Zombie Apocalypse

He watched as Giselle Walked past him and sighed. "Shit.." he said to himself walking into an empty room and putting his stuff down for the night. He layed back in the open bed and took off his shirt tossing it to the floor next to his bags. He closed his eyes drifting to sleep.

Over the course of the next few days it was all just a blur to him. Nothing new seemed to happen. Everyone was tense and the zombies where.. Well.. Still zombies. He sighed grabbing his things and gearing up. He was wearing a black Shirt jeans and army boots. It was simple and light just incase. He didn't know how things would be with him and Giselle. She had been avoiding him for a bit now. And his urge to be around her was greater than the temptation of leaving her alone. He approached her slowly out in the hall, tapping her shoulder.

"Giselle.. Im sorry about the other day.." His hand; As if by instinct, touched the back of his neckl rubbing it. He looked into her eyes softly and smiled a bit. "In all honesty i did was to kiss you..Incredibly so.. but it seemed like the wrong time." He admitted. "I apologize if i said anything that might of offended you in any way.." He cleared his throat a bit.

"I was thinking of heading outside if you wanted to join me. We could talk a bit and.. Well spend some time together" He said bluntly, his fingertips wrapping around the butt of his machete, a smile on his face. "I figured a tough girl like you wouldn't mind heading outside with a tough guy like me" he winked. "We could scavange for supplies or something.." He was hoping she would say yes.

Rain was pouring down from the sky like all hell breaking loose. But that wasn't new, it's been raining cats and dogs for days, weeks even. They had been recovering at the motel for approximately eighteen days and seven hours, at least that's what Reyna's internal clock was telling her. Of course they were staying there until Air's injury recovered to the point she could move around and do basic defense for herself--that point had been reached roughly five days ago. The only thing keeping them there was more illness. After taking their shifts out in the freezing rain and wind for hours at a time, Gizelle and herself had caught colds, in which they were now finally recovering. Though Reyna's head still felt congested, it was a greater improvement then the raging fever alternating with the chills--that still hadn't gone away but it was now less severe as a few days ago. During the period of the fever she'd sit outside her room, leaning against the wall, coat draped lightly around her shoulders, and watch the rain pour down. And once the chills settled in she would curl up in her bed shivering wrapped in a double layer of blankets feeling like she could never get warm and questioning herself about why she went to sit outside in the first place.

Roughly two weeks after they had arrived at the motel, Reyna was feeling slightly better. She was dressed in sweat pants and a white tee-shirt, her dark hair pulled up into a lazy ponytail to keep it from getting plastered to the back of her neck when she went into the fever stage. Reyna shivered realizing the chills were about to set in, she stood up on shaky legs and walked back into her room. Reyna despised feeling this vulnerable, she wondered what the others saw when they looked at her, walking around in her lazy clothes, coughing and sniffling. What a noble leader she was, they must think how weak and pathetic she is. She couldn't protect them, she had a harder time thinking straight through the cold medicine they acquired through a run into the city.

Reyna sighed, she was in her room now, but she stopped in front of her bed. One of her blankets was missing for whatever reason. She really didn't care why, she just wanted it back. Her eyebrows dropped darkly over her eyes in a frown, she went over to her tactical vest which was laying across the blank television, without electricity and everything else that went along with watching television it was virtually useless besides a heavy weight to throw over the side of the balcony and flatten some Walker and it's buddies. Reyna unzipped a few pockets, not remembering clearly which of the magic pockets it was in. When she found it she dropped the vest back down on the television and picked up her belt, sliding the gun out of the holster and twisting the silencer onto it's nose. No, not nose, muzzle. Her brain was all ****** up from the drugs. She didn't trust herself to swing her sword acurately or to have the energy for that, besides she wasn't in the mood to bother with it. No, the easiest would be her gun. She wanted to save her ammo until they could reach a gun store even though she had plenty to last her, she still wanted to make a precaution. Reyna didn't think she would need to actually use her gun, seeing as they had killed all the Walkers in all the rooms, but of course, with Walkers you never know. She also knew that someone was perched on the roof at the moment and would cover her if there were any new Walkers that would show up.

