- Zodiac - [Inactive]

"Please sign up in the gym if you would like to join this club."

Izaya had been in the wrong place. No wonder why nobody was there.

He headed towards the gym, and went to put his name on the paper.

Then he stepped back to see who else signs up for it.

He looked like a creep staring towards the paper, but he didn't care.
Hotaru blinked a bit at the hyperactive girl, she tilted her head and erased the slate. With quick writing came a quick response, "I like you. Be my friend. Can I meet Satan? Who is Red?" Her face held no emotion once again, this usually meant that she was being quite serious. Hotaru looked down on her slate and added a face along with words, "\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Please?" Hopefully that would be the deal breaker. People need a lot of emotion to be friends, right? As for the words next to it, the request ranged from 'Be my friend' to 'Can I meet Satan'.
Roe took her time walking back to the school. She wasn't sure if it was creepy to go back to the clubs when she'd already signed up for her two. Stretching, she blocked the sun with her hands, thinking as she watched the light dance between hear fingertips.

It hadn't taken her long to find Wal-Mart, but it had taken a while to escape the she-ogre. Roe's mom made her help with the cooking, and as the eldest daughter, she was forced to listen to the never-ending complaints about her older brothers. 'Don't get me wrong...' Roe hastily thought in case her suspicion that her mother could read thought was true. 'I love my family it's just...' there were so many of them, they were on the go all the time.

She needed a breather... and so Roe found herself wandering back to school... creepy or not. And so, she was there, at the school entrance. Maybe it was time to do a little exploring? Pulling out her notebook of directions, Roe walked in... not particularly paying attention to where she was going.

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"I knew it." She thought in her head but was surprised that he would say no too but he did look like one that wouldn't like soccer or even any kind of sports but this caught her attention since these were primary clubs but she let it slide, letting the poor guy be. She then turned her attention to Dominic seeing how he was seemingly worried about something but she didn't speak since Damien already took the words right out of her mouth, instead she waited for a response from Dominic.



Notebook with pencils


| Afternoon |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

Dominic didn't actually notice he was frowning. His mind was left to shift into his second half, the pessimistic, worrisome type. It was a side of him he couldn't help. Whether it be a slow day, or an active one, there was always that one situation that threw his entire mood off balance. Damian's voice shook him back to an aware state. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't hear you, what?"

Damian obviously knew Dominic enough to pick up on his mood changes. It was common ground to them, nothing new. "Yesterday I planned to show you around the town, let you in on all the hotspots. Perhaps you've got time today if you're not signing up for anything. You too, Alice." Out of nowhere, Dominic let out a bright grin. "Consider it your official 'Welcome to Brookfield', hmm?" Without even giving the two a decision in the matter, he was already beckoning them to follow him. He needed the fresh air anyway, as it was around 4PM now. Time worked strangely in Brookfield.

On their way out of the gym and toward the corridor, they had stopped by Phillip, who was accompanied by Hotaru and Farra, the girl who actually stood up to Red.
"Oh, hey Ferrari. Going somewhere?" "I'm going to show everyone around town." "And here I was thinking I guided the newcomers." Phillips chuckled lightly at the thought. "You should tag along, you and your friends." He gestured to Hotaru and Farra. "It'll be one big outing!"
After she was finished replying to a role play she previously signed in she had gotten up to take her shower. It only took 45 minutes before she had gotten out and dried herself off. Smiling as she walked back into the room, she had slipped on some shorts and a tank top that had a sleeve on the right arm and none on the left. Laying on her bed she kicked her feet to and fro as she closed her eyes and hummed. A loud bang on the door made her open her eyes and stop her humming into a hm. Getting off the bed she opened her door and saw it was a man in a ups uniform with papers.

"Your stuff has arrived. ."

