- Zodiac - [Inactive]


| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

Dominic smirked, looking back at Damian, or 'Lance'. "Who said I left the old man? Surely you've felt something wrong in the air as well. Nothing stirs up an army of Hollows more than a fresh soul." Dominic's piercing glance shot off towards the recovering group of students. Some were in shambles, others were simply watching wide-eyed. "If you're all here, then that must mean a Zodiac has chosen you, or at least as a candidate." His body language suggested he ignored Damian from that point on.

Now he stood where everyone could see him, sword in hand. "I'm going to send you all back to your world, it's too dangerous here." Just as Dominic raised his sword, sounds of a bell rang throughout the area. It caught the attention of the surrounding hellhounds, sending them running back into the darkness which they came. "Hm-.." He lowered his sword with a quick change of heart. "That takes care of the hellhounds, but there's still one danger."

Dominic turned his head toward Damian with narrowed eyes. "You've got your host, now piss off."
Roe's arms gently wrapped around Ukime. Accepting and returning the hug from the trembling little girl. Roe squeezed tightly, needing some comfort very much now... and with someone that reminded her of her little sister, Roe couldn't afford to be a wimp.

"Roe...roe are you ok. Was that scary for you."

She smiled. "Nah... I've got this. Are you okay hun?" Roe frowned as she saw all the cuts and bruises on Ukime.

Still holding Ukime, she turned to listen to Dominic and Damian... or she thought they were...
Ukime closed her eyes as her shaking settled and her grip loosened a bit. She took in Roe's scent and was put at ease. This world was unknown to her , and she hated worlds she didn't know about. She was attacked off the bat and had snapped at then end. She saw something that resembled a big sister that would come through her neighborhood once a year. She had blocked all sounds out except Roe's and paid attention to no other.

"I'm fine, wasn't scared at all."
Blinking a bit, she realized what she said and quickly back to her mute self. Hotaru looked back and watched as Damian and Dominic continued to bicker. Wait, arguing? They certainly were not acting like themselves. Hotaru tilted her head as she watched in silence. She seemed to realize that there were more people. Holding her arms out she gave them all hugs. Hotaru was about to give one to Damian, but his presence began to scare her. She decided that she owed him a hug. Smiling to herself, Hotaru sat down and watched as the beast ran away to the sound of bells. Gosh, the sewing club and Damian were in it? Hotaru wished that they invited her to help.
Lance huffed. Turning around and taking his leave back into the direction he came. He still had things to discuss with his host. As he stood by Dominic, he said a few parting words. "Get creative. Everyone tells me to piss off." Lance abruptly disappeared in a black smog. Leaving Dominic/Kenshi with the kids...

...The two reappeared back at their original spot. The cut out in the dead forest with a broken stump in the middle. Lance had escaped from his host and recollected himself back on his wooden seat. Damian, now free of his Zodiac's grasp, began gasping heavily and coughing as if he was just suffocated in a choking miasma. "Ack! Uegh! Never-- DO THAT... Again... Please." Lance chuckled, as if this was an old joke of his. "Noted, Bearer."
Derek had arrived to a clearing full of blood on the ground and people cheering. He sighed, he must have missed a lot. All he was trying to do was follow the figures. He noticed the shadow and the boy from before. Everyone seemed to be in his class, "Did I miss much?" Gaining attention from the crowd. Such a strange and boring dream. The boy blew some strands of his brown hair away from his face. He suppressed the urge to call out the blood stains and the cheering.

// I'll edit later. //
"See? You weren't scared either, this wasn't so bad." Roe detached herself from Ukime and slumped to the ground, moving closer to the group. She smiled back to Ukime, it's probably safer in numbers, right? Roe reached out her hand and listened.

*a/n Sorry, have to give up the computer. Night all. =)
Jacen shook his head, easily confused about what had just gone down.

A zodiac...hosts...what the hell happened?

It had felt like he had just gone through some sort of supernatural VR simulation, yet he had the feeling of just waking up from a deep sleep.

A bunch of demonic dog things, and everyone from class...including that bi-wait...class was the last thing I remember...

