- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Before she could even fully become aware, a night had passed. The laptop had already made way to the head of her bed next to the pillows, as well, the clothes had already become well acquainted with the floor seeing as she threw them everywhere whilst unpacking. "The alarm...", the girl's ruby eye stared at the mechanism on the desk as she spoke, "We forgot to set it." A moment of realization would strike as the girl somewhat-hurriedly pushed herself off the bed, digging through the piles in search of the uniform. Finding it was relatively easy, seeing as the unfamiliar clothing simply stood out from her general red attire. Issue being...

Abraxas came to raise a hand to her closed eye, delicately rubbing the lid as her single working eye scouted through the room. "Patch... where..." The girl actually became worried due to the faulty memory of it's location, desperately sorting through the clothes once again looking for the accessory. However, her movement met a sudden pause, looking towards the bottom of the bed. Eye casually tracing from that random spot over to the desk's chair, then back once again. A warm smile spread it's length as she nodded to the empty air in appreciation before moving to the chair. And sure enough, when she pulled out the chair the patch lay atop the seat. Within a few moments the girl was prepared from the approaching day, it was after all, her first day at the new school.

"Letter?.." Her voice questioned, before looking towards the door, finally noticing the paper on the floor. The girl leaned towards it before even attempting to approach, pondering if it was a letter from 'them'. It was upon the realization that a certain stamp did not reside on the letter that she would sigh in relief, walking over and retrieving the letter. Despite visually impaired, one might be surprised at just how quick she managed to read it over, "A tour... we can go on a tour." , this time the girl looked over to her right, being the bad side her head had to turn completely. Her eyes became somewhat pleading, as if denied the chance to socialize. "To class then...?" A light smile broke through that saddened expression, her arms tucking together against her chest. "Okay.." Her voice whispered, a solemn nod following the voice.

Exiting the room, she only paused for second, as if waiting for another before closing the door. The girl walked along the wall of the hall, attempting to avoid passing individuals. Her hand trailed along the wall as she eyed the others, it would seem she narrowly missed some type of commotion. A short giggle escaped the red haired being, followed by a short nod of approval. "I do too.."

Random pencil

75$ in cash


| Morning |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

"How are you, uhm, faring after everything?" Dominic had turned to look out of the window to his side. In reality, he didn't know how to feel. Of course, he had saved his friend, and despite the dangerous situation, everyone made it out okay. However, there was this sinking feeling in his gut that told him that a lot more was to come. Nothing came easy when you've just discovered an entirely new realm of existence.

"I guess I'm fine." He finally replied, looking back over to her and noticing Shun's arrival as well. "Hey Shun-.." Regardless of his downing tone, Dominic smiled towards the two who shared an equal level of stress. Not even an entire day of rest could ease the souls of the hosts. A crowd of loud-mouthed students poured into the room, followed by the rugged teacher, Mutton. In his hand were a stack of papers bigger than the usual set he brings.

"Good morning, class. Was the cookout enjoyable for everyone?" While the students temporarily parted from their own private conversations to answer the teacher with a 'Hell yeah!' and a 'Yes sir!', Dominic had just been reminded of what happened on that day. It was strange to think that the hosts of the Zodiacs had an entirely different experience than the other students. While they socialized and funneled food into their mouths, the hosts were busy fighting an invisible battle not only for their own lives, but for those of the school-dwellers, as well. Funny.

"Wonderful. I know some of you helped yourselves to my wife's pasta special. We'll be expecting your payment in the mail by tomorrow morning." When Mutton's words sparked panic and confusion into the hearts of the students, he played it off with a chuckle and a wave of his hands. "Just kidding, I wouldn't do something like that." Now that the classroom was in high spirits, it was increasingly obvious to spot the more 'zombified' students.

"Moving on, your science teacher Mrs. Hale called in sick today, but she wanted me to tell you guys that you have a project to complete. I don't know much about what she's currently teaching, so she gave me a lesson list for every student here to take regarding the project." By now, Mutton was moving in between desks to set down the various papers on the occupied desks as well as the empty ones that were 'reserved' for the other students. (Such as the rest of the cast)

Picking up his given lesson list from his desk, Dominic squinted his eyes to read the print. It consisted of a diagram and other various material from their previous class lesson. Now all they had to do was come up with an experiment of their own and explain the processes they took as well as other science shit.


Towards the bottom of the paper, Hale stated that a project group was recommended, no bigger than 4 people. He set the paper down, staring blankly in front of him while he pondered on the possible project group. A work group, huh..?
James decided it wasn't really worth staying with Alice. He didn't know her THAT well, and she seemed like she would be fine, just exhaustion the nurse said.

So he picked up his things and headed off to class. Today, they had been told, they would have mr. Mutton, instead of their usual teacher, covering their first lesson. He came in, and apologised for being late. He was only so by a couple of minutes, so the teacher didn't bother about it.

