- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Kai turned his head to see a new customer. Ukime had looked up as well and watched her pick out school supplies. Getting up on the stool she typed in her store name and was granted access to open the cash register. Waiting for the girl to finish her phone that was in her pocket buzzed like crazy. Taking it out it was from Kai who was trying to figure out of the emails and inbox message tone worked. Turning it off Kai had gave a small chuckled before seating himself by the computer where the phone was. He would begin to take online orders and answer those who called ahead of time to see if something was in stock. Ukime paid close attention to the girl, observing her. She seemed to like puppies.

"I still have to get my school supplies."

"You can get them later."

Kai suggested as he had hung up the phone and turned himself around to face her.
"Hey, do you need help finding something!?"

Adonna looked up from her map. Who? She didn't recognize the girl frantically waving at her, so Adonna had to look over her own shoulder to see if perhaps the girl was trying to get the attention of someone else. And then felt particularly stupid when all her eyes were met with was a wall.

"Though if not, do you wanna come get breakfast with us?"

"I, uh..." Did she know this girl? No, she didn't look familiar. Oh god. What if she should have known the girl? Adonna could be pretty bad with faces, what if the girl recognized her from the tour and here Adonna was completely blanking.

"Shun here will treat us!"

Adonna saw the guy standing slightly behind the girl, looked rather displeased. Or maybe not. Adonna could never tell these things. Her mind was working overtime trying to place this girl's face, or at least the guy's, but came up with nothing.

"Oh, I, uhm..." she glanced up the street, trying to form an answer, "I was just gonna grab something from the convenience store up there for breakfast..." she replied, slowly realizing that what she'd said had really answered nothing the girl had asked.
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Alice stared at the pictures, amused by how her dream was like,"What sort of dream she had?" She thought wondering the possibilities to have with such a dream. She shook off the thought saving it for another time as she flipped to another page of her sketchbook and wrote,"The camera for memories here but I guess in a way I had this because of the dream but what a dream you had.(o_o)" With a drawing of her camera flashing,"Oh! Do you want to see the picture I took of Dominic and Damien?" She added with a drawing of her camera.
Hotaru glanced at Dominic and Damian, she nodded complete with a stoic face, "That happens to perk my interests, may I see? o(●´ω`●)o" She drew a hopeful face next to her words, "Do you think the others will join us anytime soon?"

Marker (x2)


A handful of bobby pins




| Morning |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Dominic watched his two acquaintances in their natural habitat. Damian sticking his attention to his 3DS, and Alice... Alice took a single glance to a nearby waiter who was occupied with taking orders, and simply hid her reddened face. It was the only hint Dominic needed to know what was going on.

The next few minutes were nothing but a blur to him. All of a sudden Hotaru was there, conversing back and fourth with Alice over a matter he hadn't the slightest clue about.
"Oh, good morning, Hotaru!" He called with a welcoming smile.

At just that time, a waiter had came to them, probably figured that the group came to eat. Without words, the Waiter simply looked onward, expecting a quick answer as to what they wanted to order. "O-Oh, right.." An idea surfaced in his mind and his hands were quick to scoop up the menu to give it a glance.

"I'll take the morning usual - Cheeseburger and a Sprite." Tilting the menu down, he smirked towards the rest of his peers. "So? What do you guys want? I'll treat."
Alice smirked, getting her camera and strolling through all her photos of some places she went on vacation and some pictures of England. Finally founding the picture of the two boys, she gave the camera to Hotaru and wrote,"Damien and Dominic look funny in the picture." Placing a silly face to show how silly it was but in reality, the picture was a good view of the two boys but Alice wouldn't admit that to them.

Putting her sketchbook down, she looked to the waiter then at the menu, grabbing it quickly and scanned through all the list of foods they had,"Umm... I like some fries with coke please?" She asked placing the menu down and waiting for the others to order but then remembered to add something else to her order,"Oh! And a cheese burger with it!" She added.
"Told ya she knew where she was going, and you probably scared her to death" Shun said with a reprimanding tone as he lightly slapped the top of Ashlei's head causing her to squeak in response.

