Zombie Apocalypse

Giselle stepped out of the car and closed the door. She pulled out her fighting knife from her thigh holster and looked around. She saw a a few walkers up stairs cramped together, some walking past a room door, and few roaming around the building. She heard Reyna speak and nodded. "Who wants to tag along with me?" She asked the group and waited. She wasn't stupid so she wasn't about to go in alone, she had a knife but it wasn't nearly as long as Reyna's. Giselle got a few kill's with her knife, stabbing some zombies in the eye with it, but only a couple had been around and they were spaced out. Right now she wasn't trying to risk getting her arm bit or anything. She looked behind her again and raised an eyebrow.
One response was the quick and clean,

"slic, slic"

of two blades being unsheathed.

Jakal walked foreword, nodding to Giselle.

"Watch my back, and I'll watch yours."

A simple sentence, no more words were needed. Jakal took the lead, walking up to a single zombie from behind, and bringing his arm around it's neck, keeping it from opening it's jaws and alerting others. It flailed momentarily only for Jakal's free arm to travel through the back of the skull, and cure one more infected. He dragged the infected off to the side and behind a bush, and crouched low near it, turning to Giselle, awaiting her next move.
Giselle nodded to him and followed as he walked past her' "Yea i'll be watching my back too, from you ".She thought bitterly but kept focused. She watched as Jakal walked up to a zombie and killed.. He even held it. Gross she thought as she watched him hide the body, which she also didn't think was necessary, but whatever.

Giselle then heard a sluggish noise behind her, and deep breathing. She quickly turned around and saw a female zombie wearing a purple robe with a few loose curlers in her hair. She walked to the zombie and, her hand clenching on her knife tightly and she raised it up to the walkers face and quickly stabbed it in the eye. She grunted as she yanked her knife out and lightly kicked the the dead zombie back. She turned around and looked at Jakal, but she caught a glimpse of walker hands reaching out of a hole in a door, there arms flinging around, trying to find something to grab. "Look" She whispered chucking her head towards the door.
After a while of driving they had stopped at an inn. He looked over at Giselle who was happy to have arrived but god knows how many of those things there were. He sighed and got out of the car ready to clear out the area. He had been thinking things through the whole way there about his leaving. But i guess it was too late to bail out, he had started to have second thoughts. He closed the door shut fairly quietly and crouched down a bit trying not to draw too much attention.

"What do we do now guys? Just sit here and wait?" His heart was pounding against his chest. He was tired but wired at the same time. His fingertips grazed the cold metal of the car and he sighed trying to limber up for the upcoming fight. Even though he had a suppressor on his M16 he couldn't afford to make any noise so taking out the walkers occupying the building would have to be done in silence. With the new kid Jackal in the mix he was sure there would be a lot of silent kills. He had been quietly observing him for a while now assessing the situation with him. He seemed agile and ready to fight. He was quick too. He paused to look back at Jackal for a second and smirked nodding his way; A signal of approval. He placed his index finger over his lips and looks around at everyone telling them to be as quiet as possible when taking the walkers out. They where too close to the city and could get a huge invasion of zombies if they weren't too careful. He took off the bag with supplies and continues to limber up for the next 10 minutes to get himself ready for the fight. He smirked at Giselle and gave her a wink before heading off into the heard, his machete in hand and 2 bags on his back.

He had been carrying the supplies he gathered from the group back home. In his supplies bag he had enough medicine and food for over 3 weeks. He pressed his body up against the lined cars on the road leading to the inn, trying to watch his steps as he approached the first group of infected.

He swing his blade in one swift movement upwards, the sharp machete blade sinking into the jaw of one of the infected. You could hear the slight breaking of the bone as the blade cut upwards into the brain like a knife through butter. The walkers had been infected for a while; Their bodies where decaying to the point of almost slicing through them like lunch meat. He felt his shoe step into the cerebrum of the zombie he had just killed, as he took out the other one. This kill was slightly different. His machete lodged itself into the side of a woman; a dead woman's head. As the body stopped moving from its convulsing stated he stared at the body before it dropped to its rotting knees. Had she been staring back at him? He breathed out. He watched as the rest of the group took out a few more of the walkers.

