- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Alice gasped in breath from their exercise, going over to the door and about to open it but.. it seemed to be locked. The door wouldn't budge and Alice knew why,"We're late... completely late." Alice stated and stood next to the door with a frown,"Great... just great... the first time I've been late." Alice thought, disappointed with herself but then she looked over at Zage,"Guess we'll have to wait till the next bell rings." Alice said waiting.

After a few minutes, the bell soon rang and the door quickly open, without a second thought, Alice rushed in and went over to Sam's desk, slamming her hand onto it,"I'm so sorry for being late Sam. We can make plans later in the day." Alice said making her plan for their group,"Could you meet me over at the front gates of the school. I may take a while because I have some things to do but if you can also find Clark and another person to join our group that would be great!" Alice said and then turned on her heels to go to her next class,"See you then!" Alice called out and left without another word.
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| ??? |


Before Tyrik could get to her destination, she had to pass by her forest. It wasn't dangerous, of course, but the mere thought of standing in such a place made Tyrik gag. She soon found herself walking down a beaten path between trees, dragging along a large beast skull - the skull of the hollow that attacked her earlier. The motorcycle was destroyed, so she took something from the hollow to make it equal.

I really don't want to talk to her, but I may as well warn her. Tyrik made up her mind. She came to a stop on the path and unraveled her scarf from her neck, the cloth instantly changing into the Eliminator. With one swing, she lodged the blade into one of the nearby trees as a way of 'alerting' her.

Sam seems both relieved and a bit excited at Alice's attitude, he can tell she's hurrying to her next class, and he should do the same. However he sees a small girl that Alice brought in with her. "Hey!" he calls out. hoping to catch her before she leaves. He notices she's pretty short, shorter then Alice in fact. Which he finds somewhat amusing. "You want to join me and Alice? You missed class so you don't know but we've got an assignment that takes four, you in?" Sam feels like he needs to prove himself and his trustworthyness to Alice, maybe then she'll talk to him for more then 20 seconds at a time. He feels like somehow he's messed up and is trying to restore her trust. He doesn't feel miserable anymore but he still looks pretty tired. "We need someone else, I think Alice has a plan too." getting this girl to work with them would be great, and maybe even be be someone he could befriend. For Sam finding friends has been hard, Dom and his group seem to not like him, and Alice he seems to have annoyed somehow, he hopes its something he can fix, as he doesn't want to make her mad since she's the only friend he's got.
She looked around for a minute then looked up at the boy, realizing she was being talked too. "Who me? Sure!" she says with a big grin. "I'm Zage whats your name?" she asked, still smiling, as she held out her hand for him to shake. "You seem cool. We should hang out sometime!" she said happily as she rocked on her heels. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, "Oh sorry I have to take this." answering the phone she turned around and argued fiercely with the person on the phone for a few minutes before snapping a goodbye and hanging up the phone. She turns back around and rubs the back of her neck, quite embarrassed "Heh, sorry about that.." she trails off, upset that she probably made a horrible first impression.
Science, what a wonderful subject.

Nikky watched as the groups were being made and everyone went into their own little discussion. She sighed, she still hadn't gotten a group yet. While the project didn't require partners, Nikky needed one. She had trouble staying focus on one thing at a time so it was practically a requirement to have someone keep her brain on track. Nikky looked around; many of the people she was acquainted with were all doing their own thing or in groups already. She did notice the pink haired girl, Hotaru, sitting by herself. She didn’t know much about Hotaru, besides that she was strange and had more to her than she liked to put on but it was people like her that made Nikky’s stay in the city all that much more fun. And perhaps working with her would make them better friends. Besides the random hugs she liked to give and that one time when she carried Hotaru to the nurse’s office; they never really talked. Not that Hotaru was a woman of many words to begin with. Nikky made plenty of acquaintances, none of them she could consider friend; she hoped to change that soon.

Nikky took a seat beside Hotaru knocking on her desk to make sure she had her attention.

"Partners?" She smiled as friendly as possible.

