- Zodiac - [Inactive]

(Sorry for the one liner but this will explain my absence until morning irl time)

When Reese got back to his dorm, he put in his headphones and closed his eyes, flopping down onto the bed. He decided on taking a nap, planning on reading the letter later on....~
She's never been so happy for a dismissal... For some reason, Roe was pretty tired. Probably because she traveled across the whole damn town on her way to school this morning. If she was lucky, she would get home tonight before the monsters known as her brothers and sister ate all her dinner... though she wasn't holding her breath. The crowd dispersing, Roe stretched. Taking her bag, she nodded goodbye to a few people who glanced at her, and made her way home. Hesitantly, Roe looked to the left... then to the right. It was on her glance to the right that she saw a familiar street. "No friggin' way...."

That was the road where she lived. She could see the tops of her family's apartment from school. She had gone the opposite way from school this morning... "What a damn idiot..." Roe mumbled to herself, and began the short trek home. Maybe later she'd try to find either a job or a place to volunteer... her family could be pretty loud.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

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Laptop, eh? Adonna thought as she glanced over at her table where the piece of technology sat waiting. She fell back onto her bed, letter in hand. What an interesting morning it had been. With all the other latecomers, she hadn't stood out too much. Well, except for being the only one not in uniform. Yeah, that stuck out for sure. So much so that the tour-guide had made it a point to call her out. Aside from that, so many things had happened during the tour. That sort of ruckus was only supposed happen in the middle of the school year, usually right after midterms when everyone's energy levels were way too high. And now the school was providing a laptop... She glanced back at the letter.

Maybe Tennis, she thought. Adonna had played a little in her general P.E. classes back in her old school. As long as the club wasn't too competitive, it didn't sound like a bad idea. She let the paper fall, it landing on her face. This isn't bad, she breathed into the paper, it's a pretty good start. Sure she had been late and in the wrong attire, but she hadn't gotten into any real trouble. Yeah... this is good.

Grrawwwll... her stomach sounded noisily. Oh great. Lunch. She needed lunch. And she'd just moved into the dorms, so she had no idea where she could get lunch. Adonna sighed, then abruptly jumped off her bed. She placed the folded letter on the desk before grabbing her wallet. I can ask the dorm lobby clerk, she thought, making her way out the dorm in a much more leisurely pace than she had this morning. Once at the lobby, she walked over the clerk's desk.

"Hey, uhm..." Her stomach took that moment to growl again. Adonna ignored it. "Where's a good place to eat around here?"

Adonna's Inventory:



Dorm Key
Damian was already ten minutes away from the school, on his way home. The tour was helpful, to an extent. He could've done without the Guide forgetting specific things like the very locations of certain classrooms but he was only human, and a 4th Year. He probably didn't know those classrooms because he hasn't gone to them. It was Damian's only safe assumption from thinking he was unprofessional in his role. The sky was clear with the exception of a few straggling clouds here and there but they looked to be far and in between. As he trotted town the two-way street back to his new home, he noticed the threes were taking on their slightly reddish tint from the near season change. A gentle breeze had wafted against his neck and blew some leaves into the fresh air. This put Damian in a sort of happy place. This atmosphere required some music! He pulled out his old mp4 player, and let it play on shuffle. With luck of the draw his favorite track played right away. Though, it should go with mentioning that Damian only had luck with things like music, as he could never go wrong. Nearing the cul-de-sac at the end of the street he found his house walled off by brick that sectioned off all over adjacent houses. He walked by the mailbox with the numbers: 6418. Running up on the black iron door, he jammed his key in and turned the lock, finally pushing it open. Inside his living room was just a plethora of unopened boxes. Some were opened, exposing the belongings of his Stepfather and Mother. Two boxes belonging to the newborn, who could be heard making noises from upstairs. Furnishings were already placed around, and served as a resting place for unopened boxes. Damian was happy to see that progress was made without him, less for him to worry about of course. He slouched up the steps and walked passed his Mother's room who had the baby held in her arms with a pink formula bottle. "Damian, sweetie. How was the tour of the school?" She asked with some excitement in her voice. "Nothing special. We just saw the ins and outs of the school and where classes were. Tomorrow, I think we go see to the extracurricular activities." He replied. "Exciting! What do you think you'll choose?" "I'll see when I get there. I'm going to my room, just let me know if you need help with unpacking things.." Damian turned to leave but was stopped by a quick cry by his Mother. "Damian." The boy turned to face her. "Try to make some friends this year. You had a little posse in Grade School, ever since you hit High School you've been so negligent to socialize. Remember, a few close friends can go a long way." Damian closed his eyes and shrugged. "I'll make friends when everyone doesn't want to ruin my time spent at school." Damian continued his way down the hall and into his room, closing the door behind him. He threw his knapsack and hoodie onto the bed and changed out of his uniform, discarding that onto his bed as well. He changed into a long-sleeved, dark shirt and matching lounge pants with a pair of socks. He plumped into his desktop chair, and booted up his PC from stand by mode. His monitor lit up, showing a cleaned desktop space and a single message on Skype. He opened his start menu and typed in "Dark Souls" into the command prompt, and his enter. Suddenly a window popped up opening the game. He picked up his Playstation controller, hooked up to his computer tower, via USB and started playing.
Shun's lack of attendance for the school tour was no mistake on his part. Despite the required attendance he assumed it would have, Shun still felt no desire to mingle with a large grouping of students no matter the reason or the possible repercussions that might follow his own selfish fancy. His arrival at the academy was, in his mind, carefully planned. Early enough to disguise himself as a late arrival simply checking into the dorm to relieve the load of luggage upon his back before rushing to the tour, yet late enough that he would feel no guilt or shame in his decision to skip.

