- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Having been ducked down, looking toward the ground while listening her hardest while not being able to hear a thing from the conversation at hand on the other side of the tree behind her, Akira opened her eyes to see Nikky and Hotaru. She glanced about the area wondering if there were any other students on the off chance that reinforcements were being brought. Looking back, she suddenly noticed that the fighting had been over and that one of the two men, the second of which was Angelo, was well on his way off the scene. She then turned and looked to the approaching girls, keeping silent while wearing a serious but worried expression. The smaller of the two girls was a familiar face, and an affiliate of Dominic’s; the cute one that constantly gave out hugs. The ever so slightly taller one with shorter hair bore a beautifully tanned skin color. On impulse, the girl almost spoke out against the two’s arrival for she knew that adding more fuel to the calming fire wouldn’t help matters at all, but instead the taller one waved to Akira, signaling for her to follow the two. If they’d just arrived only to leave, chances are they knew that what was going on wasn’t meant for them to see, either. Akira followed posthaste, looking back one more time to see the weakened Dominic and sighing in relief…

He’s alright… that’s something…” She thought before looking to the girls and following closely behind them.
Shun became tired after his usage of power during the breakfast with Hoshino and her Zodiac. Upon returning to the camp, the youth instantly made way to bed without regard for the commotion occurring around.

|With Nikky|


Elijah's face didn't look very pleased. All she thought Nikky could've been doing and hasn't even gotten a real jump on it yet. "D'oh. How disappointing! Anyone can see a sheep run around! You haven't gone out and explored? It's one of the wonders of the wilderness! And with all that alertness you've got cause' of me, you'll find trouble before it finds you! But... Looks like it's late! That means; Campfire song! C'mon, Nikky. You know you wanna~ Impress them with your musical genius!" Elijah was buzzing around Nikky like a frantic child. The outdoors made her more erratic than she is usually. So is the personality of an adventure addicted traveling bard. As she and Nikky drew into the forest, she saw a familiar sight. Only perceivable thanks to some bright embers. "Hey. Ain't that your loser friend? If I can call him that." Elijah was referring to Damian, huddled up by the campfire, quietly staring at the flames. It looks like he reignited the fire himself. "Hey! I see Lance next to him! What're theeey talking about..." Elijah squinted her eyes at the two. "Humph. Like I care. They both probably wouldn't pay us any mind. Lets go start the songs~!" Elijah attempted to usher Nikky back to her camp.

|Camp grounds!|

|Hotaru and Damian|

Yet again Nikky found herself leading the way, and when Hotaru freaked out she did her best not to panic as well. She somehow managed to calm her down and get her up onto her feet to carry her on her back. She was still rather light weight just last time when she carried her to the nurses office. The girl listened to Hotaru's quiet sobs as they made their way back to camp, she stared down at the ground, hearing her like this hurt her heart. She looked over her shoulder at Akira, her skin was darker tanned compared to Nikky's own and eyes that marked intelligence, she managed a reassuring smile before looking back and heading towards the camp. ignoring Elijah along the way to avoid looking like a crazy person, at least to Akira.

It was weird leading the way now that see thought about it, but she didn't mind all that much, she was usually was the one to follow in the past. But hey, new city, new school, new you, that's what her father had told her; she tried her best to live it up as much as she could.

They managed to find their way back by following the river and her hearing; she sighed, relieved. "
Hey. Ain't that your loser friend? If I can call him that." Nikky followed the Zodiac's gaze onto Damian, "Be nice." but Elijah was going on blabbering now.

"Hey! I see Lance next to him! What're theeey talking about... Humph. Like I care. They both probably wouldn't pay us any mind. Lets go start the songs~!"

