- Zodiac - [Inactive]

(Holy crap.... hate these dumb notifications)

Reese woke late that morning due to a pounding migraine that had occurred the night prior. He got ready slowly, noticing already that he was late for class. He fixed his hair and then popped in one of his earbuds, leaving the other one out for listening to people. He left his dorm room and looked at a piece of paper that described what his first class was. He stuffed it into his pocket and wandered about the empty campus, searching. When he found it, outside the door he could hear a commotion inside.

What is going on today I wonder... He thought to himself as annoying images flickered across his brain of the gym incident. He slowly opened the door and stepped inside...

There was speaking about "Bullying" and the "teacher" but Reese couldn't keep track, as he just stood there a moment, soaking it all in. The teacher then uttered something about opening the textbooks and he casually walked into the classroom, hands in his pockets, walking towards the back of the room and taking a seat. He still had one of his headphones in as he nonchalantly opened the textbook to page 103....

This is so going to be the fun class...
(I finally posted!!!)

Anabelle fell off of her bed, "Doh!" she shouted. It felt like she had been asleep for a week or something... She got herself ready for school and dashed off. It was in class when she noticed someone. It was Reese! She took a sticky note out of her pencil pouch and scribbled a note on it, "Hi~! ouo" it read.
Frowning slightly, Farra slid into her seat. What Hotaru said, or wrote, made her feel a bit better, but the girl she had just been arguing with didn't know what was gonna hit her. Turning around, she whispered to Hotaru, "Sorry, sometimes my 'instinct to stand up for someone' gets the better of me. That was a stupid fight."
Reese looked to his right and saw Anabelle, she was scribbling something on a sticky note.

"Hi~! ouo" he read from it. He smiled a bit and took out another sticky note and wrote;

"Hello~! ^.^" He then handed it to her.

At least someone is nice to me in class... He thought happily.
Hotaru didn't want to get Farra into more trouble by showing off her board, she placed the slate on the desk and wrote upside down, " (/;°ロ°)/ It's okay Farra! It was a noble thing to do! I'm quite glad that you helped me out! I just wished I could have been a bit stronger on standing up for my own. Thank you!" Hotaru pulled out a textbook and flipped to page 103.
When Roe took notes or studied, she rarely heard anyone but the teacher... so she was oblivious to any arguments going on in class. Her pen diligently writing down equations and explanations Mr. Mutton was going over. Sighing... Roe hated math. With a passion. Don't get her wrong, she still got an A in most of her math classes, but that was only because she studied like a mad woman for hours on end.

Having a rare rebellious moment, Roe scanned the back of her classmates heads. She saw quite a few familiar people. She wondered when club activities would start, so she could give her schedule to Kai at the store. A cotton ball of black hair bounced in and out of Roe's view... Ukime! All the people she'd met were somehow in this class!

Roe turned back to her notes, neat and tiny letters and numbers lined up on her page. Multi-colored highlighters ready to accentuate the important bits waited for Roe to use them. Was it weird she felt happy when taking notes? Turning her attention back to the lecture, Roe looked at the time. It was the first day of school and she was already anxious for classes to end. Her stomach rumbled in anticipation for lunch.
Ukime had an ear bud in but left the left ear exposed to hear his lecture. She bobbed her head as she wrote down on her notebook. She had the habit of changing her letter and turning them into codes that she made herself. One was nothing but dot and the other was a different language. There was no need for her to write down the code key since it was in her head already. You could say she was the type of person who would do everything just to say she did it, making a code was one of them. Her eyes studied her paper then the teacher. When he took a break she lifted up her head and looked toward her left. Shockingly she gave a gasp then a rather wide smile and ripped off a piece of paper from the corner. Balling it up she flicked it using her thumb and index finger toward Roe. Using her inside voice, with a whisper she tried to get her attention.