The girl took notice of the drawing the muted girl had made on her slate, her eyes lit up. She could always admire someone who could draw, because it was something she herself couldn’t do; at least not as well. She started to recognize all of the characters. Looking back, it all just seemed like a dream. Nikky chuckled to herself thinking back to when they got arrested and the girl went out of her way to hug the police. It made the whole process a little less tense.
Sam laughs as she argues, he waves his hand dismisively. "No problem, really. My name's Sam, and the girl who ran out like a crazed wolf is my friend Alice." He pauses. "At least I hope we're still friends, but that's a problem for another day. C'mon, we need to try and find out other group member, if we can't find him..." he sighs. "We'll just have to report to Alice one short. Follow me." He leads her out of the class. "So, where do you think this guy is?" Sam's not sure how he feels about Zage, she seems nice, or at least freindly. But Sam thinks he's already pissed someone off so he wants to be careful to appear to eager to make friends. He engages in small talk with Zage as they look around for Clark.

After a few minutes of searching, around half an hour they manage to find Clark out of pure luck outside his locker. "Hey! Clark right?" Sam calls out. "I'm Sam, this is Zage. Alice wants everyone to meet up by the gate for the project, you in?"


School Issued Laptop

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Right out of class and straight into a group assignment. How lovely. "Well sh*t if you're going to just reel me in like that." Damian carelessly swung his bookbag around his shoulder and almost made himself collapse. Again. As embarrassing as it was he just put on an indifferent face to ignore what he just did. "So... What is this project even about? And how much am I going to be doing?" Group project? More like a solo assignment. Damian usually did all the work, even against the groups' wishes. With his perfectionist mannerisms and constantly being pragmatic made him end up doing a lot of the work in the most sensible fashion possible. This habit sometimes caused dismay in his group usually accepted his hard work and contributed what little left that had to be done. He breathed in and blew out a torrent of stressed dioxides. It looked like he would be working with the newcomer and Ben. Both of whom he hardly knew and felt that he may not get along with well because of his social ineptitude. "I guess I'll have to get acquainted... No powers, Damian. Don't wanna scare her off too." Damian pulled a notebook from his bag and grabbed the black sharpie pinned onto the cover with his mouth. He started jotting down the names of the group members on a free page. "...Dom', Ben, Hoshino... Okay. Well, I'm going to go head up on the roof for some fresh air. Plus I've been curious of what it's like up there. I know some students recline up there time to time." Damian drew a bracket around the four names in his notebook so he can jot down who would be doing what job. "I'll be up on top to see what it's like. I'll be down in a little, Dom'." With that, Damian went to go sate his curiousities up on the roof. "Maybe I could even get a decent view of Brookfield?" He grew more anxious as he climbed up the flight up steps to the roof exit door, swinging it open full of zeal. "Huh... I can see a lot of the town up here." Damian mumbled to himself. The air was crisp and cool so high up. And the town was rendered to nothing but cubes. It was like staring at a town of build-a-blocks. As he wandered froward, Damian whisked his eyes over the scenery until he caught another body up there with him. It was Farra! Like a car screeching to a halt, the rubber on Damian's shoes skid the concrete of the roof. He didn't know why he was so shocked to see another student up top. He said himself that students sometimes come up here to hang out, or just admire the view. But it was Farra of all people. He didn't know that she frequented up here. "Well, I learned something new today." He thought. "Perhaps I should say hi? No. She'd probably take that pencil she's drawing with and shove down my eye or something if I even dared speak with her. A shame. I wanted to relax up here for a bit... Maybe I'll just hide." Making his decision, Damian sat down behind an arched air vent. His feet and bottom was exposed but he didn't feel he would be noticed right away. Quietly placing his bag down, he pulled out his Literature II text and started highlighting some key points in the excerpt he read over in class this morning.


In the distance Marabel could hear a tree being fell over into the water. The fallen trunk sent ripples through the water and shivers down the girls spine. As with the shivers came a blistering rage of her beloved trees being damaged. With the leaf mashed paste around her eyes spreading out into blood vessel like patterns and her teeth bare and grit she hopped among her trees like a distressed lemur, following the cause of the noise and ready to put an end to it. As she made her final leap from out of the branches and down to her oppressor she found out that it was... "Tyrik!" Coming to this realization she got her wits about her and fell straight into the ankle high water with a splash. Spraying water all over the blue Anubis. She rose on her knees and hands looking up at her new axe happy guest with fear and also excitement. "Why're you chopping my trees?" She asked with a hint of innocence in her tone.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf498bac5_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.31ea6a4bae2bc8c8cd982c9548172a89.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf498bac5_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.31ea6a4bae2bc8c8cd982c9548172a89.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.::Hoshino Shiromiya::.

