- Zodiac - [Inactive]


| Evening |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

The air felt heavy just as much as the atmosphere felt tense. Doninic was almost sure that he'd be turn into a squeeze toy in front of the group, but to his luck Jacen had merely shrugged it off with minor annoyance, or so it seemed. "I'm sorry, I-.. I didn't see you there, and we were moving so fast.." Dominic shook his head out of stupidity before simply stepping aside to let the guy through.

That's when he suddenly felt a body lean on his in a desperate attempt to stay upward. Surprised yet again, Dominic twisted his head to see Farra, who looked like she had just been through hell and back. A hint of heat rose to his face as he glanced around the group, almost screaming 'help' with his eyes. "H-Hey now.. You've got to just be sleepy." As much as Dominic told himself that, he would never be totally sure.

"You guys keep going, I'll catch up, alright?" He nodded as if he had been given an immediate answer, then pretty much carried Farra out of the school and towards the dormitory on his back. He didn't struggle, he simply had a hard time believing what was happening. The loud mouth, lion-hearted girl who had opposed Red openly was now slumped over his back like a corpse. What an odd day of half-school.

By now they stopped inside of the dorm's lobby, the air outside being quite chilly now that the sun had retired for the day. Assuming the girl had let go of poor Dominic, he turned to face her and blew a lock of hair out of his face. "This is as far as I can take you. Any further and I'd violate a few rules. Are you feeling sick, or are you just really tired?"
IAmEnzo updated - Zodiac - with a new update entry:

- Zodiac - Update 2.0

Ever since the roleplay began, I felt as if everyone understood time as they should. However, I couldn't help but feel as if we were missing something. So, without further ado, I'll introduce a small but useful addition to how time works.
You've seen me use things like | Morning |, right? Well, some of us (Okay, many of us) weren't given an estimation on just how close or far away it was to morning or if it was exactly midnight or not.

Now I'm bringing in small indicators showing if it's...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Stopping at a stop sign her face read completely lost. She ruffled her hair and looked at the fork in the road. Should she go right or left, perhaps straight. She hear an engine behind her then brakes applying. She looked back to see a truck slowing down for the red light. As the man pulled up next to her he looked at her as she looked at him. With five seconds of nothing but stares he had rolled down his window and bent over toward the opened window.

"You look lost, do you know where ya goin?"

She shook her head no, not wanting to talk to weird strangers who had rainbow colored hats on and dip dripping from his lip. She looked forward, glancing back at the man as he slurped up the dip and spat it out on his side. She scrunched up her nose before looking away with displeased grin. When he had coughed to get her attention she had looked back.

"Where ya headin little miss?"

"To the store but I don't know where it is."

"Oh I do, how about you hop on in this here truck and I'll take ya there."

"Um...I think it would be better if I just grabbed on to the bumper of your car and rode from behind."

The man shrugged his shoulder and pointed toward the back. Riding her skate board over toward the back of his truck, she had knelt down and grabbed underneath his bumper. When the light turned green she had patted the truck so he knew she was situated. A big rush of wind had smacked her square in the face when the man stomped on the gas. If it wasn't for her good grip she would have been knocked off. The side of her mouth twitched as the man continued to go straight. She already had escape plans in her head if he wasn't taking her where she wanted to go.
Linden sighed. His little sister was probably his best friend in the entire world, and here she was having fun all by herself. He would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous. Of the 7 monsters spawned from the she-ogre, Roe and Linden were almost inseparable... "In all your exploring, did you see a movie theater, or decent place to eat? You can tell me more about how much fun you're having without your big bro then." He gently ruffled her hair.

Roe smiled and stood up. She wasa good two inches taller than her brother, but he didn't seem to mind. "Hai!" She exclaimed, and struck a pose she'd once seen on dragon ball z. Her brother was just as much a fool for anime as she was.

