- Zodiac - [Inactive]


| ??? |


The presence of an unknown entity caused Tyrik to stop once more, her free hand reaching for her scarf, when...

Lance had appeared. The reasoning behind his appearance was a mystery.
"Shadowwalker.. I mistook you for a Hollow at one point." Ultimately her guard was lowered. Despite Marabel's glomp towards the shadow, Tyrik felt as if she should at least explain her thoughts to him. "Something feels off in the air ever since the hosts departed. It must only be in my residence, but I can't ignore it. I'm looking forward to an explanation from Bastion, if he knows anything." It hadn't actually occurred to her to ask Lance the same question, though if there was something odd going on, he would have known the situation with the two instead of asking.

"As for Marabel? She's just following me."


| ??? |


"The threads of fate are twisting in unnatural ways. Wouldn't you agree, Gom?"

The solemn words came from a dimly lit room where a seemingly young girl was sitting atop a tattered recliner whose cover was barely being held together by numerous threaded patches of cloth. The girl was certainly mysterious and even more so was her attire which resembled the tattered and patched cover of her seat. If anything one would describe her as wearing the pajamas of a child, especially with the teddy bear nightcap upon her head. With an actual teddy bear resting upon her lap, the girl's attention was entirely focused on her inanimate friend, Gom, as she gently caressed its head while continuing the one sided conversation at hand.

"Perhaps we should pay our dear friend, Bastion, a visit. In the past, he has always held my respect for his knowledge, and perhaps he could once again shed some light on my clairvoyance."

Rising to her feet, the girl, with Gom tucked under one arm, reached toward the nearby glass table and took hold of a pair of scissors that soon disappeared from her hand. With a content smile coming to her face, she turned to on look the room's exit; however, an approaching shadow paused her forward movement as she awaited the arrival of the on coming source. Crossing the threshold was a peculiar entity resembling a full sized mannequin that was hopelessly dragging its awkward body to deliver an article of clothing that it held in one hand. Taking the offering with her free hand, the girl quickly inspected its entirety, but with a small sigh, she let the dress fall to the ground before reaching into the mouth of Gom and retrieving the scissors from before into her now open hand. Closing her eyes, the girl reopened them to an alternate view that encompassed the numerous threads covering every inch of the mannequin's body. Reaching forward, she carefully but quickly began snipping individual threads until what was once an entity dissolved into nothing, and all that remained were various colored threads that were soon collected and stuffed down the bear's throat.

"Pseudo life can be no where near as efficient as a master tailor. Perhaps, I should garner Bastion's opinion of his own host while I'm there."

With Gom comfortable resting in her arms, the girl began her quiet journey toward Bastion's manor with high spirits and anticipation of meeting her acquaintance and experiencing the world of art that she loved. Unaware to her would be the additional company of two spirits whose existence she would not wholly enjoy.
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"But... Don't worry about what the others think of me. Let them think I'm Satan, or whatever. I'm just happy they're leaving me alone. I don't care if people draw devil horns on my Yearbook photo. I just hope no one gives me any trouble. I've had enough of it." Farra turned around to look at Damian in the eyes. "Do you really mean that?" she asked softly. Her sodden shoes made soft squishing noises as she continued down the stairs. "Being feared is better than being loved, I agree. But don't let it go to your head." The fear still lingered, but her heart beat had slowed down, almost to normalcy. "I'm sorry, Kitt. I kinda dabbled. But you're welcome. It's nice to have an ear to lend on in times of discomfort. I try to fill that role if I can." Farra shot him an odd look, but shook her head and laughed a bit. "Which role?"

Hotaru was snapped back to reality by the curly haired, Nikky. Instinctively, she held the slate over her face. Puffing out her cheeks she quickly did her best to look like she was in a happy mood. Everyone had left the room to go to their homes. Yet, Nikky stuck around to ask if she wanted to be partners. She was touched, slowly letting her slate down she nodded. Not wanting to ruin her picture, she hoped that the nod would be enough to confirm their partnership. She was already cold, now her teeth were chattering. Clasping her hand over her mouth, she tried to keep it in control. It wouldn't stop, she buried her face into her hands. Rain pounded against the window, feeling a bit uncomfortable Hotaru slumped in her seat. Placing the slate back on the desk, she was tempted to erase it to communicate with her friend. Thunder shook the room, Hotaru took in a sharp breath and smiled at Nikky.