Hoshino couldn't be happier to have been accepted into Dominic's group - especially since it was over other people. She wanted to say that he didn't have to, for he seemed to know the others who asked to be in it better, but she decided not to question a blessing. "Thank you, Dominic," she spoke towards him kindly as she made her way over to him. A bright and beautiful smile spread across her lips, for she couldn't contain her elation on being included. She also took a good look at the other guys who were accepted into the group. Am I the only girl in here? She wondered, though she didn't actually mind. She figured it'd be nice to be around boys more, for her old school in England was filled with nothing but girls. "It's nice to meet you all!" She spoke with enthusiasm and verve, glancing at the boys in front of her with dazzling turquoise eyes. One of the boys - whom she believed was referred to as Damien - didn't seem to be all that social, though. She didn't want to come off as pushy, so she simply nodded towards him when he decided to take his leave.

"Enjoy yourself~" She spoke with sincere kindness, hoping that whatever was on his mind could be cleared soon enough. She was also curious as to what the roof was like; she didn't even know that students were allowed up in such a place. Perhaps I'll check it out later, as well, she thought to herself with a gentle grin. It'd be a wonderful place to practice her artwork, for she'd have a clear view of the sky. Today, it probably wouldn't be a good idea, for it was chilly and rainy. She wouldn't want the precipitation to ruin her heartfelt work, so she decided to pass on the idea. Another time, she shrugged to herself. With that, she decided to go ahead and ask about what was going to happen with this whole group project. "Who's going to do what?" Hoshino asked Dominic politely. He seemed to be the group captain - or so she was referring to him as in her mind - so, she figured he'd be the one to ask. Even though everyone was making their way over to their primary clubs by now, she wanted to get things straight before she took her leave. Hoshino actually happens to enjoy academics, after all.

As she waited for Dominic's response, Hoshino began gathering her things together. Her bag was quite heavy due to the school books she checked out, so she decided to go ahead and leave them in her locker later. No point in lugging these heavy things around, she thought as she carried a couple of them, just to take some weight off of her shoulders. She struggled with the objects at first, being that she also had to fix her headphones around her neck, make sure the cord didn't get tangled in anything, adjust the canon camera that was how hanging around her neck, and more. I feel like a hoarder, she thought as she giggled at her extensive inventory. She supposed it was a good thing that she kept such a spacious messenger bag. It held everything nice and snug, and even had a little pocket where she kept her candy. I could use a caramel, she smiled as she took one out and popped it into her mouth. Thinking of the people around her, she raised her eyebrows and reached for a couple more. "Would you like one?" She asked kindly, offering Ben and Dominic the wonderful sweets.

((I hope this is good enough~! Sorry if I missed a few details. It's hard playing catch-up when you have a serious case of writers block. O.o ))



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Akira left the class as she’d left the previous day: a hint of new knowledge, another bad daydream, and alone. At this point, it didn’t quite bother her to not have anyone to call and acquaintance. She’d met a few nice people and that was enough for her. If anything, it was a little nostalgic to know that even in a place as different as this, it once again seemed impossible to make friends. She continued toward her locker, placing her History of the Americas: Edition I book in her bag and then closing it. She now had her Biology and History books on hand and wouldn’t quite mind a bit of food, what with classes being over and all. The girl then turned from the locker and began walking to the exit of the school, all the while, images of the girl from her daydream the previous day, Hannah, roamed through her mind.

We had only met due to a brief colloquium involving my lack of my conjoint sense…” She thought in reminiscence. “… I’d believed that she’d stolen a book of mine, compliments of my mother’s classist mindset, and blamed her for it. The poor girl absolutely denied it… and she was absolutely right. When we realized that I’d in fact lost it in my room, it took everything in me to apologize… and even more of what was left of me to try and get her not to be angry. The funny thing was that she didn’t mind in the slightest. She was used to being on trial by bullies and was constantly being tormented in every way possible. They accused her of everything they could think of, even though she’d never once stolen anything in her life all because her family was in the worst form of poverty. And when I asked her why she wasn’t as furious with me as she should have been for having put up with my untruthful accusation…


Hee hee! I’d never steal anything from a friend!” The familiar, but childish voice giggled.


