Zombie Apocalypse

Giselle turned around as he walked past her and sat down on the head of the couch. She heard him talk about his cologne and her gaze went to his shirt as he smelled it, she never smelt Armani cologne before, and couldn't help but wonder if it smelt good. He let out a laugh and slid on his shirt, she watched, not caring if anyone saw her ogling him. She could die tomorrow might as well live to the fullest.. wait, no she wouldn't. She wouldn't allow that. She watched as his stomach muscles stretched as he raised his arm and slid his arms in. Her tongue swiped at her bottom lip,lightly wetting it. It's been awhile since she's been around a man, let alone a good looking one. Now she was around two good looking men, but Vincent was a as*hole. "She isn't a kid, she's a teenager, a dumb one at that. I will be damned if i start to pity her. Until she proves that we can trust her, im going to keep an eye on her and be on her a*s like white on rice." She explained herself as Zane moved his arms up and down. I guess he was trying to stretch out his shirt. When he turned his gaze up to her she made sure she wasn't staring at him and looked to the left of her, gazing at random things in the room. When he asked her to tell him about herself she shrugged and walked over to the couch and sat on the other side of it so she can sit down. She took off her black leather jacket and and put it over the couch,leaving her in her dark denim shorts, red zip up hoodie that was dirty in certain spots and had some dark blood stains. She unzipped her sweater which exposed her black v neck shirt. She turned her body so that she was facing Zane, with one leg folded under the other one. "There's really nothing to know, just that i like to pistol whip dumb people." She winked, and looked down at the gun he placed on the couch that was in front of her. "What about you? " She asked remembering what her told her about the picture he was looking at.
He smiled as she took off her jacket admiring her slithe body, knowing she would notice him checking her out. But what the hell, it was an apocalypse not like the women outside where alive to admire in the first place. He jumped over the couch and sat down next to her, a smile on his face. "I don't think you are ready to know about me, " he became serious, playing with a small string hanging out of his jeans with his fingertips.

"I can tell you that i was in the special secret service for the US government.. and i was disbarred and stripped of all my badges and rank..." he sighed, laying back on the couch close enough to her, for his smell to catch her nose. the Armani he had been talking about. "The reason WHY i was kicked out i don't think you are ready to hear about.." he said softly looking at her, his eyes meeting her own.

"I served for a while.. with my brother.. he was shot and killed in iraq on a mission.." he cleared his throat, looking away again and at his hands remmebering how he had snapped and killed all of those innocent people. He sat up again and bent over a bit, his elbows on his knees. "I found my family slaughtered when i returned home after the infection.." he finalized his story. "And that's i guess all i have to say.. I don;t think you can handle the rest.. at least not yet.." he sighed.
Vincent's eyes began to burn, their earlier pink tint turning darker as the night went on. He was sure he wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon so he wasn't going to force slumber onto himself. He just hoped he wouldn't fall asleep during his drive tomorrow. The team was going to keep moving whether they liked it or not because in his eyes, it was the only way at the moment. After a long minute of zoning out and thinking hard on a thought...and subconsciously listening to the conversation in the next room between Zane and Giselle, Vincent got up from his seat and decided to carry out on what he planned earlier. What better time since the others were already settling in and all he wanted to know was how she'd react to heading over to Virginia (That's where you guys changed it to, right?). He set his shotgun down against the corner of the wall and headed over to where he spotted Reyna earlier.

"Mercer...we have plans to discuss." He blurted, nodding over to another room.

"...if you're not in the middle of something." Vincent added, looking around
Giselle felt his eyes on her while she removed her jacket and unzipped her sweater, before the Apocalypse she would have blushed, but now she just embraced it. When he told her she wasn't ready to know about him, she cocked her head to the side and glared at him, before she could snap at him he continued, and mentioned about him being stripped of his badges. She frowned at that. He leaned back and she could now smell a faint scent of cologne, which distracted her for a second since it has been awhile since she smelled anything good "WHY i was kicked out i don't think you are ready to hear about.." was what she heard when she came out of her quick daze.Their eye's met and she glared at him, ​You don't think im ready? She thought. Zane continued and she honestly began feel bad for what he had to go threw and what he discovered, but she couldn't help but feel irked with him since he thought she couldn't handle the rest of his history.She began to glare at him again, her eyebrows drawn down.