Ukime laid her head down and stared toward Roe to see if she would turn around.
Farra blushed and smiled. Flipping her book open, she began to work on the problems and formulas diligently, tuning Muttonhead out. "6y+(9/17)..." She murmered under her breath. Glancing up occasionally, she silently pulled her phone and ear buds out, popping one in her ear and leaving the other out, just in case the teacher tried to trip her up. Scrolling through her playlist, she finally decided on "California" by Delta Spirit. Farra turned it up, so the Indie tones blasted in her left ear.

"Does anyone know the answer?" The dull voice of Mutton rang through the room, expecting a response from the blank faced teenagers. "No one? How about you, Ms.Rei?" Farra had been expecting this. Looking up, she quickly spouted the answer, along with how she got it. "Didn't get me this time," she muttered.
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| Afternoon |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

The final bell rang throughout the school, indicating that classes were officially over and done with. Dominic couldn't call the day interesting. It merely consisted of him moving from class to class in a silent matter and keeping quiet until it was over.

The corridors were again filled with life just as it was earlier. If Dominic had remembered correctly, gym class didn't start today, so the entire gym area would have been treated as an indoor hangout until school closed. Dominic didn't opt for that. Instead, he made his way up the stairs to the roof, where
his hangout was. It was relaxing to look over the school grounds in peace.

Luck was on his side as well. The rooftops were completely empty except for Dominic himself. Hands stuffed in his pockets, he watched the students traverse the school grounds like ants.

Anabelle exited school pulling Reese with her, "Reese we should go out and do something y'know?" she asked. She smiled at him, "even if the town is a bit far away the taxi could get us somewhere!" Anabelle was going to be happy if he said yes since this would be one of the first outings she had ever been on with friends. Back in her old town she didn't have many friends so she never did much, but in this new town she might have the chance to hang out with a lot of new friends.
Reese blinked as he was pulled along by Anabelle. He removed his earbud and put it in his pocket where the other one was stashed away. He was happy that someone actually wanted to take part in his life.

"Oh.. Umm sure, that should be fun.." He said with a shy smile. He wasn't used to being around many people so he didn't know much about how to act.
Mr. Mutton's first period class was so peculiar. There was a small commotion in the beginning of class, which quickly ended by the same person who started it. Derek had no idea how his mum expected him to adjust to this lifestyle. School was finally over, as Derek straightened his back he stood up to leave the classroom in silence. It was afternoon, this meant everyone will be heading off to their own paths and will soon go home. He zipped his jacket up to his neck and shoved his hands to the depths of his pocket. Such a boring life. A boring school. Boring people. Derek looked off the to the ground of the highest floor. Tiny people in a big world, slowly one would realize that they would nothing in this big world.

"What a boring world."



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It was early afternoon, Damian had missed his first day of school. Unintentionally. He was at home, cleaning the kitchen after preparing a lunch of dinners leftovers for him and wiping off the tiny bowl and spoon littered with mush from his sister's food. His mother was out the house, doing her duties at local Pharmacy. She had always been working there, since before they moved to Brookfield. Just one of the reasons they moved to Brookfield in the first place. Wiping the dishes in a bitter disposition, Damian had let out an aggravated huff. He missed his first day. Why? His Stepfather coaxed him into watching the infant for him, while he went "out". The infant was quietly playing in her bouncy seat, content with a full belly and possibly soon on her way to sleep. Turning off the faucet, Damian dried the last of the dishes off and sat down on the couch. He watched the baby play. Funny enough, watching her relaxed him. Soon that relaxing was shot dead with the sound of an all too familiar voice. "DAMIAN!" Groaning beneath his breath, he stood up and walked up towards the doorway, opening it for his Stepfather. "You clean up the kitchen and living room like your Mom asked?" "She didn't ask me. She told you to." His Stepfather face grew cross. The man had gripped Damian by the collar of his shirt, but stopped before he could do anything excessive. "You fuckin' lucky the baby is right there." He threw Damian into the wall, walking into the dining room. Removing his jacket and tossing it to the couch. "Are you afraid of the baby, or Mom?" Damian's Stepfather turned around. "You think I'm afraid of that heffa' little boy." Damian quickly frowned. "And by what right do you reserve to call my Mother that?" "The right that I pay the bills of this house. That I'm the man here and not you. That I made a family with her, and your Dad didn't." Damian clenched his fists. "What you gonna' do? Huh? I've been more of a Father to you than anyone else?" Damian stormed passed his Stepfather and took the baby upstairs with him. Slamming his room door behind him. "What I fuckin' thought." Inside his room Damian broke down some. Silently sobbing from unbridled frustration, and defeat that he can't do anything to change his situation. The baby played with her doll that she had gripped in her arms from when she was downstairs playing.
The final bell rang and the class began shuffling out the door. She stood packed her things and slung her tote bag unto her shoulder then followed the crowd out the classroom. Her mind wondered as she walked down the cramped halls.