Both stepping away from the apartment complex, Roe and Linden began to look for something to do.
Barely conscious, Farra felt like she had just been dipped in acid, deep fried, then stripped of any skin she had left. "I just--I'm just tired. Sorry about...ya know. What just happened. You should go and catch up with the others. I'll be fine," she said, lying through her teeth. She hoped she wasn't too obvious. Pulling her self up and grimacing, Farra grabbed the door post, jerked the door open, and threw herself in. "I'll be fine," she called weakly to Dominic. "Go ahead with them and have a good time. I'll have time to talk to all of you later, probably. If I don't die first." She laughed weakly and drifted off to the dark sleep of unconsciousness.


-Two pamphlets

-Gaming Laptop


-White Headphones
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Damian watched as Dominic helped Farra off from her slump. He was curious as to what's wrong with her. She seemed stable a few minutes prior, but this sudden decline in energy was practically alarming. He was almost driven to help Dominic with Ferra but at the same time he didn't want to leave the group, and their newest addition which grew even more curiosity. Damian figured he was just a latecomer, but it was really late. The school hours had ended already. In his head he had so many questions but his ineptitude left him speechless. Without Dominic around he was stripped of any sort of social power. Hanging his head some, trying and keep from the scene, Damian had backed off some. Keeping with the group while at the same time separating himself.

Mp3 Player

Nintendo 3DS

House Keys

The sunlight on the gym floor was extending towards the opposite wall. The group's shadows followed suit. It was strange, in the golden light it was plain to see that each figure had different qualities. She heard her own tired voice chuckling inside her head. Hotaru didn't even know who was who aside from Farra, Alice, Phillips, James, Adonna, and Roe. Half of them weren't even there. The group should try to Hotaru's sea foam green hair was slowly coming undone from the braid. She pulled the braid forward and clutched the sketch paper on the slate and pencil to her body. Hotaru watched as Farra, a girl who she considered as a friend, leave with a boy named Dominic. The said boy managed to almost hit a quite intimidating and tall boy. She tilted her head and flipped the paper over. In slightly big letters, she wrote, "I'm Hotaru, nice to meet you. Who are you? Will you be my friend? (●⌒∇⌒●) Please?" Hotaru drew a happy face next to the words. She had a feeling that she will be needing it a lot. Hotaru held the sign out to the people who she didn't know. Finally, she showed it to the boy who had arrived late.


| Evening |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Dominic could see through her front. 'I'm fine', in most cases, meant the total opposite. He could tell from just looking at her that something had gone wrong on the inside. Perhaps it's a condition? Either way, Dominic felt as if he didn't know the girl well enough to get involved too much, still, that didn't mean he didn't care.

All he could do was nod in her direction and watch as the door separated the two. That was when he traced his steps back outside and towards the group, who he half-expected not to be there.
"That didn't take too long, did it?" asking no one in particular. He had given them a smile before glancing up at the darkening sky. "If anyone's going to get a good feel of the town, it may as well be now." Brookfield had no high crime rates, and even if it did, Dominic's group would be too large for anything to happen. The key was to stick with the herd, don't get caught slacking by the wolf.

"Let's get moving." Once again he took to leading the group beyond the school gates and out into the night town. Luckily, it was half past sunset, so the sun's light still acted in their favor for now.

Several minutes passed as they traversed through the suburbs. Dominic took it upon himself to point them in the direction of where he stayed, in case anyone would need him. They would know what his house looked like, as well as the location. Even later on, they arrived at the downtown area, which felt much bigger once they were actually in it. The streets frequented cars like a network still, and shops still remained open, their interior and sign lights illuminating the paths as well as the street lights did.

