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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina's smile faded as the woman's voice became cold. So this was the Cannibal woman. She moved back a bit a nervousness washed over her "U-Uhm...n-no thank you, I've uhm... Eaten quite alot of these..." She said holding up the peaches, now gripping the can nervously.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Nikki pointed the knife at her throat "Now, now I'm not like the others. I am a chef not a monster," she said before tackling her, she kissed Melina. The knife was still to her throat as they were both on the bed.

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina's eyes widened as the knife was pointed at her throat. Looking at it as she shuddered a bit. Not like the others huh?, she found that hard to believe. Letting a all yelp as she was suddenly tackled and then...kissed? What the hell was going on?! She began squirming in an attempt to get away.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya sits up with a yawn and looks around. She stood and scrached, looking around for threat. "Big man! Where are you?" She called out, adjusting her shirt some so it was more comfortable.

@Shammy the Shamrock

I stand at the curb and state at the church. My potato bag mask was covering my face once again. I sigh slightly and play with my knife. "Maybe Jason will accept me if I force him to." I am quietly to myself. "After all, he is pretty weak at this point, poor man probably hadn't slept in days."


Drew runs around outside playing in the trees. He climbs up and spots a strange man looking at the church. He jumps down and starts to make his way over to greet the man.

Nikki pointed the knife at her forehead "Now, now don't struggle. If you struggle you become ti-" she was cut off by the sound of a bang.

Jason growled "Fuck I wanted to sleep for at least an hour, why can't I have that." He said before pointing at Nikky, she flipped him off but went into her room. "You ok, that was quite a close call," he said picking her up to her feet.


Threat jumped on her back "RAWR! Hi mom, how you doing," he said laughing and adjusting himself. He rested his head on her shoulder.

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I walk up stairs and go into a rand- I see Nikkie and Someone else. I slowly close the door and walk away, then I start jogging away. Before I hear a gunshot.
Miya stubles a little but giggles. "Hey buddy! Im doing quite well for myself, how about you?" She said looking at him the best she could.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Drew approached Jack with a smile. "Hia stranger! What's with the mask?" He asked the man, place in his hands behind his back.

I smile at this child and kneel down infront of him. "Hello Drew!" I say picking the young child up and ruffle his hair some. "How would you like some candy?" I say carrying the child to my apartment. I pull a chocolate bar out of my pocket and hand it to him. He eats it happily as I enter my penthouse. He runs to the window and looks out at the view. I have him turn around and I take a picture of him. "Now I have something to bribe Jason with!" I say happily clapping and handing him another chocolate bar.

Threat laughed "I'm feeling better, the voices stop when I'm around you. You're so warm, the pain also has stopped, unless I hit my head again," Threat said climbing higher. He went over her face so that he was blinding her, he giggled.


I walk outside into the city,I scavenge around looking for people. I am however unknowingly near Jacks penthouse

(Jack can kidknap AJ or knock him out ext.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina shut her eyes and flinched as the knife was held to her forehead, listening to the woman's words which were cut off by a gunshot. Melina's eyes shot open at the sound. She was soon picked up on to her feet as she heard a familiar voice. Looking to Jason, her face still drained of all colour, she nodded, rubbing the side of her arm with her hand. "I-Im fine..." she said glancing to the door Nikki left through briefly.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya smiled hearing him say that he was doing better. "I'm glad to hear that son!" She said happily about to walk upstairs until she was blinded by him. She stops where she was so she didn't call and chuckles. "Oh no! I've gone blind." She said in a fake sad tone, pretending to cry.

@Shammy the Shamrock

I spot a man walking near my penthouse and chuckle. I run out the front doors, wearing my long trench coat, and a top hat. "Excuse me sir!" I call out showing no sign that I I'll harm him. "How are you doing my good man?" I say approaching him, keeping an eye out for Zombies.

Sophie pounded on the metal door of the shed. She heard rasping and groaning outside. Zombies. Her parents had locked her in there with he cat, Shadow. It had been an hour since then, and Sophie knew that her parents hadn't made it. "Someone!! Please help me!! Let me out!!" she screamed, crumpling down to the floor and sobbing. No one was going to hear her. She was going to die here. Shadow meowed and crawled into her lap, purring and rubbing against her face, soaking up her tears.
Jason sighed "You ain't, we both know that. Ya almost got turned into mel pie," he said with a slight laugh, trying to change the atmosphere. "You see the reason why I think she can't change, she's created a cannibal restaurant. She's always looking for people to be her next pie," he said looking down at the pail girl.


Threat laughed "I got you no-" he slipped off and fell on his back. "FUCKING SHIT THAT HURT!" Peace said before fixing her mouth, making sure it wasn't covering up. She ignored Miya as she did, let out a squeal of pain. She placed the knife away and looked behind her "Hello Miya," she said crossing her arms.

Sophie heard the distant hum of voices and stood back up. "HELLO?? PLEASE HELP ME!! I'M IN HERE!'' she yelled, slamming against the locked door of the shed.
Finally, the door gave way and Sophie busted out, clutching a shotgun to her chest for dear life. Spotting a few humans nearby she ran over. "I'm Sophie." she blurted, shooting a zombie that had climbed up onto the shed.
Miya felt that Threat fall from her shoulder. She screamed with worry, not minding him swearing. She went to help her up but she had already told and crossed her arms. That's when she found out it was peace that was precent. She frowned and turned away for a moment. "What the hell do you want Peace..." she growled, still pained at what she had said.

@Shammy the Shamrock

I tilt my head and clap my gloved hands together. "That is wonderful!" I say moving closer to him. "You see I'm in need of a new pet. And you would do just right for the job!" I explain happily before slugging him hard in the face, hopefully knocking him out.

Peace shrugged "I was bored inside the head. I wanted to say hi but Threat wouldn't let me, when he fell I took the advantage." She reached into her pocket and realized there was nothing "What happened to my cigarettes, I thought I had them," she said placing the bandanna on her mouth. She let out a sigh before sitting on the porch, whistling and cleaning her nails with a knife.

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~*Melina Herford*~

She laughed softly at his words before he spoke again her brows furrowing lightly "A-A restaurant? T-Theres that many of them?" She said quietly as she looked around, expelling some air from her lips as she calmed herself down. Not seeming as pale now.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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