Earlier, after class

As the girls entered a smug smirk sat on the teachers face.

"You're in luck" Mr. Mutton began, "Since it's the first day of school I'm letting you go. But let it happen again I'll be sure to deliver the proper punishments to all those that misbehave? Is that clear?" He looked each one of the girls in the eye as if challenging them to try. He continued to drone on and on about how students in his day respected the teacher and let them do their job. Nikky cringed, she kind of shared Farra's feeling towards Mr. Mutton. The man loved to talk your ear off but then again it was a taste of their own medicine. Once he finished his rant, he turned toward Hotaru, "I apologize Hotaru, I realize I should treat my students with more respect so please accept my apology. Now, you all should run off," He began, "You only have 2 more minutes left to make it to your class on time."

There was something about him that made her crawl as well.

Love, Tapatalk
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Grabbing her backpack, Farra walked out of her last, miserable class. Her meeting with Muttonhead and those girls was horribly boring, and Farra was tired of boring. She wanted to do something fun.

Pushing her way through the crowd, Farra climbed floor after floor trying to get as high as she could. There was something she wanted to try. Along the way to the top, she grabbed several random small objects that were easy to throw off the floor and put them in her bag.

Once she got to the top, she spotted Dominic but decided not to bother them. Farra could tell that he only tolerated her, and found her quite annoying. Walking over to the other side of the roof, Farra pulled out the small objects. Pulling her arm back, she hurled a rock at a tall oak tree, hitting it squarely in the middle. "Score!" she yelled, picking up a pencil. She examined it, shrugged, and said, "This is nice-- I guess I'll keep it." Glancing over to Dominic, she called, "Want one? It really helps relive...uh...stress. And anger. Or not, you sit over there sulking."


| Afternoon |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

Dominic had heard some sounds from his right, but hadn't bothered to look until said sounds was directed towards him. "Hmm?" He looked over towards Farra, who he had assumed wanted fresh air as well. The tense atmosphere of Mutton's class was sure to boil some blood. What striked him was that Farra actually found something to do other than observe those below.

"No thanks, I might hit someone in the back of the head with my luck." He smirked before glancing back off over the ledge. "You're pretty bold, standing up to Red, now Mutton."
Adonna was sitting, legs laid out, at a constructed depression in the walls that created a 'seat' under each large window. Initially, she'd stopped there after her last class to warm her freezing hands. But when the hallway had emptied and it was only her and the bright afternoon sun, she thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea to sit there. And eat. Damn, she was hungry. I need to stock up something in my room, she thought, a convenient breakfast to go in the mornings so she wasn't starving come lunch.

The rest of her classes had gone smoothly, and before she knew it, the first day of school was over. It was only after her last class she realized how hungry she was, as if her body was waking up only now. Basking in the sun and finishing the last of what had been a full bento box, she removed her jacket and idly looked out the window. There were students everywhere, walking away from the school, socializing with their groups, chatting on their phones. One student turned towards the school building and looked up. She stared at him momentarily, assuming he was looking up at the sky. Speaking of sky-gazing...
When do clubs start meeting? Well, astronomy club had to meet at night... right? Then again, was that allowed? It had to be for there to be an astronomy club... She sprang into sudden motion, grabbing at her backpack, only to realize the pamphlet with the info she needed was sitting on the table in her dorm. Sighing, she leaned back against the wall. She'd go get it, eventually. Just a few more minutes in the sun...



