimming the lights. he heard the scratching and screeching of the zombies against the window. He looked over at Giselle "Grab a gun, we might need to go all arms in.." he gritted his teeth and ran upstairs. He walked into his room and placed the bags on his back on the bed. He looked out the window and thought for a second.

He climbed out of the window in his room, and closed the metal shutters behind him. He grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up to the roof standing up and grabbing his m15 aiming down at the zombies. He looked down from the roof to the Leutenant "I;m on the roof, enough ammo and cover power..." He yelled down to her, making sure she saw him. He layed down on the roof, as to not be seen, just in case and looked through his scope, aiming and taking a shot. He downed a zombie and watched it drop, tripping over some of them behind it.

He began to shoot off rounds into the croud taking out at least 15 before changing his mag and continuing.
Giselle quickly went into action and closed the shutters that were around her then ran to the kitchen where she left the MK14 propped up against the cabinet. She picked it up and checked it out, but then she realized that she would need more ammo. She began to look around the living room and cabinets for more ammo. In one of the cabinets she found a black duffle bag and opened it hoping to find some ammo but no she found something just as good. The duffle bag was filled with things they will need if they were hurt, hungry or thirsty, pretty much an emergency stash for them to go. "Jackpot" She muttered and put the strap over her shoulder and continued her search. after a minute or so of looking her eye caught sight of the ammo in the corner, she rushed over to it and stuffed it in the bag. She made her way upstairs to the third floor and pulled up the window and shutters and placed the duffle bag next to her feet. She readied her gun, and before she could start shooting she noticed that Zombies were dropping to the floor. She stuck her head out . She heard Zane yell out that he was on the roof. "Zane I'm right under you!" She called just so he knew that he had some help. She then began to aim and shoot at the zombie's the first couple of zombies she got in the shoulder or the chest, but after the first 5 she was getting headshots.
Reyna was standing with her shoulder to the door, she breathed out, taking a moment to compose herself, then pushed the door open and leveled her gun across the roof. Zane had taken to covering one side, she turned around and at the edge on the opposite side, the side Zane had his back to, decaying head started to emerge just over the lip of the ledge. Reyna approached carefully and when she got a clear shot of the temple, she fired her weapon. The Walker fell away from the edge taking a few Walkers behind him down. She went to the edge and started shooting down. Her policy was that she didn't fire any shots until she had a clear target. Calmly she took out Walker after Walker, her gun going off in the melodious rhythm like the second hand of a clock. Occasionally she would miss, it was still fairly dark out, the horizon in the east turning a gray color. In the dark it was harder to predict the movement of the Walkers, especially at the base of the building with Walkers fighting to get over one another to attempt to climb the wall and get their meal.

Reyna pulled the trigger again, and it gave an empty click. She searched her person for another clip and it was then that she realized that her vest was still hanging up on the rack in the foyer. Reyna stood for a second in shock, then slipped her empty MEU into the holster and pulled out her knife from the sheath strapped to her other leg, but there wasn't much left she could do. She was likely to be swarmed if she waited for them to get close. But she was left with no choice but to do so, whacking off arms as the reached up, and slicing off the craniums off of heads.
Right after Zane had shifted position to the roof, Reyna had followed after with her M-16 and Bowie knife. After Vincent had taken his gun from her, he rushed back to the other room and grabbed his shot gun and pack. He had extra ammo hidden in the pockets all around his pack so he would need that. Instead of following her to the roof as she had told him, he decided to follow after Giselle and back her up first. He was good with far distant aim but who says a closer range wasn’t better? Since they were on a higher floor, it would take the zombies a while to get them so he took the window to her left and cracked it a bit elevating his gun as he angled it in a downward position. He took his first shot. His second. Third. Missed his fourth and got his fifth and sixth as the rounds continued.

He only wondered how long they’d be stuck here. Honestly, getting a move on sounded better and better by the second as the shots rippled through the air. Killing, to him, was like an impulse at this point. He never really let it get to him like it was anything else. No emotion, nothing. All he kept thinking about was how he had to shoot down Sam back when he first settled to leave on his own. There were many thoughts going through his mind, in fact, but his focus was clear and on point. He felt like he was at war again, a cold expression on his face as each shot tore through the skulls and chests of the zombies. They were at war and it seemed like there was no way out as the group kept on accumulating as each zombie went down. Felt like every zombie in town was showing up for them. Nonetheless, Vincent kept up with the Zombies, not daring to give them a break as he saw a large gap forming down below. Yes, they were doing okay at this point but it was only a matter of time before they regroup. Once his mag. was empty, he reloaded and began firing, once again.
Reyna was continuing to lop of head and arms as Walkers continued up the side of the building. She glanced behind her, Zane seemed to be doing well on his side, but that wouldn't matter if the other sides weren't being gaurded, he could be snuck up on from the sides and easily be swarmed. Reyna looked over the side of the back of the house and was surprised to find that the alley in the back that lead to her garage was clear, evidently the zombies hadn't realized there was another way to get around the apartment complex. Maybe that was their opening.