"It's going to rain, what's the point?" She did want to show-off a bit though, it was fun, but unless the counselors brought a shelter for the fire the campers would only end up getting caught in the rain. Her hair did NOT need to have any kind of contact with water right now, but that was the least of her worries. Her thoughts turned towards the pink haired girl currently nestled against her back. She didn't know where to go so she headed towards the nearest fire pit, disregarding and completely forgetting the gender boundaries, to sit Hotaru down and take a seat beside her. She looked over at Damian and gave a small wave,


|By the dead fire|


Damian felt the pitter patter of rain, tap against his skull, and soon wash over the fire he had just kindled. He enjoyed the rain... But the drenched fire discouraged him a fair deal. He was proud of the fire he made... He saw two pairs of legs. Both of which, not recognizable by anyone who's been on the boys side of camp. Damian looked up and saw the pink haired Hotaru, and Nikky. With her Zodiac floating behind her. Sporting a pout and crossed arms. Lance groaned at the site of Elijah. He was hoping that he wouldn't encounter her anytime soon. He was enjoying his little break from her childish pestering. The shadow chose not to say anything and just moved himself behind Damian. They both sat back to back. The was they were sitting... Almost like like a metaphor. Damian looked up at Elijah, down to Nikky, then lastly over to Hotaru. Poking from Hotaru's shoulder was... Something red? It sat there motionless until... "Boo! Hehehee! Look at all the people! It's like an outdoor slumber party!" Marabel timely arrived to join in the fun around the fire. Or damp ash, at this point. Elijah noticed the perky Zodiac and was quickly intrigued by her bubbly personality. And her outfit. "And who's this little peach?" Elijah asked. Marabel looked up at Elijah, scanning her very fancy outfit. Taken by the color and design she buzzed around Elijah, taking it all in. "Oooooh~! It's like a blouse but not! What iiiss it! I must know! I want one too! I've had this dress foreeevveerrrr.. Pooh!" Marabel plopped down besides Hotaru, puffing up her cheeks. Damian sat witness to what he soon would predicted to be some chaos. 3 Zodiacs in one spot was... Not a good sign to him. Especially with two buzzing bee's and a downer. "...Hi." Damian finally responded. Elijah looked down to Damian, giving him the stink eye. "Oh now you finally respond. You know. A lady deserves some attention! Rude ol'... Brat!" Elijah rolled her eyes and placed her attention back to Marabel. "Well, as for you~ I can sow you a pair! Would you like that?" Marabel's eyes lit up at the offer. She began hopping exictedly and clapping her petite hands. "Oooh yeeeees! Make me one! I wanna match! But make it red! I love the color red!" Elijah chuckled, taken by Mrabel's innocence. "Don't worry little kitten, I'll make you one." Marabel's only response was to shriek in glee.


-Brookfield Mountain | Flower Paradise -> The Dark, Scary Cave-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew who she may sacrifice-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)
      • Bag of Chip (x1)

Alice thought they were gonna die out here but to her surprise it seemed that her group weren't so irresponsible as she thought, Sam having a blanket and some food while Zage had some supplies of her own. Shaking her head, she scolded herself for thinking so negatively about such a simple situation. Sure, they were in some strange cave with dead birds and it was raining dogs and cats outside but at least she had everyone here, as long as they were safe, Alice was fine with this.

Glancing at Zage as she offered her a shirt, Alice shook her head,"No, it's fine." Alice said though she did need a shirt, she didn't want to change in front of two boys so it was best she stuck with her wet shirt instead, zipping up her jacket and sitting close to the fire that they were lucky to make. Sam also offered his food and the blanket, Alice taking it and wrapping it around Zage to keep her warm since she was burning up now and her body must be freezing since it was fall now so the weather was very cold,"Don't say that Zage. You need to rest, don't push yourself any further. If you do your fever will get worse." Alice scolded and looked around her anything to use to help Zage's fever to go down,"Clark you have the first aid kit I gave you right? In there, there's some cold pills and a cool pad inside if you could just get those and give it to Zage that would be great." Alice said forgetting that Clark was scared of something at first but he was still giving her a weird look,"Umm... Is something wrong Clark?" Alice asked confused why she was being stared at before Sam then got up and started rambling on about how this must be his fault and then he ran off into the rain like some maniac as Alice called out to him,"Sam! Get back here!" Alice demanded running after him into the cold shower leaving Clark before he could even answer her question.