"Nrrgh, I can't let a girl eat something as horrific as convenience store food for breakfast," Ashlei replied in an overly dramatic tone while reaching forward to link arms with the girl as if she were trying to prevent her from leaving to her destination.

Shun shook his head and sighed in response to his hyper friend's antics as he too reached forward only to wrap his left arm around her neck and drag her off the girl who he assumed was bewildered beyond belief at this point in time. Putting an apologetic smile on his face, Shun extended his arm forward as he began introductions to her.

"Sorry about her, she's a local here and loves helping out new people." he began, temporarily retracting his hand to knuckle his friend in the temple." I'm Shun and she's Ashlei." he concluded re-offering his hand while Ashlei broke free of Shun's grasp and offered her hand herself.

"The Soul food is really close to here, and its food is really awesome. You definitely should come." Ashlei said without waiting for the girl's introduction. "Not to mention you and Shun might be classmates, get to know each other and there might be more people to meet at the restaurant!"

Shun once again sighed at Ashlei's incessant attempts at enticing the girl's company; however, strangely enough he wasn't entirely against the idea.

A friend wouldn't be the worst, Shun though to himself with a small shrug as he once again gave in to defeat. "I am perfectly fine with covering for you all, so if you would like to come please feel free." he added in reply to Ashlei's second invitation.
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Hotaru looked at the screen and placed a hand over her mouth, she got what Alice was doing and decided to follow along. She held the camera close and her body shook with silent fake laughter. Hotaru smiled and handed the camera back, the boys did look good in the picture, but teasing them seemed more fun.

Hotaru watched Alice place her order and an idea surfaced in her mind, quickly writing down a order she showed it to the perplexed looking waiter. He was confused as to why she wasn't talking, but his confusion quickly mixed with fear. He began to stutter, "Uh....we don't have that and I don't want to go out of a job..." The girl with light green hair clasped her hands together in delight as she erased the board and wrote, "I'm just joking! I would like coke, salad, and a burger." She saw his face twist with more expression, with a deadpanned look she added, "Don't worry, I won't do anything with the lettuce...or the meat."
Jacen found himself walking down the sun-bathed Alabama roads, lamenting the morning weather and his choice of clothing. Jeans and a blue t-shirt that was partially covered by a customized black button up. The rear of which displayed the number 87 and name Eirsith in light blue.

Heat...I hate the heat...or do I hate the south? Give me a comfortable 70 degree day...but no. It's mid-September and I still can't wear long sleeves. Oh well...baseball jersey is good enough for now.

Jacen walked into the restaurant 'Soul Food' in search of breakfast. Nothing else on campus was open, save for the dorms which meant spending money. He hated spending money he didn't necessarily have to, but it was what it was. Local food was better than none at all.

If this is anything like the places back in NC, I should be fine. Hm...and it's busy. That's a good si-

The taller student's train of thought was cut as he saw a table with the ones from yesterday's...event ordering food and talking among themselves.

...this is one of those times when being incognito would be a blessing. Too bad I'm 6'1 and darker than 75% of this town.

Jacen's Inventory


Cell phone

MP3 player+earbuds

Tech watch
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Adonna suddenly found herself caught in the whirlwind that was Ashlei, and "the calm" that was Shun. Soul Food? She'd seen that place circled on her map, but had yet to try it out. And it sounded better than picking up a sad looking sandwich off the shelf of the convenience store. She broke into a light chuckle. Somehow, this was fun. "Alright... that doesn't seem like a bad idea," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips, "I'd love to join. And," she looked over at Shun, preparing to deny his offer to pay, but paused. Adonna didn't want to be caught in a teeter-totter of I-insist's and No-I-possibly-couldn't's. She was probably already being a bit awkward, and didn't wanna make it worse. "And... thank you. Next meal will be my treat."



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)
Roe couldn't decide between the pug or the basket of chocolate lab puppies. The pug notebook was unfortunately wide ruled... but the basket of chocolate lab puppies was too... adorable? cute? nauseating.... for Roe's tastes. BUT it was college ruled... it was so much easier to take notes on college ruled paper... BUT competition was a pug. Roe loved pugs... they were right up there with Irish Wolf-hounds... meaning totally awesome. Sighing, she reached out for the pug notebook, she would try to write extra small to make up for waste of space. Snatching up a bag of mechanical pencils, some erasers and a peppermint pattie, Roe made her way to the register.