From below she heard a third another gun join Gizelle, who had taken to a third story window, it propably was Vincent. Every so often one of the guns would stop to reload and fire again. Reyna wondered just how long it would take before everyone ran out of ammo. Her brain began to whirl, they needed an exit strategy. The plan they had to leave in the morning was completely blown, if they waited, the apartment would eventually be compromised. They had to get out.

Between the swings of her blade, she called over her shoulder to Zane, "We need to fallback, there's too many. We can't keep this up forever, we have to leave
now." Reyna suddenly became aware of the belt of grenades hanging across her chest, a plan began to formulate in her brain.

"Get back downstairs, I have a plan." Reyna ordered, pointing to the open door she had taken to the roof. She shouted over the railing to the two that were at the windows, "Bunker down, guys, it's about to heat up." She unclipped a couple grenades from the belt. Hopefully they would be enough to create a break in the flow just long enough for them to reconcile their forces and move out.

((not on home computer, cant get on skype. Got grounded, may or may not be on for the next few days. It was for something stupid so I'm going to see if I can weasel out of it lol In case I don't get back on, you guys can decide what Reyna does between now and escaping or whatever...if you want or need to))
He heard Reina's voice and Nodded sliding off the side of the roof, his gun on his back. He hung off the roof, his feet pressing on the ledge of the window as he eased himself down enough to open the window and climb back in. He rolled inside and breathed out. "God.. i haven't climbed in a LONG time" he laughed a bit to himself grabbing the duffle bags from the floor and putting it on his back.

He ran out into the hallway. "GISELLE LETS GO DOWNSTAIRS! EVERYONE!" he yelled out, trying to get everyones attention so we could figure out a plan. He knew they woul dbe over run eventually. No amount of bullets could take out a complete city, Not unless they were sitting in a military base, which they weren't.
Giselle heard Zane's voice and stopped shooting. She looked over at Vincent who was next to her at another window shooting down the walkers. "Come on Vincent" She called and set her gun down against the wall so she could grab the duffle bag that was next to her feet, and putting the strap over her shoulder. She then ran out to the hallway. She saw Zane standing there waiting for everyone to get downstairs. Reyna, and Vincent were making their way downstairs, and Giselle followed. Halfway down she tripped, how? She has no clue.Maybe because she was rushing. She let out a small shriek and her hands flew in front of her ready to catch herself when she landed..
He launched forwards grabbing her by her waist with both his hands and pulled her back to him, on the stairs. He lost his footing trying to help her and fell back on the stairs, his ass planting itself with a huge thud on the second step. "Ah.." he winced a bit. He was now sitting on the stairs with her on his lap.

"you.." he sighed "Are so clumsy.." he smirked a bit letting go of her, and eyeing her up and down shaking his head a bit. "You ok?" His voice was soft and steady, his hands at his side as she sat there on his lap. "We wouldn't of wanted a zombie in here.." he smirked waiting for her to get off so they could resume going down the stairs. though he did admit, she was even more gorgeous up close. Especially on his lap. He smirked at the thought as his eyes met hers.
Giselle felt strong hands wrap around her waist and pull her back. Saving her from her fall. She landed in a firm warm lap, with her back pressed against a strong hard chest. She looked back to see who it was but she already knew who the guy was when she smelled the faint scent of cologne. She pushed her hair from her face and saw Zane smirking down at her

"I never trip." She said in a soft voice and looked away. "But yea..yea im fine, thanks to you." She gazed up at him with a small smile on her lips. She had to admit she did like where she was, and he was nice and warm. The next thing he said brought her out of her thoughts and she jerked slightly. "Oh yea.. right. Shit.." She quickly got up and straightened out the duffle bag. She gave him a smile and turned to head downstairs, more careful this time and watching her steps.
Air looked at the M16 on the couch. Well id prefer my shotgun but this will do just fine, she thought to herself. She herd the zombies as if they were right next to her. "You guys need some help?" she asked walking twords the gun then intantly colapsing. "Or not.." she said to herself. How was she supposed to escape or even help with these injuries? Well todays been wonderfull, she thought sarcasticly, all that would make it better is a zombie bite, oh how amazing my day will be after that. She wanted to ask for help but she'd rather have them fight off zombies then worie about her medical needs.
he followed Giselle down the steps and Saw Air collapse. He sighed and helped her up sitting her on the couch. "Listen... we all have to worry about them breaking in.. " he looked around at everyone. "We need to find a good escape plan.. which i think The leutenant has under control.." He looked down at air and smiled a bit. "You don't have to worry, ill help you when we run. You can have a ride on my back. You're not that big" he laughed a bit rubbing her head. After all she was just a kid.