The rain reminded her of the time when Nikky had saved her from the rain and offered her a taste of her music choices. The curly haired girl, at first gave off an atmosphere that Hotaru would usually stay away from. She seemed confident and it scared Hotaru. The girl did prove to be surprising, she was like a dreamer. Going off of her own ways. It made Hotaru feel like they could share ideas. Hotaru had secretly envied Nikky. Feeling warm from the inside, a very foreign feel for her, the pink haired girl gave her a side hug. It took a while for Hotaru to let go, Nikky's body was very warm and she had gotten used to it. The sky rumbled on. Hotaru had let go and stood up from her seat. She picked up her lone expo marker that flew out of her hands and looked back to Nikky.

She gestured to Nikky to get up and follow her. Just as she did, the lights went out. The girl dropped her slate, it landed on the floor with a collective sound of pitter patters. Blinking a bit she dug her hand in her cheek, what was happening? In a moment of slight fear, she quickly tried the door. It wouldn't budge. Hotaru let out a soft squeal. Such a big room with only two people. Her body shook from the cold air and small fear of being trapped. Happy thoughts, come on. She forced herself to start to think of things that made her happy. There was a small moment of panic when she couldn't remember anything. All she needs is a good slap to start thinking properly. Hotaru being to think rationally in her own way, she pierced into her own wound and began to hum. It was a way to keep her mind to continue to think properly. Blood began to spill and a smile spread to her lips.

  • Slate with a cute drawing {x1}

    Marker {x3}

    Notebook {x3}

    Pencils {x2}

    Folders {x3}

    Bruises {x5}

    Bleeding wound {x1}

    Meltdown {x1}

Alice was about to ditch the two boys when all of a sudden her vision went black,"What the he-" Alice exclaimed bewildered by the sudden power-out, hearing some of the students who stayed behind all panicking a bit along with some teachers trying to calm them down. Alice wasn't gonna do anything and was about to go when Sam finally found her,"Oh, Sam, I'm okay?" Alice said, confused why she wouldn't be but maybe it was because she was a girl and seemed "weak" to Sam,"He haven't seen the real me." Alice thought and looked over at the group, seeing Zage among them,"Hello again Zage. Good to see you have join in our group, good job Sam, you even got Dommie's twin here." Alice stated, acknowledging Sam for the first time.

Then Alice became even more dumbfounded. Sam was.. apologizing to her.. but for what exactly? Alice couldn't understand what had been going on in Sam's mind but she knew, she needed to get that thought out of his mind,"Sam, I don't know what gave you that idea but you're not a nuisance. You're not bugging me and we're friends." Alice explained with a huff,"Why did you think you were a nuisance to me?" Alice asked confused, wanting a reason why Sam was like this but then she remembered the question Sam asked about earlier,"Must be because of that." Alice thought feeling the same guilt swept over her again.
The boy was already well on his way from her. Hearing his response, she wasn’t comfortable knowing that this boy would willingly catch pneumonia on her behalf simply to be a gentleman.

However…” She thought, “If I keep it this time, I guess it means that I’ll be seeing him again. Perhaps just this once…” The thoughts continued as she began to walk in the opposite direction toward the door. By the time she’d reached it, the entire area had suddenly gone dark around her. She stopped for a moment and looked around.

Hm… power must’ve gone out.” She said, nonchalantly, trying to push the lever that acted as the doorknob of the large double door in front of her, suddenly realizing that it wouldn’t budge, as though it were locked from the inside. “Wait a minute, what the…” She tried again, then trying the other side of the double door. Things were suddenly beginning to fall into place. That the power went out and the door was locked all of a sudden weren’t mere coincidences.

It's electronically locked. You're not getting through unless you break it open." Someone said from a nearby area. Akira’s eyes widened as she looked at the locked door in front of her, taking a few steps back from it as she gripped the umbrella's handle tighter in her grasp. Suddenly, there was the instantaneous feeling of a chill. As if on instinct, the girl turned and looked behind her, only to see that nothing was there. Her widened eyes suddenly turned to a grave glare, though a vast amount of fear was being hidden beneath it. The sudden power outage, the doors locking at random, it just didn’t all seem to fit together in a normal circumstance. And the constant lightning didn’t quite ease the suspicion, either.

Something feels off…
"Hm? No, I'm keeping myself level headed. It's just I'm enjoying the infamy. Never thought I'd say that. But I do mean that. I prefer to keep to myself. Safer that way." Damian stuffed his hand in his pocket and upon reaching the first floor entrance way he held the door open for Farra with his free hand. She popped an interesting question as she listened to Damian faff on about nothing. "Which role? I guess a listener? I'm not much a talker... I say this as I've been running on about nonsense. Eheh..." Damian looked around to see if Dominic was still hanging around. He did say that he'd show up again in the not too distant future. He wasn't seeing him in the hallway he and Farra was in.What was most concerning is... What happened to the power? Did the storm cut it off? Things were a lot more severe than they let on. "Hrmph..."