Signing the papers she moved to the side to let the men come and drop her stuff off. They placed five boxes on the floor and a guitar case against the wall. Her skate board and katana's were the last thing to enter. Handing back the clip board and with a tip of that hat they had gone their way. Shutting the door with her feet she had walked over toward the first box that was stacked on top. Opening it up, all her posters were neatly rolled and in their case just the way she packed them. Smiling she took the box off the top and placed it beside her feet. She opened up the next one which had her casual clothing in it along with her hair supplies. Her head sets were found at the bottom where her I pod and cd's were too.

"Nothing seems to be broken."


Key [1]

Id [1]

I pod with earbuds [1]

Wallet [1]
Yo yo [1]

Pack of gume [5 pieces]
Before Alice could protest against Dominic, she was suddenly dragged along but she was curious about the place so it shouldn't be half bad could it? Walking behind the boys, she came to a stop and looked to Dominic as he talked with some boy with two girls by his side. Now Alice only had guy friends on the first day of school so she was in need of some girl friends in the school or she would be stuck with guys her whole school life but guys were mostly easy to talk to because they didn't seem to care whether what you are or who you are as long as you're nice but that didn't mean all boys were the same. Some were mean just like in her homeland but today she needed to forget her old friends and make new friends so she could switch her boring life to a better life with friends... or so she hoped to be able to have friends.
Hotaru looked at the new people with curiosity. She wanted them to have a lasting impression of her, she erased everything except for the word 'Satan'. She quickly jot down some words. Hotaru looked back at the crowd, "I'm Satan. I like teddy bears, want to be my friend?" She bore her emotionless eyes, but her lips curled upwards. She quickly erased the words and wrote more words, at middle of her sentence she frowned and capped her marker. Hotaru showed off her slate, "I still need to sign up for a club, I'll do it later. I'm Hotaru, you people still need to..." The words trailed off, the marker has ran out of ink.




Dead marker
Alice stared at the paper and tilted her head,"What a strange girl." She thought reading the words written on the board until it trailed off,"Oh... it died." She thought looking at the marker and giggled slightly at how strange the girl was, taking out a paper and pencil from her bag, she wrote back to her,"Hi Satan or Hotaru! I'm Alice from Great Britain, a black sheep. I also like teddy bears. I like to be your friend too." She wrote showing the paper to her with a grin curling up on her lips. The girl, Hotaru, seemed quite interesting and Alice find a liking to her but she still didn't know who the other girl was.



Roe's map of the school complete, she turned back and started home. Standing up straight, she had hope for the coming year. It had to be better than her last school. Confident in her observations, she rounded the corner to the apartment complex. Her brother Linden was leaning against the stairs, his dark brown hair pulled back into a short ponytail. Blue eyes met her green , and he gave a rare smile. " You might not want to go in right now... mom had a complaint about the noise a few minutes ago from one of our new neighbors." Shivering, Roe sat down next to her brother. He was only 10 months older than her, but he should have passed high school already... if not for the fact he skipped too many days.

Roe sighed, and looked at him thoughtfully. "Wanna hear about the school?" Linder turned and gave another rare smile. "Sure."

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Hotaru looked at the sketchpad and gave Alice a grin. She didn't want to be rude and use her pencil, so she used a stray pencil on the ground. The first thing Hotaru did was draw a black sleep and an arrow that pointed to the word sheep, she had to draw it in a way that she wasn't invading Alice's personal bubble and taking it from her hands. With her stolen pencil she wrote back, "It's nice to meet you! May I borrow a sheet of paper? I would like to continue speaking with you." Hotaru took a step back and waited for a reaction.