From there, Dominic showed them the different stores in town. A local clothing store, a Walmart, they even passed by a bike shop, but that was closed. Finally, they arrived at Dominic's main attraction - Soul Food, the restaurant he thought highly of before. The place was still full of people, but not to an extent where it was uncomfortable. Dominic spun around on his heels with his back facing the restaurant. "Well, this about wraps up the tour. I would have shown you more, but it's pretty late as it is. No doubt the school's going to want us to buy supplies tomorrow, so we should all meet up tomorrow and do a bit of shopping." It was an honest proposition, one that Dominic knew he wouldn't pass up. "How's that sound?"
Hotaru looked at the restaurant behind Dominic, the Soul Food. She had made mental notes of where everywhere was, this way she wouldn't get lost at all. The Soul Food, it seemed business has been blooming and everyone seemed to enjoy it. She put her focus back to Dominic.

"-buy supplies tomorrow, so we should all meet up tomorrow and do a bit of shopping. How's that sound?" Hotaru nodded in time, she then gestured with her hands. She was asking where and when to meet up.

Dead Marker

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Stolen pencil

Alice watched as Dominic went off with the girl "Farra" or so she recalled from Phillips but she wasn't quite sure what the girl's name was since she never got to chat with her yet. Watching them disappear, she turned her attention back to the 'oh-so-scary' man that Dominic hit and then at Hotaru as she tried to befriend the big guy.

Alice wasn't gonna try to speak to the man and turned to look at the other group, noticing Damien was keeping a good distant away from them. But before she could say anything to him, Dominic returned and took the lead once more. Alice glanced back at Damien and sighed,"I guess tomorrow I can chat with him." She thought following Dominic, the sunset shining brightly on her light blonde hair.

After the event, her feet felt like they were dying from the walk they had. First, they went to Dominic's house but they didn't go inside and after that they went sightseeing in the city. The sky was dark and filled with little stars but they were barely see able since they were in the city part of Brookfield. Walking through the city was also hard on Alice since she was very small and the crowd were quite tall but luckily she was able to follow the group.

Once they exited out of the crowd, Dominic lead them to some shops like Walmart and a bike shop but it was sadly closed but it was understandable since it was night time. Along the way, he even showed them a restaurant called "Soul Food" a strange name for a restaurant but she had seen much stranger names then that.

The tour soon coming to an end for the night, she looked up at the sky and saw the moon finally up in the sky and some stars twinkling in the night sky. To Alice's surprise, her first day at school wasn't so bad but she wouldn't admit that to the group who she could now call as 'friends'. Looking towards Dominic, she gave a nod and smiled slightly but it was hardly a smile,"Sure, I don't mind. Just call me over whenever." She said getting her phone out and ripped out a piece of paper from her notebook, she wrote her number, handing it to Dominic.


Notebook and Pencils ( Only 15 more paper left and two pencils )


Damian chuckled as Hotaru showed around her paper to the group, showing us the question she wrote down. He thought it was adorable in a way. Though he began to wonder why was she rendered mute. More and more questions, this was an interesting crowd indeed. Despite the diversity of personalities and how no one was necessarily intimidating, save for the guy who almost got hit by a door, Damian still didn't feel he fit in... Freeing him from his thoughts again came Dominic breaking the ice. He opt that the group had begun their journey throughout the town. From his tour, Brookfield was nice. Decently populated, not too hectic, alive during the night, pretty clean too. While the trip was enjoyable, it ended on a blunt note with it getting dark out. Much to Damian's dismay, he had to go home. Enzo had said his goodbye and even invited the crowed to school shopping tomorrow. Unfortunately for Damian he already did his shopping ahead of time with his mother a week before they moved to Brookfield. Seeing as how the whole endeavor is over and done with Damian had just rose his voice to Dominic: "I'm going back home. I'll uhh.. Message you on Skype whenever you get in. I'll tag along tomorrow if things are hectic in the house. See you." Damian had turned around, giving a weak wave at the rest of his schoolmates. His face looking downward, Damian had made his leave back to his home in the cul-de-sac...

