- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Alice walked through the hallways and out the door of the school since classes were over and everyone was leaving to wherever. Alice didn't talk much to anyone and had, in a way, ditched classes because of her headache still pounding in her skull. She wasn't in the mood to chat with Dominic or whoever that cane up to her.

Walking into the bright light of the sun setting behind the trees, her hair shined bright in the light making her stand out more than the other students. Noticing two men in suits chatting, or mostly trying to chat with some students walking by with some paper and pen almost looking as if they were reporters but it seemed they had no luck with whatecer they were doing. Watching the students running away from the men, she thought of taking a detour to her dorm and went off a different direction hoping they wouldn't notice her but seeing as how she seemed to stand out in the glowing sunset, it would only be just a few minutes before they see her.
So far there was no sight of Dominic on the first floor. Nikky continued to look until she ran into a fellow student, bright green eyes, and long hair that was typical for most boys that attended the school. She made a small wave at him as she passed him. It looked like he was heading to the cafeteria. She took the stairs to the next floor, as she walked she was confronted by two men dressed in black. They started bombarding her with questions involving Dominic, kinda creepy. Black suits and sunglasses, yeah, those guys could not look anymore suspicious.

She shook her head in response, and walked on. She glanced behind her to see the men disappearing down the hallway. She hoped to find the boy before they did.

Continuing up to the third floor she found most doors to be locked which narrowed her search she continued onward to find another staircase heading up. As far as she knew there wasn't anymore floors to this school, her adventurer senses tingled and she began climbing. She arrived at a door and pushed it open to see Farra and Dominic chatting on the roof.


Nikky over looked Farra and handed Dominic a folded piece of paper, it simply read, "I hope you feel better soon.". She originally planned on slipping it in his locker but with school hallways so small and a good number of students it'd be a hard thing to find. Her heart felt lighter as she handed over the note.

She didn't have anything else to say, she turned and started to walk away, "Oh, and there are some people looking for you. I'd suggest avoiding them."

She decided to head to the settlements after that.

Love, Tapatalk
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| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

Dominic didn't stick around Armstrong for very long after he had heard what Nikky told him. Men in suits looking for him? The last thing he needed was a reminder of what happened, not to mention his mentality took quite the beating today. He left five minutes after he had been warned, saying his goodbyes to Farra and whomever else he passed by.

Dominic hadn't actually read the note until he was well off into the streets of Brookfield, a basket of fruit in hand. In the other, he unfolded the note given to him and read it's contents, a smile forming on his face - perhaps the first smile he made all day. It had lifted a weight off of him, like someone had actually decided to lighten his mood whichever way possible. It was a noble effort that he took notice of.


The television replayed the broadcast from yesterday over and over on a recording. It's light being the only real source since the rest of the basement was dark and dank. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way." a hooded man sounded as he lit several candles placed in a circle. The feeble light it gave off shed some visuals on the shaded ground, an arcane circle just waiting to be activated. "Don't point fingers - some plans don't work out the way they should." The man often spoke as if there was someone else in the room, but surely there wasn't.

"It's finished."


"It's purpose? Simply put; clean up the mess." The robed man shot a glance over his shoulder towards the brick wall. "You may want to merge. This sign knows no allegiance." It was then that the man shook as if something had impacted him. His eyes rolling back briefly as a tribal tattoo on his exposed hand lit up a faint white, then ceased.

"Astra no kiin, Travah dos zodiac..." As his quiet chanting continued on, the circle began to 'steal' light from the nearby candles, sucking it into the writings on the floor and emitting it's own blue light. Spiritually, this tugged at the man's soul, almost as if the sign were wanting to consume it for power, but for free spirits, it was like an inescapable black hole.

Or was it?

Suddenly the suction that the circle gave off inverted, instead of pulling at one's soul, it pushed it away like a jet's exhaust. Ethereal air blew past the man as his eyes widened in shock. All around him, he could feel spirits escaping from the circle and past the walls.
Wait-.. What's happening?! He screamed internally. He hastened to the arcane book, one that looked exactly like the book used by Commander Grimm, and flipped through it's pages looking for an explanation. I did it right.. I've written the sign exactly as the book portrays it!

