- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Ukime took her number and placed it in her pocket. As she was about to take the box away she watched her fall to the floor. With a slight narrow of the eye she stood there for a moment. Walking over she picked up the girl princess style and took her to the back. Setting her down on the bench she placed the back of her hand against her forehead. Walking away from her into the shower room she came back with a cold rag. Walking over toward her she placed the rag on her forehead then used her jacket to cover her up. Walking out she turned off the room light and went to go find Kai
Hotaru hung onto her grandpa's jacket as he navigated his way to the back of the store. Based on her grandpa's knowledge of the store, it showed Hotaru that he knew his way around the whole town...or he has really good instincts. She caught a sight of Roe and Alice. One was in a section of it's own, the other was by Dominic and Damian. Hotaru smiled inwardly and headed to the majority of her friends.

"Hotaru? Hotaru, where are you going? Don't you want the slate? Hotaru!" Her grandpa jogged to her. Hotaru signed to him, "You, translate for me." Her grandpa raised an eyebrow. Hotaru heard a clatter behind her and saw Alice sprawled out on the floor. Hotaru ran to her with her grandpa jogging behind, "Make up your mind Hota-" He noticed the fainted girl on the ground, he knelt down, "Miss? You okay?" He looked back at Hotaru. Hotaru quickly signed back to him and he voiced her words, "This is....A....L....I....C...E....Alice!" A store employee had already picked her up and taken her away. Hotaru watched in confusion. She should tell the others.

The girl with pastel hair slid on the floor as she sped off to Roe, Damian, and Dominic. Her grandpa jogged behind her, out of breath. Hotaru snapped her fingers at Roe and gave her a tight hug as she waited for the old man to catch up. She did the snap and the hug to both of the boys as well. Her grandpa finally caught up.

"What took you so long?" He said voicing her words, "What took me so long? Why don't you mak-" He paused a bit to look at the boys, "Are they okay?"
Please forgive me... Hair has not been cooperating with me today... and I'll start paying more attention to what people are wearing from now on...
To say the least, Roe was surprised by the sudden appearance of Hotaru. "Hotaru!" The little girl had a surprisingly strong grip. She turned towards the boys again, still worried. Maybe the guy in shock knew the boy on T.V.?


| Afternoon |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Everything around him simply ceased to exist. An explosion of dread and worry appeared from within, and without another word - another moment, Dominic took off.

He hadn't even acknowledge the fact that he was being spoken to, or that Alice had passed out in the store. His mind was only on one thing. Dominic shoved past the store's doors and was out into the town, passing by pedestrians and cars alike. He didn't care if they had to slam on their brakes or honk their horns - Dominic made a promise, and he wasn't happy about breaking it.

The sky was filled with an orange hue, changing to that of
sunset. Night would soon take over, and soon Brookfield would return to it's ghost-town nature.
Farra blinked his eyes sleepily and sat up slowly. Looking at the clock, her bloodshot eyes shot open and she cried, "AFTERNOON?!?!" loudly. "I need to get up, get dressed, and--" she started, but Farra spotted a folded sheet of blue paper. Opening it up, it read;

'You drool when you sleep.


P.s- I'll be back later.'

Growling angrily, Farra pulled on a shirt, wiped her mouth, and stomped out of the room, on her way to look for the others.
Adonna nodded, listening as Shun explained himself. He had the right idea. Not worrying about the future. I'm sure it will be what was meant to be, his statement echoed in her head. It somehow sounded right, that, or Adonna was reaching merely for something that would justify her own actions. In any case, he seemed relaxed about life in general. Leave it to the artist to have a good grip on life, she thought with an inward smile. When he talked about Ashlei's works, Adonna was further impressed by the girl. She instinctively wanted to assure Shun that his art had to be just as good, but it would have been empty, having never seen either of their works.

Just then, Ashlei returned, declaring she had to leave. Adonna waved as the animated girl bounded her way to a car waiting out in front. Her company would be missed. She chuckled lightly when Shun commented on her hyper behavior.

