- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Damian sprung up after his friend but stopped for a second. He didn't even properly say goodbye to his new friend, Nikky. He turned back around towards her and copped a more natural smile, complimented with an awkward wave. "I'll umm.. See you tomorrow on the first day. I'm sure." Damian said his goodbyes to the rest of the posse and caught up with Enzo. It didn't take long for them to find a shop with stationary for school. Throughout the short trip, Damian had the girl stuck in his mind. Why did she approach him? Out of all people, him. There was the more charismatic Jacen, and the less sociably inept Dominic to speak to. But she chose Damian. The guy who was face first into the table mulling over his social angst. All the while.. He couldn't complain. He didn't flunk it, or scare her off. Having Dominic around really did help him feel more comfortable around the others. He almost felt dependent on the guy, which was an odd feeling. Damian always operated alone.

"You were smart to buy all your things before moving."

"Huh..? Oh, umm yeah. Mom figured we should, less to scramble over. Hey, Dom'. Do you think they like me? Yeah this is me asking this... But, I just want to start off this year right. I don't want to suffer another awful schoolyear."
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Kai smiled as he put his hands in the front of his apron pockets. Ukime had warmed up to Kai and Roe seemed to be alright. Ukime never coped well with other girls. Usually them being jealous over the guys she hung out with or the personalities never mashed. Taking Roe by the hand she had led her to the back near an opened door. Walking through many unpacked boxes were staked against the wall but that wasn't her destination. Leading her deeper into the back she walked into another room that was fairly lit and had lockers aligned next to each other. Pointing toward the one with her name on it she released her hand and gave her a smile.

"This is your locker, and the door over there at the end is the shower room."

When they walked away Kai had realized he never said anything about the rules. Ukime was quick to lead people away. He smacked his head an forgot to say no problem. Running his hand through his hair he decided he would say it when they came back out. Hearing voices, Kai had walked around the counter and began to type in his name on the cash register.
Did he say Yale? Adonna wondered, not sure if she'd heard right. That would be very impressive indeed... The waiter was now looking at her, so Adonna quickly pointed at the item on the menu she wanted, "Can I just get this?" before handing over it their server.

When he left their table, Adonna looked back at Ashlei,
"Woah. I never wouldav guessed. You look really young." Then, quickly, as it occurred to her as an afterthought, "In a good way," she made an awkward motion with her hands, which sent the fork on their table to fall behind Adonna. "Oh crap," she said apologetically as she twisted her body to grab the thing off the ground... that's when she noticed... Isn't that... Hotaru? Yes, it had to be. The unmistakable fading pastel green hair. She was walking away from Soul Food with what seemed to be a group of four people. Adonna would have waved at her, but was sure waving at Hotaru's back would be all for naught.

Twisting back to face the table once again,
"Sorry. So, uh..." What had they been talking about? Oh right, "Wow, you're an art student." she stated to Ashlei. Safe to say, Adonna was impressed. All she could do herself was draw a mean stick-figure. Looking over at Shun, she asked, "Are you gonna go the same route after highschool?"



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)

Alice stared at the new surrounding, the cool air blew through her hair gently,"What I needed... something to cool my anger." She thought feeling refreshed. Looking over at the group, she made her getaway and ran off away from the group to another aisle filled with snacks.

Walking through the tall shelves filled with many snacks of different types. She noticed some snacks made from England and were surprisingly one of her favorites. She grabbed about 5 of them and some snacks from made from Japan,"Woah! They have them!" She thought happily, placing them in her basket and ran off to another aisle filled with school supplies.

Looking through the many decorative notebooks, she spotted a plain, blue notebook with a picture of a panda saying "Hi~♥". Smiling softly at how adorable the panda looked, she placed it in her basket with all her snacks and went off to the other side where the many art supplies were located just wanting to check out what they had.
Roe followed Ukime into the back room. It felt like when her little sister took her hand and wanted to show her some new fascinating thing she discovered. Roe tried to hold back a giggle. It was probably rude to think of a fellow high school student like her little sister.

"This is your locker, and the door over there at the end is the shower room."

