Zombie Apocalypse

Vincent sat in his truck as he killed the engine, waiting as everybody else hopped out of their seats towards the mains of the building. How long they'd decide to stay was up to them but in his eyes it was best to keep on moving. He had barely heard what Reyna had said but then again, zoning out does that to people. It wasn't as hectic today as it was yesterday and the days before so it was a relief in it's own way. After a short moment of thinking things over, Vincent finally stepped out of the driver's seat, grabbing his gun then axe from the trunk. He figured that was enough talk for one day since the nearly got killed due to their introductions earlier. Right now, all he wanted to do was get himself whatever rest would be spared to him for the night.

Vincent reached into the back and quickly snatched his pack, swinging it over his shoulder as he moved his "luggage" into where he supposed was the main living areas.

"Mercer." He nodded as a sign of appreciation as he passed her. It was decided, he'd talk to Reyna later so he could get some information. Honestly, he didn't know why but he needed to talk to her. He continued on his way to the main building. He found his way to a room and set his items on the table, taking his bag with into the bathroom. Vincent eyed his surroundings, carefully before deciding to continue on starting up the water. It wasn't as nice as he had hopped but anything would settle at this point. Vincent reached for the door and locked it.
Joshua finally relaxed in the vehicle, their arrival finally apparent. They appeared to be safe, at least, in the garage that they were now in. Joshua remained silent as he finished reloading his shotgun. If any more zombies were to appear, he would be ready. Hopping out of the vehicle, he glanced at the window nearby. Sliding the shotgun onto his back, it now reloaded, he saw the first beacons of light erupt from the heavenly horizon. It appeared that dawn was finally approaching.
Reyna waited until everyone was up the stairs on the second story before she closed and bolted the door to the garage. Vincent regarded her as he past, it was very casual, but she recognized that look in his eyes. He had something on his mind, which also reminded her she had to talk to him. She wanted to discus his plans.

Reyna turned to face the living quarters of her apartment. "Hey, don't track mud through my house," she called to everyone in general. "Have some decency, its not like I can just call a carpet cleaner. Other than that, help yourself to anything--but only after you're clean!" She stripped out of her gear, hanging it on a rack in the foyer; however she kept on her MEU on her as she did at all times, clipping its holster to her waistband so that it was against her back. She didn't care what the others thought about it, it was her home and would always be prepared for anything that might be thrown their way. Reyna unlaced her boots and left them pushed against the wall then walked into the kitchen. She pealed off her gloves and threw them to their normal place on the table, then went over to the sink and turned the faucet on hot. Reyna began to scrub herself down--at least the parts that hadn't been covered--her arms, face, especially her hands, even her ears, her neck was pretty well protected but she scabbed that anyways until all bare skin was completely clean. If obsessing kept her healthy, then she would keep doing it, there was no margin for error, if you got the virus you were infected and theres no way to cure it. Reyna was a risk taker, but her she wasn't about to risk her chances.

After she was sanitized she went over to the fridge. Reyna figured most of these people hadn't had a warm meal in a long time. She loaded her arms with food and dumped it onto the counter top. Having pre-washed all of her food she began chopping and throwing it in a skillet on the stove. Soon she had a panful of steaming sautéd meats and vegetables in a meal big enough everyone.

((@distictik I added you, we can add you to the group chat and get you caught up if you like))
Air wandered around the warehouse with her gun up wishing she had a flashlight. She eventualy found an exit out into the street. "No zombies?" she said to herself. She saw two cars in the garage of an apartment building. "Now I dont remember those..." she said. She would never miss out on the chance to con somebody out of much needed food or amunition. She looked around and there werent any of the undead bastards. She walked to the apartment, "Well I have been hungery lately,"
Joshua noticed the young girl approach the group, he eyes aglow. She murmured something under her breath before she came into earshot-range, and by that time, she did not speak. A jovial smile crossed his lips as he stepped just beyond the borders of the garage, spreading his arms to show the girl that they meant no harm. "Another survivor in these parts, it seems. With what luck, I dare say! What do you wish from us?" Joshua stated with a content look. Naturally, the question was more of a test than a question, which his own father used with him just before supper most nights. Catching on to it after a year of hearing it, he now used it on those that he had yet to trust.
Air grinned. Could they set themselves up any worse for a con? she thought. "I've been so hungry... I haven't gotten sleep in weeks and I can feel myself starting to shut down," she said in fake pain. She must have been a good actor because her 'in pain' voice seemed to trick every last one of the suckers that she was able to dash away with some suplies. "Do you by any chance have any food to spare?" she said holding her stomach. Please work, please work, please work.. she thought.
He walked up the stairs feeling the air of relief overwhelm him as he looked around. Everything was so secure and planned out, there was even an exercise room with all the basics. He smirked a bit taking off his bag and placing it down on the couch, along with his leather jacket. he stretched and walked around to the armory. There where tons of guns. He walked in seeing some of the top one burst rifles and semi-automatics. He knew mercer had said it was alright to take what we needed and his revolver was no longer going to cut it. He grabbed an M16 with scope and suppressor. He grabbed about 9 clips and a case of 24 bullets and took them out to the living room where the couch was putting the gun by his bag and the clips and bullets in his bag.