Carefully throwing his luggage into the soft embrace of his dorm's bed, Shun sighed as he took a quick glance around the vicinity of his dorm room. Boring..., he thought to himself with another sigh before slowly beginning to unpack specific necessities which consisted solely of art supplies. It wasn't until after his easel erected, his canvas mounted, and his materials were prepared that he gave an appreciative nod toward his work space.

"Though the lighting is wrong.." he muttered with yet another sigh as he suddenly became unpleased with the environment he had created. Glancing once more around the room, Shun took hold of the thin curtain covering the nearby window only to draw the flowing fabric from its rod, leaving it to gracefully drift into a corner of the room. Satisfied with his actions, he plopped a wooden folding chair onto the floor and prepared himself for the painting that would come. The academy and its dorms were no different in appearance from schools that he had attended in the past, yet there was a peculiar atmosphere that had stirred his artistic soul. Something called to him; something yearned to be manifested and it would be through his colors that he would answer its silent voice.

Shun believed a painting could only be drawn from the depths of his soul, and it was through this belief that even he himself could not anticipate what would result from the movement of his hand. He could only lose himself in a swirl of color that numbed his senses from the real world around him. It would be several hours later with the arrival of the afternoon sun that Shun would eventually fall from his chair, halfway onto his bed, as the fatigue from his work would soon drift his conscious into the allure of dreams. His painting was complete and the first to see it would be one of the dorm attendants, delivering a letter from the school into his mailbox. With the door to Shun's room open as wide as could be, it was only natural for the attendant to investigate the scene with the intent of scolding the student who had blatantly chosen to skip the academy's tour; yet, with Shun gently sleeping alongside of his bed, and the mystique of his painting baring the outline of a small, radiant girl enveloped by an contrasting arrangement of grey, the attendant simply chose to ignore the situation, leaving even the open door untouched.

"Always get a handful of weirdoes at this academy," he mumbled to himself while scratching his head with his free hand and continuing along his mail delivery duties.

Shun's Inventory:

Currently Empty!

(Everything he owns is sprawled out on top of his bed!)
"Oh hun..." The lady smiled knowingly at her stomach's grumbles. She grabbed a paper off to the side of the desk and began circling parts of the paper in red ink. Then the clerk handed Adonna the paper, "Try one of those places, you shouldn't be disappointed," she finished with a warm smile.

"Thank you..." Adonna said, her eyes darting to the red circles on the map. If the school is here, and I'm here, and the shopping district is here... she awkwardly held the map out in front her with both hands, turning it and adjusting it as she walked towards what she thought was the right direction. It turned out that she'd done alright, which she realized when she looked up and she was in front of the noodle store marked in red on the map. There were a few other choices around, fast food, pizza parlors, and a few more sit-downy types, nothing too expensive looking. This is as good as any, Adonna shrugged, and entered the shop.