"Thanks Ukime. Ah... for everything. I really needed a job." She turned around the room to take it all in. Smiling, she put her things in the locker and straightened out her outfit a little. Next time, she would pack her slacks and one of her dress shirts. Her mother was a stickler for looking professional at work. Swinging her arms back and forth, Roe asked "Where do I start?"


| Afternoon |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Damian's barely audible speaking nearly passed by Dominic, but it didn't mean he wasn't listening. While his friend talked, Dom read the needed items off the list and grabbed what was necessary. So far, he had a notebook and a grey backpack. Man, I sure am going for darker colors this year. Humming slightly, he turned his head to Damian who had asked quite an interesting question.

"I think they adore you. They all seem like good people, Damian." That was went he realized Alice entering the store behind him. Dominic didn't even have to ask - Alice was pissed. If there was one thing Dominic could say he was good at, it was reading people. The way she walked, the emotion behind her expression, it told the tale for her. When the two finally ran into Alice in the same aisle, he spoke.

"Sorry about pulling out so early. You could have finished your food, you know." Dominic frowned.
"We all need a job right. He helped me out too, I guess he could see that. It's good to have you aboard. I guess for now you can help me stock some shelves. "

She walked back out of the locker room and into the storage hallway. Picking up a box with art supplies she slid a box with hair supplies to her with her foots. Walking out of the room Kai had saw her and gave a smile. Walking away from the counter he had walked toward the storage hall and peeked in. Ukime ducked under his arm and slipped past him. She headed for the art section with new products along with numerous sketch pads. Kai watched her leave then looked back toward Roe.

"Welcome aboard, It was my pleasure to accept your application. Before you leave we should exchange number, in case of any late night or daily work that needs to be done. Also the store works around your school schedule, so if you have any club activities then I'll be able to make a schedule that will work around it. You card gives you discounts so you don't have to pay full price...also are you free after school tomorrow. Were going to have a welcoming party for my two new employees. "
Hotaru watched as Dominic, Damian, and Alice got up from her seat and left. Feeling a bit defeated, Hotaru picked up her slate and bowed to the rest. She jogged over to Alice and opened the door for her. Rubbing her own cheek, Hotaru walked in the back of the group looking off into space as she did.

She should payed a bit more attention, due to her spacing out Hotaru was in the middle of intersection without anyone to be seen. A car honked at her to move, her eyebrows furrowed together and she quickly ran off to the side. Now which store could they be heading off to? Hotaru dropped her slate and sits down on the ground with a frown. The slate was slowly wearing down with her silly antics. The cement on the ground was warm from the late summer sun, Hotaru ran a hand through her hair, and wrote on her slate to show off to the passing people, "Have you seen these people?" She was feeling quite lazy and drew a handful of stick figures each representing her friends. Giggling children pass with their mothers, yet no response. Teens walk by with a raised eyebrow then proceeded to text on their phones, yet no response. An old looking man pass by an-

Wait a second, that's grandpa! Grinning widely, Hotaru ran to the now disappearing figure. From behind the girl tackled the older man, "Whoa there...Hotaru get off." Hotaru's grip tightened, dropping the slate, "Hotaru. Hotaru...are you crying?! I was only away for a day or two! Stop crying, you are ruining my jacket." Hotaru had let go, her face was surprisingly without a trace of tears, "Did you....spit on me?!" Hotaru picked up her slate and began to bash her grandfather's side with it.
Blinking blankly... when was the last time she'd given her number out... did she even know it any more? "Thanks Mr. Brooks, I'm glad to be here. Uh... give me a second to check my phone for the... number." Snatching her phone from the locker, she fumbled as she flipped through the settings to find the number and gave it to Kai. "It'll be a pleasure to work with you guys, and I look forward to the party." That sounded... a little for formal for her, so she gave a smile.

She moved towards Kai and squeezed past him with the box of hair supplies to follow Ukime.
Kai took the number and gave her a returning smile. A small frown though took over as he put a hand on her shoulder before she had left.

"Kai, Mr.Brooks is my father, just call me Kai."

He gave her a smile before letting her go and slipping the number in his pocket. Ukime had set her box down and pointed on the other side of the shelves she was on.

"That's where the hair supplies go. Just stack them in order by brand name."

