- Zodiac - [Inactive]


Nikky exclaimed, but was quickly silenced as the librarian responded with a harsh "SHUSH". Nikky lowered her voice appropriately in response, "sorry" it was perfect, easy, scientific and more than likely to get her that A she wanted. Well she still wasn't very sure on who to get in her group, she figured to cross Dominic out of the equation, he had a full plate anyways with that girl, Hoshino was it? She was nice, but what she needed was someone easy to manipulate... Her mind wondered off to Clark then that one other guy who's name escaped her. They were quiet and didn't particularly care which was perfect.

And here's a thing about Nikky, once she accepts the fact that she cannot lose, she'll be everything in her power to succeed. Hopefully it won't come down to biting and scratching like that one time- Nikky shook her head, "no time to reminisce when there's science a foot"

Nikky checked out a few books based on electricity and a book on science project ideas. She was going to force herself to care about school this year.

As she walked out of the library and down the hall she saw a small group of people and a blue haired girl having just a grand old time laughing it up with a few buddies.

Of course, this was Farra she was talking about, the girl that gave off a killer kind of vibe. While Nikky was unaware of her history there was definitely an unsettling feeling surronding her but the blue girl still intrigued her. She tilted her head a bit, the school did have some pretty strange students...

Her mind started to wonder off to the old principal.

"I wonder how he's fairing?"

Love, Tapatalk

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3cd4577_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.63b6fbd059257ca5861b287ebcbc7303.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3cd4577_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.63b6fbd059257ca5861b287ebcbc7303.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino's classes flew on by like the wind. Before she knew it, the afternoon had already arrived. Many people were departing for their club activities, and Hoshino found herself completely clueless as to where she should go.
Well, before I even think about joining a club, I should probably go and pick up my uniform, she thought to herself as she made her way over to the main office. "Do you know where new students pick up their uniforms?" she asked the secretary at the front desk. After a few referrals and a couple chats, she eventually got a hold of a uniform in her petite size. "Thank you," she spoke to the staff that gave it to her. With that, she figured she better head over to a bathroom or something to get changed. She stepped into one and changed in a stall, placing her previous clothes into her bag after folding them neatly. I feel like an official student now, she thought with a soft giggle to herself. After she was finished changing, she stepped out of the stall and fixed her hair in the mirror. It was the same as it usually was - not too messy, not too neat. Just like always.

"Alrightie, then. Time to check out some of those clubs," she spoke as she walked with a little pep in her step down the halls. "To the bulletin board~" She spoke in a sing-song-y tone as she checked out all of the clubs listed. "Soccer, football, tennis, basketball.. And, oh~ swimming!" Hoshino thought with a bright beam. She loved swimming, and she had many trophies for her efforts. However, she was also quite the tennis player. "Hmm.. Tennis or swimming..." she contemplated out loud with a puzzled expression. "Yep, it's gotta be swimming," she stated, and then read about where she was supposed to sign up. She didn't quite understand where, but she figured the office could help her out. She still needed to be assigned a locker, as well. I should probably head to the library and pick up my books, too, she thought as she made her way back to the main office. "Hello," she spoke to the secretary again as she walked inside. "Do you know where I get my locker information?" Once more, after a few chats and referrals, she eventually received a locker number.

I could put my clothes in there for now, she thought as she made her way down the hall. There was the boy from before who added her to their group from earlier, as well. His locker was on the opposite side of the hall from hers. "Hello again~!" She spoke cheerfully as she put in her combination. "Thanks again for adding me to your group," she began as she glanced over at him. She organized her locker while she went on. "It seems like a lot of people want to partner with you, though," she let out a slightly embarrassed and nervous laugh, "so, I'd understand if you'd take out a total stranger like myself to make room," she stated, shutting her locker door and turning to look over at him. "I'm going to go to the library to retrieve my text books," she began with a warm, welcoming smile. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" she spoke, and then she began making her way back down the hall and to the library. As she neared a corner, however, she got a little... Lost.

"Crap, which way was it again?" she wondered out loud, pressing her index finger against her bottom lip as she pondered the way.

Of all the places to forget, it had to be the library.



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Sam sighs when he finally gets out of class, it was weird not knowing almost anyone in the room beyond Hoshiro and Alice. Class had gone fairly smoothly, but a few questions here and there had stumped him so that he had to ask Alice, whom he decided to sit close to. However, now he's on his own. He's not really sure what to do so he looks around at the flyers for numerous clubs. He's stumped for a bit, until he notices a flyer a bit less used then the others. Its for security. He looks at it. He doesn't know much about the school, but his dad works for the police, and the reason he came to this village is his dad got a transfer here. well, he thinks I might as well follow my dad's footsteps. He laughs to himself then reads a bit more. "How the heck do I join....speak to the headmaster? Oookay...I'll go to the office I guess." He sighs and eventually finds his way to the head office, he steels himself and opens the door. "Hello? Headmaster? I'd like to talk about joining security."


| Afternoon |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

As he was finishing his business within the locker, that same cheery voice sounded once more, this time behind him. Dominic looked over his shoulder and returned Hoshino's cheerfulness with a smile, as if he had pushed away the previous stresses for that one moment.

"It seems like a lot of people want to partner with you, though, so I'd understand if you'd take out a total stranger like myself to make room."

"No no, that won't be the case." Right? So many things to worry about: Soccer practice, the project group, even James' 'questions' that the boy had in store for Dominic. A leering feeling told him that he'd come home a defeated man.