"You don't know what im ready and NOT ready for." She snapped, "But i am sorry for your loss" She said in a more relaxed tone but her glare still in place.
He noticed her glare and sighed, standing up towering over her a bit. "I went to prison.." he said putting his hands in his pockets. "After my brother's death i snapped.. They put me in therapy but then sent me back out into a mission.." he continued, his eyebrows furrowing his heart beggining to beat hard against his chest. "I ended up killing innocent people..I was stripped of everything and sent to prison on 14 counts of manslaughter..Including the 3 man team i was with that night.. and 8 insurgents" he said bluntly.

He looked at her again, his eyes catching her stare and paused, waiting for something rude or nasty to come out of her mouth. Some type of resentment still laid inside of him. Something he would never forget and he had to bear for the rest of his life. He wasn't sure what would happen then or who had heard him, but he figured something would change. either the group would ignore him or treat him differently.

"I was a killer before this whole thing even began..." He touched his forehead, his eyes watering a bit as he closed them trying to surpress the anger that had been built up inside all of those years. No wonder you are losing it. ​His mind told him, as he looked up again grabbing his bag in one hand and his gun in another.
Reyna looked up at sound of Vincent's voice, not hearing his approach, he had the tendency to sneak up on people like that, years of practice and rigorous military training. She wondered idly how she came off to the others, though anyway she looked at it in the long run she didn't care what they thought about her, she did her own thing and as long as it kept her alive she would keep doing it. Reyna wasn't in the middle of anything, she had just come down the staircase to the third story after locking the new girl in one of her old spare bedrooms--taking her weapons from her, of course.

Taking in his comment she nodded in agreement, she needed to talk to him as well. "The contrary actually, I was just finishing "putting" the girl upstairs." She used the term lightly as she had forced her in with a plastic tie around her wrists. Reyna hadn't quite forgiven her for the whole gun-thing-slash-stealing-thing-slash-trespassing-thing. The girl needed some serious correcting.

Reyna led them into a room off the living room. Her boots sunk into the plush oriental rug sprawled across the floor. The walls were lined with book shelves with its contents ranging from dusty old volumes, worn leather hardbacks, to glossy new covers. There was a large desk toward the back of the room though the chair was missing from behind it. But it was a large square table that dominated the space, it was piled high with encyclopedias, latin dictionaries, military-grade research journals, and dozen upon dozen medical books, reference, college text books, you name it. The luxurious leather desk chair that was missing from the desk was seated at the table and around it was a more slightly open space, several books were open with pages tagged and marked all over in highlighter and pen as if someone had spent relentless hours pouring over each and every volume scouring for specific information.

When Vincent stepped in behind her, Reyna closed the door behind them. She went over to the desk and carefully pushed a stack of books away so she could sit/lean against it. She gestured for him to take the chair. "You look like hell," she explained in case he wanted to argue. When he did, Reyna said, "I need to talk to you too. But first, what are your plans?"
Giselle continued to glare at him even when he stood up and she had to crane her neck up to look at him. She kept her eyes locked on his. When he started to talk and explain to her what he thought she wasn't ready to hear, slowly her glare faded and she was just staring at him in curiosity and a little uneasiness after he confessed what he had done.. He killed 14 people.She thought. 14 innocent people and a 3 man team..what the f*ck. She knew something was up with him when she first saw him. He made a little uneasy at first. Now she knew why, he was killer. She stood up and moved to side a little so that she had some room. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion she was about to say something but then he grabbed his stuff. When he didnt walk away shed asked. "Did you want to go back out there on that mission?" She asked, her jaw clenched.
Vincent took in his surrounding, eyes traveling along the many books laid out in the room. He would expect something like this from Reyna. No matter where or who she was with, she would be the one found searching up information about anything and everything. Vincent supposed it was a good idea especially in times like these. He admired her need to get information, who knows what could happen? As he was invited into the room Reyna suggested he sit so he did. Leaning back against the chair, he cleared his throat, thinking over what he intended.