There was a tall guy working the register... a tall Handsome guy. Roe sighed... a blue eyed devil no doubt... out to steal the hearts of young girls everywhere. Though, as Roe began really thinking... wasn't it odd that all the people in this town seemed to be drop dead gorgeous? If it was in the water, she was going to start drinking gallons of it.

Placing all her items on the register, she noticed another girl to the side. Roe nodded in her direction and took out her wallet.
Ukime began to ring up her items as she punched in a few numbers then placed her things to the side. Kai had stood up and walked over to the counter to make sure she was doing them right. Smiling at the girl who had came up he had picked up one of her notebooks and gave a small chuckle. Ukime glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she waited for the price to show up on the small pad.

"Cute, very cute."

"Your total is $7.97 is your total."

Kai had taken her things and began to put them in the small brown bags. Pushing them forward he had gave her a wave then walked back toward the back. Ukime looked at the girl and gave her half a smile as she tapped the counter.

"Were low on management , would you like to apply?"


| Morning |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Dominic smiled whole-heartedly, having expected the two or even three to outright oppose the idea of being treating at a place like this. The waiter nodded and retired to the inside of the restaurant. It was lucky their table had built in shade, a fancy umbrella do-dad that helped to keep the unusual heat at bay.

He didn't entirely notice the camera ordeal, only getting brief glances of snickering between Alice and Hotaru, but never really knowing what it was about. Usually he'd meet their gaze with a grin, now he was just playing the fool.


On the upper left corner of the store Ukime worked at was a television set for entertainment -both for the customer as well as the employee. Currently it's volume was audible.

"..-According to police, the boy had been found with multiple slash marks going along his body. Brookfield Sheriff Donald Burns commented that the likeliness of it being an animal attack were slim to none. As of now he's currently being treated at the hospital; officials are working on getting an identification as we speak-"

The television fizzed into an unintelligible static afterwards.
"Pugs will take over the world..." she mumbled, quite lamely she might have added. Fumbling with her wallet, Roe nearly dropped it when she was asked if she needed a job. A quick glance to the gracious heavens above that send her jobs when she needed one. "Uh... I.... would... sure. I mean, yes, I'll apply. I don't have my resume ready or anything though, but I can give you my references from my last job. Though... it wasn't anything to do with humans. I mean, I worked mainly cleaning up... uh... I worked with dogs."

Well, if she had a chance getting a job here, it would be a miracle if she didn't blow it right there. What sane person would hire a fumbler and babbler when dealing with money and sometimes sketchy people? 
The news report caught her attention. Roe had lived in a small town, but with any population of people there were bound to be attacks and murders... but one had never happened in Roe's town before. Storing that information away in the back of her mind, she resolved that she was going to walk or ask her brothers to walk her younger brother and baby sister to school from now on.
Ukime had looked up at the t:v and listened intently. Slime to none she thought. If there was a person who was doing that then they had an issue that needed to be looked at it. When she heard they were trying to get an identification she couldn't but help not to think of the man who attempted a kidnap. He could have been smarter, hell she could have. For a country man like him to be wearing a rainbow hat , there had to be something behind his little get up. When the t:v cut off she simply stared down at the register. What if this happened to her, it wasn't an animal and they didn't know what it was. It's bad when someone doesn't know what something is. She shook the thought from her mind and looked toward the girl who was in front of her.

"Oh um, it's real easy. I'll help you. If you dont't have anything else to do today I can teach you now. You don't have to clean up, probably just put away stokes and what not."

