- Zodiac - [Inactive]

"Hey," Adonna greeted Hotaru. Maybe that had been the green-haired girl's plan: use the board to start a conversation. Well, it had worked, if nothing else. "I'm Adonna," she introduced herself to the both of them, "Oh, well, so far just Tennis," she replied to Roe's question, "I'm trying to see if there's a secondary club I should join somewhere, but... yeah, nothing so far. I saw you signed up for Security?"



Dorm Key

Pamphlets (x2)

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"Right you are, prick. Listen. I'm going to run for Student Body president, and I need your Granddaddy's approval. The people at the booth suggested that I talk to you, so here I am." Farra spouted off, waiting for a reaction. "Well? Are you going to--oh, forget it. You'll probably call you henchmen in Security to escort me away. Later, loser." Still waiting to see how he would react, Farra began to slowly walk away.




-Basketball sign up flyer



-Gaming Laptop
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Hotaru looked around the gym, there were many stands set up around them. She shook her head and wrote on her board, "I don't know." She drew a distressed face, "Any suggestions?"
"Ah... yeah. I thought I needed something else besides gardening... and I a natural disaster at sports." Roe gave a weak smile. "Tennis seems fun, did you play in your last school? You're a transfer... like me, right?" Roe scratched her head. "I'm not sure Hotaru... uh... what did you do last year?"
"So you garden? Nice. Short of watering houseplants, I've can say I've never done that. And, well, a little," Adonna made a small teeter-totter motion with her hand, "It was just a choice we could pick for P.E.," Adonna said. "Yeah, I am actually," she perked up a little, "Where you from, you know, before here..." she trailed off a little, looking at Hotaru's board. "Yeah," she said, agreeing to Roe's suggestion, "Or, what do you like doing the most?" she offered, hoping that would help with Hotaru's dilemma.

Even though Hotaru was with them now, she was still using the board. Though it would have been more convenient to just... wait... why hadn't Adonna realized that sooner? Well, then again, with all the weirdos so far, she'd just assumed that the girl was carrying a board around for funsies. But that didn't seem to be the case here. Before Hotaru could answer the other questions asked of her, Adonna asked,
"Are you..." what was the word... "Mute?"



Dorm Key

Pamphlets (x2)

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Alice walked through the gates without hesitation, wanting to get everything over with. She didn't know really where to go but just kept walking through the pathway and into the building. Examining her surrounding, she noticed the school board and went up to check on what events were starting. Reading through the many papers, she saw a very decorative paper saying about clubs.

Getting a closer look at the sheet the paper, it also told what clubs were available so far, there seemed to be two types of clubs. One called primary clubs and the other secondary clubs that were so far listed:


- Basketball

- Football

- Soccer

- Tennis

- Gymnastics

- Security


Just go look for them!

Scanning the paper she sighed at how the last part was very confusing to her, turning on her heel, she walked off to check out the sports clubs. She wasn't a big fan of sports but it seemed to be the only things that were listed. With another sigh of how disappointing the school seemed to her, pulling out the school map she got after enrolling into the school. She checked to see where the gym would be located, the gym wasn't that far from where she was, placing the map back into her bag, she went off, heading towards the gym.

After taking her sweet little time walking to the gym, she opened the door only to hear so many voices inside, her head starting to pound from the lack of sleep and the noises,"Ugh... Of all things" She thought slipping into the noisy gym. She looked around the place curiously, looking for where the Tennis, Basketball, or even the Soccer club could be at.

School Map

Books but mostly about Fantasies and Stars

Notebook with pencils

The girl with a peculiar way to communicate looked up as she wrote in her board, "We weren't required to join clubs." She erased it and wrote more words, "I like drawing, preforming rituals, playing games, and....that's about it." Hotaru flashed them a creepy smile. When Adonna asked her whether she was mute, Hotaru shook her head. Her face was clear of emotion as she wrote on her board, "I'm not mute."
"I'm from Florida... it was a pretty long drive." Roe laughed, thinking about all 9 members of her family crammed into the SUV. She hoped they never had to move again. "I'd prefer to work with dogs, but none of the schools I've been to seem to have kennels... so plants are the next best thing for me." Roe was infintely more comfortable. Socializing wasn't so hard. Just put one foot in front of the other, or in Roe's case, one word right after another. " Where you you from?"