Taking hold of Sam's arm, she glared at him with anger and worry,"Sam are you crazy?! You'll get sick too, get back inside quickly!" Alice said and practically dragged him inside without any protest and sat him down at the fire with force,"Sam, it's too dang bloody cold outside. I don't want you to get sick as well. I know you're trying to help the situation but right now I just want you guys to stay here and get warm, the plant can wait and we still have another day so it's fine." Alice stated and took off her jacket, wrapping it around Sam while she was left with her black sweater that was now even more soak than before. She was cold to the bones but she didn't show it as she kept a poker face and her body burning with goosebumps and the feeling as if she covered in ice,"So cold... stupid weather." Alice thought annoyed as she looked towards Clark,"You also get closer to the fire, I don't want you getting sick as well." Alice said and pulled Clark over to the fire next to Sam while she towered over them and stood there watching over them like a mother bird watching her babies.


Refusing Help

Alice, Sam, Clark

Zage pushed the medical supplies away, "No, I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you guys, and Alice just take the shirt. You're soaked and obviously freezing your tush off." she orders to Alice as she snuggles into the blanket. "If it makes you feel any better I'll hold the blanket in front of you and make the boys turn around." she huffs as she stands and throws the shirt to Alice. "I don't want anyone else getting sickly so please?" she tells Alice, caring for the groups health more than her own. She'd rather herself get sick then the others.

Shortly after Nikky and Hotaru entered the camp, Akira followed, all the while her mind running rampid once again, with what time she now had to ponder, the situation surrounding that which she’d just witnessed.

Those men…” She began in cognition, images of the man known as Angelo, the other as Len and the last as Dario flashed through her mind in the forms they took during the battle not even an hour before their arrival at camp. “It’s evident that they’re not on each other’s side. The one who appeared to be the strongest was only being held back by the two who are here at our camp, so I suppose if anything it's one less thing I have to worry about in terms of enemies and allies. Even if inadvertent, if they’ll protect Dominic, chances are I don’t have to worry about them bringing any harm to me or the other students while we’re on this camping trip . And the way they were fighting… I don’t care if you’re a pro wrestler or anything of the sort… ordinary people can’t do that much damage to their surroundings even if it’s four of them and one has a staff in his hand. One probably couldn’t even do all of that with a few small vehicles! Sam was right. This isn’t your average, every day case. There’s something a lot bigger than just murder going on in this town. And this is my second time seeing that boy Dominic involved in one way or another; therefore I can’t object to the fact that he’s likely right in the middle of it, anymore. Something’s up and he knows about it. Not just that…” She looked over at the two girls, Nikky and Hotaru who continued toward the campfire. Akira instead, walked toward the tree to which her makeshift hammock was attached. “It’s becoming painfully obvious that the deeper I delve into this, the more people seem to be involved. At first I was under the impression that it was just Dominic. After seeing that girl, Alice with him, I came to realize it wasn’t just him, but her as well, along with the brown haired friend, Ben. Then that black haired boy. Already, that’s four people. Though at the time it was but an assumption, now that I've seen the recurrence of it with my own eyes, it's clear that it was an accurate one. Now I’ve come to find out that there’s two administrators involved too… All these people and that’s not even counting the people that I’ve seen Dominic talk to that WEREN’T at these destroyed scenes. At this point I can’t even be sure if it’s a question of whether or not something’s going on, but so much as to what and why there are so many students involved. And if I question any of them about it, I’m sure I won’t get any answers. And this would be just my luck… I can’t even use this to convince my father that it isn’t safe here. What kind of father would he be to believe me if I told him I need to transfer schools because there’s an amalgamation of magical time bombs roaming about the damned hallways!?" She resumed in speech, "Oy… it seems like the more questions I get close to answering, the more questions that I’m left with to answer…

She finally reached the hammock to find it completely dry, as the tree ultimately blocked most if not all of the rain from falling in that area due to its reach. Sitting on it like a swing, she relaxed and looked at her phone… seeing the small 34% in the upper right hand corner along with a depleted battery meter, and sighing at the ever so evasive subject of her life that one could easily refer to as her “luck”.


- >



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Wilderness |

| Mountain ; Inside a cave |

"What a mess.."

Tyrik silently observed the unfortunate group that had been trapped within the cave due to the furious storm. In the dark, tunnel-like cave, the rain would have found it's way to drench the floors and walls of the interior. With that, the rough gales of wind would past through the cave making the entire thing bitterly cold.

