- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Nikky had nodded in response, it was time to leave. She wasn't able to get anything but she had a feeling she was just sent on this mission just so she wouldn't bother anyone else. A waste. But then again she'd be able to ask her questions at a later date. "Very well." She said, the atmosphere seemed to call for the formality she liked it, made her seem fancy. Nikky then waved goodbye at the boys and Farra before leaving.

It was only when she was halfway home she realized she still had the supplies from the journalism club in hand. She sighed a bit, the fact that Vivian lived not to far away from her dorm had slipped her mind, "Of course.". Kicking open her door, home sweet home. On a typical day, Nikky would be wadding through a massive pileage of clothes scattered about haphazardly on the ground. But since Aunt Emilia made a visit she forced, or more like nagged to death, Nikky to clean up. Not that she minded, coming to a clean home was nice. Nikky didn't hesitate to hop onto her freshly made up bed. A small sigh escaped, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on her lips. She stared up at the ceiling, bare and plain screaming at her to paint it. She wasn't much of an artist, and she couldn't even remember the last time she held a paintbrush.

'I could probably stick a poster of a puppy or something up there.' She thought.

Sitting up in her bed, Nikky reached over to grab her computer. "The poor thing." it had been collecting dust, too. Nikky opened her laptop to find almost literally a million messages left by her father, which was weird considering he was sailing the seven seas with nature as his seductress. He should've been able to send twice as many emails in the time he's been away.

Unlike some of her biological family, her father absolutely loved her. He just wasn't around as much as he would've liked. Not that Nikky was particularly bothered by this, her father was a bit over the top, hence the million emails. She smiled a bit, looking through the messages. But as she did so her pleasant expression dissappeared as she scanned the messages her eyes pausing onto a few particular words.

Pet. And weasel.

Her father was going to get her a pet weasel...

Infact it was due to arrive this week. Nikky slammed the computer against her face.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

The last time her father sent her a pet, it nearly ate her (boa constrictor). She wondered how the hell that man figured a snake bigger than her was a good pet for a 8 year old. She rubbed her temples, as much as she loved her father he could be so childish at times and don't get her started on how forgetful that man was! He really annoyed her sometimes yet people say ALL. THE. TIME. that they're just alike! There was no stopping it now she supposed. She accepted her defeat and laid back typing up a rough draft of a post for RPN.

//4th walls, shit post, daddy issues insue

Love, Tapatalk
Things felt different all of a sudden, to Akira. She was unaware of whether or not she’d made her first friend at Armstrong High, or if she simply had made an acquaintance for a short time and then ruined it with a simple comment. The uncertainty of the insatiable theses that ran through her mind ultimately began to cause her worry.

What if I really did just mess up?” She thought. She’d made a joke of it at the time to attempt to lighten the mood, but what if this wasn’t the first time the boy had been ridiculed for acting as a servant to someone? Or what if at some point he’d had experience as a slave and ultimately hated the thought of returning to it? What if he was a boy rescued from some place overseas that STILL condoned slavery and in the matter of only 2 and a half seconds, Akira had managed to reawaken the unbearable experiences the boy had managed to sustain throughout his entire life—

Dammit, stop it!” She cursed to herself, burying her head in her hands, in all her might attempting to shake these thoughts. That was her problem. This girl’s thoughts could run her rampid. It was the reason why she loved to write stories so much. Being able to ponder almost a million different beginnings and outcomes to a single event was not only a skill of hers, but she usually hated it when daydreaming. What bugged her even more was when sometimes these untimely ideas would sound reasonable and cause her to pursue further knowledge of them. It reminded her that usually the most boring and obvious outcome tended to be right. It reminded her that… if this was always the case, that had to mean that life itself was rather boring. She sat her ballpoint pen down and closed her Biology book, which oddly smelled of the library with a hint of her bag. It smelled like perfume but with the combination of an old book smell. Reasonable, considering she’d JUST gotten it. Shortly after, she stood from her bed and walked over to her laptop, picking it up and unplugging the charger from the outlet on the wall a short distance from her and instead plugging it in the outlet nearest to her bed, sitting down and opening it up. Although she had work to do, her focus was broken by a matter she’d neglected earlier.