As she ate, she noticed there by the entrance was a red and white
Now Hiring sign. It faced the window so the words were backwards from her viewpoint. I should get a job here... she thought as she chewed. She'd had a part-time job back home, and kinda missed it... not the job itself, but the paycheck that came with it. Truth be told, her mum took care of Adonna's expenses, the part-time job was really only for guilt-free spending money. I should ask the owner if...

No, wait. She thought about her friend back home, he'd worked part-time as a waiter. No... Adonna wasn't cut out for that. Then again,
I can't be too picky about this... Still, there had some other options she could check out before she stuck herself with this one. Adonna pulled a few dollars from her wallet and left it on the table before leaving to explore the shopping district. Honestly, it was a bit of a ghost town. The majority of customers here must have been students, so Adonna thought. It would probably be packed once school was back in session. She browsed around, using the paper map to guide her. Most of the places hiring were restaurants. Maybe I'll just have to settle for... just as she was about to resign herself to waitressing, she saw a tiny store with a familiar red and white sign. As she walked over, she noticed the inside was full of books, the dusty old kind. A used book store? That couldn't be too bad, right? This kinda store had to get the mellow type of customers... yeah... Adonna was going to go with that. She reached out and turned the door knob. Clickclick. Locked. Odd. There was no 'Closed' sign. Well, there wasn't an 'Open' sign either.

I'll keep this place in mind... she thought. And with that, Adonna headed back to Armstrong High. Awkwardly holding up the map in front of her.

Adonna's Inventory:



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)
IAmEnzo updated - Zodiac - with a new update entry:

- Zodiac - PROLOGUE

| Prologue |

| Sometime during the American revolution |

Blood on both sides, American and English, was spilled. While Americans fought for their independence, there was still that handful of people who'd rather have a triumph card to decimate their enemies over careful strategy and force. One of these people was a man named William Grimm, a respected body in the American army and often...
Read the rest of this update entry... 

| Afternoon |

Date: September 13, 2014

After the horde of students went about their business dispersing throughout the town, Dominic and Ben took it on themselves to stick around the school grounds for a little while longer. Despite Ben having a family in Brookfield already, he opted to stay in a dorm. The constant waling of family members often broke his train of thought as if it were fragile glass.

The two spent the next 30 minutes conversing over clubs, and what they should go for next.
"I'm just saying, the bookworm club fits me more. I don't see myself monitoring any halls or eyeballing bad behaving students. The security division is more you." Dom let out a brief frustrating hum in response. For every year Dominic and Ben knew each other, Ben was always either reading a book nobody's even heard of, or he's spending time in the school's lab room. Even with his explosive attitude from time to time. The short encounter with Reese was only a hint of what he could have really done.

Oddly enough, Dominic was the complete opposite. He seemed like a successful athletic kid doing well, but in reality he wasn't. If it wasn't his horrible luck that was getting him down, it would be the fact that he couldn't stand up for anything. Dom was a coward in disguise, and Ben was a piece of dynamite just waiting to be lit.

"I don't know, maybe I'll stay out of clubs this year." Dominic finally responded, his eyes dragged down to the pavement beneath them. "But it's your last year. Aren't you moving away from here when you're done with school?" "Well, yeah.." Family issues had it's ways of breaking apart friendships.

Appearing from the corner of their vision was Adonna, one of the only student to still be lingering outside and not inside tending to their own devices. "Hey, isn't that one of the new transfer students? She looks lost." Dom followed Ben's gaze all the way to the lost student. The way she held the map made her look like she was discovering a new found land. "I doubt she'll need our help. Doesn't look like the type to ask anyway."

Pack of 5Gum (x4)

Old Cellphone (x1)

$3 dollars.
Anabelle finished with the internet after realizing time had fallen through her hands like grains of sand. Even though it felt like she had only been on her computer for a few minutes it had been nearly an hour and a half. Tumblr did that to you. Anabelle closed her laptop and hooked it up to the charger. She figured that she should explore around town and maybe meet a few new people while she was at it.

She exited her dorm singing a song that she made up as she went along, waving at people as she went. She spun around the school grounds, a bit unaware of everyone else. She smacked several people, but only bothered apologizing to one or two of them. She couldn't really be bothered to. Anabelle found a bench and sat down, observing the school grounds. There were still a lot of people here, nearly everyone having someone to be with and here Anabelle was like a lone wolf. At least, that's what she thought she was.

