- Zodiac - [Inactive]

She wasn't in the background this time. Her dream friends were acknowledging her presence. The pit in her stomach grew. "Pfft. Yes, this is my fun corner," Adonna joked to dream Roe.

And suddenly, the nightmare came. In form of dark, demonic looking beings.
What the hell! Adonna stood, an arm instinctively going out in front of Roe. This was messed up, so messed up, Adonna's heart was beating hard, she was shaking badly. Whathehellwhathehellwhatthehell!


Adonna snapped her neck to the direction of the horrific scream. On pure automatic now, she burst into a run towards the familiar boy, and aimed the side of her fist into the beast's neck.
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"Geez....what a fall. Why is it damp? Am I bleeding...the air is cold...and suffocating. I hear voices...dead maybe. I really wanted the food. so much for my basketball career. Wh...why does it smell. Something reeks. Why can't I open my eyes. Damnit, open."

Opening her eyes slowly she saw something black, it was nothing but a blur at the time but she knew something was there, on top of her actually. She felt her arms being pinned down and some claws being dug into her skin. It was painful enough to make her wince. What was this thing she wondered. Her eyes adjusted to her surrounding and by that time the beast had snapped it's jaws toward her neck trying to deliver a nasty bite to her throat. She moved her head off to the side but it's teeth had grazed her. Her heart began to pump in an abnormal manner and her body was still, unable to move fear had struck through her. This thing , what was it. No that was the least of her worries, this thing was trying to kill her. As the beast lifted it chest to bring its head down one more time she pushed up her forearm into it's throat. As it snapped it's jaws more she used her knee to knee it in the midsection then her foot to push it off and over her head. As the beat flew over she quickly rolled onto her stomach then had gotten on all fours.


The dog yelped and growled at her. She got low just like the dog and her head moved the same way it did. You could say Ukime had many sides ot her, most called her a wild animal from where she used to live. The dog stepped forward as she put a knee to the ground. The pain coursed through her body though the danger in front of her was more important then a few wounds. The dog darted forward toward her , lunging with its claws aiming for her chest. Pushing of her knee to the side she rolled off toward the right and was able to get up in time to start running away from it. She felt her lungs pump faster and her mind stuck on one thing. That dog back there, escape at all cost.

Clark awoke to the sound of unfamiliar voices. He sat up in only his boxers and looked around. He had no clue as to where he was. Clark sighed and stood himself up as he looked at the many teenagers around him, he knew none of them. He looked up into the brown sy as he tried to figure out where he was but to no avail.

"Where the hell am I?" Clark asked. However, before he could get an answer one of the many people he didn't know was attacked by a hellhound. He watched as he wrestled the beast and a girl walked up and punched it. Clark watched the fight with a calm face, assuming this was a dream.
Alice watched as Dominic went a little farther from the group, watching something in the distant,"What's wrong Dom?" She asked confused by why he was acting weird. Coming a little closer, she stared into the horizon where Dominic was staring and noticed something. A dark cloud coming towards them, within the could were some glowing white orbs almost looking as if eyes,"What?" She thought bewildered by the cloud.

Once the cloud got closer to the group, she saw a figure of a dog with really sharp teeth also in the cloud. She gasped and noticed Dominic being attacked by some hound, running to his aid, but she was also attacked by one and fell to the ground with it growling and snarling at her,"Stupid putt! Get off!" She growled back and kicked it off with her left leg. Getting up before it could attack her again, she looked to the other dogs,"What is this?!" She thought kicking one of the putts that came at her.

Suddenly she was attacked from behind but she dodged it luckily and pinned the dog down, grabbing the head and slamming it down onto the ground,"I guess being in Judo paid off." She mumbled but was then pushed down by another mutt. With swish movement, she blocked the dog's attack with her right arm but was bitten. Holding in her scream, she placed her free hand on it's head, trying to push it off,"Get off!" She yelled at it trying to break free. Her flesh dripping off her arm onto her pajama, making the blue turn stained red.
As Nikky walked home she watched the streetlights flicker then die, with the darkness coating the street it left a rather ominous tone. She attempted to shake out the idea of creatures appearing from the darkness out of her mind and focused on getting home. She walked for a rather long time before realizing she wasn't heading anywhere. The settlements were pretty close so she should have reached them by now. She looked up,to her surprise, to see a ugly brown sky hovering above her. She stopped in her place and glanced around,

"Turn around, Nikky"

"They're waiting for you!"