Stolen pencil

Deadbeat marker--It has disgraced Hotaru
Before being able to construct a proper response, he was being whisked away by Dominic and company. A company of three more, to be exact. Much to Damian's reluctance he couldn't back out on his best friend. He decided to swallow is shallow pride and decide to accompany this posse on their little excursion. He pulled his hood over his face, once they all began to leave school grounds. On instinct, he pulled his headphones into his hears and turned on his MP3 player,

. Using his music as an escape from social interaction, he let his thoughts drown in the tunes.
Shun's inspiration in art was often drawn from a personal distinction of beauty existing in the world around him. In this instance of time, it was in fact such a scenario as his hand began to form an abstract materialization of the academy's rain garden that existed just outside the club room's window. Although the room was difficult for those unaware to discover, the art club's location was certainly worth the trip as it was located within a quaint section of the academy, isolated from the maelstrom of students and their daily interactions of the norm. With only a single wall adjacent to the school itself, the room displayed a delicate side of the academy with a view that Shun concluded was a gift from a gardening club to the artistic atmosphere the enveloped this wing of the academy.

With his conscious focused on his work at hand, Shun's attention to events around him was as existent as his reaction to the student who had entered the room. Luckily for the student however, Shun was nearing completion of his painting, and it was only after a short time past that he returned to acknowledge his presence. Judging from the art supplies surrounding the student's appearance and the question he had asked, Shun concluded that the person at hand must have been the one in charge of the booth at the fair.

"Pardon the intrusion," Shun began in reply while turning his paint splattered face to give the newcomer a warm smile and nod in greeting. "I'm actually not a member at all. While wandering, I just happened to find my way to this peaceful location and couldn't help but paint the view."

Returning his focus to his painting, Shun began adding the finishing highlights that would extenuate his desired appearance; however, it was a short minute later that he partially returned his attention to the student, who he believed to be the club president, with an assured tone on his voice.

"But these are all my supplies, so you don't have to worry about your supply stock." he added with small laugh in between his delicate paint strokes.

It was after he had become satisfied with the content of the painting that Shun set his equipment aside and rose to introduce himself to student who had been watching his painting with mild curiosity.

"I'm Shun," he began with a smile and the extension of his hand for a shake, " I intend to be a regular in this room, so I hope your alright with that," he added with a chuckle as he began the wait for the deciding reply.

  • iPhone
  • wallet
Alice looked at the simple picture of a black sheep and chuckled at how cute it looked, she didn't notice that Hotaru stole a pencil from the ground but she wouldn't even care if the pencil would have been hers or anyone's. Taking out some paper from her book, she handed them to Hotaru and wrote down,"Sure. I don't mind!" She wrote while drawing a teddy bear on the side of her writing.



Club signup day...just why? I all wanted was to check in...get my ID and classes...but no. "Welcome to club signup day."

No matter where I go, every school is the same unnecessary crap.

Jacen stood outside with a list of recommended clubs in his hand.

I might as well...just try and see what this town is about.

The newest addition to Armstrong High started off towards the school gates, opting to do a little exploring for the afternoon...lord knows he wasn't signing up for anything anytime soon. His belongings were in the dorm and his parents were notified of his arrival as soon as he received his student info. As far as he was concerned, it was time to go off and do whatever he wished.

Jacen's Inventory:

Student IDClub List

Wallet+ $24.50


Android Phone
Hotaru pointed at the teddy bear, once she received the paper she wrote down softly, she didn't want to dent the paper, "It's so cute! Do you like to draw? Are you in Art club? Which clubs are you in?" She looked down at the paper and frowned, "Sorry for asking you so many questions."




Dead marker

Paper from Alice

| Afternoon |

| Clubs Signup Day |

Date: September 14, 2014

"Well well, look at everyone being social." Phillips commented on the outwardness of both Alice and Hotaru. The two seemed to get along like peanut butter and jelly, and there wasn't a single complaint from anyone in that group. "Anyway, I'll take up your offer. I can't say the same for Hotaru or Farra." "Alright, I was thinking I could take them down to the beach or something." "It's a bit too chilly for ocean air, Ferrari." "Right right-... Downtown? Sooner or later the school's going to order us to buy new supplies, like notebooks and whatnot. It wouldn't hurt to know those shops are."

Phillips nodded to that. The two believed that the key to a good school year in a foreign land is to know what you're dealing with. Dominic glanced over the group entirely, which so far consisted of himself, Damain, Alice, Hotaru, Farra, and the one and only Phillips. With a beckoning bob of his head, Dominic led the way out of the gym, expected the rest to follow.

