- Zodiac - [Inactive]

She looked over at the girl that had adressed her.

"Hello, are you one of Damian's internet friends?" This girl seemed nice, so Nikky had decided that she would aquire her as a friend. "Nah, I just dropped by to say hello. The names Nicole, Nicole Viole. Though I'd prefer you call me Nikky. Nice to meet you" She looked back over at the boy now named Damian, lying face first on the table.

"Is he always like that?"

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Damian felt a little poke at his temple. Oddly enough from a side where he didn't recall anyone sitting next to him. Damian turned his head and to his surprised he found a very captivating young lady. She looked about his age, despite her gentle features. The fact she chose to get his attention dumbfounded the boy. It was bad enough he was already paralyzed with confusion over what to do about his current situation. Forcing a blink to snap himself out of his trance he turned to Dominic for some sort of support but it was already to late.

"Is he always like that?"

Her question alone brought Damian to thinking just how hopeless did he look to others? Now he was even more concerned about his impression on everyone more than ever.
"It's okay, Damian. I'm sure she doesn't bite. She looks.. Nice enough. Get it together." Damian cleared his throat and finally decided to speak up. "Umm.. I personally don't know if I'm always face first into something. It's sort of second nature, I guess. You.. Said your name was Nikky, right? Well, hello. Nice to meet you." Damian replied, spreading a grin.
"Umm.. I personally don't know if I'm always face first into something. It's sort of second nature, I guess. You.. Said your name was Nikky, right? Well, hello. Nice to meet you." Damian replied, spreading a grin.

There was something about the way Damian spoke, his unsure voice and shy tone gave her the overwhelming urge to cradle him like a mother hen would a baby chick but she resisted. "Hey! You're awake! And as a advocate of all things beautiful, you shouldn't keep your face down so much you have a handsome smile"

She decided he would have been adorable as a kid.
Damian's blush only grew darker. His face was almost a tomato at this point. He's never received such compliments before, and so suddenly as well! Damian began to close himself off. Hurtling himself and pursing his lips while looking away. Every so often regaining eye contact with Nikky only to divert himself away again. Foolishly grinning he nodded to her compliment. "I-- Thank you. You're very pretty yourself!" Suddenly, Damian felt a sting in his stomach. "Pretty!? Really!? Was that all you could come up with? You'll scare her away if you act so cliche. Come on, man up!" Damian tried to relax, placing his arms back on top of the table and folding his hands. Suppressing his embarrassment was soon just going to embarrass him more.


| Afternoon |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

This time around, Dominic simply opted to watch and wait for something spectacular to happen. A student had approached him, the same boy who he had nearly murdered last night. He had come to.. apologize? At first Dominic was confused, but he quickly shook that away by accepting his handshake. Jacen? He echoed in his head.

"I'm Dominic, and you're right, mistakes do happen. You look hungry though, want to join us?" His words had probably bounced off of Jacen and right into the ears of another - Nikky. While he didn't mind the extra company, he was baffled at just how crowded their one table was getting. Eyes shifting between Damian and Nikky, Dominic could easily tell that his dark haired friend was nearly about to melt due to overthinking and the like. It was the first time in a while he had actually saw Damian grin, and the very first time he saw Damian embarrassed like this.

Part of him wanted to watch the situation unfold, but the other side of him waited to save Damian like he knew he needed it. However, his choice didn't matter when the waiter returned with their order. Dominic with a cheeseburger and soda, Alice with her mirrored order of a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke, and finally Hotaru with her burger, salad and soda combo. Come to think of it, Dominic figured he would be eating the most. It was only when he actually saw their order that realized he thought wrong. Either way, he addressed the group as a whole.
"Sorry guys, we ordered before you all showed up. Hopefully the waiter will come back and you can order again?"
Alice just nod as her response looking over at Damien with a smirk then back at Nikky,"Nice to meet you Nikky, I'm Alice Boris Nanaka." She said but then looked away once her food arrived, not caring that their table was crowded with other students,"Finally, they took so long." She thought taking her tray of food.