"Pretty amazing place you got here.." he called out to mercer a smirk on his face. "Is it alright if.. i shower?" He said but no one responded to he took it as a yes and grabbed the extra shirt from in the bag and the extra fit tight jeans and an extra pair of boxers. He grabbed a fresh towel from the closet and proceeded to take a shower.

As he took a shower he stood there, the warm water beating on his back whiping away days of dirt and muck from his face. he took out his plugs and cleaned his ears and put them back in. He closed his eyes, the images of his past flashing before him. The feeling of holding his brother in his arms as he died on the dirty ground. He clenched his fist tightly his nails digging into his skin. His blonde hair going over his eyes as he looked down crying. He heard all the screams from the women and children he had killed and he whiped his face breathing in sharply. Don't lose yourself in this, Zane He could hear his brother's voice calling to him. He reached back and rubbed the back of his neck softly, scrubbing the dirt off. He sighed and cleaned off the rest of his body, stepping out into the fog filled bathroom.

He ran his hand across the mirror, looking up.

There was his brother standing behind him in the mirror.

He quickly turned around his heart racing. He was gone. 'W-what the ****...?' he breathed out looking around. No one there.

He brought his hand up to his head, rubbing his forehead. He quickly dried himself off and put on his Jeans and socks, including his black chucks. He grabbed his dirty clothes and hand washed them and walked out of the bathroom after fixing everything up. He hung the wet clothes on the ledge of the window to dry off, and grabbed the t-shirt he would put on in his hands. He had scars and scratches all over his chest and abs.

He sat down on the couch, his body feeling its first instance of rest in a long time. He closed his eyes, sitting there shirtless on the couch.

He heard the commotion going on with the girl and stood up putting on his shirt, and walking over to the group. He stared at the girl as she pleaded for food.

"Funny thing.." he said out loud to her "you don;t seem like you haven't eaten in a while.." he looked her up and down. "In fact.. " he walked a bit closer to her, "You don't seem tired at all."

He was reffering to the gleam in her eyes, and the holding of her stomach. He had seen people who hadn't slept for weeks and where starving and she didn't have nearly enough bags under her eyes to be there yet. When someone was crppling with hunger their body would be shutting down, shaking and sometimes eating itself from the inside. Her stomach didn't look at all pushed in or hungry.

"Why don't you tell us the truth.." he said again, with a bit of a grumble in his voice. He walked back to the group and looked at them, sighing. "It is absolutely up to all of you." He walked past them and back into the livingroom sitting on the couch. He could care less about what happens out there. He afmited he was hurt seeing such a young girl beg for food, but it was survival or death out there. He would just let the rest of the group handle it.

