- Zodiac - [Inactive]

I'm gonna be late at this rate, Adonna scowled into her bag, throwing out clothes onto her bed yet still not finding the one jacket she was looking for. Heat, Adonna could deal with. The chill, on the other hand... her given uniform wasn't enough to keep her warm. She'd pulled on some tights but she needed that one jacket she couldn't seem to find. I'll just have to settle for this, she thought, eyeing the leather jacket on her bed. Honestly, it was just too much. And it placed a sort of intimidating look on her, not what Adonna was going for. She wanted to blend in, be one of the grey-clad crowd. Hopefully it'll be warm in the classroom, she thought, but doubted very much so. No, no, she wasn't going to subject herself to an hour or more of torturous chill. She threw the leather jacket on, looking at herself in the mirror. And scowled, furthering the I'm-a-hop-on-the-back-of-a-Harely-Iron-883-after-school look. Smile. Smile, damnit. Her forced smile looked so awkward, she spit out into a laugh.

She stole a look at her bag again. There was no time. She forced herself to abort her mission and sling her backpack over shoulder.
I think I have everything I need... she thought, giving her room a once over as she opened the door. She caught sight of the origami dragon, sitting on the top right edge of her table.

On a whim, she spoke,
"I'll be back," to it, smirking at the fact that she was talking to an inanimate object.

She patted the the sides of her skirt, making sure her phone and wallet and other items were in there before she let the door close.

Moving at a slight jog, Adonna's mind drifted back to yesterday. They'd been too late to make it to the hospital... Hotaru had explained the situation... sort of... but, Adonna didn't know how much she believed. It felt, well, unreal. Something that happened in the news to someone else, never to anyone you knew. Hotaru had been sincere, Adonna understood that. But her brain refused to.

Bringing herself back to the present, Adonna entered the assigned classroom, automatically taking the first open seat closest to the door, purposely keeping from looking about the sea of desks. It was a habit she'd picked up from when she'd first entered high school. Don't make eye contact, but keep your head up. Adonna laughed softly to herself,
Isn't that the same advice they give to you in jail?

She grabbed a notebook and pencil out of her backpack, and threw them onto the desk.
Senior year, round two. Here we go.



Dorm Key

Backpack (containing school supplies)

Farra's bright smile vanished. "I honestly don't know," she muttered, embarrassed. Farra had a fierce amount of intelligence, and "I don't know" is a phrase rarely uttered. "Maybe food poisoning. Or something," she said. Fluffing up her hair, she cocked her head to the side and asked, "Are you alright? You look...awful." Yawning, she added, "Cool hair you've going there...how long did it take?" Farra hoped he would get what she was saying; Did he get any sleep AT ALL? Or did he stay up all night?

(On my phone...)



-Blue Ear buds

-Tablet with only Netflix on it

The warm sun on Hotaru's skin was like an invitation to continue to stay in her bed. She felt just like a domestic cat, Hotaru even curled up into a ball. A small voice in the back of her head reminded the day before. After Hotaru had rounded up people, her grandpa drove them to the hospital unfortunately it was closed. They assumed that Dominic went back to his home, after that everyone headed off to their own path. Hotaru's grandpa left her with a box full of supplies. Last night Hotaru had stuffed in her backpack nearly half of the supplies from the box. Yawning, Hotaru crawled her way to her luggage. She pulled out a set of clothes and dragged her way to the bathroom. For a moment, Hotaru's nearly black and untamed hair made Hotaru look like the spiting image of The Grudge. Once she pulled her self up to look at the mirror she jumped back in fear and fell to the ground, Holy crap!

After recollecting herself, Hotaru quickly got dressed in her uniform. It was a long white sleeved shirt with a grey vest over it and a plaid tie which matched her plaid skirt. The girl with dark hair looked back into the mirror, she needed to buy more dye. Her natural hair color was devastating to see. Hotaru sighed and left the bathroom, she picked up her backpack and pulled out her schedule. First up....room 102, here she goes. She took a step out of her dorm room.