She recognized those voices, two dark figures appeared behind her causing the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. They giggled, there was something annoyingly familiar about the two. "Come Nikky, join the party." The two began in unison, "You can't go anywhere else right?"

"Who are you?" she slowly turned around to find her self setting foot in a abandoned building despite feeling a bit sick from the sudden scene change she felt ease seeing some familiar faces. That would be what she'd feel if she didn't just walk into a panic blindly.
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Hotaru watched wide eyed as Adonna came running from nowhere and punched the large beast. She just kicked ass. Hotaru had to give her a hug! It seemed like Adonna was going to need help to get the large being off of Dominic. Hotaru wanted to move, she wanted to help but she couldn't.

The beast supposedly from hell looked so cute! Hotaru just wanted to hug it to death! Her eye trained down to Dominic's injured shoulder. His bloody scream, it was too real. Man, her dreams are becoming so much more real these days!

Hotaru watched as the group get circled around by the big, but adorable, beasts. Taking a defensive stance, she quickly jumped on top of one. It was strange, the blood from Dominic kept on running. Hotaru narrowed her eyes. Gripping on the fur, she pulled outward to pull the fur out. The beast fell to the ground, as it tried to get up, Hotaru got up and stood on it's face.
Derek was quickly sunk into the world of dreaming. He was awoken in large and vast world. So strange, he would usually dream of nothing, it seemed as though as he can control his own movements. He looked up at the sky and just laid there. He was a pretty much laid back type of guy. This place seemed peaceful enough.

From a distance he could hear two voices talking, Derek stood up and began to walk in the direction of the voices. He stood from a distance, yet he could hear them talking. One looked transparent and the other was having a conversation. Derek let out a sigh as he continued watching from afar. Such a boring dream.
Shun had been happily enjoying his solitude in the corner he was sitting; however, it was the nervous call from the boy he had conversed with earlier that brought his attention to the situation at hand. Way to vivid, Shun suddenly thought upon his view of the approaching hell hounds as he instantly sprung to his feet only to watch a hound sink its teeth into the boy's shoulder causing blood to begin soaking his shirt.

Ignoring the panic that began to well up within him, Shun took a quick glance to get a bearing of the situation.

Seeing Adonna rush forward and successfully strike the hound, Shun quickly deduced that physical methods would still work on the unknown enemy, and through the adrenaline rushing in his system, Shun quickly began to remember the small amount of training Geoffrey had given him in physical combat in the past. Watching as another girl was holding her own against several hounds through what he recognized as judo, Shun believed her to be fine on her own; however, it was after she was pinned by a hound from behind that he quickly sprung forward to help.

Jabbing the hound in its eye through a punch, Shun quickly t0ok hold of the girl once teh hound had released its grip of her arm and dragged her away from the immediate danger. Ripping half of his shirt, Shun quickly began to wrap her wound while the hound was distracted by the damage that he had inflicted. "You okay?"
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Roe decided she didn't like this dream, she didn't like it at all. Leaping to her feet, all she heard were screams and growling. "Stop it" she said, her heart beating at an ungodly rate. She watched horrified as the beast attacked Adonna... why wasn't her subconscious listening... Roe always had the power to change her dreams. In fact, she had it worked down to a science. Why wasn't it working!

Roe went to pull Adonna back from the beast as she heard Ukime's cry for help. She was distracted for a split second... but that's all it took. A hound had circumvented Adonna and tackled Roe to the ground... knocking her nearly 10 feet back. The wind knocked out of her, Roe was face to face with a monster. Both of its enormous paws dug into her shoulders... she was sure it would rip her arms off if she struggled.