"I'm going to go to the library to retrieve my text books, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Again he responded with a nod of assurance. Dominic took the time to close his locker and head down the hall as well. By now, the corridors were beginning to fill up again, students were either leaving or heading to attend their club. It was around that time where clubs wanted a good, strong start in the week, so there would no doubt be some interesting flyers to see at the announcement board.

However, his attention was again interrupted when he noticed that same girl lost in confusion. "The library's downtown. I don't know why they're taking so long to build one here, though." His dark blue orbs skimmed over the flyers before freezing and snapping back to the one flyer that stood out the most.




Looking for male and female actors for a mystery/thriller halloween film!


Must know how to act, obviously.

Should have a basic knowledge of Neo-Zodiacs!

You also need to perform your own stunts!


Dominic was beginning to work up a nervous sweat. Not only was the timing absolutely terrible, but the crude drawings resembling each and every known Zodiac was alarming. His pupils shook with shock Wh-.. What the hell is this..? Some kind of sick joke? Unseen to the human eyes but the hosts', Kenshi formed at Dominic's side, peering at the flyer from a seated position. Is this a prank from you, Kenshi? Blankly, the wolf turned his head toward Dominic despite his nervous state. Does it look like I can read or write? What's the issue here? The issue is that someone knows - about the Zodiacs!

| In the Headmaster's Office |

The library-scented room and it's quiet nature was disturbed when the door swung open to reveal the grey-haired boy, Sam.

"Hello? Headmaster? I'd like to talk about joining security."

A head popped up from behind a monitor, bright green eyes studied the boy from a distance before the man spoke. "Come, take a seat." He commanded, his eyes shifted to one of two chairs sitting in front of the main desk. If and when Sam approached, he would have gotten a better look at the man. Skinny, if not scrawny in appearance, he donned a suit and a trimmed pointed beard. Once again the new Headmaster inspected Sam, looking for the obvious qualification for such a job. "You're a new student." He stated. "Normally new students weren't allowed into the 'Discipline Committee', but those were the old, boring rules. You may have a chance - so tell me, boy; Why do you think I should bestow that rank on you?"

Sam is a bit surprised by the man's attitude, he was expecting someone a little more caring. After being questioned, he instinctively falls into the "At Ease" Position his father always was using around the house. "Because." He starts, voice calm. "I've heard about all the things going around, more help is alwats useful. My dad's in the force so he's showed me a few things, skills and such." He takes a breath before continuing. " I want to help out the students around here, but I'm not smart enough to become a tutor or something like that, this is the best way I can help out the school." Sam's eyes never lose their focus on the headmaster. He wants to help out, and he's passionate about it.

Meanwhile, in the back of Sam's mind, he's hoping if he can get on the team he'll be able to find some friends, as great as Alice is, he needs to befriend some others, this "club" may be somewhere to start.
Class ended. Akira exited the room, eventually headed for what would serve as her residual haven for the time being: the dorm. Being one of the last to leave, it became apparent to her that daydreaming during class would not prove beneficial if she were to obtain a passing grade. Therefore, all thoughts of what once was needed to be discarded and immediately. During the walk, she began listening to people in the halls discussing upcoming events and what clubs of which they were apart.

A club! Wonderful! I could join one of those to keep my mind off of everything!” She thought. Soon, the halls were becoming empty again. It was likely that everyone was reaching their destinations while she roamed the halls up until she reached the bulletin area. Soon, she passed by a girl who appeared to be rather lost. And once again… it was him. The “assistant”, or other, to the strange girl with the scythe from the tour. Suddenly a voice spoke. It was the confused looking girl:

I'm going to go to the library to retrieve my text books, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Christ her voice was angelic… She must’ve been one of the type of girls to make friends rather quickly. Afterward, the boy replied to her:

The library's downtown. I don't know why they're taking so long to build one here, though."

So now the students had to go all the way downtown to receive textbooks? That would prove to be problematic considering the girl hated walking. People always had a habit of staring at her when she went on jogs back at home… for more reasons than one. Two actually…. Two rather
large issues that T-Shirts made a serious problem of, inherited from her mother, or at least that’s what mother always claimed to be her proudest achievement. But in any case, the girl now had some walking to do whether she liked it or not, for tomorrow, she would need her textbooks. She had no intention of making friends, but it couldn’t hurt to at least get a little bit more information before simply trotting downtown and ending up lost in the process. She needed to get these damned books.

U-uh… excuse me…” She said aloud. It was barely audible… and for whatever reason even she couldn’t identify why. Since when the hell was this girl the shy type?! “I--… I hate to sound as though I was eavesdropping; however I believe I overheard you say that the library was downtown. I was wondering if either of you would perhaps know how to get there? By no means am I familiar with Brookfield at all and I’m a lost cause with directions so… sorry” In a nervous reflex, the girl held her right arm in her left hand, looking away from them both to keep eye contact. “Just kill me now…
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Farra stopped coughing up blood a few minutes later.

"Hey, uh, are you okay?" The behemoth of a kid was asking her. "Yes, yes, I'm fine," she said slowly, surprised by the previous events herself. What had gotten into her? "Sorry if I caused any trouble at all," Farra added, waving a hand nonchalantly in his direction. "No big deal."

Farra ran back into the library, panting. "Not good, not good, NOT GOOD," she panted. Suddenly, the door swung open and a cute girl came in. Reflexively, Farra whirled around at the sudden noise and hit the girl in the face. "Oh, sorry!" Farra said, and, embarrassed again, she quickly walked away.