Was he going crazy? Maybe being in a zombie apocalypse wasn't the best way for a man to keep sane. He paused, as he watched the on slaughter of the dead. He remmebered how these people had families once too. All of these people, now walking corpses, had families and friends, neighbors, kids and husbands and wifes.. They were once just like us. And at the thought he felt his heart breaking.

He remmebered his own family. He missed them. He looked at Giselle, gave her a smile and moved up to the Inn.
Jakal was impressed by this mans power, the power behind those swings meant something. This man had formal training. Perhaps not as burned in as his, but good none the less. That could mean he was part of the military too.


Jakal got down low, edging toward the door, before standing directly to the side of it. He motioned for Giselle and the new man to lay low, what he was about to do was risky, but if executed right, could mean a great deal. He slid his hand around and opened the door, allowing the zombies to meander out.

Now came the tricky part.

He slowly opened the door so it covered his body as to not be seen.

He slowly reach into his pocket, trying to not be noticed, and grabbed the little box of crackle snap fireworks, taking a single one out, and tossing it as a far as he could. The throw went high, and about twenty feet away and hit the ground. This released a satisfying "SNAP!" as it blew.

The zombies the meandered out the door, along with others in close proximity, turned their heads at the noise, and slowly hobbled in it's direction.

He closed the door slightly, allowing himself to sneak back out, and got back behind the bush. He had changed the playing field a bit. All he needed was proper executions from the other two.
"Oh shit." Matthew had whispered to himself. He had seen a car come pulling up by the inn. He decided to stay down. It was bad enough he had been locked up here protecting himself from the zombies downstairs, but now people were coming up? Hell no. He got in the defensive position at the door with his kitchen knife.
Reyna cleared through the emerging zombies with ease. When she thought the last Walker had stumbled out she met it, bisecting it's head with her blade. As it fell limp, she lifted her boot and shoved the body off, the bone and rotting flesh incasing her blade as it had sunk deep down into the jaw. Reyna waited for a minute, standing and listening before unclipping a high-powered maglight from her tactical belt. She flicked it on and held it up beside her head with her sword held firmly in front of her, as she cautiously entered the office down on the first floor.

The room was clear, but she walked to the back were it lead to another room, she scouted that room. There was a Crawler on the floor, groaning and flailing helplessly on it's back. Reyna skewered it through the eye socket and after a moment, the thing fell limp. She went back into the main office.

Her eyebrows dented as she gazed upon a wall. There was a wooden cupbard and in it were rows of brass hooks. Not that that was abnormal for a motel, what she found confusing was that, with the exception of one or two keys, most of the keys were missing. All that belonged to the second floor, their hooks were empty, except for two. Reyna pursed her lips, it was peculiar all right. She plucked the keys up anyways. Maybe they would be able to find some use for them. She turned around to go back outside, they could raid the supply closets later if they wished, for now they were concerning themselves with securing rooms in which they would be safe to sleep in for the night--or in their case, the day, or however they choose to spend it.

Back at the vehicles she spoke to whomever was still there. "Someone must have gotten the same idea we did. Most of the room keys are missing. That means someone has been here." She opened her palm, "I managed to get the remaining keys, only one or two to the second floor, three to the first. Our next task will be securing the second floor so we all have a safe place to crash."
"You dont need keys to get a door open. You could kick it in, or pick the lock." he said flatly, then stood up from his crouched position, and began to search the zombie corpse he had dragged into the bushes near him. His face contorted in disgust, but survival is a must, and you could only live without sleep for so long. He had been up for three days now. He didn't know how long the others had been.

He searched the corpse's pockets, and smiled as he felt keys. He pulled them out with a grin on his face. The room read '43'.