The sudden rush of spiritual power that the circle was pushing out ended in an invisible explosion that knocked the power out of the entire town of Brookfield, much like an EMP. The candles, too, were blown out.
"Damn it.. Will anything go right?" Subtle whisper sounded to his right. "Yes, I understand the situation, but it's not out of our hands just yet." Again, the whispering sounded. "Then we'll just have to dispose of them. A few lives will mean nothing when humanity as a whole is at stake here."

Ukime turned around and waved gleefully. Kai had taken off the store apron and hung it over his chair near the computer. Walking over toward the two girls , he grabbed Ukime's hand like he would a child and placed his hand on Roe's shoulder.

"Tonight were going out to celebrate you two for joining the store. I hope a buffet is fine, Ukime likes to eat apparently.Will take my car, I also picked out some attire for you to where...if that was ok. From the way you walked in on that day I thought I summed up your taste in clothing a bit well. It's in your locker."

Kai waved to them as he entered the ceo office behind the counter. Most would call Kai a generous boss. He would by his employee's things and take them out to eat. The only reason why he lost them was because of his personality. He could be a bit bi polar on some days and most of the females there argued that he was a play boy. He was generally nice to everyone and treated all females the same as any other. He sighed a little as he pulled his shirt out of the closet he had built in, along with some dress pants and shoes. Ukime was jumping up and down with puffed out cheeks like a chipmunk. She had ran around in a circle for a second before running off to the lockers.
Hunched over on his monitor, playing a game of Starbound, Damian needed something to get his mind off his Stepfather. His eyes were heavy from the sobbing. His body was still quivering in anger and his face scrunched up. He almost looked like he was going to explode. His night was quiet, luckily. His Mother and Stepfather were downstairs with the infant who was already asleep. The most noise heard from the house was the television and the faucet running. This was the most peaceful Damian's house would get. Any other time it's the sound of the infant crying and his folks arguing, or worse, fighting. Damian took one long breath, hoping to exhale his negativity when suddenly his Desktop cut off. Along with his desk lamp. His charger for his Mp3 player and 3DS was off as well. "Mom paid the electric in advance already. This must be a random power outage." Damian could hear footsteps down the hall. They tapped closer to his door which flung open. It wasn't very visible, but a silhouette of his Mother could be seen in the dark. "Damian-hun. You okay? The power had cut off, and it looks like it for the rest of the town too. The streetlights are out and everything." Damian looked out his window and surely enough, the streets went dark as well. This didn't bode well for his worry of Dominic. He hadn't messaged him on Skype for anything yet, so now he wouldn't know for sure if he was home or not. "Not good." Damian whispered. "Yeah Mom, I'm okay.. Just surprised is all. I guess this just means I should go to bed." Damian's mother nodded, slowly closing the door behind her. Before she shut it she had uttered: "And if he tells you to stay home like that again and miss school because he can't watch the baby himself, just go. I'll send your sister to your aunts house for tomorrow. She said she'd be home. Now you go to school and enjoy yourself with your friends." Damian curved his lip. He was happy that he was free to go tomorrow, but was angry that his mother couldn't rely on her own husband to watch the child. "Alright. Well... I'm just going to go to bed... Night." Damian's mother closed the door, and Damian had hopped into bed. His hair was a stress induced mess, his clothes had baby food all over them but he didn't care enough to change into something more clean. He simply just shut his eyes and let his dreams take him...


...It was a misty gray. Surrounded by what looked like a barren field. The tree's were a washed brown, leaves missing, some stood hollowed out. The soil was gritty and dry. Some dry patches felt hard as rock when trampled upon. Damian what was in what looked like a sort of purgatory. Everything was empty, almost lifeless. If it wasn't for the echo of a bird, and buzzing of something similar to a cicada settling the ambiance. Damian looked about his surroundings. As far as the eye could see, it just looked like a dried out marsh. Damian couldn't speak. It was as if something was gripping his throat, but he could breathe just fine. What was most abnormal was that Damian felt no fear of this desolate place. He felt comfortable here, like he was invited here. Like he belonged. Nothing made sense in this plane, but at the same time everything did. Damian decided to tour this reality he was suddenly warped in. As he sauntered he could feel his feet sink into the gritty soul. It almost felt like he was walking on sand. He looked to his left and his right constantly. Wondering if something would jump out at him, catch him off guard. When he finally looked forward he was surrounded by a mass of time beaten trees. The more he explored the more this realm had changed itself. Was he lucid dreaming? He was in full control of himself, but not the world. Damian acknowledged the change in venue but decided to ignore it at the same time and continued onward. Soon, he came across an open field with a stump in the middle. On the back of the stump was left behind bark. Giving the stump the look of a natural chair. Damian arched his brow, and slowly stepped forward. "What is..--" Damian cut himself off in shock. He was able to speak! This brought about more curiosity. How was he able to speak now? Was it the stump? Was it the fact he was in an opening? "Hello?" Damian cried out. Damian jumped back from the stump. As the other voice he heard came from it. Or from the direction of it. "Relax, I'm not here to harm you." The shadows cast around the bark collected into a single point above the stump. As they clumped together they formed the shape of a man, sitting with one leg above the other on top of the stump. He was a pitch black silhouette of a man with white, circular eyes, and a toothless, horizontal maw. "Wh-- What the hell? Who are you?"
Running to her room, she shut the door behind her and breathed heavily from running so fast,"Hope they didn't see me." She thought. Locking her door, she sat down on the lap of a giant white bunny that seemed to make Alice look really smaller than how she is.