"Axe maniac." Lance had slipped out of Marabel's hug and leaned back against the tree, arms crossed. "So would you believe me if I said I may be a contributing cause? With me Hollowing, other Hollows are attracted to me. They look at me as some sort of fresh scent, I wager. I guess I would give off a very peculiar presence. I occasionally see one prowling about and sizing me up. Yet, not attacking. But the chance has lessened for me. Hollows just disappearing isn't something that is a regular occurrence. So that brings me to ask: What do you think it is? You seem to be the most concerned here."
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Sam's shoulders lower with relief. "Good, I won't bug you with dumb question anymore, don't worry." He sighs. "You guys feel it too? Something's wrong here but I can't put my finger on it. Even if the power goes out we should have backups right? And the storm isn't that bad is it? I know thunder can cause problems but I'm sure the school has been through worse..." He thinks for a moment then snaps his fingers. "Good thing I brought this!" He turns to his bag and pulls his laptop out, logging in his looks up. "We should be able to get some outside information about any power outages, where they are and the like. If the school is an isolated incident we might have a problem here." He looks to Alice and the others "I don't know much about the area, Alice, can you tell me the names of some of the important things like power companies around here?" His eyes meet hers, she says he's not a nuisance, but he wants to prove himself to her and the others that he's not just some dead weight to be lugged around on the project, taking the initiative seems to be one of the best ways to show that. He looks around. "You guys in for more info?"
"Hrmph..." Farra frowned. Damian was probably getting tired of her company. "Hey--I can leave, if you want," she mumbled. She didn't want to be a bother, and he probably had other, more important, things to do. One of those things was probably not talking to a blue-haired teenage girl. "Let me guess; you're looking for Dominic, right? It seems you always are," she added. She had to get back to her regular old self; not that boo-hoo tell-all baby up on the roof. "I think there's a power outage," Farra said, her smile widening.
Zage twiddled with her fingers awkwardly, not knowing what to say. She looked out the window and smiled before looking back at the group. "So uh. We're stuck in here I guess." she said as she grabbed her phone out of her back to use as a flashlight. "What should we do know? I could probably crawl through a vent and try unlocking a door." she offered.
The sky weeps. Washes away the old and reveals the new.

It was like Hotaru was trying to put on a good show for her. Nikky couldn't stop grinning all the while; this world were full of actors. People act and adapt in order to seem appropriate and fit in. Nikky was just as guilty, she spent her whole life trying to fit in with her adoptive family and finally she now felt a little free from that burden. Those who could make their roles their own and in turn make people love them for their individuality, made the best characters. A smirk formed on her face as she repeated the word
, individuality. But she now had a partner, so mission accomplished.

As they were getting up to go with no warning, the lights went off. It was dark and she could feel her heart skip a beat and she immediately stopped in her tracks to properly access her situation. A grin formed on her face,
this was new, she thought. Everything seemed to have a strange atmosphere when in the dark, it’s where paranoia is bred. But that's what darkness did; it brought out your fear of the unknown. While maybe as a child, Nikky may have been scared of the dark but now she embraced it. It allowed her imagination the run wild. But that calming effect she waited for never came, instead she just felt uneasy.


Nikky called out into the dark concerned, "You okay?" when all she got was an eerie hum in response Nikky began to fiddle around in her tote bag to pull out her phone shedding some light on the situation.


She turned the light towards her peer and was at a loss for words watching Hotaru dig her nails into her skin. Nikky's eyes followed the blood that trailed off her arm and pool at her classmate’s feet. On instinct, Nikky grabbed Hotaru by the shoulders and pulled her in close for a hug.

"It's alright, relax."

Nikky hugged the girl tight, for a first time in a while she couldn't think of anything to say; the question,
'what do I say?!' was frantically repeating in her head and she hated it. She wanted to say something happy and cheerful but this whole situation only brought back bad memories, she couldn't think straight. She hoped the hug was enough.