"Wake Up, Rosemarie McKinley." she whispered as the beast lowered its gaping maw closer to her... close enough she could smell the stench of decay on its breath, close enough she could feel her body tremble in time with the growls. Too terrified to cry, Roe closed her eyes against the eeriness of those deathly white eyes... trying to ignore the searing pain in her shoulders and the scrapes on her back from the beast knocked her down. "Wake up Roe... please"


| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

The hellhound being distracted by Adonna, was quickly kicked off by Alice and held down by Hotaru. Dominic, however, remained on the blood-soaked ground while beast after beast flooded through the openings in the building and at the others. Just as fast as they pinned one down, three more came in and pounced on the three girls with jaws desperately snapping at them, just dying for a bite.

Dominic's vision was blurry, fading in and out which made things much harder to see. Just the mere thought of moving sent a surge of pain through his shoulder. More figures appeared, including one of physical shadows. Dominic could only turn his head a little to get a glimpse of Damian's face as he fought off the incoming hordes with a strange ability. However, the effort sent the boy into a state of unresponsiveness.

Ukime saw people up ahead and waved her arms in the air. She appeared on the side of them , far enough she guessed. She saw familiar faces but with all that was going on she could care less what their names was. As she waved her hand in the air she could feel the foul stench of the dogs breath so she brought her hand down as the dog leaped over her head and landed in front of her. Pesky little thing she thought. She stood her ground and held up her fist.

"I wasn't afraid to hit an old man , so I'm not afraid to hit a damn dog...or whatever the hell you are."

This probably wasn't fear she was feeling , she was just in a dangerous situation. Danger was real, yes she remembered a movie she watched where the main actor Will Smith explained it. Fear wasn't real. She repeated this to herself in her head as the beast lunged forward. Gripping her fist and gritting her teeth, she landed a hit at the dogs jaw, it's teeth scraping her knuckles as it rolled away. Ukime began to breathe heavy as she looked at it getting back up. Calm your heart she thought, this would do her know good. Clear your thoughts and ....and."

"Look here you stupid thing....I'm more stubborn than you so come at me. I bet I'll win this fight you damn mutt."

The dog growled and lunged at her again. This time she bounced back and did it snap front kick under its chin. The dog moved away whimpering but soon picked up its growl again. She thought to herself she should be more bad ass at this. I mean she had a fro for gods sake, why is she scared. She tried to move like Afro samurai and dodge its on coming claws and teeth. She would get scratched a lot and close to her ears coming off. When she was going for a kick she had fell leaving the dog to claw her across the bridge of her nose. Screaming and grunting in pain she decided to roll from underneath the dog and out toward its side.


Ukime got up and growled back. As the dog lunged once more Ukime brought her had back then slammed it down on the mutts head. The mutt forcefully fell to the ground , its eyes looking into Ukime's enraged iris.

Alice struggled to break free as she tried to hold in her scream for help but then the dog was knocked off of her. Looking to her savior, she was pulled away from the pack of hounds before anymore could get a bite of her again. Looking to the boy, she examined his features and watched in silent as he ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped around her wound.

The blood soaked through the cloth but at least it stopped the bleeding a little. Looking up at the boy, she gave him a smile and nodded,"I'm fine, Thanks." She said holding her arm but then noticed Damien appeared out of nowhere, helping them but he seemed off.

His voice sounding as if there were two voices, one Damien's but the other voice was unfamiliar to Alice. Watching as Damien kicked the dog off of Dominic even though two other also helped,"Damien?" She called out just to make sure it was him and not just one of her dream illusions.

Looking to Dominic, he seemed to lost conscious and laid on the ground with his upper part still bleeding,"Dom!" She thought looking at the boy with worried eyes,"We need to help Dom and the others!" She said getting up to help the others fight off the hounds.
Clark continued to watch the chaotic surroundings, this was a very intense dream. Why he was dreaming this was a different question. However, after a few minutes of blood flying and yelps of pain Clark wondered if this wasn't a dream. Moments after thinking this a hellhound charged him but Clark saw him and sidestepped out of the way which resulted in the hound smashing his face into the ground. Clark smiled a little at the cartoon like injury before noticing a guy lying on the ground, Clark assumed he was unconscious. He walked over and slapped his cheek.