He saw Dominic sitting down nearby, so he went and sat next to him. There was also Adonna and Shun near him.

"Hey," he said, "you guys got a minute after class? Just some, uh... questions, that I need to ask you..."

He looked at the paper he was given. A group task for four, it said.

"Oh and hey, want to work together on this one? Say, us four?"
Widened eyes watching the same place with a blank face to match. It was her usual thinking face. She couldn't sleep again, the magic circles that she made the other day kept her up. All she could do was think about was how she could have hurt her friends. The plush bed shook a bit as she laid on her tummy. She rested her head on the pillow looked at the sunlight tinted window. If the girl moved her bare feet towards the light, warmth should swarm her cold body. Clenching and opening her left hand, her joints made noises like icicles falling one by one. Filling her lungs up with air, a small yet unsatisfied smile was placed upon her lips. Saturday was hectic and the following day was just a lazy and hazy day. As a result she was still sticky from the heat. Twisting her legs, the blanket wrapped around her body. She wrapped the blanket over her forearms shielding herself so she would land on something soft. Turning her body she dropped to the floor with a soft thud. She didn't move, she silently cursed herself for being so tired. Closing her eyes once again, Hotaru buried her face into her blanket. She lifted her shoulders and then the lower part of her body. Finally gaining more strength, the girl looked up drowsy-like. An hour of sleep wouldn't sound so bad right now. Rubbing her eyes with the blanket, she went on her knees and her hands as she crawled her way to the bathroom. Yawning obnoxiously enough for tears to form, Hotaru stood up and stretched. She rolled her shoulders back and forth before looking over the dull white and smooth sink. Placing her hands on the ends, she lifted herself up. She focused on her dangling feet. Swinging back and forth, Hotaru was given small relief. Such a childish thing, it didn't matter, though. It helped with easing up her mind. There was a loud noise from her room, Hotaru tried to lean back to see what happened. Without remembering about her suspended trick, Hotaru fell backwards. She quickly turned herself around with her hands out. Closing her eyes she waited for the air around her to stop.

Chills ran down her spine as her left hand touched the ground first. Her right hand slipped and Hotaru rolled onto her side. Mentally groaning, Hotaru looked at her arm. Another bruise forming, it didn't look too bad. Hotaru had a lot to do, she had to get ready and head off, she had to hug everyone, thank Dominic for saving her, pay attention in class, look for a therapist, find her grandpa, and more. Feeling a bit queasy, she realized that the last few tasks weren't very important. Gosh, she was so boring. Time to give hugs and force people in--

Right, this was America. They don't do this in America. Hotaru had to chant that in her head for a while before it became clear to her that she can't do anything freely in the land of the free. Focus, stupid. Hotaru blinked a bit as she realized where she was. She leaned over the sink with hair half wet. The sink was filling up with water with every second. Hotaru lifted her head. She didn't remember standing up or even turning on the faucet. She held her head as coughed up the water. This bathroom was definitely going to try to kill her. She banged her hand on her chest and coughed up more water. Not going to let it win. She frowned as she quickly stripped and headed off to the shower.

She slipped on her uniform and examined the foggy mirror. Cupping her hands she sprayed water over the mirror. It cleared up some of the image, it was enough for her to do her hair in a side ponytail and fix up her uniform. Crossing her arms, Hotaru headed out of her room only to trip over a table in the way. Great, another bruise. This room is trying to kill her. Or the cat. Meows came from the corner of the room. Hotaru took her slate off the dresser and threw it at the cat. The black cat hissed at her and continued to bathe himself. That cat was a curse! Hotaru jumped to her feet and picked the cat up. She rubbed his tummy and frowned, "I haven't named you yet, haven't I?" Her voice was quiet but was able to be heard by the cat. The cat rolled around in her arms. Hotaru dropped the cat and picked off the strands of cat fur on her uniform, "Khoshekh, it's very fitting." Hotaru puffed out her cheeks and picked her backpack and slate up. She held the slate close to her stomach and slung the backpack over her shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at the room and the cat before slamming the door behind her. Khoshekh ruffled his fur. What to do in such a room fit for a human? He strutted his way to the window. He squeezed his way out of the building and onto a narrow ledge. He trotted his way looking through each balcony. From there he hopped onto a branch and ran down the tree. The male cat was free from the clutches of the haunted room. The male went on his way standing by the gates of Armstrong academy. His stare was focused on the students entering the school.

Hopping off the last two steps, Hotaru curled her shoulders inward to keep the backpack on. She was in a cheerful mood, it seemed like she had momentary forgotten about the weekend. It was time for school, she would have to keep in the happiness for now. Hotaru first needed to hug everyone and find Dominic. For now she needed to head off to class. As she turned around to a hallway, a group of people walked past. Hotaru didn't even glance at them, she quickly gave them all hugs before heading past Farra. Realizing she did, she gave Farra a hug before walking off to her first period class. Everyone was already seated and Hotaru barely had enough time to quickly slip into her seat. Huh, Alice wasn't here. She took a seat next to Adonna and gave her a wave. Shun was sitting by her and Dominic as well. She might as well joined everyone she knew had a Zodiac.