"I dont know about you guys, but if people have been here, they could still be around. Keep your guard up." he said, and turned toward the building.

"Ladies first, Mercer."
"I appreciate your input, but it not for us getting in, its for keeping things out." Reyna remarked, a hint of bitter sarcasm in her voice. "If we have the keys to a door, it would be much simpler to lock the Walkers inside, that way we can spend our time wisely collecting resources instead of wasting time putting these things down." She started for one of the staircases on the opposite sides of the long building. "And you don't need to remind me to keep my guard up." She was irritated at the fact that he seemed to underestimate her and their group. Her mind was always reeling, predicting obstacles, taking variables into account, always thinking ahead and planning the next step. Her eyes were always flickering about, taking in her surroundings, she was the last person she would think needed to be reminded to keep up her guard. She never let it down.

Reyna turned the corner and advanced up the stairs.
So they had only a few keys to the rooms, and their goal was to clear off the second floor motel rooms. Giselle yawed, she was tired as hell and it was hitting her hard right now. She followed Jakal and Reyna, listening to them talk and Reyna snap at him. She smirked and looked at the back of Jakal before her eyes roamed around their surroundings. The sun was out, but it was still gloomy out, so she guessed it was about 5 in the morning and it was cold. Giselle let out a low sigh that only she could hear and followed Reyna, stepping in front of Jakal before he could start walking up the steps, maybe he forgot she was behind him. "Ladies first." She mumbled.
Matthew heard walking up the stairs. There was probably no way he could take them all out with just a kitchen knife, but hey, rather die a warrior's death then let raiders kill you themselves. He opened up the door and looked at the woman coming up these steps. "Stay the fu*k away from me! If you don't put your goddamn weapon down now I will put this kitchen knife in your skull." Wow. He surprised himself at how good of a lie that was. He would have smiled but thought against it. Behind the woman was another woman, and a man with a hood. He almost right away he didn't like this guy. But the people looked like they were about to put the weapons down. But then he swallowed and they must have saw him gulp. Matthews eyes went from pissed to scared. But he still had to hold his ground. "You don't think I'm being serious? Well let me show you how serious I am." Matthew took his knife and aimed it right at the woman. This too was a bluff. But what other choice did he have? "PUT THE FU*KING WEAPONS DOWN!" He waved the knife very near the woman's head. Please don't kill me, please don't kill me...

Jakal's expression remain neutral at the jab. He had heard worse. He let her through with a roll of he eyes.

These two seemed smart. He wondered why they hadn't bothered to try and check under the hood to see what lied behind the mask. He shivered slightly at the thought. He could be killed or trusted depending on how willing this gang was to survive. It's all depended or circumstance, he guessed.

He failed to notice that had been absentmindedly following the girls while thinking. He sighed, and continued. He didn't know how to do much besides fight. It's all he knew, actually. He couldn't play poker, or any sport. He never learned. The art of killing was all he knew, and therefor, didn't know he could be more content with other things.

He shook his head. Most male survivors would be watching one of the girls butt's right now. Or trying to seduce them. He could care less. He wouldn't get far in that subject anyway. His father figure was missing in his life, and he didn't know anything he could teach his son or daughter besides how to fire a gun or counterattack. He would never make a good father, and the circumstances of the world didn't exactly favor him either.

He shook his head once again.

"Why are these thoughts in my head? I'm a killer, not a lover."

And he was perfectly happy keeping it thy way.

Happy, because he didn't know what he was missing.

Suddenly, a man came out of a room, surprising him. He flicked his wrists out of habit and raised his arms, showing off the dual twelve inch blades(Only about four inches came past the fingers), ready to defend the two girls and himself if he had to. Although they hated him, he felt an attachment to the team, and he would be loyal. He needed to prove himself to them anyway.