He walked to the garage, looking around. He then looked back at Giselle; smiling. "you totally liked it on my lap" he mouthed to her and winked, trying to lighten up the situation, a smile on his face.
Giselle saw Air stumble on the floor, but before she can make it to the girl Zane was there. So she walked over to Reyna and got a couple grenades from her. She listened as Reyna went over the game plan with her. Giselle nodded when she was done explaining, her heart pounding with anticipation. She looked around and saw Zane looking at her and mouthed something to her which she caught on. She felt her cheeks heat up and she bit her bottom lip, trying to fight the smile that wanted to spread across her face, because yes.. yes she did like it. It had been awhile since she had be near a man like that. She looked away form him and her eyes scanned everyone else in the room."So after we run out of here where are we going to go? Are we just gonna' go on foot? Or head to the cars?" She asked everyone.
Air was frustrated at being so useless. She didn't say anything because she didn't want to die. She wanted to pull of Zane's arm as he rubbed her head and a flare of anger shot through her. The moment she got the better side of these fools all they were going to get was a back-stab and the zombie population going up by five. She felt bad doing it so many times to 8 year old children but if she was going to hell she might as well go there doing what she does best. They were idiots for trusting her. They should have left her behind, sure it was inhumane but she deserves it. She's the devil of the zombie world. And nothing would clear her history or change her heart. She was doomed to being evil forever. And she was perfectly fine with it.

She watched Zane crawl down the side of the building to an open third story window. Reyna shrugged, assuming it was a more exciting exit than taking the stairs which stood open at one side of the roof. For a moment Reyna looked down over all the Walkers mulling over each other to get up the side of the building. The bottom was even closer than the beginning of the invasion that had presented a problem. If they would have continued shooting, bodies would have started piling up at the bottom and the zombie force would have risen closer and closer to their positions. Their group would need to stop and burn down the bodies if they wanted to continue. They needed the relief to regroup and get their asses out of here.

Reyna waited a total of fifteen seconds, which after hearing Zane’s shouting, felt like a decent enough time to allow for her comrades to get downstairs. From one hand she pulled out the pins of the three grenades and pitched them as far as she could into the undead crowd, then pulled the pins of the other hand and tossed them to the ground near the building. One landed near the base of the pile up, and the other two further out. Reyna hoped that would leave a dent in the oncoming waves.

She wasted no time and hauled ass to the roof door and slammed the heavy metal door behind her and bolted it shut. Reyna stood there for a moment, a timer counting down in her head while she grasped the doorknob and leaned against the door. A half a second later there was a distance explosion as the grenades farthest away began to go off. She nodded to herself; she had seconds until the ones closest to them would blow. Reyna ran down the spiral staircase the sound of explosions at her back. She quickly closed the door to the utility room and threw her weight against a large armoire and shoved across the door. The sounds of the explosions where coming closer. She had maybe five seconds before the last one went off.

Reyna sprinted down the hallway, grabbed the banister post to swing herself around and slid down the railing to the landing on the second story in the living room. She dove behind the couch just in time for, by far, the largest explosion. The blast shook and rattled the entire apartment complex. Reyna’s eardrums popped painfully. She was showered in glass as vases, framed pictures, and mirrors on the wall shattered.

Once it was over, she stood up rather slowly holding her ears and gritting her teeth, her expression grimacing. “Is everyone okay?” she asked to anyone who could still hear her. Her own voice sounded far away and watery as she struggled to hear over the rush of blood pounding in her head. She checked for other injuries. Reyna felt warmth pool on her arm. When she looked down she discovered a rather large sliver of a mirror gouged into her arm. She was rather stone-faced as she pulled out the piece carefully, not winching even slightly as she did so. Reyna frowned, as blood flowed down her arm, it would not prove beneficial to everyone’s health if she smelled entirely like blood. But at least it had been a clean cut, she didn’t feel nearly as much pain had she been cut by a blade. However she did feel a twinge on her cheek. She used the piece of mirror and discovered there was a long thin scrap across her cheekbone, hardly anything, she threw the piece over her shoulder where it hit the hard wood floor and shattered.