It didn't exactly help that the group consisted of babies. One was stubbornly defiant and tried to go off to find a flower in a storm, another rejected any and all help given to her, and the last was just foaming at the mouth. Tyrik had to commend Alice for just keeping her wits about her. It was no trait passed on from Zodiac to host, that much Tyrik knew. For now, she remained on her seat of flame.

| Some time later |

| Camp 'Murder' |

| Approaching camp grounds |

Drenched in all sections of the body, Len, Kenshi, and Dominic himself trailed their way back to the camp. Dominic had swapped out his blood-stained suit for his previous attire that was safely under the smoke clothing. The rain helped to clean him of blood, while his supernatural self slowly regenerated his visible wounds.

They had to keep from sinking in the deeper mud on their way back. They would definitely need to have a change of clothing once in side of their water-proof tents. With the campfire out, warmth was limited to the tents. At the very least, they weren't swarmed with mosquitoes and the like.

Dominic glanced to Len as they walked about. His face donning a grim frown at his performance during the fight. Still, it awakened a need in him.
"Hey, Len.." His voice caught Len's attention as they moved through the trees. "Hmm?" Now Dominic just had to find the right words without making him look even more pathetic. "I.. want to receive training, like you said last night." Len couldn't contain the smile that appeared on his face. "Dario mentioned he wanted to completely erase the hosts, and obviously I couldn't stop him because I don't fully understand what I can do. M-maybe you can help me?" Len propped a hand to his hip in interest. "If that's what you want, I would be glad to teach you. I must warn you beforehand - I am no host. You will have to find the strengths yourself. I can merely teach you how to defend yourself." Dominic nodded contently with Len's words, and the three carried on.

| Tick, Tock... |

When they reached the camp itself, Dominic's hair was plastered to his head. Len's as well. Kenshi was obviously a soaked dog, but he didn't mind it as much as a human would. The three approached the small group of Damian, Nikky, and Hotaru. The Zodiacs were present as well, and everyone found their spot within the group.

Dominic settled down, placing his travel bag beside him and exhaling quite a deal. Visually, it didn't look like he took part in a fight for his life, other than he looked exhausted. He perked up for a second, glancing around as if something turned on in his head.
"That's right.. Uhm-.. Hotaru." He spoke up to get her attention. When she did look over, however, Dominic would be offering a (mostly) dry teddy bear. "Sorry it took me so long to return it."

While there was the group of normal human chilling out, there was also the unseen group of Zodiacs. Elijah conversed with Marabel, and Lance stuck to Damian. Kenshi was unaware of who Elijah was. Either that, or his memory decided to take a vacation for a while. "It's not hard to mistake you all for humans, with the amount of excitement coming from you bunch." The statement wasn't as harsh as you originally read. Kenshi nodded towards Lance who seemed to be indifferent about the situation. "When the time is right, I'd like to hold a discussion."
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|Camp fire song song|

|Len, Dom, Dam, Hot, Mar, Eli, Ken, Lan|

Nikky managed to find a tarp and rope, courtesy of Mutton, for a makeshift shelter. This would most likely serve as her place to sleep for the night as well since her tree didn't have much to offer against rain. In the end she managed to put up a decent shelter tied together from knots she learned from her time camping as a kid. With a big stick in the center to make it angled so the rain rolls off and not pile together in the middle. She stood back pleased with her handiwork. She managed to get it all set up before the heavy rain. Now she worked on drying out the pit, her nails caked with dirt and ash and covering her hands. She sighed and sat back, the circle was now ready for a new fire.

As soon as Nikky got back she sort of just went running around, keeping busy. Now that she was idle she took note of the people (and ghosts) around her. A wide grin showed on her face as Mushroom (Nikky just called her Mushroom though, since they aren't acquainted) Marabel and Cello Elijah seemed to be hitting it off. She was glad, this meant less bother for her. She then looked over at Damian and his shadow, who she guessed must've been Lance, his Zodiac. Seeing the gloomy pair reminded her of their first encounter, which reminded her of baby chicks, which eventually lead to think the new dipping sauce for chicken tenders at SoulFood. She hit herself on the head, she couldn't think about food right then, her stomach would kill her.