The word seemed to make her stomach roll as she thought about Marabel and everyone else. She had to apologize and hug everyone. Blinking a bit her eyes focused on Mr. Mutton. He went on about Mrs. Hale and how she was sick and gave everyone a project to do. A project? This early in the school year? It even was a group project. Hotaru looked down on her slate and looked over to her friends. Would it even work? She could always do the project alone. Her eyes watered over a trivial matter. Hotaru quickly blinked the tears away and grinned. She erased the faded message once again before uncapping her black marker, "Will you be my partner? 。◕‿◕。"

  • Slate


    Backpack full of supplies

    An empty Voodoo doll


    Cat fur on her skirt

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Akira didn’t pay the girl any mind knowing now that she was in good hands, though it seemed rather unfair to completely disregard someone that just fainted that way. Still, there was another matter to be dealt with.

"I'll show you guys where the lockers are. Unfortunately we don't have time to keep the tour going, because class is about to begin."

The boy spoke the truth. He led them to the locker area and Akira soon found her own, realizing that there really wasn’t a point to opening it, seeing as there weren’t going to be any books inside. Afterward, she reached into her bag and pulled out her class scheduling list.

Science, huh? Taught by a Mr. Mutton? Very well, I suppose I may be a smidge late, but it can’t be helped. I was in the tour.” She thought aloud, aw hell there’s the habit again, walking toward the designated classroom on the sheet of paper assigning her the classes to which she’d attend. Soon enough, she entered to see the boy that was supposed to be the tour guide, a black haired girl and another black haired guy. There were others here, but they were the first she bothered to care to notice. Turning to an area far to the back of the room, nearest a window, she laid down her bag on the table, and sat, watching everyone interact from afar. She didn’t mind being alone; so long as she was out of sight. Taking out the already half used notebook and opening it to an empty page, and then taking out a black ballpoint pen, she placed them on the desk as well while placing her bag gently on the floor. Afterward, she fluffed out her long, curly ponytail to make sure it wasn’t messed up, then thinking to herself—

W-wait a minute! What the hell am I doing?! I haven’t even done anything for my hair to be--…. God I’ve got to stop acting like such a prima donna when I get nervous… Wait a minute!! I’M NERVOUS?!” Instantly, the girl cleared her thoughts to prevent herself from outwardly fidgeting. Yet another habit of hers she got from her father. Whenever he thought of something embarrassing, he’d mix his coffee more and more rapidly the more disturbed the thought made him until it began to spill from whatever cup he drank it from…

Soon enough, the teacher entered the room and began the announcements of the absence of our regular teacher, and shortly after he handed out a paper. Akira gently took the paper, kindly thanking the man verbally and with a small smile, examining the given assignment. Everything seemed to check out just fine! That is… until she read the bottom. In a frail, barely audible squeak the girl instantly released a thought that this time she didn’t quite care to let out…

Though Alice was asleep, she could still hear the real world and the disturbance happening outside. From what she could hear, some people were yelling and screaming in the outside world. Her vision was dark but she could feel a warm hand placed around her and her body feeling light as if she was only a feather. Feeling her body suddenly floating off to who knows where, she was placed onto something soft like she was on clouds. Getting comfortable with the new feeling, her habits were acting up once more.

Trying to reach out for her panda, she felt something warm and practically hugged it close to her thinking it was her panda. Squeezing it gently, she sighed in satisfaction. Little did Alice know, she had accidentally mistook one of the new students' hand as her panda and was actually hugging their hand instead. If they ever tried to move away, Alice could be awoken by the sudden movement of her "panda" being taken from her while she was having a nice nap.

((I'm gonna go ahead and guess that we all have the same class despite grade?

xD ))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3a447f5_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.99ec7c425dcadc077fadc1d546ecaed3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18248" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3a447f5_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.99ec7c425dcadc077fadc1d546ecaed3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino nodded in response towards Sam, who took a seat next to her, but she could only focus on the sleeping girl right now. She looked over at the nurse, being that she was a little concerned as to why the girl - identified as Alice - refused to wake up.
Even I couldn't sleep through all that commotion.. She must be really, really exhausted, Hoshino thought, and she couldn't help but wonder why she'd be so exhausted to begin with. Perhaps she has bad dreams? Does she have a stomach ache? Perhaps some soothing sweets can help? Hoshino wondered to herself, and then decided to take a look at the watch around her wrist. She was already late to class, and though being in the nurses office would have her excused, she still didn't want to miss too much on her first day. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay," Hoshino began in a voice as sweet as honey, and just then the girl grabbed a hold of her hand. With a soft smile, Hoshino squeezed it gently. "I hope you feel better soon," she spoke kindly, and then let go and stood back up on her feet. "May I have a note to give my teacher, please?" she asked the nurse politely, and as she wrote her up one, Hoshino began rummaging through her bag for another lollipop and a stick of gum.