Secretly, Alice's dorm was filled with stuff animals that she bought from her home. No one knows of this except her and her parents, she never told a soul about this and kept this a secret for quite a long time now and she has no plan to tell anyone or even show a soul. If anyone did found out, she would have to knock them out or threaten them to keep quiet but that would be too nice of her to do.

Pondering on why and what the two men were here for, she shrugged not wanting to get involved and went to her closet to change from her uniform to a polka-dot blue pajama. Jumping into her bed filled with stuff animals, she snuggled into her pillow, trying to get comfortable and held her panda who she called, Kumajirou, closing her eyes slowly,"Good night Kuma." She whispered lazily.

Her mind starting to fuzz into darkness as her body deactivated, falling into a deep sleep.
Hotaru was lead into a dark room, the only light used to lit up the place was a couple of candles around the room. She was too trusting, clubs should have ended about thirty minutes ago, yet here Hotaru was with a girl named Joanna. Hotaru was worried, do they always sew in the dark? She wouldn't know, she was never the one to sew much. Joanna had a smile on her face as she lead Hotaru into another room, this time it was completely dark. Only shuffling of feet and whispers were to be heard. Joanna cleared her throat to bring attention to herself. A voice from the far side of the room whispered with a raspy voice, "What have you brought, Anna? A normal one? What a pity, she looks lovely too." Hotaru felt chills in her spine, she rubbed her cheek as she waited. Joanna shook her head, "She is different. Talk to her." She pushed Hotaru forward. The girl looked at her slate and marker. A silhouette of a figure comes out of the shadows, "Oh my, she already caught my interests." The figure lifted Hotaru's chin up. She could see the figure's blue eyes as the candles around them flickered and crackled. The figure had a mid range voice, it was pretty safe to assume that it was a girl due to her long fingernails, "Who are you?" Without looking down, Hotaru stood in the same position and wrote her name, "Hotaru, this is the sewing club?" The figure took a couple of steps back, "Why yes. What a pity. Your voice seemed to be a causality. Work of the devil?" Without even thinking about it, Hotaru nodded. The girl clapped twice and the lights came back on, "I like you, welcome Hotaru!"

Whatever happened in that room stayed in that room. Hotaru left the room with a bright smile, she felt like she was lighter than air. Thankfully, the club provided dinner. Hotaru stretched as she yawned. She had no idea why people stretched to get up in the morning, doesn't stretching wear out the muscles so they can sleep better? Hotaru unlocked the door to her room, it was still messy from moving in. She will have to do something about it. Hotaru locked her dorm room and sat down on the bed facing her three teddy bears. Now what? Sighing, she grabbed them and went under her covers. Now who was going to turn her lights off? Feeling lazy, she threw her pillow at the light switch, fortunately for her it turned off. Hotaru laid in her bed looking up to the ceiling, waiting for sleep to grab her in it's arms and fall asleep. Fall asleep, falling asleep, they both mention falling. Such a strange thing dreams are.


| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

Like in an old horror movie, the streetlights began to cut off one by one until the entire street was pitch black. Dominic was left to the darkness of the town. Looking up, he saw the full moon hanging above the town. It was his only source of light, and honestly it was doing a good job. The brightness of the moon had helped him make his way back through the darkened streets until he reached safety within his own home.


