- Zodiac - [Inactive]

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Boone's expression remained blank during Farra's brief statement as to her reasons being there. The light reflecting off of his glasses didn't help to reveal those emotions. "Rarely do I hear Red speak highly of someone other than himself." His head turned to Red for a moment before looking back at Farra. "Unfortunately, even if you do have the.. 'spunk', you'll need to wait at least a month before you're ready to lead any official clubs. After that, you'll either need the votes of your peers, or a single vote by me."

"On the contrary, I can administer you into the Disciplinary Committee as a standard enforcer if it's all the same to you?"

After Alice, Dominic was next up in line. He was quite to jot down the information needed. Maybe it was because he was a fourth year and had experienced clubs over and over, maybe not. The two moved off to the side, then came the introductions.
"Dominic. My friend usually just calls me Dom, though." Friend? It would have sounded less pathetic if he didn't state that his only real friend was Ben. "What state are you from, Alice? I take it you're a transfer student."
"Dominic?" She repeated over and over in her head so she wouldn't forget and look dumb for forgetting his name. She then snapped out of her thoughts once Dom asked for her homeland. Not sure whether to tell him since he was a complete stranger to her, she took her chances and told him,"You're correct that I'm a transfer student from a foreign country called 'England' or 'United Kingdom' whatever people like to call it." She said with a shrug. She didn't seem too eager saying her home country since it was mostly a very boring and strict country where she made rarely any friends. In England, it was just another place she could call 'home' but now she moved and this is her 'home' from now on till she graduates.

"Since we're teammates, I guess we'll have to get along now Dom." She said starting off first,"So since you asked where I'm from, I'll ask you the same question." She said referring to the question he asked her first.
Damian had closed the black iron door behind him, along with the cries of an infant and yelling of two adult voices lashing at each other. He sighed while locking the door and pulling his hood over his face to shield his eyes from the sunlight. It was only 10AM, the sun was still below the midpoint of the sky, birds were chirping, parked vehicles had already left the cul-de-sac, and total silence had set in. Save for the echoing of Damian's yelling parents and crying baby sister. Damian groaned while squeezing the sides of his eyes in aggravation. This morning hadn't been so pleasant for him, with his parents arguing, having to get up for Clubs he didn't care about, and possibly running into unnecessary interaction. The very thought of how populated the school grounds may have been almost intimidated Damian. "Okay, Damian. Relax.. It shouldn't be that bad. I'm certain people would just be focused on clubs. Just be as inconspicuous as you always are and you should be fine. Yeah... Fine..." Damian had pulled out a pair of headphones from his pockets and booted up his mp3 player, turning to

. Cranking the volume to 100% he began his slow, reluctant jaunt back to school...
...After fifteen minutes of walking, Damian reached his destination and boy was he ever upset to have been right. The school grounds was bustling with students of all Years, presumably for the Clubs. He had no idea this many people would've taken an interest. Upon going passed the gates, he removed his hood out of decency and entered through the front doors. Inside he could hear the skids of sneakers and pounding echo of hard leather balls hitting the floor. That may have been the answer to his question about how so many students had shown up. Following the noise and going off memory of where the Gym was located from yesterdays tour, he found that the doors were open and multiple stands had been made for the clubs. Turning his head, Damian noticed the other side of the Gym was used for sports practice, he assumed. Damian simply blew from his nose and turned towards his actual interests. Digging his hands into his pockets, Damian found a Club board pinned on the wall. The only clubs he found worth considering was Chess Club, Art Club, Game Club, and Insect Club. Thanks to playing hours of Animal Crossing, Damian grew an interest in insects. Tilting his head in thought he wondered if Game Club would be something he could get into. That is, if it's the type of games he's thinking of. Though it pays to be spontaneous once in a while so he wrote his name down for Game Club. While he would've considered art, he doesn't view himself much of an Artist. All he ever did was sculpt with modeling clay since he was in preschool, despite the amount of time spent on his craft, he had no confidence in it. Now that he signed up for something, he was unsure what to do. He didn't want to return home yet, and he had nowhere else to go. One option was to sit on the bleachers for a while, and the only option he wanted to go with currently. So he did just that. He walked up to the bleachers and took a seat, pulling out a 3DS from his other pocket and began fiddling around with it.