"Hey, and sorry for Elijah." She gave the pale boy a smile, though she had a itch that this wouldn't be the first she'd have to apologize for the zodiac's actions. Pre-written letters would be in order if that was the case. She wondered if Damian and her were on good terms, considering the last meeting, probably not but what can ya do? She looked at Lance, the dark shadow, there was a familiar aura he and even Damian gave off. It reminded her of sad times, but she hid her sadness behind a smile.

"And you're Lance? Nice to meet ya." just then, Dominic and Len with a wet dog approached, she could smell'em coming. Her brows furrowed at the sight of Len and Dominic but kept quiet, she wasn't quite sure of it was really them she had saw she only managed to get glimpses. Her ears did perk at the talking dog's message to the shadow, but by now it wasn't so strange and she liked it. She was in the adventure book and there was no getting out now, not that she wanted to. The girl leaned against the log and smiled, "Ya know, I'm startin' to think this city might be haunted or even cursed!" she grinned to herself pulling out her Ukelele from her cloth tote bag and leaning against a log, she had been itching to play a song all day but as she held the bright pink toy she only ended up tapping absentmindedly on it. She listened to the rain bounce off the tarp, the noises were hushed now and she was given the chance to relax.

Casualties for today

Today a girl, by the name of Nikky Viole, lost a battle with what scientists would call... The naps. Earlier reports show the poor girl's hair had been mercilessly attacked by rain. As we speak, the girl's hair is slowly but surely evolving into a nappy afro. With no combs or brushes, hair dressers across the world weep for this tragedy.

Nikky plucked the debris out of her hair, This is going to be such a pain to deal with.
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    • tumblr_n7ho6kePzO1smqpouo1_500.png

| River troubles |

| Oh shoot, oh shoot, rain |

Hotaru shrugged as Nikky signaled to her ears. There was a reason why she didn't write it down. Hotaru was about to write something but there was something in the air that made her ants. Nikky crouched down and searched the premises low to the ground. Hotaru looked around as well. The ground was worn out and broken. Hotaru sneezed and rubbed her eyes. A faint noise of yelling shadowed in the background. Hotaru glanced back at her companion, she was carefully treading upon the land. She took it as she should be just as careful. Hotaru didn't want to mimic Nikky, step by step. So she just walked upon the same path as her.

The place around her was newly destroyed, but the calm atmosphere told her otherwise. It was like nothing had happened. It wasn't natural that was for sure. Hotaru wondered how no one was able to hear this damage being made. She eyed Nikky before realizing something. This noise, maybe someone was killed here. Hotaru could die and no one would be able to hear her screams. Nikky could be in pain and Hotaru wouldn't be able to do anything. The girl's frantic thinking was abruptly stopped by a large rip in the air. Her heart immediately sped up, as did her breathing. That gave her quite a scare, maybe it wasn't thunder or something. Perhaps it was just something falling nearby. Hotaru rubbed her forehead and looked up at the sky. The bright blue had vanished and only dark monotone colors were left. It was just waiting. Hotaru swallowed and waited for the first drops to fall. One immediately spills onto her cheek, she rubbed the drop off with long sleeves. The light colors she wore were staining a darker hue.

She squealed a bit and fell back. Hitting the ground made it worse. The greenery around her had collected dew. She felt lightheaded as she mixed reality with her own visions. Everything around her melted a bit. Frightened, she curled up into ball and used her slate to protect her from the water falling above. In her fetal position her luggage moved back and forth threatening to slip from her grip and touch the ground. She was terrified and it showed.

She was holding herself trying to protect her skin. Hotaru's breathing became too fast for her to handle. She was on the verge of crying. All she could think about was dying from the slightest touch. Her vision was blurry and she couldn't grasp the concept of breathing. In short, she was freaking out.

Another crash of thunder and lightning combined sent her whimpering like a child. She had shut her eyes and refused to open them. Nikky had picked her up and placed Hotaru on her back. Hotaru would have been glad but her fear kept her from saying anything. She didn't really know what was happening. All she heard were two new voices and Nikky speaking among them. Her eyes slowly closed.