She shoved her arms down the sleeves of her jacket and flipped the hood over her head then padded back out of her room in her socks, no bothering to put on shoes, not like she was going far. With her MEU in hand she walked down the hallway past doors and decended down the steps. But a surpise waited for her at the bottom, and she hadn't noticed it until the last second. "Sh*t." Reyna cursed loudly, as her feet landed in water up to above her ankles. It completely soaked her socks and even the ends of her sweats. "Son of a --" She cut herself off in frustration. Reyna liked those socks, they were thick and warm, and now they were filled with cold debre water.

A groan filled the air between the sound of the pounding rain. Reyna wiped around, twisting into her stance, gun ready. But even as she moved she knew that sound had not come from any Walker. It was deep, resonating with low metalic grind. Her eyes widened. Quickly she tried to pull up a map in her head. She remembered that there was a river near here. It wasn't the Mississippi, but it was decent sized. Next she tried to pull up their location and the terrain around them. Reyna had driven them there and had gone out three times for supplies. Her heart pounded in her chest. She knew exactly where they were, on top of that she remembered four very key points that would be crutial to them. The first being that the river had a damn, and although damns generate a lot of the power it takes to run them, they need some electricity to get them started, meaning the damn was powerless and it would be holding back water. The second, the part of the city they were located in, because they were located next to the interstate and because they were in hilly country, they were in a downwards sloping valley, the dirt they might once have been atop dug out and used to flatten the area for the interstates. The third, they were located down the river from the damn. And finally the fourth that finally came to her. She'd remembered hearing it in the news time after time again, it was that this particular county was notorious for flooding.

Less than a minute had past since she stuck her feet into the water and heard the bellow of the damn. It took her less than a second to spin around and take the stairs three at a time. The groaning of the damn meant it was moments away from breaking. If it broke all the water would gush down into the valley first, all of that water, they wouldn't stand a chance, even after that it would take weeks for the water level to go back down. Reyna wasn't sure if they had enough provisions to last them that long even if they did survive. She though about all of this as she sprinted up the stairs, back in high school she was the fastest runner on the team, back in a darker time she ran not to run but to escape. She wasn't running to the finish line she was running away from it, away from all the other track stars, her fear, her past. Reyna had a reason to be fast and that was why she was, like hunting it was just another release. Now a days she is almost glad for it. It made her a better person, it helped her let go, but it also gave her an edge. Reyna found herself with a new reason now, to warn the others, to get out of there and stay alive. The Hierarchy of Needs, more basic than water and food was air. And they wouldn't have any if they were trapped here and drown.

