Zombie Apocalypse

Giselle listened to the man talk, and gave a slight nod in agreement with him. When the guy from the distance finally was close enough she watched him as he asked to join the man on his drive to tennesee. She watched the two exchange words. When then guy in the truck told the man to hop in she frowned and looked back and forth between the men. Shit they were both leaving. She hated having to ask thi man to tag along. But this was a golden opportunity, and she would be a dumbass* to just stand here and watch the drive off. "I hope you don't mind if i tag along with you guys?" She asked the owner of the truck, with a small uncomfortable smile. She hated the position she was in.
With a smile, Joshua removed his shotgun from his back and threw it into the trunk of the truck, continuing then to swing around the back and hop into it. While he did so, he heard the girl exclaim her opinion of how she wanted to tag along. Briefly looking between the man and the woman, Joshua gave a shrug. "I don't mind if she comes along, but it ain't my call, now is it?" Joshua murmured to the man, giving him a general glance. "Another passenger means more zed death's, but it's also another mouth to feed. All else fails, she'll make good bait." Joshua laughed, hanging his feet over the back of the trunk now. "Also, I'm not sure that we've all been properly acquainted. My name is Joshua Squire, son of Darren Squire. And you two are...?" Joshua threw out there, trying to start polite conversation. Naturally, he wasn't good at it.
Vincent slightly turned his head to the the girl, wondering how much he's regret not letting her tag along. Not much, seeing she had already made a bad impression. But by her fiery attitude, she could probably be of some use; it was her loud mouth and refusal of authority that might bring him down. Disobeying orders will most likely be a problem. He didn't really need much help but if she was willing for exchange of a ride, why not? He didn't have to like her to help her out. Vincent let out a deep sigh, rubbing his temple.

"Get in." He answered her with a hint of frustration. Vincent then let out a small snort at Joshua's comment about using the girl for bait. Honestly, that might not be a bad idea. His eyes followed through the path of his side view mirror to meet Joshua in the back.

"I meant your axe goes in the back but if you don't mind, you can settle in there too." He started.

"The name's Vincent, nice to meet ya."
Reyna pushed her key into the ignition and her SUV rumbled to life beneath her. It was a heavy-duty vehicle, one that was built for off-roading, perfect if she needed to mow down a mob of the deviled beings. She pulled away from the curb and eased down the street without turning her headlights on. She'd lived in this ever-still environment for so long, she new it like the back of her hand. Twenty-three seconds and counting since she left the curb, she slowed down, the front right wheel of the car dipped down into a pothole, since she had slowed the vehicle it hadn't made much of a sound except for the subtle crunch of loose gravel under the tire. Reyna kept the vehicle at a constant speed of twenty-file miles per hour, the low hum of the vehicle wasn't enough to attract attention. She kept her dash-board lights off as well, she was a virtually silent mass moving through the night.

Once she was on Wilder, she pulled her SUV over off the road, did a quick 360 observing her environment for any suspicious movement. She could see the light on the next street over. She figured it would be best to scout it out first, before going in blindly into a situation where a swarm of potential zombies could swarm her car. Reyna was confident in herself and her skills. She popped the door open and slipped the key into her pocket, not bothering to lock the car, zombies would be to stupid and if she came running back to the car she didn't want to waste precious seconds trying to unlock it.

She felt her sword dangling against her side as she moved stealthily around the corner of a building holding her gun at the ready beside her head. Reyna proceeded in a slow silent crouch, her boots touching down heal to toe so they didn't make a sound, approaching in the darkness behind the vehicle with the lights. She rotated around making sure she was clear before she dropped down behind a parked car. Reyna looked through the car windows to the parked truck stationed in the middle of the street, there was a man and what she thought was a woman in the passenger seat. They were shining their brights on a man standing in the middle of the street. Upon a closer look, the man was carrying a hatchet and a shot gun. Not necessarily what a zombie would be carrying around. The man looked quite alive, with a slightly flushed complexion and wary eyes taking in his surroundings. Definitely not a zombie. And the last time she checked, there was no way in hell a zombie could drive a vehicle let alone be talking to the man in the street as they appeared to be having some kind of conversation.

