Zombie Apocalypse

He turned as she spoke to him and nodded, Ready to follow her. He pulled out his .500 magnum and shot into the growing crowd of infected as they got closer, downing 3 with a single bullet, watching them drop, the rest still heading towards them.

"We need to move quickly, these bastards aren't as slow as we might think.." he warned, his voice low and subtle. He was used to being attacked by the dead.

He gripped his gun tightly, his hand steady again as he shot. The powerfull recoil from the gun caused a small bit of movement in his hand, but he still hit his mark. Two zombies fell to the ground. One of their arms had been blown off while the other dropped permanently with a bullet hole between its eyes.
Joshua turned, noticing the large amount of zombies charging in their direction. A few of his comrades ran, others decided instead to stay close and fight. Slowly getting out of the back of the truck, he lifted his shotgun out of the trunk. Leveling it in his hands, he took aim at the group of zed coming towards them. Pulling both triggers, a double spray of bullets erupted from the head of his weapon, creating multiple holes in the vanguard of the zombie wave. Although most of them ignored the fresh wounds, one of them staggered, and was then forced to limp forward rather than walk, and, luckily, one of the zombies keeled over from a fatal head wound. Moving behind the truck, he cocked open the shotgun, and loaded two more shells into the back. Rattling the slugs left in his pouch, he realized that he was running dangerously low.
Vincent sighed as he heard Reyna's instructions. Joshua hadn't answered fast enough so he felt obligated to get them to safety since Mercer was already offering to keep the survivors sheltered for the bit they stayed. Honestly, he could use a place to stay for the night but that's not mandatory at the moment. He quickly nodded as they shot rounds at the increasing crowd of infected. As Joshua hopped out of the truck, Vincent pulled away towards the direction she had pointed out earlier and pressed the gas, sparing Joshua's well appreciated attempt to keep them away with his own shot gun. Vincent caught a few in the head, causing them to fall over but he couldn't multitask forever. After a turn or two, towards the four-way intersection, he spotted an SUV he suspected to be Reyna's since it was the only vehicle in that area. Now to await the others.
He gritted his teeth and grabbed Giselle by her wrist softly pulling her with him as he ran towards the other woman's car as she had suggested. "Come on, we have to go otherwise we are just sitting ducks!" he yelled out, as he ran with Giselle.

He watched as the guy in the car drove past them and stopped next to another car, which he guessed was the other woman's car. "There!" He looked at Giselle; whom he had been pulling along side him. "Get in, she'll drive i think.." he said letting go and pulling the car door open for her to get in the back seat. "Get it.." he said softly, his eyes locking on to hers for a moment.
Reyna turned, finally sliding her gun into it's holster on her hip but reaching across her body and unsheathing her sword in a quick movement which left the air hanging with the resonating ring of the quality metal. She prefered to have her sword when she was running rather than the gun. Reaction time was faster, she didn't need to point, aim, and shoot. It also reserved more bullets if she got herself in a sticky situation.

Reyna began to run, as she past Zane she reached out and grabbed his sleeve and pulled him along, the time for shooting was done. They needed safety and they needed to get moving. She let go when she fet him running with her then began to focus on running faster towards their destination. A walker stepped out from a doorway, it took a fraction of a second to swipe her sword diagonally across the thing's body, sever it in half, and jump over the remains. Flecks of rotting blood splattered across her vest. Within moments they approached her vehicle, she sheathed her sword and pulled the key ouf of her pocket. She pulled the door open and jumped in the driving side, slamming the door behind her and pugging the key into the ignition at the same time. The SUV roared to life. From her mirrors she saw Vincent in his truck, ready to follow. Once Zane was in the car she put her boot to the peddle and didn't plunged forward taking an alternate route home so to lead any zombies away from their actual destination.
Giselle pulled out her pistol and shot at the zombies getting them all in the head. Her father taught her well, and since she has been on her own she's had tons of practice. After she took 10 down, she knew she only had half a clip left. "dammit she muttered but continued to shoot taking the fu*kers down.
((If you guys have Skype we should add eachother and talk about the story so we can figure out whols posting when and what not so no one gets confused or goes too fast?))
Giselle let Zane lead her to the SUV. She nodded at him when he told her to get in and, and quickly listened.

[MENTION=3310]Rioko-Neko[/MENTION] Sounds like a good idea, cus im new to all this and everyone is posting fast and it's hard for me to keep up. lol I feel like a noob
He jumped into the car along side Giselle and the woman. He breathed out as he heard the engine roar and she drove off.