Merely thirty minutes later, Dominic had emerged from his bathroom, soaked and frustrated that the place was still dark. It was already troublesome bathing with a single candle and a cellphone light, now he had no means of entertaining himself to sleep. After putting on some fresh night clothes, Dominic plopped down onto his bed and ran his hand through his hair. What a day. From the classroom argument to strange men looking for him. He rolled over to his shoulder, dosing off to a simple but common thought: What else could go wrong now?



A strong breeze washed over his body, his face scrunched up until he had opened his eyes to see a murky, brown sky. Like a lot of people who had just come into their dream, Dominic didn't question it. He simply rose to a sitting position and got a better feel for his surroundings.
Debris... Everywhere.. It was a strange thing to appear in. Not only that, but he appeared in his night clothes as well.

Dominic sighed, having mentally noted this as a lucid dream. It seemed he had woke up in the mists of an abandoned building, probably with some history of deconstruction. Was this a projection of some sort? The latest word was that dreams were a reflection of your life, or what was currently troubling you, like reviewing a problematic matter in a different form. Was the building supposed to be his happiness? A building that eventually came crashing down? What of the seemingly endless land that surrounded it?

He kicked his feet into motion toward the setting sun, which actually didn't seem to be moving at all. That's when his foot lightly tapped against something that didn't feel like rubble at all. "The hell?!" Dominic fell onto his back in shock. In front of him was Alice, laying face first in the ground, though she appeared to be sleeping. Just off to the left was Hotaru, the two of them in their night gear as well. Now what the hell was THIS supposed to mean?
Clark had been peacefully watching videos on youtube and occasionally glancing at a social network page while he waited for some games to download onto his new laptop. That was until the power cut out. He groaned realising that the internet would probably be off as well. He glanced out the window only to realise the rest of the towns power went out. Clark heard some talking outside, most likely other students making sure it wasn't just their dorms power that had cut out. Clark sighed, he was hoping to finish downloading his arsenal of games tonight. Obviously not. He turned off his laptop and unplugged his phone charger. Using the light from the screen of his phone and the moonlight coming in thought the window to guide him around his room. He quickly reached his bed so placed his phone on the mantelpiece next to it and stripped down to his boxers before finally going to sleep. He had to admit the beds were surprsingy comfy. Within a matter of minutes Clark had drifted off to sleep.


Wallet ($20)

Map of town and school

Student ID


Dorm key

Pen and pencils
Soon it was dark enough to turn the lights on, Derek was in the comfort of his home. His mother was in the kitchen washing up the dishes from dinner. The twins were on the floor talking about their first day. There was still furniture and decor still left in the moving van. The twins looked over to their quiet big brother, "Derek! What did you do in school today?" Derek looked over to the twin talking and he shrugged as he ruffled her hair, "It was quiet. Nothing new happened." What a liar. "You are so lying!" Derek looked over to the other twin and flicked her cheek, "You can't prove it."

The lights flickered and suddenly turned off. One of twin screamed, the other one smacked her mouth close. Their mother came out of the kitchen stumbling over some boxes, "Everyone alright?" She looked around for a possible light source, Derek turned his phone on and used it as a flashlight to guide his mother to the living room, "I guess this means it's time to sleep!" The twins groaned and headed off to their own rooms, Derek held the light out so everyone would be able to get into their own rooms. Derek's mother smiled saying thanks and kissed his cheek. Derek nodded in response and headed for his room rubbing the kiss off of his cheek.

In his own room, Derek laid in his bed looking into his phone, searching random things, watching videos, and something of the sort. His grip on the phone was never tight enough, it always kept on falling on his face. He sighed, and placed the phone at his bedside. Time to sleep.
The sun had felt so nice. Adonna began to sink into her mind, thinking about the friends she'd made here, how some of their characteristics reflected those of her friends back at home. No, they were still their own person. Adonna merely compared the two sets to stay off feeling homesick. She missed her friends back home, dearly, and her family as well. She hadn't felt like this since her and her mother had first moved to California. Having a whole troop of cousins had helped though, and eventually she'd settled in all good and well. As she reminisced, even though she had meant to leave, really, but without even realizing it, Adonna had dozed off by the windowsill, her head against the cooling glass.