"Yeah, if you wouldn't mind, I need to grab a couple notebooks myself..." she trailed off her reply when the check came. Shun was quick, putting his card in and handing it to the waiter, so she never got to see how much their total was.

"Its no bother at all"

"Are you sure?" Adonna responded, pulling a twenty from her wallet at the same time. She firmly placed the bill on the table in front of Shun. Refusing to hear any protest, she got up, the chair scrapping against the ground. She lifted it slightly of the ground when she pushed it back in. "I think that store that I was heading to earlier might have some supplies," Adonna pointed off towards the general direction of the store, "Maybe..."

Then she recalled Shun's earlier question.
"Oh, well... what's there to say? I'm taking senior year over again," she grumbled, "But hey, maybe it's like you said. Maybe it was meant to be," she shrugged. "Either way, I'm so ready to graduate. What about you?" he seemed about her age, though then again, Ashlei had seemed younger than her and Shun. She finally settled on the safe question, "You close to graduating?"



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)
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Ukime walked over toward the medical center and grabbed a few ice packs and some medicine that reduced fevers. Slipping them into her apron pockets she had walked back into the back and looked down at Alice. Opening her locker she pulled out her sweats that she washed a day ago. Folding them neatly she lifted up Alice's head and placed the sweats there. Laying her head back down she backed away to get a good look at her. She seemed comfortable enough. She leaned in removing the rag from her head and began to wring out the water in a nearby sink . Coming back with a hand towel she wrapped the ice pack in side and placed it on her forehead. Taking the medicine , she measured 2 tsp then she drank it but she didn't swallow.

Walking over once more she bent down and placed her hand on the end of the bench. Using her other she lifted Alice's chine then brought her lips down towards Alice. Letting the liquid flow through her's into Alice mouth, she could see a small gulp. Leaning back up she licked her lips before walking toward the light. Switching it off she shut the door behind her then found Kai staring at the news.

"It's happening ...all over again."

"What is?"

Kai looked back with a shocked expression then tried to play it off with a smile.

"Ah nothing."
"Well then I suppose that shall be our next destination," Shun agreed with a chuckle in response to Adonna's firm placement of the twenty on the table. Pulling his wallet from his back pocket, Shun retrieved a ten dollar bill which he swapped in place of the twenty as the tip for the server. "I swear the fifteen percent rule breaks you more than the meal itself, " he said chuckling once more while rising from his own chair. Pocketing his wallet, Shun set in motion the walk to the convenience store all while fiddling with the twenty he had purposely left in his hands.

"Twice the senior, double the memories," Shun said as he began to respond to her questions once they had exited onto the streets and begun their walk. "That's how I would look at it anyways. Anything becomes much more manageable when you consider their positive sides."

Shun fell silent for a short time as he pondered his age in relation to hers before answering her second question all while continually fiddling with the twenty which had been deformed by this point in time. "Though I'll bet your a year older than me then," Shun said in reply to a personal assumption that she had pondered a similar thought all while purposely asking an ambiguous question to avoiding mistaking his age like the case with Ashlei. "I suppose that also means Ashlei was right in guessing we are classmates," he added with a laugh as they arrived at the front of the convenience store.

Despite Adonna's doubts that the store would lack the supplies they came for, the trip turned out to be much more resourceful than Shun had expected. Initially, he had only intended to purchase notebooks; however, noticing the beginning of sunset, Shun remembered how the city died at night and choose to stock up on late-night snacks to last him through the next few days when nothing would be open to satisfy early morning hungers.

"The time always goes by so quickly in the company of others," Shun said almost doubtful that so much time had passed. "So before I forget." Shun pulled out his drawing pad and pencil where he ripped a page and quickly wrote two numbers on it. "Ashlei wanted me to give you her number so you could contact her whenever, and I went ahead and put my number on there as well." he explained while gently grabbing her hand and placing the paper along with the twenty which had been transformed into a work of origami in the shape of a dragon. He simply would have offered the objects as he felt touching someone he barely knew would be impolite, but he felt she would have protested the return of the bill. This way is just easier, he thought to himself in assurance only to be knocked aside by a boy clipping him as he ran past and stormed out of the store.