Checking just to make sure they got her order right, she took one of her fries and dipping them in her blood red ketchup almost looking as if she was eating some vampire meal. Eating the fried potato strip whole, the taste lingering in her mouth making the growls of her stomach sigh in satisfaction.

Tasting the sweet, salty sensation on her taste buds and finishing it off, she took a sip of her mouth-watering refreshing drink. Her face showing a small smile forming but she quickly hid it with her sleeve once more, not wanting the others to see.

Smiling always seemed weird to Alice and to smile openly in front of other that she just met and befriended for almost two days was strange. Taking another bite of her ketchup covered fries, she concentrated on her food more than her friends since food comes first.
She patted Damian on the back, "sympathy via light physical contact." She really did feel bad for giving him a mini panic attack like that, she hadn't expected him to be so easily startled. she smiled,"Do me a favor and relax a bit alright? You'll lock up if you stay that tense."

"Sorry guys, we ordered before you all showed up. Hopefully the waiter will come back and you can order again?"

Nikky turned her attention at the boy at the mention of food, her mind traveled back to the pancakes she ordered earlier she glanced behind her at her old table to see a lonely plate of flapjacks and glass of orange juice waiting to get the sweet release of digestion. "Hey, be right back." She walked away and back sat down with a plate of hot edible discs. She took the maple syrup and drowned the pancakes in it.

"So do you guys go to the school not too far from here?" Everyone at the table all appeared to be near the same age so this seemed like a excellent question to her.

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That went well.

Jacen took an open seat at the near-capacity table, next to one Alice.

The mixing aromas and sights of food was starting to get him, as he realized it has been quite some time since he'd woken up. As appetizing as the meal was, the smell of ketchup seemed to have a bit of an adverse effect. He briefly put his hand to his mouth and nose, trying to block out the tomato product's scent. A girl came to the table bearing a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice.

"Do you guys go to the school not too far from here?"

It'd be quite the shock if anyone here wasn't...might as well confirm my standing.

"I do, transferred in as a senior. Unfortunately, I got to the campus a bit late due to some travel delays."
Almost like magic Damian felt calmer when patted on the back. He felt a bit more comfortable around Nikky seeing that she doesn't seem to hold bad intentions. He felt a bit pathetic. Being so easily defeated by someone just trying to be friendly. Nonetheless, he settled some. Damian noticed how much Alice was enjoying her fries. It almost made him want to order some himself just to see how good they were. Though the thought of eating food made his stomach tighten up, reminding him he was full from this mornings breakfast of four yogurt bars.

"So do you guys go to the school not far from here?"

An easy question to answer. A question Damian was more than happy to start off with, considering he only had one answer to it. Less to try and contemplate over for a enthralling answer.
"Yes.. I moved here not too long ago. So I had to enroll at the beginning of the Summer. I'm a Senior, this year." While answering his question he heard another new voice. One that sounded formal with a hint of urban savvy to it. It wasn't very familiar to Damian and neither was the speaker. He was a darker skinned young man. Tall, just like Dominic was. Intimidating as well. But Damian reacted that way with anyone he met. Upon realization the table was actually becoming quite cramped... Damian had no idea if this was Dom's doing or this group is just a magnet for attention.


| Afternoon |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Again it had surfaced in Dominic's mind that he was the only one considered 'experienced' with Armstrong High. It was an odd feeling he didn't have an answer to, so he buried it only to be rediscovered again later. "I'm pretty sure we all go to Armstrong. It's one of the best in the state." That could have also answered his own question as to why there were so many transfer students.

After he said what needed to be said, Dominic began working on what he had ordered, whilst keeping an eye on the bodies that accompanied him at the table. The situation was enjoyable enough that he hadn't noticed Soul Food picking up in customers. The town had begun to awaken shortly after them and it was becoming apparent.

The silence on his part reminded him of what was truly urgent to him; Ben. This would mark the second day he didn't show up, so Dominic made it a personal goal to check on him at his dorm once this outing was over and done with.
Taking a quick slurp of her coke, she looked over at Nikky who surprisingly had pancakes and some orange juice in the middle of the day but it didn't need to be morning to have breakfast so she shrugged at the thought,"Yeah. I just moved here from England yesterday. I'm also in my senior year here." She said noticing how everyone seemed to be in their last year of high school and also meaning she would see them more than she thought she would.