Breaking the embrace, Nikky took a look at Hotaru's arm; she worried wondering how she would stop the blood flow.
Clark let out a sigh at Alice's comment. "My names Clark. I don't see why you think I look like Dominic." Clark grumbled as he sat on the ground. It was cold and probably not the most hygienic place to sit on but Clark didn't care. He was tired and had hoped to relax in his room and he was determined to sit down and relax somewhere. Even if it mean sitting on the floor that had met many students dirty shoes. Clark looked towards Sam. "How do you plan on accessing the internet if the power is out?" Clark asked. He was not computer whiz and didn't know how most of that stuffed worked but in his experience no power meant no internet unless the schools internet wasn't effected by the power out. He sighed once again. Wondering what he'd done to get himself trapped in a school building for who knows how long.
Sam smiles as Zage tries to offer some way of helping. "Sorry Zage, even if you made it through the vents these doors are electrically locked, and the teachers already told everyone they can that the power's out." He pauses to think for a moment. "Don't electric doors normally have some sort of way to be opened in an emergency? Powered doors normally can be opened another way..." Then Clark speaks up and he nods. "Your right, we probably won't get anything, but if there's a cafe down the road or a fast food joint, we should be able to get some internet, as weak as it may be." He turns to Alice. "That's where you come in, I need the names of local places nearby that might have unlocked wi-fi."

In all honesty, Sam's a bit scared. In his mind things don't really add up to "just a power outage." He wants to find out more because if something is wrong everyone needs to know.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4a741e3_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.49a2d4b602c15647a00331b365a5fe75.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4a741e3_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.49a2d4b602c15647a00331b365a5fe75.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino smiled brightly as the two boys took her candies, and - though it was only a small gesture - she felt like she was closer to becoming actual friends with them. As they both went off to attend their own issues, Hoshino shrugged, but the beam still remained upon her pale pink lips. Something about plant life, huh? She thought as she walked down the hall to her secondary club. That sounds nice. I love biology. She nodded to herself as she adjusted the strap on her bag. She paid a trip to her locker to drop off her text books, for they were becoming too heavy to carry in her arms and in her bag. Thank the heavens for lockers~ She let out a small giggle as she organized all of her things inside. She still wanted to decorate it, but she didn't have the materials with her right now. "I'll need to bring those tomorrow," she spoke her thoughts aloud as she placed a curled index finger against her bottom lip. How fun~ She thought to herself before smiling once more, and then another smile came to her face. She had a little mirror she could place in there, a few pictures she drew, and a little dry-erase board to remind her of whatever she needs to do. It was going to be cute, for Hoshino is quite the decorator. She supposed it came with her artistic senses.

Speaking of artistic senses, she just remembered that it was about time for her to run over to the art club. With a suddenly elated expression, Hoshino's eyes twinkled with delight. She took off down the hallways, making her way back to the room with glee. I love that place~ It has such a nice feel to it~ She thought, feeling the sense of euphoria wash over her like a gentle wave. She adored all of the materials they had, and before she never got the chance to paint. This time, instead of just sketching and waiting for another person to arrive, she planned on painting up a storm and enjoying herself all the while. I wonder if that boy - Shun, was it? - will be in there already.. She wondered as she skipped down the hallway. Her extensive, snow white hair flowed behind her like a shimmering veil, meanwhile her eyes shone like twinkling stars. She couldn't contain her excitement when it came to art; it was practically her life, and she always felt so complete when drawing. She couldn't count how many nights she stayed up drawing non-stop. She knew it wouldn't be a good thing to do that lately, however. She'd sleep during class.

Though, those thoughts left her mind as soon as she entered the room. Shun was there, like she hoped, so she wasn't all alone. "Mind if I paint something?" she asked him as she shut the door behind her. It was then that - out of nowhere - the entire room went black. Hoshino's pale features almost seemed to glow eerily in the gray light peeking through the window of the room, while her bright eyes scanned the room for the cause of the sudden darkness. "Did the power go out?" She wondered aloud as she sat down beside a canvas. She didn't really mind, for she could surely paint in the dark. It may not be as good as her well-lit paintings were, but she could still do such. What got to her was how she heard a little 'click' coming from the door. With slightly raised brows, she made her way over and tried turning the knob. She tilted her head cutely in confusion as the door refused to open. "It's locked?" She spoke in a questioning tone as she tried turning the knob again. "Yep, it's locked." It took her a while to process the situation entirely. As soon as she realized she was stuck here, the news hit her, as did the fact that she was all alone with a boy.