"..." He didn't need to talk, he was fine the way he was. He didn't doubt the girls could defend themselves, but they couldn't risk guns and attracting zombies to their temporary safe haven.
He followed as everyone made their way inside, taking out a few walkers on the way. When they reached the room someone with a kitchen knife decided to be brave about the situation and wave it around like an idiot. He sighed noticing the stranger hadn't noticed him at all. He was so far behind the group trying to watch their backs that he had gone un-noticed. He crouched down and snuck up to the person's side, the tip of his barrel touching up against the side of their temple.

"How about you put the knife down, and we talk? We don't want any trouble" He looked at Jackal who had his blade out as well. He nodded for him to put it down as he slowly took a step forward pressing the barrel just a little harder. He was tired of killing humans. After what happened at war he didn't want to go back to being 'that' guy. He sighed a bit and lowered his gun knowing he wouldn't shoot the stranger.

"We just want to get by, is all.. we are trying to survive like you are..." He spoke softly trying not to alert the stranger in anyway shape or form and cause something bad to happen. He stepped back a bit and placed the strap with the gun on his back.

"Can everyone just please..get this crap moving?" He tried to sound as calm as possible.

Once Mercer took ahold of the situation he walked out into the other room a sigh escaping his lips. I'm gettin' so tired of this shit, for real. He pushed the palm of his hand against the cold wall and leaned on it softly. He had a ripping headache. He began to hear voices. Not just any voices. His Post traumatic stress was kicking in. He heard his brothers voice and the last few things he had said to him before he died. He closed his eyes.


The cold air hit Zane's face hard. It left his skin feeling dry. He looked over at his brother who laid a few feet from him looking through the scope of his sniper. Zane breathed out, trying to stay as still as possible. His brother looked at him, and smiled.

"Time to head out" he mouthed to him, not speaking. His hand made a small swirl in the air and then pointed two fingers forward. The rest of the Team was behind them. Shaun, LeeMan and Carl. The team of five moved forward pushing their stomachs down on the dirt as much as possible to stay hidden within the grass field they had been hiding. It was early winter in Iraq. The temperature was still low enough for the wind to be more of a dry burst than cold itself. Zane pushed forward his body moving in a military stance across the floor. The black camo they wore made them blend into the darkness like roaches in dark places.

There was the ruffling of leaves and the incoherent sound of Insurgents in the distance. Zane's hand went up signaling to stop. Everything went still. Even the wind didn't sound the same anymore. There was a stillness in the air that made everything seem like it had been paused in a movie. After the talking had stopped he stood up.

The had been situated in the middle of a Insurgent Military field in Iraq. The mission was simple: Recover any intel on Military formations for terroristic planning. His brother smirked moving up, pressing his shoulder against a huge boulder outside the outskirts of the huge fenced off area they where about to enter. Zane stood grabbing his Silenced M14 and moving up the road and across the street, Climbing over the fence. One after the other the team of 5 continued.

Flashback over:

Zane sighed, remembering. He touched his head softly. 'Fuc*" He said out loud trying not to remember how they where compromised. He heard the screaming sirens in the base go off as one of the group members triggered the wrong alarm. His head began to hurt. He heard his brother yell for aborting when shots where fired from a distance. A sniper running a 50 Caliber bullet through his chest. He heard the gasps and his eyes wandered ot his hands where he could of sworn he still saw the blood as it splattered from his torn chest onto his face and hands. He remembered how he had frozen like a deer in headlights as his brothers body fell onto its knees his whole upper body shaking as his lifeless body crashed to the floor.