The murders of which I’ve been researching, I can’t allow myself to be led astray from this.” For no reason at all, could she find a motivation for wanting to know about the murder. She just had a craving for knowledge at the time. Eventually she managed to find an article about the matter. She read the words aloud:

Student killed in the downtown area during a confrontation with another student… The one who was killed was holding a gun… Hm… hm… hm… pierced once in the shoulder, once in the side and once in the throat… Hm… the one that lived was pierced somewhere in the torso area, likely near the heart.” And all of a sudden, the article stops there. What the hell was this?! She was sure there’d be more to it! Things don’t just end like that! If it was a confrontation between two boys, one doesn’t just die a bloody death like that out of the clear blue sky! And the censored out pictures she was viewing weren’t helping either. It was evident that there was blood all over the place based on the pictures depicting the cleaning crew that arrived. They were saying that the boy’s killer must’ve been withholding a gun somewhere as well. It had to have been a gun powerful enough to pierce straight through the average human body, let alone one as thick and muscular as this. Not only that, the rate of fire had to have been quick to have fired three shots at once and all of them having pierced through the boy nearly at the same time…

But that’s just it…” She thought, “Where are the names? They said this happened outside the Soul Food place and based from what I saw downtown, it’s populated alright until the sun goes down. So someone had to have seen it. How do they have a place and even an autopsy, but no names?!” It was then that she looked at the high amount of advertisements on every side of the page. Now that she’d thought about it. Almost three popups had interrupted her reading time while on this page, so chances are it wasn’t even an OFFICIAL news article. Just some third rate site likely full of viruses that if she lingered for too long, she’d end up paying for the “blue screen of death” that would show up in the long run. The girl closed the window, and then the laptop, setting it on the side of her bed and laying down. There were books all over her bed, but she was too tired to move them. Slowly but surely, the girl drifted into sleep.

| Evening |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

The night surfaced the worst in everything, even those beyond man. While the moon glowed oppressively over the town, lives were lost. Unseen bodies moved in the night's light like wicked beings fixated on their prey; the human souls. In the forest wilderness that surrounded Brookfield, a scene had unfolded. The bark of trees were scratched and ravaged, the grass torn apart as one long blood trail ended in a large pool of it at the base of a tree. Around that tree were bodies - lifeless bodies. Their forms ripped into and their face still expressing that horrid look on their face, eyes open. These four students, victims of the Brookfield murderer. More to add on the list.

| Dominic's room |

Dominic, after waiting for some time, had called it a night and slipped under his blankets. The last thing he remembered was the promise that Kenshi would have explained everything he knew. It was enough to satisfy Dominic. Now he was asleep, back against the cushion in a way that he would be facing upward. His body was asleep, yet his mind was awake, Dominic was beginning to lucid dream.

He felt his weight lighten considerably, the feeling of his blanket turning null and void as his surroundings felt like it shifted around him. With his eyes slowly opening, he was greeting by a night sky, crowded with different stars

( Part 1 of 2 )


( Part 2 of 2 )



"...What..?" was all Dominic could get out. His mind was hazy, but fortunately it was on the road to recovery. He had noticed that he was no longer on his bed, but laying in a puddle of water. That too, had no feeling. Everything seemed like a mere illusion in his mind, but he knew this wasn't just an ordinary dream. "This doesn't look anything like Limbo.." Without the energy to sit up, Dominic simply looked at the stars in front of him. Each one shined at a different cue, with a different color as well. "This is the Eclipse Room." Kenshi's voice rang from all directions, but his body was unseen. Eclipse Room?.. "Here, the souls of the dead can be observed before they are fully passed on from Limbo." "What is Limbo, exactly?" "The gap in between life and the final death. The waiting lobby of existence." Suddenly, the stars shifted back, soaring into the darkness before forming white silhouettes in the hundreds. Each one was a form of a man or a woman, either laying motionless, running, or generally looking panicked. Dominic could recognize only one silhouette from the others - Red's. He was amongst the terrified, frantically running for his life somewhere in the realm of Limbo.

"My previous master used this room to resurrect his most trusted allies in war." Dominic didn't ponder on the war part, he was more fascinated in the ability to bring someone back from the dead. "That's.. possible? You can bring people back from the grave?" "Not everyone. Only those with hardened souls that survive Limbo's dangers. Once their time in Limbo is up, or they die here, they receive a final death, and disappear forever." Dominic now had to think of questions that the others would ask. Something that would help them to better understand Zodiacs. "Why is all of this happening? Why the conflict with Hierophant?" "No Zodiac is the same, as we were once like you. We had different ideals, different perspectives on the world as a whole. We all took our paths in life, and often those goals come with us into Limbo."

"And the hosts-.. You all picked a group of students. Why not choose someone smarter? Or stronger? Why us?"

"The reasoning may vary, but amongst the spirits, it is well known that younger souls, such as yours, holds much more potential, as well as the lifespan. Some believe they can .. corrupt young souls to continue their work, others do it so that the child does not follow the same path they did. Ulysses, Zodiac of Adonna, believes in upholding justice and what is right. Tyrik, companion of Alice, wants to better her host, perhaps mold her into something like herself. Bastion, partner of Shun, simply shares the same ideals as his host. Observing their relationship proved to be most difficult. Lance, who follows Damian-.. his true motives are unknown, but I am starting to believe they aren't of ill-will. You were right to think that the two were simply misunderstood." "And what about me?" "You have the same aura as the one who I called my master. I can't place it, but I'm sure I will know eventually."