Ukime opened up her box and began to pull out art supplies. Like before she had set out the ones she like the best. She was good with h2 and b2 pencils along with b8. She took out a notepad with 150 sheets of sketch paper then some story board paper. Pulling out ink and sharpies she placed her little stack beside her feet then resumed putting the rest of the stuff on the shelf in order. She stopped to look at all the different stroke pens and the tracing paper. Once she had gotten her ten second fill she put the paint up next. The water color next to the water color canvas and the acrilic next to the more harder stiff paper. She put the paint brushed below from small to thick then wide to thin.
Alice glanced at Dominic and shrugged,"It's fine. I can always eat later." She said not wanting to say she went off because of a certain boy but she wouldn't say that to them and continued her search through the art section. Scanning all the pencils and sketchbooks, she noticed a girl also came into the aisle. Staring at the girl, she noticed she was wearing an employee apron and thought up a plan, going up to her wanting to ask some questions,"Excuse me, Do you know which paint is better?" She asked curiously, testing to see if she was smart with art but also because she needed some paint for her artwork.
In a crouched position Ukime had looked up at her. Reacting the way an anime character does off of instinct she put her finger to her mouth and looked upward.

"Well honestly it depends on your skill and what your good at. I'm good with sketching and shading so I don't touch paint much but if I would say the best paint...would be water color. Water color draws people in more depending on if its faded or darkened. It makes it seem alive and mysterious, like on a rainy day and your looking out of your window. It's also enjoyable to look at. It's easy to use for people who know how to use it but even for beginners it can be easy. "

She gave her a smile as she stood up and picked out green, black, purple, brown, tan and golden paint.

"If you like the hulk you can do him walking out of the forest. I think it would be an awesome painting."
Damian tried to take Dominic's word for it. They seemed nice, but Damian was still having some trouble adjusting to the crowd. "You think so.." Suddenly Alice caught up with the duo but something was off. As Dominic mentioned, the girl was upset. Damian felt a ping of sympathy, but was too afraid to try and touch on the issue. It didn't matter anyway as Alice had teetered off for more supplies. At this point, Damian was stuck in thought about how to approach having known so many people in one day and what it could mean in the future. It was exciting, but also terrifying.
Hotaru became tired of hitting her grandpa after ten minutes. When she raised the board again to hit him one last final time, her grandpa snatched it out of her hand and threw it on the ground, "Enough of that!" He sighed gripping his forehead to tense his throbbing nerves. Hotaru looked over to him and then at the board. With a stoic face she signed to him, "You broke my board."

His eyes twitched he used his hands to gesture to the board, "It's not broken! I just threw it on the ground." Hotaru narrowed her eyes and walked over to the board she picked it up and examined it. She raised it over her head and threw it on the ground. It snapped in two at the impact. Hotaru snapped her head back to the old man, "I want another slate and different colored markers...please." Grandpa watched her and sighed in defeat.

"Why are you all the way out here?" He asked Hotaru as they walked to the nearest convince store. Hotaru looked up at him as she signed, "My friends brought me here, I got lost. Stupid me. Why are you here?" Without her slate, Hotaru looked and sounded like an emotionless machine. Her grandpa shivered at the thought, "I came here to visit you, I had your school supplies." Hotaru looked down at her feet as they entered the store. Fortunately, her friends happen to be here.
Nikky waved goodbye to the group, she looked forward to meeting them again. She ate the rest of her pancakes and glanced at the TV it was now on a sports channel since the employees couldn't get the news back on, not that she minded, she didn't like watching it anyways. Standing up she went to the register and paid the woman for her meal. she waved and walked away. Out back onto the sidewalk she began her way towards the supply store. she didn't even bother pulling out her map, it was more trouble than it was worth. She caught sight of Hotaru beating up a old man. Teens hitting old people wasn't exactly a good look especially for those going to Armstrong. She watched for a moment and then they were gone.

She walked up to the broken slate and picked up the pieces, "Hm"

odd wasn't quite the word it was more like, unsavory.
Alice stared at her in amusement at how well she detailed it and smiled,"I appreciate your help. I think the water color is great too but I'll buy both." She said placing both the paint in her basket,"I'm kinda in need of both of them but Thanks anyways." She said but then remembered the girl had also said "Hulk", one of Alice's favorite Avenger as she felt her inner fangirl snap inside,"Oh! Do you like the Hulk too?" She asked but concealed her emotions, blocking her lips so she wouldn't see her 'awkward' smile.
Jacen sat in his dorm playing Grand Theft Auto while trying to comprehend what had just happened.

