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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina's head immediately shot up to stare at the man, all colour draining from her cheeks, he wanted to eat her?! No. Nononono that was not okay. She was panicking now as she watched the man pick his teeth. Luciky Jason didn't seem willing to hand her or anyone else over to the creepy man, but she was still afraid he'd just take her or someone else by force or something...

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason sighed "My fuck that guy was just plain odd. He wanted to eat someone, I will never understand cannibals," he said rubbing the back of his head. He sat on the pew, trying to figure out what had just happened "You ok, seems like ya seen a ghost," he said stabbing his foot to stay awake.


"More than happy to" I say picking up the cleaver and spinning it. "Shall I hand you the brain" I say in a joking voice
Nina looked at the other man "A CUSTOMER!" She said with a smile before running up to the man. "Ello love, do you want a meat pie," she asked putting her chef hat on and smiling, admiring her own sigh.

@Yappi @Mira1

~*Melina Herford*~

"H-Huh?" She looked over at Jason as he spoke "Well I feel like I have...I mean that guy had his own smoke machine?" She said forcing a quiet laugh out of herself as to seem not as scared as she was, honestly she was terrified, it seemed like everyone here looked at her like she was a slice of bacon with how many cannibals were about. Her gaze then fell to his foot as he stabbed it "....why are you doing that..." She asked as her expression turned to one of slight confusion.

@Shammy the Shamrock

My eyes widen slightly when I hear someone yelling. I turn to face Nikki and smiled at her accent. "Why of course my love!" I said with and slight bow holding out my gloved hand. "I adore the enthusiasm Madame, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say and look up at her. "Do you sell it in heart, lounge, or brain? Preferably human." I smirk.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Near @Yappi
Jason shrugged "I really can't feel pain, I do however have to protect the group. My foot been hit so many times that I can feel a katana right through it, I only takes naps, I don't sleep. I need to stay awake," He said before getting up, and looking down at her "Ya hungry....for something preferably not human," he said laughing.


Nikki laughed "AJ, get the body we have a customer. What would you like love," she said crossing her arms. A real customer, someone who could enjoy her pies "Hope you like em, these may be the best or worst pies in London, I went there for a few years," she said covering her mouth with a knife, frowning at the idea of her pies being awful, her eyes showed happiness.

@Mira1 @Yappi
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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina laughed with him when he said not human, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear she smiled "Yeah, as long as it isn't human, some food would be nice" she answered, before looking up at him "Why not take a nap now then, you look like you need one"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason shrugged "Na, after I get you something to eat." He said walking downstairs, he looked at Nikki's room "NEVER go in there, that's were Nikki makes pies," he said as he grabbed a can of peaches. "I really need to get more food when I have the time, pick a bed, if anyone gives you trouble let me know. Wake me up in an hour," he said before going upstairs and lying on a pew. He let out a yawn and dozed off, keeping the katana close to his chest.

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Nikki laughed "AJ, get the body we have a customer. What would you like love," she said crossing her arms. A real customer, someone who could enjoy her pies "Hope you like em, these may be the best or worst pies in London, I went there for a few years," she said covering her mouth with a knife, frowning at the idea of her pies being awful, her eyes showed happiness.

@Mira1 @Yappi
I smile at Nikki and think for a moment. "I will have heart please!" I say with enthusiasm in my voice as I stare at the sign. "I hope the sign is correct then, I would be disappointed if it lied to me." I frown but chuckle at myself. I wait patiently for my pie to be made and served to me.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina took a mental note when he pointed to Nikki's room, yep. She won't be going in there at all. Not a chance. Taking the peaches she was given she smiled and nodded a his words "Thanks, I will... Sleep well" she said with a smile as he left. Huh, pick a bed? She looked for somewhere to sleep that looked like no one had been near it for a while, that way she knew she wasn't stealing someone's spot and rising a ruckus. Sitting on it for a moment she took her bag and left it safely under the bed. Not that she had any valuable supplies left, all that was in her bag was a few first aid things and a bottle of water. Yawning a little herself but not ready to sleep she began to eat the peaches she was given, realising she was actually hungrier than she thought, so she continued to eat.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"One heart comin up, I go through the corpses. Slicing carefully and when I'm done I have the heart ready to be caked.
I smile and happily take the pie. I immediately take a bite. I look at her with a serious look in my face then smirk. "The sign has not let me down beautiful." I say with charming chuckle as I continue to eat the heart pie. When I finish I place the plate down and smile. "How do I pay you then?" I ask, crossing my arms.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Nikki jumped with glee "I haven't work out how to be payed. I need something if I want to make a business, hey if you want more just bring me a person and i'll cook them up for you. I must not forget my lovely assistant, AJ," she said posing and doing jazz hands, showing off AJ.

@Mira1 @Yappi

I do jazz hands too "I'm happy ya enjoyed your meal" I twirl the cleaver with Jackass etched into it.
I chuckle and shake my head. "Well when you figure it out tell me." I say looking back at aj, seeing him do jazz hands and twirling a cleaver with 'jackass' engraved. "Holly shit! That's awesome." I say with a frown, opening my trench coat full of my knife collection. "I only have these." I say before closing it and waving to them. "I'll be back later!" He said and started to walk to his penthouse.

((Im gonna go for a while. Break up, shit, life sucks, you know the deal :P ))
Mira1 said:
I chuckle and shake my head. "Well when you figure it out tell me." I say looking back at aj, seeing him do jazz hands and twirling a cleaver with 'jackass' engraved. "Holly shit! That's awesome." I say with a frown, opening my trench coat full of my knife collection. "I only have these." I say before closing it and waving to them. "I'll be back later!" He said and started to walk to his penthouse.
((Im gonna go for a while. Break up, shit, life sucks, you know the deal :P ))

"Neat" I say looking at his knives. I walk inside, looking around

(K, sorry bout that...I know that feel all to well)
Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina took a mental note when he pointed to Nikki's room, yep. She won't be going in there at all. Not a chance. Taking the peaches she was given she smiled and nodded a his words "Thanks, I will... Sleep well" she said with a smile as he left. Huh, pick a bed? She looked for somewhere to sleep that looked like no one had been near it for a while, that way she knew she wasn't stealing someone's spot and rising a ruckus. Sitting on it for a moment she took her bag and left it safely under the bed. Not that she had any valuable supplies left, all that was in her bag was a few first aid things and a bottle of water. Yawning a little herself but not ready to sleep she began to eat the peaches she was given, realising she was actually hungrier than she thought, so she continued to eat.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Nikki looked at Aj "I'm gonna go downstairs for a bit," she said going to her shop, she saw a woman eating peaches and smiled. She went up and looked down at the new girl "HI! My name is Nicole, how are you," she said in a innocent voice. Nikki giggled 'I can really pull of the sweet innocent girl' she thought to herself, clasping her hands.

@Yappi @Nona
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