Dominic focused Red's silhouette. His movements suggested he was distancing himself from something, probably a hollow. A thought crossed his mind.
Should I save him? It was within Dominic's power now to bring Red back from the dead, however, the question was IF he wanted to. Dark blue orbs watched the stars silently.
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Sam wakes up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. He gasps and sits up quickly. He can't remember his nightmare, but he knows what it entailed. Ever since his older brother died back in his old town nightmares had plagued him every few nights. Its one of, if not the leading factor in his tired state first thing in the morning. The police never could figure out who killed his brother, it ate his family as an unseen question always there, never spoken but always asked.

His older brother was the one everyone loved, even Sam himself, there was no younger brother hate from him, he knew that Greg had his faults but loved him for everything he did, even if he was compared to him on an almost daily basis. That was part of the problem with the murder, nobody could figure out why, there wasn't a motive, at least none that could be found.

He shook his head, now was not the time to think about his brother. He stood up, willingness to sleep fading like like the last bit of light flickering in from the moon every now and then as a cloud slowly moved to cover it. He looked at his door, going for a walk, even if it was only to the entrance of the dorms would help him, let him get some air, clear his head. He racks his brain, was there a rule against night walks? He didn't think there was, if there was he couldn't remember it. That's a good excuse right? What was important now was getting out of his room. It felt almost oppressing.

He makes the decision, he'll go down to the entrance. He won't even go outside. He tells himself that, and he plans to stick to it. He opens his door and slowly, quietly makes his way down to the entrance, he sits there, not talking, or really making any noises, still in his PJ's he stares out of the window and up at the night sky, stars twinkling in the night. He's not even wearing his hat, something he takes almost everywhere at every time of day, no matter the occasion. But now, he sits in the entrance hall, trying to get a bearing on his thoughts. He wonders if anyone else would be up at this time of night, but he doubts it.
Adonna was sleeping soundly in her bed.

After Adonna greeted Hotaru she zoned into a blank headspace. The buzz around her only worked to keep her in the lull, Adonna missed everything and anything that was happening around her, including James' askance and Hotaru's signboard. She wasn't sure why the class was all excited and talkative, actually it didn't occur to her to question it. Only twice did she pop out of her headspace, once when Shun loudly banged his head against the table, another time when Mr. Mutton called the class to attention, both times she zoned right back out.

After classes, Adonna had either Tennis or Astronomy club. She couldn't remember which so figured she should dip into the gym first and take it from there. But first, she ventured to the cafeteria to get some food.

...and then woke up sometime in the evening. Without even realizing it, she'd dozed off at a cafeteria bench and had slept the afternoon away. By this time, clubs were over and students were going home. Adonna quickly gathered her things and threw her trash away, leaving the food tray above the receptacle before leaving the school herself. Once back in her dorm, Adonna managed to start a little homework and peruse through the science project's criteria (still failing to notice the fineprint at the bottom), but sleep called for her to return to it. So, she quickly showered and sent a quick text to her mom before nestling into her bed.

| Arc 2 |

| Episode: 2 |

"He who watches"


| Morning |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

Halfway throughout the night, clouds had moved in over the area followed by an unusual, pattern breaking cold. It was a time where the weather would briefly remind those that winter isn't done yet. Now the sun was beginning to rise over the trees and small hills, Brookfield basking in it's warm light against the chilly 50 degrees (f). School, of course, opened. Students were already making their way to class in their groggy state. Some of which were carrying umbrellas just in case.

| Dominic's Room |

Like a routine, Dominic kept the TV on as he prepped his shower for use.

"Just a few hours ago, police have discovered the existence of four more victims, each a member of our local school, Armstrong High. They were found north, on the outskirts of Brookfield where the forest surrounds the highway. The driver who reported the bodies was soon interviewed by reporters moments after the discovery was made."

The TV transitioned over to a typical bearded truck driver. "I know full well that the police is doing all they can to help put an end to this killin' spree, but if you asked me, I'm sleeping with a loaded shotgun under my bed, you know?" "Well, Mr. Redfield, you've lived in Brookfield for most of your adult life, how do you feel about the police calling in out-of-state help for this case?" "I say do whatever the hell you think is best. If calling in the big guns means our safety, I'm right on board the wagon too."

The earlier interview was cut off to returned to that same reporter in the headquarters. "It's obvious that no murder case has been reported in Brookfield for years, and when a large case like this occurs, it would startle the community. In other news, it has been reported to rain later on today into the night, so if you're heading out, don't forget to bring your necessities. Channel 2 news will return after these messages."