"Yo you awake?" Clark asked.
Lance had immediately came to a halt. The shape of his spherical eyes shortened to a slit. His head turned and peered off into the distance. "Oh no. The Hollows." Damian had looked off into the same direction as Lance, confused as to what Lance was alerted to. "Hollows..?" Damian asked. Lance's mouth came to a cartoon-ish frown. "I need to help the others but I can't leave you alone either. That just pits you in-- Wait..." Damian frowned, trying to grasp the sudden shift in the situation. "Hold still..." Lance's black, seeping aura had grew thicker, his torso had extended like a rubber band, and shot into Damian's chest. Damian took on the same black aura as Lance. Damian began coughing like a chain smoker! Lance's noxious form was too much for Damian's human body. Damian fell to his knees, saliva and tears slipping from distressed face. Eventually, the two joined into one, whole being. Lance's black and white color scheme had disappeared when he joined with Damian. This time, it was red with a hint of burgundy. "...A lot of negativity. This one is going to be something to work with." Lance was in full control of Damian's body, possessed him, just like a ghost. Both the voices of Damian and Lance had merged. "This can't wait. Those other kids are going to be mauled." With a single leap, Lance had sped forward through the shadows of the Deadlands, quickly blowing passed like it was nothing...

...Soon, Lance's breakneck speeds had broke him from the Badlands to the Ruin's shore. He skid to a halt between Dominic and the others. The cloud of darkness harboring the hostile spirits was in close range now, unfortunately he arrived a little too late. A beast had taken Dominic for prey, but luckily Adonna had clocked the best off the boy. As far as Lance could see, the others were being attacked by the same beasts.
"Agh.." Lance had shot out three, serpent-headed tendrils out at the beasts. Their toothless jaws opened like a slick muck. As if pulling apart a noxious goop. The three heads pinned the beasts down by their necks, strangling them to their deaths. Lance wasn't new to these monsters and in fact was just like them. Or close to what they are. Upon finishing the beasts he turned his attention to the cloud of darkness. Countless pairs of eyes, ready to attack. "Gods.."
Enough of this crap. Awake, Roe was a non-confrontational scaredy cat... she'd be damned if she let her dream self be such a wimp. Trying only to think of dream-survival, Roe quickly turned her head and bit down on the creatures paw... hard. Bile rose in her throat, but it did the trick. A great growl escaped the monster as it released Roes' shoulder from its injured claws. Just enough that Roe was able whip her arm around and grab its ugly muzzle. Ignoring the pain as best as she could, Roe wrestled herself on top of the beast. Her one hand remained wrapped around the creatures maw, it's sharp teeth nicking her soft flesh. Roe's other arm found a snug spot right under the beasts chin... but she doubted she had the strength to strangle it. A moment's breather... and now what? Roe was injured, and the beast was wiggling determinedly. If only she had a muzzle...

Glancing at her rainbow striped toe socks, roe sighed... they're only dream socks... no worries, they'll still be there when you wake up from this nightmare. Putting more weight on the beast to try and hold it down, Roe impressively managed to not only get her sock off, but also to wrap it tightly around the beasts (she's refusing to call it a dog because she couldn't handle it) jaws. Now with both arms free, Roe had an easier time keeping the beast handled. She anxiously looked around to see how the others were faring.