He blinked. The blood was gone. The voices where gone. He looked up and then back at the group. Had anyone noticed? He breathed out. I hope not.
Giselle frowned. So this tall lanky kid busted out of his room with a kitchen knife waving it around like a crazy person. She sighed and mentally rolled her eyes. Just want I need she thought thought to herself. But she lowered her fighting knife, doing what the kid said. She was tired, and she just wanted to hurry this crap up and go to sleep. Maybe the others didn't put there weapons away but the kid still felt threatened by them and he continued to ramble and even held the knife out towards Reyna. She let out a groan, she knew this kid wasn't going to anything crazy, it was US against HIM, but then saw Zane creep up the kid and place tip of his gun against the kids temple. Her lips parted in momentary confusion. He wouldn't kill the kid...Would he? She listened to Zane as he reasoned with the kid, and then backed away from the kid, looking as tired and worn as she felt. Zane walked away and into one of the rooms. She squeezed past Reyna and the kid, holding her hands up and giving him a crooked grin. "Relax kid." She said as she past him holding her hands up, trying to show that she wasn't a threat.

When she got past him she poked her head inside the room Zane went into. She saw him standing there with his head leaning on his hand that was against the wall.. "Zane" she whispered but he didn't respond and his eyes were close "Zane" She tried again but a little louder but still nothing.He cant be sleeping she thought as she took a step inside the room. As she approached him she saw a faint smile on his lips. When she was at least an arms reach away from him she stopped, and gulped..Maybe he's lost in thought or something..She looked around the room and saw a door, most likely to the bathroom. She quickly walked to the door, and put her ear against i trying to hear if anything was on the other side.. She didn't hear anything but she still pulled out her knife, She looked behind her and saw that Zane was still thinking or whatever. She pushed the door open and saw nothing inside. She breathed a sigh of relief


Giselle quickly turned around at the sound of Zanes voice. He walked to the door and looked outside.. "Zane?" She called out softly.
Matthew saw the blades from the hooded man in the back. But he must not have seen the other man. He felt the cold end of a gun to his head. Matthews mind went to mush. He couldn't think. He could only close his eyes and wait. Then the man put the gun down and the people said something. Hi maybe? Whatever. They walked over to the inn, except the man with the gun to Matthew's head seemed drifted in thought. Matthew's knees buckled because he just realized why happened. "Wait! D-don't touch my stuff!" He said to the people. They kept walking on in. Matthew dropped his kitchen knife. He staggered everywhere. No no no not now.
Jakal retracted his blades, and narrowed his eyes under his hood. This poor kid was terrified, and all he wanted was to keep his stuff safe. Personally, he wouldn't have made a move at all, and just waited other survivors out and go unnoticed. Oh well.

He nodded to Zane, he was impressed at this man's abilities to get around unnoticed, it was as good as his. He noticed Zane go blank for a minute, as if he was starring off into space. He thought nothing of it, but kept an eye on the kid. He didn't know how well he could fight, but if he was ANYTHING like him, he would throw the barrel of the gun up. Of course, this was a learned reaction from having it done so many times. He growled, he didn't like using guns. To quick, you didn't get to savor the reactions of other people. Thats why he used blades. In their last moments their true colors come out and in a way, knew which people were cowards and which weren't. However, in the zombie apocalypse, this is likely to change, as there is no fun in it. The zombies dont have feelings.
He paused and looked up at Giselle. He didn't want to explain what just happened, but he didn't want to seem like a crazy person either. He stood up straight and put on a crooked smile.

"Hey.." he said in a soft tone, leaning his shoulder against the wall, winking at her. He walked towards her stood infront of her just a slight few feet and leaned forwards.

"Want to know a secret?" He asked, not waiting for a response before saying. "I think you are very cute.. with all that tough girl act and what not" he laughed a bit trying to lighten the situation. He was never too good at that. He nudged her a bit with his shoulder.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down a bit. "I'm sorry i am really not that good with this kinda stuff.." he frown a bit and moved back some droping his hands. "This whole zombie apocalypse shit is just.. Incredibly exausting.. And i havent seen a woman in such a long time.. and now we have all these girls and You..And i don't know how to talk to women anymore" He was being sincere.

"Since the outbreak its.. Been a long time and before i wasn't really the lady gettin' type guys.." he shrugged. He felt like he was sounding stupid so he stoped talking, and looked up at her.
BD heh, heh...

