- Zodiac - [Inactive]


As the basketball swished in the net with grace, Farra noticed that two people were walking out of the gym. "Is..is something wrong?" she called over to them, jogging. "What's going on in there?" she added quietly. Not even waiting for a reply, Farra ran back into the gym.

Upon entering, Farra was hit by a loud voice, yelling. "-You just have a bad sense for suspicion. Makes me wonder why I even let you in the committee, now go get her." For crying out loud...the pompous, arrogant grandson of the headmaster. Anger boiled up in her. Time for someone to actually do something about him. Furious, she walked over to where he stood. "Hey, you dick! Leave her alone! Just because she isn't afraid to stand up to you like some people doesn't mean that you have to torture them and make their life hell. For Pete's sake, someone just got hit by a basketball, and all you care about is keeping your already crappy reputation intact. Just get this through your thick skull," she yelled angrily. "NOT EVERYONE IS YOUR SLAVE."

Farra's voice echoed through the suddenly silent gym. After a while, someone shouted, "C'mon, don't let yourself be beaten by a no-good transfer student! Fight! Fight! FIGHT!" Farra's vision went red. "I'm tired of you're crap, you idiots. I'm out. Anyone who agrees with me...keep your opinion to yourself unless you want this idiot's pets to come after you. Later!" And Farra stomped out of the room.
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Walking toward the school doors she stopped for a second. There were no lights on, and the doors did seem locked. She looked around the area and found a bench that was shaded by the trees. Walking over she set the male down gently and sat on then end near his head. She thought the bench was pretty hard so she picked up his head and placed it in her lap. The sun shined down on her legs but the rest was shaded by the long trees. Sighing she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She really wanted to shoot some hoops today, or maybe just dribble it a few. Grimacing the heat was bothering her so she moved her legs back.

"This sucks...and here I thought I would be able to play a little one on one."

She looked down at the man and ruffled his hair. She thought she should probably get him something cold to put on his head and drink after wards. Lifting up his head she placed it on the bench again and stood up. Maybe around the corner she thought. Jogging away from him she turned the corner to find a vending machine that held water.

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day|

Date: September 14, 2014

And there they stood - baffled by the uproar of a single student. Red hadn't expected the new batch of transfer students to have such a bite to them. Like the girl prior, Farra escaped from him before he could utter a single word. Like that, the gym was in silence, all eyes on him as if they were expecting him to shift into a bloodthirsty werewolf and go after her.

"She's got guts."

That could have gone without saying. Even Dominic had been watching with concern. Red felt a light object at his foot and glanced down to see a stray marker beside him. "Tch, all these clubs, and not a single one dedication to the sanitation of this school." He sent the marker flying back and out of sight - far away from it's owner.

After realizing that Red wasn't about to go chasing after the student with a bite, the rest simply continued on. "That's going to be dinner's topic for a while." Dominic thought out loud. He glanced up at the large clock on the wall, which read 9:50AM. That's strange, I haven't seen Ben at all today. Usually he's here before me. The boy sighed before continuing to monitor the students below.


A cold breeze passed over the face of the unconscious boy, waking him with a sluggish reaction to follow. "Nngh, wh-.. what..?" He lifted his head to peer around. He was outside? His hand rose to his head, where a splitting headache revealed itself in his mind, like a race horse kicking him in the back of the head. "Urgh.. Why am I out here? How did I get out here?" He asked himself.
Running back she stopped halfway with two water bottles. She stepped back a little when she saw him sit up. He was better when he was knocked out, now she had to actual talk to him. Frowning she walked over and held out the water bottle in front of his face. Smiling a little she placed it down by his feet as she sat herself down and opened up the water bottle.

"You were hit...and the school is closed so I brought you out here for some fresh air. I got you water in case you were thirsty."

She downed her water out of nervousness but was able to make a shot in the nearby trashcan that was a few feet away from her. Turning sideways she placed her hand on his forehead to see if it would cool him down.