He cupped the picture of his family in his hand and bent over on the couch, tears welling up in his eyes as he touched his sisters face. "god.."
When they reached the apartment Giselle let out a huge sigh of relief. That was to fu*king close. She thought to herself and began to look around the the apartment from where she stood. Slowly as the tension from her body began to subside she began to walk around looking at all the things around her. When her eyes landed on a Semi- Automatic MK14. She smiled as she picked it up and scoped it out. Her father had one when she was little she remembered. She kept the gun in her hands, recalling Renya saying they could help themselves to whatever.. Well she was going to happily help herself to this MK. She continued to walk around, and then she saw Zane heading to the bath room. She heard him call out about a shower earlier, so he must be going to do that. She walked past the bathroom and looked inside of a room, then the kitchen. She noticed a few cardboard brown colored packets and picked up one.. "Powdered eggs?" She whispered to herself, her face scrunching up in disgust, she the packet over and read its contents. When she as done placed it back down where she found it. She turned around and leaned against the counter. She missed her dorm room, and her best friend Monica and being in this apartment only made her miss them more. She sighed and looked down at the gun..ready to get her mind on a different track. She then heard Zane make a comment to the new young girl. She watched and she had to admit.. Zane was right. But the group was surrounding the girl watching her, maybe ready to help, she was to worn out to deal with that. She saw Zane walk away and sit on the couch. Whats wrong with him? She thought to herself and say him clenching a photo in his hands and looking at it.. Giselle couldn't stop herself, she walked over to him and sat down. "You alright ?" She asked him.
"Ignore Zane; he has yet to affirm his opinion of you." Joshua stated rubbing a firm hand across his beard, or lack-there-of. Smirking, he replied to the girl before him with more of a story than a statement; "When I was young, my mother would ring a bell to announce the coming of dinner. We were quite hungry, of course, but on occasion, my father would stop us dead in our tracks. He would smile, lean forward, and simply ask; 'What do you wish?' Our reply, for many years, would always be 'We come for food and rest.' Needless to say, that was the wrong answer. As soon as we said the words, he closed the door behind him, leaving us outside. There we would remain until my mother allowed us inside. Now, you see, my mother died when I was six, from an illness I'd never even heard of. Three months after her passing, just before supper, he asked us his question. We answered, and he closed the door. With no mother to sneak us back inside, we remained outside until morning. In winter, this punishment was ever more dreadful. However, several years later, I had figured it out; the answer was incorrect. In fact, we weren't supposed to answer the question. Instead, we were to greet our father with open arms. 'Food is irrelevant; love is important' my father would say the evenings we would answer correctly. He would then let us feast on whatever he made." Joshua sighed, thinking of the foods that he once enjoyed. Deciding to finish, he concluded simply;

"The moral of this story, really, is be thankful for what you have and what you see, not what you want or desire. And the answer to your request is a simple; no. Find food elsewhere. This is a barren wasteland for God's sake; if you want to swindle us out of food, your doing horrible at it. Firstly; there's food everywhere. Go get some yourself. Secondly, of course,
you wouldn't have survived this long if you were simply an innocent little girl." Joshua breathed, feeling the need to draw out his otherwise expected no​. Rummaging through his pocket, however, he revealed a bit of beef jerky. Without a second thought, he tossed it to her, partially feeling empathetic for her strange desire to steal food from others. With a sigh and a turn, Joshua mumbled; ​"Be on your way."
Reyna was sitting at her kitchen table, one leg crossed over the other, carefully cleaning her blade in a casual laid-back manner. For some reason she was in a good mood, humming to herself even. Somehow with the prospect of other survivors. Maybe human kind really would have a chance at pulling through this. The group they had was a tough group of fighters. To each they could handle their own, but together they would form what would seem like an unstoppable force. But what if working together brought them down, slowed them down? What if someone got hurt? What would happen if they needed to flee, would everyone look out for themselves only? Reyna was a soldier, trained not to leave a comrade behind. But if that comrade couldn't keep up like they used to, they would become a liability...going back and saving their live might cost the team theirs.

Reyna wasn't sure what to believe. But if they worked together, it would mean quadruple their manpower, firepower, and their ablility to fight back. Sure it was more mouths to feed, but they had more hands to find food to feed them. But then there was Vincent, a familiar face in a sea of dead and the handful of survivors. Choosing to remain in Bellchester...she would loose her chance to move on, the food would eventually run out, and her chances of surviving on her own while on the run where very slim. In addition she might never see Vincent again, he was the only remaining friend she had--and as annoying as he could be sometimes--he was all she had left, she couldn't loose him. Right now there were too many factors, Reyna wouldn't risk making a judgement just yet. She would have to see.

During this debate with herself she had finished cleaning her sword and scabbard, polished both, shined her boots, and was in the middle of taking her gun apart and doing routine mainteince and cleaning of her MEU when she heard conversation going on in the garage. She finished cleaning and reassembled it with care. Reyna would need to go outside anyway and fire a shot to make sure it was working properly again. She hadn't cleaned her gun in a while, but she felt like now would be a perfect chance as ever to do it, whatever she decided on. Reyna stood and laced up her boots, slid on her vest--as a rule she never left the house without it--then headed down to the garage, her gun in hand.