I try to be nice, and it backfires...I understand feeling some type of way about me not accepting it...but even then, she assumed instead of asking. And then, she glares and goes off.

He was currently on a rampage on the runway of Los Santos International, armed with the Special Carbine and plenty of grenades. He was never one for senseless killing, even in a video game...but at the moment it just felt necessary.

And why the hell do I still feel hungry?

He looked over to the styrofoam container and cup on the desk, the food he had hastily paid for and changed to a 'to-go' order before making a beeline back to the dorm. In his confusion and anger, he went straight to the controller rather than straight to the sandwich.

Oh yeah, forgot.

He paused the game and grabbed up the still warm platter and took a rather large bite of the sandwich.

At least the food is consistent in this town...lord knows the women aren't.


| Afternoon |

| Sunday |

Date: September 15, 2014

Obtaining the necessary supplies felt like second nature to Dominic. Once he was in the grove, he was grabbing things left and right. It had puzzled him that he even had to bring a list in the first place. Once his arms couldn't carry anymore, he shuffled his way to the checkout counter. Whether or not someone was actually there was unknown to him, his mind was in a different place.

"Notebook, backpack, an extra set of pens.. I should be good." Dominic was thinking out loud in reality. The static on the television cleared through, and the channel was still set on the news. On the screen was a middle aged man, supposedly the one who had found the boy first.

"..So I took out my flashlight to see if it was just a dead animal, but sho'nuff it was a boy. His clothes were torn apart, glasses crushed-"

A shock was sent through Dominic as his eyes shot wide open. It was as if the world around him had disappeared and the only thing left was him and the TV. He turned his body to stare directly at the screen.

"-I said 'Surely there ain't no tigers out here'. But naw, there were bite marks and everything." The recording stopped and the TV focused back onto the female reporter. "Recently, the boy was confirmed to be alive at Brookfield hospital. Sheriff Donald advises the public to cut your day early. The culprit is still undefined, but they're certain it was by a human, NOT an animal."

"Hulk smash, Puny god."

Ukime tried to sound like the Hulk as best as she could as she stuck out her chest then threw her hands in the air. Smiling as she dropped her hand and picked up the empty box she gave a small chuckle.

"Hulk is my favorite, the best hero in the world. If he asked me out I would say yes instantly ahahahahha."
Ashlei's grin only grew larger as Adonna commented on her young appearance, but she soon burst into laughter in response to Adonna's awkward motion that sent a fork flying off the table. "Silly one," she said in between her laughs as she desperately attempted to regain her composure. "What fair maiden would ever be concerned with a compliment on her youth."

Taking several deep breaths while giving Adonna an apologetic smile for her outburst of laughter, Ashlei opened her mouth to speak once more, but was suddenly interrupted by her nyan cat ringtone.

After retrieving her phone and viewing the number calling, Ashlei excused herself from the table with a singsong "I'll be back" before bounding out of the restaurant to take her call in private.

Shun sighed in relief at the momentary peace that would result from the whirlwind's departure. As much as he loved his friend, being by her side for extended periods of time always left a small toll of fatigue upon his day, though it never was enough to deny her company. Shun took advantage of the silence in attempting to give a response to Adonna's earlier question about his future that Ashlei had purposely ignored.

"Will I follow her footsteps?" Shun questioned as if he were asking himself rather than giving her an answer. A awkward silence soon fell as he said no more; however, the moment was quickly saved by the arrival of their food to which he quickly turned to help the server place onto the table.

"I mean she is the one who mentored me, and referred me to this school. So its probable that I will follow the same road." Shun began after taking and swallowing a bite of his food. "But I really don't give much thought to the future. What happens will happen, and I'm sure it will be what was meant to be" he concluded with an attempt to make his ambiguous answer sound as understandable as possible. "I'll never be as good as Ashlei though," he added with a chuckle. "After all, she was recruited to the best art college in the US for a reason." he began to explain with a tone of admiration on his voice. "I mean the girl already has notable critics praising her work."