Hotaru looked up and realized that they were at camp. Nikky let Hotaru down by the fire. Just being around her made Hotaru forget about the rain. There was a small shelter by the fire where Damian was sitting at. Hotaru sat down, she had finally calmed down. She was quiet and had kept her gaze at the fire. All of a sudden a certain Zodiac popped up.

Hotaru nearly had a heart attack. Marabel quickly buzzed around speaking with an unfamiliar Zodiac. Hotaru raised a brow and looked at Nikky. How long was she there?

Her head pounded louder and louder as she watched the group speak among themselves. Thunder would strike once in a while, but Hotaru was with friends....now it made her cringe once in a while.

Dominic joined the group, she could oddly smell a bit of blood on him. Shaking the strange thoughts behind, the young lady continued to examine him. His hair was wet causing him to look much like a sad drenched puppy. He held out a teddy bear, Hotaru quickly recognized the bear as her own. She looked at the worn out and drenched travel bag that was used to keep the bear in and then at him.

Speaking of wet puppies, a wolf was with the group. Hotaru seemed to notice that Kenshi kept his words only towards the other Zodiacs.

If it weren't raining or even thundering she would have used her brain in this situation. Her fears drove her to the point of not remembering anything. The pink haired girl stood up and took the bear with both of her hands. It was the bear that she had made when she was younger. The red stitching was plain to see, but when Hotaru shifted her fingers the fur would adjust and hide the stitches. Cupping the bear with care, the girl held it and looked at Dominic. She didn't want to let the bear go, it gave her a false sense of security while being around it. Swallowing hard, she opened her mouth and immediately closed it. She was hesitant to do what she was about to do. The girl instinctively held the bear over her mouth, "Th-thank you, Dominic."

  • Hotaru's bear -given by Dominic-

    Hotaru's pride -lost by the weather-

    Slate -left to fend for itself in the woods-

    Hotaru's voice -suddenly given back to her-


Inside a cave

With Alice, Sam & Zage

Clark followed everyone inside once the rain started. Even if the ghost followed as well he'd prefer not catch an illness up here. As they sat in the cave Clark sat crossed legged not he floor with his head down. He didn't dare look at the ghost for too long and the brief moment the two made eye contact scared him to death. As if making eye contact was challenging it to a fight or something. It seemed that every time Clark would finally be able to speak in response to Alice's questions something would take her attention elsewhere. He handed Zage the medical kit even though she refused help for some odd reason before being dragged next to Sam as well as closer to the fire that had been made. Clark waited until everyone was sitting down again before he asked a question fir all to answer but it was really for Alice. Ca fm just didn't want to directly ask as Zage and Sam didn't seem to notice at all. "Do you guys ever get the feeling that something is behind you?" Clark mumbled. His body still seemed to not fully co-operate from fear of the ghost. The question would've seemed strange but Clark hoped Alice would get the hint since she seemed to acknowledge the ghost behind her and continue on. Clark held his hands in front of the fire in an attempt to keep warm but his body was shaking from both the cold from being drenched by the rain and the fear of the lurking creature behind Alice.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf82ed7e7_FarraIcon...jpg.76bcc4996f04f53a00601170194a9e70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf82ed7e7_FarraIcon...jpg.76bcc4996f04f53a00601170194a9e70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Camp Murder|

|Posting because my ship is being threatened|

Farra glanced over at the clock she had brought. It was one of those stupid little things that those hacks at the airport tricked you into buying, and she'd had it for ages, but she decided it would be a good idea to bring it. It read,
"3:56." That's probably wrong, she thought bitterly, but I guess I should get up. Farra had been laying in her sleeping bag, switching between examining her remaining knives, playing on her phone, and simply watching campers pass her tent. She had managed to convince all of the sweaty fat wads that wanted to bunk with her that she already had a group, but the truth was..she didn't. Farra sighed. Time to get up. She pulled on some random clothes that she found in her bag and set out. Almost immediately she spotted three creepy-ass people; some mushroom chick, a fancy lady (probably some hooker that Mutton hired), and that black mass of shadow that Damian had shown her earlier. Next to them were Hotaru, Damian, and Nikky. Hey, look, Farra thought, people.