Down in the garage there were a few of their group standing appraisingly around a teenage girl. Reyna stepped in front of the others, not caring if she interupted their conversation. Her eyes slid over the newcomer taking in her appearance, as she did so she slapped a clip into the but of the MEU, in a silent 'no-nonsense' sort of gesture. "Lieutenant Colonel Mercer," she addressed herself, "What is your name and purpose for being here?" She wanted to hear it from the girl for herself.
Rage pulsed trough Air as she lifted her spaz to the man's face, a good distance away so he couldnt move it away, "Okay assface, hand over your weapons, food, and amo unless you want me to take it along with your life," she said with a rough tone, "You must feal like some badass finding a con before she could make her move, but guess what hotshot? Now the cons going to f**king murder you, you and whoever the hell else is with you have one minute to give me what you got or you'llbe missing some members of your breakfast club."
He looked over to the right, wiping off the tears about to escape his blue orbs and turned to her.

"This is my family..." he said horesly and then cleared his throat. He began to point to each of them in the picture showing her who they were.

"My mother, my father my sister and two brothers..." He gripped the picture tightly in his fingertips. "They are all dead.." He looked over to her.

"When i got into the special forces.. We were on a mission to iraq and my brother was killed... " He paused, "I couldn't.. handle his death." He admitted looking up at her, the whites of his blue orbs becoming pink, threatening with tears. "There are a lot of things i am not proud of.." he cleared his throat again feeling a knot.

He paused, composing himself. His ears catching a threatening tone from the girl outside. "Excuse me.." he said softly and got up, placing his photo in the back pocket of his jeans and grabbed his M16 tightening the silencer. He slowly walked over to the side door int he garage his hand tightening around the metal of the doorknob. He breathed out slowly, tightening the shoulder strap from the gun around his forearm to keep the gun steady just in case. He pulled the door open, steadily pointing his gun directly at the young woman's head, seeing the gun pointed at the guy infront of her. He looked at the leutenant and then back at the girl, His finger slightly over the trigger he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

As he let his breathed out, he clicked the trigger softly, a bullet zipping out of the barrel into the shaft of the girls gun, knocking it away with such force the metal on metal howled from the shot a few sparks showing.

"Don't move.." he said between a tightened jaw, ready to take another shot. In all honesty he couldn't bring himself to kill her, it wasn't in his nature. Not anymore. But he chose not to stop aiming at her just in case. He waited for someone to take the lead.
Air glared at the boy with the gun. She could see how she could get out of this but it was risky. She tried to control her breathing and the urge to fall asleep. "So, you wanna play it that way, do ya?" she looked over at ware her gun was. She couldn't waste more than one round on these people. She took a deep breath and quickly ducked and garbed her gun. She then quickly got up and ran around to the front door, kicking it with enough force to break it down, but she obviosly didn't normaly have that strength so a shot pf pain went through her leg. "Son of a b***h!" Air yelled trying to contain the pain. She tried to run at a controlled speed to whatever she could find, took it an desided she didn't have the power to move on. She colapsed and burst into tears. And for once, not fake ones. "F**k my life." she said lying on the ground. She messed up. She should have just bolted it. She should have let them have their stuff and left. But though she was a good con she, was a horrible thief.
Vincent was enjoying his warm shower, for it had been a while since he's felt warm water and the feeling of washing away all the blood and dirt from the past couple of days was relieving in a way. He ran his hands through his damp hair once more before hearing a loud bang that nearly stopped his heart for a second. One of the survivors. Had they ran into some walkers? Vincent settled into the quiet after the shot and listened to hear for another fire. After a long gap between the first shot and the silence, Vincent turned off the shower head and hopped out of the shower. He grabbed his pack and pulled out his clean grey t-shirt and camo pants, changing into them before pulling on his timberlands and rushing down the stairs towards the others. He tried to rid his expression of the worry by the time he reached the others, deeply confused.

"What happened?" He asked them with a sigh, looking from person to person.
Reyna scowled as the girl somehow got through the group and bolted up the stairs to the second story. She silently wondered what this girl's extraction plan was. Never run into unfamiliar/hostile territory without an escape plan, Reyna thought. She looked at Vincent who looked like he had just run out of the shower at the sound of conflict. "I have no god damn idea what the hell is going on," she growled, then explained shortly, "From what I gather, a high strung teenager attempting to take advantage of our goodwill and steal me out of house and home."