She slowed down once she hit the part of the hallway the group had claimed their rooms. Reyna banged on their doors shouting they had less than two minutes to bail. As if to back this up, the damn gave out another whining shriek, little over a minute left. She streaked back into her room, not bothering to close the door she stripped out of her clothes and pulling on a pair of camou pants left laying on the floor and a black long-sleeved tee-shirt. One minute thirty seconds. Changing her socks, knowing if she left them on she'd get trench foot walking around in them, then slid on her combat boots. Reyna cursed herself loudly, doing basic knot to keep the boots on her feet, for being so unprepared. One minute twelve seconds. Her belt, jacket, and vest over that, then barely having time to throw a backpack over her shoulders as she ran back out the door. Thirty six seconds, she hoped the others were ready to go, as she walked down the hall she pulled on her gloves.
Air herd a voice and a door shut behind her. She turned to the direction the person that was ignoring her obviously was. "Its not nice to ignore the crippled." she said loud enough for the person to hear, hopefully not attracting any attention from the undead. Hopefully this one wasn't part of the band or morons. Air helped herself up with the stair railing and tried her hardest to get to the door,knocking on it, "I promise I'm not an idiot." She wasn't in the con mood. Right now she just wanted to talk to a person that hasn't almost gotten her killed or caught her at her worse.
Giselle was in in her room drifting off to sleep when she heard a loud banging on her door.She jerked up and her heart pounding. She heard Reyna's voice on the other side yelling that they had 2 minutes to get ready and go. Giselle wasn't about to question the women, she had faith that Reyna knew her shit. Giselle quickly scanned the room, then jumped into motion. She shuffled out of her sweats and pulled off her hoody. Her bare feat padded across the floor to the chair where her jeans, tops and rain jacket were. She quickly jumped into her jeans, pulled on the men's sized flannel she found in one of the motels rooms and shrugged on the thick black rain jacket. She looked down at her bare feet and let out a juicy curse. "Socks, socks, soooockssss" She mumbled as she searched her room for the damn things that always seemed to disappear on her. After spending about 30 seconds searching the floors for the socks she eyed the bed and quickly shook all the cover and, there they were, they fell out of the sheets and onto the floor . Giselle wasted no time as she put those suckers on and the followed with her black combat boots. She stuffed her holster, pistol and knife in the duffle a,d picked up her MK14 holding it by the neck, she then picked up the duffle pulling the strap over her shoulder. Giselle pulled open her door and a gust of wind hit in the face. "Holy sh*t" She wheezed out.She squinted her eyes as she looked down the halls, seeing everyone rushing to get ready. She used one hand to brush her hair out of her face then pull her hood over her head. She looked up at the dark angry sky. She caught a loud groaning sound in the distance, she wondered what it was, and quickly she figured it out. The river damn was failing and they were about to be utterly fu*ked if they didn't haul ass. "LETS GO PEOPLE!" She called out and headed down the stairs. As she made her way her eyes scanned the area for any walkers, and for Zane. She hadn't seen him since earlier in the day after she got off of her patrolling shift. She opened the trunk to Reyna's SUV and set her bag in the back.
Matthew heard the screaming. He lowered down the volume on the movie. Yep, screaming alright. "2 MINUTES!" "HAUL ASS PEOPLE!" Matthew grabbed his stuff and ran. He opened up the door and tripped over the stairs. "SHIT!" His leg felt like hell. He limped out of the inn and saw some of the survivors by the SUV. 'HEY! What's going on? You people were yelling?"
As Reyna yelled for them to get ready, he had alreayd been ready since early that day. He walked out of the house and saw Giselle throwing her bag in the SUV. He gripped his machete and threw his 2 bags into the back of the SUV trying not to make eye contact with her. He hadn't seen her since she rejected him the other night so he climbed into the car and gripped his gun hard. He looked over at her, not being able to avoid her. "Get in, Let's go.."

As he spoke the Kid came out asking Rayna what she was saying and before she could respond he did it for her. "Either get in or get left behind and die..Point blank" he didn't want to be sweet or caring, he was tired of the nice guy. Seemed like everyone didn't take him seriously when he was nice. He looked away and waited for the rest to come outside and leave.
Reyna was still in the upstairs hallway jogging for the stairs, her duffle slung across her chest, the Journal tucked into her waistband, and her cavalry sword clattering at her hip. Walking towards the stairs a thought struck her. She whirled on her heel and ran back to one of the doors. She kicked it open, no time for bothering with the lock. She went inside and picked Air up off the bed that she was lying on, recovering from her broken ankle. There wasn't much Reyna could do the past two weeks to help the girl out except for make her stand still and keep her weight off of it. She'd built one hell of a splint for it, but she hoped that if they could make it to a deserted hospital of some sort along the way that she could make a decent cast for it.

"We have to get out of here
now." Reyna said in a no-nonsense tone. Leaving no room to argue, Reyna pulled the girl upright then bent down and in a second, stood up, sweeping the girl off her feet. Reyna side-stepped through the door and ran back down the hall, careful not to let anything hit Air as she was thrown across her shoulders, Reyna holding an arm and a leg so that the girl didn't wriggle off, cause more harm to herself, and slow them down. It made out to be a good call as Reyna splashed through the water, that was now up mid calf, the damn gave another bone rattling groan. They were cutting it close. No time. Reyna thought, apologizing in her head as she put Air in the back with her duffle. No time. Reyna sprinted back to the driver side, starting up the engine before she was even fully in the car. A quick head check through the mirrors, as she threw it into reverse, every one was accounted for. Sending it back into drive, she slammed on the accelerator. And in the nick of time too, there was what sounded like a deafening explosion as the dam gave. The arrow on the speedometer didn't let up, Reyna gunned it after that, they would have seconds before the wall of water would smash into them. They had to get out of this godforsaken valley.
Matthew turned around at what Zane had to say. "What's your problem man? I didn't do nothing to you guys. In fact, your being a total douche bag to everyone in the inn. I don't want any ******* drama, besides, we got bigger problems." Matthew pointed to the dam. Everyone jumped in the SUV and the woman up front floored it. Matthew looked out the window. Passing by walkers, soon to be washed away. Sucks for them.
He tightened his jaw and Turned around grabbing matthew by the Neck of his shirt. "Listen you little dip shit I don't give a rats ass about you or your f*cking comments, I was warning you now if you want to start some shit with me we can handle this shit anytime." He pushed him back on the seat with a minimal amount of force just enough for the kids back to thud against the seat.