Dorm Key

Backpack (containing school supplies)

Empty Bento Box
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Alice awoke from the feeling of being suffocated and opened her eyes to see darkness,"Eh? Why is it so dark?" She thought but then got up feeling the oxygen running out, coughing softly,"Oh my gosh! What the hell?!" She said looking around then at the ground with a look of disgust,"Who did this?!" She called out looking at the sleeping Hotaru and Dominic with piercing blue eyes, ready to attack whoever did this to her but then she looked around once more and noticed that she was not in her room. Instead she was in some wasteland with some dead trees here and there.

Looking over at Dominic, she snarled and got up, her pajamas dirtied by the ground,"You better have a good explanation on where we are and why I'm here." She threaten ready to pin him down on the dry ground. She wasn't please with being in some wasteland of dirt and dust. The sky being really muggy with brown almost as if she was on Mar except it was brown and had some weird looking ruins.



Nothing... ._.
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Hotaru awoken from the commotion, opened her eyes and looked up at the red and dark sky. Humid air made it stuffy and hot for Hotaru to be in her night gown. She took in a breath and ended up coughing. She sat up and held her chest as she tried to cough out the stuffy air. With watery eyes she looked over to hazy figures, Alice and Dominic. Where the hell was she? The dry arid ground stained her clothing, the setting sun behind her was glaring at her dark hair. Hotaru held her head as she stood up, what a strange dream or was it a dream? Alice was yelling at Dominic for answers, the warm sun on her back, the dry air, her lung suffocating. What a sick joke. Whoever did it, Hotaru must congratulate. She was a light sleeper and to take her so far from civilization? What a prankster! Hotaru placed a hand on Alice's shoulder, an attempt to calm her down. Now if this joker would have brought her slate and her markers....
Damian continued to distance himself from this unknown entity. While Damian's fear was spurred from uncertainty, he didn't feel compelled to run away. These mixed signals was beginning to completely warp his entire understanding of this being a dream or not. As Damian slowly gained his composure, the shadowy figure slowly rose from his seat, arms crossed. You can only tell he crossed his arms from a white outline drawn over his arms. "E-Explain yourself.." Damian barked. "Relax. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to enlighten you." "Enlighte--" "My name, is Lance." The being said. His voice sullen, and echoed lowly. Sounding almost spectral. "I am a Zodiac. An immortal being who chooses mortal beings, such as yourself, to bear my sigil." Damian stood up straight. His fear had now been replaced with curiosity. "A.. Zodiac? Aren't Zodiacs star signs? Like Capricorn? Virgo? Pisces?" Lance chuckled. "Wrong idea, Damian." Damian frowned. "You know my name? Why aren't I surprised... But I'm still a bit uncomfortable with it." Lance blinked his soulless, white spheres for eyes. "Think of us as a sort of.. Pseudo-Star Sign. We just hold a different purpose. We're here as regulators to humanity. We were crafted by an Oracle who ascended to a sort of Godly-hood. Best said." Damian arched his brow. Godly-hood?" A small smirk spread from Lance's white, glowing mouth. "Well, yes. But I'm not here to speak about him. There's time for that later. We Zodiacs were created to choose leaders of humanity throughout time. Keeping humanity from destroying each other. There's a constant struggle for power. Our creator believed that if we are defeat a power, a greater one must made. So, a few incantations later and here we are. Our existence was abhorred throughout time, though. Those who bore our sign were looked at as Demons, Witches, things of the vice. Others, revered us as God's gift. That those who held our power were absolved from Original Sin. We were loathed, but at the same time looked up to with great reverence." Damian listened attentively. The whole thing was interesting to him, but it still didn't convince him that this was simply a dream. "While your story is very interesting... That still doesn't convince this isn't just a dream." Lance laughed. His ghostly voice echoed loudly through the badlands."If this is just a dream, then how are you in control of your actions? Better yet, how can your human subconscious fabricate a sentient being such as I, Damian?"

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Shun's day had progressed at a relatively slow pace that he had expected to result from the first day of school. With the bell signaling the end of classes for the day, Shun had made his way to the art club, where he had planned to spend the remainder of the afternoon and night making use of his new club's equipment; however, with the room's door being locked, his plans were quickly stumped. Relegated to boredom, Shun decided he would simply make his way into the city for a quick dinner before returning to his dorm where he planned to reside for the rest of the night.

"How was your first day of school?" Ashlei asked, her voice emanating from Shun's phone which he had put on speaker to accommodate for his current state of painting. "Knowing you though, it was boring and you spent the day doodling while making enemies among your teachers."