Hotaru sat in the middle of the hallway with a slate on her lap as she examined the map. This was so pitiful to watch, even for the late students. All of a sudden, Hotaru sees a hand reach out to her, "Lost?" Hotaru looked up to see a girl with a tilted head and a kind expression. The girl had a narrow face and sharp features, her hazel eyes shined, and her long black hair fell forward. Hotaru stood up and brushed herself off as she nodded pointing to her schedule. The girl took it her hands and smiled, "It's right over there." She pointed to the opposite corridor. Hotaru looked over to the place she was talking about and lost herself in thought for a second. When she turned to show her thanks, Hotaru was stranded in the hallway.

Hotaru picked up her belongings and ran to the room, like the black haired girl said it was room 102. She opened the door and was confronted by the teacher, Mr. Mutton. Hotaru looked at him with no words to say, "Well? Why are you late?" Hotaru looked down to her slate, never had she felt so small. The teacher continued, "Come on, speak up." Her markers were in her bag, maybe she could reach for them...



| Morning |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

No blame could be placed on Farra. That night felt quick and there were many details he had forgotten. He raised his overall posture when questioned about the mess that was his hair. "How long? Just a single night, really." A night of worry and self-guilt, but that's something he didn't want to talk about just yet.

"Do we have everyone here?" The teacher asked like he expected the students to keep tabs on one another. In reality, that was the case. There were just such a large mass of students that it would have been easier for the students to just look after themselves. That didn't mean those missing would avoid punishment, no. It simply made the teacher's job a little easier.

After he had asked, Hotaru had come waddling into the classroom like a lost puppy, and just like that, she stood in front of the class under interrogation by Mutton. Poor Hotaru. He thought as he shook his head slightly.
Something in her mind click ,a trigger perhaps maybe an inside mind instinct. Whatever it was it made her shoot out of bed and land on her feet. It took her a minute before her eyes stopped on her clock. Giving her head a full on hard smack she ran toward the shower and turned it on. she ran toward the iron and began to iron and press her clothes. While that happened the toaster that was brought from home was cooking her toast. Hopping in the shower after she turned off the iron she was in there for ten minutes. Jumping out and grabbing on to the handle so she wouldn't fall, she moved herself on to the carpet and began to dry herself. Shaking her head to get the remains of the water droplets out she threw her towel on the bed then slipped on her clothes. Grabbing the toast with her mouth and sliding on her shoes she ran toward her door where her back pack she had packed last night was waiting for her. Grabbing it roughly by the strap she swung over her head and it rested diagonally. Opening the door she ran out but then turned back around to grab her daily things from her dresser. Letting out a long sigh she ran back out and slammed her door shut. Trying to get the key in she began to have a fit almost a break down. She screamed and forcefully jammed her key in only for it to fall on to the floor.


She took her little three minutes to stop on the key as if it was a dead body. Picking it back up she put it into the lock then closed it. Finally she shoved the key in her pocket and rain down the stairs and out the doors. Chewing on her bread she walked into the school doors and saw there was not a soul in sight and not a sound to be heard. She looked up toward the school clock and nearly cussed herself out. She was a junior so she was on the third floor right. She ran through the halls despite people and warning saying not too. It irritated her that there was no one , nearly agitated her that he alarm clock didn't go off. Running up the stairs by threes she made it to the third floor , landing crouched and with a hand on the wall. Unladly like right? She could care less at the moment. She rushed toward the room she was to be in and knocked on the door, of course after twisting the knob only for it to be locked.

"Who locks the door"

The door opened slightly and an elderly man with missing hair but a few , only three rested on the top of his head. He wrote down something on a piece of paper than handed it to her. As she took it the man jerked forward as he was hit in the back of the head with a book. Shaking his head he had shut the door. Ukime looked down and read for her to go to a first year class due to all the higher classes being filled. Groaning about this petty situation that made her even more late, she high tailed it toward class. Running back down the stairs and nearing the class , she stopped a few inches before entering. Trying to hid from the teacher as he talked to another student, she made her way toward the back but at the middle desk. seating herself she put her head down and tried not to be noticed.