Reyna was walking along the length of hallway, as she approached the first door in the hallway, it burst open and out came a tall wiry looking teenager. In a state of panic desperate for his survival he was yelling and waving a kitchen knife at them. As a rule Reyna never liked being told what to do, nor did she particularly care for a knife threatening in her face. She had one rather large scar extending from her forehead across her eye, it had taken years to fade until it was hardly noticeable, and while it wasn't like she was self conscious about having such an abrasion on her face like she assumed most women were, Reyna didn't want to deal with that trauma and the hassle of the healing process and consequences thereafter. Hence, her irritation.

The kid looked more of terrified than defiant. However, to come out of the safety procection of his room and make such wild demands, with only a knife as means of backing up his words. A kitchen knife wouldn't be her first choice, however it was effective means of improvisation.

She frowned at the boy, about to step inside his guard with one smooth movement and disarm him, the result being the blade of his knife and her blade of her sword crossed at his neck. That or just throw him over the railing. But before Reyna could perform either of the feat, Zane acted before she got the chance, sneaking up behind the boy and pressed the tip of his gun to his forehead. Zane reasoned with the boy, making sure they meant no harm. She couldn't have put it any better, she had one thing to add, but other than that she had more important things to do than stand around."We won't hurt you unless you give us a reason to. We share a common goal. There are plenty of rooms here, we keep to ourselves, and you keep to yourself, no problem."

Reyna stepped around him and began trying doors. The locked ones, the two of which she had keys to, were unoccupied. She assumed it was because the rooms hadn't been rented out so there was no one to die in them so they were still locked. Those were the ones the group would take first. Reyna made sure the rest of the 2nd floor was clear, only two room had been previously 'occupied', she put down two Walkers in one, and a single one in the other. With a finger of her glove she gathered some of the blood of the permanently deceased Walkers and made a mark on the two doors of which the Walkers resided, so the rest knew, then closed the doors behind her. She took one of the open rooms, going into the bathroom and washing the goo off her finger. She didn't plan on sleeping much, Reyna knew that there were others that had gone without much longer than she had, best to give them the peace of mind. This place was a steal, who knew how long'd be before they got another place like this, and before they headed out again she wanted everyone ready to fight. Besides, she had other things in mind to occupy herself with.

(I had to.... xD )
Giselle squared her shoulders when he turned around after she called out to him. She wasn't sure if he would be upset with her for invading his personal space. He might not have wanted anyone to follow him. This man was dark and sometimes seemed like a a ticking time bomb and she still hasn't forgotten what happened in his past, killing all of those people. Yes it was his past but it's also a lot for someone to take in.

When he answered her, his tone was soft and not harsh like she expected. She felt herself relax a little. When he began to walk towards her, stopping just a little in front of her, he leaned in. She felt her heart beat pick up, why was she reacting like this to him Maybe its because you haven't been around man in, god knows how long.

After he spoke Giselle raised a brow. "It's not an act. Its who I am." She stated. Squaring her shoulders even more and crossing her arms over her chest.

When his playful smirk disappeared and he looked down, she noticed he looked.. embarrassed She listened to him, understanding what he meant It's been awhile since she had been around a man, and now her she was.. In a room with one, who was very good looking too.

After he finished speaking Giselle looked down and bit her lip softly before looking back up. She took a step towards him. "Hey, you don't need to be sorry, you just complimented me. Do you know how long its been since someone complimented me." She gave him a crooked grin and lightly punched his shoulder. Right after she lowered her head and her hand, mentally cursing herself.Did you just really do that?
He smiled at the awkward punch and looked up at her as she lowered her head. "I want to kiss you.." He blurted out, and covered his mouth quickly. He turned red Oh you moron. Great going, now you are a weirdo slash psycho slash moron slash every other name in the book that describes an idiot! his mind scolded him. He cleared his throat and walked passed her, maybe she didn't pay attention. He rubbed the back of his neck and walked towards the door, grabbing the handle and opening the door. He looked back at her.