A smile came to Shun's face as he make several swipes of his brush before replying ,"Took the words right out of my mouth." Pausing to inspect his painting in closer detail, a moment of silence fell as Ashlei patiently waited for the continuation of his reply.

"The art department in this school is quite sub par which is a huge disappointment," Shun continued with a heavy tone of disappointment on his voice; however, it was after a minute of silence had passed without a reply from Ashlei that he looked over to see that the call had ended.

Did she hang up, Shun thought to himself as he set his equipment down, wiped off his hands, and took hold of his phone only to see that he had lost service. Thinking nothing of the occurrence, Shun simply shrugged before returning to his work; however, it was when the lights of his dorm went out that he sighed in annoyance from his new inability to work.

Poking his head out of his window, Shun intended to look at the other rooms to see if it was the entire dorm lacking power, but his view was quickly shifted to take note of the city's lights slowly dissipating one by one. City wide power outage? Shun asked himself in confusion and annoyance of the situation. Do these even happen in cities?

Shun sighed once more as he came to the realization that there was no hope in painting for the night as he chose to give in to the day's fatigue that had finally caught up to him with the fall of darkness within his room. Closing his eyes, Shun simply let night's embrace take hold of his existence as he slowly drifted to the realm of his dreams.

However, the dream was weird as was his state of sleep. It was as if he were asleep yet it was a rest like none other. It was as if he were drifting along in a realm apart from his own while a silhouette of a recognizable figure lured his powerless self closer, beckoned him to awaken to the mystery at hand.

Did I leave the window open, Shun thought as he suddenly felt a cool breeze brushing across the surface of his body. Opening his eyes Shun quickly fell into a state of surprise has he gazed up into the brown sky and turned his head to peer at the debris that littered the barren land. Finding himself unable to move, Shun quickly fell into a short state of panic while his emotions began to run rampant; however, it was after he closed his eyes and took several deep breaths that he slowly began to return to his normally calm state.

Taking it slow, Shun found that it was actually possible to move, and it was his earlier state of panic that had prevented him from doing so. Movement in this new world was very unlike movement back home. Shun could not feel his movements whatsoever, but rather he came to the conclusion that they just flowed naturally. Taking a lot at himself, Shun could see that he was wearing the same day's clothes he had fell asleep in, as the occasional splatters of paint and the items in his pockets were all present.

Hearing a voice in the nearby distance, Shun quickly turned his upper body to see a boy sitting next to two girls who he assumed were still asleep or dead from their lack of movement. Rising to a stand, Shun tested his capability of walking, and found that it was no different than his previous motions in this world. Walking over to where the boy was sitting, Shun offered his hand to help him up while striking conversation with false hopes in finding an answer. "I assume you probably don't know much more than I do, but is everyone here alright at least?"

  • Useless iPhone
  • pencil
  • Paintbrush
  • drawing pad
  • wallet
Farra left the rooftop about three minutes after Dominic did. She had run out of ammo. Sliding down stair rail after stair rail, she finally got to the entrance and headed back to her dorm. "THAT was boring," she said as she swung open the door. Turning around, she saw a red flash in the corner of her eye, but thought nothing of it. "Icarus?" Farra called for her brother, but it seemed as if he was nowhere to be found. "I guess he's just...out," she said, reasoning with herself. Plopping down on the bed, she pulled out her laptop and scrolled through all of her textbooks and homework assignments. "Boring, boring, BORING!" she cried, falling over onto her stomach and lying on the bed. Her head ached and her body shivered from the cold. Pulling her fuzzy blanket over herself, Farra closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

After what seemed like hours, Farra opened her eyes and gasped. Then she started to cough; the air was dry and dusty. It hurt to breath. Opening her eyes a little wider, she looked around, only to see Dominic, Hotaru, and that other girl--Alice, right? Yawning, she sat up and bitterly said, "If you guys wanted to talk to me, you just had to ask." They looked at her in shock, and Farra looked down at herself. She was covered in cult-like marking, and she recognized one; the Satanic cross. "Uh...heh..guys, this isn't funny, okay?" she said, her voice cracking from the dry air. "Can someone tell me what's going on?"