"Are you ok, you had a pretty nasty fall."
Anabelle had looked at all the clubs and none of them seemed interesting. The only ones she hadn't looked at were the sports club and Security. She knew she would be no good at sports, so why not try Security? Maybe her fast running could help her! Although with her energy pep squad or track would be good options for clubs as well... She had already been to the pep squad booth, but Anabelle decided to revisit it. "Excuse me, miss, but I'd like to apply for the... Pep Squaaad~!" Anabelle announced. The girl looked at her a bit annoyed, "Uh, okay. Take this application and turn it in by next Wednesday. We don't take all applicants, but most of them make it in..." She didn't look like she wanted to let Anabelle in, but she had to be fair. Anabelle took an application and had a bit of a skip in her step. Was the pep squad going to give her all kinds of popular friends?
Reese still sat up on the bleachers as he watched all of the club chaos mull about around him. He sighed, feeling a bit bored as he thought about what club to join. He was rather good at playing soccer, although a certain predicament had caused him to stop playing 2 years ago, and he hasn't played since, being too afraid that he might let the team down. He could join political debate club, or maybe chess club? No, certainly not "Chess Club". The mere thought of that made him inwardly scoff. Right now it would seem he is leaning more toward Soccer club... Perhaps he would need a little encouragement though...
Still fuming, Farra continued outside into the hot, steaming sun to continue shooting some hoops. Picking up the basketball, she kept shooting three-pointers, rather pointlessly. "This. Nothing can be more boring right now," she said, sighing. Farra dropped the ball and picked up her stuff. "Might as well go back to my room," she sighed, again. "I didn't even get to look at the clubs, and Red is probably gonna come after me and make a 'Yo-Mama' joke in response...I swear, he has the mentality of a third grader...."

Frustrated, Farra finally decided that she might as well go back into the gym. Again. Walking calmly into the gym, she swung the doors open with so much force that they hit the walls behind them, and the occasional person. Silence swept the gym again. "Yeah, yeah, get on with it, you attention whores," she yelled to the staring crowd. Offended, everyone went back to their activities while Farra headed over to the SGA booth.

"Hi, I'm Farra Rei. I just transferred here, but everyone knows me because talk spreads fast. I'd like to be your Student Body president, even if you people won't vote for me! Is that alright?" Farra said, false sweetness in her voice. "Uhm, uh...you should probably talk to Red first, he could ask the headmaster if you could join,"the runner stammered, but Farra hit him in the mouth, busting his lip a little. "Isn't that your job?" Farra asked softly, snatching up a pamphlet. Not even waiting for a reply, she walked over to where His Highness stood himself. "Hellooooo, Your Maaajesty. Do you mind if I speak with you? Or am I too petty?" Farra said dramatically, feigning a curtsy.
Anabelle was so excited she just needed to sit somewhere to calm herself down and fill out the application. She found a spot on the bleachers, next to a little short boy and knelt on the bleachers, the sign up sheet on the bleachers, "Oh, dear, this is a predicament... Hey, little short boy do you have a pencil I could borrow? I need to fill out this application for the pep squad and I have nothing to write with, oh no!" Anabelle told him.
Reese's brooding on which club to join was interrupted by a girl coming by. He then asked him a question... In which his eye twitched as she called him "little short boy"..

"Eh...EH... Let Me Look." He said robotically in response to her. He noticed the girl from earlier, the one who said the stupid and pathetic comment to the big brute.

Is she serious..... He thought rather annoyed. He fished through his hoodie pocket, before pulling out a ball point pen and handing it to her.

"I would prefer if you don't call me 'Little short boy.'" He said to her, his blue eye in its normal bored and tired look, with a hint of annoyance.
James had seen everything happen. He had been going down to see which club to join, when he saw everything unfold. He couldn't see where the ball came from, but that mattered not. If he could get in with this Red, he could get some serious power within the school. He would have to be very careful how he did it though, as he didn't want to get on his bad side, that was for sure. He supposed he couldgather information for him, using games and money to loosen people's mouths.
It was decided. This was going to be the best school year ever. Roe had spent last night and this morning just watching all the students interact. Decked out in a Gundam themed hoodie, Roe leaned up comfortably against the wall, soaking up all the entertainment. She saw a few faces from the crowd that she recognized, and a few she didn't. Roe had originally stepped aside, hoping to make a b-line for the club she wanted without too much work, but then she just got caught up in all the drama! She was excited to see all the original people in her new school... much better than her last school. The most interesting thing that happened last year was when she had to dye her dark brown hair blue... much to her mother's horror. Seeing a club that she liked in the distance, Roe slowly began to make her way though... It's going to be a very good year indeed.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

Letter from School

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"Oh, uh sorry! I just don't know your name or anything, and you don't look like a sir, y'know, so little short boy was the only thing I could think of! So what is your name?" Anabelle took the pen from the boy and started to fill out her application, saying the questions and her answers under her breath, "Name? Anabelle... Mayhew... Age? Seven... teen..."
Reese sighed. Apparently he wasn't manly enough to be called Sir. Though, while watching the girl, amusement went through his head. It was almost like watching a grade-schooler in a way.