Roe was a little confused... She'd heard Adonna ask Hotaku if she was mute, and it turned out... she wasn't? Maybe it's like an anime... or that book she read once where the girl lost her voice from a traumatic experience. Roe gasped... OR! She could be another little mermaid! She "said" she liked rituals... Maybe she gave her voice to come onto land... or in exchange for a magical board that brings everything she draws to life! Wait... Sighing... I watch way too much anime, Roe thought.
Adonna was surprised when Hotaru answered that she was not mute. Oh man, totally shouldn't have assumed that. "My mistake," Adonna said sincerely, holding up a hand, palm-out, in an apologetic motion. "Well... I think I saw a board-game club and a video-game club... and then just a 'game' club, I'm not sure what the difference was really..." Though Adonna said this, the only thing in her mind was: Performing Rituals? This girl either had a wicked sense of humor, or she was dead serious. Adonna couldn't tell. "...There's also art club," she recalled. And if I see a black-arts club, I'll definitely let you know.

She heard Roe speaking about being from Florida.
"Florida? Damn! And you drove all the way here?" Adonna grinned, shaking her head, "Long is putting it lightly. I came here from California. But I flew," she added with a shrug. "It sounds like you really like dogs," she chuckled lightly, "You have one of your own?"



Dorm Key

Pamphlets (x2)

"Okay! I'm almost done with my pep squad application, so I'm gonna fill out this quiz and leave, m'kay~?" Anabelle scribbled down the answer to the last question and handed Reese's pen back to him, "thanks so much for letting me borrow your pen. I'll see you 'round school~" Anabelle left with her application close to her so she wouldn't lose it.
The sound of an art club sparked her interests, Hotaru wrote down on the board with a smile, "If you may excuse me, it's time for me to get lost in this large school. Thank you!ヽ(*・ω・)ノ" She drew a cute excited face that resembled an emoticon from Japan. She realized that the art club would be considered as a secondary club. She still needed a primary. Sports was something she had never tried, maybe she could see how they were played and maybe somehow have skills to play. This is so hard. She thought with distress.

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Slate board

Marker--Uh oh~ It seems like she used it too much~

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

A pause fell between Red and Farra just after she had started walking. He blinked, almost as if the situation would disappear right there and then. No, she was serious about it. Although Red disliked her, she had been the second person Red has ever known to openly step up to him, Dominic being the first.

Red grabbed Farra's arm, halting her advance before letting go.
"You've got spunk, I can see that. Normally I'd outright refuse to talk to the Headmaster when it came to whelps, but you aren't just ordinary - No, you're a total pain in the ass. I like it. Why don't you come with me and show the Headmaster just how tough you really are?"


Dominic had been running for hours, the muscles in his legs threatened to tear and his bones were just about ready to snap. Still, he refused to stop. Lives were on the line and he wouldn't lose them to something as small as fatigue. Finally, there was a break in the dark forest, he had emerged from it's side and ended up at the end of the line.



I'm close. Dominic noted. The loud bell that had been echoing throughout the land definitely had to come from this place. Fear shrouded through him for what was to come, but he balled his fist and steeled his nerve. They're going to die if I stand here! There were still many questions regarding where he was, but there was no doubt that it felt as real as reality itself. His resolve contained, he gave one final glance at the opposing castle before he sprinted towards it. Wait for me, everyone!


Suddenly, Dominic found himself sitting on the bleachers. He ran his hand through his black hair and sighed.
Half of him remained in disbelief that he actually fell asleep in such a crowded area, and the other half struggled to remember the dream he just had.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and was quick to take it out. One new message. A few button pushes later and he saw it was from Ben.

Sender: Benjamin

Date: Sep 14, 2014

Subject: Sorry about the delay...

hey dom, sorry about being so late, i apparently overslept, so I should be on my way to the gym now :)

Dominic scoffed, shaking his head with a slight smile.