*A/N: my apologies for this terrible post...I've been out of it since Sunday night due to work/school. I'll be back to normal soon.
Is it over? Adonna's hands shook. She grabbed the upper half of her arm with one and pressed the other hard against her thigh, slowly making her way to where the majority of the group were congregating. It seemed as though everyone had survived, it also seemed as though there were a lot more people than had first been there. Roe looked okay, so did Shun, Hotaru too. Had it not been for the horror of an event, Adonna would have remembered that Hotaru had spoken, truly spoken, just a few moments earlier. And the boy who'd first been bit... Where did he get a sword from? she wondered, feeling numb and exhausted.
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It's over, Shun thought with a sigh of relief as he stumbled his way back to a corner to find solace once more. Trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his arm, Shun took hold of what was left of his shirt and began to wrap his forearm which had been inflicted with a fairly deep cut from a stray swipe of one of the hounds he had encountered. With his wound treated as best as he could, Shun gazed out toward the group of students who had begun to congregate in the middle of the building while pondering the words that had been spoken by the boy holding a sword.

A zodiac has chosen you, eh, Shun thought to himself as he slowly attempted to piece together the words of the boy and the events that had just happened. Recollecting the figure of a student who appeared whilst clad in a black aura and easily dispatched of several beasts through mysterious tendrils of some sort, Shun came up with his own theory to the situation at hand.

If what lives here are monsters, then the newcomer was definitely a student like us. Then if a zodiac chooses us does that mean a zodiac has something to do with the power he used? Shun asked himself slowly becoming more confused by the occurrences of this world. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, Shun sighed in frustration as his theory only reminded him of what he already knew. It created new questions rather than provided him with definite answers.

By closing his eyes, Shun chose to dispel all theory crafting from his head as a decision to rest weighed above all other possibilities. He had done his part in helping his fellow classmates in the battle, and he had tended to his wounds. For now, it was time to tend to the exhaustion that replaced the empowerment of adrenaline that had fueled his actions up until now.

Can you even fall asleep after you already fell asleep, Shun suddenly asked himself whilst becoming more and more amused by the conundrum his question had posed. Unable to help himself, Shun soon found himself chuckling and on the verge of breaking into a fit of laughter. "I am trying to rest in a world that I got too by resting." he muttered in between bouts of laughter that continued on for some time before silence eventually fell once more.

Laughter, Shun thought once his fit of amusement had died down. A good omen or a loss in sanity...I wonder....
Farra stared blankly at everyone. She had fallen from the impact of the hound's blows, and passed out. This was TOTALLY not a dream. "Hmm...let's see...we got kidnapped by star signs. So they can possess us. And it's not a dream. Man, I wish I was wrong." She sighed and looked over at Dominic. "Yo, Zodiac. You still in there?" Farra walked over to Dominic and flicked his forehead. "You're bleeding out. Hotaru, you seem like the person who would be able to do this-- I need you to do some nurse mojo while I try to figure out what the hell just happened. And, Zodiac?" Farra turned slowly to face Dom, her eyes alight with anger. "I've got some questions for you."
Alice watched as everything all happened so fast, her mind unable to process with all the commotion,"Wha- Zodiac? Who?" She mumbled bickering on what was going on. Both the boys she had met on the first day in a new land, both acting weird as usual but this time much more weirder. She wasn't even sure what was reality and what was not anymore, her mind filled with many questions.

Glancing at Farra as she confronted Dominic for answers, she walked up to them, exhausted and rubbed her temple to sooth the pain,"Zodiacs? Host? Is this some kind of horror movie about ghosts?" She thought laughing at her ridiculous conclusion but it seemed weird that Dominic and Damien both seeming to have two voices. This was a very confusing and Alice just couldn't take this anymore. She just came here for school and a fresh start in life, not some life with "Zodiacs" and dogs almost ripping your limbs off.
Hotaru straightened her spine as she was being called out by Farra. She saluted her as if Farra was part of the military force. Hotaru walked to the people who were apparently bleeding from the wound. She motioned them to lie down on the ground. Hotaru gestured to them to elevate the wound. For the bleeding to stop and keep them alive before the infection spreads, Hotaru had to keep their body heat from escaping. She gestured to the others by bringing her hands close to her body and shivering. Hopefully that gave them a hint as to what to do.
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Nikky sat up and rubbed the back of her head, the adrenaline was wearing off.