...Reaching his block, he could see his house lights shine through the draped windows. He made his way in, the television on and his mother serving up dinner. His baby sister was on the floor in front of the television playing with plush dolls gifted to her by her father's side of the family. Damian's step-father didn't seem to be in the house, which was a joy to him. Damian closed the door behind him, the shut vibrated through the walls and caught the attention of the ladies inside. The baby reacting positively to her older brothers arrival home, she waddled over to his feet and rose her arms to be hoisted up. Damian of course gave his sister what he wanted and carried her into the kitchen where his mother was. Damian's mother had turned her head, chuckling some. Seeing Damian hold his sister was always a warm sight. "You wanted your brother to carry you? You got your big brother to carry you around?" Damian's mother exclaimed playfully. The baby had hopped around in her brothers arms, laughing at her mothers playfulness. Damian cracked a weak smile and looked at his mothers cooking: Pasta and meatballs, with some homemade cheesebread. It was nothing new, but Damian loved it. "So someone's back a little later than expected. You had fun being out today?" His mother asked. "Yeah... I ran into Dominic. You remember him, I hope. Guy I talk to online all the time with." "Oh that's right! He does go to school here! So you do get to have a friend day one! You should invite him over some day so I can meet him." Damian grimaced a little. The thought of bringing anyone to his house with his current domestic situation wasn't appealing to him. "Maybe. I'll see what I can do Mom." Damian put his sister down in front of the archway sectioning the kitchen and dining room. The infant had waddled her way back to her play area. Damian wasn't far behind, he went upstairs and entered his room. Undressing himself and getting into some more comfortable clothes. Afterwards, he booted up his Desktop and checked his messages. None. Nothing new, not many people frequently messaged him on a daily basis besides Dominic. Damian wasn't hungry yet so he decided to again boot up a game of Dark Souls.
Jacen sat in his dorm, sipping some tea he had picked up from a cafe not too far into the suburbs. His

played through his earbuds as he laid out the events of the day in his head while writing something down in a notebook.
Alright. I got my ID and schedule, then insta-blocked a door. Met a nervous guy, saw a girl almost pass out, saw a quiet guy, and probably intimidated the spirits out of that other girl...she was pretty cute though. Found some good places to shop, got my on-site supplies and some really good tea...not bad for a first day. Who knows...maybe it'll be different here and I actually get to say two words to them before they write me off.

He inspected his forearm, noticing that there was barely even a mark left from the relatively heavy door.

I either got a lot better and my skin got a lot tougher, or that door is some sort of illusion.It wasn't too bad of a day...granted very similar to the last few first days, but by no means bad. At least he blocked the door this time.

Jacen's Inventory:

Tea(cream and sugar)

MP3 player+earbuds

Black rhyme notebook

Mechanical pencil.
Reese sat on a bench out in the courtyard just looking up at the setting sun and the corresponding moon. It was a really lovely evening and his migraine from earlier had subsided drastically, though the pain still lingered a bit... He thought about the days events that took place and laughed quietly to himself. He even managed to introduce himself to somebody... Maybe that would be his first friend, or perhaps something more. Reese sighed as he moved his bangs from his right eye, the daylight having no impact on his vision since it was so dim. From an onlooker this would appear to be a pretty depressed scene. Maybe even Emo. But what do I know, I'm just narrating this story.

He kicked a pebble that was on the ground and it hit a tree that was in front of him... *Insert extra long writing paragraph here with amazing detail on his clothing and the stars and constellations and how pluto isn't a planet, or is it...*
Anabelle was walking around the courtyard. She had felt her dormroom was getting a bit stuffy and it was no fun having no real people around to talk to. As she brushed the hair off of her head she noticed the guy from earlier today. She thought she'd sneak up behind him and surprise him. Anabelle tiptoed and covered Reese's eyes with her hands, "Hey, guess who~!" she said giggling.
Nikky set her belongings inside her dorm, it was all a new experience. She wasn't quite sure how to feel, she certainly wasn't one to to be excited about a new school. "I feel... hm..." She swung her suitcase onto her bed. she looked out the window and assumed a thoughtful pose as she watched the clouds drift across the sea of orange and blue. "Like pondering, the ever changing world, the complex yet not complex lives people live and her own purpose in the world.." She grinned, actually she was thinking about how awesome a snicker bar would be right about now. the window sat above a desk, she placed the laptop she was given on it.