Her face immediately flushed. W-Wait.. We're alone? She wondered in an embarrassed fashion in her thoughts. She gently placed her palms on her warming cheeks, trying to will the blush away. Oh, get a grip. You were alone with him yesterday, weren't you? ... Though, this time, it's a little dark and scary.. Plus, I don't like thunder.. She thought, really hoping that her inner coward wouldn't show in front of someone she just met yesterday. Many people don't know this, but Hoshino has a fear of thunder. Whenever she was left alone as a child and the power went out just like this, she always remembered how she would cower in her room all alone. Her parents were always too busy arguing, or they were never around to begin with. Her father always worked, and her mother had her everlasting affair. She hated being reminded of that; being alone, that is. Storms like this always did that, for not only was she alone, she was alone and scared. She could hear a soft rumble coming from the clouds, and it made her shiver. She was suddenly grateful for the darkness, for Shun most likely couldn't see her tremble. She let out a sigh as she took a seat back at the canvas.

I wonder what I should paint?

((I hope this is alright!))



  • Hoshino Shiromiya Icon 2.png
    Hoshino Shiromiya Icon 2.png
    193.7 KB · Views: 29
Alice sighed not caring much for Clark's problem with the nickname she gave him and ignored him for the time being till the situation was clear. Alice wasn't sure what was going on but whatever it was, it wasn't just a normal power-out and Alice couldn't feel Tyrik's presence anywhere so it was either Tyrik was going back to her world or something was blocking them off from one another again. Pulling the bows out of her pigtails, her hair fell down past her shoulders, no waves in them.

"No time to play now. Better try another plan Sam." Alice said,"Because no wifi I know of can save us now." Alice finished with a frown. She was still new to this place. She only been here for a while and all she knew was the places, not connections to wifi. Dominic or Damian could be of help but Alice didn't know where the two boys were, Damian was no where to be found and Dominic was here a minutes ago but now he was gone.
Shun let out a sigh of relief as he crossed the threshold of the art room and settled himself before his canvas once more. The announcement of the project details had left Shun with a lingering feeling of annoyance as his hopes for an easy grade were crushed. He had forgone finding group members under the assumption it would be an easy task, yet as he pondered possibilities for the project, he couldn't help but feel regrets in his decision. With yet another sigh, Shun began preparations for his work space all while wondering whether his art could become an experiment of some sort.

With his paints prepared for the continuation of his art, Shun began a quick search through the room for a full spectrum lamp to emulate a natural light which could replace the hidden sun.

With the storm raging outside, Shun's plans for the day were effectively ruined as Ashlei was unable to make the visit she had planned. He desired answers behind her enigmatic return, but as the stand in president of the club, he felt an obligation to remain within the school for at least some time after classes had end. Hoshino's eventual arrival brought a small smile to his face, and a spark of excitement resulted from her desire to undertake an adventure with paints.

"Let me find you another lam--"

Shun had risen from his chair with the intention of locating the necessary supplies for the new member; however, it was the sudden blackout that cut his words short and turned his attention to the new situation at hand. As he expected from the click, the room's door was discovered to be locked upon Hoshino's quick test of the knob; however, as he held the key card for the electronic lock, he was hardly concerned for them being trapped. Rather, he was more concerned by the sudden ominous feeling that fell upon his existence.

The entire scene felt vaguely familiar to a prior event which had sent him to the ER after battling with what Bastion defined as a hollow. Although the feeling of supernatural presence was lacking, Shun was still suspicious as he retrieved Bastion's mask and turned to address his club member whom he noticed to be somewhat nervous from the situation.

"Looks like a simple power outage from the storm, but I'm just going to go ahead and confirm with school. In the mean time, feel free to use my paints that way they're not wasted, and you don't have to mix more."

After giving Hoshino a quick nod, Shun unlocked the door and departed into the halls with ignorance toward the chaos resulting from students locked within he classrooms and the school as a whole. With Bastion's mask upon his face, Shun would have appeared peculiar to any onlooking students; however, with any possibility of immediate danger, he concluded it was best to be prepared. Shun's destination was the video room where he hoped to find the boy from yesterday. If anyone would have an understanding of the current situation, he figured it would be the one hiding behind the scenes of their existence, and in the case that nothing was occurring, he would at least garner the information that was intended the day before.
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Sam sighs. "I was worried you were going to say that." He looks at all of them, computer screen glowing and lighting up his face. An almost eerie glow lighting him in an otherwise dark school. His fingers rhythmically tap the keyboard, as Sam tries to think. "I'll keep working on something, there might be something I can find, no promises though." He takes his hat off for a second, wiping his forehead and putting it back on. "Hey Alice, you know anyone else? Those guys earlier might know something, you know any of their classes?"