"Great. GREEEEAT. Killed somebody already in the library, and probably partially killed myself laughing earlier. Yup, I'm an idiot. An Honors--" Farra stopped suddenly. 'ZODIAC MOVIE! Actors needed!' Below were crude ugly drawings of the Zodiacs. Not the stars--the creepy-ghosty-possessive ones. "Hm. Let's see how this goes down.." She pulled a pencil out of her pack and wrote her name on the sign up list under the drawings. "Fa..rra..Rei. There. And, my number? 704-008-2638. And...dorm room number? Why would they need that? Eh..Room...697," Farra muttered as she wrote all of the required info down. Let's see how this goes, Farra thought.

Game on, Zodiacs.

Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk
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Luckily, they had made it in time for class but just in time for a group project. Alice was given a paper which was assigned for her to do... with a group. Alice wasn't the type to work in groups and to work on a science project was Alice's favorite thing to do but not with a group. A group was troublesome and they would always do risky things and sometimes don't even listen to you or so that was the case for Alice in England.

She was still in need of a group, she already confronted a boy who was being lazy and was known as Dominic's twin since Alice never really got his name. She also became teamed up with the new kid, Sam since it seemed he was more comfortable with her though it strange to Alice. All she did was lead him to the class and introduce herself but she didn't mind as long as he don't be as lazy as the other guy.

Time flew by and it was already time for soccer club, walking off to the locker rooms. While heading over, she noticed a familiar back of a boy named Dominic and went up to him,"Hello Dom, you look like you just saw a ghost." Alice said bluntly. She was bewildered why Dominic was so pale and followed his glance to see the flyer. Her eyes also widen at the sight as she gasped,"What the-" She exclaimed and turn to Tyrik who had been tailing her and then at Dominic,"What kind of prank is this Dom? You better explain." She demanded grabbing his collar but seeing how she was way shorter than him by a whole 8 inch, the scene was pretty much like Dominic was the one bullying her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3dc0682_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.14df59599736616b5352bac44de78c17.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3dc0682_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.14df59599736616b5352bac44de78c17.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino's brows raised in astonishment.
"We get our textbooks from a public library?" she wondered, making a thoughtful 'hmm~' sound as she pressed a curled index finger against her lips. "Oh, well. I guess I'll go pick them up then--" she began, but she noticed the boy's face turning pale. He even appeared to be breaking a nervous sweat. "H-Hey, are you alright?" she stammered in a worried tone. Soon, a familiar face entered the scene, as well. It was the girl--whom the nurse identified as Alice back then--that passed out earlier in the morning. "Oh, hey! Are you feeling better?" Hoshino began with a friendly beam. She felt so comfortable around this girl, being that she was short just like she was. She couldn't tell when she was laying down, but she's only a couple inches taller. Not to mention, she looked adorable. "I was one of the people who stayed with you when you passed out. Though, I had to go to class eventually," she spoke, rubbing the back of her head sweetly as she went on. "I hope you got my lollipop and gum! They soothe my stomach when it's feeling achy," she stated, but then followed their horrified gaze to the flyer before them.

"What kind of prank is this, Dom? You better explain." Hoshino heard the girl speak, and she grabbed his collar in an aggressive manner. With slightly widened and surprised eyes, Hoshino looked between the two. She had to admit, it was more of a cuter scene due to Alice's shortness. "S-So your name is Dom?" Hoshino began in a nervous, questioning tone. It sounded more like a nickname for something--she guessed Dominic. "U-Um, what's wrong? Did someone steal your idea or something? If so, I can help you talk to them!" Hoshino began, completely clueless as to what was really going on. She couldn't help her want to help, however. "There's no need to be violent. I wouldn't want you to pass out again," Hoshino began, her turquoise eyes reflecting her sincere and kind concern. Hoshino took a look at the flyer, reading about it and what it was all about. "A Halloween film, huh? It.. Um, well, it sounds interesting!" Hoshino began, trying to calm down the fire that erupted with honest compliments. She had no idea whether she was making it better or worse.

I wonder what's wrong.. Did someone steal their idea for the movie, or.. Perhaps they know the creator and don't like them? Why did they get so pale, nervous, and even angry when they looked at the flyer? It seems like a decent little idea, she thought, puzzled.

  • Strawberry Chapstick x 1

    Messenger Bag x 1

    Lollipops x 3

    Wallet x 1


    Pens x 3

    Pencils x 3

    Notebooks x 5

    Juicy Fruit Gum x 9

((Forgive me for the short and horrible post~ Dx))



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James was going to see the principal, to ask about joining security club. He had of course signed up for it, but... well, apparently he'd been "dead" for a rather long time, and he had "died" not too shortly after signing up. It still unsettled him. He still didn't know what had happened to him. That was one of his many questions for Dominic.

As he walked up to the office, he saw Alice talking with Dominic... suddenly she grabbed Dominic by the collar. Brave though it was, her height didn't really help, and it looked a little pathetic. Then, another girl approached them. He didn't recognise her, but she talked to them and obviously knew them.