"I don't give a shit HOW old you are. This is a damn Zombie apocalypse you either get with the program or get the f*ck out" He turned back towards the window, taking the security off of his gun and lowering the window a bit, enough to check out his surroundings. He didn't feel like having to deal with children's attitudes/ They were all there to survive not make pals and hang the hell out. He grumbled a bit tightening his grip on his gun. He turned to the kid again for a brief moment and narrowed his eyes. He was a force not to be rekoned with, and he didn't care who saw. The kid was being a little shit since they had arrived at the place and tolerating his stupidity wasn't in Zane's survival plans. He leaned back on the seat and laid his wepon on his lap.

"By the way, You don't know anyone..Or have even bothered to get to know us. So don't call me a douche before you know whats going on..Seems like your ass just got rescued by us, and your sitting there judging like you have a place" His eyes darted over and met Matthew's eyes. "You think just because you've survived this long we couldn't tell how much of a little Vagina you where when we got here? You were sitting in a hotel with barely any food and a kitchen knife as protection. If anyone should be judging its US judging YOU" He turned a bit, "Tell me kid, How'd you survive this long, huh? Kitchen Knifing Zombies to death?" He looked at the broken Ipod in his hand. "Or did you play them your shitty music?" After a bit he stopped bothering and turned to face Reyna as she drove. Their eyes made contact through the front mirror and he nodded to her.

This wasn't a joke. Everything was going to hell around them. He looked out of his window, the waters getting deeper by the second. "Will this SUV even make it in time to be clear of the Damm?" He opened the window the full way and stuck half of his body out, his hands gripping the roof a bit looking around. "If we can make it across the Large bridge off the highway we will be clear of the water damage!" he yelled down to Reyna. The bridge could be seen in the cloudy distance, but it would take about 15 minutes to get there.. 15 minutes they MIGHT not have.
Matthew finally heard the man stop. He looked at his feet. Than he grabbed the man's face and pulled his close. Matthew whispered in his ear, "First of all, the iPod had the last pictures of my family on it. Something you probably didn't have or even cared about. And second of all, I heard you and that woman talking. If you even come near me, I will tell everyone about it. You think just because I'm 16 I don't know how to **** with people?Well I do. And you and Bella over there will be put to as a disgrace. Do you hear me? Good." Matthew let go and smirked at the man's startled face. Than he looked at the man with the mask. The one he had not liked, seemed to be the sanest in the group.
Reyna drove as fast as she could without risking the wheels hydroplaning. Glancing in the rear view mirror the water was still chasing them, tumbling over itself in a great wall of brown debris filled water. The bridge was far away, around six miles. It would take them around ten minutes to get there going the speed they were at. Of course she couldn't put on the gas, but she tried to dodge obstacles as smoothly as she could.

After being chased by the churning current for the ten minutes they just barely pulled onto the old bridge when the water spilled into another river, this one was wider and carried more water way underneath them. Reyna realized just how lucky they were. Surrounded on either side by rivers, something she had over looked in her adventures out. The vehicle slowed but despite her efforts, still slightly skid to a stop.

Reyna's heart was pounding hard against her ribs, the adrenaline still fresh in her blood. Still gripping the wheels she bowed her head and leaned her forehead agains the top of the steering wheel. She needed to calm herself down. So easily could they have been swept away in the overpowering current. With all that pressure, she was sure the windshield would have caved in and they all would have drowned. Rain pounded against the roof of the car, sliding down the windows in tiny rivers, and the windshield wipers beating hard to keep the rain from constantly obstructing their vision. Reyna drew in a shaky breath, the sound lost in the drone of the sheets of rain against the vehicle.