"Woah," Shun said as he grabbed onto the nearby counter to retain his balance all while gazing upon the boy who had continue to run giving no regard to the traffic within the street. "I wonder if everything is alright," Shun wondered out loud. "He seems to be a rush. I wonder what happened"

  • iPhone
  • bag of groceries
  • wallet
  • drawing pad
  • pencil


(Image is from Won Park Origami)
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Had Adonna not been doing what she always did, she would have noticed a familiar tall girl, taller than herself, and a girl with pastel green hair. But as per usual, Adonna barely took notice of her surroundings, only processing that there were a few other people in the store. There were notebooks aplenty, but she couldn't decide on which one she quite wanted. The cute kittens were too cute, but the plain solid colors were too plain. She finally settled on four notebooks with pictures that she deemed neutral enough without being too plain, and went to purchase up at the front.

When she returned to where Shun was, he put two items into her hand.
"Thank you..." she began to say when she realized she was looking at a little dragon in her hand. Adonna broke into a full smile, she couldn't help it. What a clever move. This way, she really couldn't give it back to him. Can't even say anything, she thought with a small laugh, the next meal is totally on me.

"You're really talented,"
she commented on his work, grabbing her phone out of her pocket with her free hand, the one which the plastic bag full of notebooks dangled from her wrist. She quickly typed something onto her phone before shoving it back into her pocket. "You both should have my number now, I texted-"

"-Woah," Adonna stepped back as some guy (who she didn't get a good look at, otherwise he would have looked familiar) bolted past the two of them, bumping into Shun. "You okay?" she asked him automatically. "Yeah..." she agreed with his vocalized thoughts, "I hope it's nothing..."



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)

Notebook (x4)

Origami Dragon (made of $20 bill)
Nikky started to make her way back to the dorms, she stopped by Soul food and ordered a burger and fries to go. She bought most of her school supplies yesterday, Spare a few extra notebooks and pencils, she was set to go she kinda wanted to avoid running into the group again. She just felt tired, so she decided not to do extra shopping. As she walked a body ran past her, she paused watching the figure barrel pass even more people until it was gone.

"Like a ripple running though calm waters."

And as she said that, a bad feeling rose in the pit of her stomach.

She arrived in front of her dorm room and opened it easily, she left the door unlocked. She tended to lose her keys easily, and she didn't really have many things worth of value. She flopped on her bed and sighed. She reached for her phone and checked her messages, scrolling through she decided to call her mother.

A bright and cheery voice answered the phone,"Hello?"

"Hey Momma!"

There was a silence for a moment, "Why are you calling?"

"I just wanted to say hey you know? School starts tomorrow and all."

"Stop calling me Nikky."

A smile spread across her face, "Haha Yeah, I'm kind of nervous."

"I'm hanging up."

"Oh, and I met some nice people today too. They go to my school."

The phone responded with a beeping sound.

"Yeah, I love you too Momma."

Sent from my LG-VM701 using Tapatalk 2
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| Evening |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Dominic had been running so fast for so long that eventually his surroundings became nothing but a blur to him. All the while his heart raced not with exercise but with fear that his (once) only friend really was the boy on television. Memories of how the two came to be ran through his mind like a recording.

"Why did you stand up for me? I'm nobody.."

"Friends protect each other, no matter what."

"We're.. friends?"

"For sure."

Dominic slowed his pace to a jog when he emerged through the hospital's doors. The receptionist there had a surprised look on her face when she spotted Dominic running in the way he did. "Can I help you..?" "I'm-.. I'm here to see Ben.." Speaking was a challenge after you ran the length he did. The woman briefly looked over the patient logs, scanning the names for a 'Ben'. "Last name?" "..Moore." Another pause as the lady searched the hospital's records on the computer.

"I-I'm sorry, we don't have anyone here named Ben Moore." "The kid-.. The kid they brought in, the one on the news.. His name is Ben Moore.." Surprised, the receptionist instantly knew who Dominic was talking about, more shocked over the fact that he had been given a name finally. "He's being held in room 12."