"Hey," he asked as he approached them, "what's going on? And what's that you have in your..." James then saw the flyer, "hand..."
Class could have easily been considered torture for Shun as the announcement of group projects made him instantly resent his attendance for the day. Not only was the morning stressful enough to relegate him to the pains in his head, the commotion of those around him made him rest his head upon his desk with a groan as he covered himself with his arms in an futile attempt to block out the commotion. Only Ashlei could make Shun forcefully interact with others in a social setting as such, yet as the thought of his friend crossed his mind, Shun couldn't help but worriedly check his phone for a reply to his earlier text. As the information sheet on the project made way to Shun's desk, he quickly scanned its information with a sigh of relief as the necessity of a group was only recommended rather than required. Having faith in his ability to perform the required task, Shun simply smiled as he returned to his halfway fetal position until the vibration of his phone disturbed his rest. Quickly retrieving his phone, Shun slammed his head into the desk all while ignoring the doubled pain which followed as the source of the vibration was nothing more than a text from Jess, once more thanking him for his attendance the day before.

Class seemed to last an eternity, and it was with its eventually end that Shun made a decision to skip the remainder of the day despite the possible consequences that could follow. If anything he could have visited the nurse under the excuse of a migraine, but the desire for a peaceful environment that could allow him to paint, made his destination the art room which he knew would be vacant as always. Crossing the path of the main hall, Shun took notice at a particular flashy poster that instantly brought his attention to a particular word that stood out among the rest, Zodiac. A curious smile came to his face as he quickly scanned the poster's details and took note of the supposed movie club's location before continuing along his walk to the far reaches of the school.

The presence of art brought upon a sort of soothing effect for Shun as he seated himself before a blank canvas and began cracking his knuckles in anticipation for his work to come. Over thee past few days, Shun had created many paintings through Bastion's power; however, for magic that formed itself, the joyous feeling which truly defined the art of painting was sorely lacking. With his palette of gesso ready, Shun dipped his brush into the white preparation paint that he lazily began layering his canvas with. Although Shun would normally lose himself in his artwork, he couldn't help but paint while pondering the many thoughts swirling in his head over the fantastical events which had overtaken his life. The appearance of Bastion and the other zodiacs had brought a new world to light, and although Limbo had left him severely injured three times already, each instance had been an opportunity to shed light on its secrets and feed the never-dying curiosity that he held toward the unknown.

Shun continued to paint until reaching a suitable stopping point shortly after the bell signaled school's end. Setting aside his brush and paints, Shun stretched his arms to the sky with a loud yawn before rising to his feet and taking a quick glance around the room. As always he found himself alone, and though he doubted the appearance of another student, Shun still prepared a sign for the door which he planned to leave unlocked.

I'll be out for a bit.

If your a prospective member of the art club,

have fun in there.

Temporary President, Shun

With his new destination set toward the film room, Shun became happily humming as he traversed the halls with Bastion's mask in hand. Prior to the notice, Shun had suspected a third party's involvement with matters concerning the Zodiacs, yet what he failed to understand was the party's intentions toward those who held the Zodiacs. From appearances, Red had blatantly attacked Damian with the intention to kill, but under the current circumstances, such a motive would be improbable and borderline insane at best. Given the delicate state of the city after the numerous attacks and instance of murder, no sane individual would continue along their plan of eliminating the users which meant the mastermind behind this "club" more than likely had an entirely different motive in mind. A motive which he desired to uncover as he stood smiling before the film room's door.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

Shun spoke a phrase from T.S Elliot as he entered the room unaware of what he would find within. Prior to entering the boy predicted the three most probable scenarios and his appropriate response to each. Had the members within been entirely unrelated to Zodiacs, Shun would have simply appeared as a student interested in acting that would then decline involvement under the excuse of busy schedule; had the inhabitants been involved, Shun would intend to simply talk yet would react with Bastion if anything were to happen; and finally had the room been empty...well this scenario would be self explanatory. With a firm grip on Bastion's mask, a grin came to Shun's face as he anticipated whichever scenario would occur.
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Ignored… completely ignored. Or should one have said disregarded? The presence of Akira was completely nonexistent in the face of the other girl who approached and began to assault the one she referred to as “Dom”, who, by the way, was already occupied with the paper in his hand. It became painfully obvious that this Dom male was the servant of more than one girl. Either his devotion to more than one woman had finally caught up to him, or this confrontation, which by the way appeared to be more of a comic excuse for bullying given the size difference, had something to do with that play. The angelic girl who’d offered to help find the culprit of this “stolen idea” was attempting to quell the situation. Regardless, though… Akira’s attempts to speak fell to vain. However that did leave a matter of issues to be brought up. Why was everyone so worked up over a simple play? Does this school not have a copyright penalty or something, assuming it was stolen, that is…? Why, then, was everyone so upset? Another boy came by, crimson of hair and tall. He seemed just as surprised. It became evident that Akira, and likely the angel, were the only two left unbeknownst to the events which would unfold at the behest of those orchestrating this evidently “troublesome” play.
Farra entered her dorm, still cursing. Though she was curious about this "Zodiac Movie," she felt as if her life was a movie in it's own. Farra wondered how the Zodiac crew, who happened to actually have Zodiacs, was dealing with this. "Wish I had a Zodiac, might liven things up around here," she muttered to herself, kicked her desk in anger. She instantly regretted it. "Was it something I said?" she asked herself. Sighing, she plopped down on the bed with her laptop. "I'm going straight to hell," she sighed.