The situation in the Art Club storage was just as pleasant as the paintings around them. The club's member had first expected someone to simply be rummaging around, perhaps even stealing if it came down to it. Accepting Shun's offer with a firm shake, he spoke.
"Yukio. I rarely see any other artistic talent in school." His words followed shortly by a sigh. The majority of students that came to Armstrong High were sport nuts. "The Art Club doesn't have many members, actually, but I'm elated to see someone's willing to join!" Yukio smiled towards Shun before fully taking notice of his work behind him. "What did you create, exactly?"

As the group maneuvered down the corridor, it became clear that they were actually one of the last few people to leave the gym. Through the windows to their side, it was clear that the sky had turned to an orange hue, signaling dusk. "There's a new restaurant that opened up near here, actually. Maybe we can go check that out as well." So many ideas were bustling through Dominic's head, the possibilities that came with a group of friends were simply endless.


Just as Dominic opened the front doors to the school, he had felt the steel metal smack against something heavy. With his heart racing and the area silent, he opened the door to see that he had opened it in the face of another possible student; Jacen.
"S-..sorry! I didn't mean to-..!"

Reading the many questions on one sheet of paper, she took her pencil and wrote down all the answers to her questions,"It is fine. I'm not in Art club but I like to draw. The club I'm in right now is Soccer Club for now. I may join other clubs if I find one that interests me." She wrote in one sheet of paper with a little soccer ball and a picture of chibi Hotaru on the paper.



Anabelle was sitting at a table, with a large book, "Wow, this book is so interesting... It's like all fantasy and stuff!" Anabelle said to herself. A loud "Shhhh!" came from a couple tables away, "Sorry~" Anabelle whispered. She picked up the heavy book and lugged it to the front desk, "Um, excuse me, I'd like to check this out." The librarian nodded, scanned the book and handed it to her. Anabelle smiled at her and then was out the door.
"If the other clubs don't really interest you, try joining the Art club I would like to have a friend in it!o(^▽^*)人(*^▽^)o" She gave her a closed eyes smile. All of a sudden, Hotaru remembered the other people around her. There was a beach here? The bang made her jump a bit. She held her heart as it tried to calm down.




Dead marker

Sheet of paper

Stolen pencil
....this has to be a joke. I move halfway across the country and the same exact thing almost happens again.

Jacen held the edge of the door against his forearm and sharply sighed. Thankfully his reactions saved him from a repeat of a similar incident at a boarding school in Japan. He opened his eyes to face a dark haired student, apologizing for almost smashing his face with a door with a group of people behind him.

No need...to make an enemy in the first week. No sense in hastening the inevitable. Stay calm, J.

"It's fine...thankfully there's no harm. Stuff happens, I guess."

Despite the calm delivery, Jacen was still holding back a considerable amount of frustration. He prayed his face didn't show it and make things even more uncomfortable.
Snapping back to reality (she had zoned out), Farra glanced suspiciously at the newcomers. "Wait-who are you guys...? Where are we going? Slow down, I'm getting dizzy; I.. I think I need to lie--" Farra was cut oof when she collapsed onto her knees, clutching her head. "Dehydrated," she mumbled. "Uhm..someone mind taking me to my dorm?" Farra called weakly to the group. She barely managed to push herself up, and she stumbled around drunkenly when she did stand up. Farra graabed onto Dominic to steady herself (much to his displease, she was sure), and she said again, "I... I think I need medical help. Maybe. Actually, just take me back to my dorm, please? Anyone?" She said in a soft but annoyed voice.
Adonna awoke, suddenly and abruptly. What? Where? She calmed down a few seconds after when she realized there was nothing she had to do, nowhere she had to be. "Phew," she sighed, her legs dangling off the side of the bed. She rubbed her eyes, feeling groggy, and a tiny bit hungry. Her dorm room was lit an eerie orange by the light shining from corners of the curtains. She gazed up at her orange tinted ceiling, her mind blank, fingers tapping lazily against the mattress she sat on. It felt weird, the mellow atmosphere, especially after the crazy morning at the gym. Pushing herself off the bed, she made her way to the window, shoving the curtains aside. The orange light of sunset filled her room entirely. She stared out the window for a moment, taking in the view. Then pulled the window open.