"Hey, Hotaru, Nikky, Damian, creepy things, hooker." Farra walked up to the fire in which Nikky and Damian were sitting near, as as she said everyone's name she nodded in their direction. I wonder if they're dating...Farra thought absentmindedly, gazing at Nikky and Damian. What if they were? Her face twisted into a frown for a moment but resumed it's neutral state. Why did that bother her so much? She shook it off as being protective for her...friend? Farra didn't know what to call Damian. He probably thought she was some creepy witch. "So...mind telling me who all y'all might be?" Farra gestured to the hooker, mushroom girl, and shadow man. Better yet... "Hey, uh, Nexus?" Farra said quietly. "Mind showing up?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf82f07a4_Farrasoutfit.jpg.6ade61af9c1065beb98fdd0a7868b5d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf82f07a4_Farrasoutfit.jpg.6ade61af9c1065beb98fdd0a7868b5d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Minus the shoes, ahaha. She's wearing high top converse.)



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    Farra Icon...jpg
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    Farra's outfit.jpg
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The Cave


Sam is somewhat soaked after his little attempt to find the flower, and while he's cold he's been in worse situations, so he simply sits by the fire being watched over by Alice, not allowed to move for the reason of she's apparently stronger then him. Resigning with a sigh he warms himself up, handing out food ever once in awhile to keep everyone in some state of being fed. When Clark brings up being watched he sighs. "We're trapped in a cave Clark, now really isn't the time to crack a joke from a horror movie." He sighs. "Now just...isn't the time."


-Brookfield Mountain | The Dark, Scary Cave-

-Interacting with Her Study Crew who she may sacrifice-

      • Climbing Equipment (takes up most of the space)(x2)
      • Flashlight (x1)
      • Batteries (x2)
      • Empty Chip Bag (x1)
      • Camera (x1)
      • Pocky (x1)
      • Bag of Chip (x1)

Alice again denied Zage's offer, the thought of the boys here was just the worse idea to change in front of them even if Zage offer to hold the blanket it wouldn't help the idea that they were still here,"No, it's fine Zage. My clothes will dry up soon." Alice said trying to change the subject to something else but luckily Clark did it for her, asking some strange question that Alice find very peculiar,"What?" Alice thought confused as Sam told him not to make this look lie some horror movie, thinking it was some kind of joke but from what Alice could see, he wasn't really playing as she turned to look behind her to see Tyrik floating there on her flaming chair thing and the wet rocks of the cave.

Turning back at Clark then at Tyrik, Alice face turned pale as she finally understood what he meant but she wasn't quite sure of it since she didn't even feel any persence of a Zodiac around Clark nor did she saw one,"W-what?! H-how does he- how is he able to see Tyrik?" Alice thought bewildered but kept her calm composure, her face a poker face,"Umm... Maybe that's just your imagination- I mean i-it's must be the cold getting to ya.""Oh great Alice, you blew it!" Alice thought as she wanted to just hide in the shadows of the cave but she couldn't do stuff a thing and just went over to Clark, patting him on the back,"W-what gotten into you I wonder?" Alice mumbled trying to give him the hint to shut his face and say no more than that.

-Bleh! Shit post for my lazy bum =.='-


< -



| Saturday |

| September 27, 2014 |

| Camp 'Murder' |

| Camp..fire? |

The camping grounds had long retired from the hive-like activity around camp. Most of the students knew what they were going to do out in the woods, so their actions left them nice and fatigued when the day was over. However, for the band of five - which now became six - they were the only ones to exist outside of their tents and resting places. The sight was amazing for Len. Nearly every host and their assigned Zodiac was there. Even Nexus, the library of information, had manifested beside a newcomer as she approached. Len couldn't help but stare in awe.

"I've never seen so many Zodiacs together without the fighting." Len commented. Nexus discarded that concerning thought for a moment to address Farra who had summoned him. "Ms.Rei?"

  • Pockets are empty.


♦♥♣♠Camping Grounds Base♠♣♥♦

A few short minutes had long since passed since Akira turned off her dying phone and began leaning on the side of the hammock in a tired state. Looking past the falling raindrops to the group of people near where the fire were, she found herself forming a slight glare at the thought of whatever could be concocted by the people in the center of the camp.