"That was a close call, wouldn't you say..?" He looked at them both a bit of a smile on his face. It had been a while since he smiled. And how ironic it was that he was smiling while being chased by the un-dead.

He leaned back against the seat, his body feeling an overwhelming calm for a few seconds before tensing up again. He hadn't rested in days. His body was beginning to relax at the touch of rest.

([MENTION=3575]SanAndreas[/MENTION] You're not a noob at all, it happens, people write at different paces. Add me on skype : Rioko-Neko ))
(Don't have a skype...)

Vincent was ready to drive off after Reyna but as soon as he revved the engine, he heard more gunshots from behind. Knowing it was Joshua, he called out to him, calling him over. He could see the zombies approaching quickly and Reyna's SUV was almost out of sight so he didn't spend any more time to wait after Joshua had gotten aboard. Vincent hit the pedal, quickly following after Mercer.
Air ran around the corner and loaded her shotgun with eight rounds as fast as she could. "Damn zombies," she said looking at the three rounds she had left for her gun. She looked around the corner, hoping she managed to escape from the hoard. She looked around for an exit to the warehouse she was in. They were everywhere. She couldn't stop and think for ten seconds without worrying if a zombie was going to attack her or not. She should have figured the warehouse would be filled with nothing but zombies. She never had a chance to sleep in the past three weeks. Her shot was off and she'd be worse with her crowbar. Air felt like she didn't have alot of choices. Either die or pull a miracle and get her ass out of there.
([MENTION=3376]CarterR[/MENTION] Get it man, It's faily easy to make an account only takes a few seconds and it can make the RP experience better because we could all get in Sync and no one would miss out on the story... [MENTION=3575]SanAndreas[/MENTION] , [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] )
If everyone can get Skype then it would be easier to rp for us all, because you can see when everyone is typing and its faster. :) .

So who is going to get it ? Yay or Nay? And dont worry we will not be video chatting if thats what you'r worried about. Its going to be just like Instant messaging

[MENTION=3376]CarterR[/MENTION] - Cool :) whats your Screen Name?



( @Giselle , there is not a single pistol in human history that has ever shot more than 17 bullets. 10 bullets is not

half of your last mag, I assure you. Also, note, I'm not counting machine pistols)
([MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] well i googled it and there can be up to 28 bullets in a Five-Seven... )
Reyna glanced in her rear-view mirror, Zane and the girl she had yet to get the name of were sitting comfortably in the backseat while Vincent and the other man she had yet to get the name of were in the truck following along behind them. She breathed out a quick sigh of relief. They were safe. They were a group of nomads in an overwhelming population of the undead.

She drove around the fairly large city for a bout ten minutes. She was nervous within the first few, seeing the walkers puffy dead eyes reflecting in the headlights every once in a while, attacted by the ruckus that was now over. She suspected they deserved to be caught in a swarm after standing there arguing for so long. That was pretty damn stupid, She chided herself, You should have never let yourself get into that mess. You should have backed out when you had the chance. Another few minutes of driving and soon there was no sight of them. She looped back around and they arrived at the back of her apartment.

Reyna reached into the sun visor and clicked a button on a small remote. A garage door to her apartment opened. It was a two-and-a-half sized garage. Reyna pulled to one side leaving the other open for Vincent. Once his truck had pulled in she clicked the button again, the thick metal giving a hollow thud as it connected with the ground shutting the rest of the world off from them. Reyna popped the door open and stepped out of her SUV. "Well…" She said, "Here we are. Welcome to my humble abode." The first story of her apartment was her garage, while the second story was her living space. The garage had been suited up as well, it looked almost like a chop-shop with spare parts and tools hanging on the walls. In explanation Reyna just said, "I'm not a great mechanic, but this is where I attempt to fix things," she shrugged, "With lots of help from Google." Since the internet has no source, Reyna was still able to use it to an extent.

((I guess I have to download it to use it, so it'll be another few minutes.))
When they reached the place he smiled a bit, opening the door. Holding it for Giselle. "Well.. this doesn't look bad at all.." he said towards the driver. "I can help with protection.. I did a lot of welding back in service.." he admitted, looking up into the building, studying the structure. He looked back at Giselle who was getting out, and smiled a bit her way.

"I do apologize for.. coming up on you guys like that..." he said softly rubbing the back of his neck. "It's been a while since i seen a survivor.." he cleared his throat again, the nervouseness in his voice. He hadn;t socialiced in a long time.

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