"All summer you've been sulking around, Meeting some fresh faces will do you some good. It might even improve your social skills"

Nikky pouted, "Pfft, my communication skills are just fine!"

Despite being away from her home town the memory still managed to get under her skin, so she grabbed her red hoodie out of her suitcase and went outside for a short walk.

"Clear up the mind pores and whatnot."
Reese was shocked for a moment as he took the girl's hands and removed them from his face.

"An.. Anabelle?!" He exclaimed as he turned around to face her. His eyes leveled out back to normal and both of them glistened bright blue in the sunset, rather than one being covered up by his long luscious and gorgeous, gravity defying, delicious, chestnut colored hair...

"I was almost scared there for a moment..." He said, thinking about a certain pink haired girl from an anime he had watched called Mirai Nikki, or The Future Diaries...

"So What are you doing out here?" He asked curiously, as he thought he was the only one dumb enough to look like a depressed emo kid staring at the stars.
Anabelle laughed, "Hey, you remembered me~!" she smiled at him, "and I didn't mean to scare you!" Anabelle sat down next to him when he asked her what she was doing out here.

"Huh? Oh, well my room was just getting kinda claustrophobic and I didn't have any real people to talk to so I thought I'd come out here and see someone." Anabelle smiled at Reese, "so why are you out here?"
Reese dramatically looked up at the sky again. A scene that now looked like it came out of a depressed emo MOVIE. It was no longer pathetic, but a movie.

"I like to look at the setting sun and the stars.." He replied with a somewhat lie. He snickered for being so cheesy.

"No but really, my head was just hurting, I needed to get some fresh air I guess..." He said as he put a hand to his head where a small pain was still occurring... It throbbed a bit, acting like a constant reminder.


| Evening |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Dominic flared internally after realizing what he was given. A fragment of paper containing the holy digits many men struggle to achieve. It took him a moment to register in his mind that he had to actually save that number. Stuffing the note in his pocket, he glanced off towards Damian who was just about ready to peel away from the group entirely to head home. "Right, I'll contact you if I don't collapse when I get in." The mention of falling alone made his legs hurt. Dominic was a athlete of sorts, why was he feeling tired?

"I should be heading home too. It's been nice monitoring your performance as a guide. Catch you all later." Like Damian, Phillips too took his leave, only he was heading back towards the dormitory. Dominic's grey orbs traced back to the remaining girls - Hotaru and Alice. "Oh yeah, location. Let's meet up inside here in the morning. It'll probably be the easiest place for everyone to remember." He let off a smile at his own words. "Anyway, I'll walk you two home. It's risky being out here with a small group such as ours now."
Nikky headed outside with a pep in her step, she almost felt like singing. She missed the tour of the school so she decided to do some touring of her own. Perhaps even find some secret treasure; as she walked about the school perimeter she noticed two figures sitting and chitchatting. "How romantic, a sunset image of a couple chatting about their romantic future" she swooned and smiled then turned back around to investigate other places. Though... walking in on their special little moment seemed like a interesting idea as well.
Alice watched as the group decreased, watching Damien and Phillips leaving, giving them a wave. She then looked to Dominic with glaring blue eyes at him feeling she was being told of how she looked fragile,"Are you saying I'm weak?" She asked annoyed now. She hated being known for being a girl and seemingly weak but she could fight on her own too. She didn't notice though that Dominic didn't mean that but she had her pride being in judo and kendo for so many years now.


Notebook and Pencils ( Only 15 more paper left and two pencils )


Hotaru nodded gratefully, she pondered on whether she should give her number to Alice and Dominic. She quickly jot down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to Alice with a smile. She was a bit hesitant, but Hotaru managed to write out her number to Dominic as well. Hearing Alice's comment, she became worried and shook her head. Hotaru tried to be reassuring her that Dominic was being only nice.


| Evening |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Just as the number he was given before, Dominic was again surprised by just how easy it was to socialize. It could have been the fact that those he socialized with were new to town, and didn't have a choice, or it could be the fact that they pitied him, though that seemed unlikely since they haven't seen that side of him yet. Dominic stuffed the second note in his pocket happily feeling as if he had done something right for once.