What if she wasn’t willing to come along with him? What if she decided to just take the group with her to some other route instead? He couldn’t even ponder at the thought; it sort of upset him. But because Reyna was known to be stubborn and thoughtful, it was to be expected. Vincent took in a breath before noticing an intercom laid out on a space between the books on the shelves.

“I think you’re well aware of the “safe house” programs set up on the Virginia borders. Before I stopped by here, my plan was for me to head on back to Tennessee in hopes of finding…” He paused, clearing his throat. “Never mind about that. But now that I…we have these people with us, wanting our help, I think it would be best to travel east. What say you?” He finished, really hoping she’d agree. “You know, I’d like it if you’d join me…I-I mean the group.”
He paused and swighed , stuffing the gun into his back and setting it back down. "It was a big mistake...and i will regret it for the rest of my life" he said to her, looking at her "I know i messed up, and i know it was wrong.. I shouldn't of gone back on that mission after my brother's death..." he touched his chest a bit, looking down.

"I will never be able to pay for what i did..I know this..." he put his hand on her shoulder and stared at her, "I'm not a killer... I'm just someone who made a huge mistake." he saw the uneasyness as he touched her so he let go and grabbed his bag stepping outside into the garage to cool down some. His heart was racing. He gritted his teeth and punched the wall, "Im such an idiot.." he said out loud just enough for him to hear.

I told you.his brain spoke again, making him a lot angrier his eyes watering remembering the blood on his hands that night. He sighed and stood there for a bit, not knowing what to do.
"I'm not a killer... I'm just someone who made a huge mistake." Giselle repeated, and scoffed when he was out of sight. She knew he probably went to the garage, where else would he go? To the bathroom. Giselle turned around and stomped her way to the garage. She heard a somewhat loud bang against the wall and stopped with a frown. Did he just hit the wall? she thought. She bit her bottom lip and stepped to the garage door and barged in she saw him standing there with an angry look on his face, that made her once again uneasy. She looked over her shoulder. It was just her and him down here. "You didn't answer my question." she blurted. "Did you want to go back out there on that mission?" Yea he said it was a mistake and regrets it. But she wanted to know if he WANTED to go dammit!

He heard her speak and his expression change hiding his face in the shadow of the room. "No.. i didn't. My therapist cleared me for mission and.. the government sent me..They said they needed me..That i was a soldier. To suck it up" he made a fist gritting his teeth, remembering the General speak those words coldly to him like it was okay for someone to just walk away from the death of a family member in front of their own eyes.

He sighed and turned around wiping his face. "I understand you are uneasy with me..I get it, I'm just like every asshole out there killing people!" he yelled a bit pointing to the garage door. "I have paid my dues and i have-" he stopped and breathed out sharply "I have to live with this for the rest of my life.." he looked up at her, his eyes sharp and glossed over from the previous tears. "But i am human.." he said softly and walked passed her back onto the house and upstairs to the room he was planning on taking, dropping his bag on the floor You have to leave in the morning, be on your way... it is for the best, you are just a killer now. he thought, sighing taking off his shirt, throwing it aside on the desk next to the bed and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling the sheets back and standing there for a second against the wall, running his hand through his hair, his head spinning. He knew he wasn't that man anymore. He had left him behind when he left prison. He looked at his knuckles. They where red, and bleeding. "shit.." he sighed.
Reyna watched him carefully, a look of fascination on her face as Vincent took in her study. Out of all the rooms in the house, this was probably the most 'hers' out of all of them. When she was little, her bedroom was the one place that was her own, decorated to her style it reflected herself. Now she had a house with multiple rooms. Her house was her own of course, decorated to appeal to her own taste. But here in the study, filled with stories and legends and information just waiting for someone to open their pages, she had spent so much time in here. Even since she was studying as a Private working her way through the ranks, following the quest for knowledge she had been in this room. Ever since the virus broke out followed by her sister's death, she felt herself personally responsible. Her professor's words still remained heavy in her mind, his death at her heart, and his research on her conscience.

