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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Threat woke up and decided to get up. He gently went off the bed and looked around, the pain wasn't as intense. He smiled at the dulled pain, he looked back 'Would she have really killed me if I asked....Of course she would have, you are her ki-'. Threat hit his head to make her stop but immediately regretted it. He gave a sharp squeal of pain before sitting on the floor and curling up "1*Groan* 2," he counted trying to think of something else besides his head.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/jack_the_ripper_by_linouuu.jpg.8cfd606febb921e5a0a7ffa804e84c56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/jack_the_ripper_by_linouuu.jpg.8cfd606febb921e5a0a7ffa804e84c56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I sit and hope that Jason had gotten the letter. The apartment I had chosen for my work was a penthouses in the city. I have a amazing view and a telescope that I keep pointed twoards the church. I walk over to the telescope to look through it, deleted to see that he had gotten the letter. I clap with joy as I walts over to my new pet. He squirms in his chair weak and in pain. "Hello my darling!" I say caressing his face. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go, Jason awaits!" I tell him, swinging the cleaver's at his neck, cutting into it from both sides. The man screams in pain as it doesnt kill him instantly. By my second swing his head hangs on by a thread. I rip it off and chuckle. "Let's take you to see my favorite person on planet earth!" I say and run downstairs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d33c71d_download(1).jpg.6ef65400e47ecf96e8cbd5e2ebf19ec0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d33c71d_download(1).jpg.6ef65400e47ecf96e8cbd5e2ebf19ec0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I place a rough potato bag over my head, two eye holes cut in so I can see. I make my way out the door carrying the head. I reach the front of the door and Chuck the head at the door, causing loud bang. I stand for a second so whoever checks the door can see me. I get ready to run if they try anything.



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Jason looked at him "Hello Jack the ripper, Jesus I get the weirdest visitors. Anyway where you the one with the heart," he asked slightly twitching. He let out a sigh before taking out his revolver, ready to shoot.

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(Jill: ANOTHER RIPPER!!!! YAAAA, Jack: It's just a odd coinciden- *Gets picked up by Jill the ripper* Jill: Shush Teddy, let me enjoy this *Cat Hissing and clawing)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/jack_the_ripper_by_linouuu.jpg.23610f29734f0b015128d4466172f279.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/jack_the_ripper_by_linouuu.jpg.23610f29734f0b015128d4466172f279.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I smile under the mask, amused he knew who I was. It made me feel warm inside knowing that someone out there knew my name. I feel a warmth coming from my stomach as I stand before the Jason Grim. I tilt my head at his question and nod slightly, bringing my gloved hand to my chest where my heart is located. I see him pull out a revolver and shake my head no. I hold up to bends showing I meant no harm. 'this will be fun' I think to myself as I take a step closer, lowering my arms. I keep to myself and do not speak for the sake of keeping my real identity a secret from him.

@Shammy the Shamrock



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Jason slowly put his gun away, he kept his guard up. He stared at the potato man, he had no fuck who the man was, he yawned before walking back inside. He sat on a pew leaving the door open, he stabbed his foot to make sure he was not dreaming....he wasn't. "So why the fuck are you here," he asked in a low and soft voice, lighting a cigarette.

(Jack: Oh so that's the ripper *Jill Leans on Jack* Can we name our son that *Shoves away* FUCK NO.......I want a Alex. Oats:I got bored in the other role play, what are you bitches doing :3)
I see him put the gun away and sighed with relief. Quiet enough so Jason couldn't hear it. I quietly follow him into the church and look around, watching him stab himself in the foot. I tilt me head at his actions, not getting what he was attempting to do. I shake it off and almost speak to answer his question. It quickly turns into a cough before I make a heart with my hand then spread my arms up indicating the church. I then point at him. A small cloud of fog spreads around my mask from a machine I was operating in my other hand.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jason looked at the fog, then down at his cigarette "What the fuck am I smoking," he said rubbing the back of his head. He let out a sigh "You came here just to give me a heart, and a note on how it was a gift." He said looking down at the old note before crumbling it and putting it in his pocket


Nikki was working outside, whistling as she did. She started writing on a giant sign 'The Cooks Bakery, Greatest pies in lond-the city," the word London was scribbled out. She smiled at her work, holding her knife behind her back.