Anabelle stood on top of the bench and looked around at everyone, her hand above her eyes as if that would help her see anyone by themselves, "Hey! Does anyone need a friend?" she asked rather loudly, "because I'm kinda all alone, y'know? And it really sucks!"
Roe found her way home in less time than predicted... way too quick in fact. Loitering outside her family's new, and very crowded apartment, Roe took a moment to steel herself against the inevitable avalanche of noise that came from having 5 brothers and a sister. Being the fifth child, Roe didn't have enough fight in her to rebel... but she still liked alone time every now and then.

Sighing, Roe made her way to the second floor of the apartment complex. She could hear the war zone that was considered conversation for her family as soon as she reached the top of the stairs. It sounded like her mom was trying to convince everyone this move was for the best. She didn't hear her dad's deep voice, so he must have started work early.

Tugging on the blue ends of her hair, Roe didn't quite want to go in yet. It was only the afternoon, she could explore a little before stepping back into her role of servitude... after all, she could say she got lost... and she probably wouldn't even be lying. Taking her uniform jacket off, Roe took her tie and shoved it in her bag. She undid a couple of buttons on her dress shirt... when you were used to wearing loose t shirts, collars nearly seemed to suffocate you.

With renewed vigor, Roe turned and bounded down the stairs before anyone saw her from the window. She even forgot to slouch as she turned corner after corner, passing landmarks she didn't bother writing down in her directions pad. Restaurants and little shops came and went. Really, she was looking for an animal shelter... She missed volunteering the most in her old town. Humans were beings to obey, dogs and cats take you for what you are and depend on you. She felt most comfortable with the four legged variety.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones


Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk 
"Shit..." Roe muttered. There was the school... it always figured... whenever she wanted to get lost, she would find something she recognised instead. Stopping at the gates, Roe thought about where she could go next... She didn't seem able to find anywhere particularly interesting, save an old bookstore and a few restaurants that made her mouth water as she passed by. She thought she saw one of the tour group kids, but they were too far away for Roe to make out. So she stood, hesitantly, at the school when she heard an exclamation that sounded familiar.

"... I'm kinda all alone, y'know? And it really sucks!" She was sure she recognized the voice from the tour. Tugging on the blue strands of her short hair, (it seemed to be a nervous trait) Roe went through the gates to see a young girl standing on one of the school benches...
Walking up the hill with her hands behind her head she moved from side to side walking out of a straight line. The school she was to attend was in her sights , not to far off where if she had jogged she would hit the gate. She could feel the lecture already in her head, annoying voices and fingers pointing. She opened one of her eyes to see the school. It was rather large and for her too over the top. Sighing she allowed her hands to fall to her side then her hands to be placed on her hips. Stopping in front of the gate she tapped her foot before ruffling her fro and groaning. She wasn't good with socializing. Walking in she looked around the school. She liked the style of the school , she could feel the air of intelligence , power, creative minds.

Walking into the main building she shoved her hands into her pockets and looked around. Her eyes scanned the area for any signs of higher power, a guide or help. She was extremely late that even she couldn't even laugh. She felt bad since she wasn't new and she probably already formed a bad name for herself. Deciding to take a small tour herself she walked down the hall to see an array of doors.


Apartment keys [2]

Gum [5 pieces]

Yo Yo [1]

Wallet [1]

Money [20.15]
Reese woke up from his nap and grumbled a bit, turning on his side as he picked up his IPod, checking the time. It was only the afternoon, so it's not like he slept too long. He groaned again as he sat up and yawned, stretching his short little arms above his head. His brown hair was obviously astray, though he could care less about this. He stood from the bed and stumbled a bit, before gaining his balance as wiping his eyes. Reese walked over towards the door, slipping on his shoes and looking in a mirror that was hung on the wall. He ruffled his hair a bit, parting it over his right eye. When he decided that he was somewhat presentable, he opened the door and walked out into the courtyard.

Reese heard some girl shout out for friends, and he inwardly laughed at that. To him, having friends was a rather trivial thing. What more could Reese need besides a laptop, and music... Not much really, although it tugged at the back of his mind a bit... Reese was a little sick of always being alone, he never had anyone to talk to, because naturally his family wasn't an option. He sighed softly as he walked over to a tree that was across from the girl on the bench. He slouched down, sitting against the tree and on the grass. This time he was actually seen without his headphones in, which of course wasn't his normal appearance.