Nintendo 3DS

House Keys

Mp3 player

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Ukime looked at his face, he seemed to be frustrated. She was good at reading body language or perhaps it was just her being good at observing people. You could say this was a hobby of her's since she didn't talk much to people. The look on his face though made her regret the idea of even helping the guy. If he was so bent on being helped by a female then how much would he be bent on being beat up by one. The thought was being considered in her head as she squinted her eyes. The thought perished when she remembered what Phillip said about giving her a tour. He was part of the school right, so maybe he was out here today for club sign ups.

"No problem. I wanted to shoot some hoops but I thought you needed to be attended to first. If I had hurt your pride in any way don't think of it like that. In a sense you have your own private nurse I guess. From all the movies I've seen most use this chance to gain an ally or an underling. If you need help with anything else, I guess you can just call for me."

She didn't need to wave bye nor give him any last look. He didn't deserve any of them, sure he said thank you but thinking like that only irritated her. She jogged off away from him and tried to look for Phillip. Maybe he was in the gym. Running back inside it was as busy as ever. Getting to the front of the gym were she thought she had seen him would be tough. She thought about pretending it was a bunch of defenders on the basketball court but if she did that she'd probably be stared at. It was worth the shot though. She bent her knees a little and move her right hand for a second as if it was a ball. Putting the image in her head she narrowed her eyes and began to move. First it was to slide past the guy on her left then circle around the one moving toward her left into her center. Next was the three in front, turning sideways to pass the first two between their shoulders and then move from the thirds backside to his left.

"Having such a small body really does come in handy, then again practice pays off."

She laughed to herself as she was nearing the front. Her shoes squeaked against the gym floor as she moved in between and out of peoples way. One who was heading straight for a collision with her head and his own was evaded by her quick side step to the right and a quick step forward to evade the guy who she would bump beside her. A little habit of her picked up as she began to move both arms as if she was dribbling the ball between them. Seeing a break through the crowed and toward the front, she did a dash , leaning slightly to the side as if she would fall over. Breaking through she had stopped as if she were to shoot though her hands fell to her hips as she began to pant and look about.

"I swear I saw him."


Ukime inventory

Key's [1]

Pack of gum [5 pieces]

Yo yo [1]

Id [1]
"Hm. Is there any difference? Do I have to do something to get in?" Farra inquired. Well, great. She had to wait a month? Usually she could read emotions on people, but the Headmaster was another story. His face remained blank of emotion, and Farra seemed to get the impression that he found her amusing. But now was not the time to blow up again at the Royal Family. Farra had a position to get. "Well...I guess that would be a good place to start. There's only one more question: Do we get our own bathrooms?"




•two pamphlets
A scream..most certainly a sound considered bizarre under most situations in life, and even then, never one to be associated with the rise of the morning sun. For Shun, the previous night, like many before it, ended in a hazy blur as an acclimation of the day's fatigue combined with his general lack of sleep inevitably led to his collapse upon his return to his room. To his prior household, the occurrence of his lifeless body sprawled across arbitrary floors was common; however, to the staff attendant in charge of the dorm's morning cleaning, perhaps a scream was indeed a justified reaction in response to the appearance of a lifeless body laying atop a pool of murky liquid.

"There seems to have been some matter of concern among the dorm attendants with your room and yourself, Mr. Takumi."

These were the first of many words to be spoken to Shun by a middle aged woman sitting behind her desk labeled with hall director located in a quaint office found in the farthest corner of the dorm's lobby. In reply to these words was a yawn coming from Shun who was seated in front of the desk and was slowly returning to the sleep from whence he was "rudely awoken."

