Zombie Apocalypse

Anger flared through Air, "Seriously? The trunk?" she said quietly with anger in her speech. Play nice, don't get them suspicious. she thought. She wanted to kick something. She wanted to be in a diferent situation. "Lets get going before we get eaten!" she yelled from the trunk. She didn't want to die with these idiots, that would be below sad. She felt like she could get out of this. The question was how.
Giselle was still looking around, to see where the loud sound came from. She ducked her head looking up at the sky, maybe someone had a flare gun and shot it off, trying to call for help or other survivors. When she didn't see anything but the dark night sky around them, she sighed and leaned back in her seat. "What the hell was that noise." She said to no one in particular. Giselle reached into her bag and pulled out her water bottle, which was nearly empty. She unscrewed the top and took a much needed gulp. While she drank her water, she felt the car jerk and heard a loud thud on the roof of the car. Her water spilled over her top lip and down the sides her mouth, a string of curses left her mouth as she screwed the cap back on looking up and seeing two sharp sliver blades going threw the roof the car. "Who the fu*ck is that!?" She yelled and pulled her pistol out of her thigh holster and pointed it up at the roof, but before she could shoot the blades were gone. She heard the loud noises as the man or woman was getting their their balance and honk from Vincent. She mentally cursed Vincent, for honking his loud horn. She wanted to poke her head outside and see who the crazy fu*k was but she didn't want to risk getting her head sliced off by one of those blades. Instead she rolled her window down, whispering for it to roll down faster. When is was low enough she quickly stuck her hand out and used her pointer finger to push the top of the side view mirror up, hoping she could see the person. She quickly brought her hand in and pushed the button to roll the window up. She got a glimpse of a hand and arm, which wasn't tiny or slender like a woman's, so she assumed it was a man. But she couldn't see any of the important stuff, like if the man was armed with guns, she knew he had blades, but that was it, and also enough to label him dangerous AND crazy.
Reyna was driving, accelerating as they forged on out of the city into safety and open roads. "Nice shot," she had commented when the billow of fire and smoke exploded into the sky, the aftershock rattling the vehicle as they barreled on. Reyna's ears rang faintly, but she pushed on. A moment later there was a heavy thud on the roof of the car followed by the screaming protest of metal against metal and two blades penetrating into the cabin. Reyna reacted on her first instinct and slammed on the breaks causing whatever was on the roof to roll down the hood onto the pavement. They were a good distance away from the swarm, she could see shadows moving in the very corners of her eyes, but it was of no threat to her. She flipped on the headlights onto the figure in front of the vehicle.

She rolled down the power window to the drivers side and glared out at the man, fire in her eyes. "Lieutenant Colonel Mercer," she addressed herself, "You are trespassing on my territory and you have damaged my property. Identify yourself and explain your business here." Reyna knew the man would be fine, if he was willing to jump onto a moving car from a height above, he wasn't about to be injured being thrown off a car. Right now she was in a deadly mood, and was less then two seconds away from running over the stupid bastard.
Jakal lost his balance as the car jerked.

A bit of a delayed response, but that didn't change the fact the he was sent off the roof, and back onto the street. The falling instincts that had been burned into his head kicked in and he rolled out of the fall, coming to a stop. His hood's cape-thing, he never knew what to call it, settled around him dramatically. This was unintentional, as he focused more on efficiency than show, this just happened to have both. He stood up, looking in both directions feverishly. That car's beeping would attract zombies.

That idiot! He would get them all killed! He had seen zombies take out armored cars because a horde gathered on one side and managed to flip it. A few cars would have the same fate. It's like these people wanted to be infected. All he knew is that SOMEONE was going to be a dead man if he or she decided to screw up again, as he wouldn't allow someone to endanger his life. It was one of the American rights, ironic, that he, the criminal the made the top ten list would think about his rights. He shook his head, he had some business to take care of.

"Turn the headlights off before you attract even more zombies than your idiot friend behind you." He snarled, gesturing to the honking buffoon behind her, which was Vincent, not he he knew.

"Who I am is none of your concern. Your property is about as good off as any other vehicle around here, if I gave a shit about 'trespassing' then maybe I wouldn't be what I am today." He walked over to Reyna's side of the car and bent down slightly to her level, giving her a slight view of his face. He unsheathed his blades and placed them next to the tire of her car.