The kids from the store were in the distance, and one seemed to be good at 'taking care of business'. Roe's grip tightened on the struggling mongrel. Maybe this wasn't a dream after all... but don't ask her how she could make sense of it. She just hoped that everyone would be alright. Hopefully this damned creature would suffocate soon.
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The dog stomped as if it was insulted, Ukime had to give a laugh as she stomped her own foot. She remembered her thoughts about the girl who had pushed her down the swing set during grade school. The thought angered her more and just looking at the ugly thing, she could have thought the girl was the dog. The dog began to run toward her and she made sure to lift the weight from her feet so she wouldn't be so heavy moving around. Was this seriously a dream though. Her body ached and the bruises seemed to real. The dog threw its claw toward her side but she moved out of the way. Copying what the sparta's used to do she kicked the mutt in it's side making it fall onto its other. Quickly running over she imagined her key that didn't fit in the lock. Smiling with such an evil grin she lifted her foot. The dog had looked up toward her and tried to trick her with it's eyes.

"I care not for the living or the dead. You hurt me you stupid fool. Die you trash."

Quickly she lifted her foot up then stepped on its face, no not step more like kick and stomp. She moved her hands up as she did this action and continue to smash it's head in. Licking her lips she had a crazed look in her eye. The dog yelped and moved around, scratching at her ankles yet she didn't stop.

Nikky stood still, motionless. For once, she didn't know how to react to the situation at hand. So many people needed help, but too much was happening too fast. She couldn't react in time she could only respond with confusion and a stupid look on her face, she needed to do something. real or not, she wouldn't have a clear conscience watching these people be attacked. She grabbed a piece of broken glass and cut up some of her skirt and ran to the aid of a bleeding body's side, she could barely recognize the person due to her adrenaline. Whatever bit him was deep, her hands became unsteady as she lifted the boy's arm, the boy twitched a bit in response as she wrapped the makeshift bandage around the wound and began applying pressure. She felt dizzy, she wasn't in control of the situation at hand and it scared her to death. She wasn't religious but she began praying she'd wake up soon, somewhere warm and comfortable and quiet.
Had Adonna the time, she would have admired the handiwork of the other girls. But no sooner than one hound was taken down did another appear in its place. Adonna spit out a single curse and threw herself to the side, falling hard and rolling on the ground. She caught a glimpse of Roe, pinned by one of the demonic hounds. Roe!! Damnit! But the hound on Adonna wasn't to be thwarted, it turned its hideous body with inhuman speed. From the ground, Adonna launched her foot up to the side of its face. It was by no means a professional kick, it was desperate. But it hit, enough to disorient the beast to stumble on its own hideous leg and fall. Adonna scrambled to her feet, every piece of her shaking, ready to run to get the beast off Roe- only to find the girl was wrestling with the beast. She glanced back at the hound that had fallen. It was already back on its feet.

What?! A black, rope-like being wrapped around the hound's neck, effectively strangling it. No, no time to think. The beast was taken care of. Adonna swung her head left to right. The hounds were everywhere, like ants, a disgusting, sharp-toothed swarm.

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| Evening |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

The dark cloud that loomed over the darker side of the sky came closer. It was too dark to see past it, and it looked impossible to navigate through. With it were strong winds that threatened to tear the human body asunder.

From the lighter side of the horizon came a single canine figure, sprinting on it's four legs at a motion hard to see with the naked eye. It's form was bright, opposite of the dark hellhounds that stormed the building. In it's mouth was a single sword crafted just for this purpose.

The hound of light leaped straight into the second story window and got a good glance of the situation below. To sum it up, people were dying. Along with that, the wolf-like creature spotted Damian, Lance's obviously new meat pet.
"Lance..." The wolf muttered with the sword in it's jaw.

The attack seemed endless. Even though there were such a large amount of hellhounds within the building, more seem to appear from the horizon. Narrowing it's pupil, the wolf tossed the sword down to the ground below, where it made a simple 'plop' on the soaked dirt.



A flash of a white horizontal line swept across the supporting pillars that the hellhounds were running past, causing them to collapse and create a temporary barricade as a pause from the invasion. Slowly, the blade came down to rest at Dominic's side with a sharp hum. He was no longer laying down, nor was he no longer bleeding. Dominic sported an entirely different look about him - much like Damian. The mysterious wolf had possessed Dominic just as Lance had taken Damian. "It's nice to see you helping out the children, Lance." Dominic spoke in a more calm, mature tone.