"And please give these things to her when she wakes up. It always soothes my stomach when I have a stomach ache!"
She spoke cheerfully, getting a laugh out of the nurse before her. "I'll be sure to," she stated kindly.

With that, Hoshino head out the door and shut it behind her.

I guess it's a really good thing I did some exploring beforehand, huh? Hoshino realized with a soft giggle as she roamed the empty halls. Though she didn't know where everything in the school was, she did know where all of her classes were. She figured it'd be a good thing to check it all out the first day she got here, and being that she missed that tour, it turned out to be one of the many moments when her good intuition came in handy. Yay for being prepared~! She thought to herself, humming down the hallways as she skipped with delight. Soon enough, she reached her classroom, but as she peeked through the window, she realized that everyone was in uniform. With her head hung low, she realized the one thing she forgot - to pick up her uniform. W-Well.. It's my first day.. I'm sure I won't get yelled at yet.. I just may tomorrow - gosh, I really need to pick that thing up, she scolded herself internally as she shyly opened the door. "H-Hello," she stammered, and internally cursed at herself for doing so. "Hoshino Shiromiya, I'm here," she introduced herself, both to the students and to the teacher.

She walked over to the teacher and handed him her excuse, which resulted in an accepting nod and a gesture to her seat.
"You can go ahead take your seat, Ms. Shiromiya," he spoke cheerfully. She had heard one of the students referring to him as Mr. Mutton, so she was glad she at least knew his name. It seemed like another teacher, their science one, was absent, and they had a project to make up. Well, crap.. I have no idea what they're talking about.. Hoshino thought with a sigh. They were to work in groups, but Hoshino didn't know a single soul in here. She could recognize a few faces from the hallways, being that there were a few others she saw on her way to helping out Alice. However, it seemed like everyone already had their groups, so Hoshino simply took her seat and awaited everyone to be paired. It seemed like the only thing she could do. Should I try interacting with them? I mean, they don't seem all that bad.. She thought with uncertainty, glancing over at the others with her bright turquoise eyes.

I should give it a shot, she thought as she stood up and walked over to them. Better than not trying at all, right?

So, with a new-found courage, she walked up to the conversing group.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," she began in a friendly fashion. She thought about introducing herself, but she had already done so when she walked in. Deciding against it, she simply cut to the chase. "Would.. Would any of you like to be in a group with me? If you're not already full, that is," she stated, trying her best not to stammer. She's not usually the shy type, but around people she hardly knows, that introvert side of her--though small--tends to show. She simply smiled sweetly towards everyone, completely unaware to the fact that her aura almost seemed to glow with bliss. Perhaps she couldn't contain how happy she was to be here, in school, and around people. Her last school was a private, all-girls one, so she had no idea what it was like around the opposite gender. It sure brought out a little more of her shy side, but she decided to treat everyone the same. "I'm new here - just transferred in," she began with another smile that spread up to her eyes.

"It's nice to meet you all!"



  • Hoshino Shiromiya Icon 2.png
    Hoshino Shiromiya Icon 2.png
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Clark was already feeling pretty depressed after being handed the paper for the science project. And after reading the whole thing he let out a sigh. Great...a group project and I don't even really know anyone... Clark thought to himself with a sullen look on his face. He glanced around the classroom to see that groups were being quickly formed and he was still by himself. Clark let another sigh escape him, he remembered when he could always count on his friends to be in a group with him but moving to a new school meant he had to make new friends, something he hadn't really done. At best he had a few acquaintances. Clark placed his head on his desk as he realized he'd either have to do this project alone or with complete idiots. Not that he was amazingly smart himself but he was at least somewhat competent in most subjects. Shame he didn't really care about them.
Sam watches as Hoshiro leaves the room with a note, as much as he'd love to go to his class as well, and he really should, he has no idea where it is. When the nurse looks at him he shrugs. He'll stay here with the girl for now, somebody would have to fill her in one what happened when she woke up. If she happened to be able to point him to the right class, that was just a really helpful bonus...maybe a bonus he needs, but he can probably get by without it...maybe.

He waits, then, he left everything he has in his room, so he has no way to kill time but hey, somebody has to stick around for her...right? He wonders what he's missing in his class and hopes its not something really important. He sighs and says aloud to nobody in particular. "one crazy first day..."
Derek nodded to his family and headed off to school. The twins were ahead of him, they were quite angry at his earlier actions. Every school morning it was the same. Throwing things at his sisters so he could sleep some more. All he had to do was threaten them and they would run. Of course this would lead to some more arguing. His mother would yell at him to get up and Derek would have to leave the comfort of his room. Everyday was the same, sleep some more and wait until someone came to pour water on him. He would jump up and chase the twins around the house before going off to the bathroom to get ready. Sneezing, he would enter the kitchen. His mum gave him pure mashed eggs and burnt toast with water to wash it down. The toast would usually end up in the trash, his mum knew yet didn't say anything about it. She would pretend her perfect children ate the perfect breakfast before they head off to their school.