Reed leaned his head back against the tree and closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh air around him. Only... A migraine had decided to take it's alpha position and bother him. The pain from it this time was actually intense, his face scrunched up a bit and his eyebrows furrowed.

Not here... No. I can't move now...

Along with that thought, an abundant supply of curse words followed. Sometimes when the pain got intense he wouldn't be able to make himself move. This was usually when Reese went into his depressed shell of a person. He sighed heavily and put a hand to his head, covering his face. His mouth was slightly open a bit as he silently endured through the pain. Reese could only hope that nobody would try to talk to him during such an event. If anyone became friend's with him, they would likely throw him away soon after... Just like before, when he got too attached.


~IPod and headphones


~A penny...
Looks like I made it... Adonna was back at the school. She could make it to the dorm from here, she was pretty confident. She was about to fold up the map and put it in her back pocket when she saw out the corner of her eye two boys staring at her.

She stared back. They looked like students, maybe around her age.
What...? Wait... Could they be lost? she wondered. Maybe they wanted to ask her directions. But... no, they seemed pretty laid back, not tense and nervous-like. They knew where they were, so Adonna thought. With that, she restarted her trek back towards the dorm. Wait... she paused again, and glanced at the paper in her hand. Did they want to look at the map? Maybe. That was a possibility... No, just leave it. She took two steps towards her dorm when she halted abruptly. Oh hell...

She pivoted on her ankle and marched stiffly over to the two boys.
"Uhm, yeah, did you wanna..." she paused. I can't just assume they wanna look at the map... Her face scrunched into a frown. Why was this so hard? Oh, right. Back at home, she'd been surrounded by a group of friends, two of which where chatterbugs, meaning she'd never had to initialize a conversation. Since when was I this socially inept, she grumbled inwardly as her frown deepened. She didn't realize she looked like she was glaring.

Adonna's Inventory:



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)

| Afternoon |

Date: September 13, 2014

Meanwhile in Armstrong High...

As Ukime traversed the empty hallways and past door after door, it would eventually come to someone's attention that a student had gotten themselves lost again. "I'm sorry, but no students are allowed in the main building today." Called out Phillips from behind the girl. He leaned his form against the wall with a slight smile that could have held some sort of worry or pain behind it.

It took him a moment to actually seize just how
wonderful Ukime's hair was. An afro? Truly in Phillip's eyes it was a work of art, especially when he ended up gazing at it with clear amazement. "Cool hair. You must be a new student here, right?"

While Phillips attended to one student, Dominic and Ben were approached by the curious, tall Adonna. Their eyes widened at just how tall she was. Ben being only a mere 5'7, he found himself looking upward toward the girl. If it wasn't the imposing look she was giving off, it was the words that simply confused the two.
"Huh, wh-" "-So you must be one of the transfer students from out of town, you looked kind of lost there. My name's Dominic, and this here is Ben." Dominic gave Ben a reassuring pat on the shoulder, which was met with Ben readjusting his glasses to better assess the situation. "R-right. Hello." As short as the day felt, Dominic had only just realized the reddening of the sky that signaled dusk. "If you're lost, I hope we can help you find where you're going before it gets dark. This place can feel like a ghost town quite often."
Ukime stopped in her tracks and looked back at the male. A slight red crossed her visage though it was nothing to major. Smiling as little she used her finger to brush her cheek several times before shoving her hand back in her pocket. Not many complemented on her hair style, some called it nappy though if they read it meant clean untouched hair. She didn't get perms or relaxers that would damage it. Her ends were perfectly clipped and her hair itself was even. She kept it shiny by adding conditioner and oil every night. she had no need for wrapping it since there was not a style she needed to hold. Looking around the hall she tried to avoid his eyes.

"U...um thank you. It feels like cotton..."

Walking up to him she took his hand and placed it on top of her afro. She thought this action to be normal when someone asked or stared at her hair. She left it there and put her hands back into her pocket. Listening to what he had said she coughed a little.