Reyna strode over to the window and opened the metal shudder enough to see the scene outside. Walkers stumbled around in confusion, there were severe dents in their forces but she could still see reinforcements coming on the horizon. “Maybe ten minutes,” she mused to herself still sounding like she was speaking through water, then repeated herself for the others, “We have about ten minutes before we’re overwhelmed again.”

She went to a closet, inside there were several black duffle bags each marked with different coloured tape. Every bag in the closet she had assembled for different reasons had she needed to leave in a hurry at any time. Orange was for fire, yellow was for bio-hazard, green was for collecting resources, blue was for water, and white was for medical. Reyna pulled out the two marked with red tape, and the white. The two red she picked out were for this exact reason, they were filled with enough non-perishable food, clothing, and ammo to last her at the most a week enough to last her until she could get to a another source. Reyna dropped one of the red and the white tagged on the kitchen table and took the other one and went off into her study. Into the bag she collected several important books in which she had made some serious notes in, a thin MacBook Pro, and of course the old journal.

As she went back to the kitchen, passing through the living room, something caught the edge of her vision. It was one of the broken frames sitting on an end-table. All expression on her face disappeared as she gazed at the faces in the picture. Gingerly she picked the photograph from the broken frame, her eyebrows dented. Her finger ran over the smooth surface leaving a smudge of dark red across it. The smallest smile crept on her lips, in the picture sat a family dressed in red, white, and blue. She saw her mother, father, and her aunt sitting in a grass field in a park back in Fulton, they were smiling at the camera man like he’d just told a joke, at their feet playing with a few plastic tea cups sat two young girls. The younger girl sat happily across from a girl about two years older than herself. The older sister was about eight years old with dark wavy hair and piercing pale green eyes; though she had a smile on her face she was obviously instructing the other on the dynamics of pretend-tea. Reyna picked another picture, taken from a camping trip. There were two teen-aged girls and an older male who shared the girls’, and their mother’s from the previous picture, cheekbones and eye colour. They were all kneeling around a golden retriever, the younger of the two girls had her arms around the panting dog smiling with the same toothy grin she had since she was six years old. The older girl was leaning into picture, tall and graceful with strong arm and leg muscles, her dark hair longer and twisted over her shoulder in a pony tail, she was holding a bow at her side a quiver strapped across her shoulder. She was smiling but it wasn’t with the same enthusiasm as the others, the joy of the moment almost not touching her eyes, she seemed distance. The man, who was their uncle, smiled happily as if trying to make the best of things, a hand caringly on both of their shoulders. The third picture was of just the two girls, college-aged now. It was night time in the picture the cloudy sky brown with light while clusters of white floated down, some kind of holiday festival going on behind them. Both of the girls were dressed warmly, their cheeks pink, their arms wrapped around each other as they smiled at the camera. The younger girl had blossomed into a young woman, dressed in university colours, the toothy grin becoming more of a beautiful smile. The older girl was dressed in blues and blacks, she smiled attractively her face framed by dark hair, her expression more laid-back and relaxed but held an air of responsibility about it. The picture had been taken about two and a half years ago, before anyone ever had any clue as to what horrors would soon overtake their world. Reyna slipped all three photos into her jacket for safe-keeping.

She added the second duffle to the table, then began to outfit herself with her gloves, belt, and her armored vest then promptly reloaded her MEU. “The Walkers haven’t seemed to compromise the back alley—the way we came in,” she added in clarification. Reyna zipped open the bag marked white and began to dress the gash in her arm. “We can load up the vehicles down in the garage and take off. I know you guys were planning on going to Tennessee? Anyways, after hitting out down there, we’re going to go down into Georgia to Atlanta where we can break into one of their research facilities. I was left this journal by one of my professors, it has almost everything I need to know, I’ve read it from start to finish at least eight times. If I could just get my hands on some equipment, I might be able to work out some kind of vaccine or serum…It would be the next big major step towards fixing this mess. I know it’s a lot to ask you all. I mean, we just met after all. It wouldn’t be fair to ask you to risk your lives like this, but…” Reyna closed her eyes, admitting it would be hard for her. She breathed out a deep breath. “I need your help.”