Wallet [$40]





Writing utensils[8]

Sketch book[1]

Sketch tools[5]

How she stomped on her key

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Shun awoke to the lovely aroma of breakfast emanating from a nearby source from where he painfully laid. Shun groaned as he rose into a sitting position to acquire his location while attempting to ignore the aches that existed from his night on the living room's couch that was far too short to accommodate his height.

"You choose it," Ashlei said with a laugh as she swung around the kitchen wall with a spatula in one hand and flour in her hair. "My parents were all for giving you a bed, but you just wouldn't give up your claim of that couch." Ashlei returned back to the kitchen however her voice could still be heard as she still had more to say. "There's a change of clothes on the table, so hurry up and go take a shower. I'll have breakfast done when your out, but you need to get going soon. Armstrong High is strict on attendance." she explained in a serious tone that was very unlike her.

The rest of Shun's early morning went by in a blur as he quickly showered, finished breakfast, and soon found himself bidding farewell to his friend with two bento boxes shouldered under his arms. I don't have my uniform, and I don't have supplies. This ought to be an interesting day, Shun thought to himself as he emerged onto the neighborhood street where to his surprise, Geoffrey was awaiting his arrival with the Porsche he had drove the day before.

"Ashlei summoned me to drive you to school, saying you would be late otherwise," Geoffrey explained once Shun had entered the car and the two sped off in a race against time. "The madam had too much to drink last night and is still asleep in the hotel." he added with a smile toward Shun. "Besides, I wanted some time to catch up with you."

Although the drive was short, there was still plenty of time for the two to catch up with stories of their year apart, and it was by the time Geoffrey had come to a screeching halt at the school's front that a sentimental tear could be seen glistening in the corner of his eye as the time for farewells had once again come. Reaching into the back of the car, Geoffrey retrieved two notebooks from the backseat and handed them to Shun along with a small slip of paper. "Here's a map of where your first class is so you can rush straight there. Its math by the way."

"I'll see ya around gramps, " Shun said with a smile, giving Geoffrey one last hug before exiting the car, turning to wave one last time, then rushing off into the school building.

"Take care of yourself, and do try and visit!" Geoffrey hollered out the open passenger side window to the before speeding off to return back to the hotel from where he came.

Finding his classroom was easy thanks to the map Geoffrey had given him; however, it was the mass of students crowding the halls that made his traversal difficult. Checking his phone for the time, Shun saw that he had nearly fifteen minutes before he would be considered late, and so his pace slowed as he was no longer worried about time. Shun's classroom was somewhat close to the school's entrance and it was after a short walk that he entered into his assigned room, taking a quick glance around at those who were already present. Seeing Adonna sitting at the classroom's front, Shun waved and flashed her a smile before seating himself at the desk next to hers. "Good morning," he began with a yawn as he placed one of the notebooks and bento boxes on the top of his desk. "It seems we ended up in the same class after all," he continued while taking hold the box and offering it toward Adonna. "Ashlei said she couldn't visit, so she gave the lunch she promised to me instead," he explained with a laugh.

  • iPhone
  • drawing pad
  • pencil
  • two notebooks
  • two bento boxes
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"Eh, pre-school stress. It happens to the best oneus. I guess," Farra said simply. Just then , the mute girl (Hotaru, right?) Came stumbling in, looking lost. The teacher immediately started chewing her out. "Can you cut it out, already?" She called up to the teacher. "Obviously, she's new and doesn't exactly have a map of the school, so give her a break! Besides, you should be starting class right about..NOW." The bells rang, and the smug look of triumph was clear on her face, though she was prepping for detention. "Well? Can you start the lesson? Or do I have to go up there and teach these lovely students, including dear Hotaru, a subject in which I am shitty in?" Farra, who was standing by then, took a long and exaggerated bow before sitting back down. If there was one thing that Farra hated, it was bullies; especially when they were teachers.
Roe didn't need the alarm clock to wake up early that morning. Her eyes seemed to open on their own a few hours before school started. After the incident at the store, Roe seemed to be in constant thought. First thing she needed to do was apologize to Adonna and Hotaru. When Dominic had run out, she had shrugged in response to Adonna's questions and went back to work. She hoped she didn't seem too rude, it's just... that could have been one of her family is all. After work, she had shut herself in her room, headphones blaring... she did not sneak out to the park that night.