Without another word, Dominic was pacing down the halls sidestepping beds and doctors alike until he came across the room that stood out to him. Room 12. Squeezing past the door and into the room, Dominic spotted a body wrapped in medical bandages and laying in the bed next to the window. Dominic frowned, scooting over by the bed to see the familiar face that was Ben.

He was unconscious, either by the accident or whatever drug they had given him. "H-Hey..." He started out, not sure what word to say next. "I uhh-.. I got here as fast as I could." Deep down, even though Ben was unable to talk and out cold, Dominic had that certainty that Ben would be upset with him. The duo that had stuck together throughout childhood and the like, and as soon as a new group of students show, Dominic dropped Ben in a heartbeat. He knew that's what Ben was thinking. "I'm sorry, Ben.. I knew I was supposed to be there for you. I knew and I didn't do anything about it, I'm so sorry-.."

It only took a few days of turning a blind eye for something as tragic as this to happen. However, the accident itself was of no concern to Dominic. He only wanted peace with his old friend.

The old man watched as the boy ran out of the store. He looked over to Hotaru, "What happened to him?" The girl simply shrugged. She looked over to Roe and Damian and then at the TV. It was still blasting local news, headlines read things that happened over the nation and even the world. "Town of Brookfield-" The anchorwoman got cut off by her co-host, "Such a small town!" He laughed. The woman gave him a look to turn it down, "A boy was found nearly dead by the-" The TV shook a bit and a flash of white noise was enough for it to turn off.

Hotaru felt the hairs on her neck raise as she watched the dead channel. She looked back at her guardian with eyes that pleaded help. She raised her hands to sign something at him, but he quickly cut her off, "If he left to go see him, we should give him space." Hotaru's eyes narrowed at the words, she ignored him and headed off to the aisle that they were supposed to go to. Mr. Nakamura misread her actions thinking that she wanted her slate and markers so that they would leave the store. Hotaru picked up a slate that was slightly larger than the last one, she also grabbed a pack of markers that had the colors red, green, yellow, blue, orange, purple, and black. She shuffled her feet as she walked to the counter, she then slammed the items on to the granite counter. With inhuman speed she hand signed, her grandpa felt goosebumps as he watched her angry actions.

"She says that she wants to buy these items....and-Hotaru! That is no way to speak to people!" She simply turned her head back with a murderous glare. Hotaru pulled out $5.05 about the amount the items cost, it also gave her a rounded number to spend on. Her grandpa sighed, "If we go see if he is okay....will you stop with this attitude?" Hotaru's eyes brightened as she nodded and replied back, "We take my friends."

Newly bought Slate

Markers (x9)


Handful of bobby pins


Adonna instinctively turned her head to the direction of the sound. There was an older gentleman by the front counter next to-
"Hotaru," she blinked in surprise. She'd done it again, completely been blind to everything, and everyone around her. Well, now that she noticed, it would be good to say hi.

As she approached, she noticed the dower look on her face, which changed quickly after the elder gentleman spoke to her. Maybe this wasn't a good time, but Adonna was already in front of Hotaru, and she couldn't very well turn around and walk away. So she had to settle for an awkward,



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)

Notebook (x4)

Origami Dragon (made of $20 bill)
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Kai looked at her then the items. He gave a slight smile before scanning her items.

"6.09 is your total but I'll pay the rest."

(short post/ on phone)

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
Hotaru blinked a bit and shook her head at the cashier, she reached into her pocket and pulled out two dollars. She suddenly remembered that Alice was also sick, Hotaru looked over to her granddad, he voiced her words, "Where is Alice? The girl that fainted before?"