I was in shock… to this day, I can’t even remember having spoken to her once in my life before accusing her, yet she called me her friend. It was like she saw right through me… that I truly didn’t have anyone and because of that, she took it upon herself to pay back my idiocy with a sort of pitying kindness through friendship. In return, I could protect her from any bullies she would encounter, as I always did have a sort of mean streak. And I fell right for it. I was latched to that girl for the remainder of Middle School. And then we went to the same high school for three years after begging my parents to allow me to go to a public school so that I could be with her. And then I had to

The girl walked to the doors of the school, looking up to see that the rain was coming down.

I rather want to avoid getting wet, today.” She said aloud, turning back from the door and walking back into the school. “If it doesn’t calm down in the next couple of hours, then I’ll simply go home soaked.

Forgive me. Couldn't think of what else to write. ^^; I think in my next post I'm just gonna go back to the dorms if nothing happens, y'know?
Clark left the classroom and headed straight for his locker. Well he had at least planned to but the journey to his locker took him longer than expected. Once again Clark seemed to be unlucky enough to be caught in a horde of students going in the opposite direction. Like yesterday Clark's small, skinny frame was easily pushed around by most with so many people behind them pushing. Clark finally made it to his locker after a lot pushing and determination. He rested his head against the locker for a few seconds. All the rabble and inconvenience had given him a headache but the cold metal locker against his head gave him a brief respite for the banging pain inside his head.

Hopefully I can go to- Clark's thoughts were cut short by an annoyingly cheery voice. "Hey! Clark right?" Sam asked him. Clark let out a sigh and let the boy continue his spiel before saying anything. "Yes I'm Clark. I'll come along to meet Alice." He said with a monotone voice. Clark waited for Zage or Sam to lead the way.
Zage stood there at a loss for words. "Oh well, uh I'm Zage." she said with a smile. "You must be Clark. Nice to meet cha'!" She said cheerily. She turned and nodded at Sam and motioned for Clark to follow before she trailed behind Sam on their way to fine Alice.

// D:

// Sorry! I wish I could make them longer but I'm not all that good at writing. ):


| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| ASH |

| Hallways |

Damian's reaction was to be expected. Dominic knew full well that the boy figured himself better off alone, but there had to be a time where he would feel comfortable around his friends once more. Shrugging to his question of the amount of effort needed, Dominic simply shrugged. "Just your part. We're all a team in this so we should act like it." In no time, Damian was off to the roof, leaving Dominic with the remaining members of their little group. On that note, Hoshino thanked him for the acceptance and followed up with a question that sat at the back of his mind as well.

"We should all agree on a project to work on. The easiest task would be to simply observe something over time - like a plant or something. The project itself only wants us to carry out an experiment properly, so if you ask me, we should do something involving plants."

Dominic's ramble was interrupted by an offering of sweets, to which he happily nodded and took his share of. As he opened the wrapper to pop a piece in, he felt eyes drilling into him from somewhere down the hall. The odd feeling caused him to glance across the corridor, only to see nothing but the constant stream of students going to and fro.

"Oh! You've got sweets?" Ben was quick to cup his hands in preparation for handful of candy to drop into them. All the while, Dominic fell quiet. Everything's fine-.. Why do I feel so uneasy all of a sudden?


A loud, unnerving voice sounded from behind Dominic, causing him to buck up in fear for a moment until he had realized it was Phillips pulling a joke of his. "Heheh, you're so skittish. Ghouls are asking where you and the Boris chick's at. You know we've got a game tomorrow, right?" "A g-game? So soon?" Phillips scoffed, almost in disbelief. "Where the hell have you been, Dom? Of course there's a game tomorrow. It's against those damn redneck boys-.. I forgot their team name already. Our captain says it should be a pretty easy win, though." Dominic stared at his shoes. The fact that he had totally forgotten about their match-ups and it's mere existence troubled him. So much was being piled onto him. "Any excuse as to why you and that girl have been skipping practice? I could expect her to, since she's new and all, but you?" "W-well you know, I've been busy and such.."