She was left with a responsibility, a duty, to carry out. In these books strewn almost half-hazardously over the table she was looking for clues. Something to put her on the right track, to give her that jump-start. That was what she was looking for. Reyna had the answer, somehow, she needed to find the equation to get there. But after months of searching, she had almost nothing to show for it but a virtually primitive understanding.

But they were going to Tennessee, from there Georgia was a straight shot. There were research centers in Atlanta--huge one to say in the least--hospitals, labs, anything if she could just get her hands on and start tinkering she was sure to figure it out. Her mind registered Vincent's words, her mind still reeling about the prospect of going to Atlanta. His sudden stop make her snap out of thought again, she thought over his last words. She had heard them in the back of her mind, she just wasn't processing what he had said and now she did. Reyna took a moment to think over that a second and a random thought popped into her head, Had Vincent ever talked his family before? She was almost sure of it, though over two years ago, she couldn't be sure. The subtle change in his voice made her believe he was getting down to what he actually wanted to talk about. Then he asked her if she wanted to join him. She didn't process the second part about 'group', she was stuck on the last part.

"Yes," Reyna replied almost too quickly. Are you not thinking? she demanded to herself. And that was the problem, she wasn't. Her heart beat rose steadily in her chest. She made herself wait for moment before repeating, "Yes, I'll come. Tennessee is on the way to Georgia," Reyna started to calm down again, going off into her own language where she was the most comfortable. "If we can get to Atlanta I can carry out some 'halted' research that could...ultimately benefit all of us. It would be the stepping stone to something greater. If I could just get my hands on a lab...But it would be dangerous, going into a big city. I could really use your help too." I really need your help, Reyna thought.
Giselle listened to him as he yelled in anger defending himself. He was right, but at the same time she couldn't come to terms with it. He killed innocent people . When he walked out she stood there for a second. She hated that he yelled at her. It made her blood boil. So she stood there with her fist balled at her side, but she wouldn't dare stop him, she wasnt stupid. She was going to keep her distance. Yes he was very good looking, but he also did some major things in his past. Key word: past her conscious told her. She she looked down at the boots. It was his past, and he clearly regretted what he had done, and he severed his time for it. So why still make him feel like shit about it... She sighed and headed back into the house and to the living room. She sat on the couch where her jacket was and ran her hands threw her hair. Why the hell am i even getting worked up about this guy. She thought... She straighten out her right leg and undid the holster on her thigh and set it down on the floor next to her. She then unzipped her hoodie and pulled it off. She laid down on the couch bunching up her sweater and using it as a pillow. She looked up at the ceiling and her stomach growled. She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh in frustration.
He gritted his teeth and pushed off of the wall, walking out of the room on his way to the bathroom, he looked down the small steps and saw her lay on the couch, curling up. He frown a bit and walked back into his room grabbing a blanket and walking out again, down the stair, opening the blanket and draping it over her. Just as quickly as he had walked down the stairs he walked up and into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Why he even cared about her words or feelings was beyond him. he had learned to survive on his own for this long. When people had cast him out for having been in prison he did what he always did, walk away and survive on his own. Come morning he was going to leave, he didn't want to bother anyone or cause any problems.

He cupped water into his hand and washed his face, trying to get rid of the sweat, some water splashing on his chest. He closed the valve and walked out and back into his room, falling back on the bed, his arms stretched out like a snow angel. "Well... might as well get some rest.. or something..." he told himself looking up at the ceiling, the light casting a shadow of his bag.
Vincent’s head jolted back a bit at her sudden response. He certainly wasn’t expecting that but the fact that she was fine with travelling with them towards his destination made him kind of happy. Obviously, Vincent being the person he was, felt like he could only agree to help her out in return. He couldn’t just leave her on her own, especially with hindrance such as the Walkers found nearly everywhere. Because he knew Reyna so well, she barely had to explain to him why she needed to head to Atlanta.