"I'm only here because I noticed that you have guns. One of the few things I dont have any of. I dont plan to stick around long, but I dont know this town, and I need to get a gun. So I decided to stick with you until we visit one. You dont get a choice. Because if you leave me, I'll tear your wheels to hell." He said with an eerie calmness, before falling silent once again, having no plans on speaking for a while. He didn't need to say anymore.
As the car jerked Air was flung into the side of the trunk, hitting her bad leg with a large force. "Son of a *****!" she yelled. She grabbed onto her bad leg that felt like it was on fire. She yelled in pain. She kicked open the trunk with her bad leg purposely. She bit a cut in her tongue trying to hold in the pain as a tear dripped down her cheek. Its better than loosing both legs, she thought. She got out of the trunk limping, with every step came a surge of pain. She walked to the driver's window. She noticed a new character but that was the least of her worries. "Which dumb f**k is driving this piece of sh**?" she said with anger. She looked at Reyna, "I hate you so f**king much right now," Air said trying to keep herself from yelling. She saw the new guy with a knife to the tire. "What the hell do you think your doing?" she asked him before kicking the loose road with her good leg then moving some of the broken off pieces of tar out of the groove she kicked them from. She then kicked a smaller piece of tar into the new man's face, then kicking a larger one into the knife he droped because of the first one, causing the knife to skid away. "Please don't do that, I would like to get out of this with minimal injuries let alone bites."
Jakal retracted his blade and wiped the gravel from he face. He forgot about the car, he didn't care anymore, he stood to his full height and walked to the girl. He hood falling back down and concealing his face from view. He grabbed her around the neck and pushed her into the side of the car, his hand still on her neck. He noticed how light the girl was. She looked young, definitely younger than him.

"I have a blade on my wrist. All I have to do is let it slide out."

Feeling that he had made his point, he backed off the girl, and let her go, before heading back to the driver's door.
Giselle placed her hands on the dash board as Reyna slammed her foot on the brakes, making her jerk forward. She was the man fly off the roof and rolled down onto the hood and onto the floor. Giselle quickly unbuckled her seat belt then he looked back when she heard a banging in the back and saw that Air was Kicking the truck door open. She cursed under her breath and quickly got out. But as soon as she got out the lunatic was at Reyna's window, he threaten to slash their tires if we didnt allow him to join them.

Giselle bit her lip hard and grabbed her MK-14 that was leaned up against her seat. She held it up and walked around the back of the car. She heard Air yelling and cursing at the man. When she came around she saw the man grab Air by the neck like she weighed nothing and pushed her against the side of the SUV, Giselle never lowered her gun, holding it up at the man.

When he walked back over to the window Giselle straightened her shoulders. "Hey asshole, how about we just give you a gun and you leave us the hell alone?" She said to him.
Now he was cornered. If he wanted a gun that badly, he could've kept the pistol and shotgun that the man and women had, but he had stupidly thrown them away. He decided to come clean. He wasn't perfect. He was glad it was with words rather that in a fight. He had lied to himself on accident. He said he wanted a gun, but thinking about it, allowed himself to want safety in numbers. A bad move. Now he would have to watch his, and other backs.

"Lower the gun before you hurt yourself. I am a sniper. I can use pistols and shotguns, but I fight from the shadows. You take me with you, I give you my assistance and ammo." He said, slowly reach into his backpack and pulling it off, before unzipping it and tossing it to the ground.

"There's about twenty rounds of shotgun shells in there. Take it or leave it."
Reyna slid her hand to her waist and slipped her MEU from the holster, covered by the darkness in the car, and in a second she had unbuckled and shifted in her seat so that she was pointing the gun at him along with Giselle. And if she knew anything about Zane, he was in the back seat with his gun situated between the crack in the tinted windows and trained on this idiot's forehead. She would put down money Bennet was up to something similarly in the truck behind them. Reyna definitely appreciated that in them.

As far as the man standing outside of their vehicle, Reyna didn't trust him as far as she could throw him, and in reality she might be able to pick him up but other than dropping him off the side of a building there wasn't much throwing she could do. Already he had damaged her vehicle, threatened to strand them, and had physically abused one of their own. Sure she didn't particularly like the loud-mouth girl much at this point, but no one had the right to lay a hand on any of them. She didn't care if there was an apocalypse or not. Besides this guy had surpassed Air's first little performance, at least there were some allowances to made for the mind-set of a traumatized adolescent. There were no excuses for the man. She knew Zane might be a bit off his rocker, but he wasn't like this, irrationally violent and openly disrespectful. If Reyna had a sixth sense it was telling her this guy was not good news.