Another swipe of Dominic's sword and the remaining beasts in the building were simply severed in half. Dominic, with pure white eyes, simply glanced over his shoulder toward Damian. "Long time no see." He surveyed the surrounding area, as they seemed to be safe for now. The sound of frustrated hellhounds were obviously heard over the wall, and it would be a matter of minutes before they found a way past the blockade. "This isn't the kind of introduction I hoped to give our hosts."
Hotaru was pushed to the ground, the beast's claws pierced her skin as she fell backwards. The large being from hell began to pant, as it's diaphragm expanded and decreased as it's hot breath captivated Hotaru to the ground. The smell of burned corpses were distinctively in the air. Man, the sewing club really outdid themselves!

The hell's off spring bared it's large teeth out, threatening her, daring her. Hotaru was so tempted to pet it or even give it a good rub. With her emotionless eyes, Hotaru dug her fingers into the ground and grabbed a handful of dirt. Not a moment soon, she closed her eyes as she sprayed the dirt at the beast. The beast fell to the ground as she quickly rolled out. If her assumptions of these demons were true, salt should do a number on them.

Hotaru watched the ground as a large shadow covered the light. Snapping her neck to look behind, she saw a beast on it's hind legs. She was going to die. Suddenly a light from the sky caused a temporary wall. Hotaru looked back at the group and spoke her first words, "So...I guess this isn't a dream."
"Stop it." A voice in her head called out to her. A little her she guessed that told her enough was enough. The beast was dead underneath it's feet, long dead. Though it's body was severed in half despite it's crushed skull. Giving off a playful laugh she began to tear up as she looked down at the beast. She lifted her hand and saw all the cuts and gashes. She rubbed the blood between her fingers as she looked around the room. Disgusting was the word that came to mind. First their were these voices now there were dogs. She looked over toward the group and picked out one person. It was Roe, form her school and work. She looked down at her hand again and thought. Did they both fall asleep, what happened. All she remembered was running behind a counter. A slight pain coursed through her head.

"Did i fall...no matter. ROE."

Ukime waved over happily as she began to jog toward her.
Lance had narrowed his gaze, recognizing that tone. "As much as I'm never happy to see anyone, you're a welcome sight Kenshi." Multiple tendrils creeped from Lance's shoulders and arms, ready to be lashed out at the next offender. "Chose the dying boy as your vessel, mmm? Also, what choice do I have. Surely the others will blame me, or find some way to blame me if their chosen bearers are killed off. I'm the needle board for everything." Lance had stepped forward, not even giving Kenshi the decency of eye contact. It was obvious he didn't care that he came to his aid. Then again, why should he? "I hope you said your farewells to that old man of yours. You two were close for a good while."
The beast was limp, Roe shoved it aside as soon as she felt its last breath... What the Hell... a strange calm seemed to come over her and the scenery. Her ears rung and she felt tears carve a clear path through her dirty cheeks. She tried not to look at the dead... thing... She couldn't help but feel... sad. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Ukime heading her way. Hastily rubbing away her tears with the back of her hand (and smudging a little blood on her face) Roe stood to meet her and watch the scene unfold.
Nikky opened her eyes to see the person she was tending gone, next thing she knew a loud crash rang in her ears and the surrounding pillars crumbled to the ground, she looked up with relief. It was over. She flopped onto her back, trying to steady her heart rate.

"So I guess this isn't a dream."

"If dreams can make me feel this scared I would of developed insomnia by now."
Lunging Ukime pounced on Roe with a smile and rubbed her cheek against hers. Ukime was shaking, more than she usually did. Roe could feel the hot tears from Ukime as Ukime hugged her righter. Usually this would be a taboo for Ukime. She never touched or laid on anyone, not for a long period of time at least. Ukime tried to soak up her tears and act as if she was a protector of some sort. Wanting to comfort Roe and herself at the same time .

"Roe...roe are you ok. Was that scary for you."

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