Nonetheless she eased out from behing the parked vehicle and approached the truck, leveling her weapon and standing in such a position that she could move her gun quickly so she could point it at the man in the driver's seat and the man in the road. Always take precautions. Never assume anything of potential enemies. Her training reminded her.

"Lieutenant Colonel Mercer," she addressed herself her loudly and clearly before she demanded, her expression nothing less than severe and determined, "This is my region, state your purpose here." Her gun was pointed at the driver. Reyna saw the face and almost lowered her gun in surprise. In fact, the tip did dip down an inch or two. Her expression when to surprise, but she recovered herself and pulled the back to steady just in case. She cocked her head in suspicion, "You? What are you doing here?"
Giselle glared at Joshua. "F*ck you! I'm not bait!" She pointed her finger at him. Now she began to feel iffy about this. She swallowed and looked around, she thought all she had to worry about was flesh eating zombies, pfft guess she has to worry about crazy ass* survivors too. "You know what." She snapped up at Vincent. "Im just gonna stay here." She stuffed her hand in her pockets and looked over at Joshua "Oh and by the way dipsh*t i can handle my own so i wouldn't just be another mouth to feed, you psycho " she stated harshly.

Giselle saw the woman and saw she was pointing her gun at Vincent and Joshua. She would have smirked at the situation but she was to mad. She looked the women up and down, taking in her appearance. Damn. She's suited up.
Vincent has had enough of this meaningless babbling. He honestly had no problem with ditching the girl because it was way too late to be out here, arguing while these mindless creatures are lurking around in distant corners, trying to scout them out. He scoffed with irritation clear on his face, setting his left hand on the steering wheel as he shifted the car to reverse when he heard a awfully familiar voice. He paused at the voice as she stated her information. No, can't be. Vincent shifted in his seat, uncomfortably as he turned his gaze, meeting the person's.

"Vincent Bennett, getting out of here unharmed. I'd lower my gun if I were you, Mercer." Vincent said in a low, husky whisper as he nodded slightly, eye on the tip.
As Vincent began his conversation with the 'Lieutenant Colonel,' Joshua decided to make amends with the rather furious and short-tempered woman before him. "I meant nothing by the comment of bait, madame. Just a playful joke, really. This entire country, nay, this entire world needs to hear such a joke from time to time in times like these. Relax a little." He stated, meeting the eyes of the girl. Strange. When he was talking to her, he didn't slur, nor did he say anything he did not want to say. No rambling, nor ranting. Must simply be the girl's sensitivity getting him to say what he wants to say. Interesting.

"Like I said, I don't care if you come or not. Vinny here extended his welcome, and you'd be better off going along with a team rather than jest y'r self. How about it?"

He grabbed his machete tightly climbing to his left over the cement divider in the highway, The zombies not taking notice. He peeked his head out slowly from underneath it and counted.


He paused sliding over to his side, the groans passing him by. The zombie continued on their way completely ignoring him. He smirked and stood up once the hoard had moves over a few cars and began to walk again, hopping over the cement divider.

In a sudden moment something grabbed him from the back. He felt the bony fingers grip onto his leather jacket yanking him back. "Shit!" He groaned bending backwards, his eyes meeting the blood shot eyes of his attacker; an old decaying woman with long slender rotting fingers. She had no teeth, just decaying gums and dirty white hair in patches on her head.

He quicklly yanked his body forward, the zombie losing his grip, he did a quick spin, the blade of his machete finding the target; The woman's temple. He watch as the top of her head slid off dropping to the floor in a large mass of goo and blood. The smell was horrific. He scrunched his nose in gisgust and stepped back.

"That was too close.." he hit the side of his head a few times with his palm, warning himself. "Pay attention.." he grumbled. His eyes began to wonder making sure the area was clear before continuing. He cleaned his machete off on the old woman's body that was now toppled over on the ground, lifeless once more. He studied it carefully, wondering how many times he had taken someone out in the past. He sighed, a huge resounding feeling of shame dropping over his features.

"there is too much killing, not enough surviving" He whispered. He hadn't seen a survivor in a long time, or at least since he was out of prison. He ran his trembling fingers through his hair, the wind slightly beggining to cool off his heated body. He took off his leather jacket and stuffed it in his bag.