As for the lights, she disregarded that comment, she was fully aware what she was doing. She also wasn't about to turn them off and leave her people at a disadvantage in the dark. Reyna wasn't sure what kind of training he'd had, but she was very sure it would be quite easy for him to overpower the two of them.

Reyna clenched her jaw. "You are in no position to make demands. The only one who will be hurt here is you, we over power you at
least four guns to none. You make one move and we shoot, no questions asked. I can promise you that. You're not exactly doing such a great job convincing me to let you come with us." Her mind turned that over in her head, thinking about just exactly what he said. As it happened, they did have an instance in which they could use his "assistance". "In ways in which you could prove your usefulness to my team, I can only think of one, and that will be my only offer, if you accept my offer it will be under my terms. Violate those terms and I will do the honors of ending your life myself. It would be doing something in which I assume you enjoy. It would be a risky and dangerous endeavor in which you would have to put your own life on the line for a greater cause--something which I also assume you would never consider anyway. In exchange, saying if you join our team, a group provides refuge and combined manpower along with ammo and rations. Don't like it? Drive your own ass out of here, since you seem to think that a vehicle is as good as "any other vehicle around here"." Reyna cocked her gun, "Or you could walk away. No skin off my nose." The point still trained on his forehead. "Your choice..."

Jakal's face remained emotionless. His mouth retaining a perfect '_' shape. however, under his hood, his eyes watched the girl like she was a piece of meat and he was a hungry crocodile. She had guts, and he didn't want to rip them out.

"I don't want your rations, nor do I want your shelter. I will take care of that myself. As for the ammo that I wont require, you can have. I will help you in whatever way I can. Of course I wouldn't think of putting my life on the line for your 'cause'. In all honesty, I could get used to this world. I can kill, and kill, and kill, and I wont be arrested. I know better than to toy with a person who has a gun. I've taken a few bullets before. The difference is, I wont get shot this time, and chances are that I'll be gone by then anyway." His throat was starting to hurt. He hadn't talked this much in a long time.

"I know a few things that could potentially help your team. I will show them when the time comes."

He knew that this wouldn't get him far, so he internally winced. Perhaps what he was about to do would earn him some points from this team. He would scavenge more later. He took his backpack and tossed it to the ground. Motioning for Mercer to take it.

"You can have everything in there. If that doesn't prove to you anything, I don't know what will, Mercer."
Reyna remained in the car. She still didn't trust him, but she could appreciate what he was saying and his contribution. She knew he would never lay down his life for anything, she just needed someone to help keep the Walkers back when they went to take on Atlanta, and god knows how many survivors there might be there. They would need all the support they could get and if nothing else, he was just one more body the Walkers could feast on before her. In a more civilized time, that might have been a horrible thing to think, but now a days it boiled down to her immediate friends and herself, she would not hesitate to push this murder seeking bastard in front of her, if that meant it would save her team's lives. Reyna didn't feel guilty thinking that. She would keep a close eye on this one. She was sure he was thinking the same thing, ways he could screw them over. But for now, he could be a valuable asset.

"Alright then." she said, choosing to to ignore his first comments, if he wanted no part in their supplies so be it, she wasn't about to argue. "The conditions are simple. You so much as lay a hand on any one of my team and your gone." Reyna didn't elaborate any further on that particular point. "You hurt or injure any one on the team, with or without intension, and the result of said violation will be a bullet traveling through your skull at --miles per hour. I will tell you now, listen very closely. All the training in the world won't help you. I don't miss." Her pale green eyes were fierce and sharp in the severe glow of the dash board. She meant every word she said. "Do we have a deal?"
Air was about to scream in pain. I hate you all, I hate you all, I hate you all, she thought. It was as close as she could get to a rage fit. She wanted to flail around and light herself on fire. It wouldn't be as painful as her more than likely far beyond broken leg. She bit her tongue so hard it probably had a hole in it. It did't help that the new assface threw her around like a rag doll. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to kill everyone here. She would normally leave that to the undead but it felt like this group of genuine assholes and mentally challenged deserved to be killed by hand.
"I am fine with these conditions." He said, but then bent down into a Spider-Man like position, with his head a shoulders just above the window.

"But here are my terms and conditions. If one of you messes with me, I'll make your death look like a f**king accident, steal your supplies, get away and set off the closest car alarm to attract every infected in the area. I guarantee it. Then, if you somehow manage to survive it, I will hunt you all down and kill you one at a time."