Seeing no legitimate response arriving on the horizon, the woman simply sighed before continuing her train of thought with a voice much more amplified from before.

"Care to explain what exactly is going on?" She began while pulling out a folder from where she began reciting the contents it contained. "Two cases of improper security measures, destruction of dorm equipment, vandalization of the dorm via paint, and an attempt to prank the attendants by playing dead. This doesn't even begin to include the fact that you blatantly skipped yesterday's tour and even as we speak you are over an hour late for the academy's club fair."

At this point in time, the director took a moments pause to regain her composure and close the folder before continuing her lecture with new enthusiasm fueled by the desire to re-correct Shun's "misbehavior."

"So with all of this in mind, how..."


Perhaps under normal circumstances Shun would have been regarded with suspicion from his appearance combining a chic style of dress with a covered load strapped against his back; however, in an air filled with peculiarities stemming from the coercive tactics of numerous clubs, Shun was simply viewed as but one of many students whose actions could only be described through the torturous monologue delivered by the club from whom they represented.

Waste of my time, Shun thought to himself with a sigh as he observed the ongoing chaos that stood before his throne of solitude, a corner along the far wall of the gym. While he did not consider himself to be socially inept, Shun could not deny the fact that he and the presence of others whom he shared no particular attachment too were two parts in a combination that was preordained to fail no matter the cause.

Despite being forced to attend under the "re-correction plan" issued by the hall director whom had paid no heed to his claims of innocence and misunderstanding, Shun had originally intended to visit the booth of the art club; however, with the commotion evading and crowd weaving determined necessary to reach his goal, the idea quickly became one that stood against his ideals of solitude and peace.

"The deal was to simply attend, not stay," he mumbled to himself in assurance of his weak interpretation of the director's demands as he began his trek toward the academy's main building. Along his original walk to the gym, Shun had taken the time to determine a particular gem of knowledge through various outlets of information, and it was from this gem that the door to a particular room within the academy now stood before him.

Ignoring the possible consequences of his actions with a shrug, Shun made his way into the room which was thankfully unlocked due to the probably transfer of occasional supplies between the art club's booth and the club room's resources. While lightening the load upon his back, Shun took a quick glance around the room and was instantly hit with a wave of nostalgia bringing forth memories of the past that he had spent in rooms much similar to the one at present. Taking a moment to admire the art of his peers that filled the space around him, Shun became momentarily lost in the beauty and soul that had been put forth into the various mediums ranging from simple charcoal to complex paintings filled with a spectrum beyond imagination. Breaking himself free from the trance of admiration, Shun began to set up his easel, complete with a fresh canvas and paints previously used in his dorm. Despite his action of entering the room without a club membership, Shun still retained enough respect to make use of his own supplies as his true purpose was to simply find peace from the frantic morning it had become. In addition, he figured at some point the club president would return, and it would be at that time he could present his desire to join.

Silence, Shun thought while smiling as he took hold of his brush and let himself go to the voice of his soul which screamed for a new mystery to be brought to light.

  • iPhone
  • easel
  • paint set
  • canvas
  • wallet

| Afternoon |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

From his oak table, Boone pinched one piece of paper from a pile that sat on his desk neatly to the side and set it on Farra's side of the desk, beside that was a pen. "You would just sign this as you would a regular club form. The reasons for signing up here in my office are plenty, one of them being that you can't just allow anyone to join the Committee." On the paper was of course the usual form setup that most clubs had, except for the Committee's official insignia that set members from the rest of the students. "You still have normal responsibilities as a student here, so don't lose sight over what's important."

The crowd inside of the gym continued to thin out more and more, almost to a point where the noise was tolerable. Dominic huffed silently watching the students take their leave by the dozens. However, most of his attention was on the girl in front of him. England? She would have been Dominic's first friend from over seas, the mere fact putting a smile on his face. "I was born on the east coast, but grew up here, in Brookfield. It's really a quiet town, so if you're a city person you probably noticed how boring it is here in the middle of nowhere." What good could Dominic say about Brookfield other than it being quiet? Crime rate? That didn't sound like something a high school student would worry about, not to him, at least.