"Sorry about...this. I just, well I missed the tour. My name is Ukime , junior class. "

Apartment keys [2]

Gum [5 pieces]

Yo Yo [1]

Wallet [1]

Money [20.15]
"Oh, uh... no, actually, I thought you two had wanted to see th..." Adonna stared at the map in her hand. "Ehem, nevermind," she folded it and shoved in her free back pocket. "I'm Adonna," she introduced herself, "but, no, I'm fine now. I live right there," she jerked her thumb towards the general direction of the dorms. "Thanks for asking though," she added as an afterthought. The sun was indeed setting, just as the perky kid had pointed out. It would be dark soon enough... speaking of which, "Hey, if I could ask you two a quick question... what's the dorm's policy on leaving after dark?" Having transferred in from a public highschool, where there were no dorms and no uniforms, Adonna had no idea about things like these. Her friends from her old school had teased her about all the strict rules she'd have to follow, and though she'd told the lot of them they were all full of shit, she really wasn't sure how much of it was true.



Dorm Key

Map (of School & Shopping District)
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It was with the setting sun bathing his room in a crimson haze that Shun awoke to several hours past his slumber. Following a small yawn and a robust stretch, Shun slowly began to make way along the side of his bed where he rolled onto its surface and lazily began wading through the pile of luggage occupying the majority of space. Locating one of his duffel bags, Shun took hold of several small items and stuffed them into the pockets of his jeans before tossing the bag aside and shoving the majority of luggage onto the ground in a single sweeping motion. The sound of shattering plastic was highly evident, but Shun gave no heed, as his art equipment had all been safely extracted prior to painting. The condition of anything else was a minuscule bother that could be dealt with at a later time he concluded with a satisfied nod.

Bouncing of his bed, Shun began to plan the remainder of his night; however, his train of thought was quickly interrupted by the mystique of the painting he had completed several hours prior. Having fallen asleep while in his trance, this was the first instance he laid his conscious eyes upon the art; and though he could not deny its appeal, he could neither help himself in questioning the content that it held. The outlined girl was a figure unbeknownst to his mind while the painting's meaning remained an even further mystery

"Meh, all in due time," he figured with a small shrug as a twinge of hunger derailed his train of thought once more and brought his attention back to reality.

Shutting his dorm's door behind him, Shun made his way toward the dorm's lobby in contemplation of where to go. Unfamiliar with the area, Shun decided he would simply explore the area until either a restaurant or mart crossed his path. In the past, he had always done well in mapping new locations without getting lost, and he figured this instance would be no different.

Hopefully the dorm doesn't have any night time policies, he thought to himself in his descent down the stairs to the lower level.

However it wasn't until after he had burst into the dorm's lobby that he realized a particular absentmindedness. In the art club of his previous high school, Shun had been relegated to a particularly colorful corner of the room due to the wild nature under which he painted, and in the current situation, the result was no different. Splatters of paint in every form of vivid and drab colors covered every inch of his body making it appear as if his destination was that of a rave rather than dinner. Shun sighed to himself as a meticulous appearance was often a priority in his life, but a lazy demeanor overpowering such ideals led the conclusion that he would trek on rather than return to his room for a change. Never really cared for others' opinions anywho, he thought as he opened the dorm's front door and began a journey into the unknown.

  • iPhone
  • pocket drawing pad
  • pencil
  • wallet
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| Evening |

Date: September 13, 2014

Like a kid in a candy store, Phillips was awestruck at the fluffy feeling that was Ukime's fro. So-.. weird. So awesome at the same time.. It had almost taken his entire attention span, but luckily enough her speaking up had broken him away from the trance that was the almighty, glorious Afro.

"Huh? O-Oh, don't worry about that." Phillip retracted his hand to scratch his own dark hair. "There were a handful of students who've shown up yet, and some that haven't even shown up at all. It won't affect anything other than your navigation skills when the classrooms actually open." He tried to give off a point that meant not to worry, but he was struggling with keeping his own emotions in check. A troubled dart of his eyes would seem as if he was paranoid.

"Hey, look. It's dark out, and I'd hate to leave someone behind. Allow me to walk you to your dorm?"

On the other side, Dominic and Ben had just exchanged greetings with Adonna. What struck Dominic was her sheer height.
She's probably good at sports He figured with a brief shrug. "Dorm policies? I've stayed here for three years, and I've never heard anything about night policies. Maybe I'm wrong, since there's really nothing to do at night, I don't venture around that time." And speaking of that time, the sun had descended past the horizon, leaving behind a darkened blue hue to the sky which - in a few minutes - would turn to complete blackness.