Dominic had finished his shower some time ago, and ended up staring blankly at the screen rather than getting ready. Does this case have something to do with the Zodiac's appearance? More than likely. I've felt the presence of hollows roaming around at night. In our world? That's correct.

| Outside |

With his school uniform on, and his undeployed umbrella in hand, Dominic was on his way to school taking his usual route. On the way, he passed by Damian's house and stopped. Looking up to the windows, he figured he should at least check on his friend.

Dominic hopped up the stairs and stood at the door, placing a few knocks on the front door and waiting.
The short story: Sam hadn't had slept well. At all.

The long story? Even after taking a few moments to clear his head, he woke up frequently in the night, he was confused, as he never could remember the details of his nightmares, just that his brother was involved. What resulted was a long night, complete with broken sleep and a general lack thereof. When he finally got up in the morning he had maybe five hours of sleep in him. He knew already that today was going to be a tough day. Struggling to concentrate, he gets himself dressed and gets a small bowl of cereal he manages to eat without falling asleep in the bowl. He takes the laptop from its place and puts it in his bag, figuring it might prove useful, he might even be able to scrape by using this instead of textbooks in class. He also grabs some cash, thirty dollars isn't much but its more or less all he can spend that he doesn't have saved for food or clothing. Yawninghe leaves his room without turning the TV on, which means two things, he doesn't know about the murders, and he doesn't know about it possibly raining, meaning he left his tiny Umbrella behind.

He slowly walks on his way to school, the dorms aren't exactly terribly far but he's exhausted. Each step feels like a mile, but he eventually drags himself to school. Sam looks tired, but not even wake-up tired like yesterday, today, Sam looks drained, almost exhausted. He wanders the halls, waiting for something to happen, trying not to fall asleep.


School Issued Laptop (1)

$30 Cash
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Farra yawned, propping herself up in bed for the night. "Let's see what's going on today," she mumbled, switching on the TV.

"Just a few hours ago, police have discovered the existence of four more victims, each a member of our local school, Armstrong High. They were found north, on the outskirts of Brookfield where the forest surrounds the highway. The driver who reported the bodies was soon interviewed by reporters moments after the discovery was made."

The TV transitioned over to a typical bearded truck driver.

"I know full well that the police is doing all they can to help put an end to this killin' spree, but if you asked me, I'm sleeping with a loaded shotgun under my bed, you know?"
"Well, Mr. Redfield, you've lived in Brookfield for most of your adult life, how do you feel about the police calling in out-of-state help for this case?" "I say do whatever the hell you think is best. If calling in the big guns means our safety, I'm right on board the wagon too."

"Such a redneck," Farra muttered disgustedly. Her eyes sparkled, though. "This would be the perfect

opportunity, actually, now that I think of it--No. I'd rather not. But it would be so much fun, wouldn't it? No, the price isn't worth it.." She debated with herself about...well. She eventually became disgusted with herself and decided to go to bed. "Not worth it..." she mumbled as she fell asleep.
James had been caught out by needing to go to lessons yesterday, so he had elected to go now to the principal's office, to ask him to allow him into the security club.

He was a little nervous, considering his past history with principals, but he hadn't done anything here to get in trouble, well, at least not yet, and this was a new principal, so there was little he could know about James.

He walked up to his office, and knocked on the door.

(Sorry about the short post, a bit unsure what else to say)


| Morning |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

| ASH |

| Front entrance |

The school itself seemed empty until the doors had been unlocked. Students flooded in like a dam failing to contain an ocean.

| ASH|

| Headmaster's Office |

James' knock would have done more than just alert the Headmaster inside. The door casually swung open by itself, the Headmaster seen organizing files and setting up for the day to come. Smiling toward the newcomer, Stryker motioned for James to take a seat while he was getting ready.

A few minutes passed of nothing but the Headmaster reshuffling books and archives. Once he had finished, the man dropped down into his leather chair and swung it around to shoot James a grin.
"Hello~, let me guess, you want to apply for the Security Office?"

| ??? |

| ??? |


Throughout the desert land, a single trail of dust tore through across the landscape. The sound of a working motor echoed over the sandy hills. Tyrik was aboard her motorcycle, recently constructed after spending some time in the world of the living. She found the machines interesting to say the least. Her motorcycle looked like something out of TRON, a black exterior covered in blue lines. It wasn't that futuristic, so to speak. The wheels glowed a neon blue as a blue flame trail was left in her wake.

Her bike's instruments was merely controlled fire. The Head's Up Display hovered over that area to give her information on how the new bike was doing.
This thing is awesome. I'll be in the forest in no time. Tyrik thought. The ground began to rumble, throwing her attention to her left as a large, worm like hollow sprung into the air from under the sand. It's size and length was enormous, and it's roar was loud enough to drown out the engine of her motorcycle.