So even now, in the midst of this rain… they still can make time to plan whatever it is that they’re planning. Be that as it may, I’d stake my life on it that it’s a result of what I witnessed earlier. Dominic looks okay, but whatever happened, I hope he’s at least human enough to acknowledge the danger in whatever it is that he’s taking part in. That man that was with him… Len… I haven’t seen him interact with those students yet, but now they’re all in one group talking. Perhaps there’s a past here that I’m just not akin to. And that tan skinned girl, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she’s involved as well. The black haired friend of Dominic’s is there… along with that petulant green haired girl I met at the tour. Even the one that gives out the hugs is there. I want to say that this many people can’t be familiar with such things but…” Akira sighed after concluding her harsh judgments with a sneer and then laying in the hammock entirely, turning from them and facing the tree to which her hammock was attached. “There’s a surprise around every corner, I suppose.” She said, reaching in her bag and looking at her kitchen knife that she brought with her, positioning it in the same “quick access” position that it was in before. “All this time I’ve spent acting like a court martial from the Salem Witch Trials and I, to this very moment, haven’t gotten that project finished. Oh well, only one more day here I suppose. And I’m alive so far on this ‘survival trip’ so I guess I can’t complain entirely.” She giggled softly to herself while looking toward the sky ahead.


Getting Sick

Alice, Sam, Clark

With a huff she sets the blanket down. As she went to sit back down she felt herself getting quite nauseous. "Umm *burp* I'll be right back." she says quickly, as she turns around to run back outside. (Not in the part with the flowers 'n' stuff) Once outside it finally hits her and she gets sick couple of times. After getting her composure together she brushes herself off and calmly walks back into the cave. She glances around at everyone before sitting back down by the fire, and devouring the food that Sam had given her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf842ac42_FarraIcon...jpg.082c2511007415399f3aa9842a67b622.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf842ac42_FarraIcon...jpg.082c2511007415399f3aa9842a67b622.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Camp Murder|

|Sitting near this awful excuse of a fire|

"Ms.Rei?" The small black orb that Farra knew as Nexus appeared by her side almost immediately after she had called. That was fast, she thought. "I thought I told you not to call me that," Farra muttered to Nexus. "Anyways, who are all of these weird people? Zodiacs, I presume? Even the hooker?" And does that make all of these people hosts?

//shitposts galore//



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|Camp Mutton|

|It's crowded|

Damian silently watched as the crowd gathered, now with the addition of Dominic. He was somewhat relieved. Though, Dominic looked a bit worse for wear. Call it a premonition Damian had. The boy did seem exhausted... Perhaps the trip he had drained him for the day. Damian couldn't blame him... Though he hadn't a clue where Dominic went. Kenshi had made a single nod towards him and Lance. Damian still had some spite held towards Kenshi for staging his destruction and the false accusations of Lance. He chose not to respond. Lance did the same. Meanwhile, on the girl's side. Elijah heard the callous name Farra had called her. She felt inclined to defend her honor but would rather not start anything whilst in the midst of other, more wiser Zodiacs. "Now I know you're not calling me a hooker. So I'll just be the bigger woman and ignore what you said." Elijah returned to Marabel, who continued discussing the design of her new outfit. "All this noise... All this crowding. It's suffocating." Damian muttered under his breath. Damian looked over towards Farra and gave her a short wave. He was more attentive towards the floating metal ball orbiting besides her. That must've been Nexus. A strange Zodiac... All of them had been mammalian in appearance and origin. He didn't know androids could be Zodiacs as well. There was still much for Damian to understand, anyway.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf844d2f8_FarraIcon...jpg.d9725d63ce489d165b9265572a35ac22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf844d2f8_FarraIcon...jpg.d9725d63ce489d165b9265572a35ac22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

|Camp Murder|

|Wait...she ISN'T a hooker?|

"Now I know you're not calling me a hooker. So I'll just be the bigger woman and ignore what you said."

Wait...she wasn't a hooker? Farra's face flushed.
"My bad. I thought you were some kind of hooker that our pervert of a teacher hired." Farra ran a hand through her blue hair and sighed. Meanwhile, Damian gave her a small, brief wave. She returned it halfheartedly.



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