I walk outside ignoring what I was smoking when I saw the fog machine guy. I see Nikkie "Greatest bakery is a understatement"
Nikki smiled "Aww too kind, I figured that if I need to expand I need a place to start. Until Javisco comes back I need someone to get me my pastries," she said, her smile became devious as she looked at him.

I roll my eyes from under the mask. "A cigarette my good sir!" I say, finally speaking to him. I was getting annoyed with the cheese hand gestures. I take a seat on the pew arm and smiled under the mask. "Jason, my beauty that heart was a gift to you." He said looking round for it. "It was for you to taste, and I say it was quite amazing!" Insaid spreading my arms out. "The human body is a wonderful thing to explore. Many people like the flesh but I believe the organs are the good parts. The juiciest of it all!" I explained and tilted my head . "Have you not tried it Jason?" Some more fog came out of my mask as I removed it. The fog helped hide my face pretty well as I kept it going at a steady rate.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Mira1 said:
((This parody of jack the Ripper is bisexual btw ;3))
(Jason: Hetero! I feel very uncontrollable....Shammy Shammy: Can't help you, i'm going to the void to see if this is a fanfiction *Leaves and hears yelling of me to go back*)
Jason saw the smoke, he began to tense "No, I ain't a cannibal sorry. How do you know my name, you don't seem like you're from back west," he said slowly moving farther. He was amazed by his version of a cigar, but wanted not to have his organs ripped out by a Jack the Ripper wannabe.

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina sat on a pew with her knees hugged up to her chest as she watched this peculiar man, kind of freaked out by his presence really, almost shuddering as he talked about organs being the best part to eat. She nervously tugged at her cardigan sleeves with her hands as she watched the conversation.


@Shammy the Shamrock

I chuckle as he begines to tense up. "Don't worry, I would never kill such a precious creature." I say pushing more fog up into my face. "I know your name, because I have been watching you. And your entire group. Miya, Mira, AJ, you, Drew, Threat... or is it peace? He confuses me." I move closer to him as he moved away. "You see, the little ones are the juiciest, and I what to know what I can give you for drew." I say with a large smile on my face, I open up my trench coat showing the contraption causing the smoke and an array of knives. I take one out and begine to pick at my teeth. I purposely look back to an unfamiliar face. "Or her, I'll take the girl for a better bargain than drew." I look back at Jason and twirl the knife near his face, careful not to cut him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Mira1 said:
I chuckle as he begines to tense up. "Don't worry, I would never kill such a precious creature." I say pushing more fog up into my face. "I know your name, because I have been watching you. And your entire group. Miya, Mira, AJ, you, Drew, Threat... or is it peace? He confuses me." I move closer to him as he moved away. "You see, the little ones are the juiciest, and I what to know what I can give you for drew." I say with a large smile on my face, I open up my trench coat showing the contraption causing the smoke and an array of knives. I take one out and begine to pick at my teeth. I purposely look back to an unfamiliar face. "Or her, I'll take the girl for a better bargain than drew." I look back at Jason and twirl the knife near his face, careful not to cut him.
@Shammy the Shamrock

(He talking about Harmony? Because threats a guy if a remember)
Jason glared at him before getting up "None of them are for sale, I ain't selling my group. They aren't yours nor mine, I won't give any to you," he said in a strict tone, before walking in front of Melina. He took out his katana twirling it.

@Mira1 @Nona
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Nikki giggled "Fresh, bloody, and screaming pastries. Every Frankenstein needs his Igor, so what do ya say Mr. Todd." She said cleaning her knife and giving him a clever that said 'Jackass'.

I frown and in a saddened voice say. "That's too bad." I sigh and stand from where I as seeing him pull out a katana. I shake my head and step close to him, careful not to be hit by his spinning. "Okay, I get it." I put my arms up and smirk. "I am obviously not welcomed here, but in time you may find me a useful partner." I smirk deviously and throw the knife to his feet, missing them. "My calling card if you need me." I say and leave the church. On my way out I spot a sign that seems to have London scribbled out on it. It reminded me if home so I decide to take a look at it. Tilting my head, turning the fog off and holding my mask to the side.

@Shamny the Shamrock


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