The threat was ominously threatening. His mouth contorting into a snarl, the kind only a killer could give. The kind that said 'let's-see-how-much-suffering-I-can-inflict-before-you-die'.

"I'll bring the bag in the car and you can keep it. But I need some shotgun shells if that's possible. I need them as a catalyst for pipe bombs."

He looked over at Air, almost feeling sorry for her at the fact that she's injured, he in the trunk.

"You," he said, grabbing Air's arm.

"Take the inside if the car. I'll improvise." He flashed a maniacal smile and opened the back door for her and then hopped to the roof of the car once again.

"Whenever you're ready, Lieutenant."

The word left a strange taste in his mouth. This woman, if she wasn't lying about her position, was in the military. So she would probably be discovered eventually. He had to get his weapon and move. That is, unless, others decide he should stay because of his hunting skill.

Either way, he didn't sense anything good between them.
Giselle listened to the two exchange words. Reyna blurting out promising threats, and the man agreeing but doing the same back and to be honest Giselle was fu*king heated when agreeded to letting this lunatic join them. Her mouth gaped open and a frowned edged on her her face. Was this women crazy? Yea he gave up his belongings but so what than man was just about to slash our tires if we didnt give up our weapons, and she was pretty sure it wouldnt have ended there.

Giselle's jaw was still slack as she watched the man pick up the bag and walk Air over to the car. She still held her gun up at him and it followed him wherever he moved. She followed him as she helped Air in the car, then he hopped onto of the roof of the car. He couldnt just squeeze Air in the middle? Or get comfy in the back where Air was? Giselle lowered her gun but kept her eye on the man as she walked to the passenger side and opened the door and got in. She immidately locked all of the doors the turned her head glaring at Reyna. "Are you fu*king high right now? You're really going to allow this lunatic to come along? We already have that physco little girl on our hands." She hissed out.
"Glad we see eye to eye, then," she growled, "You keep off of our toes, we will keep off of yours." She hated herself for letting him tag along, put on the plus side if he stuck around to Atlanta they would have a better chance. However the way he tossed out threats, he had one hell of an ego, as he seemed to assume they couldn't hold their own. This guy's god complex was making her stomach turn in disgust. Reyna glanced in the rear view mirror at the truck in their small convoy, wondering what Vincent thought of this little exchange. He certainly would have his opinion on the matter. And she would certainly hear it the next time they stopped.

Reyna rolled up her window as Air got into the back, and Giselle got in what was literally 'shotgun'. She was about to snap the SUV's locks down when Giselle beat her too it. There was another thing she had to explain. Sure enough, once the man climbed onto the roof once more, Giselle went off. Reyna slid her gun back into it's place on her belt and clipped her seat belt across her chest before taking the SUV out of park and easing forward, listening patiently to Giselle. She took a hand off of the wheel as their velocity increased, flipping off the headlights, then using her hand to rub her temple and forehead. "I sometimes wonder what I'm on too." she murmured in exhaustion, her words lost over the sound of the road. "If you're wondering what I'm thinking, I assure you I have a plan. If everything runs smoothly, he will be a valuable asset to us in Atlanta."
Giselle shook her head at Reyna's response and buckled on her seatbelt. "Well you better hope everything runs smoothly." She grumbled but didnt say anything else. She stared out the window. Giselle was quiet for awhile until a thought crossed her mind. "I see that you think this is "your" team and all, but next time we come across a survior i think we should all discuss it before any decisons are made becasue this is my life too and i dont want it to end because of your choices that i had no part in." she said in firm tone, keeping her eyes ahead of her, not that she was afraid to too look at the women but she just didnt want to, for that fact that she was upset with her for having that guy tag along.
He sat back and watched the whole thing. He looked at the new guy and in his mind shrugged it off. He didn't care who joined, he just knew he was a survivor and to survive you needed all the help you can get, and if you didn't have help; Well then f*ck it and everyone on their own. He pulled his gun to him, putting the security on it just in case. He looked at the leutenant and then at Giselle. His eyes lingered on her face a bit before moving to Air.

He knew she was hurt but she had more room in the back of the SUV to stretch her legs. He shrugged it off as well and sighed leaning his head back some. He was tired, and his whole body hurt. But at least he had taken a shower. He scratched his chest a bit and smirked and the thought of that warm shower he had taken.