One of it's large eyes opened, honing in on the small object that was Tyrik and her motorcycle. Like a dolphin, the beast dived down into the sand below. "You want to play, do you?" Tyrik held out her hand as the Eliminator slid out from inside the motorcycle and into her hand. "I guess I've got some time for a hunt."
Nights seemed to last long for Akira, when it came to sleeping. Often, her dreams took her places that she’d either been or had never been and oft never would be. It never seemed to phase her, though, as that was all that the dreams would be. Dreams; they were no more and no less. When one was to awaken, they’d be nothing more than memories. The girl was suddenly shaken awake by the sound of something dropping to the floor. Looking over the bedside, she’d seen that one of her books, which she’d been too lazy to place on the desktop nearby, had fallen from the bed to the floor. She leant over the bedside, gently taking hold of the book only for another few to fall. She dropped the one she had and simply sighed, looking over at her clock.

6:04 in the morning…? It’s 6:04 the morning already?” She said with a heavy sigh, planting her face deep into her pillow which smelled of her lilac shampoo… which reminded her… she hadn’t put her hair in a bun before going to sleep… which could only mean one thing! She leapt out of bed and immediately scrambled into the bathroom, swinging past the door and looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair was literally EVERYWHERE, contoured in every which direction, the ribbon was even gone! It must’ve somehow unraveled itself during her slumber. Quickly, the girl grabbed a brush and her usual detangler and went to work. It took almost 30 minutes but her waist length hair was finally returned to its normal, fixated style. It no longer had a curl, though… which greatly disappointed her. So instead, she placed it in a high ponytail, braided it and then wrapped it around itself to make a bun, placing a clip inside to hold it all in place. She then ran over to grab her clothes, a washcloth and a dry towel, turning the television on and then running into the bathroom to shower. It was only her there, so she hadn’t bothered to close the door as she wanted to hear from the broadcast what the weather would be like. And of course it was the usual, perfect chill of a 50 degree day. Of course, outside it looked to be different. The sky was rather gray. If this meant rain, Akira was definitely going to enjoy her day. She loved the rain. She loved looking at it from the windows and then running home in it. She and her friends had always enjoyed playing in the rain since she was younger, and oddly enough she was the only one to never get sick afterward, no matter how long she stayed out in it. Then there was the regular, “save this child with your 10 cents a day donation” commercial and then the news cast. News never really interested her. The latest interest she ever took in current events was cleaved last night with her dead end research of the homicide outside of the Soul Food shop.

Now that I think about it… this is a murder we’re talking about. Chances are, that if there’s anything to it, there’s no revelation of any kind simply because the public eye wasn’t meant to discover it, yet. Chances are that it never will be…” She spoke to herself, allowing the water droplets from the showerhead to flowdown her back.

Just a few hours ago, police have discovered the existence of four more victims, each a member of our local school, Armstrong High. They were found north, on the outskirts of Brookfield where the forest surrounds the highway. The driver who reported the bodies was soon interviewed by reporters moments after the discovery was made." In an instant, the girl’s attention raced from her own thoughts to the sounds emitting from her television.

A-another murder!? And there were four victims this time!” She thought, immediately rushing her hand to the faucet handle to turn the shower down so she could hear better what was being said on the television. There were a few words able to be made out, but for the most part, she missed a large chunk of it.

--…no murder case has been reported in Brookfield for years, and when a large case like this occurs, it would startle the community. In other news, it has been reported to rain later on today into the night, so if you're heading out, don't forget to bring your necessities. Channel 2 news will return after these messages." So it was going to rain, today. At least that’s something to be grateful about. However… it was obvious that this was becoming a problem. Obviously, she wouldn’t be the only one curious about these murders, as she’d just discovered that this was by no means a regular occurrence in Brookfield. The girl turned the water off after having fully bathed, and managed to groom herself well enough to be prepared for the school day, throwing her things in her bag and looking in the bathroom mirror one last time before striking a pose… then looking at herself as though she were experiencing a glimpse upon a complete moron before shaking her head and exiting the room, her supplies in her bag, the television having been shut off. She walked out of the dormitories and exited the building, headed toward the school building while viewing all the others about to make their arrivals. The new and rainy day was awaiting her. There was only one, small issue:

I think I left my umbrella back in gran’s truck…




Notebook {1}

Pen {5}

History of the Americas: Edition 1 {1}

AP Biology {1}

Mints {10}


Hair Clip {1}

Clip Board {1}

iPhone 5S (Gold) {1}
From within his room, Damian couldn't hear the series of knocks on the front door. Luckily, his mother was preparing breakfast from downstairs and the knocks caught her attention. "Who would be visiting this early in the day?" The woman wondered. She held the infant up in her left arm and walked over the front window, peering through the shades to see who it was at the front. A tall, young adult. One Damian's Mother was unfamiliar with but it can all tie down to him being one of Damian's friend from school. Figuring it was safe to answer for Damian's friend she walked over to the door and began unlocking it. Dominic could hear the clunking of turning locks from behind the door, finally the knob turning and the door slowly swinging open revealing a shorter, tired looking woman behind it. "Oh good morning! You're one of Damian's friends? I hope so because I honestly didn't think anyone would come to our door for anything! Ahah.. Hah. So are you looking for my son? If so he's up in his room." Damian's mother moved herself out of the way to show Dominic the steps that led directly up to Damian's own "slice of heaven." The infant in her arms scanned Dominic, peering into his eyes with a quizzical glare as child curiosity wondered who this new face was.