His bags were clearly noticeable and all he wanted was to sleep. Mr. Mutton was handing out the paper for science. His natural response to it was to leave it on the desk untouched and to continue to sleep. He was pretty lazy and his grades weren't bad. He just didn't work. Lazy was the perfect term to sum him up. Derek laid his head back on the desk and closed his eyes. Just sleep, hopefully everything will be over soon. His eyes opened when he heard everyone conversing among themselves as they picked out groups. He has not met anyone officially, just a loud girl and Ukime. None of which were there at the moment. There was that one curly haired girl, but he wasn't sure if she went to the same school as him. He groaned as he read the paper at an angle. Lifting his head up, he looked around and sighed looking off to the side. Socializing wasn't his thing, he might as well give up now.

He slid his legs out and waited. He could stand up and join everyone or he could wait for the leftovers. Leftovers it is.
The feeling of Hoshino's soft hand was warm and fluffy like her panda but the warmness didn't stay long as it soon disappeared. The disturbance of her substitute panda being taken away made Alice uneasy, turning and grabbing at the pillow. Soon, her eyelids started to flutter open, her sky-blue orbs being seen in the morning light,"Kumojiioo?" She called out in a childish voice saying the name of her panda, Kumajirou, in a somewhat different language. Getting up from the comfort of the bed, she yawned loudly and stretched, her bones popping in the process.

Looking around her, everything was blurry in a way. Rubbing her eyes and opening them again, she noticed she was in a small room, medical equipment everywhere indicating she was in the nurse's room,"Why am I here?" She mumbled and turned to her side to see a boy with light brown hair next to the bed. Alice stared at him in silence, her sky-blue orbs staring into his chocolate-colored ones. Once her mind was fully processing what was going on, she then opened her mouth to speak,

"Who are you?"


| Morning |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

Noticing James and his question, a series of questions of his own formed in his head. Right, he must be confused. Dominic bit his lip, nodding in acceptance before hearing a completely new voice near by. Hoshino Shiro-something. Must be Japanese. While Asians weren't exactly rare in Armstrong, it was to Dominic when one approached him. Quickly, he responded with a grin and a nervous laugh. And here comes that stupid side in me..

Had he been paying attention, he would have known that she was indeed one of the tour students. His clouded mind prevented such realization, and left him scratching his head in a nervous rush. "Hah~ Uhm-.. Well it says we can only have four people per group, so-.." His eyes went over the rest of his peers, as if to consider them as well. None of which were THAT familiar with him - apart from the dream world, they would have never met.

Looking back towards the girl, he nodded. "We can partner. Hotaru, want to join?" As strange as it was, he felt more familiar with the silent one than the others. Her intelligence was difficult to gauge, so he considered his decision a wildcard.

| In the main hall, in front of the announcement boards |

Len, donning the casual Armstrong uniform, approached the board with a flyer in one hand, and a thumb-tack in the other. One quick look to his left and right, he stuck the flyer up onto the board and stepped back to observe it's position. With a nod, Len turned away and merged into the crowd of students once more.

The flyer displayed a night sky, stars, and a Zodiac chart to the side. Instead of the usual Zodiac listings, it consisted of the 'spiritual' Zodiacs, that the hosts had come to know, meaning Kenshi, Lance, Ulysses, and the others. Each name had it's own little crude drawing of each Zodiac.

'ZODIAC' MOVIE IN THE WORKS!' was plastered as the header, in bold letters above the other content. The flyer stated that it needed actors who fit the Zodiacs, and anyone else that had a passion for mystery movies. At the bottom, the location of this 'movie club' was stated to be in the audio-video room.
Sam smiles, he sees her rise and lets her get her bearings. After she asks who she is he speaks up. "My name's Sam Sairth, I'm a transfer here, you decided to pass out in the hall, I stuck around." He laughs. "To be honest I don't know my way around, but that's not important. Are you alright? When we saw you, you were out on the ground, nobody really knows what happened to you." Sam's voice sounds worried for her, and he is. He's confused why the girl passed out in the first place. He thinks for a few seconds. "There were a few other people who helped out too. That girl that just left and some other guy." He sighs. "Why were you passed out in the halls?" He asks, voice full of curiosity.

Inventory: Nothing
Nikky read over the paper, science project, hm? She wasn’t exactly excited for it but she couldn’t allow herself to fail so she put her best foot forward. I shall not fail.