Wordlessly and in a flurry of robotic motions, she got up on her feet and walked over to a corner to throw up. Ugh.

The small girl turned and wiped her mouth on her sleeve, smearing it with orange colored puke. Everyone began gathering themselves trying to shrug it off. After all that happened, the bleeding and the attack. The thing that surprised her the most was the fact someone was laughing about it. She looked towards the source to see a boy sitting in a corner..just... laughing to himself, she watched him laugh then go silent. She didn't know why, but she felt angry. Angry at the situation, angry at the boy laughing, angry at the people trying to recover, and angry at herself for being a coward. But mainly pissed at the Dominic and Damian. She saw a familiar girl, Farra, approach Dominic. She marched towards them ready to demand answers because if she didn't, all these questions would drive her nuts.
Shun was... laughing. Laughing like he'd just struck comic gold. It seemed like he could keep going on, laughing forever in his corner, but it eventually died down. Adonna slowly stepped back from the group, just one or two steps, so that she was behind the figures. Shun was in her peripheries now, alright. She flicked her eyes over the group once more. If her brain hadn't shut all unnecessary processes down, she may have, by this point, realized that the figure with the odd voice and the sword was indeed the boy who she'd met briefly on her first day at Brookfield. No, right now, there were no thoughts to be had. Just actions.

pocket lint
Zodiacs, host, hellhounds... All of this information at once was giving Clark a headache. He groaned at the annoyance of having no clue as to what was happening and where he was. The only information he got just confused him further. He looked for a corner to sit down in and listened to everyone else, they all seemed just as confused as him.

"Who are you people?" Clark asked casually as if it was an everyday question. He hoped he'd get an answer, Clark was already confused and hoped at least one question of his would get answered. They all seemed to know each other except for him.


| Evening..? |

| ??? |

Date: September 16, 2014

Dominic watched as Damian shifted away in his shadow-like form and leave him with the rest of the group. Dom could only close his eyes and sigh briefly before refocusing on the unexpected 'foreigners'. Farra flicked his face which only gave him more of an annoyed expression than anything else. "Questions?"

Dominic raised his sword toward Farra, the sunlight reflecting off of the blade. "You must be mistaken if you think I'm on your side. I simply saved your lives, now I'll return you to your world before I finish what those demons started." Once again he raised his sword into the air to allow the light to collect onto the blade, charging it in a sense, before he stabbed it into the ground, the light essence erupting a bright flash that covered everyone's vision.

When their eyes recovered, they would be back in their rooms, the time already indicating it was morning.

| Arc 1 |

Episode 5 |

"A dish best served cold"


| Morning |

| Tuesday |

Date: September 17, 2014

To say Dominic felt like a zombie was a massive understatement. His body ached as if he had tried out for the Olympics and failed horribly. What a dream. Surely he would have kept quiet about it, if it weren't for the fact that his blankets were covered in dried blood.

Dominic had spent the next hour stuffing his stained blankets in the washer before throwing an undershirt on before his school uniform. These bite marks... He thought as he ran his hand over them. The wounds he had sustained in the dream must have carried over into the real world, and on top of that, they healed on their own, leaving behind small scars.

Nevertheless, Dominic donned his school uniform and was out for school.


On his regular route to school, Dominic couldn't help but think about what happened. No matter how many times he denied it in his head, Ben must have had the same dream. It would have explained the damage done to him. He looked up at the morning sky as he walked and made a mental goal to visit him again before the day was over.


Meanwhile, in the Headmaster's office, Boone's impatient fingers tapped against the oak table. The only audible sounds in the room was the ticking of the custom grandfather clock off to the corner of the office. In front of him was Red and that same janitor. "So you're telling me that all that talk was true?" "Kenshi said it himself, didn't he?" The janitor returned. This displeased Boone quite a bit.