Reyna pursued up the stairs, surveying the open door that had been unlocked as people had gone up and down the from the garage. She went through each room with her gun raised making sure it was clear before going into the next room. As she suspected, the teen was in the armory. Though what she didn't expect was the girl huddled against the wall, sobbing, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She pointed her gun at the girl's shoulder, avoiding a kill shot, but not incapable of shooting a child. Reyna's eyes narrowed and she stood there in silence for a few moments before finally speaking, her tone low and threatening. "Pulling a gun in my home...trespassing on private property...attempted theft...and allowing yourself to get caught. Give me a reason not to shoot you right now. I can see potential in you to become something better. Right now I only see arrogance and the effects of over-confidence." She paused and allowed the girl to chew over her words. Reyna's mind began working as well. Definitely a risk, she wasn't sure how this would come to affect them. But she choose to give the option anyway. "As I assume you know very well, these are tough times, and there are too few of us. I can see you've had more that your share of struggles to stay alive. But you are misguided. Take a moment to think right now, I'd hate to take your life if you answer incorrectly. What I'm offering you is a gift, I'm giving you a second chance at a better life, don't blow it. Think very hard now."
Air laughed, "The thing is there isn't a reason you shouldn't shoot me. I should have been shot with a million mags of a rapid firearm for how I coned some people. Frankly your all lucky little bastards. If I had enough strength I'd jump out that window and run as hard as I could but I'm runnin' off of 930 milligrams of cafine without twenty-one days no sleep." She felt the feeling she was going to die inside. "But killing me will just contibute twords the zombies. Its your choice darling." She prayed she would get killed. She didn't show any signs of worry. She wanted to die with a look of what she ment to the world through her eyes. "Your choice."
Giselle ran down to the commotion pulling out her Knife for the holster that was on her thigh. "Someone is seriously trying to get stabbed. Why couldn't these people just shut up and relax while they can" She thought and entered the garage just in time to see Zane shooting Air's gun out of her hand. Her eyes widened and she saw the young girl leap for her gun and take off, Reyna following her. "What the fu*k Is going on?" She blurted. And then Vincent walked in, asking the same. "Thats what im wondering." She then looked over at Zane, since he was the one who shot the gun out of the girls hand.
A small smile slipped onto Reyna's lips, not touching her eyes. She realized what the girl was doing and she wasn't going to fall for it. There was that cold emptiness in her eyes. Reyna realized she had gotten her answer, this girl didn't have an escape plan because she was no longer concerned about surviving. She was running on nothing, she had nothing to live for, too young to appreciate the gift of survival in itself. Dying would be the easy way out.

Reyna smirked, her finger still on the trigger of her gun. The muscles in her hand twitched. This girl's life meant nothing to her, how many times had Reyna faced life and death situation and busted her ass just to stay alive, put herself in crazy dangerous situations to retrieve food and water, supplies she used to build up her home like a fortress. The same that this girl broke into to steal her possessions and hard earned stores. This girl didn't value her life, she didn't deserve. This was one that was just another mouth to feed. Reyna blew out the breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. "I'm sorry to hear that then." Was all she said. It wasn't a mistake as her muscles in her right index finger contracted and pulled back the trigger.

There was a loud bang that left Reyna's ears ringing in the small space. She hit the butt of her gun in her palm and popped the clip out and slipped it into her pocket. The job had been done.

The wood directly to the left of her girl's head was completely splintered as her bullet penetrated into the half-inch thick piece of shelving. She tapped her gun into her opposite palm, "I really did do a good job, smooth release. I should see if theres anything I can do to fix that recoil, it was a bit off." She said, thinking aloud to herself, checking out her work. Reyna glanced back at the girl, "You won't be getting off so easy. You'll be sticking with us from now on. I certainly won't forget that you tried to steal from me and raised a gun in my house. You're not going to get off that easy." She turned to walk out of the armory but stopped in the doorway and looked at the teenager over her shoulder, "Oh, don't think about trying any funny business again. We have three ex-military in this house. You can guarantee I won't be so light on you the next time, I've taken down men twice my size. I can handle a kid."
He turned to Giselle. "She was about to shoot someone... so i shot the gun out of her hand.." he felt like he needed to apologize. "I'm sorry, but i didn't hurt her.." he finished, putting the security on the gun and setting it on his shoulder by the strap. He scratched the back of his head as he saw the group head towards the girl who was now crying on the floor.