Streetlights came on, shops closed, and most noticeable of them all, everyone went inside. Students or not, the citizens of Brookfield turned in almost on a dime, rendering the town itself quiet and lifeless. "Hey, Dominic. It's getting late, shouldn't you be heading home?" Dominic had been glancing off toward the school gate in a spaced out manner while the other two had been talking. It was only then that Ben's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Oh, right, yeah."

A slight frown formed on Ben's face as they traded glances with a hidden meaning behind them. "Ben here will help you out if you need it. My house is quite a walk back, so I'll have to catch up you later." With a subtle bow to both Ben and Adonna, Dominic started to take his leave toward the gates. "It was nice meeting you, Adonna!" He called out with a double-fingered wave as he disappeared past the gate and into the mute town.

"Mm, he doesn't stay in the dorms here. Several reasons." Ben pushed his glasses up with a single finger before bobbing his head to the dormitory. "Shall we?"
"oh um...thanks"

She couldn't help but not to blush. She refraimed from making eye contact with him. Her head hung low , her fro leaning forward as she nodded her head again.

"Maybe in the morning you could give me a tour or help me to my class. Oh and if you want you can touch it as much as you like. Its weird but I like being petted."

Her face was rather red. She didn't mean to say something weird. She coughed thinking it would ease the tension she felt.

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The plane had simply delayed for five hours. Of course this was no excuse to be so late to her new home and school. Instead of feeling anxious, gloom took its place. The girl with light pastel green hair slammed her head against the seat. Her grandfather saw her actions and scolded her, "Hotaru, this type of attitude is unacceptable. Now smile, you will be taking over the family business, aren't you? This type of behavior will have people think-" At this point her grandpa went on about manners and etiquette. Hotaru slumped into her seat and looked to the front. The flight attendant had a smile permanently plastered to her face like a china doll. Hotaru made eye contact with the lady; she quickly diverted her gaze to the male leaving the bathroom. The teenage male noticed her stare and quickly looked off to the window. Hotaru followed his gaze, at that moment the intercom spoke with a soothing voice, "We will be arriving soon, please stand by and listen to the flight attendants, this is the co-pilot Dave Smith."

Hotaru pulled off her grey colored suitcase off of the conveyor belt. She placed her suitcase next to her grandpa's case. Hotaru sat down on top of her grandfather's suitcase and crossed her arms and legs. Her grandpa came back with two soft pretzels. Hotaru pulled out her slate and with a black marker she wrote, "Not happy." On the side she drew a sad face. The aged man sighed deeply and held the pretzel to her face. Hotaru took it from him and looked away, nibbling little by little.

The only light that illuminated the dark space was the streetlights and Hotaru's phone. The car halted to a stop and the girl looked up. It was a high school. Her grandpa got out of the car, Hotaru did the same. He handed her a letter, she looked at it in confusion, she signed, "What is this?" Her grandfather opened the trunk of the car, "It's a letter." The old man dug around to get her luggage. Hotaru waited patiently before signing to him, "I can see that. What is it for?" He pulled the grey case out and placed it on the ground before soothing his back, "You are accepted to this school, instead of heading back to my home you will stay here. We would have arrived earlier and I would have time to explain but-" He was cut off by the sound of the car door slamming. Hotaru had her belt seat on with headphones blasting music into her ears. Mr. Nakamura sighed, "What a troublesome girl." He muttered in his native language.

The old man finally came out of the school with a stack of papers; he had put the finishing touches to admitting his granddaughter into the school. Once he arrived to his car, Hotaru was sleeping soundly in her seat. He sighed again and shook the girl. Hotaru was barely awake and had no recollection as to where she was, she held her hands up to her grandfather's shoulders. Mr. Nakamura was flabbergasted he knew her intentions, "You want me to carry you?!" She nodded wearily. The old man did his best to hold her steady as he walked to the school. Once the duo arrived to the entrance he dropped the young girl of fifteen. Hotaru glared at her grandpa and in response the old man stuck his tongue out.

"Take good care of her." He whispered to staff member. Hotaru was falling asleep on the chair she was sitting at. Her luggage was at her feet and her slate board was on her lap. The slate read a message from her grandpa, "I'm sorry." He had drawn an awkwardly cute teddy bear on the side. The head of the Nakamura family business placed a kiss on the girl's forehead and a small brown teddy bear at her side.