Only visible to Boone and the Janitor was Kenshi, the large wolf-like creature that sat perched on the desk. "The surge of energy that I felt confirmed it. Someone is using arcane magic in town." "We don't know who it is, yet. Brookfield has many residents, but if I'm not mistaken, it also has a history of supernatural occurrences." "Hmph." "Just let me at'em, pops. I'll have the Committee keep a look out for anything suspicious." "No, the last thing we need is the police chasing after the school. Leave this to Len." Red clicked his teeth out of annoyance, Len was of course the 'janitor'. "I'm not a little kid, I don't make mistakes." "Red, don't make me repeat myself."

Red turned about face and stormed out of the office, proving Boone's point much to his displeasure. Len sported an indifferent face to it all. "I appreciate your help in all this, Len. A boy your age shouldn't delve into dangerous matters like this." "I was raised to believe that if you're able to put a stop to something, do it. Nobody's on the sidelines when lives are on the line. Thank you anyway, Boone."


School started as it always did. The classrooms were open but the school grounds themselves seemed to be a little more calm than yesterday. 5 more minutes until class starts. Dominic noted to himself as he fiddled about with items in his locker.

  • House keys


    Pack of 5 gum(x3)

Farra sat up quickly, tangled in her bed sheets. In the kitchen, Icarus was making scrambled eggs. Hmph, she thought. That was strange. I certainly hope that was a dream...I think I'll ask Hotaru, or Dominic, or that girl, Alice. Sitting up, her body shook in pain. She felt as if she hadn't slept in a hundred years. Zodiacs...those silly little star symbols she learned in Primary School. They were in her dream...along with those horrendous dogs. Not cool. "Icarus? Is it almost done?" Farra asked, her voice rough and scratchy. Icarus turned around slowly. His eyes were bloodshot and dreary, and his face was blank. "Oh, no..." Farra whispered. "You're on a trip. Perfect." Icarus turned the stove off and slid the eggs onto two plates. On top, he sprinkled a powdery white substance. "Breakfast." He set the knife he was using to scrape the eggs off the pan on the table. It's edge glinted in the morning light. Farra's hands twitched. She just wanted to take the knife on the table and slit his--

No. Those days were behind her. "I think I'll eat breakfast at school, okay? I have to go now. Bye, Icarus," she said gently to him, and she got dressed, grabbed her bag, and slipped out the door.

Five minutes to school. Farra wove through the crowds, shoving and tripping a few people on the way. Where to now? She climbed up the stairs and found an empty-ish area. Pulling out her class schedule, she scanned it and let out a sigh of disappointment. She had English class next. Climbing all the way to the fourth floor, Farra stopped in front of a bright, childish door. "This is my advanced class? Looks like kindergarten," she muttered, and she swung open the door.
What a god awful dream. Adonna had found herself on the ground, next to the windowsill. Her body ached and her stockings were torn in several places. But the more pressing matter- Her phone indicated that it was almost time for class (as well as four missed calls and two worried texts from her mother). Either she had to go to her dorm to change, and be late, or go straight to class looking like she'd decided rolling on the ground was the new fad. This is plain fantastic. She dusted off her uniform best she could, grabbed her backpack and jacket, patted her skirt pockets to make sure everything was there. Sending a quick text to her mum, she then hurried off to class. Ignoring the stares on her way there.



Dorm Key

Backpack (containing school supplies)

Empty Bento Box
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Hotaru's eye opened and tried to adjust to the morning light. The fact it was morning was not enough for her to get out of bed, the mute girl had to cough up blood to run for the bathroom. Her hand stained with blood, bile rose in her throat. Usually she could stand the sight of blood, but today she just wanted to empty her stomach. What was causing her to do this? Her dream? She could barely remember it as she wiped the last of her vomit off of her face. Hotaru took the thought of her dream out of her mind as she got ready for the second day of school.