Reyna was only partially aware to the bickering in the back seat, having more important things to do while she was driving. Once she started to relax, she went over the conversation that her brain had picked up subconsciously. They were still arguing back there. She couldn't think straight, this kid was seriously annoying her. Reyna twisted around in her seat to glare daggers into the backseat. "Can you two stop arguing like little ******* and do us all a favor and shut the hell up," she snapped at the both of them. Reyna turned on the boy and releasing her stress in the form of anger and frustration. "And you." she growled, glaring fiercely at the boy. "This is my vehicle. Get your sorry ungrateful ass out if you don't like getting your feelings hurt because right now, in case you are too ignorant to notice, we just saved your pathetic life. You're a dead-man-walking right now, had we not been there. You better screw your head on straight and think about this hard, I don't know if that would be too difficult for you with your brain capacity about as large as a walnut. Either shut the hell up and swallow any pride you may think you have left, or get the **** out of my car and continue to wallow in your shallow hole of self-pity and feel sorry for yourself somewhere else, that shits not going to work. My friend here will personally atone for your extraction from this vehicle, but I cannot personally take responsibility for his actions. Choose now, boy. Life can be relatively easy for you, or it can be inexplicably hard resulting in your ass out in the freezing rain."
As the boy tried to grab his face he smacked him with the back of his hand as he finished talking. "I could give two shits what you say to these people you little fu*ker, do i look like im scared?" He smirked and flicked his nose with his finger "You're just a ***** who hasn't grown a full vagina yet.. so sit back and relax or get the fuc-" he was interupted by reyna yelling at them both. He sighed and rolled his eyes a smirk on his face.

He didn't say anything but he thought it. 'maybe if the kid wasn't such a b*tch he wouldnt of lost his family' he pushed back on the seat and waited for the ride to me over.
Air could feel the over suspense in the room. She sat in the corner in a chair the entire time as the two lovebirds yelled at the noob. "You know we all lost our parents," Air said. Despite the fact that the kid didn't know what the f**k he was talking about, everyone needed to chill out. Sure she hasn't been level headed at all during the apocalypse but there weren't any undead, all that was going to happen was a flood. "We need to calm the f**k down and get the f**k out. You idiots are wasting all your time yelling at someone that could be more help than the crippled girl that hates you." She spoke the truth. She looked at the boy. Air could tell he hasn't been through much, compared to everyone else in the group. "So are we going to get out or yell at each other som'ore?"
"Thing is little girl, that my parents are probably still alive. The thing is, they left me for F*CKING GODDAMN DEAD! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE FOR YOUR PARENTS TO LEAVE YOU FOR DEAD? Huh! DO YOU!" Matthew turned away. Whatever. He tried to be nice to these people, but nope, they were all... animals. Killers. Well, speak for yourself Matthew. You let a 5-year old die. Could he tell them? It wasn't like they could hate him anymore. He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry I got into an argument with you people." He meant it. It was stupid to argue about retarded things like... What were they arguing about anyway? He couldn't remember. He looked out the window. A walker was going on by. Lucky son of a b*tch.
CJ was at his body and wit's end. He was extremely exhausted after everything he had to go through in one day. From being overruned by these things, to killing his brother, to this godforsaken rain. He was near his limit. The water made it hard for him to walk but he struggled. He reached the bridge. Finally, somewhere water didn't reach his knees. It didn't change the fact that he was already weak though. Still he continued dragging his feet.

He contemplated killing himself after that incident. Having to kill one of the most important people in your life was excruciating. The only thing he was holding on to now was that his sister was still alive. He wanted to live for that. He could see light from the other side of the bridge but his vision was blurry. He almost thought he was already dead and was walking into the light. The rain didn't stop and continued to pour down. As he drew closer, it was getting clearer and clearer. What he saw were headlights from an SUV. 'People.' he thought to himself. Seeing as the wipers were still moving, it had to be living people. He came within only a few yards in front of the car and tried to call out to them. "H-help..." as he spoke, he felt his strength leave him. His eyes were starting to black out. He drops to the ground, fainting.
Air looked at Matthew stunned. "Get out." she said, meaning every word of it. She didn't want to give him the justice of hearing her back story. "Now." She knew she wasn't the higher authority in the group but as of right now she had everything she needed for psychological warfare. What children resort to.. She didn't want to drop to his level but she wanted him out. Even if she had no control over that.
Reyna tuned out the banter in the backseat, knowing that their current situation was causing stress, but not being able but to slip into the sour mood herself. "All of you can shut your mouths, now. I need to think." Though the little brat kid in the back was seriously pissing her the hell off, she would wait and see what he was made of to find any use of him before he would kick his skinny ass back onto the curb to rot in his pathetic self-pity.