She gave her a smile .
"Ah, thanks. That'd be great." then seriously, she nodded to the tv. "Scary stuff huh..." Roe set aside her bag of supplies and turned to the girl. "I'm Roe, it's nice to meet you." She tugged on a strand of her hair, unsure of what to say next. "Where do I start?"
Damian simply shook his head as the waiter approached their table. He wasn't very hungry. A curse that he suffered with a slow metabolism; could hardly eat much in one sitting and couldn't eat for hours if he's consumed so much as well. Damian placed his 3DS down and noticed how much Alice and Hotaru was hitting it off, it was a warm feeling seeing how well they got along. This is the most social interaction Damian has gotten in what is now years. He had almost forgotten ho enjoyable it was to be outside his room with the company of nice people. He was almost moved to try and break his habits but still, he hadn't a clue how. It vexed him, the idea of being sociable. Almost enough to bring down his mood. Curse his low self-esteem! Hindering him of a good time with good company! He could feel his face lower, along with his mood some. Embarrassing. Damian had put his head down to try and hide his low expression.
Roe's cell phone rang, in that annoying tone that only meant one thing... mom was calling. She was asked to come home so everyone could discuss safety. Sighing... she apologized to her new bosses, hoping they wouldn't hold it against her. Saying goodbye, she promised she would drop in later to complete her training.
Nikky had followed in the group and sat at a table not to far from the buddy buddy little bunch of friends. Spirits were high and she hoped the food tasted as good as it smelled, though most of taste depended on the smell so she'd assume so-

"Gah, gotta stop nerding out so much"

she ordered pancakes and a glass of orange juice, she hoped she'd have enough money for her supplies and whatnot. she looked up at the tv as the reporter talked about death. She sighed, "Shame"
"That was kind of scary. Does the media think we wont't panic or make a fuss over it. I mean it wasn't animal so what could have done it"

Watching the girl say goodbye she had waved. Looking back at the tv she moved toward the chair with the phone and leaned against the wall. Closing her eyes she let out a small sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair. Her stomach growled and that only meant she would be cranky in a few minutes. Grabbing her wallet and taking off her arpon she yelled back toward Kai.

"Going to grab a bite to eat, be back soon."

Before leaving she took a map of the area and ran out She left her board there since there was no reason to take it. A place called Soul Food was just up ahead. Running up the hill and toward the door , she had walked in. Looking around she found an open booth next to a window. Smiling she walked herself over their passing a few people and seating herself to where she can see the people eating outside. Putting her hand under her chin the waiter had came over and had given her a menu.

"Strawberry milkshake."

The waiter nodded her head alright and left with not much of a hurry. Her eyes trailed off toward the sky to watch the clouds slowly mossy on about. She picked out the clouds that had looked like food and odd faces. One looked like a bull with horns.
Jacen decided to take the opportunity to turn things in his favor and approached their table. A bit forward, but as long as he explained his reasoning...it should be fine right?

This works, I might make a friend. If not, screw it.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt."
He gave a short nod to the waiter and then looked towards Dominic, who he probably just caught off guard along with the rest of the party.

"Morning. Hope there's no hard feelings about yesterday...didn't meant to sound so blunt about it, accidents happen. Let bygones be bygones and all that jazz."

"Name's Jacen."

He extended his hand and put on a friendly face, which in his case was the most genuine smirk. Smiling was never Jacen's strong suit.

Moment of truth...
"Yipee!" Ashlei instantly exclaimed giving the girl a sudden hug after she finally agreed to join their party. "Forward my friends," she said with with her classic enthusiasm as she shot her arm forward in the direction of the restaurant with the intention of proudly leading everyone there.

Although the walk to the Soul Food was short, there was still plenty of time for small talk between the two girls as Shun silently tagged along in the background enjoying the humorous talk that occurred.

It was after Ashlei paused her tirade of talking that Shun quickly took advantage to reply to the girl's offer to repay a meal. "I'll take you up on your offer then," he said with a chuckle. "Though I am perfectly willing to cover whatever whenever." he added with a smile before returning to silence as Ashlei overtook the conversation once more.

It wasn't until they had arrived at the restaurant and were seated that Shun intended to speak once more; however, before he could open his mouth Ashlei took advantage of the awkward silence for herself.

"See look at all the students!" she exclaimed as she happily looked around the restaurant. " A perfect bonding experience for you guys."