| Afternoon |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

| Headmaster's Office |

The replacement Headmaster eyed Sam as he explained his worth. The air around them was tense just because of Styrker's offsetting nature. "I hope you aren't under the impression that all we do is oppress others. The last thing the Committee needs is another thickheaded stud who thinks the world belongs to him." Huffing to himself, the Headmaster slanted his jaw in consideration to Sam's request. "There are many other ways you can help out your fellow classmate, but you seem honest enough not to abuse your power." Leaning back into his chair, the man inputted a new entry into the club's ranks online. "The Committee welcomes you, Mr.Sam. Now I'll need your dorm number if you have one, or an address if you live near by. We're just finishing up the last few uniforms to ship out to the newly joined members. It would be wise to hand that information over now before they're done."

| In front of the announcement board |

Dominic had a moment to recollect his thoughts. There was no doubt that whoever made this, knew of what he and the others were up to. In all honestly, he shouldn't have even felt afraid. What they did with their new found powers never harmed an innocent soul - save for Damian. I wonder if the police know about how Red died, and about the Zodiacs-.. They wouldn't put a flyer up like this, though. They would be direct, right? Even through his troubled reasoning, Kenshi simply stared at the board without much of an input. While the English letters were foreign to him, he was still able to make out the concerningly accurate drawings of each Zodiac. His tail swiped around when he examined them. Of course they don't get the markings right. The wolf thought.

A fragile voice echoed towards Dominic. At first he had figured it was Hoshino once more, but after looking, it was from a different girl entirely. “U-uh… excuse me…” She said aloud. It was barely audible. “I--… I hate to sound as though I was eavesdropping; however I believe I overheard you say that the library was downtown. I was wondering if either of you would perhaps know how to get there? By no means am I familiar with Brookfield at all and I’m a lost cause with directions so… sorry… "I do, but-"

Out of NOWHERE, Alice had gripped Dominic's shirt and pulled him down to her level. Her small size and words were undetected by him, so his natural reaction was to feel frightened. "What kind of prank is this Dom? You better explain." "Yeah, 'Dom'. What kind of prank IS this?" Tyrik was already beside Alice. She was also unseen to the human eye, just like Kenshi. The barbaric Zodiac cracked her knuckles in obvious anger that her drawing wasn't to her liking. In response, Kenshi broke away from staring at the board to address the two in a calm manner. "This is no prank, Tyrik. We're just as baffled on it as you both are."

Stepping back, Dominic broke free from Alice's deathgrip once again. Damn, she's scary. "U-Um, what's wrong? Did someone steal your idea or something? If so, I can help you talk to them!" After fixing his collar, Dominic glanced back towards Hoshino. To his surprise, she was still there, interested in whatever commotion was going on. James too, had approached the ever growing crowd in front of the boards. Questions were being flung at them and everyone wanted answers.

"No no, it's no- Actually, yeah - our idea-.. Ahahah~" It was given to him, Dom may as well be using it. "It seems someone's been snooping in our idea box, and decided to steal one of them from us. We were uhm-.. trying to make a movie of our own." In a desperate attempt to cease lying any more, he looked towards the shy Akira. "I can take you to the library if you want!"

| Audio & Video room |

Shun would have walked into an organized storage of equipment. This was the main room for keeping all of the event equipment in. Dusty flim cameras, reels, and worn party entities were all packaged here under a fine layer of dust. So far, not a single sound came from that room. It felt as if Shun had been the only soul there. Then, at that moment, another body came through the door after Shun.

"Strange, the masquerade-themed Homecoming is a way's off." Len walked around Shun to stand in front of him. "Is that a movie prop you made yourself?" He asked, referring to Bastion's mask. It's more than just a movie prop, boy. Bastion's thoughts were ill-mannered.
Sam relaxes a little after hearing he got into the group. Maybe these people would be able to help him out when he got lost, or at least help him learn the school's many halls and corridors. He nods at the mention of his dorm number. "Oh! Right. Let me see...It was 259." While Sam normally isn't the best at remembering small details like this, the fact that its the room he's going to live in helped him remember the number. If it was something less important chances are he'd forget. In fact, that's one of his issues in school. During math all the numbers seem to float around and he can never keep track of them, putting the X where the Y should be and so forth. He's not stupid, just...bad at small numbers. After telling him his dorm number a small question pops into his mind. "Where exactly does security meet? I should probably know that." He smiles


| Afternoon |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

| Headmaster's Office |

After entering the correct information into the school's online database, Sam's student information appeared. It only took a few movements of the wireless mouse and click or two to change his status to a Committee recruit. Stryker looked back at the boy who seemed to ease now.

"Where exactly does security meet? I should probably know that."

"On the fourth floor - this one - there's a sectioned off room that requires a special card to unlock. You'll get a card, of course, but all of the needed equipment is there. Expect someone to visit you in the coming days and tutor you along with the other recruits."

A moment or two passed, during which Styrker hummed a familiar trendy song.

"Mr.Sarith, You're all good to go. Additional information will be mailed to dorm 259." He waved his hand in a manner that told Sam to get up and go.
Sam nods, all but relaxed now that he's no longer being interrogated. He slides out of the room quietly and as quickly as he came in, not sure where to go he roams the halls for a little while until he comes across the group of people, curious, he walks up. "Hey Alice? Everything all right?" He asks, curiosity mixing in his voice with concern. "What the heck's a zodiac?" He says after quickly studying the poster. "It looks neat, not sure how'd they go into a movie though..." Sam looks at the crowd. "So why's everyone gathered? There's a lot of tension too...is everything alright?" Sam's voice has a calming tone to it, something he picked up from his dad. He's confused, but he knows that if everyone is panicked then there's no way in hell he'll find out what's going on.
"Hi Clark. So nice of you to call me." Clark's mum said happily. "How's school? Are your working hard? You better not be getting into trouble just because I'm not there" She said, taking a more serious tone even though Clark hadn't even spoke yet.