There's no screen... she realized. Adonna stuck her head out, a light wind catching her hair. She scanned the area about her, looking down. She was high enough that she wouldn't be able to jump down, not without hurting herself. It was a random thought to have, but it crossed her mind. Off to her left, there was a large pipe running down the building. I could use that... she thought. The crevices on the side of building, those could be used as foot holds. And then the pipe, she could use it to to climb down. A sudden thought struck her, and she looked up. Or up. I could go up.

"...What the hell am I thinking?" Adonna pulled her head back into the room, crossing back to her bed. Squeak, the bed protested as the entire weight of her body fell back onto the mattress. She bounced twice before settling in. The thought felt random, unwarranted, but it wasn't. Man, I must be mad homesick, she frowned. Then shot her arm out abruptly, grabbing her phone by the side of the pillow. She scrolled through her contacts before finally realizing: she'd never transferred over his info onto her current phone. Just forget it, she told herself, shutting her eyes, and the thoughts, away. Or so she tried. Instead, flashes of scaling up and down the side of a house painted purple, in and out the white framed window. Her legs felt restless, as though they wanted to climb through the window and up the building. Grimacing further, she pressed a button on the phone's screen and held it to her ear.

"...Hey Ma... Not much, we had to sign up for clubs today..."

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To her surprise she almost forgot something that she needed to do. Hopping out of beds she exchanged her night clothes from a black shirt , and tan carpi's that had six pockets. Taking out her yo yo and laying it on her bed, she snatched up her walled, her id, her keys and her i pod with her ear buds. Slipping on her converses an snatching the tip of her skate board she had ran out side and looked up toward the sky. It wasn't dark yet so even if she would get lost she would have time to find her way back. Locking her door she ran down and out in to the center of the schools yard. Placing her skate board on the concrete path she took out her i pod and selected a song from her "opened eyes" playlist. As the song I write sins not tragedies played in her ear she had taken out her wallet to see how much money she had. Thanks to her friend who helped ship her belongings she was give 50 bucks. This was found in the fifth box which she had saved for last.

"Your always so good to me Hime."

She gave a slight smile then heard a noise despite the loud volume setting her i pod was at. Looking back over her shoulder it was a group of kids and another on the outside. From what she assumed they were leaving the school. It was a rather large group, maybe if it was just 2 people she would have walked over and asked them where they were head, possibly join them. She frowned as she kicked off with her right leg and placed it on the board when she had enough speed. Riding out of the school she made a right. It was downtown right, so first go down. From what she heard it was a pretty far walk so with her skateboard she should get there in no time. Tapping her foot a little she began to sing along to the lyrics as she rode steadily don the street.



Wallet[50+20= 70 bucks]

i pod[1]

Pack of gum[5 pieces]

"Sure! I'll join in when I have the time to!" She wrote back with a little picture of a chibi. She then looked to the boy named "Phillips" with a questioning look, writing on her paper,"Problem?" as she went off following Dominic out the gym not waiting for an answer from him.

She kept quiet now once Dominic ramble on and on about the many places and ideas he had in store for them. It was amusing to Alice to see the once quiet guy from before becoming a talking mess with exciting things hidden in him. Alice smiled but stopped when Dominic opened the door with a slam.

She didn't flinch but it did surprised her as Dominic opened the door more to reveal a very big man seeming a student also giving off a death-killing aura towards Dominic but he seemed to hide it well telling Dominic it was fine,"Very tall, pretty well fit, strong arms, piercing blue eyes..." She thought examining the student curiously with a slight hint of jealousy for his height.




Notebook and Pencil

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