They needed a way out of this mess, but she couldn't think straight, the cold medicine still having a clouding effect on her mind making it hard to focus. Reyna pinched the bridge of her nose between her fore-finger and her thumb, though it was pointless so she began to rub her temples and stair out the windshield in the thick sheets of rain. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she watched a shadowed figure stumble up through the rain. Of course, through all this weather they would be disturbed by more Walkers. She thought they'd been washed all away. That or they didn't have the motor skills to stand up to the sweeping currents.

Reyna stared out through the wind for long moment, the revelation slow to hit her through the fog of drugs in her brain. Her body twitched as she sat slightly more straight, growing more rigid at the sudden thought. How could a Walker possibly navigate the currents to cross the thick stream at either end of the bridge and then slippery asphalt slick with the heavy downpor. Reyna watched, her gaze transfixed on the figure as it struggled into the glare of the headlights before it fell to it's knees. Walker's didn't collapse on the ground and stay down. If a limb for some reason failed, they would find other ways to move around driven by their primal need to consume.

The bickering in the back was intolerable, and was giving her a headache on top of the daze she was feeling now that all of the adrenaline had cleared out. She needed to get out of the car. Acting on gut feeling, Reyna flipped up her hood and kicked the door open and stepped into the rain. It beat down on her back and shoulders. She worried about the Journal getting wet even just a little bit but immediately reminded herself that it was wrapped up tight in plastic and protected underneath several layers of clothing and a waterproof jacket. Reyna slipped her MEU out of it's holster, keeping it at the ready as she approached the body.

She stood a few steps away for her own safety as she observed the body, laying motionless on the ground. She lifted her gun. Upon moving closer she discovered it was in fact breathing. The shallow irregular raises of it's chest were enough to indicate life, it was from it's physic it was definitely a man. Walker's didn't breath, they didn't need to, they were dead and acted on only basic motor skills. Reyna didn't want to take the chance anyways, with all the rain blurring her vision, it could have been a trick of the eye. With the toe of her boot she nudged the man's shoulder and rolled him over onto his back. Even though visibility was shoddy at best, Reyna could still see the look of desperation and fatigue in the man's bloodshot eyes. It was something she knew very well, but didn't see very often now adays. As a last precaution she knelt next to him, peeling a glove away from her left hand as she did so, and pressed her fore and middle finger to the inside of the man's wrist. He was alive for sure.

Reyna bent over him, not quite sure if he was unconscious or not. Her eyebrows knit together over her eyes, like the way they did when she was solving puzzle. She patted his cheek with the back of her hand, "Hello?" Reyna asked, almost cautiously but with a kind of defiance in her voice, "Can you tell me your name?"
CJ was half conscious, eyesight still blurry from weakness after a few pats on his cheek. He was still groggy and it felt like the world was moving in all directions. There was someone in front of him. The rain continued to pour on his face. The cold and wet sensation on his back was enough to tell him he was on his back. Thinking the one in front of him was a one of those freaks, he instinctively reached for the steel bat in his bag, located at his side. It was pointless though. He could barely move. The sounds he could hear was starting to clear up from all the ringing and the trickling. "...ame?" he still couldn't make any of what he or she was saying but it was enough for him to know he's safe. Those things didn't talk. He closed and then opened his eyes wider as if trying to clear his eyes. There was the off chance he could just be hallucinating.