| Morning |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

His knocks were answered a lot quicker than what he originally expected. With a surprised face, he nodded to Damian's mother's assumptions, and stepped inside with a "Thank you!" It wasn't hard to find Damian's room, he just had to follow the gloomy atmosphere. Going up the stairs, Dominic glanced around for his friend's room. It's nice in here. He thought on the topic of the house in general. Picking a door, Dominic knocked lightly and awaited a response. At least he isn't dead.

Damian heard a knock on his door cutting into the musical ambiance he set for himself. He was shifling through his belongings to see if he remembered everything before he had head out to school for the morning. "Ah.. Mom needs som--" His previous assumption was thrown right out the window when he saw Dominic behind the door frame waiting for him to answer. "What." Damian yelped. "When did you get you here?" Damian had turned back around to grab his back and MP3 player from off his computer desk and disconnect it from his desktop. The music in his room had stopped and with a few clicks his computer had powered down. He stuffed the player into his pocket along with some wrapped up headphones. He threw his bookbag over his shoulder, the bag his his back with a thump with the weight of a few textbooks crashing into him like a small vehicle. Blame Lance's fitness made simple bodily weight cut that acted as a passive. Because of that, Damian had clumsily stumbled over and nearly fell on the floor. Using his arm to keep himself form actually hitting the floor, he pushed himself up and gave Dominic a sharp glare. As to notion that it all never happened.

A soft mumble emerged from under the bed sheets,"Shut up."





The jerk was persistent, but eventually Nikky caved and sat up. She threw out her hand to turn off the alarm. Now that she was apparently awake, the high schooler made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. After a few minutes the door opened again, fog from the hot shower filled the room and once cleared, it revealed the half-awake zombie had changed into an peppy teenage girl ready to punch the world in its face! "Gooood morning Brrrrookfield!"

It was nice to feel like herself again. Nikky threw on her uniform, and... skirt. She kept forgetting to ask them for pants, but she still had leggings so it wasn't all bad. Besides, the skirt was kind of growing on her. Nikky grabbed her things; she had woken up pretty early, just enough time to take a stroll before heading to school. It was cold, but the sun made it a little bit warmer. She didn't mind it, the cold that is. It was nice; it also gave her an excuse to drink hot cocoa.

As Nikky was making her way around town, she noticed a cafe specializing in the sale of sweets. The girl bit her bottom lip, it was tempting, really tempting. She checked her phone to see if she had enough time to run inside and order something. Ah screw it, she was never the type to actually keep up with a schedule for long; it was a dream she could only hope to achieve. So Nikky ran inside, she was hit with the wonderful smell of baked goods. It was a bit empty but it was also early in the morning so she figured it was normal, and the cafe was only open this early for the few who couldn't live without their morning fix. In a nutshell, the cafe was like Soul food except- just a little bit sweeter... Nikky stopped her train of thought for a moment. Did she just make a joke? A pun?

The voice of the cashier interrupted her from panicking the possibility she was actually becoming her father,

"Hello Miss, what would you like to order?"

"Um, one second." Nikky stepped out of line to get a better look at the goods. Unconsciously, she had noticed the cafe get a little bit quieter as the TV was turned to the news. A shiver was sent down her back as a sense of déjà vu came to her. When this happened, nothing good ever came from it, but still, she looked up to watch the TV. She didn't like watching the news but she couldn't look away,

"It's obvious that no murder case has been reported in Brookfield for years, and when a large case like this occurs, it would startle the community.-"

Nikky watched and listened attentively but at one point she stopped and looked around.

More deaths involving the students from Armstrong.

"It's just wrong.." one of the customers said but what did he have to worry about? He wasn't the one marked for slaughter. The girl looked down at her uniform bearing the Armstrong emblem. She should've been worried, but instead of being discouraged she only felt stronger in her resolve to continue attending Armstrong. She wasn't going to let something like that scare her off easily. Her spirits only lifted higher when she ordered a cup of apple cider to-go. She smiled, holding the warm cup in her hands. Whilst sipping Nikky pulled out her phone to check to time.

Ah crapsacks, she was running late but that’s what she gets for treating herself. Just as she was about to kick it into overdrive and make a mad dash towards school a hooded figure bumped abruptly into her,"Oh, sorry I-" but before she could apologize she had 1) noticed her phone was missing and 2) the figure was making startling distance away from her. She slung her tote bag around her so it'd be harder to fall off of her and ran after him.