Beginning to walk again, he ran his hand down his white t-shirt easing out the wrinkles. "I need to find a resting spot soon.." he spoke to himself again. There was something reassuring about hearing his own voice in the quiet space he walked in. It was his own way of making sure he was still alive.

After a few minutes of walking he ducked, his eyes capturing a small group of people by a car, Arguing it seemed? He paused, knowing he hadn't been heard. They are alive? His brain began to speak, reassuring him he wasn't crazy. He could hear them talking. Zombies didn't talk. His ST6 combat training kicked in as he grabbed the butt of his gun enclosing it in his palm. It's not only the dead we have to worry about, Sometimes the living are worse. He shook the voice in his head out, he was happy just to see other survivors. But how the hell would he introduce himself? He couldn't just walk up to them and casually say something, he didn't know them. And they didn't know him.

Quietly he ducked down and went around them, Hiding between a few cars, The cover providing a nice echo so they couldn't pin point his exact location as he spoke.

"Who are you!?" he yelled out into the croud.
Giselle was astonished, so vincent knew this women. Awesome for him she thought. "Well happy reunion people but i need to get going." She announced and started to walk across the street to the car she was looking at earlier. All she wanted to do now was get in a car get some horrible sleep in, wake up and do her first real raid, since she was nearly out of supplies. But then she heard Joshua, and turned around looking at him. When he finished talking she crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, you have one sick sense of humor." She grumbled. but he was right about about her coming along her chances of survival would be better with a team, but that Vincent guy annoyed her..

[MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] fixed.. sorry i missed your post.
She hesitated, but she lowered her gun, still holding it defensively, she didn't like the prospect of being out this late at night and the fact that none of the walkers had shown up yet could be a problem for them very soon. However she felt a smile come to her lips for the first time in a long time. It was definitely him, she'd know that husky voice anywhere. Her chest swelled with a mixture of relief and happiness. Out of all the people that she could find, "Is that how you greet an old friend?" she said sarcastically--she was surprised she could still use sarcasm and accomplished it with smirk on her face, forcing down the bubble of laughter. For the past year she'd thought she'd lost everyone, she'd been alone living in a dead city full of walking parasites and the ever present risk of deadly infection. Of all the people to arrive at her doorstep, it was Bennett. Friends ever since they first when through P.T. together she hadn't seen him for at least a year an a half...Like everyone else she thought he might have been dead too. Reyna was gladly mistaken.

But here and now it almost didn't feel real. How was it that in a city of dead here shows up an old friend. The practical-survivor side of her wanted to know why he was here--the emotional side, the side that had been alone in a rotting world wanted to reach out and touch him, punch him in the arm, anything to prove he was actually real and she wasn't succumbing to partial insanity. She shook the though from her head. "Why am I not surprised to find you alive, Bennett?"
"Don't worry, the last of the zombies are a few miles from here.." He said softly, enough for them to hear. "I don't mean to startle anyone...I just.. I'm not sure if you are friendly.." He slid to his left hiding even more between the cars just in case.

"I haven't seen survivors in a long time.." he admitted, looking down at his gun, biting his bottom lip. He breathed out. Don't! DONT DO IT! his brain warned. But it was too late he stood up from behind the cars, his gun pointed.

"This is a .500 Magnum.. I wouldn't shoot my way..." he tilted his head to the side a bit, looking through his sights. "I don't mean any harm.." He reassured them. He moved slowly towards them, his stride in a good stance. You could tell me was some type of military despite his time in prison. He hadn't lost his training.

He had heard the conversation. "Leutenant, huh?" he cleared his throat his gaze on the woman who had lowered her gun. "I used to be in the ST6.." He said softly, his gun still pointed just in case, his finger grazing the tripper a bit, the metal touching his fingertip coldly.
Of all the years he's known Reyna, Vincent knew she wasn't the emotional type. Sarcasm was the closest thing you could get as a welcoming greet from this here girl. Lord knows the things she's been through and seen if he's seen the worst. And the fact that she was here on her own wasn't surprising, she was always good on her own, tough with a strong mentality. He was glad to see her again; one familiar person in this dead heap of a world was enough for him to keep going. Vincent, truly, had no doubt she'd survive this long. Back to the point, he remembered his destination and quickly hid the pathetic attempt of a smile with a sharper look.