Roe sighed sadly "No, there's not enough room in my house for a dog... so my mom says anyway." It had been a long standing argument in their household, but what mom says, goes... no questions and no back talk. "I typically get my dog and cat fix at a shelter... but I haven't found one yet here." Roe stopped... she could talk pets all day. "California? That must have been nice, quite a change from here though I'll bet. If Florida, I lived in a small town, so the change wasn't so bad for me. "

Shit... Roe was running out of things to say... Weather? No... wasn't that one of the things you weren't supposed to talk about? "What did you transfer for?" Roe rushed to say. That should be safe. "My dad got promoted, so he packed us all up and moved us here." She gestured around. "I hope you had a better time with being a tall girl than I did..." in fact, Roe was pretty glad to move. She hadn't once been asked 'how the weather was up there'... a nice change.

Alice stared at the group of teens and looked down remembering her first day of school in England,"Repeating the past once more." She thought rolling her eys slightly. This was another thing normal to Alice but this time she wanted to change this route and went up to one of the students,"Hello, I'm new here and just arrived today... Umm... Can you tell me where the clubs are?" She asked, unsure what to say and clubs bring the only thing on her mind. She was bad at making friends and let most people come to her but this time she needed to make a change for her life since this was a new school, she needed to be at least a little sociable.
Roe was started as her phone started ringing. Sighing, she picked it up, making an apologetic face to Adonna. "Hi Mom..." Roe's mother, a stout ogre of a woman, was currently telling (and by telling, the cosmic forces of fate that write down Roe's story mean yelling) Roe all about the ingredients she needs for dinner tonight... and she meant now. Not waiting for her daughter to reply, Roe's mom hung up. Sighing, Roe turned to Adonna. "I'm sorry... I have to go. Maybe I'll see you around later or when school starts." Waving goodbye to the far off Hotoko, Roe nodded once again to Adonna, and left for the hellish nightmare that was Walmart on a Saturday... now if she could only remember where Walmart was...
Reese nodded as the girl left, and he stuffed the pen back in his pocket. He then put a hand to his head as a slight migraine was coming on. This most likely being from the loud gym. He stood from the bleachers and then abruptly and swiftly went outside, where it was a little more open, so the sound wasn't bad. He had made a decision about the club he would join. Soccer it was.

He walked over to the soccer sign ups, a few other people crowding around it, all of them being taller than he was. He slipped in and wrote his name on the boys sign up sheet, and then slipped away without being noticed.

What's done is done... He thought shamelessly as he walked around a bit more, looking at some secondary clubs. The slight pain in his head had annoyed and teased him quite a bit, to the point of where he put in his headphones to try and mute out the world. He listened to the band, The Killers, as he wove through the groups of people.

(Was in the shower)
Adonna waved goodbye to Hotaru, and then soon after to Roe, who left after a sudden phone call from her mom. Well, that was definitely interesting. She was glad she'd gotten to interact with some of student body. Something in the back of Adonna's mind was bothering her. Something... Wait... Better time being a tall girl than he did? Waaaait. "Dude, you're not a guy!?"

By the time the information had processed through Adonna's brain and had burst out of her mouth, Roe had already left the gym. She just looked like another crazy student having a random outburst. Adonna facepalmed, a bit red in the face.
Focus, focus, secondary club. Now she wished she had asked Hotaru or Roe about suggestions for clubs. She thought about everything she'd seen so far, but nothing popped out to her. Well, no harm in looking a bit more before giving up.



Dorm Key

Pamphlets (x2)

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Dominic had lost himself as he tinkered with the apps on his phone. It had probably been at least two hours since he arrived, and still he didn't know what club to join. Sure, they weren't optional, but it always looked good in the eyes of teachers as well as other students you wanted to impress.

Suddenly, a feminine voice called out from his left, buying his attention and giving him a reason to stuff the phone back into his pocket.
The question was quite outrageous, though she DID say she was new. Dominic stared for a moment, taking in her appearance fully. Caramel hair, sky blue eyes...

Nope, Dominic hadn't seen her before. "You've already found it." He chuckled. "The gym is where the signups are held - all controlled by students, wouldn't you know." He felt as if he should have given her that extra information. It was a pleasant thought to know that the clubs were run by students, but it was also a warning that meant anything goes. A lack of supervision could mean many things.