Sam knows that he can't do much to get the power back on, but he wants to do something. So while waiting for an answer he starts going through networks available, frowning deeper and deeper as network after network is passworded. "We might have to start guessing in a bit." He laughs.
Alice felt bad that she didn't know much of the town but she was new and Dominic didn't tell her anything about wifi and such technology based things. The only things she knew was places and people. Going over to Sam to get a better look at what he was doing, Alice grumbled and stared at the doors with bored eyes,"I could just bash the door down maybe but then I would have to pay for the damage... I don't have the money for that kind of thing and I don't want to be selfish to mother and father." Alice thought feeling it was best to keep her stats low for the time being until she really is needed to do such things.

Hearing the sounds of only students panicking and the sound of Sam clicking away with his laptop, Alice started to question where Tyrik was,"What is going on?" Alice mumbled softly but snapped out of her thoughts when Sam asked her of the people she knew that could assist them, mostly asking for her friends,"I do know some who can help but I don't know where they could be at the moment." Alice said feeling useless but it seemed that Sam really wanted to help them.

Placing a hand on Sam's shoulder, she tried to think of a way to make him know that he didn't have to go so far, a plan coming into mind,"Sam, you don't have to do this. Let's work together and think for a minute." Alice suggested and looked around them,"How about we split up in two, Sam and I while Clark is with Zage." Alice said, seeing that it was best to split up into two so that they were able to get more ground. Taking out her notebook and a pencil, she ripped a page out of her notebook and wrote some things down.

Handing the two the sheet of paper with her number on it, she placed back her notebook and grin,"Contact me if you find anything that is useful or the others who can assist us." Alice said and took out her phone to help be a light source if Sam's battery goes out,"Now let's go. Good luck guys." Alice said and turned towards Sam,"Ready?" She asked waiting for Sam to give the signal.
Sam smiles, nodding as Alice lays out her plan and hands the bits of paper to Clark and Zage. He stands up, closing his laptop and putting it back in his bag, taking out his phone and activating the flashlight feature, it's decently strong but he turns it off, deciding to get by on the basic phone back light. "Flashlight feature is great and all but it drains my battery like there's no tomorrow. I'd rather keep it for a burst of light you know?"

He stands, pulling himself up off of the ground where he was sitting. "So where we going first? You know where your friends normally are, we should check those places out first right?" Sam's glad Alice came up with a plan, as his didn't seem to be getting anywhere very quickly, if at all. He's also glad that Alice seems to be putting a lot of faith in him, and the others as well. He thinks. "I met a few other people but I don't know them very well, I'll let you know if we run into them." He grins. "Anyway, lets get going!"


School Issued Laptop



| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

In the darkness of one room, a single light illuminated the bottom half of a neutral expression. A man, who's identity was concealed by the darkness around him, observed the frantic students through the security cameras. His aura was not impressed but observant over what was to happen next. With a snap of his fingers, the beasts were let loose. Infernal howls was sent echoing through the school - only the hosts could hear it. There wasn't any room for doubt now, this was the doing of hollows.

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Hallways |

"That was..?" Dominic wasn't all that familiar with the restless spirits, their forms varied and so did their sounds. Ben grunted through all of this as an obvious headache shot through him. "Hey, hey, you going to be alright?" "D-don't worry about me.. I.. I can sense them!" It would look like Ben was freaking out over nothing, perhaps a phobia of the dark was all. "Them? The hollows?" Ben's answer was only to allow what happened before to happen again.

Starting from Ben, a sphere grew, changing the area within it to a dark purple hue as it grew. It washed over Dominic, his form staying, but when it reached the ordinary students, they disappeared from sight. To the regular, non-host eye, Dominic and Ben would have simply vanished from thin air, but in reality, they had stepped between the layers of the living and the dead. Eventually, the sphere covered the entire school, taking the hosts into it's circle while leaving the normal beings alone.

"This again.. It's like what happened at the cook-out."

"It's.. not as bad as before.." Dominic shifted his eyes over to Ben, who seemed to be recovering from his hard headache already. The boy looked confused as well, but in reality, he felt proud of himself. The last time, Ben was rendered useless. Now, he had the ability to do something about it, to be of use. "Your friends know how to handle this. Let's go find them!" It dawned on Dominic then that Ben had no clue of his powers, or that he was the same as the other hosts. The two simply nodded at each other and they were both racing down the empty, eerie halls.

| ASH |

| Second Floor |

| Hallways |

Just before Shun could lay hands on the door to the video room, the body of a lone hellhound came through the window and smacked against the opposite wall in the corridor.
"Damn it." a voice called out before Len hopped out of that same window to finish the beast off with two bullets from a 9mm. His eyes widened at the feeling of another presence, and instinctively, turned around with his gun aimed at Shun.