"god i needed that.." he said outloud and then looked around a bit embarrassed. "I was.. thinking about that shower i took..Felt amazing" he laughed a bit, feeling the need to explain himself. He looked around trying to figure out where they were headed and what was going to happen next.
"I understand the risk." Reyna snapped. She was in a fowl mood, she was pulling on over 32 hours without sleep and he stress of having the guy with them was chewing at her doubtfulness. "My very intension is to keep this group alive. You don't seem to understand the amount of danger there is in a monumental city like Atlanta. The more of a population, the more dead, the more Walkers. Do you think I like being put in this position? The guy is a time bomb. I know that. But if it means that we last even just a little bit longer, anything will be of value to us." If only she had the resources she would do this the proper way. The military way, expensive and elaborate plans. But of course she didn't have that and she would have to do it the unreliable way. She gripped the steering wheels tighter and chewed the inside of her cheek. Reyna hated variables.
Giselle scoffed. "Oh I do understand, but people can be just, if not that then even more dangerous then the walkers out here." She snapped back and then brought her hand up to the bridge of her nose, and pinched it between her thumb and pointer finger, she let out a stressed sigh. She was tired, hungry and extremely stressed. She just wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. BEhind her closed eyelids a flash of her father smiling big at her showed. She gave her head a shake, not wanting to go there, now wasnt the time to be an emotional wreck and think about her father. She opened her eyes and cleared her throat and leaned her head against the seat. "Just discuss it with us next time, and we can all talk about the pros and cons of the stray." She said, her tone worn out, and for once not wanting to argue and not go back and forth. Giselle then heard Zane say soemthing about something feeling good. She her head moved to the side and she turned her head slightly to see what he was talking about. He looked a little embarassed as he explained. She smiled at him and let out her own little laugh.. "Lucky, you got enjoy a full shower. I didnt even get to conditon my hair." She said and turned her head back around looking up at the roof.
When Air got in the car she realized how long she'd been without sleep. 504 hours. Take that World Record Book. And all science books in the world. Its amazing how long a body can stay awake when its consumed by fear and the will to survive. She closed the door and leaned into it, closing her eyes and trying to fall asleep. Its not necessarily the easiest thing in the world to sleep in the Zombie Apocalypse, you don't see any DayZ characters sleeping. That's no coincidence, the real zombie apocalypse is just like it. Minus how easy it is to kill a zombie. With that thought Air dozed to sleep.
Reyna took the interstate, it was fairly clear, most cars lined the sides of the roads. In general she would get off at exits before cities and take the highway before getting back onto the interstate again, to avoid getting blocked off by other cars laying in the road abandoned and also the Walker owners. Once and a while she would get back on and find a couple of stupid had blocked the highway and she would have to backtrack, get off and then get back on. She watched the western horizon to her left turn from gray to pale yellow and pink. Reyna glanced down at the dashboard and realized she had been driving for two hours. Her mind had been so full of thought and so concentrated on driving that she'd lost her sense of time. Something she normally never did, an internal clock always seemed to be ticking in her head, counting subconsciously for her.

She let out a deep sigh and glanced to the back seat, Air was asleep her chest rising and falling with ease. She couldn't tell if the others were awake or asleep. Idly she wondered about the guy on the roof, traveling at 80-90 miles per hour most of the trip in the cold early hours of the morning, it had to be freezing. Reyna really couldn't give a shit less, she almost took satisfaction the asshole was freezing his ass off up there.

They had been traveling for a while and traveled a decent amount of distance. All of them needed to eat and sleep. They needed to stop. For the next thirty miles she scanned for city signs, someplace big enough that they would have several places of shelter, several gas stations, and several connivence stores to choose from. After passing a few smaller run down towns she pulled off an exit into a promising looking goldilock city. Not too big and not too small. Once in city limits she slowed down to look for a place for them to rest.
Ah hah, she though smugly. Reyna pulled into a parking lot for an Inn. A two story building, it was situated on a hill, overlooking the town, and close to the interstate. Perfect for them. They would be able to hold it down easily.