Just as Hotaru was slipping her nightgown off, she notice ink like blood mixed with dried up red. Goddammit, she must of had her period, time to change her bed sheets! Hotaru focused of trying to get the blood stains on her shoulder and the black ink off of her hands. After the blood was rubbed off, her shoulders bore large marks that resembled cat marks. Goddammit, she must have let the cat in.

After Hotaru contradicted any proof of the dream with own silly little theories. Rubbing her cheek with her cold hands, Hotaru brought her slate and headed out of her dorm room. She had to hurry to her own class, thankfully Hotaru managed to remember where she needed to go. Time for class.
Clark woke up to the sun shining bright in his face. He sighed realising he would have to go to class today but he was surprisingly more active in the morning. He got up out of bed and got dressed in his new school uniform. Clark passed by his bed one last time to retrieve his phone and noticed a collection of dust and sand across his bed. Similarly coloured to the dust in his dream. He wiped some off to see if it was real and indeed it was. He took a step back real using that the dream (or nightmare) he had was real. Before in his sleep he was still wary that it wasn't real but that was really the only explanation for the dust and sand on his bed. He wiped the rest off, collected his stuff and headed off to his class. Slowly but even then he had woken somewhat early so he doubted he'd be late.


Wallet ($20)

Map of town and school

Student ID


Dorm key

Pen and pencils
Damian buttoned up his school shirt and rolled up the sleeves to keep cool, the day looked warm from outside Damian's window. His Mother had already left out with the baby, leaving him and his Stepfather behind. Damian's bed was messier than usual this morning. According to his mother, he was having fits in his sleep. Unbeknownst to Damian he felt like he slept just fine. Or normally. Damian looked in the mirror to see if he was at least presentable today as he did at least have one person to try and impress. Thinking about it made Damian's stomach flutter some. It wasn't even any real developed feeling, just an very small butterfly feeling of being flattered on Sunday. What was he do? He was an easily moved dork. Damian reached up to grab his school jacket from off a hook at the edge of his closet archway. As he reached up, three black, spear-like tendrils shot up and pierced through the ceiling from a shadow cast off from the closet doorway. It didn't cause any physical damage, but simply phased through but was steadily clung to the ceiling as if it latched on. At the tips of the spears exhausted a black fog from where they cut through. Damian has gasped loudly in shock and began choking. "What the fuck!" He screeched out in a whisper. Dumbfounded by what he saw, Damian stepped back and eyed the three tendril carefully. He had to make sure he wasn't under some sort of ridiculous hallucination, or still dreaming. To test this, he slapped himself in the face, then went up to touch the three tendrils. They felt like the mist given off by dry ice if you leave your finger in it for too long. Cold, there but at the same time it isn't, and most notably it still had a physical presence. As much as Damian tugged on them they wouldn't budge. "What the hell is going on.. Am I awake? Am I on some sort of drug?" Damian threw his school jacket over his shoulders, wearing it like a sort of cape. (He felt cool.) He opened his door, keeping an eye on the three tendrils. "Wait, wait, wait.." Damian raised his arm and threw it back down. The tendril followed his arms commands and recalled back into the shadow from whence they came. Now this was on a whole different level. They actually responded to his bodily movements. The more he discovered the more he wanted to believe it was real, but he couldn't.
Ukime slowly woke up on a warm lap. Muttering to herself as she sat herself up she noticed she was in her job and the sun was high in the sky. What time was it she thought as she pulled out her phone and checked the time. It wasn't much of a shocker to her that it was morning and she had school today. The thing that distracted her the most was her dream, she smiled a little when she remembered beating up the dog or hell hound whatever it was. As she began to stand her body ached and she fell back down into Kai's lap. Kai's eyes shot open as he looked up toward her and gave her a smile.