Adjusting her glasses, she scanned the crowd. Nikky could be a predator when she wanted to, but she’d rather go for quieter prey, that’s why her eyes fell onto Hotaru as a candidate. The girl sat holding up a sign reading,

"Will you be my partner? 。◕‿◕。". Hotaru was a strange one so Nikky figured she wouldn’t mind the experiment she planned on cooking up.

“Hey-“ She began but her words caught in her throat as Dominic spoke up.

“Hotaru, want to join?"

She wanted to avoid the giant group but there was no point to it now.

"Mind if I join?"
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3b3d76b_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.033e7c41c850cedc139b21eb77b15c73.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18289" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3b3d76b_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon2.png.033e7c41c850cedc139b21eb77b15c73.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino couldn't help but smile as the boy before her grinned and laughed.
I think that's a good sign, she thought optimistically, either that or there's something funny on my face. She let out a small giggle of her own as she watched him look over all the other people around him. At first, Hoshino felt a little discouraged because he appeared to know the others around better. However, in the end, he decided on her. "Thanks!" She cheered gleefully as she locked her hands together in front of her cutely. She looked towards the girl holding up the sign, whom the boy addressed as Hotaru. "That means firefly," Hoshino stated with a warm smile. "You have a beautiful name," she said, and then looked over at a boy with bright red hair. She never caught his name, but he was the fourth person in the group that the first boy nodded towards. "Um, what are your names?" she asked the two boys curiously. "I don't believe I caught them. I'm Hoshino Shiromiya, in case you didn't catch mine, either," she stated, flashing them a friendly smile before looking towards the fifth girl who wanted to join.

"How many people are allowed in the groups, again?" Hoshino questioned, being that she didn't have a paper about it yet. Darn me and my late entries, she thought to herself with a brief, soft sigh. Being that she finished her lollipop from earlier that morning, she was tempted to pull out another, but she knew the rules of science and food. I guess my sweets will have to wait, she thought as she shrugged sheepishly. She has no idea when her love for sweets formed, but she does know that she's had it ever since she was a child. It was as though, as soon as she was introduced to them, she fell in love and craved them constantly. Her mother never approved of Hoshino's gluttonous ways, but eventually Hoshino didn't care about it. She used to strive to win her mother over, but once she realized that wasn't going to happen no matter how hard she tried, she just let it go. Why run herself into the grave for something unworthy of her time? Besides, Hoshino doesn't regret a thing. Her mother is completely out of the picture now - at least mentally.

"I'm pretty good in school, if I do say so myself," Hoshino assured, and she didn't mean to brag at all. It was all factual; she only meant to reassure everyone that she knew what she was doing for the most part. She may have an Asian name, but she's also Caucasian, as well. Studying in a private school in England allowed her to learn both of the languages, being that her first language was Japanese. Hoshino grew up in Okinawa, right along the shores of the beach. She used to spend her time collecting sea shells and making sandcastles, which made her develop a love for sculpting. She also enjoyed the scenery, which is what blossomed her love for painting and photography, as well. She's always thought the idea of capturing scenes and creating your own image out of them was wonderful, which also added to her personality. She's a more of a "get-up-and-get-em" type of girl, unless she's focused on something else at the same time. It's one of the many reasons why she's social and enjoys doing things herself; independence, fair say.

Though, one can't deny Hoshino's love for being around others. She's a very affectionate and caring person, and she always has been. Seeing others laugh--like that boy did nervously a moment ago--always brings joy to her. It's like her very heart flutters with nothing less than elation, for other people's happiness brings nothing but glee.

I'm glad I stood up and asked to join, she thought happily.

I'm really glad. These people seem so nice.



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The earth itself was murky all for her today. Things didn't seem to be looking up at all. Within the last several minutes, groups were being formed right and left! There were a few students who'd taken the initiative to glance around the area, signifying they were just as outcasted as Akira... However, half of said students soon received attention from friends that simply knew them from perhaps a different class, or even moreso by luck of the draw!

How unpleasant." She thought. "And just why am I getting so worked up over being alone anyway?! Hmph, chances are all they're gonna end up doing is picking the smartest one in the group and forcing them to do all the work! I don't quite need such pious acquaintances in my circle of people! I've got--" and suddenly her thoughts were cut short again. She was reminded that she was alone. That here, she had no one but herself. Of course it'd be impossible to make friends your last year of high school. And how quaint of fate to make her not only new, but a late entry to boot! There really were no possibilities of making it with someone here. "Then again, perhaps if I wasn't so damned quiet that it seemed rude, then perhaps...no. If I speak then I'll say something foolish. Just shut up." She thought, looking about the room seeing almost everyone becoming occupied. There was even a girl holding up a sign that read:

Will you be my partner? 。◕‿◕。"

It was being held by a rather adorable girl in the front area of the room.