Vincent quickly made his way down the spiral stairs, trying hard to keep his balance as the explosives went off. Great idea, but terrible condition since they only had a few seconds to make it down before the biggest explosion had cropped up. As soon as the grenade had went off, pieces off the wall and ceiling had fell off, leaving dust, debris and glass flying all over the place. Vincent had only received a few minor cuts, blood slowly trickling down his cheek, right shoulder and lower arm. It wasn’t unbearable so he didn’t make a big deal about it, strapping his pack around his shoulder tighter; Vincent nodded when Reyna had asked if they were okay. He just couldn’t speak for the others.

Noticing the cuts on Reyna, the large gash on her arm stood out to him the most. He knew she wouldn’t like it if he pointed it out with worry so he pushed away the thought and ignored it. If he knew her well enough, he’d know she knew how to handle herself and didn’t need anybody stressing over her well being. All he was concerned about was getting out of here while they had the chance. Vincent turned to the others as she explained our game plan, awaiting their response.

Setting in his third clip into his shot gun, Vincent unzipped the pack and checked if he had all of his equipment he needed. Knowing he had left his dirty clothing back in the bathroom upstairs, he passed the thought and figured they'd raid some stores later on, so not to fret, thought Vincent.
He prepaired as much as he could, placing the bag full of food and medical supplies on his back. He had prepaired it earlier for a quick escape so everyone would have atleast 2 weeks worth of things. He grabbed his gun and gripped it tightly.

"Well... We need to get this sh*t going.." he said, leaning back against the wall, his eyes focused on Giselle. He had an attraction to her he couldn;t explain. Even in this situation he couldn't help but stare at her occassionaly. He broke off his stare moving over towards the middle of the room.

"We need to figure something out quickly.. Something fast and secure that we know will work..." he looked around at everyone. "We need to head as far away from here as possible.. to a not so crowded area..where there aren't a lot of walkers around"

He wasn't sure what to say anymore. He knew he was ready to fight and run. He grabbed ahold of Air, his hand gripping her arm tightly ready to run. "When i pick you up you need to shoot behind me, It;s going to be touch carrying you and two bags.. Make sure we don't die.." he gave her a smile and winked at her/ "Wouldn't want to be a walker's happy meal now would we?"

He looked over at Giselle. "You stay close to me too..." he said softly. "Y-you know just incase i need protection.. and what not.." he rubbed the back of his neck softly. "anyway.."
Giselle was standing against the wall near Joshua. She watched as Reyna Vincent and Zane run around grabbing last minute things. Giselle was ready for this. Her heart was pounding and her adrenaline was pounding. She patted her body making sure she had everything and of course she noticed she didnt have her satchel and her MK. "Shit" she hissed out and rushed upstairs to where she left it. She scooped it up and rushed back downstairs and went to the kitchen where she set her bag down on the counter. As soon as as she put her bag down she saw Zane leaning against the wall looking more then ready to get out of here.

She listened as he pointed out the obvious while looking right at her, and she couldn't agree more. They sure as hell needed to get out of here, and it looked like everyone had everything, now they just needed to act, quickly. As he continued she nodded in agreement with him. When Zane grabbed air, and spoke to her she got her MK ready, and made sure her fighting knife was in place on her thigh.

When she was sure she was set, she put her damp hair up in a bun . She glanced at Zane, which was now becoming a habit. He happened to be looking back at her. She nodded when he asked her stay close to him,and she felt a small smile spread on her lips. "Dont worry I will make sure the bad zombies wont get you." She said and glanced at Air, giving her a cold once over, before she stood near the exit.
Reyna nodded in agreement with the others. "Well then, that settles tha--" She cut herself short as the sound of glass cracking sounded behind the metal shutters over the windows. That meant the zombies were piling over each other and the dead bodies at the base of the building high enough to start pushing against the sides and pushing against the windows. Reyna jumped from her seat, her eyes not leaving the wall at the front of the house. In her mind she double checked not once but three times in her head, making sure she had everything she would need. Her eyes flicked to the cabinets and the fridge. Good, it seemed they had raided the kitchen and stocked up on everything. She glanced around the group. Everyone seemed to have enough firepower and ammo on them. It looked like everyone was prepared to move out now.

"The plan has changed," Reyna announced in a quick urgent tone. "We leave now, decide where we're going later." She started shouldering her bags, the strain pulled at the gash in her arm. Reyna swallowed back a gasp, and squeezed her eyes shut. She recovered quickly and hoped no one had noticed.