"My name is Reese." He said, half heartedly introducing himself. There was a time in grade school where the children all made fun of his name, calling him a Reese's peanut butter cup. This wasn't funny to the young Reese of course. Not that this information I am typing right now is of any importance to the main storyline. I just thought I would type more information to make the post longer. Not that this isn't entertaining you, the reader. Gosh aren't children mean. I remember being called Becca Bangs... Ha, lol. Sorry, don't mind me, breaking the fourth wall and all. *SMASHES FOURTH WALL WITH A WRECKING BALL* Now theres a Miley Cyrus reference.. Okay I'm done.
It was crowded in the center of the room... somehow Roe had misjudged the sheer number of kids in the school. Not that it really mattered. Roe was fairly imposing to look at. Not only was she tall, but she typically wore baggy clothes (like her hoodie) that made her look like a rebellious boy. Coupled with her short and brown and blue hair, most people parted for her... even though she wouldn't hurt a fly. So slowly, and hesitantly, Roe made her way to the gardening club. The little girls there were visibly taken aback as she signed her name on their list. Still, just with gardening, Roe's day would be a little incomplete.

She was determined that she wouldn't spend her home hours studying her last year of high school... she was going to do something new this year, even if it killed her. She had to learn to talk to people too, not just dogs and cats. Looking around again, Roe noticed a lot of sports banners... chewing her bottom lip, Roe tried not to remember the countless times she'd tried out for sports only to be boot off because of how uncoordinated she was. There was one club that wasn't sports related though... Security. Hesitantly, she didn't like how Red had treated the transfer students, but... maybe he was just having a bad day?

At the very least, Roe might be able to feel like she made a difference by the end of her school year. Her mind made up, Roe walked over to the Security booth and signed her name.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

Letter from School

Gardening Club Pamphlet

Security Club Pamphlet

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"Reese huh? Oh my gosh, like the candy! I freakin' love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, dude!" Anabelle stopped herself, "oh, uh sorry, haha, I bet you don't like to be called that. Anyways, my name is Anabelle. I wanna sign up for the pep squad, so that's why I needed the pen! Do you always carry a pen with you?"
He looked at the girl a moment before slightly chuckling.

"Sure.... Like the candy. Nice to meet you, and I guess I do... Never know when I might need it." He said sheepishly.

"I was thinking about joining the Soccer Club... But then again, I'm not so sure I should." He said, looking deep in thought. right now it looked like the most plausible for him to join, however Reese was never good at making decisions.
Hotaru had finally retrieved her marker. Mission accomplish! Now what should she do? The girl quickly scribbled a message and looked around, "Hi! I'm Hotaru!" She felt like the message was too cheery. It might give people weird ideas. Hotaru drew a duck on the corner. There, that might have made her look more friendly. Maybe she might make friends.
Adonna had spaced out in front of a booth. What an erratic collection of students. First, the little blonde girl. Then, some girl with blue hair had up and told off the large guy, Red was his name, she had so caught. Then the blue haired girl had stormed out, only to return. And in between all of this, some guy had fallen flat on his face, and some girl had picked him off the ground and thrown him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Damn, that girl mustav been strong.

It had all happened together, and all so fast. She wasn't sure if she felt anything other than astonishment. And a little tiny bit of catharsis at the fact that the loud dramatic girl had given Red a piece of her mind.

The hum of the masses slowly drew her out of the zone. She blinked back to reality, realizing she had no idea what booth she was standing in front of. So far, all she'd really mentally took note of was Tennis. No other club had really caught her interest. She moved around without direction, gazing about, hoping something of interest would catch her eye. Without realizing it, she had gotten closer the security booth. She glared at it, but caught herself. There by the booth, she noticed a rather tall guy
in a Gundam themed hoodie signing the sheet. He looked, what was it, determined? Or maybe that was just his normal face. Adonna couldn't really tell. He just looked vaguely familiar, like she'd seen him recently... "Oh. The guy from yesterday," she murmured to herself.