Looking over at Jacen, she was surprised to see that the two were on the same boat for being delayed for a while because of some transportation problems. Noticing how he covered his nose from the smell of her food, she debated whether to be nice and share or just let him suffer.

Finally making her choices, she sighed as her kind side was taking over. Grabbed her cheese burger that seemed quite big for her to even eat, she held it in front of him as a gesture to "take it or leave it", her face showing a frown,"Here. This is only because you were nice to Dominic." She said looking away with flushed pink on her pale cheeks. She didn't like being nice but this would be the only time she will be kind to him, or so she hoped this would be but there would be many times where she'll be kind to the group of friends she had made in just a one day.
She nodded at Damian, "I guess it should be assumed huh? I got here a bit late the first day and had a dentist appointment making me miss most of yesterday so I wasn't able to meet you guys before hand but it's good to know you all go to the same school."

She took a sip of her orange juice and stuffed a piece of pancake in her mouth, she shivered as sweetness bombarded her taste buds. Soul Food, delicious be thy name! Regaining her posture, she turned her attention back to the large group and took on a more serious attitude as if about to ask a question that would decide if her listeners would live or die.

"And speaking of assumptions I'm assuming you're all going shopping for supplies afterwards, yes?"


35 dollars



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The waiter had came back with her milkshake and gave her a kind smile.

"Anything else?"

Ukime shook her head no then gave her the 3 dollars. Slurpping it down faster than she could with water , she was finished and let out a "ah" as she licked her lips. Patting her stomach she got up from her chair then walked toward the door. Opening it she saw a rather large group of kids. Staring for not more than a second she began to walk back toward the store.

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Damian nodded in response to Nikky's question. "That was the plan. Though, I'm done with my shopping so I don't have to worry much. I'm just here to hang around, I guess... But speaking of that, we should get going. It's already noon." Damian put his 3DS back into his pocket and fixed his sleeves. He turned towards Dominic to reassure everything's good to go but Dominic seemed.. Perplexed. Something was on his mind again, just like yesterday. Damian knew it was normal of Dominic to have something on his mind pretty often but seeing it in person just grows even more concern. "Something wrong, dude?"
Ashlei was full of energy, to the point that Adonna felt she was being swept up in it. There wasn't a silent moment during the short walk to Soul Food, and by the time the three of them had gotten situated and were browsing through the menus, Adonna didn't so much feel as the odd outlier they'd picked up from the side of the road.

"Make sure you do the same. No matter how much Shun can handle it!"

Adonna cracked a grin, amused by Ashlei's antics and the banter between her and Shun. The two seemed very close, at least, they weren't afraid to tease each other to the brim. It was sweet, like family, like her and her boisterous cousins.

"...you like... I just realized though, you never told us your name?"

Shun's question pulled her back to reality,
"Oh, I, sorry. I'm Adonna," she officially introduced herself. This wasn't bad at all, it was easy to forget her own awkwardness, the way the two of them were so natural and inviting. "Did you mention that you both go to Armstrong High?"



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)
Walking into the shop Kai had came out with a few boxes in his hands. Putting on the apron she tied it around her waist and walked over toward him. He gave a distressed look but she knew his grimace was a form of thank you. She took the top box which seemed to be the heaviest. Slouching over instantly Ukime let out a groan before leaning back up and letting the box rest against her front side. Looking over the corner of the box she walked toward the school supply section near the back. Though it didn't seem like they got many customers half the school supplies were already gone and there was a pack of mechanical pencils open. Counting them as she placed the box down, three was missing from the six that was in the package. Shaking her head in disbelief she took the package and had set it aside. Opened merchandise wasn't good to sell. Glancing over as she pulled out the box cutter from her back pocket she saw Kai walk over toward the food section.

"So this was you dad's place?"