Adonna crept up on her and Hotaru jolted in surprise. With a smile she hugged the girl tightly, this became a greeting for her. She tapped the old man so he could translate, "A...D...O...N...N...A! I missed you." He read her hands with a monotone voice. Hotaru gave her another hug and pointed to the door, "Round up R...O...E! She's in the store.I'll explain after I kidnap you-Wait a second, Hotaru I could go to jail because of you. If they don't know what is happening, leave them."
It took a moment for Adonna to realize that the elder male was translating for Hotaru. "Roe?" Roe's here? Adonna looked around, and indeed, there she was. How did I miss her? Though she really shouldn't have been surprised. For Adonna, this was nothing new. "Yeah, one sec, I'll go get her," Adonna said, not quite sure what was happening, or what the elder gentleman was talking about, but she went along with it anyway. This was starting to feel like back home, and she was starting to like it. She gave Shun an apologetic gesture, mouthing 'one sec' to him before heading over to where Roe was.

Roe was standing next to a boy whom Adonna didn't recognize.
"Hey Roe," she greeted the tall girl (not guy!), and gave a small awkward wave of non-verbal greeting to the boy near her with her free hand, bag rustling. In her other hand, she was holding the small dragon inside of her curled fingers, effectively protecting it. "Hotaru wanted me to get you," Adonna told her, nodding over to where Hotaru was.



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)

Notebook (x4)

Origami Dragon (made of $20 bill)

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A grey car pulls up to a driveway of a vacant home. The engines turn off, and out came two young twins from the back seat. The driver's seat had a young and tired woman, she opened the door and let out a satisfied sigh, "Girls! Come see our new home?" The two identical girls looked over to their mum and grinned in delight. The sky was in a gloomy mood, much different from the sun's rays from earlier. "Do you think he will...." One of the twin looked over to passenger's seat. The other noticed her gaze and looked at the sight herself. In the passenger's seat was a brunette boy, different from the red haired ladies in his family, he was nearing the end of his teens yet he was young enough to be in high school. The girl named Alexis ran to the passenger seat, she tapped on the glass. The boy's closed eyes opened after seeing the house he pulled his earbuds out.

He pushed the door open and closed it. His mother addressed him directly, "Derek? How do you like the new neighborhood?" Derek simply shrugged with his hands in his pockets and with his back in an arc to appear shorter than he really is. The twin named Alyssa waited impatiently as Alexis escorted her brother to the house.

Luggage in the car



"I'm fine," Shun assured Adonna as he looked around to the store to see the commotion that had been stirred among the patrons. In particular a green haired girl seemed to be riled the most while who he assumed to be her grandfather was particularly busy in trying to calm his granddaughter.

Something big must have happened, Shun thought while pulling out his phone to check the news once Adonna had left to go greet the green haired girl whom he assumed she knew. Sure enough, googling Brookfield brought up an article covering a slasher incident that had left a boy nearly dead. Must have been a acquaintance of the victim, Shun thought after reading the article and remembering the boy who had rushed out of the store. He gave silent condolences to the friends and family of the the victim; however, he could not understand the widespread commotion that was stirred from such an incident. Coming from a metropolis, occurrences such as this were so commonplace that they could hardly make worthy news for the day.

Different environment I guess, he thought with a shrug as he turned his attention to Adonna who mouthed 'one sec' to him before running around the store in search of someone named Roe. With his attention focused toward the back of the store, Shun never noticed the black Porsche that pulled up at the front of the store. From the seemingly out of place car emerged an equally out of place elderly gentleman dressed in a high tailored suit that complemented his grayed out hair and beard.

The sudden appearance of a hand on his shoulder startled Shun as he quickly jumped around to ascertain the source of the touch. "Geoffrey," Shun muttered as he quickly turned to face the front of the store, his eye focusing on the outline of a feminine figure that sat in the passenger seat of the Porsche. Shun cursed under his breath as he suddenly understood the reason behind Ashlei's earlier disappearance. With a sigh, Shun gave a gesture that said 'one sec' as he turned to find where Adonna had went. Finding her conversing with another tall girl and a boy, Shun walked up and tapped her shoulder as he formed an apologetic look on his face.

"It seems I have to depart as well," he said while giving her an apologetic gesture in addition to his expression. "It was a lot of fun hanging out with you today, and feel free to text me or Ashlei whenever if you need anything."