His foggy vision was getting better. He was looking at a woman's face. His senses were slowly coming back to him. He could feel a pressing sensation on his wrist. He looked to see it was her, apparently checking for his pulse. His head was hurting so he pressed on his left temple with the base of his left palm. He sat up slowly, still pressing on to his temple. He took another look at the stranger for a while. She seemed alright, considering the world's gone to hell. After catching his breath, he tried to talk. "I-I couldn't hear you... What was that?" he asked her. He then looked around for his backpack, finding it just an arm's reach away.
Reyna spoke louder, guessing he might not have been able to hear over the rain perhaps. She helped him sit up then addressed herself before asking him his name again. Besides wanting to know his name she needed to judge how aware he was. Reyna frowned but couldn't help but ask more questions, "Where did you come from? Are you traveling by yourself? Are you hurt? Are you any good with weapons?" All things she needed to know, she spoke loud enough that he would be sure to hear her, but it was also a test to see what exactly he answered first or if he was capable of paying attention. He didn't look to be in good shape, but if it was permanent, she couldn't take him with, if he was just fatigued and it turned out he was good with a gun, then that would change things. Her eyes followed his hand to his backpack. Her gun was still in her hand with a steel grip, overall. Reyna was an "act first--ask questions later" kind of girl.
CJ stood up slowly still trying to find his balance. He was fine now after resting for a while. "If you're asking if I got bit or scratched, then no. I'm fine." he answered promptly after putting on a straight expression. He reached for his backpack and opened to front pocket. Noticing her still holding her gun, CJ tried to appease her. "Relax, lady. I'm just trying to get food to eat here.". He rummaged through the front pocket only to find a Snickers bar. "Great..." he thought to himself sarcastically. "I've got a steel bat and a gloc." he said. After remembering recent events, he corrected himself. "... make that two." he said as his expression turned into a sad one. He didn't feel like talking about the other questions she asked. He introduced himself plainly but loud enough so she could here with all the rain. "You can call me CJ." CJ looked inside the SUV before looking back at her. "You guys must be tough if you lived this long with two kids shouting like those two." he commented after hearing the bickering over the rain.
Reyna rose to her feet. She sighed and gave him a weary smile. "You have no idea." She gave the SUV a reproachful look. "I should just dump them. Damn, after today, I am seriously considering it. 'Specially the boy. Spure of the moment decision before we just about got flooded out. What a winy b*tch, saved his life, yet he thinks he's some kind of superior being." Reyna realized she was babbling. "I'm sorry. Stressed out." She slid her gun back into the holster. "Anyways, you're welcome to join us. We're headed to Atlanta." She briefly explained their situation. Her being a scientist, them going to Atlanta in search of a research facility were she could work on developing a syrum. She explained how dangerous it would be journeying into such a populated city. Reyna observed as he rummaged for in his bag for food. She arched and eyebrow, "We also have food."
CJ was still looking through his stuff but paid enough attention to listen to what she had to say. He found it. He was checking to see if his brother's pouch and badge was still there. The pouch contained some nifty tools that could come in handy like pins needed for picking locks. After killing his brother, all he could do was take anything he could still use. The badge was for a more sentimental purpose. CJ had mixed feelings reading his brother's name below the badge's insignia. It read 'Lincoln James Riley'. "Sorry Linc." he whispered to himself as he kept the badge again. CJ listened and didn't complain about her babbling. He tried to remember what her name was again. "Uhhh... Reyna, right?" he said both asking her and himself. "I appreciate the help and the invite. Thanks." he said calmly.

Moments later, Reyna explained their situation. He was already quite clear with who or what kind of people they were. Well, at least the other guy in the car and Reyna. They didn't exactly come across as civies. After closing his bag, CJ was prepared to leave with her. "I get that you just probably picked those kids and that chick up." he realized he was talking vaguely and talked again to clarify himself. "Well, I'm just asking if you guys are military or special forces or something..." he added. "Hearing your story, I can't help but think you're part of some special response team. Especially that dude." he said as he looked at the guy in the SUV. "He looks like some hardboiled soldier." he said as he looked at the sky. "Atlanta's a long way. Mind if we talked in the car instead?"
Jakal had been in the shadows of group for most of the time. Out and about, scavenging around at areas within ten miles.

A lot can happen in the time of being a loner in a group and two weeks. His appearance, first off, had changed, he now wore the same hoodie, but he had changed his coat, as to keep from being grabbed. He looked somewhat like Alex Mercer from prototype, but at the same time, very different. He had discovered a few locations and vantage points he planned on telling the team about, some of which could be useful. Namely, a gun store. However, the flooding had nulled out anychance of it's use now.