Phillips shifted his eyes over to Hoshino with a questionable stare before looking back towards Dominic. "You know what? Forget I even asked. Just try and make it to the game early tomorrow, alright? Cap' wants a warmup before we begin." Dominic nodded as Phillips waved to the three and took his leave. "I have a feeling you won't be able to help us with this project." Ben said blankly, his expression a little upset. "I'll make time."

By now, rain had begun to fall, and quite heavily at that. No warning of drizzle, just a sudden pounding of water. Students outside were hurrying home and to their dorms, while others were looking quite hesitant to leave the school. Dominic spotted Akira in a grim mood, probably realizing that leaving the school seemed near impossible now. With a frown, Dominic shook his head and withdrew his umbrella from his locker. He approached the girl and placed an umbrella in her hand. "You'll need one of these, Miss." 


| ??? |


Tyrik stood cross-armed, null against the water that splashed over her. It only caused her to sigh through her helmet at the fact that this was actually happening. "Enough about your trees. Have you noticed anything odd lately?" She had to account for the fact that she was talking to optimism with a body. "There's been a shortage of Hollows in my city, as well as a strange light on the horizon." Marabel's situation within the forest was foggy to Tyrik. Despite being of Egyptian descent, Tyrik loathed open areas, or any overabundance of nature. A few trees and open plains were fine, but too much of absolutely nothing would drive her crazy.

Tyrik gripped the Eliminator from the tree trunk and yanked it out effortlessly - the blade turning to a flaming cloth which she wrapped around her neck once more. "I'm headed to the ink boy. I have a feeling he knows a little something, and I plan on finding out what that something is."



A green interface zoomed onto the two Zodiacs unknowingly, like a scout using binoculars. The crosshairs hovered over Marabel's form as visual data about her began to appear on the screen.

BPM: 86

Status: Not Hollowed

Threat Level: Extremely High - Exercise Caution

And once over Tyrik as well.

BPM: 78

Status: Not Hollowed

Threat Level: Extremely High - Exercise Caution

A faint blue line flickered in the darkness of the forest before disappearing from sight.

Farra heard a soft thud behind her. "Hm?" she mumbled, putting down the pencil and turning around. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around for any movement. Scanning the rooftop, she noticed that the air vent had a pair of feet. "Hello?" she called over to the mystery person. Farra stood up and began to walk over to them to see who they were, but the sky had darkened and it began to rain. Soon, she was drenched in bone chilling rain. "Ahh...man!" She grabbed her bag and held it over her head, rushing over to see who the person behind the vent was. It happened to be Damian. Even in the rain, her blush was visible. "S-so, it was you! Rumor has it that you're a ghoOoOst!" She wiggled the fingers on her left hand. "So, we should get out of here, it's kinda...wet."
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A droplet of rain had fallen on the thin page of Damian's Literature Text. The boy looked up at the grayed sky. The dull color brought a calm to his harrowing thoughts of Literature and remaining anonymous. He wanted to stay on the roof more than ever. But the rain would bring horrible damage to his text and he hadn't the money to pay for a new copy. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Damian closed his text and stuffed it into his back. The rain had began to drag down his messy hair. It began to fall over his sleep deprived, swollen eyes. After zipping his bag up he decided to take one last look back up at the sky to watch the rain gently patter against his pale skin. But from the corner of his eye he saw Farra staring back down at him. Damian almost jumped in fright seeing such an unexpected sight. Well... It should've been expected. He was a little too sure of his poor hiding place. Moving his hair from his eyes, he gave Farra eye contact. Though it proved difficult for Damian and it was obvious. Time to time his eyes would dart to the side and he'd look about in different directions. "H-Hello, Farra." She mentioned something of him being a ghost? Well, it was no use hiding it from her. She saw everything in Limbo. His power. Hierophant. The power of the others. He couldn't deny the girl what she saw. "I guess I am... Well. Not a ghost... I can just mess with darkness. I think? I just use shadows as a sort of catalyst... It's pretty easy that way." Damian rose his hand and the shadow from underneath the air vent had slithered from its source and stretched and contorted in such awkward and unnatural ways. Demonstrating his power to someone he felt didn't fear him or wanted him dead was a nice change of pace. Before he got so absorbed in his shadowplay Farra had advised they both go somewhere dry. Damian almost whined, as he kind of liked sitting out in the rain. He always used to watch the rain shower against his window as a child. Precipitation had always amused him. Now he was out in it. It was like he was drawn to it all. "Oh... Sure. I really didn't mean to be staying up here too long. So I guess we can go back inside." You know, she wasn't so bad. Maybe because she wasn't being her usual catty self, but perhaps he caught her on a good day? He stood up, grabbing his bag and standing beside Farra awaiting her move. "Farra... Are you getting sick? Your face is all red."