"Oh, and I guess I'll see you in class tomorrow,"
Shun added with a smile and quick wave before turning to walk back to the front of the store.

Geoffrey who had been patiently waiting for Shun's return immediately bowed in apology once Shun had returned to his view. "I apologize Mr. Takumi," he said raising his head to carefully observe the neutral expression on Shun's face while offering his hand to take Shun's groceries. "The madam insisted."

Shun only laughed while giving Geoffrey several pats on the back and handing him the two bags he had been holding. "How have ya been, old man," Shun began with a smile ignoring the apology and explanation that was given. "Its been what...a year now, and what's the occasion?" he asked while extending his arm forward as if to say 'Lets go.'

"I believe so Mr. Takumi," Geoffrey said as he rushed forward to grab the door for Shun. "The madam wishes you to accompany her for dinner."

Of course she does, Shun thought as a flash of annoyance came to his face; however, he quickly quelled his emotions replacing them with the neutrality he had before. "Then let's get this over with," Shun concluded with a sigh as he walked up to the car, took a deep breath, and entered into the limited space in the backseat.
"Dominic, wait!" And just like that... Dominic bolted from the Supply store and to the Hospital. Damian's only sense of pride. Gone. He again felt weak. He had this overwhelming urge to hurdle himself and walk away from the store and head home. He buried his hands into his pockets and exited the store. By now the sun was beginning to set. Late evening was coming up fast as the sun began to descend passed the towering buildings placed against the horizon. The chirping of birds were fewer and the roar of vehicle engines and car tires rolling on asphalt was scarce. "Mmmrph.." Damian cried, he knew the others weren't far, but he didn't feel comfortable around them alone. At least just yet. Damian knew that Dominic was long gone, and had no clue where the Hospital was to even catch up to him. His only option was to go home.


| Evening |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Time apparently had no meaning ever since Dominic arrived. The fading sun descended and left behind a starry night in it's place. It was only then that he had finally decided it was time to end the visit with his friend. "It should be midnight now." Dominic rose from his seat and glanced over at Ben, who was still unconscious. The only indication of him being alive was the rise and fall of his chest.

"I'll be going now, got a busy day tomorrow. I'll try and bring you something on the way back from school, alright?" Dominic's tone suggested he expected an answer, but that wasn't to be. He could only offer a feeble smile toward the battered boy before he took his leave. Around that time the hospital was closing as well. Visitations had to come to an end unless they planned on spending the night.

Coming out of the hospital, Dominic embraced the chilly night air that he was familiar with. The parking lot was dead silent just as much as the rest of the town. Everyone must have went home by now. He thought. Sure, he was never able to buy the things he needed, but honestly those items weren't even a thing to worry about at that point.

Dominic threw his hood over his head and made way to his residence. Today was more than enough for him.
Part 2

"Good evening, mother," Shun said upon situating himself somewhat comfortably within the back seat of the Porsche. "Nice car choice for picking up a second passenger," he added sarcastically only to have his mother chuckle in reply.

"We aren't going far," she said in the cold yet silvery voice that Shun despised. "Ashlei told me about this wonderful restaurant that should be akin to our taste."

Shun had no reply and let silence overtake the remainder of the trip as he resorted to a meditative state in order to contemplate the various thoughts that came rushing into his head in response to his mother's words. It wasn't until their arrival at the restaurant that the silence was broken by his mother informing Geoffrey that he was welcome to join their dinner. Exiting the car, Shun gazed upon the French design of the diner, and he couldn't help but feel that the restaurant was very out of place in a smaller end city such as Brookfield. However despite the traditional design of the outside, the inner workings had a high life feel that brought Shun a wave of disgust as he made his way to the reservable mezzanine where Ashlei was awaiting their arrival, as he had expected.

With the arrival of Shun and his party, Ashlei quickly rose form her seat where she nervously waved at Shun while attempting to maintain an equally nervous smile upon her face. After walking forward and shaking hands with Shun's mother and butler, Ashlei made way to Shun's side where she embraced him in a hug to rest her head on his shoulder in order to whisper into his ear so the others could not hear.