His eyes skimmed over the room once again. Several people were still playing ball, one of them being Ukime, but he didn't know of her just yet. A dark but oddly familiar feeling radiated from the bleachers, shifting his eyes to the source, he spotted Damien fiddling with his 3DS by himself. "Wh-.. Damien?!" Dominic figured he wouldn't run into the boy ever since the two hadn't met up yesterday, but this was a surprise for him to be in the gym at a time like this.
Even if Dominic didn't say anything, Alice could already tell how boring the place was but even in England it was boring to her as she shrugged not really caring how boring the place became,"This is normal to me. England would have been more boring with their cheers for the queen." She said annoyed by how her land was always for the queen but she was the queen and that was how England is.

Turning her head to see a boy on the bleachers, Alice tilted her head, confused,"He's a friend of yours?" She asked curiously. She didn't know much people in the school except Dominic so far which was pretty sad if you ask her. She needed to at least make some friends and it seemed Dominic found her another friend at least she hoped it was.
His head focused in his game, he almost ignored the call of his name if it hadn't been a voice that sounded slightly familiar. It sounded alive, yet had a steady tone to it. It was very disctinctive as it was the only other voice he knew by instinct. He rose his head to the curiosity that had resonated through his ears, to find the shaggy headed titan that was his good friend from the internet, Dominic. His eyes lit up, seeing his only friend in person lifted his spirits from his already drab day. "Dominic! I was wondering when I'd run into you!" Damian said while hopping off his perch, and landing in front of Dominic with a clumsy stagger. "You're... Taller. Taller than I imagined..." Damian muttered with some disappointment. Being looked down upon hindered his confidence some, it was the curse of being a premature child. He would be shorter than most. Or this is just what Damian assumed. "Well, I guess I finally ran into you. School shouldn't be so bad, I hope. Did you umm.. Join a club or anything?" He asked with interest.

| Afternoon |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Dominic nodded his head happily to Alice's question. Damian coming to Brookfield had to be the only thing Dominic looked forward to about the new school year. To his surprise - when Damian approached them - The boy seemed much shorter than what Dominic imagined originally. "Yeah, I did, thanks to Alice here." He sidestepped in a way where the two could get a better look at one another. "Alice, this is a friend of mine I met on the internet. He's also new to Brookfield." His head turned to Damian. "And this is Alice. If it weren't for me meeting her today, I would have probably missed club signups. I've been pretty indecisive lately." A trait that could have gone unmentioned.

And on that note, the club members were dissembling their booths and packing up. The art club booth, who consisted of only one person, began to move his supplies back into the art room where thankfully a lot of his equipment resided. To his surprise, he stumbled across Shun who was seemingly enjoying himself a painting on a spare canvas.
"Uhm-.. Hey.." He muttered cautiously with a hint of interest in what was actually being drawn. "Are you.. part of the Art club?"
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Damian had fixed his glare over to the newly introduced, Alice. Considering he hadn't met Alice before he wasn't sure how to act naturally, this wasn't a chat room where he could say whatever and immediately be accepted... Closing his hands together and fiddling with his fingers, Damian nervous pushed a shaky grin towards Alice. "Umm.. Hello, Alice." He said in a hushed tone. He was surprised to see that Dominic made a female friend so quickly, especially with his back luck.
Alice watched as the boy came up to them and examined him closely to get a little understanding of him,"Hmm... quite tall, dark eyes, he seems to like games..." She thought in her head taking in every little detail and nodded slightly. Looking back to Damien, she gave a small smile to him in return to show that she wouldn't bite,"Hello Damien, I'm Alice Boris Nanaka. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said trying her best not to sound rude but that was just her personality she was born with. She couldn't change that bad habit of hers so easily.