"Something odd? Not in my neck of the woods no... Everything's been pretty quiet as it always has. Hollows don't usually show up here. I think they get lost in the woods maybe? I 'unno... And ink boy? You mean uhh, uhh... Bastion! Yes the guy with the arts and crafts!? Oooooh~! Can I come!?" Marabel asked hopping in the water like a happy puppy.



Farra's stomach lurched. "N-no. I'm fine for now, but if we stay in this rain I will!" She started towards the stairs, but stopped hesitantly, with her hand on the doorknob. "Hey, um, Damian..." She stopped abruptly. What are you THINKING? Farra turned around. "C'mon, we'd better get inside before--" A blinding white light filled the sky; lightning. A loud boom followed afterward, sending chills through Farra's body. Her eyes began to fill with tears, and her heart rate increased rapidly. "We should really go," she said with more urgency in her voice. She wiped at her eyes. Nobody would see her cry, especially not over a trivial thing like a thunderstorm.
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Farra's hurried tone was beginning to prod at the worrywart sleeping dormant in Damian's psyche. He didn't know Farra much, but he knew discomfort when he saw it. He decided to turn the knob of the door himself and open it for Farra, letting her go ahead in front of him. He tried his best to give her a reassuring grin, as to attempt to ease whatever tension had been wallowing up inside her. "Go ahead. You seem to be... Bothered by something though. Everything alright?" He asked expressing his concern. "I'm not sure what's wrong... But I feel guilty. I don't know why... Maybe she doesn't want to be seen out here with me? Considering the entire school avoids me like the bubonic plague." Damian slouched his shoulders, feeling that ever constant feeling of regret for bothering to open his mouth.


| ??? |


Tyrik would never be able to figure out how Marabel worked. Even in the face of possible danger, the girl was preppy. Was it because she had great confidence in her combative ability? Or was it because she was the type to simply ignore the bad in people? Either way, the girl hadn't experienced any strange occurrences, which only made Tyrik worry further. "I'm sure you'll trail me regardless of what I say."

Tyrik resumed pulling the large skull across the dirt path on her way to Bastion's mansion.
Farra plastered a fake smile on her face, attempting to rip through her fear and panic. It didn't work. "Thanks," she said, the relief obvious from her voice. Another boom of thunder made her yelp a little. "Go ahead. You seem to be... Bothered by something though. Everything alright?"

She smiled a little at his concern, then instantly felt like an awful person.
"Um...this is a little embarrassing..but I'm terrifiedofthunderstorms." Farra spat out that last part quickly, and closed her eyes, bracing herself to be laughed at. Why did you tell him that, idiot?
She’d been standing there for what felt like minutes, simply staring at the bench nearby as if readying herself to sit when she suddenly felt something touching her hand, compared to her, the touch was rather warm, but it was followed by a cold object being placed on her palm to follow. She turned to see the boy, Dom, standing nearby holding the other side of the umbrella. Shortly after, he spoke:

You’ll need one of these, Miss.” Akira looked at him rather blankly for the first few seconds of this random appearance... for he’d been calling her miss ever since they’d met, even though she’d sworn she said her own name aloud to him, at least once for sure! Regardless, he had something that she needed at the moment and was willingly giving it to her. She grasped the umbrella and gently accepted it into her own possession.

Thank you, Dom.” She said to him, looking back toward the door, her expression remaining the same. It didn’t make much sense though. People don’t just walk around carrying extra umbrellas unless this guy just carried props on hand around with him for humor. She looked to him in question.