Reyna had slung two bags onto her left shoulder, the lightest one on her right for her gun arm. She hadn't seen any Walkers in the alley out back, and the vehicles were locked in the garage, she doubted there would be any issue, but it was best to take precautions. Went over to the back door and rested the side of her head against the smooth metal, listening. When she was positive it was clear, she pushed the door open, her gun pointed in front of her. She scoped out the area, when she made sure it was clear she marched down the concrete steps to her SUV and popped the trunk open. Reyna threw in the three duffles side by side and then rummaged around the garage. In a cabinet in the garage she pulled out the four spare red plastic gas tanks she kept for emergencies. They sloshed heavily as she loaded two into the SUV and two into the truck. She was glad she had decided to stock up on gas ahead of time, it wasn't exactly easy to pump gas on the run.

Reyna went to the bottom of the stairs, waiting for everyone to file back down, so she could do one last check and get the hell out of there.
Air smiled at Zane. Yeah, who would want that? she thought sarcasticly. "I'll be ready whenever if I'd get a damned gun," she said. Obviously with her injuries now wasnt the time to backstab the idiots. "They wont get anyware close to us." Air said with the most honesty her personality offered. She could have escaped by herself already if she wasnt dependent on a group like the ones who were helping her. And of corse without her injury that would hopefully heal on its own soon. I better get out of here without a bite or god help me..
Reyna stood there for a moment looking around the garage for anything they might need to bring with them. Reyna had a tool bag in her car, the regular standard equipment for car emergencies, along with two actual spare tires--not meaning 'tubes'. She began to think of all the things that could go wrong on the road, she couldn't prepare for everything that might go wrong. But in the end she did pull a fire extinguisher hanging off the wall and put it in the trunk. In another cabinet in the garage she pulled out a large 14-gallon plastic container of basic camping gear and added that to the trunk as well. She nodded to herself and slammed the door to the trunk closed and walked around to the side seat behind the driver and laid her calvary sword on the seat, if she was going to be driving for a while, it was awkward to have it on her belt.

She shut the door and climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine, waiting for the others to get into the vehicles before she clicked the garage door opener to the garage and backing out into the empty alley. There were no windows in the back of the house, hence, no windows to be open and no light to attract the dead. But she was sure that as soon as they hit the road, Walker after Walker would pop up. Maybe out on the road they would come across a nice truck with a bumper and spot lights and the whole thing. Reyna guessed they might not have the best fuel effeciency, but it would certainly be handy for breaking up and running down swarms without damaging the grill and the engine. She decided she would eventually have to trade her SUV in for something a bit more 'off-road'.

When the Carter pulled his truck into the alley after them, with the group in the cars between them, Reyna began to roll out to the main road, expecting some fancy driving and a difficult extraction before they were home free traveling the outskirts of the city.
He put air on his back and ran out, to the car. He placed her in the trunk - there was enough space so she could sit back and relax her ankle while they drove. He got into the Car in the backseat and waited for everyone to get in. He put the window down a bit enough to stick the tip of his gun out to shoot just in case they wanted to pile up on the car.

"Where are we going if you dont mind me asking?" he said to the driver as she began to pull out of the house and into the street. There were huge amounts of them comig their way. "Would you be able to drive with out the lights?" he asked, trying to make sure they could get away without attracting too much zombies.

"If we could create enough noise somewhere else we can make it out of here with out much difficulty.." he looked out of the window trying to find something to make noise with. He looked down the street, there was a huge canister of gas used for barbecues sitting on top of a van.

"would it be cool to shoot that and attract them that way?" he didn't wait for an answer and just shot it, the huge explosion taking out 15 walkers and attracting some of them from the road to the alarms going off in the cars in that direction. He smirked and looked over and giselle with a wink.

Jakal silently flicked his wrist, allowing his two blades to slide back into their hidden positions. He was currently stalking a small group of survivors who had lead him to a grocery store that hadn’t been pillaged yet, four in all. He had been stalking this group for nearly a week, traveling from one town to the one he was currently in. It was about time to strike, as he was tired of scavenging the leftovers of which they had pillaged, from what he had collected from experience, common sense, and overhearing conversations, their plan was to pillage it, and he wouldn’t have that, he needed that water and food, and there wouldn’t be much left after they were gone.

He looked to the left of the streetlight he had positioned himself on.


He looked to the right.


He was clear.

He jumped clear off the streetlight; covering a good ten feet before once again touching down on the ground, and then rolled in order to retain momentum. The first man, who was standing guard outside the store, took a few steps back at the sight of the newcomer. The man held a shotgun, but looked more terrified than threatening.

“Halt you!” he said, holding his hand up to signify for Jakal to not move away. “Who are you?”

Jakal walked toward the man, who held the shotgun level, and prepared to shoot, pushing the small safety on the trigger off.

“Stop! Or I’ll shoot!”