It was at the end of his explanation that Ashlei returned to the table with a cloud of depression looming over her pouting head. "I gotta take my leave," she said in voice that was sad enough to bring a grown man to tears; however, in an unbelievable transition a smile quickly returned to her face as she called over the table's server to change her many dishes of food to carryout. "I'll come visit you guys tomorrow, and maybe I'll bring lunch with me." And with that declaration, the girl quickly gave both Shun and Adonna a large hug before rushing out of the restaurant and disappearing into a car that had just pulled up out front.

"Always hyper," Shun muttered while shaking his head as if this was a normal occurrence in a day spent with Ashlei.

"Anyhow, I need to go get supplies for class after we finish here. I don't know if you are already prepared for tomorrow or not, but your welcome to tag along either way," he offered all while accepting the check that the server had come to deliver. "But enough about me, you should tell me a bit about yourself," he said enthusiastically only to fall to silently sighing in response the dollar amount that led the total of the check. Handing his card to the server, Shun tried his best to convey a look on his face that said "Its no bother at all" in the case that Adonna heard his sigh and ended up misinterpreting it.
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Alice felt so happy to meet someone who had the same taste as her but kept her composure, but giggled at how the girl tried to imitate one of her favorite hero,"Hulk is my favorite besides Thor and Loki but if Loki ever asked me out I would have sayid 'Heck Yeah!' very loudly" She said now losing her composure and felt her heart racing fast as a horse's would when running. She just couldn't contain her happiness and let them all out to the girl even when she was a stranger to her. But then she remembered how rude she was to not introduce herself,"I apologize for not introducing myself, I'm Alice Boris Nanaka. Nice to meet you fellow Hulk lover." She said holding her hand out for a shake.
Grabbing her hand and shaking it Ukime gave her wide enough smiles for two people. To think she found people she could cope with at her first day at work. First it was Roe, then Kai now it was Alice. If she kept meeting people who had the same taste as her, maybe she would be able to have more people in her phone, and hang outside of her dorm more often.

"Ukime Kiyo, a pleasure it is to see another Hulk and Th--...THOR . Oh god he's a hunk, especially with his shirt off. "
Roe was crouched down, putting away the various brushes and hair ties. She heard the t.v. report in the background. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all to have Linden walk her home tonight. Not that she thought she was in any real danger, if anything Roe was imposing and should be escorting others places. Sure it'd been a while since a fight, but one good thing about having 4 stupid older brothers was that a girl knew how to protect herself... not to mention fight dirty. Her mind drifted to Ukime, hoping she didn't live too far... maybe she would ask her if she wanted Roe to walk her home after work.

The box empty, Roe got up and stretched. She took the empty box to the back room and paused during her return with another box. Two boys were in the center of the room. One looked especially... for lack of a better word, stricken. His face was pale and a horrified expression was on his face. She felt a pang of worry for the poor guy.

"Are... you doing alright?" she turned and looked at the T.V. "Do you know something about that?"
Damian snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Dominic call out in panic. "Ben? What's going on Dom'?" Damian had turned his full attention over to the television where Dominic seemed to have been so fixated on. There was some sort of broadcast about a hospitalized young man living in Brookfield. He missed the report itself but managed to catch the Anchorwoman's final report on the boy's location and status. "That was someone you know, Dom'?"
Alice smiled taking the hand and shakes gently, confirming that they were on good terms now. Finally, after just moving yesterday, she found someone just like her,"Thor does have that body... but Loki has a nice face and Hulk is just... perfect." She said with a sigh of love for her three heroes.

Letting her hand go, she pulled out her notebook and pencil, writing her number on it,"Well I must go now, my friends must be waiting for me. But you can contact me whenever!" She said handing her the paper and walked past her waving her goodbyes to her new friend.

Walking out of the aisle, her head started to pound in pain and her vision started to blur,"Huh? Wha-" Before she could speak anymore, she fainted onto the floor. Her basket spilling all her supplies that she didn't even paid for yet. Her conscious blurred into darkness and she fell into a deep sleep. Her head burning hot as her breathing increased, it seemed like she caught a sudden fever from some unknown reason but whatever got her the fever, it worked.

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