Excuse me, but are you sure you don’t need this? I was just going to wait until the rain stopped. I’d hate for you to get soaked in the rain on my account.” She spoke in as sincere a tone as she could, though the look on her face, not making eye contact but instead looking at the exit doors ahead, wrote otherwise…
"Afraid of lightning? Ah I see.." Damian had lead Farra back inside the stairwell and closed the roof exit door behind him. "I'm sorry, Farra. I suffer that kind of anxiety with just.. Ambiance. You know, like just a consistent, distant, faint noise with an untraceable source. It terrifies me. It gives me an extremely uncomfortable creeping feeling. No need to be embarrassed. It's a rational fear... I feel." Damian started trotting down the steps. His hair shaking off the water as his body jerked from the downward motion. From what he could tell she wasn't taking to admitting this fear well. He was surprised she'd be that open with him so quickly. Let alone bother being open with him in the first place. At the same time he shared a tidbit of information on himself just the same, so he could ask himself the same question. Maybe it was just out of sympathy? "I guess you'd rather wait the thunder out? I don't know when it will settle, sadly..."


Marabel took Tyrik's sarcasm as an open invitation. She looked at Tyrik as someone who liked her deep down. At least that's what she liked to imagine. If she truly believed it Marabel would go out of her way to actually leave her plane and visit Tyrik's. "You think the Hollows are messing with Bastion? ...Umm, Tyrik." Marabel's tone grew dark, possibly for the first time around another Zodiac. "I think Bastion is becoming Hollow. Mr. Lance too. He's already nothing but a dark husk like a Hollow..." Marabel scuffed her feet and forced a frown on her face. The thought of Hollows in general tends to deter her usual good spirit.
Once Alice was out of the classroom, she headed over to where they were suppose to meet. Making her way through the hallways, she noticed out the window that droplet of water was falling from the sky,"Rain! What a beautiful weather." Alice squealed in her head, going closer to the window to see the earth be nurtured in the wonderful weather.

Watching the rain some more, her eyes wondered down towards the gates. Remembering that she was suppose to meet up with her study group. With that, Alice dashed off down the stairs until a flash of light came into vision, Alice gasped, surprised by the sudden light. Looking up, she noticed that it was a storm,"Even better." Alice thought, her mood in ease of the great weather.

Hopping of the steps, Alice took out her umbrella but not opening it yet, she was gonna wait till the others have came, staying in the shelter of the school roof. At the school front, Alice noticed two people standing there. Keeping her distance, she patiently wait till they had finish their conversation, not wanting to disturb them yet.
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| Afternoon |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

Excuse me, but are you sure you don’t need this? I was just going to wait until the rain stopped. I’d hate for you to get soaked in the rain on my account.

Dominic was already on his way back to his locker, although hearing Akira. He waved a hand up. "It's no big deal, I like the rain." However, before he could even reach his locker, the entire campus went dark. School, Dormitory, everything. With the sun blocked behind the clouds, the school was fairly darkened save for the dark blue light the sky gave off with it's rain. Voices of concern started to rise up amongst the groups.

One student tried for the front door, which wouldn't budge one bit. Another student spoke up on that matter. "It's electronically locked. You're not getting through unless you break it open." The same issue worked for the classrooms. At each classroom, the doors would close and lock automatically, until the class was over or if the teacher overrode it.

Dominic felt a chilly breeze blow down the corridor, probably a draft from somewhere.

"Oh! Did you feel that?"


"Oh f*** this."

Knowing the school well enough, the doors connecting the school to the gym would have been locked as well. The entire building was placed on 'night-mode'. Since there were too many doors to close and lock, a system was put into place that could be easily controlled. Meanwhile, some students were feeling their claustrophobic nature kick in as voices began to raise. This is going to be hell.

The available teachers did what they could to calm down the ever-growing crowd - even Mutton himself was there. "Calm down, I texted the power company, we have a backup generator specifically for this kind of thing. The doors and lights should come on in a few minutes."