His backpack's items had been restocked, he had water and some food, all useful items he would need. He even found a clean bandana he had tied around his mouth, concealing even more of his face.

He wanted to as long as he possibly could.

He was almost scared of the thought of what he was before being discovered. He didn't like the thought. He would have to fight a few people he had actually found himself WANTING to protect, if they responded that way, of course.

But wanting to help and protect... That was a new thing for him. He didn't just decide to help people. This was strange, and he didn't even know the reasons himself.

Oh well.

So there he sat, in the car with a woman that probably wanted to destroy him, and a new guy he had not yet seen, watching and listening.

"Superior or not, you saved his life. You're already better than him."

Jakal said nothing after that, he wanted reasons, but he would let Reyna voice them before doing something stupid.

It's not like he was on good terms with the team to begin with.
Reyna nodded when he confirmed her name back to her. "You are right, should inform the others." She went back to the driver's side of her vehicle before she hesitated, turning back to him and saying over the sound of the rain. "For now, we are a bit tight on space, you might have to sit in the trunk until we are able to upgrade to a larger vehicle or add another vehicle to our company." The trunk was basically the regular space with the backmost seat folded into the floorboards making a kind of flat space, not taken up too much by supplies, as they had to leave a lot behind. There was a container or two along with a duffle or two, plenty of space for a person or two. "Sorry about the discomfort, but you will have to make due. There is food back there too."

She climbed into the front seat, then turned so that she was facing the back seat, she explained the situation and CJ joining them, as well as recapping their plans to go into Atlanta. At some point she had turned back around and shifted out of park and started to push the vehicle towards one end of the bridge where the land had yet to be flooded to the extent as the other side, as this side of the wider river was higher above ground. She eased the vehicle through the town, the water was between six inches and a foot deep, nothing that the SUV couldn't handle. Reyna wanted to get them the farthest away from the town in the shortest amount of time--that is, reasonably of course.
Giselle rubbed her temples, she was getting a headache listing to Air and Matthew argue. They barely made it out of the motel and now Reyna pulled over clearly as irritated with the two as much as she was. Giselle noticed a man on the distance the SUV's head lights shining at him, the man didn't look threatening or crazy just a little sick looking like he was... yep gonna pass out. Giselle let out a sigh as say the man fell to the floor clearly trying to fight off the blackness that was creeping up on him. Giselle thought back to when she passed out when she had the flu. It was an odd experience and feeling if you'd ask her. She looked over at Reyna when she heard her sigh and pull on her hood. Giselle said nothing as she got out of the car.

Giselle watched as Reyna approached the man cautiously with her MEU with her finger on the trigger, she was ready in case the man happened to not be a man any longer, or if he was some crazy person. Giselle momentarily took her stare off Reyna and glanced behind her at Zane to see what he was doing. She gave him a small smile for not apparent reason and then looked back out the from windshield at Reyna and squinted. It was freezing outside and pouring and with the head lights shining at the two it was kind of a blur. Giselle could tell Reyna was talking to the guy, most likely asking the dude questions. Slowly the man got up trying to hold up his balance. Giselle could make out that the guy was talking back, but he seemed like he was a threat. Most likely this guy was going to tag along with them, Giselle could really care less at the moment, she just wanted to get back on the road and away from here. She waited as Reyna and the guy to make there way back to the car.

Matthew and Air were working her last nerves .. Giselle thought as she relaxed her head on the seat and closed her eyes. They were still bickering and there high pitched voices were making her temples pound. "Oh my God" She muttered as she dropped her head into her hands and then she heard Reyna talking and opening the car door. Giselle heard something about the new comer sitting in the trunk.

Giselle shook her head "No" She said as she opened the car door and stepped out. Her face and hair getting wet in the rain for a second before she put her hood on. She looked over at the guy and said "You can have the front seat, im just going to hitch a ride with Vincent." she didn't bother grabbing any of her things because she simply forgot due to the fact that she just wanted to get out of that car. She waved up at Vincent and jogged to his truck and opened the passenger door. She climbed in taking off her hood. "To cramped in the other car and we have a new guy." She said in a worn out voice. She closed her eyes not expecting a response from Vincent as she laid her head back and drowned in the silence in the car.

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