A meaty roar came from down the hall, interrupting the two. A tall, armored man shrouded in darkness marched towards the two with a katana in hand.

| ASH |

| First Floor |

| Mutton's classroom |

A hard force banged against the large vent on the ceiling, then another. The third collapsed the vent cover and a humanoid hollow came falling out and crashing into one of the school desks. The hollow straightened out, revealing a black chainsaw that had just revved up. It wasn't long before the hollowed man caught sight of Hotaru.

In the blink of an eye, the man had closed the distance between the two without any warning. His chainsaw was hanging high above her and was quickly coming down.

~Scene Soundtrack

Akira’s quick glances between the dark halls of the now pitch-black Armstrong High grew more and more common, with each differentiating sound to throw her off track. She’d been roaming the halls aimlessly, looking for a teacher or a student of some kind in the same predicament as she. At the very least, there were students in the classrooms alongside the teachers. They, in their own numbers, could feel a hint of safety whereas Akira was alone in such a dank and murky place. The air itself was suddenly growing thinner and thinner by the moment.

This is so strange…” She thought, aloud. Talking to oneself somehow granted a sort of company where one was bereft of it. “Just a minute ago the halls at least had some kids in it that were roaming about. This silence is rather unnerving, as well. If there’s a generator around here, it should’ve been activated by now… however…” Things just weren’t falling into place anymore. As she turned from the door, earlier, she could’ve sworn that Dom and that brown haired friend of his, not to mention the blonde girl, were only a matter of feet away! How on earth could they have disappeared that quickly without having sprinted down the hallway? Could it perhaps have been that they fled during the short cacophony amongst the student body that was caused by the power outage and barricade, earlier? Akira’s thoughts were beginning to resort back to questioning the murders she’d heard from the news before going to school that morning. The air was far too eerie and at this point, it seemed that not even the teachers were aware of the cause of the power outage, much less the solution. The unremitting thoughts of the murders and then realizing that she was in fact alone in this hallway with an umbrella given to her by a boy who’d not even an hour ago disappeared from her sight without a trace, began to cause a tinge of paranoia within her.

Soon enough, she stopped near an alignment of windows on the 3rd floor. For the sky to have become so dark because of this storm, there wasn’t a large supply of light to be had, but it was better than the deeper areas of the hallway, where no light shone point blank period. She sat on the window pane as best she could, then gazed upon the lockers in front of her, illuminated in the little dark gray light that could be provided from the world outside. Her fear had subsided for the time being. Opening a window may not be wise, either, as for this to have been the 3rd floor it was up fairly high. The child resolved to stay put until things were to clear over, or until she was found, overlooking the unreachable world from on high for the time being.
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"Powers out... So suddenly? This must be a powerful sto--" A strange lavender hue had washed over the original palette the world once had. Despite that palette being obscured by the gray of darkness. The low light remained despite the overworld change of hue but that fortunately didn't falter Damian's vision. With Lances control over darkness Damian was given advantaged of being within the dark. He could see as clear as day. It was as if the world never had fallen to darkness in the first place. When he turned to his side it looked like Farra had remained in the real world, separated from him. He could only imagine how abrupt his absence was towards her and the guilt settled in. Her last words before he was taken into this alternate dimension was her offering to leave him alone. "Gah! Why!?" Damian beat at his forehead. He had an apology to make once he was out of here. He decided to put Farra off to the back of him mind and focus on what just happened. As far as he knows this is something similar to what happened at that cookout with the giant arachnid Hollow. "Okay... So I was sent into Limbo. So only Dom', Alice, that once tall girl, Hotaru, that other dude with the paintbrush, and Ben should be here... I should probably go look for Dom' and see if he found anything out." Damian started his print down the halls, listening out for any familiar voices or footsteps. He called upon his dark power, a black aura emanating off of him like smoke as he ran through the hall. His eyes put on this absurdly bright red afterglow in the dark, showing that his night vision was active though unbeknownst to Damian. From a few doors down he heard a distant banging and a loud crash. After the carnage he could hear an engine being revved up. Something crude and in poor condition it sounded. "What the hell..?" Damian wasn't going to find out what it was. He wasn't dumb enough to throw himself at his death. It was best if he went and found the others first. And speak of the devil, he heard Dominic's voice and the sound of shoes running on the tile floor of the halls. He turned the corner, following the noise and found Dominic accompanied by Ben as he left them before he went on the roof. "Dom'!" He shouted trying to get the duo's attention. He began sprinting to catch up with them both.
Sam's confused, one second, he was talking to Alice, having a friendly conversation, the next