"You know.. Sometimes it feels better when someone is around to help you cope..." He didn't know why he had said that, but he knew he needed something real in his life. All the killing and dead bodies were so much seeming like a dream that he needed something real, something good, something tangable, something he could hold and not be worried about it seeming unreal like the rest of the catastrophe in the world. Kissing her would be the realest thing he would of had in a long time. Knowing he hadn't lost his humanity and himself in a world so messed up, was the only thing he had left. He looked into her eyes for a moment and looked away.

"I'm sorry, I didnt.... I wasn't thinking.." he shook his head a bit and walked out of the room. He stood in the hallway for a second and touched his head running his fingers through his hair. Sometimes you need to learn to shut the fu*k up, Zane. Seriously. He sighed.

"I know.." he said softly responding to himself.
Matthew watched as they all began to pass by him, saying things and going to their own little rooms. OK? Whatever. He decided to walk back into his room and take a nap. He was shaking a lot, and he had dropped his kitchen knife in the hallway. Picking it up, he opened the door and walked inside. SLAM! He closed it and jumped on the bed. He was thinking about what he should do with these people and then he heard talking. The thin walls helped him hear. He put his ear to the wall and listened. Two people talking... a man and a woman probably. What they were talking about was unknown. He decided not to snoop around in other peoples business. He lied back down on the bed and slept. With one eye open, of course.
Air limped to the inn mumbling to herself, its not like anyone could hear her. "Stupid people, making me stay in their stupid group, not helping me to the stupid inn," she said softly under her breath. Even though it was soft that didn't subtract from the hate in her voice. When she got in the inn she wondered ware they all went. Don't you love it when the people holding you hostage leave you to guess what rooms and floor their on and if you guess wrong you have a chance of running into a mob of zombies and you have to run away with one leg? Aww me too, she thought. She obviously could make it without them, they haven't helped her much and she could get away from them easily. They just expect me to fallow along, yeah, like I'm gonna stay with them, she thought. She tried to limp up the stairs and gave up. She sat down on the stair, saving herself from more pain. She had enough sleep but if a zombie found her she'd be screwed. "Thanks for this dandy of a gift ya little basterds," she whispered She couldn't fall asleep but even if she was awake how would she save herself from an attack?
Matthew woke up. He had been asleep for about thirty minutes. He walked on over to his door and listened. Nobody their. Huh. Matthew opened the door and looked around. He grabbed the kitchen knife and put his head on each of the doors. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Something. Talking. Nothing. He stepped away from the last door and started to open up the door to the stairs. That was a very nice SUV. Then he saw the girl down there, pouting and mumbling to herself. Matthew closed the door. "Shit." Well you not leaving right yet. She might see you, and then you'd have to tell her a lie. Than stab her in the face and run. He looked at the kitchen knife and at rust, covering it. Walk back inside. Back inside.

So he did. He picked up his iPod from charging, and started watch a movie. He looked on his video list. Put in his headphones. 28 Days Later was playing. Not exactly the best choice of a movie during the Apocalypse but it was all he had.
Giselle felt her face heat up when she heard Zane. he wants to kiss me. She was stunned by the confession, even speechless. She licked her lips, ready for whatever. It's been so long since she has been with a man, even just kissing. When she was in school she was to busy to have a boyfriend but she was talking to a guy that she liked but nothing ever really happened between them.

Before she could throw herself at Zane, he cleared his throat and walked passed her heading to the door. What the hell? Didn't he just want to kiss her, now he's walking away and leaving? Before he walked out her turned, looking back at her.. "You know sometimes it feels better when someone is around to help you cope" He said and Giselle just stood there, jaw slack..