Jakal advanced, and the man prepared to fire.


Jakal had made it within striking distance, and thrown the barrel of the gun upward, causing the shot to fire into the air.

“!” The man yelled, surprised and slightly scared. Jakal then slammed the gun back down, causing the butt of the gun to fly out of the man’s wrist and hit him in the face.

“Don’t do it man! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!” the man pleaded, placing his arms in front of his face in a futile attempt to guard himself.

Jakal cocked the shotgun, and aimed at the man’s face. His face held no expression, but the man could see his ice blue eyes staring at him. The man stared at him for a moment, before closing his eyes and accepting his fate.



“What was that?” a girl said, looking at the automatic sliding doors, which had just opened and closed, only to see her boyfriend, whose upper body and head were a bloody mess. The perpetrator was nowhere to be seen.

“AH!!!” She screamed in both terror and anguish, alerting the others in her little squad.

“Ilene! What’s wrong?!” A man with a machete on his hip said, hustling over to her. She raised a shaky hand and pointed at the clear doors, and what lied beyond them. The man’s eyes widened, and he grabbed the machete from its holster. The girl grabbed her pistol, both looking around to try and locate the source of the murder.

“AHHH!!!” A voice from the other side of the store wrung out, making both the man and woman turn their heads.

“EDDY!” the man yelled, terrified for his brother.


Jakal removed his hidden blade from the dead man’s chest, and continued on his hunt.

“EDDY!” he heard.

If he weren’t so emotionless, he would’ve smirked. This one had just given away his position.

“Get into the isles, that way, we’ll have a little cover.” The man directed. The girl nodded, and went into a random isle, the man following close behind. He grinned. Now the killer wouldn’t know where they were, and he could avenge Eddy, and Jedidia.

Jakal walked through the isles with the first man’s shotgun in hand, and kept it up and ready for fire. As he was walking, something caught his eyes. He looked up, only to see a small dome of mirror on the ceiling. In the isle next to him, there was a man and a woman, back-to-back, seemingly ready to fire. He turned in the direction the mirror indicated the man was in, and fired. The man was launched into the other side of the isle, brain matter and other bodily substances sprayed across its contents. Part of the shell seemed to catch the girl, as she spun around like a rag doll as if she’d been sucker punched and fell to the ground.


Jakal walked around the isle, and stepped over the man’s corpse, and to the woman, who was still breathing. He used his shoe to flip he over on her back, and kneeled down next to her.

“Burn in hell.” She snarled, and spat in his face. He wiped the spit off with his sleeve and wiped it on the woman’s shirt.


“Brave words, for someone who’s about to die.” He said, his dark voice cracking and scratching from no usage. The woman’s eyes widened as he flicked his wrist allowing the hidden blade to slide out.


“I’ll see you in hell!” The woman screamed at him, anger in her voice, only to be silenced eternally, as the steel met her temple.


Jakal removed and retracted his blade, and began searching the bodies, finding a flashlight, matches, some medical supplies, a whetstone, and batteries, along with some pistol ammo and a shotgun shell pouch. Each of the small items could mean a great deal later on. He smiled, and looked at the two bodies he had scavenged, closing his eyes.

“Thank you.” He said, and snatched a backpack from the machete man’s corpse, emptying its contents, which consisted of nothing he would use anyway. He emptied the remaining shells from the shotgun, and placed them in the pouch, and then tossed the weapon to the ground, placing the pouch in the backpack. He went around the grocery store and scavenged a few water bottles, and some cans of soup, and was on his way, all the noise was beginning to attract walkers. He grabbed the girl’s pistol from her hand and ran outside, seeing ten or twelve zombies slowly moving at him.

“I… Have come too far… To die now.”

So he began running, firing his pistol with one hand, the other keeping the backpack secured. He didn’t want the shotgun shells to go off. He fired one, two, three shots, taking out two zombies as two shots made home in the head, while the other skimmed the cheek of a third zombie.

He ran himself into an alleyway, and pulled himself on top of a dumpster, and ran off, jumping at the edge and wall hopping over the brick wall at the end, and hitting the ground, and rolling out of it.

He threw the pistol to the ground and began walking off, fixing his hood, and was off.

He sucked in a deep breath.

He had to keep moving, if he stopped before he found high ground, he wouldn’t last long.


Gunfire. He turned his head in the sound’s direction. Gunfire meant people. People meant supplies. Supplies meant survival. Survival meant… Well, it meant staying alive. He unsheathed his blades, and made way for the sounds general direction. As he came close, he noticed fifteen or so walkers. He unsheathed his blades, only to watch a shot go off from a near three-story building, and watched it nail a propane tank on top of a van. Attracting man walkers and making cars go off.