Remembering he was playing some game, she thought of starting a little conversation with him to get a little information to know of Damien"So what the game you're playing if I may ask?" She asked curiously since she, herself played some video games but they were mostly about horror and adventure, some about romance but that was kept to herself, of course.
Ukime wanted to play a little bit more since half her time wasted helping the other student. Having the ball tossed to her she began to bounce the ball beside her leg. The boy who had signed up after her was on defense and had his hands stretched out to block her path. He was much taller than her and had both the long legs and arms. He was small though, not very built despite his frame and age. Ukime narrrowed her eyes as she shot the ball between his spaced legs. The boy looked down to see the ball go between him, when he had looked down Ukime dashed underneath his arms and grabbed the ball with her right hand and began to dribble.

The man had turned around and started running after her, trying to knock the ball form her hands before she can make a shot. Every time he tried to hit it she would switch to the opposite hand, sometimes toying with him as she would fake drop it. When she neared the court she had stopped then stepped back, fooling the boy as he continued to run forward. As she stepped back she stopped then jumped up a little and tossed the ball. With a perfect stance, perfect handle on the ball and a good feeling the hit could not miss. She gave a smile reassuring this fact as the ball slammed into the hoop and fell through. Landing on her feet she used her wrist sweat band to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"Your pretty good for a freshman."

"I'm a junor."

"Oh...your real short, what are you 4'5 , 5'3."

Ukime panted as she walked over toward the basketball rack to put the ball away. His guess on her height made her laugh a little. She wasn't that short, he was just too tall.


"You got good power in your legs ,and swift movements. You might be a good asset on this team."

She nodded her head in thanks, not sure of what else to say. She grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it. She wasn't really all that tired but getting into a game after quitting basketball for a few years. Her legs ached and she could feel her calf muscles twitch. It was refreshing though. Before leaving she turned back toward him with her hands on her hips.

"Do you know where I can find Phillip."
Damian had arched his brow, surprised she was curious about his video game. "Oh this? Well umm, it's just Animal Crossing. Nothing seen amongst the prototypical..." He said making air quotations. "...gamer. It's relaxing... So I tend to play it often. And umm.. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Alice. I uhh... Feel a little rude for not exclaiming my full government so, my name is Damian Lucas. I'm no fan of my middle name, please forgive my insecurities... Oh! You mentioned you helped Dom' find a club?" Damian asked, tilting his head to the right some. He was shocked at how open he was being. Regularly he would cut things after the greetings, but he felt oddly comfortable around her. Maybe it was just Dominic being beside him.
Hotaru held up her sign again, this time she revised it, "WHERE THE HECK IS THE ART CLUB? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" Hotaru decided that he girl then proceeded to draw another Japanese emoticon, this time it was a person flipping a table over. She held the sign up with a stoic face. People continued to ignore her. People began to pack up and Hotaru was seen without a club, she had just enough of this stupid school. Why was it out in the middle of nowhere? Why did her grandpa abandon her here? And why the hell is there no clubs about creepy supernatural stuff? Hotaru was letting off steam mentally, now all she had to do was let her rage out. This school will have hell to pay, so will her grandpa.

Hotaru waited for the crowd of students to quiet down as she stood up on the nearest empty table. She overlooked everyone with her emotionless eyes and jumped off the table. Hotaru pushed the table upwards and it fell on the ground with it's legs up high. She then held up her sign for all to see, once she did she slammed her slate on the ground and sat on the flipped table. This place is stupid. Her grandpa is stupid. Hotaru is stupid.

In front of her about six tables away, was the art club table, untouched and seen by all. Goddammit.

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)

Abused slate

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Alice nodded but was quite curious of the game "Animal Crossing", "I'll have to get that game and see what it's all about then." She thought interested in playing it since it been awhile since she lasted played a video game after moving. She then looked to Damien and nodded slightly,"It is fine Damien." She said reassuring him that he was safe but then pointed to the students who were in charge of the soccer club,"Yes, I helped Dom with clubs, we chose the soccer club since it was the only thing interesting out of all the other clubs." She said,"You should join too if you like." She added but to see him join in was hard to see in Alice's mind since he seemed to be weak in sports.