In the dark (so as not to wake her little brother and sister) she looked at her uniform. The early morning light had peeped in just enough that the gray of Armstrong High seemed to glow silver. Lightly touching the fabric, Roe wasn't sure what to think anymore. It was her last year in high school, there was an attempted murder happened basically in her own back yard... the previous hopes that this was going to be the best year ever seemed dimmed by the angry butterflies that threatened to explode Roe from the inside.

Her hand curled around the arm of her uniform, balling into a fist. She had almost regretted signing up for the Security club... but now she welcomed the opportunity to keep not only her family safe, but all of her peers as well. That's what the club was for anyway, students protecting students when adults couldn't be counted on. Taking the freshly crinkled clothes, Roe walked to the bathroom and changed. It was still early morning, but she felt like she needed to walk... and so Roe went to school. She was there before most teachers, who scolded her for what they thought was stupidity... and maybe they were right.

She was one of the first to find her classroom, and chose a seat near the window... watching all the students interact and walk in. She turned her head to look out the window. Lost in her own world, she heard a boy mention Adonna's name. Snapping her head around... there she was! What luck! As soon as there was a break, she was going to go over and apologize for her rude behavior yesterday. Maybe this day wouldn't be so solemn after all.
As she reached for her markers, a loud voice rang throughout the room, "Obviously, she's new and doesn't exactly have a map of the school, so give her a break!" Hotaru looked up to see Farra defending her. She pulled her slate over her face to hide the smile. One of her fri- Wait....that's Dominic, okay so there is two of- Oh look, it's Roe! Three of her new- Adonna? Hotaru took in the new faces, face by face she slowly recognize her new friends all in one classroom. "Besides, you should be starting class right about..NOW." The bell rung and Hotaru quickly scurried off to an empty seat behind Farra. Hotaru most definitely needs to give her a hug.

Notebooks (x3)

Pencils (x12)

Sketchbook (x3)




An apology to Kitt for changing Farra's color. ><
Hotaru! Roe had been so zoned out that she hadn't even noticed Hotaru! Raising her hand, she waved hesitantly towards Hotaru, and made a mental note to say hello properly. Stretching as class began, Roe straightened and took out her new pug notebook. Time to start studying.

*a/n: I'm sorry (hack cough lung plops on the floor). I have to sleep and work tomorrow. Gomen
Jacen was seated in the rear of the class, requiring him to don a pair of glasses. Something he'd rarely do, despite the doctor's advisory.

Scribbling some words in a black notebook, he mentally prepared himself for the day of classes and waited for this one to start.

Math, my least favorite subject...at least it's out of the way early.

As he waited for things to get started, he decided to recite some of his writings in his head. It beat sitting around staring at the wall.

Watch a shadow as the light cast me, might blast me. Built a dynasty to die nasty, if you ask me. Brutal lines like it's MK, just her purse say but that's just wordplay per se- Ok, this sucks. I can't write a damned thing in this classroom...too stuffy in here. I'll try this nonsense again at lunch.

Jacen's inventory:


Personal notebook+3 mechanical pencils

School notebook

Nikky took a seat near the front, she placed her tote bag next to her desk. Inside held most of her school supplies and a few dollars for lunch. She straightened her sweater vest and adjust her skirt. She wasn't one to get excited about school but it was nice to be in a new setting once in a while. The room was filled with the voices of teens making small talk while they waited for class to start.

She looked over and saw a few students she reconized. Even Hotaru was in the class, there was something about Hotaru she wanted to know more about. And as a natural detective, she'd find out sooner or later. Obviously there was more about that girl than what she'd let on, but who's to say that can't be said about most? She shook her head, delving into those thoughts usually never got her anywhere good.

Nikky looked over at a familiar face, Dominic, or what was left of him. He like a ghost of his former self. He was chatting with someone but he still seemed detached. She wasn't really familiar with him but still, seeing him like that made her want to do something about it. An idea popped up and she grabbed her notebook and ripped out a piece of paper. She scribbled on it then folded the paper and tucked it in her pocket for later.