Clark sighed. "Well I knew if I didn't phone you'd go on and on about it." Clark said bluntly. Clark could tell she was about to say something but she seemed to admit defeat to his comment. "Anyway no I'm not 'getting into trouble'. And even if I was I'm pretty sure the school would tell you." Clark said, hoping to avoid the other question about his schoolwork. He didn't like lying to his mum.

She began to laugh and how quickly Clark became defensive. "I'm just joking. And Clark I'm not an idiot. I'm guessing you've been slacking in class since you didn't answer my question?" His mother asked with a noticeably annoyed tone of voice.

"I...I'm just getting back into the swing of things...it's such a sudden change for me to be back in classes. I still need to get used to it..."

Clark's mother simply sighed and let out a small chuckle. "Anyway it was nice talking to you Clark but I need to go to wo-" Clark mum said before she was cut off.

"Wait, wait, wait. I almost forgot to ask. How's dad?" Clark asked urgently. Hoping his mother wouldn't hang up.

"Your dad? He's...good..." Clark's mum said hesitantly. Making it obvious to Clark she was lying.

"Mum please don't lie to me. Has he gotten any better?...or worse?" Clark pleaded.

"Well...the doctor said he thankfully hasn't gotten worse but he's certainly not gotten better. He always asks where you are and I say at school. At your old school. I hate to say it but I'm glad he eventually forgets otherwise this transfer to a new school would be a lot more annoying if you always had to visit him." She said. Clark was slightly surprised at his mother saying it was a good thing but she was right. His dad was already in a confused state with everything else. It was best he forgot about Clark while he finished high school here.

"...That's good...I'll phone you again another time. Don't be afraid to phone me if you want or need to though...bye." Clark said with a saddened look on his face as he hung up the phone and placed it on his bedside table. He lay on his bed and let out a sigh.

Life is such a drag sometimes Clark thought to himself as he closed his eyes.
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Akira looked at the boy with a surprised expression. So apparently she WAS heard! The last thing she’d expected was for him to offer to take her there, though. Thought seeing his current predicament, being assaulted by one girl, and then questioned by the guy nearby, and another girl was apparently having a few troubles as well…

Does this guy just offer himself up as a sacrifice to these people or am I just seeing things?” She thought, staring at him oddly. It then suddenly occurred to her that he’d just shown a great kindness by offering to take her when he could’ve just given her directions and instructed her to be on her way, therefore insinuating that she needed to mind her own business. In a foul mood, it’s what she would’ve done. And with a girl’s hands around her collar, she’d have definitely been in a foul mood. For an assistant, he surely couldn’t be all that bad. So, just this once, she decided to loosen up a bit and speak, though her voice was still just as audible as before… barely:

I am indebted to you. Thank you.” She said, straightening her posture and bowing. A bit too formal... but alas, it was necessary. In her mind, she was dealing with what was apparently a butler.
Hotaru blinked when her name was being complimented by Hoshino, she was about to give her a compliment back when Farra's voice caught her attention. Mr. Mutton called attention to the class and everyone was forced to sit down. The girl retreated to her seat with a guilty glance. Not being able to focus on her teacher, Hotaru's mind began to drift away into a pool of thoughts.

She remembered of a time when she was younger. The dry sticky sun hangs low barely touching the horizon. It was summer, the heat was intense not even a cloud in the sky. It was the type of day where a popsicle in hand was required at all times. The visible grass was dried out, the cicadas would scream in choruses for a mate. Times like these made everyone go mad after a while. Weather like this was the source of anger to start. On a wooded dock two pairs of small feet swung in a crooked type of perfect synchronization. The softer feet would go up and the one with dirt and grime on their feet would swing down. The children's hands were sticky from the bright orange and red popsicle. Even if the sticky sugary substance touched dirt they would spend the afternoon licking it off before heading into the kitchen and asking for more. Tiny hands suspiciously licked clean, and their tongues tinted warm colors. They would retreat back to the porch sitting under the orange blanket of sky. The girl would struggle with freeing her red popsicle from its plastic cage. As if acting upon a gentlemanly gesture, the boy would take her popsicle and hand her his to hold. She would hold it and would submit to her urges to lick his orange popsicle. She would grimace realizing she hated the flavor and spit it out. The boy's hands would drop the plastic cage and the girl would wipe the strands of spit with her wrist. With a giggle, she would hand him his popsicle back and she would retrieve the cherry flavor. The boy would frown and the girl would always reassure him that it was just melting. Her sticky orange fingers would be proof that it was melting. He would pout but would continue to eat his sugary ice. The girl, satisfied with his answer, sits down with him and would see that her bright red flavor was tinted orange at the top. That fla̜͙͉k̡̩͉y҉̥̝ bob̡͈̮̥̩̬̝͡b̖̮̜̝̠̀ļ̼̪̲e̦̭̻͔̖͇͍͞!