She continued her search, not really expecting to find anyth-
What is she doing? There, in the crowd, was a girl with fading pastel green hair. It wasn't that which caught Adonna's attention, it was that the girl was holding up a "Hi! I'm Hotaru!" sign with a small duck drawn beside the words. Adonna shook her head, the corners of her lips moving upwards. Yeah. What an erratic collection of students.



Dorm Key

Pamphlets (x2)

Roe turned from the booth in a hurry, though she wasn't sure why. Perhaps she felt if she stayed, she would eventually cross out her name and spend her free time at home... yuck. Roe had a bad habit of staring at her feet as she was walking, so that was probably how she accidentally bumped into someone vaguely familiar. The girl from the tour! Roe stuttered out generic apologies. "How's your... Forehead?" Pointlessly, Roe pointed to her own forehead, like the fellow tall girl didn't know what it was. Glancing over to the side, Roe saw another young girl, this one she didn't recognize. How could she forget someone who had green hair holding up a sign?

Sighing, she couldn't help feeling an overwhelming sense of... lameness...

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

Letter from School

Gardening Club Pamphlet

Security Club Pamphlet

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"Soccer club?" Anabelle asked, "oh, I bet you'd be good at soccer! You're so tiny I bet you could swerve around everyone and score a ton of goals!" Anabelle pat him on the head, "of course, I'm tiny too, so I shouldn't really be one to judge other people's sizes, y'know?" Anabelle laughed.
At being called tiny, Reese felt a small surge of annoyance ripple through him yet again. But when he was pat on the head his cheeks flushed light pink in embarrassment.

"Y... Yeah I guess.." He replied a little dumbfounded. Just being around this girl made him feel like he's loosing IQ points by the second. Not that it was a bad feeling or anything. Sometimes it was nice to not play the ultra smart guy.

| Morning |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

The boy stared at the bottle of water as if Ukime were trying to hypnotize him. It was only when he was reminded of cold water that his body remembered that it was quite hot for a day in September. Nevertheless, he picked up the bottle offered and swigged it down with equal haste as the girl. "I'm fine, things like that happen all the time here." He answered, twisting the cap back on.

He frowned a little, perhaps considering giving up his man card when Ukime nursed him like he was a lost puppy.
"No really, I'm fine!" This time he brought himself up from the bench, a little frustrated at the situation. "Thanks, but I should head back inside."

Red was just about to turn heel and search for the culprit elsewhere when his challenger approached him yet again. He glared at the girl with crossed arms half expectant for her to cause a scene bigger than he did. "With your type, I doubt I have a choice in the matter."
Hotaru blinked a bit and smiled, she waved at the two girls, she erased the words and uncapped the marker, "Hi! Who are you?" She wondered if anyone here knows sign language. When the figures didn't respond, she drew a bunny on the word hi. This seemed like a good start to making friends. The girl tilted her head waiting for a response.

Keys (x2)

Maps (x2)

Slate board

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Adonna shook her hand, dismissing the apologies from the boy in the hoodie. "You're fine, you're fine, I wasn't looking either..." she paused, confused. Forehead? "My forehead's fine, you didn't run into my..." and then it struck her. Oh. "Oooh. You're talking about my faceplant yesterday. Yeah, my forehead's doing fine..." She followed the tall boy's gaze, seeing that the green-haired girl had caught the attention of yet another person. "Yeah. I have no idea what she's doing either."



Dorm Key

Pamphlets (x2)
Breaking out in a smile, Roe tugged on her hair a little. "Ah... That's good then. I'm Roe. It's uh... nice to meet you." A flurry of movement crossed her vision, and she noticed the girl holding the sign come bounding over to them. "Hi... it's nice to meet you... Hotaru?" Nervously, Roe introduced herself to Hotaru. "What clubs are you guys joining?" It had been a while since she spoke to anyone but family, so she tried not to screw up too badly... clubs should be a safe topic, she thought.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

Letter from School

Gardening Club Pamphlet

Security Club Pamphlet


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