Dorm Key

Backpack (containing school supplies)

Empty Bento Box

Hotaru grinned as she heard the loud shrill of the bell. Day number one, finished! Mutton's words stuck to her like glue on a kindergartner's hands. Her first period teacher gave her a first impression of the school. Strict and creepy. Hotaru stretched and pushed her slate close to her body as she walked against the crowd of students. The black haired girl headed towards a classroom that she overheard two girls talking about. The room is supposed to be one of the many art rooms. Hopefully she could find the art club. She needed to sign up for clubs.

After wondering around in the school for five minutes, she realized that she should have gone to the office. I'm so stupid.







Tangled mess of earbuds in her left pocket.
Sitting at her desk, Roe finished finalizing her notes and any homework the ambitious teachers had given for the first day of school. Sighing, she leaned back. There was no notice that she knew of as far as clubs went. She had security and gardening club... hopefully the meetings wouldn't clash. Standing back from her desk, Roe went through some quick warm ups from her days of Taekwondo. Maybe she should look at youtube or something and try to get back into routines again... but her place was too small to go through all the motions. Maybe the park? She'd see how it went tonight anyway... she was sore already from just the warm ups.

Stretching as high as she could, Roe grimaced. She had forgotten how painful it was slouching all day. Roe had been so pre-occupied with her notes, Roe hadn't even noticed everyone leave for the day... she'd have to say 'hi' to everyone again later. Glancing at the clock, Roe sighed and got ready for work. She put on her nice dark blue men's dress shirt and black slacks with her black sneakers. Tucking in the edges, Roe did a small twirl in the mirror for laughs. She looked even more like a boy... Oh well. She liked it that way... not many people picked on a tall boy with dual color hair... not if they valued their noses anyway. (not that Roe would fight without reason)

Saying goodbye to her family, she grabbed her bag and threw a couple items in it. It's off to work we go... she hummed in her head. Putting her headphones in, Boom from P.O.D. played at random. For some reason... she felt it was fitting. Trying not to skip, Roe made her way to the Convenience store where she worked.
Ukime retrieved her things and put in both ear buds. She checked her phone to make sure she had enough time to reach her job. Running out with her back on her body she snatched up her newly bought board and jumped on to it. Her left leg moved toward the front while the right moved back. She crouched down a little so she could move the board easily. Weaving through the crowed that was leaving and the trees she was able to make it out of the gate. Moving on to the road she looked at the cars then up toward the light. She counted in her head that it would turn with 15 seconds. Pushing off with her back leg she passed by the three cars in front of her by riding on the side walk. The cars honked at her annoyingly as she moved in front of them and passing the light before it turned red. She closed her eyes fro an instant to feel the cold breeze flow and move her hair wildly about.

"This is nice, what a breeze."

Smiling she turned the corner to where the store was. Slowing down she hopped off her board and allowed it to continue to role toward a small pole where people parked their bikes. The board hit it so hard it lifted up out of the air, Ukime grabbing it and tucking it under her arms. She jogged into the store and saw Kai typing on the computer. Kai had looked over and gave her a smile before exciting out of his browser and getting up. Fondling around in his pocket he pulled out a sucker and handed it to her. She smiled wide and gladly took it. Unwrapping it she put it in her mouth and walked around the counter, placing her board against the wall.

"You remind me of my little sister. She's 7 right now but your actions seem similar."

"You think so...I guess maybe."

"How was school?"

"Boring, a lot of people arguing about bullying and what not. "

"Sound's boring."

"It is but I'm here now."
Two seniors, a redhead and blonde named Anni and Melody Ambushed Nikky as was making her way out of the school. She had met the two earlier that day as she was going around talking to the other students. They were... a bit over-the-top.