He made a face. The boy stood up and ran to the k̭͓͖̻̼͖̀͜í̛̫̳͕̟̞̞͠t̴͇͉̤̣̺̬̣l̗͚̳̝̀̕͡ị̻̜͍̖͉̕ǹ̛̰̠͟g̵̻͔̜̯̠̭ͅ room. Tears streaking ḫ̬͔͕̹̪̜̘̺̅ͤ̅̄́̓ͩͬ̚͢ȇ̛̛͓̼̫̜͛r̫̲̠̬͔̮͎͓͐̓̍ͥ̊̕͝ṣ͕̫͈̰̖̪͌͌̊̈́͒͛m̰̍ͨ̒̈́ͬ̅̕͟ͅface shȩ̅́ͫͥ̿͆̑ͤ̇ͦ͏̨̭̞͕̬̠͈̝̥͇s̨͈͕͍̩̮͎͑ͥ̏̉ͪ̑̎̏̍ͩ̽̔ͯ̓ͯ͠ͅ ̢͎̖̘̖̝͈̗̜̙̥̣̱̌̈́͊̃̽ͤ̓̈̐̾ͦ̓͜͝c̷̸̨͙͓͖̼͖̱ͯͣͭͬ͑͐ͭ̇͌ͅr͋ͩ̈̒͗ͭ̀̾̐̈̽͗́͊͌̚͏̹̳̹͔͍̪̫̱̠̪͙̰͈̩̻y̵̵͔̖̳̰̱͎̥̖̱̖͔̗̘̩͉ͣ͂ͩ̔̽̽̊͊͐͡͡ͅͅi̴͉̫͇̮̱̟̩̺̦̖͙̟͚̹͓̊̓̓̾̄̏͋ͬ̑ͫ͊̅͊ͅņ̷͓̥̲̙͇͈̣̠̱̤̠̇ͧ͊ͣ̇ͮ͗̆ͮͥ̀͞g̼̣͉̗̳̯̣̩͕͔̟̿̃͑ͨ̑̆ͭ̽͑̚͜͟.

Looks like Hotaru won't be reliving her past.

Class was a terrible chore, really. Hotaru wasn't able to give hugs when she was sitting down. It was very easy to assume that she had ADHD. They would be right. All day, she was looking down to her hands and was very anxious to get up and move. Hotaru was now able to move freely. Wiping the dreamy gaze she held away, Hotaru gathered her belongings and headed for the door. She shielded her nose and mouth with her slate as she walked out of the classroom. One hand kept her slate up and the other covering the bruise she gained from the morning. In total she would have five bruises from the dorm room only. That's it; her room was out to kill. She needed salt, honey, blo—

Alice! Dominic! Alice was holding Dominic's collar and was demanding something. Hotaru couldn't really hear from the distance she was from the two figures. Oh! It was that Hoshino girl as well! And another girl that Hotaru didn't really know. Hotaru realized what happened as she walked closer to the group. Alice wanted a hug!! Well she should have come to Hotaru for one. Hotaru will scold her later. With a bright grin, Hotaru hugged Alice from behind. After she was done giving Alice a bear hug, Hotaru wrapped her arms around the boy to pull him into a hug. With a warm smile, she looked over to the new girl and Hoshino after she had let go. She automatically considered everyone as her friend. Considering people she didn't really know as a friend made her a target for being asked to do a lot of favors. Her ways were a much more easier and happier. Like they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Hotaru quickly pulled them into a warm a hug. It was only thing she knew how to do properly. In her head a mental checklist pulled up, hug everyone? Check. Now she needed a job, find her grandpa, thank Dominic, practice drawing magic circles, and eat her cat.

Hotaru patted their heads and pulled her slate out. She’ll have to thank him later, everyone around them were making her slightly nauseous. She looked around corridor; she still had not one clue on how she got there. All she remembered was that she was in deep thought and saw a crowd by the bulletin board. She wondered what they were looking at; she needed to look no further. They were planning to join the swimming club! Oh great! More recruits! Something told her to take another guess. Her brightened face became a straight line. That drawing of Marabel! It was so--

Hotaru restrained the urge to throw her slate down. She uncapped a marker and wrote a message for everyone, “Hello! I’m Hotaru. Goodbye!” She dusted her clothes off and started her way to the gymnasium for swimming club.

  • Voodoo doll



    Backpack with stuff

    A mental checklist

    Bags under her eyes

    Scarred by the picture of Marabel.

Alice glared at the ghostly wolf who she think was Kenchi... or was it Kenshi? Well whatever his name was, Alice wasn't pleased that someone knew about them. She could be now targeted by the FBI or be used for experiments or even worse, she could be made to do dirty work for the government, being used as a weapon. But these thoughts were childishly too far in depth, Alice shooing the crazy thoughts away and turned to see two new faces before her,"Oh, Two new transfers." She thought but then it was disturbed when Sam also came along out of nowhere,"Oh, Hello again Sam. Everything is fine." She replied but once again was disturbed. Out of nowhere, she was hugged from behind by someone and turned to see Hotaru there, her always seemingly blank face same as usual.

"Hota-" Before she could finish her sentence, Hotaru was off to her club and left the group alone,"Seems she's not affected at all by yesterday's event." Alice mumbled to herself and sighed,"My head is starting to hurt now." Alice thought and pinched the bridge of her nose to sooth the pain. Too many things were stressing her and her arms were still sore from wielding Tyrik's axe for so long, bashing those bloody hollows to pieces and beating up Heirophant to come back to this world. Then they even got in jail but it was only for a few hours until they were released.