He knew it was something of the sorts, she always was good with labs and experimentation; things of that sort. “Do I look like the kind of guy who’ll leave a comrade hanging?” He started before temporarily breaking off his serious look with a small, soft smile. “Course I’ll help you out.” He finished as he got up from the seat and gave a light nod. “Now that we’ve discussed our future plans for our trip…you said you wanted to talk about something else?” He raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms and leaned against the table as well, turning his gaze back to the door ahead of them. “Or was that it?”

Inside, he was hoping she had something else to say but another part of him was telling him to get his ass out of that room and keep eye on the others ‘til morning broke through. “You know, it’s really good to see you again, Reyna.” He added in a softer tone. What are you doing, you idiot?
Giselle watched Zane with narrowed eyes as he put the blanket on her. She was surprised when he just walked away. She sat up and looked at the stairs he went up. Men are so complicated She thought. Wasn't he just upset right now? She knew if she was mad at someone she would be putting a blanket on them..She sighed once again and rubbed her belly. She was hungry, but she wasn't sure about that powdered corn. She moved the blanket off and looked down at her hands, and then felt her hair. Shower, yes, i defiantly needed a shower. She thought and sat up. She grabbed her holster that had her gun and knife in it and and headed up stairs..She saw a door to the room she checked out earlier she suspected Zane was in there. She stood there for a second and knocked on the door and leaned her head towards it. "Thanks for the blanket." She said and headed to the bathroom closing the door behind her. She placed her holster on the sink and she got a glimpse of herself in the mirror and recoiled Oh my God i look like shit! She thought as she looked at herself. She had dirt smudged on her cheek and her collar bone and she looked so worn out, and worst of all she didn't look happy. She sighed and looked away and just began to undress. She then turned on the water and stuck her hands in feeling for the right temp. When she got it she stepped in she just stood there a blissful smile appearing on her lips.. She was going to take her time....
He laid back in bed, closing his eyes, but his mind wouldn't let him sleep. You are something else...You sit there and act like it's ok to be a killer. He sat up hitting the bed, his hand bouncing on the mattress "Shut up.." he hissed trying to get that stupid voice out of his head. Yeah, you are going crazy. It spoke again, he got off the bed and looked out of the window. He watched as the zombies walked around, aimlessly trying to find food. He suddenly saw a face looking up at him, with those empty eyes. "what.. the hell?" he said out loud noticing a huge hoard of them coming their way. That's when he heard a screatching of nails on the window.

suddenly he realised ... The lights where on. They where signaling every dead body for miles of their existance. "Shit!" he yelled quickly running out of the room, "LEUTENANT!" he yelled running to her, "There is a HUGE ass hoard coming this way! the light! they are attracting them!" he gritted his teeth and balled up a fist. There go your plans of leaving in the morning The voices spoke. He ran back to his room grabbing his things, putting on his shirt and jacket. he grabbed the M16 out of his bag and placed his shoulder holster holding his gun on him again, checking his bullets. He placed his machete on his back once mote and then the bag. he wasn't going to die this way. Not tonight.