Ukime asked as she sliced opened the box and pulled back the flaps. On top there was a notebook with three skulls on it and it said Bad to the Bone. Without any hesitation she snatched it up like it was a strawberry shake. Putting that aside with three other notebooks that said Salvation and Bad Trip to Hell , she resumed putting the rest of the notebooks up there. It wasn't right for her to take all the cool looking ones. She had to puff out her cheeks as she put one that said Gods Savior and Bad girl up on the shelf. Kai had walked over and knelt down beside her, letting his finger pop her puffed up cheeks.

"Yea, it was originally a local store but my dad wanted to expand and make it a full on store with food and everyday supplies. We had to take out the coffee shop that used to be next to us. "

"Sounds interesting."

"Whats with the cheeks. "

"There are so many cool notebooks here but I can't take them all, it wouldn't be fair. Then again whoever said I was nice."

Ukime took God's savior and replaced it with one that said Most Wanted. Putting the notebook aside she gave a devilish grin toward Kai who was holding in his laugh.

"You go to school? Which one?"

"Armstrong High."

Kai paused for a second before looking away. Frowning he helped her put the mechanical pencils away while she looked for ones that had skulls or anything dark on it.

"Why the face Kai?"
Hotaru looked over to the newer people joining the table, she held out a welcoming sign for them, "Hello! I'm Hotaru. Nice to meet you!╭ (oㅇ‿ o#)ᕗ" She drew an embarrassed face and placed the slate in the middle of the table as she began to eat her salad in silence.

Nikky had a simplistic aura around her, it made Hotaru a bit jealous of her outgoing and blunt words. Jacen had an uneasy yet a strong attitude, he was most likely uneasy due to the incident before. Alice was cool and silent on the outside, but when Hotaru talked to her, she showed a playful and cheery side. Dominic was one to worry quite a lot, but in a sense he had a way with words due to the amount of people that showed up. Damian was the most quiet, he was playing his game before Nikky showed up. Hotaru sat back in her seat as she examined everyone. She tapped her nails on her chair impatiently.

She certainly did not act like the words.

Sorry ms. Goddess for the scribbliness...

Roe sighed was walking from home. That had taken some time, unfortunately for her, Roe's mom thought she was too young to be walking out on her own. It was warmer now, Her jacket was at home, and though she was still decked out in a black bonta-kun shirt and cameo cargo pants, she wished she might have grabbed some shorts. She should probably head back to the convenience store, maybe the work would get her mind off of worrying.
"Well then nice to meet cha, Adonna!" Ashlei piped up only to have Shun nod in agreement before continuing her thought for her. "Its a pretty name," he said with a smile as Ashlei now began to wildly bob her head making her already comical smile look even more so. "Feels very artistic." he added causing Ashlei to smash her head into the table causing a fairly loud crash that made several nearby patrons look over at them.

"Jeez Shun," she began with a loud sigh as she turned her head to face him. "Must everything come back to art. Your worse than I am, and I'm the art student here."

However, it was the mention of her status as a student that reminded her of Adonna's second question causing her to pop back up and reface her friend across the table. "Shun is your one and only," she said in a teasing tone with a laugh. "As much as I would love to be with you guys, I'm a college student," she finally explained while shoving Shun aside in an attempt to silence his comment of "at Yale". "And besides I'm probably two or three years older than you," she added with a wink in Adonna's direction.

This declaration of her age would probably come as a surprise to anyone who did not know her well. With her long pinkish hair tied into two curly pigtails and baby-like face that made her appear as if she were sixteen, Ashlei's age of twenty one was often doubted without a display of definite proof.

Leaving Adonna to ponder her sudden declaration, Ashlei turned to the server who had just arrived at their table and began firing off an abnormal amount of orders on her part alone. Shun who was used to covering for her unbelievably large tabs payed no attention and simply waited till she had finished to put in his own. Turning to face Adonna once he was finished with their orders, the server turned to look expectantly at her while patiently waiting for her order.
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Roe walked steadily to the store, in her annoyance, she left before her brother could catch up. At 17,the last thing she felt she needed was a... what was the word she was looking for... Nanny? Chaperone? 'Man...' Roe thought dejectedly. 'I hate murderers.' She hoped the poor kid in the hospital was alright and not.... dead. They did say he was just injured, right? Critically injured sure, but not dead. Here she was worried about freedom when some poor boy was fighting just to stay alive. That could have been her last night. Roe certainly wouldn't be sneaking out for a while now.