-Phone with no signal

-Used Notebook Paper

-Single, nubby pencil

-Pack of gum that she picked up when she got home
Roe looked up in surprise, both at the contact and the statement. That's right! He had mentioned that before! A strange sense of giddiness bloomed in her... food. Not just any food, as much food as she wanted! No brothers or sister to fight with, no guarding her plate like an aggressive dog! She smiled openly.

"Really?! That's awesome! Thanks Kai!" Roe gave him a quick and uncharacteristic hug, then raced off to the dressing room... practically skipping. Quickly stripping out of her work clothes, Roe found the gifts. A sharp looking black dress shirt was hanging up in her locker, with neatly folded silvery gray pants. Lightly touching them, she felt like they were almost silky. Donning her new garments, she did a quick turn about in the mirror. Kai was an expert at judging sizes... they fit like a glove. Not ready to put her shoes on yet, Roe examined her multi-colored toe-socks... she thought she saw a hole coming in...

Sighing, she grabbed her first shoe... but... she wobbled a little when she went to grab it. Roe's giddiness for the evening had turned into dizziness.... shit. "Hey Ukime... I don't feel..." Roe was trying to make her way to the shower... attempting to cool her head. Leaning against the wall, she reached for the handle and slowly slumped to the ground, a small trickle of water running through her hair. Roe passed out just as the lights went black.
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| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

She's just as frightening here as she is in real life... Dominic had himself in a defensive ball from Alice's intimidating glare. A hand appeared out of seemingly nowhere, causing Dominic to trace the arm up to an unknown face; Shun's. Without question, he grabbed Shun's open hand and got up to his feet.

Farra's voice echoed a question similiar to Shun's own. Dominic could only scratch his head in thought.
Why is everyone appearing in my dream..? Truly this was a once-in-a-lifetime lucid dream. The biggest mystery being their location. Dominic scanned the building they were in - it wasn't much merely a few broken walls and half a second floor, but nothing more than that. Outside of the building, the land was nothing more than a plain wasteland, too windy to traverse safely.

Dominic 180'd to face those who had appeared with him. Hopefully they weren't looking at Dominic for answers.
"This is a dream, simply put." Off to the corner of his eye, he noticed another person, Adonna, who had appeared sleeping in the dirt as if it were a loft bed. This is getting weirder and weirder by the second.
Hotaru looked at the two figures coming close to the small group. Hotaru grinned when she saw Farra, but when she noticed the markings on her skin she looked at it before smiling wide. She gave her a hug, Hotaru never knew that Farra liked this kind of stuff! She could show her the sewing room! "Uh...heh..guys, this isn't funny, okay?" Wait, Farra didn't make those marks? Hotaru looked at the marks until realization sets in. That god damn prankster! That clown had gall to do this on Farra!

Hotaru gave Alice a hug and then walked to Farra and gave her a hug. Hotaru even gave a hug to Dominic and the new person. She smiled and looked back at the markings, it must be someone from the sewing room! Gosh, those guys are such meanies for doing this. Hotaru will have to have a chat with them!

Hotaru looked back at Dominic. For some reason, they all thought he must had something to do with this. Silly people!
"Mhm, yeah, sure. A dream. With ALL OF US IN IT. Anything...STRANGE to you?" Farra spat, rubbing her head. "I have a wicked headache. Whoever did this has got some skills," she said. "So, guys...how's life? All good? Because for me, it's all good in the hood....EXCEPT WE JUST GOT KIDNAPPED OH THAT'S RIGHT." Hotaru came over and embraced her, much to Farra's surprise. Farra ran a pale finger over the cross, thinking, 'How did this get out?' and shaking her head. "We're in deep shit, guys."

(hooray for shitpost #1)
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Rushing out dressed in some black jeans with a dressy skull shirt, she placed her hands on her hip and gave him a sly smirk. With a small tilt of her head she smiled toward Kai and gave him a wink. Almost forgetting something she had ran behind the counter to see if her skateboard was still there. Unaware that her foot was already on it, she fell back as the skateboard pushed forward. Trying to grab onto something ,Ukime fell and hit her head against the cold tile floor. Kai turned around with worry and ran to her. Ukime slowly closed her eyes and her head rolled off toward the side.

Kai shook his head and checked her pulse. A cluts she was he thought. Sighing her ruffled his hair and knew plans would have to wait. He sat himself up against the wall and laid her head in his lap.