Wonderful. These people were armed, and he did not feel like stalking for another week.

He backed back into the alley, leaning on the corner that led to the street, and looking on at the three-story building, which looked like an apartment complex. An apartment complex that he used to stack every person he killed. Walkers had piled themselves up to the second story.

He looked back at the wall the he had jumped over, and smiled, he turned, and took a running start and ran up the wall, grabbing the top and pulling himself up. He stood, and looked up, seeing a few open windowsills and a catwalk. He took a leap, catching a windowsill and then jumped to the other, before jumping once again and grabbing the catwalk. He pulled himself up, and stood on the catwalk, and ran up the wall to the roof, pulling himself up. Now he was at higher ground. He got as close to the house across the street as possible, and began to wave his arms. He was across the street, and he was no way going to jump off the roof and try to hit the other street. He then thought of an idea. He placed the backpack on the roof and searched for the shotgun shell pack, and took a shell out. Although he had no shotgun, it was still possible to set the bullet off. He held it out, with the business end facing the air, and wound his arm back, and slapped the back of the shell. HARD. The slap was followed by a loud,


Hopefully that would alert any survivors on the ground of his presence, and maybe clear out the zombies before he came down, as he had no gun, and killing zombies with his blades seemed like a waste of energy. He could easily take ten or more zombies. However, more and more were showing up. Fighting a horde with nothing but a few blades would not be a fight in his favor.
Giselle peeked out the windows as Reyna packed everything in the car. When she was done she followed Zane and Air to the car. She climbed in the front seat and dropped the duffle she was carrying, putting it in between her legs. She put on her seat belt. She glanced behind her and saw Zane poking his gun out the window and saw the top of airs head in the truck and smiled at that. The stupid little girl belonged there.

As Reyna pulled out, Zane began to ask questions before Reyna could answer the last one Giselle heard a loud explosion, she jumped in her seat and whipped around to see flames and orange light filling the darkness of the street and the sound of car alarms going off.. "Holy shit Zane!" She yelled but she had to admit that was a good idea. He took out a few zombies and made a huge scene. The stupid ***** would definitely be caught up in that for a while. A small smile spread on her lips when Zane looked at her. "That was fu*king awesome" she said and turned around and glanced at Reyna and then looked at the road.

Quickly after Zane's explosion Giselle heard another loud Noise but instead of it sounding like a gas canister exploding it sounded more like a gun going off. She frowned and looked back.She knew it wasn't Zane. The noise was from a distance. "Did you guys hear that?" She asked.
A car pulled around a corner, right below him. Jakal snarled in frustration and prepared himself for what he was about to do.

“I’m going to hurt one of you for this…” He mumbled, and jumped off the building. As he fell, he unsheathed his blades, and landed onto the roof of the car, causing the roof to dent and split where the blades landed. Although it seemed like an aggressive move, it was used to sturdy himself and keep from falling off of the moving car.

The two steel blades powered through the roof, and into the interior of the car, like two metal railroad spikes. Only to be retracted almost instantly as they were no longer needed. He had managed to balance himself on the moving vehicle. He immediately though about his decision, and how bad it was. These people were armed and could potentially think he was attacking them. Not good.
Just as the garage had been raised over the roofs of the two vehicles, Reyna had drove off with the rest of the crew through the back alleyway of the building. The amount of time they had wasted in the apartment complex was way over the limit he had set for himself and he didn't like the outcome of it all. They had just wasted a load of ammo fighting off the walkers and now they were on the road again. Knowing Reyna, they were most likely going to stop for some artillery and ammo once they've found clear roads.

As Reyna had drove off ahead of him, Vincent followed soon after, glad that they had finally gotten into the main street systems. There weren't as many walkers as he thought there were gonna be and that was partly due to the amount that showed up back at the building. The morning had just cracked through the night just a bit ago and lord knows if any of them had gotten any sleep. Keeping focus on the road more than his mind, Vincent put the alternative of sleep to the back on his mind as he carried on through the road. All he thought about at this moment was Tennessee and the possibility of Atlanta.

Just as Vincent was cruising through the road behind Zane, Mercer, Giselle and the teenage girl, some maniac had jumped onto the roof of Reyna's SUV.

"What the he--" Temporarily losing his control of the steering wheel, Vincent beeped at the stranger. Survivors were literally falling from the skies at this point. Vincent took control of the steer once again and took in a collecting breath. The others surely had noticed that.

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