She reached the doors and paused before going inside. Maybe... She should have changed into one of her dress shirts... too late now. Roe turnedtturned the handle of the door and walked in the store.
Jacen was caught off guard by a burger being held in front of him...there was obviously confusion here.

Oh wait. She thinks I'm that hungry...alrighty then. This went south quickly.

"Oh, I appreciate the offer...I don't want to seem rude, but I actually covered my nose because...well, I don't like the smell of ketchup. Thank you though!"

With almost comedic timing, he signaled for a waiter who promptly came to the table.

"Hi, could I get a hot roast beef and fries with a sweet tea?"

The waiter nodded and scribbled the order on the notepad.

Jacen turned back to face Alice, and managed a meek smile.

"Heh..sorry about that..."

Smooth, Jace. Reaaaal smooth.

It shouldn't have been humanly possible, but he somehow just managed to bring even more attention to himself.

Ukime was walking past the door with her items when she had walked into the door. Walking around the counter she had rung up her own stuff but since she had worked there she had a discount. Paying for less she put her items under the counter on a shelf. Looking up she saw Roe walk in. Waving Kai had came up from her side and held the door open for her.

"Welcome, I hear your the new worker here. My name is Kai Brooks , the owner and manager of the store. Over there is Ukime Kiyo."

"Hey again."

Ukime walked back from around the corner and handed her an apron much like her own. Kai gave her a discount card to use and a name tag. Ukime had told him before hand so he had enough time to prepare things for her like her own locker and hair supplies in the shower.

"Would you like me to go over the rules with you."

Kai gave her a smile.


| Afternoon |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

If zoning out was a sport, Dominic would have been the national champion. His worries had drifted himself away from the group mentally and into a storm of worries and possibilities. Like always, a voice brought him to look back at the others with a slightly surprised expression. "Oh, uhm.. I'm alright. I suppose we should start shopping now." Dominic stuffed his hand into his pocket and withdrew $50, placing it on the table as he knew the bill wouldn't go over that amount. "Anyone who's still eating can just catch up with us, alright?"

Dominic stood, his calves pushing back the chair in order to make room for stepping out. The air around him was starting to feel gloomy, even though he put on a few grins here and there. "Tell the waiter to keep the change, and it's been nice meeting those that won't be coming with us to shop." Dominic glanced over to Damian, who he assumed was ready to leave as soon as he showed up.

Nodding to the rest of the group, Dominic crossed the street over to the small general store on the other side. On his list of things were notebooks and perhaps a brand new backpack to go along with it. He pushed aside the front door, his body eagerly accepting the cool air the store's air conditioner gave off. Little did they know, this was the same store Ukime worked at.

"You were smart to buy all your things before moving." Dominic commented as he strolled down the accessories aisle. He found a suitable notebook, a blank black cover was simple enough for him.
"Ah, thanks you. I'm sorry about before, my mom's pretty worried about the news. Hey Ukime" Roe grinned and put the apron on along with her name tag. "I'm ready whenever you are Mr. Brooks. And thank you for hiring me." Roe placed her arms behind her back. She was a good couple of inches taller than Kai, and she towered over Ukime... but somehow she didn't feel like a freakish giant with them.
Alice glared at him, feeling her anger grow but she kept her cool, getting up and left her half eaten food on the tray. She looked over at Jacen with a frown, pushing her seat back in place,"Coming." She said in a stern voice to the others. She wasn't please with how she was always seemingly nice and went after the others, leaving Jacen alone,"Ah! I knew it! Ugh!" She thought but her face showed no sign of anger but a dark, death atmosphere surrounded her through the whole way. Even when she had such a bored look, her atmosphere caused many to stay out of her way, feeling they would get smacked by her.

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