Ben approached Dominic in a hush manner, his hand clutching his hair like an insane soul. "Oh no-.. It's happening again..!"


| ??? |


The two would have been on the trail for a few minutes. Only a few before Marabel's tone dropped - which was extremely rare. Her question making Tyrik herself stop. With her back facing Marabel, Tyrik took some time to push those thoughts away. "There goes that mouth of yours." She sighed. "That's not a matter that concerns me right now." Moving along, Tyrik continued to haul the skull up the path.
"I guess you'd rather wait the thunder out? I don't know when it will settle, sadly..."

She nodded quickly. The pit in Farra's stomach continued to deepen, as the thunder was becoming louder and louder.
"Thank you," she blurted. Damn it, what's wrong with you? "For everything, I mean. I know it's kind of awkward and all that I suddenly tell you about one of these big fears and stuff, I guess..so, thanks." She straightened up, and began going down the steps as well. Farra ruffled her blue hair to the best of her ability; it was soaked. "Just so you know, you don't seem that bad, even though everyone thinks your Satan," she added.
Sam has been leading Zage and Clark to the meeting spot when the power goes out. He freezes, but eventually gets his bearings again. The dark tends to unnerve Sam a little but he's not afraid of it, just cautious. He speaks aloud to the others, making sure they can hear his voice as he leads them to the entrance, its one of the few places Sam can find in the school, anywhere else and they'd be in some supreme problems. He talks about himself, nothing big though, mostly small talk. Eventually, he finds his way to Alice.

"Hey! You okay?" He asks, voice having a tinge of concern in it as well as some fear. Sam doesn't really know whats going on, but he figures that something more then a power outage must be going on, schools have backup generators right? They should be lighting the halls, but its almost pitch black. He's also worried about Alice, as he'd be distraught if his only friend was injured. "I Brought that girl that you dragged into class for our group, although I guess that's not exactly the thing to be worrying about right now." He pauses, then continues. "Hey Alice? Sorry if I'm bugging you too much, I hope I'm not being a nuisance." This of course is referring to her dodging the question earlier, in Sam's mind he messed up somewhere, even if he doesn't know how.
Damian chuckled. One would think it's awful being thought of as the persona of all evil, but Damian enjoyed it. This fear he brought upon his peers kept him from being messed with. Makes his last year of High School much more bearable. "I don't mind it. Less people bug me. I don't get picked on. Win for me..." Damian bitterly lectured. With him being quite short for most men his age in High School he was generally sought after by those bigger than him. Being bullied was practically how Damian spent his school career. His reserved nature was always looked at as some sort of proper, housebroken pup. Damian grimaced, the thought of those awful memories of being brought down and in some cases, beat down, only made him frustrated and he didn't need to ruin his mood when things are going so smoothly with Farra. Next thing he needed to do was loose his temper. "But... Don't worry about what the others think of me. Let them think I'm Satan, or whatever. I'm just happy they're leaving me alone. I don't care if people draw devil horns on my Yearbook photo. I just hope no one gives me any trouble. I've had enough of it." And before he knew it, Damian trailed on about some frustrations he's had. Oops. He groaned into his palm as he planted it over his face. "I'm sorry, Farra. I kinda dabbled. But you're welcome. It's nice to have an ear to lend on in times of discomfort. I try to fill that role if I can." Despite how ashamed he was he was impressed he was keeping conversation with Kitt. Perhaps having this group of friends is easing him out of his social troubles. Maybe he just needed to open his mouth for once. At this point he didn't even know what brought about this sudden change.


Hearing the tapping of feet on the rotting soil, a shadowy figure reclined lazily up in the branches of a dead tree. Its leg dangled down, teetering like a pendulum. It opened it spherical eyes and shifted its piercing gaze at Marabel and Tyrik. "Those two? Traveling together? What matter of nonsense..." It was the hero to Damian, his Zodiac, Lance. He lifted himself up and sat up straight before slithering down the bark at a untraceable speed and emerged from the ground below blocking their path. "And what's this about? You two walking with each other and Tyrik's unarmed? What's the occasion?" Lance wasn't new to unorthodox situations. But ones such as these must have warranted restraint. Tyrik was off put by something. "Mr. Lance!" Marabel ran over and gave her metaphorical big brother a tight hug. Though it felt like she was wrapping her arms around a torrent of pressurized air. Lance had patted Marabel's mushroom hat in response to her tight embrace. "Hi there, Poffin."
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