Hell, for all she knew the guy could've been armed and dangerous, but all she was worrying about was what to do with him once she caught him; and she was going to catch him.


school shiz

a rock

Cup of apple cider

phone (And she will to get it back)
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| Morning |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

"I just got here." Dominic replied with a hint of frustration in his voice. It could have been because of Damian's unexplained absence. However, Damian was still getting used to having Lance around - the passive effects of hosting one such as Lance was still taking it's toll on the boy, and Dominic could only snicker at it. "Whatever, let's get going before we're late." Stepping down to the first floor and emerging from the house itself, Dominic waited for Damian to finish up what he needed to do. By the time Damian was outside with Dominic, they were on en route to the school.

"So where were you yesterday? Sick at home?" Dominic asked. He was so absorbed in getting answers that he didn't realize he had stepped into the thief's running path.


All Dominic saw was the cloudy sky. A figure (a fast one at that) blazed past them. Dominic was quick to get up and apologize, but once his mind cued into the situation, he wasn't as apologetic. Nikky was seen in pursuit of said man by her lonesome. "Wait, that's-.." But of course.

Dominic shot Damian a glance and nodded at him before putting his athletic body to use in sprinting after the culprit.
The two had already left Damian's house. Going on their marry way to class. Dominic had wondered what it was that kept Damian from showing up yesterday. Sickness? Damian had only wished. He could use a few days in bed. A mental health break. He was still in guilt over all that he put the cast through to save him. He most likely wouldn't forgive himself for a while. But before he could answer, Dominic was on the ground and a shady fellow had blasted between them in a dangerous haste. "What the--" Behind the questionable figure was Nikky in tow in just a haste as that man was. It didn't take Damian any time to put two and two together before Dominic had laready started his mad sprint. "Sheesh..." Damian had seeped into the ground and slithered through the cracks in the concrete at a high speed. He wasn't cut out for sprinting after what looked like an experienced thief. At least it seemed that way with the speed he was going. It didn't take much time before Damian had caught up with the degenerate and merged with his shadow. Rising up and sweeping his leg, tripping him over and temporarily immobilizing him. With Nikky and Dominic on the way, they should catch up before he has a chance to recover.
He was fast, too damn fast

Nikky hadn't had to run this fast in a really long time, besides that one time she was getting chased by dogs. A grin showed on her face watching the figure run past people. She wasn't going to make it. As much as it pained her to admit it, the growing ache in her chest hurt even more. An asthma attack? Crap, she slowed down watching the thief get further and further away. She sighed, "There goes my phon-"

Before she could finish her thought, a boy had rushed past her quickly catching up to the figure.


It was a blur, but the thief was caught. She took her time to catch up with them.
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| Morning |

| Tuesday |

| September 24, 2014 |

The chase was a short one when you commanded supernatual forces. Damian had already immobilized the man for the time being, but it didn't look like he would stay down for more than a few seconds. Acting quickly, Dominic sunk his knee into the back of the thief and gripped both of his arms, placing them behind his back like a cop would do. "Don't move!" He shouted. The thief would have obviously struggled, so Dominic put all of his energy into keeping him down.
Gathering all of her hair, she drew it above her head. Her slate was held safely in her mouth. As she walked through the crowded path towards the school building, Hotaru did her hair. She was too sleepy to do trivial things like doing her homework, feeding the somewhat domestic alley cat, or even eat breakfast. She would spend her time sleeping on the concrete if she could. It showed on her face how sleepy she was, ignoring the bags under her eyes or not having any more willpower to smile, she would have small and painfully obvious urges to close her eyes. Doing so, she would trip on her feet and fall forward nearly landing on her face. Hotaru twisted her hair as if she was squeezing out water from a washcloth. The twists turned into spirals as she wrapped her hair at a center. Stands of her light pink hair fell on to her face. She was well aware of the fact that she was damaging her hair from it's natural color by constantly dyeing it. Hotaru had a need to always change up her identity, it made her feel like she was a new person entirely. Perhaps her former sea-foam green was a good choice. The girl tied her hair into a bun and felt satisfied. This would be her fourth time redoing her bun. The constant redoing had to do with her hair being too heavy and was pulling at the scalp.

Giving the bun a pat, she yawned and sharply changed her direction. She had some time before class started, she could aimlessly wonder around. Hotaru looked at her bare wrist as if she was looking at a watch, mhmm hmm, yes it's that time. Time to go mess people's lives up. What a wonderfully cold day! It clashed with her already freezing fingers. Sneezing a bit, she strides her way to exit the school's territory. How to really bite someone's day? Hm...