Notebook with pencils

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| Afternoon |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

"Hey hey, what pissed you off?" Called a voice belonging to Phillip, probably the most socially acceptable student in the school. He had witnessed Hotaru's brief outrage since it began, and he took it upon himself to pick up the thrown slate and give it a glance before peeking back at Hotaru. "You're looking for the Art club?.." Phillip looked over his shoulder in an effort to examine the remaining stalls at a distance.

"They're probably packed up by now. I know an art club exists, though." Looking back the girl, he frowned briefly. She was probably a new student lost all by her lonesome. It looked that way, anyhow. "I'm going to assume you missed your window of opportunity."

Dominic listened as his two peers conversed among themselves. All the while he had a recurring question in the back of his mind;
Where is Ben? His friend stayed in the dorms, a walk between that and the school itself should have only taken 5 minutes. A sigh escaped Dominic's mouth that could have even be heard.

Pack of 5Gum (x4)

Old Cellphone (x1)

$5 dollars.

"Mhm. Yeah. Okay, thanksforyourtimeI'mjustgoingtotakethispapernow!" Farra spoke rapidly, grabbing the paper, scribbling her name down after reading it quickly. She grabbed her bag, and ran out the door; but popped her head in really fast just to add, "Thank you for your time, sir!" And with that, Farra ran like hell down the hall.

Farra sprinted down the hallway as fast as she could. That paper had given her bad vibes, like she was selling her soul to Satan or something. Come on, Farra, she thought. The Headmaster is not Satan. Get it together. Given the fact that she had most likely weirded out the Headmaster and his son, she decided that she should camp out in her room. Forever. But her pride couldn't take a beating like that too badly. "Well, you've already screwed yourself over, so...better go check out the rest of those clubs. Maybe I can choose a secondary that doesn't involve me signing creepy papers," Farra said to herself. And so Farra headed back to the gym, where the crowd had begun to thin.

"Anything actually worth my time here?" she asked loudly, much to the annoyance and disgust to the stand runners. "Great, the Loud-Spoken Newbie is back," one muttered, and Farra shot them a sparkling grin. She went over to the Art Club table, where she saw a cutesy girl with an Expo marker and slate. "Artist, eh? I'm Farra. You are?"


-2 pamphlets


-White headphones

-Gaming laptop
"Not a clue."

"Thanks anyways."

Grabbing a towel before she left the gym, she looked back toward the remaining students who lingered. Walking out the sun had caught her eye. Hissing she covered her eyes and made her way past the concrete basketball court and toward the path way that led back to where she was staying. She place the towel over her head, leaving a small rim to pass over her forehead to block most of the sun. She held on to the ends of her towel to keep it steady and to keep her hands busy. There wasn't much else for her to do today. Her main goal was accomplished, her side goal however was not but she didn't need to complete, especially not in this weather. She hummed as she made her way back to her dorm. Moving around in her pocket to feel a cold piece of metal somewhere.

"There it is."

Pulling out her key she unlocked her door and stepped in. Shutting it behind her, she threw the towel to the floor and walked toward the bathroom. She didn't like being sweaty for to long. She turned the shower to hot then walked back into the room where she sat in her chair and opened up her lap top. Typing in her password and signing on to the web, she typed in the url www.RpNation.com"
This pushed Hotaru into another stage of depression. She refrained from glaring at the boy, she took the slate from his hand and erased the contents. At that moment another girl had came up to her. Hotaru looked beyond the stalls as she wrote in hastily with a fading marker, "I'm Hotaru, and you two are?" Hotaru kept looking at the stall and back at her slate. She looked at the flipped table, pushed her braid towards her left, and frowned. Whenever her anger got the best of her, nothing will survive. Hotaru sent calming thoughts to the table, Come on, you can do it. She realized that she was being ridiculous.
And this was Izaya's big break.