( Recap for the new casts on what happened and because I got no idea what to write :D My brain is dying at the moment... )
The dark steel door creaked open, letting in the chilling air. Octobers winds were timely whisking their way into Brookfield bringing a much needed cool to the once warm air. Damian's mother had turned her back to lock the door and peered over her shoulder to see the condition of the living space. There she saw her first born sprawled out on the elongated couch out cold with her newborn baby napping adjacent to her big brother. She was almost moved into awing, seeing her two children so content besides each other was one of the most pleasant feelings she could ever had felt. Hearing the fiddling of locks and a shift in the air woke Damian from his light napping. The boy rose, moving his droopy hair from his eyes and continuing to rub them open. With one eye open he saw his mom return looking practically exhausted from her trip. "How was the interview, Mom?" Damian's Mother had spread a small grin across her face. She reached into her pocketbook and took out a white chocolate Hershy bar for Damian. His face instantly lit up! It was like his hair had jumped up from excitement. While Damian hastily unwrapped his treat his mother had already started doffing her jacket and hanging her pocketbook up against the door hook. When Damian finally realized that his mother was out of sight her turned around and found her in the kitchen taking things out to thaw for dinner. "Mom?" The woman turned to face her son, waving her hands in a "Don't worry about it" motion. This only brought Damian to worry about what happened while she was out. "Mooom. What are you not telling me?" She sighed, curving her lip in restraint. "Well... I didn't get the job hun. And how are you? You're the one who was shot, is your wound clearing?" Damian touched the bullet wound on his right pectoral. It didn't feel as bad as before but it was still painfully sore. The bleeding stopped and from the looks of how it was going to heal it would leave a scar. "Well... It's okay. Just sore. So you didn't get that secretary position at that bank place? Why didn't they accept you?" "Inexperienced. Hun' I don't want you worrying about it okay? You've got school to go. Just worry about you doing well. I'll bring the baby to her crib. You can go on ahead now. I'll take care of her." Damian's face fell sullenly. The disappointment in his mother missing the opportunity for this job made him feel sympathetic. He hasn't had much luck finding a nice place to work himself. It broke his heart more than she's forcing him to put it off. Without saying another word, he retired to the solitude of his room.


In the darkness of the Castle within Limbo, Hierophant impatiently sat in his thrown awaiting his wounds to heal. He abides his time by shifting the floorboards like a puzzle refitting them in different positions around his throne. The skylight from the hole bore open by Dominic had lit up the castle interior a great deal, revealing more of the castles design. There appeared to be paintings that followed the style to that of Ancient Greece. Intricate designs and gallantly designed men in reformed positions had coated the walls, giving some more life to the castle. Hierophant had telepathically stripped the floorboards from the ground, crushing them and fashioning them into 1 foot spears. He angrily tossed his hand to the wall and a maelstrom of wooden pikes had launched deeply into one of the paintings. With his patience thinning and having to resort to curbing his frustration by haphazardly throwing his power around he was soon ready for a rematch with the children.

The whispered word rolled off Shun's tongue as he glanced around the well organized room and began inspecting the various equipment for clues toward his investigation. Everything seemed normal...Unused, but normal. If this truly was a club for making a film of the zodiacs, then camera film and party entities were certainly what would be used towards such a task, yet the layer of dust covering nearly everything in the room kept Shun's suspicion alive as he took a single, careful step forward. With nothing out of the ordinary happening or appearing before his eyes, Shun let out a sigh of disappointment before checking his phone for the time.

"Whoever is in charge must not care about his own club."

Shun muttered his words just as he began to turn for departure; however, the presence of another, standing behind him, immediately halted his actions. As the newcomer questioned the story behind his mask, a smile came to Shun's face as he focused his attention on the familiar face of the boy who came to stand before him. Ignoring the ill-tempered statement and emotions of his zodiac, Shun simply chuckled in reply as the mystery behind the poster was suddenly explained in an instant.

Although some time had passed, Shun remembered the face before him from an incident that occurred just a few weeks earlier. While he did not recall the boy's name, Shun remembered his effective retrieval of Red after he had gotten into a fight with Kal and Dominic. From that incident alone, it was obvious that there was a chance of a connection between the two; however, as he once again stood before Shun in matters involving Zodiacs, it was an obvious conclusion that he had been responsible for keeping tabs on their group.

"Made? Hardly, I simply found this mask abandoned in a house of lost dreams. Its actually quite precious, and you could say it was a...nightmare to get a hold of. Though now that its in my hands, it has really become a part of me."

Shun couldn't stop himself from chuckling at his horribly joke, but if the boy before him had any knowledge of Bastion's existence, then his statement would make perfect sense.

"So what do you think? Will a make I decent member for your cast?"
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Farra rolled over on her bed.

"I should go check out that movie casting, I'm sure they had a room number."

Pulling herself off the bed, she quickly brushed her hair and strolled out of her room, and tried to find her way to the movie room.

Inside, she saw that snitch, Shun, talking to some kid about the movie.

"Will I make a decent member for your cast?"

Farra scowled, but it melted away and was replaced with a grin.

"Me too. My name is Farra Rei, and I'd like to be a part of your cast. Neo-Zodiacs..do you mind telling me a bit more about them? And how you found out about them?"

Farra slid up into the conversation, pushing Shun out of the way subtly.

"I'm passionate about theater, and Zodiacs, so, do tell!"

(•∆•) {S-Senpai, you don't like Tapatalk?]
"I, uh... I better get going. I was on my way to talk with the principal. I'll... I'll be seeing you guys." James waved as he went off to see the principal.

As he walked up to the office, he saw another boy, who was just coming out of the head's office. Might be good to get to know him, he probably was joining security club too.

"Hey," he said, "you joining security club too? Is that why you were seeing the principal? Or you've done something?" James said this last bit with a subtle wink.

(Sorry for the short post, not much time right now)

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