He ran downstairs almost tripping over the stairs, he fumbled and hit the couch with his shoulder. "GISSELLE!" he yelled out trying to find her. He balled up his fists and looked around the room, grabbing another duffle bag from the corner and beggining to stuff as much food and water as he could into it, for everyone just in case they had to flee at a moments notice. He grabbed a glock off of the armory and placed it in his jeans on his back. "just in case someone needs it.." he said to himself. There was a screeching sound again, nails on the window. "f*ck"
Giselle was rinsing out her hair. Her eyes closed as she ran her hands threw her hair making sure all the shampoo was out of her hair. She heard a yell but couldn't make out what was being said over the water running and hitting the tub floor. She really wanted to condition her hair but she wanted to hear what was being said, what if someone was hurt or something. She opened her eyes and stepped out the shower, she didn't bother turning the water off, just in case it was some petty argument between the others she can just hop back in. She padded her wet feet across the cold tile and cracked the door open, poking her head out. She heard Zane yell her name and she frowned. "What?!" She called
He paused and heard her from the bathroom "hurry up, we have to move!" he yelled up to her. He was ready he had two bags one with supplies and water and food, nd the other with his things, he tightened his grip on the M16. He gritted his teeth, looking out of the window, the hoard getting closer. "shit we have to move NOW!" he yelled again, he didn't want to wait any longer.

He waited pacing back and forth in the living room wondering if it would be a good idea to shoot from the upstairs window out into the croud of zombies. but would that be wasting his bullets? He sighed not knowing what to do.
Reyna smiled, thinking about comrades reminded her of her time in the Marines apart of a company where they looked out after each other, and the feeling that they belonged to a larger purpose. Back then, things were simpler, she had people who she could rely on and trusted, and people who trusted and relied on her too, where she had a specific responsibility to uphold and her job was defined by her position and the respect her subordinates had for her. She hadn't been around Vincent long enough that he would have become her subordinate--though she couldn't see that happening, in terms of power of will, Reyna always thought of them as equals. She couldn't see him commanding over her, or her having authority over him. She supposed it was a good thing they parted ways before they started the competition, she could imagine it wouldn't have turned out pretty. But here they were, equals again, after going in their separate directions, they had made their way back together again.

As Vincent stood, she reacted automatically, rising off her corner of the desk herself. She took a step towards him. "It's really good to see you, Vince," she breathed. Reyna hadn't decided to call him that, that was usually the name she called him back when they were in P.T. together, it just kind of rolled off the tongue. She continued on, her own tone softened, "It's been so long...two years? You look different, you know." Her fingertips twitched ever so slightly, it was weird, again she had that same impulse to reach out and touch him, just to make sure he was actually real. As Reyna was lost in thought, her voice dropped down to almost a whisper, "I've--"

Missed you, She wanted to finish but the words were lost. Her sentence was cut short by a long piercing screech, like fingernails being dragged ruthlessly down a sheet of plate glass. A shiver ran down her spine as she winced against the sound. It took her a fraction of a moment to recover and her head immediately jerked towards the window. The squeal was followed by a thundering of steps and Zane's voice shouting to her. The Walkers had found them...and the window, she noticed, was open glass, the metal shutters she usually closed over them, not yet closed. With almost all of the lights blazing in the house, it flooded the empty night outside, acting as nothing better to than a beacon to the living dead that were swarmed outside her walls. Panic began to seize her heart, though she only mistook it for adrenaline. The moment between Vincent and her was gone and broken.
Air tried to calm down. She was tired of staying quiet though. "You ass faces, let me go!" she yelled bursting with anger. She looked at the restraints digging into her skin. She herd yells around the house to hurry. "No! F**k! Don't leave me here to die! I said YOU should kill me, not them! You little unhuman bastards!" she started paniking. The first group that has ever caught her in a con is going to get her eaten by zombies. "I'm not going to let a few damn zombies be the end to Ariyna Darkin!" she started pulling through the ristraints as they cut into her skin and finaly broke through. "How the hell am I suposed to get away with all these damned injuries?"
He remembered the tied up girl in the room and walked up the steps. He knew it would be inhumane to leave her there. He took out his pistol and walked in, seeing her on the floor her hands bleeding from breaking through the ties.

"Listen..and listen quick!" he gritted his teeth, "You want to ******* survive with out a scratch then don't try anything stupid.. your with us now weather you like it or not!" he pushed the tip of his gun to her head cocking the trigger at the top back, ready to fire. "you so much as even LOOK like you are about to leave us behind or betray us and i will not hesitate to put a bullet through your brain, you understand me?!" He pushed the tip into her forehead pushing her head back and bit and lowered his gun. "We can all survive together...don't be foolish.." He sighed and touched his head with the barrel.