Fair enough though, Akira would end up being the odd one out. She decided to take the route of avaricious pride and began writing, herself laying out the basis for this project while heeding the directions, making sure not to plan EVERYTHING out just in case having a partner wasn't exactly a suggestion but a requirement. The resolve to go it alone, though, was conceived in that mere instance. She continued writing.

Posted from iPhone.
Farra snapped her eyes open at the words "group project." Looking around, she tried to see who she could partner with..Hotaru? Dominic? "Hey, Hotaru!" She called. "Partners?"

Sent from the hood using Tapatalk

//crap post is crappy/
Alice continued to listen to the boy, Sam was his name, explain of the commotion before that occurred. Once he was done, he started to ask questions now, Alice being the one to answer now. Pulling her locks away from her face, she looked away embarrassed of her accident. She couldn't tell him about the event so instead she chose to lie but saying part of the truth,"About that... I just didn't get a good sleep was all. But you didn't have to worry about me." She said bluntly and got up from the bed,"But thanks anyways. I can stand on my own now." She said and grabbed her bag,"We'll be late for class but I can show you the way." Alice said and went over to the nurse for a pass back to class. Taking the two sheet of paper, she handed one towards Sam,"Now shall we go or you wanna skip class?" She asked seeing he had missed part of class because of her.

( Crappy post )
Abraxas barely even managed to slip into the room before the teacher arrived. So close in fact, that as soon as she entered she took one of the remaining seats and ducked her head as if to blend in. Issue being, with even the slightest look around she could tell most others were older than her. "Are we in the wrong class?", the girl spoke softly into her arms, becoming nervous as to what this could mean. She knew that she was not an advanced student, so perhaps it was a mistake on the school's end, along with the news of her late transfer issues. The girl quickly shook her head, eye pleadingly looking to the side as if seeking comfort. It was not so much the awkward situation that was getting to her, rather than the possibility of having to deal with those people in order to send over her proper course schedule. "..I'm sure.."

The next thing she knew, a piece of paper met her desk. At first it gave her a slight startle, seeing as it broke her small conversation, but after reading over it real quick she eased up a bit. "Science...", she muttered as if to highlight what the topic was about for another. It wasn't until she decided to read back over it that she even caught the little note at the bottom of the page. A quick twitch came to take her eye, staring at the words as if they were evil incarnate. "What bull **** is this?"

Stupid project paper

Random pencil

75$ in cash
Sam's shoulders visibly relax when she offers to show him the way. "Yah, thanks." He takes the pass she offers to him. "I'm a bit hopeless with directions, but since somebody and to make sure you were alright I guess it all works out in the end huh?" He laughs. Then rubs the back of his head with a sheepish grin on his face. "I get lost pretty easily...I guess its something I should work on...ah well." He sighs and looks to her. "All right, lets get going! We may have a pass but I doubt the teacher would approve if it took us a few months to get to class."

Based on first impressions, Sam thinks this girl is pretty friendly, and hopes the notion is more or less received. While he feels like she just was up late last night isn't exactly all the information he could get, he can feel that she doesn't really want to talk about it so he figures he's just better off dropping the subject. He's nervous about his class, as he'll both be late and that he'll probably have missed something, though he's not sure what. With a shrug he waits for Alice to lead the way. Only remembering to ask a final question. "Your name's Alice right? I heard the nurse and teacher use it when you were out cold."

Inventory: Nothing
Alice just kept quiet as he continued to ramble on about his habit of getting lost and what not. It was annoying her to be hearing this after waking up from a good nap. She wasn't good with waking up and for someone to speak to her after she just awoke made her head hurt but she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to bad talk to Sam who was only just trying to befriend her and he was new after all.

Then, Sam started to ask of her name,"Oh yeah... I forgot to introduce myself." Alice thought, scolding herself for being so impolite,"Yeah, my name is Alice Boris Nanaka. I've been here for a while so I'm well-known in a way... very well-known." Alice mumbled the last part to herself so Sam wouldn't hear,"Now we better hurry before the next bell rings." Alice said and opened the door for Sam,"Hurry up!" She called out and waved good-bye to the nurse as they went off to their classroom with who knows how many things they had missed out on.


Casper sat in class confused on who to make his group with, staring at the paper through his thick lens glasses.
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Time and time again people tread into the classroom, each giving their greetings to the teacher, apologizing for being late, and then tending to their groups.

Not that I’m judging, but they could work on their punctuality…” She thought, opening up her notebook and turning the page. By now, she’d written a whole two pages of things that she could possibly do. And yet none of them seemed to suit her fancy. Perhaps this was her way of stalling until she finally got accepted to a group of some kind. Hopefully someone else was willing to go it alone. Even seeing a group of only two would make her feel a little better. At least then, the whole class wouldn’t be completing these projects in fours and she’d be the only one sitting in the back of the room gazing out of the window. Almost immediately the daydreams began…


A-Akira…” A girl with short, brown hair spoke with a quivering voice and looked down, appearing to be holding something. Akira’s hand was over it, so evidently it was a gift from one to the other. Akira let go as the girl clasped her hands over it, not revealing its content. She was just Akira’s height and she looked immensely concerned. “You… you can’t mean it!