A game club.

He'd already been standing awkwardly by the door to the club room for a few minutes, basking in how fun it will be to talk to others like himself. Maybe they'd even help him gang up on Beef!

He stepped forward, and knocked on the door before opening it. And stepped in.

It was quite a shock to him, to say the least.
I guess that just happened, Adonna thought, looking at the pamphlet yet again. She had no idea why- no, she knew why. It was because the club president of the Astronomy club had reminded her a good deal of her friend back home, the other chatterbug. There had been obvious differences, obviously. But that didn't stop her from feeling mad nostalgia. Like a girl possessed, she'd just signed up her name and information.

BANG! Startled out of her thoughts, Adonna looked up from the pamphlet in hand to the source of the sound. Isn't that... The green-haired girl, the one from earlier. Hotaru was her name, right? The girl was sittin' on a flipped table, and suddenly threw her board in a rage. What's going on... she began to walk over when a guy (wasn't that our tour guide?) and the dramatic loud girl who'd told Red off surrounded Hotaru.

Adonna paused mid-step.
Should I... she shook her head. Honestly, what the hell was considered protocol in this case? She was realizing how much she'd relied on her posse back at home. As she watched, it looked as though Phillip had a good handle on things. Yeah... she'll be fine... Adonna thought, hesitating. As if she wants to be crowded around, of all things, she decided. With that, she folded the pamphlet back together in her hand, then in half, shoving it into her back pocket (that was becoming all-too-stuffed with pamphlets), and meandered her was towards to exit.



Dorm Key

Pamphlet (x3)
"I'm Farra. I'm the incredibly beautiful and intelligent girl who stood up to Red earlier," Farra said sarcastically, dramatically flipping her luscious blue hair. "Don't mean to be rude, and if you hang around me I'll have moments such as these a lot, but why exactly are you writing on that slate?" she said quickly, as if to expel them from her mind as fast as she could. "If you haven't noticed yet, I'm kind of hyper and jumpy right now because I think I just sold my soul to Satan, but I'm not sure...so don't mind me, just tell your story!" Farra spewed words at 60 miles per hour, animating her words with hand motions. "Oh yeah, and there's another guy. Yo. I'm Farra, and I think I sold my soul to the Devil. What's your story? Wait, let Hotaru talk, I mean write, first."
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Soccer? The idea wasn't a bad one, but Damian was a pushover when it came to sports. His hand-eye coordination wasn't particularly off key, it was just he felt like his frame wasn't build enough for playing sports. That, and he didn't feel like he wanted to dedicate so much effort into a practice he couldn't really bring himself to enjoy. "Soccer? Thanks but I'll pass... Sports isn't my strong suit. Not too much confidence in my skill overall for any sport. Sorry." Damian had looked towards the ground for a brief moment, feeling the sting of embarrassment of having to decline the offer. Really, what was he to do? If he joined Soccer, it would've been awfully underwhelming the lack of talent he possesses with a ball. Doesn't help that his miniscule charisma wouldn't help him play off his mistakes as a joke to slip his way out of the teasing. While reflecting all of what's wrong with him joining a sports club, he heard Dominic let out a long sigh. It caught Damian's attention and worry. "What's up, dude?"
Anabelle was back in her dorm, hugging her application. She was certain that this was going to get her into the pep squad. Maybe this day wasn't so terrible after all. Anabelle set her application under her pillow and stood up, trying to decide if she should go anywhere, "Hmmm, I think wandering around the school campus would be a good idea. I wish I had that kid Reese's phone number. He could come with me and be, like, my BFF. I'll try and get his phone number on Monday..." Anabelle walked down the stairs and out onto the school grounds. She wondered where she could go today. She decided to go to the library and see if they had any good books. She walked through the grounds and into the library. "It's so big..." she whispered.

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