Grabbing one of three menus on the table, Ashlei happily began sifting through through the various breakfast options. "So many yummy things," she said with a glum tone resulting from her inability to decide on what to get. "Meh, I'll just get everything I want then!" she decided suddenly no longer glum as she turned to the girl and talked as if Shun wasn't there. "Make sure you do the same. No matter how much Shun can handle it!"

"Act more modest" Shun said after once again knuckling her temple in reply to her earlier statement.

Shun sounded annoyed but there was the hint of a coy smile from the corner of his mouth as he truly was enjoying the company of the his friend and the new girl.

"Like she said though get whatever you like," he said with a full smile only to develop a sudden serious look on his face. "I just realized though, you never told us your name?"
Nikky waited patiently for her breakfast, the heat started to get to her through her gray sweatpants but a lovely day nonetheless. She adjusted her glasses and straightened her white t-shirt just absentmindedly fiddling with herself as time passed. More people were arriving, it was a busy morning for sure. She felt kind of out of place, many people were sitting in a group and there she was sitting by herself. Well she supposed it was time to practice her social skills. With a grin her plan was set into motion, the first challenge of the day had arrived.

The short girl zeroed in on the boy laying his head on the table, she imagined herself as a huntress stalking the weakest member of the herd. She stood and hopped over to the table in front of her and sat down beside the boy laying his head down on the table.Since all the others were occupied with chitchat she probably wouldn't be noticed. She pictured herself thinking of something cool and nonchalant to say to the boy but all she could manage was a simple,

"Sup?" she rested her chin in the palm of her hand and stared at the boy as if looking at a old friend a faint smile stretched across her face. She poked his head lightly to make sure she was heard.

She wondered what his appearance would be as a child.

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Watching as the waiter was shocked at Hotaru's order, she rolled her eyes not sure what was going on with them but she didn't mind as long as she got her food. Turning her attention away from the waiter to some girl that surprisingly came out of nowhere and saying hello to Damien as if she was an old friend of his.

Trying not to be rude to the girl for suddenly crashing into their group, she gave her the nicest smile sh could muster but it seemed to be more of an awkward frown instead,"Hello there, Are a friend of Damien also on the internet?" She asked curiously of the girl's being.

Checking her appearance, the girl seemed to be quite tanner than the other people in the city and she had very beautiful, natural curly hair. Her eyes seemed quite big for normal eyes and shined brightly with pinkish color. She was pretty but Alice couldn't even imagine how Damien could get a girl like her as a friend,"Maybe a girlfriend?" She thought but that couldn't be since he didn't give off a lovey-dovey feeling kinda atmosphere and seeing as how he was being unsociable once more even when Dominic was here too.
The man in the white suit moved towards James, slumped, too weak to stand up, on the floor. He crouched beside him, and stared deep into his eyes.

"Get up, James. You have to choose now. Left, or right?"

The man in the white suit got back up, and walked over to one of the two doors in the grey room he was in. Next to the other door, on the right, was a similar man, in a completely black suit.

"Don't rush him." The man in the black suit said to his counterpart.

"I don't want to give you time for you to tempt him, Mal."

"Well, Bon, you could do the same."

"You know I don't work in that way."

"Aye, that I do. I suppose that's in my favour," said Mal, turning to James, saying "Boy, I can give you power. I can make you into a great man. All I need is a little something."

"What? What do you want?"

"There's a young girl, at your school. She performs rituals, but these are harmful to me. I believe you've met."


"Yes. I need you to just... take something from her, and destroy it, something she'll miss dearly. And give her this note."

Mal handed James a small note. He put it in James' pocket. He didn't have enough strength to look at it. He decided he wanted what Mal was offering. Bon looked at him, the dismay evident on his face at how Mal had managed to tempt him.

"Are you ready to choose?" He asked James.


"Then get up. Take your choice."

James suddenly regained his strength, and walked, hesitatingly, towards the door on the right. He felt a little bad about this, but he didn't really know Hotaru, he didn't really care about her, he told himself.

He gripped the handle, turned it and pulled.

James opened his eyes, breathing heavily.

What the hell was that?

He looked in his right pocket.

The note was there.

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