"So nervous," Shun heard her say as he felt her body's trembles through the hug that he returned. After patting her head, Shun took hold of her shoulders and led her to the table all while ignoring the glare of his mother who he knew viewed their actions as unprofessional and therefore inappropriate in the current setting.

"This is my lif..." Shun began to say once they were all situated around the table; however, his mother quickly raised her finger to interrupt his train of thought.

"We are here to have dinner, Shun," his mother calmly said once silence had returned to the table, and as if her words were a cue, Geoffrey rose from his chair, took hold of the menus, and began to distribute them across the table. "Please help yourself, Ashlei" she added before delving into her menu and "ooh-ing" at the extravagant food that existed within.

For Shun, the extravagance could have been an understatement as he browsed the dishes, which started at thirty dollars, in disgust. This food will probably taste worse than the Soul food, he thought to himself with an internal sigh as he decided on the simplicity of a steak to satisfy the requirement of an order. Looking to his side, Shun could see that Ashlei had done the same as even she, who generally had no qualms over a meal, was overwhelmed by the contents of the menu.

With the arrival of the server came a bottle of Chateau Latour which was evenly distributed into four glasses and served to each person at the table. Once the orders were taken and the server departed, Shun's mother raised her glass in declaration of a toast to good fortune for all present. Shun, despite being underage, had a taste for wine due to its existence as a staple drink in his family; however due to his low tolerance for alcohol, he often found himself intoxicated quicker than most; a trait that would soon prove detrimental for the night.

It was with the arrival of the food that Shun's mother began to strike conversation with Ashlei through questions of her artistic talent and life thereof; however, it was also through this conversation that the atmosphere quickly changed from neutral to sour. "I suppose you do have talent," his mother began in response to Ashlei's explanation of her art career. "It's a good accomplishment for someone who lacks the ability to achieve any higher," she continued to say, ignoring the sudden frown appearing on Ashlei's face while turning to face Shun to finish her thoughts. "Perhaps this whole art career will be a good experience for you after all. I must wonder how long before you realize you potential far beyond tha..."


Her words were interrupted by the sudden sound of Shun slamming both hands onto the table as he rose from his chair and spoke in a tone colder than even he expected. "Thank you for the dinner and wine, mother." he said before walking over to Geoffrey and giving him a hug. "I'll see ya around old man." he added with an attempt at cheerful tone before taking hold of Ashlei's hand and leading her toward the mezzanine's exit with a simple "Its time to go."

"Shun," his mother began without even turning to face her son. "Your life can only exist within our society. Sooner or later you will come to realize this fact, but until then, your father and I will try and humor your actions."

Shun paused on the top step to hear his mother's words; however, it was soon after she finished that he stumbled into the night, taking a deep breath of the cool air in attempt to calm his emotions that were on fire and further elevated from the alcohol in his system. Ashlei who had been silently trailing in his shadow rushed forward to act as a support for his drunken walk.

"Jeez, Shun your such a light weight," she teased in an attempt to lighten the mood that had been set. "How do you expect to go back to your dorm like this?" she asked with a sigh.

Shun could only shrug in response causing Ashlei to sigh once more before she spoke. "Come on then, my parents live like ten minutes from here. You can crash there for the night." she said leading them back toward her parent's house where Shun's once bright day would finally reach its bitter end.
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| Arc 1 |

| Episode 4 |

"The True Self"


| Morning |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014


Today was the big day for Armstrong High. The 16th stood as a day were many students' efforts and goals were put into full swing all at once. If navigating the school grounds didn't feel like walking down the center of New York, then it was the cramped hallways that did you in. Students had classes everywhere, but the first class to be available on the list was of course everyone's favorite; Math.

Dominic sported the usual dark grey uniform setup, which often came with a jacket that help against the chilly afternoon. It was worth mentioning that today didn't feel as warm as Sunday. There was a dark cloud over Dominic that day, even visually so when his jet black hair hung over his face, concealing his emotion to the public. He simply moved along the crowd with his backpack slung lazily on one shoulder.