"No one wants to hurt you.. we are just like you, but right now we all need to stick together...Don't try anything stupid.. Please" he said in a soft voice. Walking out of the room leaving the door open, taking one last look at her before walking out.
Air tried to get up, "Fine, but if you want the best of my help get me my gun and crowbar," she said, "And some sleep, some sleep would be realy nice," she said leaving the room and fallowing the boy that ever so nicley let her go. The cuts hurt and her foot was still too injured to walk on excessively but she had to escape the house before she could start asking for medical atention. She looked out a window and saw the horde of zombies. They were to close to waste a second of thought. She needed her weapons and she apparently needed to stay with these slowpokes now. Either way, escape is going to be hard.
Giselle heard Zane's panicked responses and thought of only one thing. Zombies. She cursed under her breath and d quickly. She shut the door, rushed to the shower and turned off the tuning water. She then looked around and her eyes lanes on her dirty clothes on the floor. Fu*k she thought. She was still dripping wet. She saw a towl handing on the door and quickly yanked it off. She didn't know who it belonged to but now wasn't the time to be anal. She quickly dried off her body and then hair. She grabbed her shorts and slid them on not liking that she was commando but whatever. She put on her black bra and her black tee shirt, slipped on her socks. She barley glanced at herself and saw her hair was shade darker from still being wet. Her eyes landed on her holster that held er knife and Five-Seven and put it back on her thigh. She swung the door open and walked past a room and saw Zane talking to Air . She didn't stop to see what he was saying and why he had the gun to her head she just rushed downstairs and jumped over the couch and laneded on her bottom. She grabbed her black combat boots and slipped her feet in and laced them up. She then grabbed her sweater and jacket putting them both on. She let out a a heavy sigh and looked up the stairs and saw Zane And Air coming down.

(sorry for the late response I'm out with three familia )
Reyna went into combat mode. There wasn't anything more important she had to think about than the survival of all the people in her house. She pushed the door to the study open and rushing onto the main plan of the second story. She glanced at the door to the garage, the garage door was closed, so they were safe from that side, and the front door was still locked from the last time she left the house. It was the windows they had to worry about, they were the most susceptible to infiltration. Though the glass could be broken she had reinforced the actual panes of the window. "Close the metal stutters!" Reyna commanded. She shut a few herself and when she saw the others pitching in to close the ones around the house, she ran to her armory closet. She slipped a belt of grenades across her shoulder and from the rack on the wall she grabbed an M-16 for each hand, then turned on her heal and marched out of the room, heading for the stairs. "Vincent," she as soon as she turned the corner and saw his profile, then not waiting for his reply, tossed him one of the automatic rifles in her hands. She knew he would turn and catch it no problem, he had quick reflexes--though, of course, the safety was on on the gun so it didn't accidentally fire. She jerked her head towards the stairs, implying that he follow.

She tossed the other M-16 onto the couch for ease of access if someone needed to use it. Reyna took to the stairs two at a time, on the third floor she stopped to plunge her hand into what looked like a large decorative bowl of glass stones. She pulled out a long military-grade bowie knife, she had these kinds of locations hidden all around the house. Hiding them wasn't for the Walkers that she prepared herself for in said cases that that they do get into her house, it was for her, guns laying out all around the house was just a constant reminder of how fragile her life really was. But at the moment she needed some kind of melee, since her sword was still hanging up downstairs. Reyna strapped it's sheath to her left thigh before advancing down the hall where she unbolted and opened a narrow door. On one side of the closet, there was shelving like a utility closet but it's shelves were empty and removed, the other was metal spiral staircase. Reyna climbed those too, her heavy boots making a hollow clunking sound on the metal.

Reyna stopped at the top step leaning her shoulder on the cold heavy metal door to the roof. She slid her MEU out of it's holster and made sure it was loaded.

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