An idea surfaced from the fog of his mind. "Say, you're going to go sign up for a club, right? Mind if I come with you?" If he wasn't going to pick a club, fate was. Whatever club this girl attended, so would he. It definitely beat sitting around clubless.
Smirking, Farra turned around. "Alright then," she said. He was easy to provoke, and easy to use as well. This should be a piece of cake. "Let's go." They began walking to the headmaster's office, and Fares pulled out a bright turquoise phone and some white headphones, putting them on and playing her playlist, which included Mayday Parade, Of Monsters and Men, and New Politics. "So, let me guess; you're the current president, and would find it amusing if a new girl ran against you? Or am I really 'spunky' and sparking your interest?" Farra asked sarcastically.
Staring at the boy's appearance, he had quite a handsome appearance but his personality seemed to really suck for such a good looking boy but why should she to care? Tilting her head to the side slightly, she wasn't very fond of him but he seemed to have a very interesting atmosphere around him,"I don't mind you tagging along." She said bluntly,"Right now I'm thinking of joining the soccer or tennis club but I think SOCCER would be more interesting." She said turning to see some students holding jerseys and soccer balls at the other end of the room.
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Hotaru walked close to the edge of the crowd holding a slightly faded sign that read, "Art club?" With a hastily drawn rose on the side. For some odd reason people thought she was advertising for the club, when in fact she was looking for directions. She approached another figure and held the sign up.

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Slate board

Marker--Uh oh~ It seems like she used it too much~

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Red kept one hand in his pocket as the two literally carved a path through the flow of students. Eyes forward, Red could only scoff at her words but give no response other than that. After a few flights of stairs, they arrived on the third floor where it was much more quieter than the first floor. This was the floor where his Dad - the Headmaster - stayed in his office.

Upon approaching the office, it became apparent that the door was slightly cracked open, and the last of a conversation was heard.
"Damn it. This isn't just something you can turn a blind eye to. Either you help me or keep your people out of my way." The owner of that voice came storming out of the office before the two could even reach it. Said owner wore janitor's clothes, and looked no older than Farra herself.

"Tck, what a punk." Red muttered as they continued into the office. Inside was of course the usual, a desk, two chairs on one side with a leather seat on the other side, it's back currently facing the two. "Pops, who the hell was that just now?" "He was merely an employee giving me his last regards." Red groaned in response, but shrugged the thought away for now. "What is it this time?" "It's this girl. She thinks she can lead things, or something like that."

The chair spun around, revealing a middle-aged man, balding on the head and donning several scars on his face, hinting at a rough background. His glasses caught the sunlight and flared before he pulled them down to get a good look at Farra. "Good morning, I don't think we've met. I'm Headmaster Ivan Boone. You are..?"

Soccer..? Dominic sighed internally. It wasn't exactly the sport he had in mind, but then again it was something completely new to him. Either way, Dom had to put up with it as he left the decision up to fate. He gave the girl a brief smile and nod before standing up to accompany her. "If I remember correctly, soccer has a lot of team games; that's a pretty tough club to be in." He lifted his shoulders in a shrug before glancing around the gym as they walked.

As it seemed, the crowd was thinning out as signups were being completed and previous tryouts were being finished. It was nearly noon. "I can't even come up with a decision on what club I should join.."
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"'Sup, sir? I'm Farra Rei. I was told that I need to talk to you because I want to run for student president," Farra said casually. She wasn't going to be all proper; that got her nowhere in her old "school," so...

With a laugh Farra said, "Your son says I have 'spunk.' I'm gonna leave that judgment to you, if you don't mind," she added, gesturing to Red.
Alice nodded and went off to the group of students that were holding up the soccer club banner. She went up and took a pen, writing her name on the sign-up sheet, with a soft sigh looking at her name printed on the sheet. She felt a hint of regret for signing up but this was a primary club that was needed and it was the only club that seemed interesting out of the others.

Looking at the boy, she remembered not getting his name and debated whether to ask but he was the one to 'help' her so it was fair enough to at least introduce herself to her 'helper' and teammate,"I didn't quite get your name. My name is Alice by the way." She asked him.
Hotaru sat down on the ground with sign covering half of her face. She let out a silent sigh, the slate board still read the words "Art club" But the question mark had been erased. She had no determination to fix it.


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