Are you saying I'm weak?"

There it is.

Dominic reluctantly turned his head back to Alice, giving off a nervous chuckle because her eyes were digging holes in his soul. Any second now and she would have strike oil. "N-N-No that's-.. That's not what I'm saying!" Hands up in an apologized, easing manner, he took a few steps back. "I'm sure you can kick all kinds of ass, I'm just saying, yanno-.. What if your attacker has a gun, yeah? I'm just worried, that's all.."

  • Pack of 5Gum (x4)

    Old Cellphone (x1)

    $5 dollars.

    Alice's Number.

    Hotaru's Number.
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Farra blinked her eyes slowly as she regained consciousness. "Ugh...how long have I been out? My God," she moaned. She no longer felt as though she had been scalded in hot water, but she didn't exactly feel like a bag of rainbows and sunshine. "I wonder where everyone is," Farra mumbled softly. She rolled over and yelped in pain. "Not fun. Ew," she said quickly. She laid on her back for a few moments, then tried to pull herself into her room. "Little...closer," Farra grunted, reaching desperately for the handle when a mocking tone came from behind her. "Need a hand, little sis?" It said, and Farra tilted her head only to see the scarred, unwelcome face of her older brother, Icarus.

"Icarus! Out of jail so soon?" Farra's older brother was sent to prison for participating in fight clubs and dealing heavy drugs. "Hey, where's my hug? Wait a sec, you're incapacitated and trying to open the door... I see," he said, smirking. "Don't you dare--" started Farra, but her brother had scooped her up and hugged her tightly. "Stranger danger!" Farra yelped, her brother laughing. He opened the door with one hand, threw her over his shoulder, and walked in.

"Do, this is where you live?" He asked sarcastically. "It's a dump."

In reality, the room was sparkling clean, with her desk organized, bed made, and bathroom polished. "Just put me on the bed," grumbled Farra.

"Fine, fine," he brother said, laughing again. "So. Why are you even here in the first place? Did Mom and Dad kick you out again?" Farra said, cutting to the chase. "Yes, alright, I was hoping to crash here for a few days until I situate myself in here." Farra gaped at him, gawking at his scarred face, Abby clothing, and beat-up arms. "If you haven't noticed, this is a high school. Not a hotel," Farra said slowly. "Alright. Alright, fine. I'm leaving," Icarus sighed, walking towards the door; but before he left, he popped his head in and said brightly, "I'll be back tomorrow!"

Farra screamed. Her throat was sore, she had a wicked headache, and her jailbird brother was coming to stay. Great. This day could NOT get worse.
A smile came to Shun's face as he departed from the academy and began walking along the path that would return him to the dorm. For once Shun was in high spirits as the afternoon spent with the art club president was certainly time well spent. As Shun recalled the excitement the president had shown when he learned that another artistic talent existed in the academy, he couldn't help but chuckle in response to the memory. In his past school, Shun had always been regarded as a anti-social figure destined to isolate himself from society; yet in reality, Shun truly enjoyed the company certain individuals, as it was simply the peace found in the company of few that he preferred over active social interactions with many.

As Shun returned home, the sun slowly began to reside from the height of its glory, leaving a wave of crimson red to once again overtake the morning's throne and signal the coming of night's reign. Remembering how the citizens of Brookfield retired earlier than most, Shun hastened his pace in attempt to quickly lighten his load, and make way into the city before the closing of most sources of food. Rushing through the dorm's lobby and up the flight of stairs leading to the second floor where he resided, Shun burst through the door he had left unlocked and gently set his supplies in the center of the room; however, it was the gentle humming originating from a feminine voice that quickly left him bewildered. Reading a manga atop his bed was a girl who had yet to recognize Shun's arrival due to the headphones in her ears, and therefore began muttering to herself in an annoyed voice.