"There have been many times I've doubted my existence, myself. Your surprise wouldn't be much of a surprise, L
ieutenant." Vincent then cleared his throat when he felt like he was being a little too much. besides, he didn't have time to stop and chat. In due time.

"I should probably be off. If you'd like, I could really use some back up on my way to the border." He added quietly, knowing she probably knew about the safe house there. He then turned his head in the position where the other survivor stood.

"I'll let you take care of six, there." He said to Mercer, nodding to the man.
([MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] [MENTION=3376]CarterR[/MENTION] [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] I was talking to all of you and your group -_- .... So i was completely ignore. Lol, and I'm holding a gun out at all of you..)
At the sound of a new voice she immediately raised her gun and swiveled around to where the woman had gotten out of the truck and was standing next to a man hiding behind a car who was pointing a gun at them. Alarms went off in her head, she held her gun pointed at the man's chest, switching back into survival mode, her expression going back to serious once again. Suspicious character, threatening movement, military background as well…Reyna's brain registered, ST6…She'd never really trusted them, she'd heard all the rumors, they were shady characters, never could be fully trusted.

Reyna was naturally suspicious, but that particular trait had grown especially dominant over the past year, what with the break out, when more people were alive it either you or the other person. Anyone would have picked themselves over another, skrewed over anyone they could to get ahead--to stay alive. Even now, she always had to ask herself if something was deception. She was a very intelligent individual, she didn't ascend to her rank by just sitting around in the lab cleaning test tubes. Reyna was alive, that said something. And if it kept her alive, she was doing something right.

"Lower your gun," Reyna said patiently, "We all have the same goal of surviving. It doesn't do anyone any good if we start shooting each other." She had only drawn her weapon when he had, in which she took as a threat, so she wasn't about to back down first. Her eyes glanced to Bennett and the others for a fraction of a second as to address them all. "If any of you are looking for a place to crash tonight, my apartment is roughly two miles away. I have plenty of stores for anyone to stock up. It might be safer to talk there than out in the open here."

((I was still writing my post as you posted yours, so I didn't see it
:/ ))
Giselle groaned out when the new guy brought his gun up. She just wanted to scream in frustrtion. When she focused on the man she noticed that he had a crazy look in his eye... Something wasn't right about him.. She watched as the other women brought her gun up at him in defense. She listened as Reyna tried to reason with him, and her plan sounded like a good idea. And she said apartment. "I agree" She said but then swiftly pulled out her Five-Seven from its holster and pointed it at the man. Two guns pointed at him were better then one. "But you need to lower your gun because honestly im tired of people pointing them at me or around me for the day."
He breathed in steadily, his brain going off Shes lying, don't don't do it.He smirked a bit and lowered his gun, putting it away in his shoulder holster. "I mean no harm.." he repeated, his eyes steady on hers.

"I'm Zane... I was part of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group..." He cleared his throat, looking around at everyone. "I was part of the United States Secretive counter-terrorist and special missions Unit..."

He walked closer, "I have been traveling alone for the major part of the outbreak.." he rubbed the back of his neck, his palm grazing against his gauges. He reached down into his pant pocket pulling out a CMSAF badge. "I also served as a Chief Master Sargeant of the air force before transffering to the secret service, NSWDG"

He showed it to everyone, then put it back in his pocket. "I'm sorry for startling anyone.. I just.. The last survivors i met up with where..." he tightened his jaw. "Not in their right mind..."
( [MENTION=3310]Rioko-Neko[/MENTION] , you replied after I made my statement, therefore, I haven't said anything to you yet. You have not been ignored, I assure you)

"Another military man. Wonderful!" Joshua declared as he sat up in the trunk of the truck. "M'name's Joshua Squire, noble farmer of Arizona. Be careful where you point that weapon of yours, of course. Some of these people here are a bit trigger happy." He stated as he laid back down in the back of the truck. He sighed, and took a deep breath. The night's fresh air filled his lungs before he sighed again.
Vincent just watched as they dealt with the new guy, successfully getting him to break down his defense and set his gun down. Being himself, Vincent couldn't really deal with this much of a burden. Two survivors? Sure. Three would be a challenge but four is just outrageous. Things would've gone smoothly if he would've just got out of there while he had the chance. Seeing Mercer again is still not enough to keep him from continuing on but because he's already there, it would be a stake to his chest to leave, knowing they'd probably be dead in the future on his account. Vincent turned back to Joshua with an apathetic shrug as he tapped the steering wheel.