Love, Tapatalk


| Morning |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

For some strange reason, Dominic had forgotten one thing about Farra that was actually quite important to note; She was loud and she wasn't afraid to speak up. It reminded him that it was indeed her that stood up to Red on Saturday. An annoyed sigh escaped him as pretty much all eyes had been on her now.

All Dominic could do was cross his arms over his table and bury his face in them.
Could this day get any worse? He thought to himself. The teacher was taken back by the bluntness of Farra, and equally returned threats of detention that I'm too lazy to write about.

Once the bell had rang, class was in session. The doors were shut and the atmosphere was quiet as the only audible voice was that of the slightly annoyed Mutton. Dominic tried, tried so hard to pay attention, but if he wasn't dozing off, he was worrying about Ben. The timing couldn't be worse.
Alice sighed rubbing her temple to sooth the pain. Just a few days ago, she fell ill in a store and luckily got home safely without trouble. Her sickness was gone now but she still had to go apologize to Ukime for the trouble and she also had to make up the days she must have missed of school,"Another bad luck of mines..." She thought putting on her uniforms for school and went off to her assigned classes.
Glancing quickly behind her and giving Hotaru a quick smile, Farra asked the teacher, "So? Gonna start?"

Scanning the room once more, she spotted a few fairly- familiar faces. Wasn't that girl in the group she was with when she...passed out? The teacher cleared his throat. "I expect more respect from a tranfer, Ms...?" he said snidely. "Rei. Farra Rei. But I respond to Your Majesty," the girl replied, her eyes alight with silent laughter. "You mad, bro?"
Ukime watched as the girl talked back to the teacher. The atmosphere was annoying to her and her bad side decided to step in while they were talking.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD start the class. You heathen."

Ukime narrowed one of her eyes and widened the other. This wasn't like her cute puffed out cheek number more her annoyed she wants to kill you number. He was annoying, spoke the same old way and barked out demands and threats as if he could do something. While her mood shifted it was like a cut scene out of an anime, her bag had fallen over afters she called him a heathen and a tsk escaped her mouth afterwards.
Nikky was so enrapted in her little plan she hardly noticed the girl speaking against the teacher. She tilted her head, she didn't know what caused it but teachers still needed to be respected nonetheless. She herself planned to be a teacher one day and she'd hate to be in a situation like this.

"Excuse me, Farra" she began, "But you really shouldn't be talking to teachers like that!" Suddenly she drew attention to herself, she didn't mind it though, if she was going to speak she'd better be heard. "As someone going to a school like this you should have more self control."

Love, Tapatalk
Farra gave the girl a look long. "Ooh, I see, so you're cool with bullying, as long as it's from a teacher... Alrighty, that TOTALLY MAKES SENSE. So, if Mr. mutton here called Hotaru, a defenseless student, a fat idiot even though she isn't, that would be cool, because he's a teacher?" She spat, anger rising in her chest. "I think you need to reevaluate your views," Farra ended, sitting down again.
Nikky was taken a back, "Way to jump to conclusions. I never supported bullying I never said I did! I just said that you shouldn't be so rude to a teacher!" She stared at Farra fiercely, "I value the fact that you'd stand up for your fellow student but you should also show restraint as I've said before! Drop it. Of course whatever he did should be discussed, but calling him out in his own class is completely tactless not to mention fruitless." She crossed her arms then looked at Mr. Mutton disapprovingly but said nothing more.

Love, Tapatalk
"Who are you to judge me? Free county, hon, get used to it." Farra's eyes blazed, but her face showed nothing. "What you were defending is and was bullying! The teacher was harassing a helpless student, who is, in fact, new! So, who would you pick to side with: the bully or the victim? Because right now, you've sided with the bully.

You act as if I treat all of my teachers like this. I don't, actually. I have a lot of, how did you put it, SELF CONTROL. But you got me started, oh yes. No matter who it is, if they were a hobo or the President, I would not tolerate their behavior and call them out for it! Most people view "standing up for others and themselves" bullying, but you know what? I call bull. I think they're too weak to get over themselves and help this person. Now, kindly stop embarrassing yourself, and sit down."