"Jeez how long does classes last at this school. Its going on evening already," she said with a sigh after checking the time on her phone and subsequently tossing it off the bed in her annoyance.

Catching the phone midair, Shun sat down on the edge of his bed and tossed it on top of the girl before replying to her words.

"Ya know if you break this one I'm not going to be buying you another." he said before breaking into a laughing fit in response to her startled reaction from the sudden voice. "Ashlei, what are you doing here!" he exclaimed after his laughs were quickly silenced by an icy stare from the girl. "Actually no, how did you get in here? This is an all boys dorm."

Ashlei shook her head with a sigh as if she were disappointed in the boy she had come to see.

"Tactless as ever," she teased with the hint of a smile before reaching forward and embracing Shun in a gracious hug.

"I'm from this town, Shun. Not very surprising for me to be visiting a friend whose in town," she said after she broke the hug and lazily seated herself against one of the walls adjacent to the bed. " As for how I got in. Family is allowed to visit, and I'm just here delivering something from home." she added with a mischievous smile as she presented several large bento boxes filled with her homemade meal. "The staff here is really quite gullible."

Ashlei was an old friend originating from Shun's old high school. Being two years older than he was, Ashlei had already graduated before Shun left the school, and it was due to her college fall break that she had temporarily returned home and was currently sitting in his dorm.

"Shun..." she began with a saddened tone while setting their dinner aside as her mischievous smile was quickly replaced with a serious stare. "I know I'm to blame for you attending this school and I know that its what you want, but your mum..." Her voice quickly trailed off in response to Shun's immediate icy glare on the mention of the word mum.

"Look just give it some thought, alright?" she quickly added before Shun could say anything in reply.

Grabbing the bento boxes she had previously set aside, she distributed them across the open space on Shun's bed then shoved a pair of chopsticks into his face.

"Anyways, let's eat!" she happily exclaimed effectively changing the subject from the delicate matter she had touched upon.


"So remind me again..Just why you are sleeping here for the night when you live in this town?" Shun asked in a perplexed tone as he sat in his wooden chair facing Ashlei who had become sleepy from the dinner several hours ago and was now happily making use of his bed.

"Two reasons," she began in reply after a loud yawn. "Firstly I am tired and don't feel like walking, and secondly you shouldn't walk around this town at night."

"How come?" Shun quickly asked with a sudden curiosity evident in his voice.

"Because this town has a history of being cursed. Demons roam the streets at night. Piss one off you might not get to see the rising sun," she concluded with a quick wink before rolling onto her side to fall asleep.

Shun could only face palm and sigh in response to Ashlei's answer as he became slightly embarrassed that he had expected a serious reply from his friend. The girl was known for her obsession over tall tales, especially ones that were haunted, so it was no surprise to Shun that there would be some ghost story concerning the town at hand.

"Whatever, sleep on one end of the bed so there's room for me," he said with a smile as the half asleep Ashlei slowly began rolling until she came in contact with the wall where her light snores soon became audible signaling she had officially fallen asleep. Pulling out his iPhone, Shun began scrolling through the phones options until he had opened the list of blocked numbers where only one number was listed. Taking a deep breath, Shun removed the number after a lengthy pause, and not even a minute after the action had been completed, his ringtone began playing with the number that he had just removed displayed on the phone's screen.

Just how desperate are you to try calling me every night like this, Shun thought to himself and he stared at the phone debating whether to answer the call. Silencing his phone, Shun tossed it into a pile of cloths where the vibrations became dulled and hardly audible.

"One step at a time..." Shun said as he changed into his pajamas and crawled onto the empty side of his bed. Although there were many thoughts on his mind as he blankly stared into the ceiling, it was only a moment later until the day's fatigue caught up and soon sent him to join Ashlei into the realm of dreams.

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