Forgive me, Hannah… but I…” The voice sounded to be Akira’s, soon enough she came to sight though dressed differently, her hair in a bun as strand of hair fell in front of her right eye. She appeared to be just as concerned… or was this… sadness?

No!! You can’t leave! What about our plans to ditch all of our open houses at the same time and go to Chicago after graduation!? W-what about—

Sophia and Junan can keep you company… we were already having issues with car room. Now you can take Xavier and Hassan with you, as well.

Please, Akira, just convince your dad to let you stay here! My dad and I have room! He just CAN’T take you away from us now… he just--…” The girl stopped. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes as one ran down her cheek. Then another; and then another. Soon enough, Akira’s began to run as well. She tried her hardest to maintain a soft smile at the girl, trying not to release any more tears. To cut from the waterworks, Akira spoke:

Go on ahead! Open it!” The girl in front of her did as told and unclasped her hands, revealing a small, black jewelry case. She managed to open the case with her shaking hands. Inside, she revealed a golden locket in the shape of a heart. The crests surrounding it were all cursive words reading “aeternum”. She opened the locket, showing a picture of the two girls at a theme park; Hannah was making bunny ears behind Akira’s head while she ate cotton candy, both smiling at the camera.

The person at the shop told me the words on the locket were Latin for ‘forever’… or something of the sort! I hope you like —

Suddenly, the box and locket fell from the girl’s hands as she threw her arms around Akira, sobbing. Immediately the two were in tears all over again as the flashback was drawn to a close.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry…


I’m sorry… Hannah.” Akira continued to gaze from the window… lost in the reminiscence of her own past.

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| Morning |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

Dominic was soon to feel panicked after he realized that he may have brought on too many people for one group. With James coming in from one side, and Nikky to the other, he instantly felt a wave of guilt wash over him. His jumbled thoughts came to a stutter out of his mouth before the teacher ultimately brought the attention of everyone in the room with a quick series of loud taps against the teacher's desk. Luckily enough, Alice and Sam had sprinted into the classroom before they were noticed or late. "Let's begin, class."


| Afternoon |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

The classes went by like a breeze for Dominic. Despite the weekend having felt like an eternity, he was glad to be back in class with those he cared about. Sure, Damian didn't show, but it was to be expected when just the other day he turned against his friends. After the classes, Dominic retreated to his respective locker, sorting things that were out of place and preparing himself for his Soccer club.

His mind wondered over the 'group project'. He hadn't given any of them an answer as far as whether or not James or Nikky would be joining. There was a limit of 4, any more and it couldn't be allowed. Groaning, he continued to sort his locker.
Farra sighed. Group project? More like battleground. With her reputation, it would be incredibly difficult to find a group who'd willingly work with her. Damn it, she thought. Even Hotaru ignored her request to join; it seemed she just wasn't likeable.

Class ended after what seemed like forever. Farra, her mind still on the group project, ran into a behemoth on the to her dorm. "Hey, watch it!" She spilled her books everywhere and cursed. The kid just managed to stutter and whimper, despite his size. Apparently, her fierce reputation preceded her, even now. Farra looked up at the boy, who was probably almost a foot taller than her, and began to giggle. "You're really SCARED of me, aren't you," she gasped in between laughs. She keeled over, coughing and laughing. The giggle fit reached it's climax; and dark red liquid dribbled out of her mouth. Blood spilled out of her mouth continuously, dribbling onto her shirt. The surrounded people staggered back, and Farra just continued to laugh...

Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk
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Clark walked to his dorm room after suffering through class. He had been asked by a girl he'd met before, Alice, to join her group along with a new kid called Sam. Clark agreed to it as neither them seemed like idiots so he hoped he wouldn't have to do everything. Plus they seemed nice enough. Clark continued to push against the waves of students that were pushing him back. His small frame wasn't doing him any favours.

Maybe I should have signed up for a club just so I didn't have to fight against all these people to get to my dorm room Clark thought to himself. Getting more and more irritated as he was pushed back every few steps. Eventually the corridors quitened down as most students had reached their respective clubs. Meaning Clark could finally get to his room without struggle. Once inside his room Clark dumped his schoolbag in the corner and went to the kitchen to make toast.

After wolfing down expertly toasted bread (which was burnt) Clark took out his phone from his pocket and checked it's battery life. It seemed like it could last long enough for a quick phone call. He looked through his contacts and found his mothers phone number and pressed call. Clark listened to the monotone beeps until his mother finally answered.

((I'll post the conversation tomorrow if a lot of time hasn't past. I'm too tired to do it now ;- ;) )
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