Farra sat down quietly, the class in shocked silence.
"Personally....If you don't have the guts or will to stand up for yourself then you deserve to get bullied. The weak will always fall behind unless they see within themselves and over come such trials. Hotaru...should at least stand her ground when she is being talked to like that, whether it be man or woman. "

Ukime had crossed her arms and looked at the two that were arguing about the matter at hand. They prolonged class and was disrupting it. She gave off a small frown as she thought her opinion on the mater was different then theirs. She understood most of what their saying but one was yelling to much and the other was trying to save the day.

"People should stop being the hero, the bullied will never learn if you keep coming to their rescue. Logically, everyone is a bully in their own way. Some portray it more than others and can add violence toward it NOT just with their fist. This argument between you too has run it's course. Can we start what little of class we have left."
Adonna was broken out of her trance when a familiar voice greeted her. "Hey, good morning to you," she greeted back, returning his smile, "Yeah, it seems like we did." The next thing he did was hold out a box to her, one that was similar to the one on his desk. She stared at it until her brain processed the words that made sense of his action. "Hmm...? Oh!" Adonna received the box (after a slight hesitation) and placed it on her desk beside her notebook. Honestly, she had been so caught up in the thought of getting to and through the first day of classes, she hadn't even thought of lunch. So, she was quite grateful for the little homemade meal. "You, I mean, Ashlei and you, really didn't have to. But thank you. Really. And thank Ashlei for me." As she said it, Adonna realized she could thank Ashlei herself. She had the energetic girl's number. I'll have to send her a text after, Adonna silently told herself. She engaged Shun in some generic small talk, but the conversation trailed off almost immediately as it became apparent that Mr. Mutton was starting class. It was just then that an unfortunate latecomer entered. Oh hey, Hotaru's in the same class...

Mr. Mutton asked Hotaru something. Right after which the dramatic loud girl who'd told off Red burst out, telling off the teacher this time. Then another girl said something, and that started a bit of a back-and-forth thing. Then a third girl happened in. Still, despite the rising tensions, no-one looked like the were ready to deck the other guy in the face. Well, that odd for a first day of school. And kinda refreshing.



Dorm Key

Backpack (containing school supplies)

Bento Box from Shun/Ashlei
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When Farra finished her rant Nikky sat in silence for a minute. it was the first day of school, did she really want to make a enemy like this? Eh, screw it.

"You could make a pretty good actor." Then she continued, "No matter where you are or who you are judgement will be passed on you even if said person does not know you. Your actions reflect that judgement." She sighed, "Screaming and raving at people that bullying is wrong never gets you anywhere, of course bullying is wrong but the way you delivered that message lost its importance." Nikky then sat back in her chair, "I'm not going to argue with you all day, but if you really want to, join the debate team"

15 dollars

Notebook x5

Pen x3

Pencil x2


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Hotaru looked over to the Farra, Nikky, and then to the girl she sort of recognized. It was the same girl who saved Alice. Realizing the huge conflict she caused, Hotaru quickly dug out a marker. She quickly wrote on her skate and held it up. No one seemed to have actually read the slate, so she sat on her desk and held it up, "I am so sorry! Nikky is right, it wasn't right to call out the teacher in his environment. Farra was right, sometimes people to need to stand up for people who are helpless. The girl with the pretty cool hair, who saved Alice, is right some people need to stand up for themselves. Can we be friends?"

Hotaru erased the board once they finished reading and wrote more, "I think it's a great quality to have to look in different point of views. Friends seem to stick around longer that way." She hopped out of her seat and bowed in front of the class. Hotaru erased the board and wrote, "I'm sorry, sir." She showed it to the teacher, Hotaru added more words, "My friends only want the best for all of us."



Backpack full of supplies



Nikky looked over at Hotaru's board, "Couldn't have said it any better myself" she grinned, and then she realized they probably held class from starting with their discussion she looked at the teacher and gave him a weak smile. "Sorry about that"

Mr. Mutton didn't respond, a nagging irritation began to build up though he did enjoy watching the debate. He took a pleasure in watching the sheep quarrel with one another.

"If you're done ladies, I'll have to talk with you after class. You as well Hotaru." Mr. Mutton turned towards the white board, "Now, open your textbooks to page 103."

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