"You really do remind me of my little sister."
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A loud voice interrupted her sleep. Annoyed, she opened her eyes... Oh... It was a dream. She was in a dream. And what a lucid dream it was, she was used to her dreams being fuzzy things where she could hardly make out faces. But here, she could clearly make out the faces of the people, a few of them she even recognized. She smiled internally when she saw Hotaru running about hugging, and there was Shun too. The rest were familiar, even if she didn't know their names. There was a pit in her stomach that she deliberately ignored, one that reminded her that the only times her dreams had been lucid, they had turned to nightmares. Think neutral thoughts, she thought to herself, crossing her legs and adjusting the skirt over her knees. In almost all her dreams, her actions never did anything, so she had accordingly situated herself on the ground, ready to observe till she woke up.

Nothing, I'm presuming
Roe was vaguely aware of her wet hair and grumbling stomach. food... FOOD! She hoped she didn't ruin Kai's welcome gifts! Sitting up slowly, she put a hand to her head... she was still a little out of it. Slowly letting her eyes adjust to the light, she found she wasn't in the back room anymore... a seemingly depressing landscape met her gaze... she must have hit her head pretty hard.

Hearing voices, she slowly turned her head. A familiar group of people was a little ways off from where she was. Just go with it, Roe thought to herself. Gingerly getting up, Roe wobbled a little, clutching her temples, she slowly began to make her way to the group... there was Adonna, Hotaru, and other kids from her class this morning... how weird... she hardly ever dreamed about people she knew.

Sitting next to Adonna, Roe leaned back, her right arm supporting her weight and left arm rested on top of her knees.

"Hey, " she said weakly, "come here often?" Might as well talk to her dream people,maybe her sub conscious was trying to tell her something... or maybe she was just really sick and delusional. Damn it! She was really looking forward to the buffet and company.
Alice glared at Dominic but knew he could be right until she was suddenly hugged by Hotaru and surprised by the sudden hug, she yelped at the skin contact. It been a while since she been last hugged so to be hugged suddenly was, awkward, for Alice,"Uhh..." She was speechless to say anything and just ignored it.

Looking over at Dominic, she crossed her arms and scanned the area,"Well this is some weird dream to have everyone here but what will we do now?" She asked unsure what was happening. She finally calmed down and was now thinking straight. Her eyes hurting from some dust in her eyes,"Ugh... Why is it so dead here?" She said rubbing her eyes from the dust, tears falling.

After cleaning her eyes, she looked to Farra and nodded,"Yeah so it seems." She mumbled feeling really confused and her questions exploding in her head.


| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

"How are we in deep shit if it's just a dream? You have no proof that we were kidnapped, Farra." Honestly Dominic was starting to think Farra liked stirring shit up. A hefty sigh escaped him with a shake of his head. "I'm also pretty sure that I went to bed at night. It looks like dusk right now." He tried his best to reason with them - maybe his words could calm them down. Eyes were on him like all the blame clung to him. Was it just because they never saw him wake up? Was it just because he was simply 'there' while everyone else gradually showed? Whatever it was, Hotaru was glad to see him just as much as he was glad to see her.

Dominic scoffed at the situation. He was arguing at projections of his friends in a lucid dream. There was some kind of disorder for this, he was sure. Dominic stepped away to peek around a broken pillar to see beyond the ruins.


In his gut, he didn't want to believe what he saw. The horizon darkened at a concerning rate. The sky opposite from the sunset was getting harder to see as well, as if there were a tsunami of pure darkness coming. Out of that darkness appeared a set of white eyes. Then another, then two more sets, then five, ten. The numbers continued to rise as they pretty much covered the eastern horizon.

Dominic squinted his eyes to get a better look. Below those eyes were sharp teeth glistening with saliva and hunger. Some appeared like hellhounds, others had shark-like jaws. If Dominic wasn't mistaken, they were approaching quite fast, too. "G-..Guys?" He called out without taking his eyes off of the approaching horde of car-sized hellhounds.

Their forms seemed to 'stick' to their own shadow, making it seem as if they were running through mud, but alas it was their own shadow. Whatever it was, they seemed to pick up the pace pretty quickly. Suddenly from the left appeared a hellhound that must have ran up on his blindspot. The hellhound was quick to pounce Dominic to the ground and deliver a firm tooth-hold on his shoulder.
"GAAAH!" At that moment, he realized it wasn't a dream, dear god no. The pain was real, almost too real. Not to mention the blood that quickly began to soak his upper body.

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