"Well, you gonna stay with Lieutenant or what?" He asked as if he planned to continue moving.
Reyna frowned and raised an eyebrow, That certainly was a quite a plateful...she thought to herself and became to question the legitity of his man. If he was in what he said he was in and he would tell a group of random people he was apart of secret government covert ops programs either he was a liar or a traitor, one would just admit that. However. Maybe that was his attempt at making peace and gaining our trust? She decided they were too few of people to start peiting against each other now, he had that wild look in his eye. Reyna could relate, she had experienced something of the same too, being alone for so long, coming in contact with actual people was such a dramatic change, even now, after being so distant.

"I say we all make a pact of peace to work together. At least for now. It's dangerous, like I said being out at night. I'm surprise the walkers haven't showed up by now with all this light and noise. But I will warn all of you, you raise your gun to me and I
will not hesitate to shoot. I've survived too long to be ruin by my own kind. I have a feeling all of you feel the same way." Reyna glanced around at all of them, but kept her voice stern and diplomatic, "If we are all willing to cooperate, I will open my hospitality to you. This isn't an everyday-thing meeting more survivors. I admit I haven't seen another alive person in over six months. And it would be a sad thing to feel threatened enough to shoot any of you. I don't miss." She lowered her own gun, though still keeping it at hand.
Giselle lowered her gun, and nodded as she put her gun back in its holster. "What's with all the military special forces people?" She muttered and walked over to the truck and leaned against it, crossing her legs at the ankles. She pulled out her water bottle out of her satchel and took a sip. Her grey eyes searched the area. She heard Joshua talk and glanced at the man. "You can say that again." She mumbled. "But yea i agree, we seriously better get outta here, we've bee here making noise and drawing attention to ourselves for to long." She stated, and placed her water bottle back in her bag.
He nodded at what she was saying and tightened his grip on his bag. "I have water and some canned foods i wouldn't mind sharing..." He said to all of them. "I can hold my own weight, and i'm well trained..." He continued. "I won't hold anyone back, and i can help.... If you let me.."

He took his jacket out of his bag and put it on, wiping off the dirt from the leather sleeves. "I can help gather supplies and what not..." he put his hands in his pockets and looked around, the silence in the air chilling him a bit .

"It's a little too quiet around here..." he whispered, his ears picking up some footsteps in the near distance. "We should leave.." his jaw tightened, "Now.." He gripped the handle of his machete pulling it out.
Giselle frowned and stood straight. She listened carefully and heard some noise.."Sh*t " She muttered and pulled out her gun.. "We gotta get out of here" She said in a low whisper, and looked over at Reyna. They could make a run for it to her apartment, they were faster then zombies, and taking a car would only attract more of the damn things, with it's light and engine sound.
The hair on the back of her neck prickled, she too could hear the approaching footsteps. Reyna spun around, bringing her weapon at the ready in front of her. She could see dark shadows moving just outside of the truck's headlights, she couldn't tell but there must have been about ten of them at around a hundred feet away the lights from the truck faded too much too see that far away, she couldn't be too sure. But Reyna didn't especially feel like leading any of them back to her home. They'd already made enough of a racket, why worry about it now. She calmly unloaded half of her clip and dropped about five in the front, the ones in the back stumbled over their fallen brethren but didn't stop. A few more rounds and she dropped a few more, but more and more came after that.

She shook her head and turned to Zane. You can ride in my car, it's parked a block away," she offered and pointed in the direction. Reyna turned her attention to the other three, looking pointedly at Vincent since he was the driver and the one she trusted the most, "I'll go get my car, you can follow me back to my house and loose the walkers off our trail. It'll be safe there."

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