As he walked, he could hear rumors left and right about the accident. It was the hot topic but to nobody's surprise. Gossip flowed through Armstrong like blood in veins. It soured Dom's mood and only made getting through the day that much harder.

As a result of his original class being full, Dominic was told to move to the first year's classroom, which honestly taught the same level of Mathematics, just a separator between newcomer and regular students. The split between students didn't make that much sense to him, but his day wasn't go so well to begin with so he wasn't about to go questioning it.


Dominic broke free of the corridor's 'freeway' and into the first year's classroom. Standing at the pedestal was Mr. Mutton, a fairly aged adult teacher with a running joke behind his last name. Dominic knew him well and the two were fine with one another. Overall, Mutton was a chill person for a teacher.

The class, however, was completely knew to him. Dominic simply glanced across the classroom once before picking a seat closest to the window.
"I'm surprised you're joining us, Ferrari. Aren't you supposed to be on a higher floor?" The teacher asked, generally surprised as his tone suggested. "They were full by the time I got there." Mutton nodded. Nobody could disagree that the school was a jungle at the moment.

Dominic simply set his backpack down and slumped in his chair, not even noticing those that he knew were in the same classroom.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" The alarm clock blasted her ears almost deaf,Nikky raised her head slowly from her pillow, dried drool stuck to the side of her face. She forced herself to roll out of bed and landed on the floor, a feeble attempt to literally knock the sleep out of her. She laid there for a moment feeling groggy and awful,this could only mean one thing, school had begun.

Nikky dressed in her uniform, it was nicely pressed and ready to be worn. It consisted of a white button up and a gray sweater vest everything was fine until she saw the skirt. She told them she didn't want a skirt but still they insisted on giving her one. Luckily she brought along leggings. She was kind of insecure about her legs. She finished the rest of her half-eaten hamburger from the day before as she walked out.

As she entered the school she took in all that she could, all the new faces and the fresh and not-so-fresh scents. She stopped by a few people she hadn't met and said hello making small talk whenever she could, the whole hallway was a sea of highschoolers. She heard many people talking about the news and the accidents. She smiled and walked on, death wasn't a subject she needed to concern herself about, not now at least. Her first class was math she wondered around quite a bit before she found the right room.

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"Aye, Farra! Get up! SCHOOL!"

A loud voice blared in Farra's ears, waking her up abruptly. Looking up, she saw her obnoxious, pestering older brother. Again. For the third time this week. "Hey, Icarus...mind shutting up and letting me sleep?" She said irritably, pulling her covers over her head. "You. Have. School. GET UP!" Icarus shouted directly into her right ear, and she processed his words. "SCHOOL!" she yelled, bolting out of bed and getting dressed. "That's it," Icarus said to himself. Grabbing her backpack, she quickly said, "Okay, yeah, I'll see you around, I guess," and ran out the door.

Still running, her long, layered blue hair bobbing, Farra ran into the hallways, which were packed with students. "Great," she muttered. Filing through the crowd, she looked for Mr. Mutton's room. "Mutton..Mutton...THERE!"

Pushing some groggy students out of the way, she swung into the classroom. "'Sup, sir?" She said, nodding in a middle-aged man in the center of the room. Farra quickly scanned the room, and recognized the boy who she leaned on earlier: Dominic. Making her way over there, she chirped, "Hey, Dominic!" and plopped down in the desk next to him. "'Sup?"


| Morning |

| Monday |

Date: September 16, 2014

Dominic's eyes slowly shifted to his right only to see Farra in an energetic mood, very different from what state Dominic was in. "Stress levels." He muttered in response to her question. It took him a bit, but he remembered their last meet, and how it ended with Farra nearly passing out in front of the others. It still puzzled him to that day what happened to her.

"I see you're feeling better." 'Better' seemed like an understatement. Dominic pushed away his bed-hair from his face to get a better look at her. Bags were obviously visible under his eyes, which could only mean he spent the night tossing and turning. "So what was it, were you sick or just tired?"

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