"Miss. Hotaru? Time to wake up. I'll call in someone to take you to your dorm or I could take you there." A woman around her twenties shook her awake for the second time that evening. With a drowsy glare, she expected to see an old wrinkly face. Hotaru looked up in panic, where was her grandpa? That bastard left her in a place all alone. She looked down at the slate and the teddy bear. Her hand trembled in anger. She guessed that she had to settle in. What other choice did she have? Hotaru had no way to contact him. She erased the message and wrote with her recessive hand, "Neither." The woman looked surprised at the communication, she gestured to her mouth and her ears. Hotaru just shrugged. The woman stood up to her full height, "What will you do?" Hotaru shrugged again. She collected her stuff and bowed to the lady. The lady quickly handed her a pair of keys. She pointed to the key marked with the letter 'B', "This is the building door key. The other one is the key to your room. Here is your schedule and maps for the school and the dorm buildings. Your room number is on the schedule." Hotaru nodded and held the papers and the teddy bear close to her body.

She wondered about the school in general. Will it accept her? Or will she push everyone away, like her last one?

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Teddy bears (x3)

Luggage--Full of clothes and two teddy bears


Slate board

Markers (x2)



((Hope the spoiler tag worked...I type too slow. Dx ))
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James had just seen anither person get shown to her room. She seemed nervous, like she needed reasurring, from a friendly fellow transfer pupil.

Easy prey.

As far as he knew gambling wasn't banned in the school, so he was in luck, although he doubted cheating would be looked kindly upon.

He walked up the corridor to her door.

"Hotaru Nakamura"

So that was her name.

He knocked on her door, making sure he had one deck of cards up his sleeve as well as the rigged dice up another.

"Hello?" He called.

- normal dice

- rigged dice

- a fair bit of money

- four decks of cards

- his phone
Hotaru sometimes wished that she could just yell at everyone. She sighed and got up from her bed. Earlier she had settled in and put all of her clothes away. She grabbed her slate and a marker and headed for the door. The voice was clearly a male, she looked at her attire and decided that the worn out clothes will do for the time being. Hotaru quickly dodged the bag of sprawled out clothes. A cream colored teddy bear was exposed from the bag, she quickly shoved it in and put her attention back to the door. The girl was light pastel hair unlocked the door. She straightened her spine to her true height of five feet and four inches.

The light from the hallway entered her room as she opened it, she gave the male peer a raise eyebrow as she leaned on doorway frame. She quickly jot down a word on the slate and showed it to the boy, "Yes?"

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)


Teddy bears (x3)

Luggage--In room


Slate board

Markers (x2)


With his best caring, big brother smile, James said to her, "Hi. I'm James. I'm a transfer student too, so I know kinda what it feels like. I've been here a few days, though, so I know how things work in the school. I was wondering if you'd like to maybe play a card game or something, and I could tell you about the school. Sound good?"
Hotaru tilted her head in question. She smiled a bit, her immature self was slowly taking over. Hotaru came outside of her dorm and closed the door behind her. Uncapping the marker, she fluently wrote on her slate, "I don't know how to play card games, will you teach me? Or can we play a different game? Like...Hide and Seek?" She left out an important part of it. It was more of a demented game of Hide and Seek. Hotaru's eyes flashed with excitement.
This girl apparently didn't speak... "are you mute?" He asked her.

He looked at what she wrote on her little whiteboard. Hide and seek? That was a kid's game. He had fond memories of cheating in that game as a child. Looking round when counting, running away when hiding. It wasn't hard. And he wanted her to trust him, so he would play along for now.

He put on another smile, saying "sure. I'll count to sixty here, with my hand on my eyes, and you go hide. Just call my name if you get lost."
(there's a mess hall in the dorm right? Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Anabelle had totally zoned out. Walking around the school yard really messed with her sense of time. She supposed she should get back to the dorm and get something to eat. She walked back to the dorm room a bit quickly as she could hear her stomach growling and a bit of a gnawing pain.

Anabelle went up to her dorm room first to get some money. She opened the suitcase that was with her and took out a plastic baggie full of money. She then exited her dorm to find something to eat.

-Plastic baggie with $100.00 in it

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