Hotaru is walking backwards by herself on the right side of the sidewalk as she watched white clouds slowly turn grey. The wind was opposing her ways and pushed her forwards. She merely declined and forced herself to walk backwards. Unknowingly her foot would be caught with someone's limb on the ground. She tumbled to the ground. With a dazed look, she quickly stood up to see a bruise on her knee. Hotaru cursed herself in her head. Angrily, she threw her white board at the person sleeping on the ground. With a frown she kicked his knee and then a very sympathetic face appeared.
"What the hell?!" The thief was fast, and he was confident in his abilities and yet he was caught just like that by a couple of kids.

"Don't move!"

The man shouted obscenities at the boy, He struggled against the restraint almost resembling a wild animal backed into a corner. As Nikky walked up she recognized the two- Dominic and Damian, she smiled as she played the familiar names in her head.

"Thank you..." she blushed, ashamed she wasn't able to keep up herself. She owed them, that was for sure.

Nikky picked up her phone which was scattered on the ground after it flew out of the thief's hand. Dialing 911, she plugged her ears as it ringed.

She turned her back failing to notice Hotaru show up.
After walking around for a little while, Sam manages to get almost back to his normal self, at least personality wise. He looks exhausted, and in fact he is. However he manages to get into the day without that much failing on his part, after getting to the school and storing things in his locker, he figure he should go get something before class starts, he never liked coffee but he can't deny its effects. On his way to the shop however, he sees a couple other boys holding someone down, concerned, he runs up. "Hey, is something wrong? What'd he do?"

(Sorry for short post, pressed for time.)


School Issued Laptop

With a pout, she patted the fellow on his head before pulling him into a hug. In a much more cheerful mood, she squeezed him around the ribs. Even though the guy was probably asking for his release. With a happy grin she let him go and hugged Dominic, who was conveniently right nearby. Tilting her head she noticed Damian was there as well! She wrapped her arms around the boy's waist and headed off to hug another person. A bystander, whom she didn't know was standing nearby. She gave him a hug as well. With an overly positive attitude she hugged a curly haired lady from behind. She yawned, letting the hug go. From a distance she could hear sirens coming closer. Oh! Did something happen? Hotaru picked up her slate and wrote on it, "Hi guys! What are you guys doing here~?"
The police must've been on their toes considering all the murders occuring lately, and she didn't doubt they'd be on the scene pretty quickly. She suddenly felt arms wrap around her, she sighed and smiled. Surprise hugs were the job of one and one person only, and she didn't even need to look over her shoulder to confirm it was Hotaru. Nikky turned to greet the strange, pink haired hugging machine, with a smile.

then looked at the girl's slate,
"Hi guys! What are you guys doing here~?" Nikky opened her mouth to explain but paused noticing another voice, a male, she wasn't quite familiar with that one. Looking over she noticed the boy, yet his appearance failed to ring any bells. A new face.

The girl supposed she owed an apology and explanation, but- Naaah.

"Oh, just finishin' a morning jog"
she managed a laugh. As much as she liked feeding curious minds she didn't like to admit she probably should of paid more attention. Pointing out when others were wrong, sure! But when it came to herself? Eh, not so much. The police then showed up taking over the situation and placing the thief in a cruiser. The captured man gave the group of highschoolers a death glare before disappearing behind tinted windows. A police officer paused a moment, realizing that the group- Dominic, Damien, Hotaru and Nikky were all familiar faces from a night spent in holding.

"You kids take care." the officer then glanced over at Sam with a stern, concerned look then back at the group. "And be careful."

With that, the police were gone. And she was pretty sure they were all late for school now, there goes the perfect attendance record she wanted to strive for. She sighed, and turned towards Damien and Dominic with an apologetic expression. The least she could do was apologize.

"I'm really sorry."
Sam nods as the officer tells them to be careful, he heard about some murders before his father transferred, so he guessed the police were still on edge about it. Then Nickky turned and apologized, this causes him to raise a brow. "If you were out for a morning jog, why are you apologizing?" He asks with a grin on his face. Then he shrugs. "I guess its none of my business huh." He looks at Dominic. "I saw you the other day, Alice was about to beat your head in over something, Some sort of Zodiacs movie right?" He looks at each of the new faces for him. "My name's Sam, my father transferred here a few days ago, I'm a new student." He shrugs. "I was hoping to get to talk to you guys, you seemed nice, at least when Alice wasn't about to eat your ear." His voice carries a joking tone, and he hopes everyone can get it. He saw the girl who liked to hug people and Dominic yesterday, so he supposes he might as well try to get to know them while he has the chance. Then he turns back to Nikky. "So, what actually happened?" He asks with a confused (and slightly curious) look on his face.

Sam's dad is a cop, and he occasionally makes puzzles up for Sam, because of this, he can catch someone's contradictions a bit easier then most. (He's no detective though.)


School Issued Laptop


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