As she pulled in, she spotted a few Walkers stumbling around. But that was to be expected. They could take care of that easily. "We're here guys." Reyna said with a sigh. They would have beds to sleep in, and doors to lock, and windows to keep watch. Walkers were stupid creatures, they would be able to barricade them with simple objects placed down the hallways or the stairs, and it would keep them away. It at least seemed like a good idea.
"..." Jakal growled in frustration. His hood had fallen off once again during the trip. It was built to stay on while running, but not while moving at high speeds. He opted just to leave it down until they came to a stop. He guessed that this 'Mercer' was doing this just to make him mad. Who did she think she was, "Mercer" from the "Prototype" games? He had seen a few survivors be grabbed by loose articles of clothing, and he planned on cutting the cape of the hood that he had on as soon as he could. He wondered why he even had it still. He was beginning to hate the article of clothing anyway. It had been grabbed numerous times by the undead. He would've been dead if he was any normal survivor.

By the time the car came to a stop, he couldn't feel most of his upper body. He hesitantly moved, only to cramp up after remaining in the same postion for so long. They had pulled up in front of an Inn. It was around two stories tall, and a few walkers littered the area. He flexed his arms and slid down the side of the car. His long black hair was visible for a few moments before the hood was popped back up to it's usual resting place on his head. He took a few steps back, and twisted at the waist, allowing several sounding cracks to sound out, stretched his arms, and cracked his neck. His body ached from the ride, but he didn't doubt that they most likely enjoyed the fact that he was suffering.

However, he did not complain. Making a complaint about it would not fix the problem. So he remained silent. He thought about getting back at them this way.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.

Although he did not particularly agree with this statement, he could experiment it on this group. Beat them with silence, they cant come back from it.
Giselle, was up the whole ride, keeping an eye out. They spotting some walkers blocking the road a couple times, but Reyna figured out ways to get by without attracting any attention to them. After 2 hours passed, the smooth ride was starting to make her sleepy. Giselle thanked God when Reyna pulled to a stop in front of an Inn and smiled, she had to agree, this was a good spot. She could see a few walkers roaming around, but that was nothing for them. She looked behind her and saw Air sleeping, then focused on the back window and saw that Vincent was still behind them. That was good. She then looked at Reyna, "We shouldn't use our guns to take these ones out, It will just draw more of them to us." She said, her voice soft from being being tired.
Following after the rest of the...crew, Vincent wondered how many of these survivors they'd encounter. Honestly, the only reason he agreed to work within the bunch was because of Mercer. He somehow felt obligated to help out anyway. Leaving someone to rot wasn't exactly in Vincent's mindset, nor would he act on what he considers. Now they had another addition to deal with and with the way he introduced himself to the pack, he was going to be much to handle. Maniac, would say Bennett.

Reyna seemed to have considered the others' needs when she had pulled up to the parking lot of an inn. Vincent knew Mercer enough to say that she was never the kind of person to complain about sleep even if she was near death over lack of it. Back in duty, not once had he heard a single complaint leave her mouth unless it was that of a mistake made by one of our officers in charge. Of course, he still had to consider the needs of Giselle, Zane, Air and the newcomer. Vincent wasn't really in the position to be complaining either, it wasn't terribly needed but it would be nice to think up defensive tactics on a "tabula rasa".

Pulling into the parking lot after Reyna, Vincent let out a yawn, completely oblivious to how tired he actually was. Looking towards the farther ends of the area, he spotted some Walkers stumbling about. First thinking they should attack, he reconsidered the fact of others being nearby. The noise would attract more and that's nothing the group needed anymore of. Relaxing once again, he decided to wait for the others to emerge from the SUV before he left his truck.
Reyna glanced at Giselle as she suggested they keep things quiet. She nodded in return and reached into the back seat to pick up her sword then popped the latch to the door and swung it open. She walked out into the middle of the parking lot, thinking. There were a few Walkers hanging around the west wing, she would give them ten minutes to realize there was 'food' and make their was over to their location. Hardly a threat, but they had higher priorities. "Should take a team of two to four to scout around the building," she mused, glancing in the direction of the Walkers. W

alking towards the office, scoping out the areas of the building she could see as she approached. Reyna attached the scabbard to her waist and drew her sword. "I could use some back up," she called over her shoulder to no one in particular. Reyna was confident in her abilities, but when she didn't know what lay on the other side of a door, it was smart to take precautions.

She reached the office, waiting and listening outside first. The front window was broken, an old neon sign hanging limply from one chain, the tail of a tacky curtain looking dingy and worn. Reyna could hear moaning from inside. At least four. She breathed out a breath of composure before landing a heavy blow with the heal of her combat boot to door just above the doorknob. With a bang is swung open. Reyna took a few steps back and waited with her sword leveled. Slowly the Walkers filed through the doorway. Reyna raised her sword and began hacking, dropping Walker after Walker with each effecient slash.

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