"Maybe you should go check on her.." he said towards Giselle a bit of a smile on his face as to not piss her off. "i was.. just trying to help.." he said in a low tone, walking up to her.
Air swallowed hard. Who the f**k did she think she was? "And why do I have to go with you? It would be punishment alone to leave me out there and fight like hell to keep my ass alive. And I could really give a damn if there are ex-military men in here, my dad was one and he still got himself a one way ticket to hell. I learned everything from him... Well not my con but-" she had respect for her father. Even though she never connected with him. A tear ran down her cheek. "Why do I have to stay with you? I was doing fine by myself."
Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, Vincent listened in silence as the group tried to deal it out with the girl who laid on the floor. He had no sympathy for her nor did he have the patience Reyna had. Why she was trying to convince her to stay with a group made no sense to him but she was a better person with morals than he ever was. Protection and survival was second nature to her whereas survival was the only second nature he's ever known. He couldn't help but overhear Zane's comment, figuring he was the one who fired.

Vincent couldn't quite understand why the girl wouldn't accept her stay. Mercer was practically offering to watch over her and get her to safety but she acted as if she didn't want help, she didn't need it. Was she really that naive to believe she'd even last the next few days without being attacked by a walker? If anything, she should be thankful, an opportunity like this only happens once every blue moon. Vincent scoffed after she had spoken again and pushed himself off the wall, returning back up to the living area. He didn't want to hear much more of it. Grabbing his gun, he reloaded it before setting it to safety and plopping down on one of Mercer's wooden chairs, looking out the window. Night would be gone soon.
Reyna shook her head. This girl needed a dose of reality. Young, inexperienced, and on her own. She was surprised the girl had lasted this long. She must have been surviving on sheer luck, and of course stealing and cheating and taking advantage of the goodwill of others. That proved she had what it took to do what was necessary to survive. Perhaps she did have potential. But Reyna couldn't help but wonder if she would come to regret this decision later. There were always risks to making decisions, would the result be worth the risk?

If this girl actually wanted to survive, she needed to be able to accept help, and here she was making the choice. In Reyna's eyes, if the girl took off she would be accepting a lonely and formidable fate that would ultimately lead to her death; if the girl chose the stick around she would have realized the seriousness of her circumstances and opportunities around her and admit she needed help. Choosing to stay would ultimately prove that she was willing to do anything to survive.

Reyna chose to ignored the girl's questions, eventually she would come to discover the answers for herself, and Reyna would let the girl come to her own conclusions. "What is your name?" She asked curiously, as she realized she did not know it. Then added quickly, "Your full name."
Giselle nodded and looked around the living room, checking her surroundings. A habit now, since she's so used to being outside and having to look over her shoulder every 2 minutes. Giselle heard Zane apologize and she shook her head then looked up at him and held her hand up to stop his ridiculous apology. "No, you don't need to apologize, that crazy little b*tch was about to shoot someone, i woulda' done the same." Giselle noticed that Zane took a step towards her, she also noticed he had no shirt on. Zane suggested that she go talk to the girl and mention that he was only trying to help, she noticed a small smile on his lips and she looked him up and down she approved of his appearance with a slight quirk of her eyebrow.. "No, im not good around crying girls." She said and forced her eyes off of his well defined torso, and looked at his face, which was also nice to look at..But of course she would never admit that. "Especially when they're the one at fault and I might pistol whip her for fu*king with us." she said with a small mischievous smirk on her face. "And you did help" She stated firmly. "but now I really don't like that girl around. I cant trust her, she seems like she would ditch us all in a pack of Zombies, then shrug about it later." She said and looked in the direction Air was.
He paused at her staring, feeling a warm feeling travel up to his cheeks and he leaned back a bit, grabbing his gun again. "I agree...She doesn't seem like she is trust worthy" He said softly walking past her a bit, placing his gun back on the couch.

"Made me waste my bullet.." he smirked, sitting on the head of the couch, crossing his arms over his chest. "but she is a child.. She probably got around by tricking others into helping her.. it's a way to survive.."

He pushed himself off of the couch and grabbed his shirt from the couch, and smelled it. "Still smells like the Armani i used to wear back home.." he laughed a bit and shook his head putting it on, it was a bit tight around his biceps. He moved his arms up and down to try and stretch it and turned back to Giselle. "So tell me a bit about yourself, miss pistol whip" he laughed a bit, his pearly whites showing. He hadn't felt this comfortable in a long time, then again he hadn't been around survivors or another human being in a long time. He didn't want this feeling to go away.

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