"Tell us everything!" Anni squeaked.

Melody grabbed Nikky's arm, "What did he do to you guys?" Nikky looked at the girls bewildered, "What?"

"Everyone says that creepy old Mutton attacked you guys!" The red head, Anni, piped up adding, "Yeah! He's got pedo hands!" She even took the liberty of doing the hand motions.

Nikky placed her hands on her hips staring at the girls even more confused, just this morning everyone was talking about the news now this? Rumors really do spread fast in these cramped halls. "Nothing like that happened he just told us to not do it again and then let us off the hook."

"Oh yeah? That's not what I heard!" The the conversation turned into trading back and forth rumors they had heard Nikky kind of zoned out until they mentioned Dominic.

"What? That guy on the T.v?"

"Yeah, people are saying Dom might know the guy."

"No wonder he's such a pouty face today!"

Nikky played with the folded up note in her hand,"Hey, I think I'm gonna leave, see you guys."

She began walking around looking for Dominic.

Love, Tapatalk
Roe approached the door to Kai's store and took a second to put her headphones away before going in. Checking her cell phone for the time... she made it! Just barely, but she made it! Walking into the door, she smiled and waved to Ukime and said "Hey Ukime! Hello Mr. Bro... Kai." She made her way to the back room where she stored her bag and put on her Apron. Returning to the main room, she asked "Should I start putting away the merchandise in the back?"


| Afternoon |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

Just beyond the school gates were two men dressed in suits. They held notes in one hand and a pen in the other. Often they questioned students as they left out to return home or the like. Some slipped by, and others were simply moving too quickly to question them.

Not many clues were given apart from the students directing them to one student they called 'Dominic'. He seemed to be the only student who knew of him, apart from his own family. Moments later, they were in school grounds and on the prowl for him.

(#Terriblepost x2)
Clark opened his suitcase and quickly scanned the contents. Everything was there which was good but there was an abundance of items. "Great. I love unpacking..." Clark said sarcastically to himself. He looked over the room to make sure he wasn't missing anything but that wasn't the case. He had to admit a free laptop and free wifi was a pretty good deal for living in the school dorms. He checked his cellphone to find another text message from his mother asking if he made it there okay and that everything was fine. Clark simply replied 'yup' and put his phone in his pocket and hoped the initial worry his mum had of Clark being without them would pass. Clark sat down on his desk and turned on his new laptop to partake in some casual web browsing just so he wouldn't have to unpack. As the laptop slowly turned on for the first time Clark wondered what he'd missed. The principal had been sympathetic to Clark reason for not being here. The reason being a terrible bout of food poisoning had incapacitated Clark a few days before school started and Clark had still been recovering the last few days. His thoughts were cut off when he felt his stomach grumble. He looked down and sighed before turning off his laptop, locking his dorm room and making his way to the cafeteria.
Hotaru was in the center of a clearing. From there she could see all three floors from the ground. She was so lost, and had no idea where to go. All of a sudden her eyes caught the sight of two men looking around on the second floor. They wore a black suit and tie, they seem to only carry a pen and a notebook. Hotaru watched as they called for her, "Have you seen a boy named Dominic?" Hotaru stared at them and without replying she began to walk in the other direction. She just had enough. Hotaru began to walk to where she thought was the entrance. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel like something was in the shadows watching her. THUMP!

Hotaru fell head first to the ground, she held in her groan of pain. A familiar face popped up, it was the same girl from earlier! "Ouch...." Hotaru looked at the face with a smile, uncapping her marker she wrote on her slate, "It's you! Thanks for earlier!" The girl with black hair closed her eyes and nodded as she got up from the floor, "It's no problem, you lost again?" Hotaru nodded sheepishly, "Where are you headed?" Hotaru shrugged.

"Oh. Do you want to see how the sewing club is like?" She grinned feeling proud, "I'm Joanna!" Hotaru wrote on her slate, "Nice to meet you Joanna, I'm Hotaru!"

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