He the apologized and walked out, Giselle stood there, staring at the door. She shook her head and pressed the palms of her hand to her eyes, letting out a heavy frustrating sigh. She swung her hands down from her face and let out another sigh. What the hell just happened she thought and sat on the bed. What was that really all about? "YOu know sometimes it feels better when someone is around to help you cope" She thought back to what he said. Does he want her to be there and help him? Because she would. But why did he leave like that? Giselle let out frustrated groan, rolling her eyes. After thinking about the situation between her and Zane she decided to just get over it. She let out breath that was suppose to calm her. "Okay no more thinking of this Zell, if he wants to act all complicated like some 14 year old girl, let him" She said in sure tone.. "Lets just focus on killing zombie and staying alive."

Giselle walked to the door, and pulled it open. She still had work to do. The Motel still needed to be raided and cleaned of Zombies before she could rest. When she walked out into the hall she frowned. Everything seemed to be clear. She walked to each room that wasn't marked with dark blood and knocked seeing who was in each room. When she was done she headed to the car and grabbed the duffle bag she left in the front seat then headed to her room, making sure not to make eye contact with Zane, but at the same time keep her poker face on.

When she got to her room she shut the door behind her and placed the duffle on the small round table in the room, then headed to the bed taking off her jacket and sweater tossing them on the bed. She then began to take off her holster on her thigh setting it on the night stand beside the bed. She let out a sigh as she sat down, realizing it was a bed, and it had been forever since she had been on bed, she smiled.

Reyna exited her room, passing Gizelle as the other woman was going up the stairs with her bag. Everyone was settling in. The inn was a decent pick and provided them with the basic security needs for a fair price. Reyna took the car out for a little spin, they needed to know what kind of resources were in the area. She didn't take anyone else, since there was no need for back up, she wouldn't be getting out. Quietly she pulled down the streets of the city and grew aware of the droplets spattering her wind shield before the pattering started on the roof.

The warm air from the earth was mixing with the cool air from the rain and soon the ground was covered in a light layer of mist as the fine sheets of rain hit the ground. Reyna didn't like not having her visibility, she turned back to the Inn, taking a long-cut back around the city and into the Inn's parking lot on the other side, so that she didn't attract attention.

On her excursion she discovered some convenience stores that might not've been completely raided, no gun store, but a sporting goods store where they might not be able to find weapons, but would be able to find some good camping gear that would be beneficial to their cause. And with all this rain, it would benefit them a lot if they had some rain-proof gear.

The next few days were the same, the ever-overcast sky constantly bringing them rain upon wave of rain, seemingly getting harder and harder. Only giving them breaks in twenty minute-or-so increments. After spending a cold, soaked to the bone night shift, huddled on the roof clutching a silenced M-16 on patrol. And having those people come back with mild colds--one of those being herself. Reyna took herself and another person into town and brought back thick water-proof jackets in which they could use while patrolling at night since the rain didn't seem to want to let up.

Between patrolling on the roof in shifts, Reyna managed her time; spending it with Air, helping her ankle recover as quickly as possible; she'd spend only a few hours a day sleeping, usually falling asleep twice a day, only to wake up three hours; if it wasn't one of those she would be talking with the other members about their plans; and if nothing else, she was in her room pouring over the books she had brought to study from as well as the Journal her professor had left her. That journal was her most valued possession. She kept her photographs in there as well as occasional letters from family members from the past before the apocalypse even started, all tucked here and there between pages of importance. Reyna let the Journal out of her possession, always wrapped in a careful layer of plastic and cloth to protect it from damage, keeping in the waistband of her pants, pressed against her back. To her it was invaluable, she couldn't risk losing it, even the thought sent her into a mild panic.

It was one night sitting in the dark rain, watching and listening for any oncoming threat, the rain pounding on her back. An errant thought occurred to her. Their situation. It reminded her of Noah's Arch. All this rain flooding the ground to the point of over saturation. All previous civilization destroyed. Having to start over from virtually scratch. And once it was all done, they were left with the dubious task of rebuilding the world all over again...

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