"You shouldn't get up so fast, you'll fall bac-"

Kai looked at Ukime's wounds. claw marks on her arms and ankles. One across the bridge of her nose which was plain as day. Kai frowned a little and began to remember his friend who would come to school like this. He could never keep his secrete well so he knew what had happened after the first three hours of school starting. The only thing he could do for his friend is patch him up, to think he would be doing this job again put a heavy weight on his shoulders and a strain on his heart. He stood up without saying anything else and Ukime herself to indulged with her bruises and marks. He led her to the back of the room and into the showers. Turning it on he left her there to shower up as he took her clothes and began to walk toward the washer. He saw Roe as well laying there. Shocked that it was now two he gave another heavy sigh and gathered her school clothes. putting them in the wash he left them there to go make them breakfast. He was kind of glad he built a indoor home within his office. there was a kitchen, a washing machine and dryer, new clothes and beds to lay down in. He smiled when he looked under the cabinet and pulled out a first aid kit.

Before walking out and wrapping up their lunch and plating their breakfast he moved the clothes to the dryer and put them on high heat so they would drive faster. Walking out to place the food on the counter he saw Ukime walk out with just a towel and her hair wet. Kai blushed a little and turned away.

"Ukime, go back till I give you some clothes...geez. Your worse than my little sister."

"Then think of me as that...is this wrong to do toward a big brother."

He blushed when she called him a big brother and nodded his head slightly. Taking her hand he walked her toward the office and told her to stand near the fridge. pulling out her clothes he handed her the right uniform and waited for her to get dressed. Ukime quickly put on her clothes then had sat down so Kai could bandage her up. Placing a thick white bandage across her nose and wrapping up her wrist and ankles he gave a small chuckle.

"You look like a fighter out of a anime show."

"Do I..cool , that's fine by me. I'll make this my new look then hm."

"You do that, your breakfast and lunch are outside, we'll wait for Roe to wake up so I can both drive you guys to school."
Before Alice could get any other answers, a bright light shined into her eyes, blocking the light,"Wha-" Alice shot up from her laying position and was now sitting up, looking around her room. She was in her room, the room where she fell asleep with her stuff animals,"W-what a dream." She thought noticing the sweat on her back,"I better get ready now." She mumbled getting up from her messy bed and went off to the bathroom.

Pulling her sleeves up, she looked to the window and noticed something on her arm,"What is this?" She thought bringing her arm closer, her eyes widen in shock. On her arm was bite marks of some animal, the same place the beast bit her. She couldn't believe that the dream was real or this was a dream itself as she ignored it, thinking it was just some bruise she got from moving around in her bed.

After getting herself clean, she got her uniform and pulled them on, going to the bathroom to get a first aid kit, she covered the bruise in bandages. Tying the bandage on tight, she went and grabbed her bag and went off out the door to her classes for the new day, trying to distract herself with class and ignore the dream and the bruise.

Books about stars


Pouch of art supplies

Wallet ( $20 )

Bag of chips

The first thing Roe was aware of was how much she ached. Every muscle in her body was sore, so much so that she could barely move. What the hell happened last night. Grunting as she slowly sat up, Roe kept her eyes closed. Putting her hand to her head, she realized her hair was soaked... stupid water... must have given her bad dreams. A sharp pain found its way to her hazy consciousness. Opening her eyes, Roe bit down the nausea, as she gingerly peeled back her brand new and newly ruined shirt. Deep puncture wounds were spread along her shoulders and her hands were scratched up. Wincing, Roe lifted the bottom of her shirt up enough to see 4 slashes across her stomach... not enough to do any real damage, but enough to make it hurt to breath.

Had... the dream been so real her body replicated the wounds? Like those stigmata people? Sighing... this was going to be awkward to tell her mother... luckily she thought she could hide her wounds. Looking around, she saw her uniform, freshly washed and dried. Frowning, Roe attempted to sit up and change. It must be morning... Shit... she was going to catch hell for this at home. She wondered if this counted as her first sleep over... hopefully not. Buttoning up her shirt was more difficult than she thought, but Roe finally managed. Slightly out of breath, Roe made her way to Ukime and Kai. She leaned in the doorway, taking in Ukime's wounds.

Don't think about it Roe. she thought to herself. There's no way that really happened. Limping slightly, "Good morning." she said monotonously.

Cell Phone -dead

Apartment Keys


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