second, she was gone. They were headed up to the third floor to get some bearings and start the search down from their, but suddenly she vanished, mid sentence. Sam takes a few deep breaths before panic can overwhelm him. "Maybe she just went to the washroom or something and didn't say so, that's a fair assumption, right?" Thought after thought that follow these lines attempt to make their way into Sam's logic, but he knows Alice would have told him is she was going somewhere....and shouldn't the generators have kicked in by now? As he turns the corner, looking for Alice he spies Akira in the dim light by the window. At first he starts to turn away, but this is somebody he knows, even if she didn't seem to like him. He walks up to her, looking a bit scared but also worried. "Hey, Akira r-right?" He curses himself inside for stuttering, he's not scared, just...he doesn't know, worried? "I'm Sam, we met at the tour, I hate to bug you but..." He gets his nerves together. "I was just talking my friend and she disappeared into thin air...between that and the fact that generators should have kicked in a while ago I'm a bit worried something else is going on here." He sighs. "Or maybe its just some lame kid overreacting in the dark, don't mind me."



Alice agreed with Sam's statement, placing her phone away since she got Sam,"Don't worry, I got my phone so if yours dies, we can use mine." Alice said with ease and then thought for a moment where her friends usually were. She didn't really have many friends, she could call those she met as friends but she didn't really know them well enough to know where they could be. She did have a good hunch where some of her friends could be but she wasn't confident enough to say it and shrugged in response,"Let's just look around, maybe we'll bump into them sooner or later." Alice said and followed along Sam through the crowded hallways.

They didn't get far though when Alice suddenly froze. The sound of howls could be heard throughout the school but it seemed that only Alice could hear it, Sam and the others not affected by the noise. There was no doubt about it, her hunch was correct,"Dang hollows, why now?!" Alice said, clenching her teeth in frustration of this happening now. Turning to Sam, she was about to say something when suddenly everything turned into a eerie purple look, the same as when she first encounter a hollow at the cookout.

Everything was disappearing into the musky purple, Sam also gone from sight,"Sam!" Alice called out but only to hear her own voice echo through the halls. She was now completely all alone but this had happen before, along with some of her friends. Alice knew that hollows were the one doing this and if she was correct, Dominic and them were here too. Without hesitation, Alice sprint off down the halls to find those who possessed a Zodiac, hoping she would bump into them.

Running down the file of steps carefully, not wanting to trip and fall, she turned a corner and made her way to the next set of stairs when she heard a familiar shout from downstairs along with the sound of running footsteps,"Damian!" Alice exclaimed and quickly ran down the last steps towards the voices. Peering through the long hallway, she saw three figures down at the end and quickly came to their side,"Dam! Dom! Ben! What's going on?" Alice exclaimed catching up to the three out of breath and exhausted from her little exercise where she must have lost 20 lbs. from it or so she could have seeing she ran from the third floor to the first.
As Shun reached for the door of the film room, the loud crash resulting from a hell hound flying through the room's window instantly drew his attention away from his current action. He was hardly surprised to see the beast, and even less so to see the boy from yesterday following the hollow and effectively dispatching of its existence with a gun.

A curious smile came to Shun's face as he on looked the scene at hand, but even though the danger had been eliminated, he hardly hesitated in summoning Bastion's brush and gun in the case of its necessity.

"Well, you said to come back."

Shun chuckled at his own joke with a shrug as he seemed entirely unfazed by the gun which was pointed toward his self. Instead, he continued to curiously smile as the answers he desired from the boy were slowly revealed through actions rather than words.

"And you are awfully rude."

Turning to face the opposition that approached with a roar from down the hall, Shun let out a sigh of frustration toward the day he had experienced.

I'm sure you don't mind, Bastion.

Tapping the brush against his head, a swirl of color manifested itself before him as he drew a memory into a bullet for Bastion's gun. Aiming his weapon toward the armored hollow, Shun gave Len a small nod as a signal for him to step aside before firing the memory into action.

The memory was the sonic wave that Heirophant had used effectively against Ulysses in the past and considering the opponent's similarity to their armored friend, Shun concluded it would more than likely have a similar effect.

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