- Zodiac - [Inactive]

With an explosion of smoke David killed the Goliath. Damian was vastly amused to see such a "powerful" being so worked over by a bunch of High Schoolers. There was no doubt that Hierophant either died, or succumbed to his wounds and is now unconscious. Damian was open to both conclusions... Something didn't seem right about how simple that was. Now with his nerves at ease and his adrenaline settled Damian was able to breathe again... Until his body finally gave out from the exertion. This whole time he's been trying to his best to ignore his exhaustion. This is the most he's used his power, and to the best of his ability as well. He's been picking up a lot things from watching Lance an experimenting in his room. But it did not push his bodily limit none. Damian fell to his knees with a sheepish grin on his face. His eyesight grew hazy and dark as his eyelids fell shut and his face dropped into the ground. If Lance were here he'd give Damian a pat on the back for trying so hard.
James dashed over to Damian, where he was about to fall over, and topple to the ground, but James just caught him, managing to slowly lower him to the ground, to stop him from hitting his head, or injuring himself some other way.

"Easy, easy, there we go, just rest here a while get your energy... oh. You fainted. Right..." james said, a little awkwardly, as he caught him, and lowered him down carefully to the ground, in the recovery position.

"I think he's ok, just tired as all hell." James explained to the others. He looked over at the Adonis figure who had been battered senseless and air combo'ed by those with Zodiacs.

"So then, Dominic," James began, "Didn't you mention something about those circles on your hand getting us out of here? Oh and, mind explaining what those things and this big guy were?"
"It's over!"

Normally Nikky would snicker at such a comment but she was too in awe of the moment. With a bang, the Heirophant was out like a light.


Was all Nikky could say. She exited the bubble to see the giant be taken down by, a bunch of kids. The moment was just too perfect, as she approached the group now recovering from their battle she joined James at Damian's side. Nikky smiled down at Damian, exhausted now, "You did good." She decided the best time to compliment him was when he was unconcious else he'd spaz out like last time. The memory made her grin a bit, looking back.

"So then, Dominic. Didn't you mention something about those circles on your hand getting us out of here? Oh and, mind explaining what those things and this big guy were?

Nikky Hurriedly interrupted the red headed boy as he began questioning.

"Now isn't the time to ask questions." She barked, "We need to get to safety, this isn't the kind of place to sit and chat." She stood and made a passing glance at Dominic, before running to Hotaru's aid.

Nikky knelt by Hotaru's side and placed her ear to the girls chest to hear her breathing. She let out a sigh of relief.

"Hotaru's okay!" She shouted to the others.

Love, Tapatalk
The fire bubble dispersed around the powerless trio, and Farra quickly rushed over to Hotaru's side.

"Hotaru's okay!"

Nikky barked over at James, who looked peeved. No matter. "Hey, mind drawing us those circles, Hotaru? I remember that you were into the art club, so...if you're up to it," Farra said gently. Getting up, she glanced over at Damian, where he was quietly recovering from the intense battle that had roared above them moments before. She found herself blushing at him. Shit, this isn't good. Nope, nope, nope. She quickly traded her attention over to Dominic. "So, um, when are we getting out of here?"


| ??? |


Date: September 21, 2014

With the ashes finally clearing up, it was apparent that the impact crater was deep enough to conceal Hierophant. Not a word came from within, not a single muscle twitched. Sighing of relief, Dominic spotted Damian dropping to the ground. He's got to be tired after all of this. The thought alone rebirthed the pain and stress he had on his own body. A light groan escaped him as he rose back up to his feet.

James had a few more questions for him, surprisingly not everyone had gathering around holding microphones up to his face. What he didn't understand, was why everyone went to him for questions. Dominic was simply a boy who's best friend developed supernatural abilities. Totally normal.

Nikky dismissed the question before Dominic could even answer, a quick exchange of glances between the two hid it meaning to Dominic. It left him to shrug and frown out of shamefulness towards James. Farra had come sortly after. Thankfully everyone was in a better state than the combatants. It was the intent all along. Her question about leaving brought him to look at the back of his right hand again. "Right, this.." He muttered, sounding slightly renewed like he just remembered it.

It didn't matter if Hierophant was dealt with or not. Right now the worry in everyone's minds was 'How do we get home?' With the help of Dominic's arcane circle inked into his skin, and Hotaru's blood blending that mimicked the design, a large circle was made from the blood of their fallen opponents. "Do we have everyone?" Dominic asked, concerned on the whereabouts of Shun. However, Shun was smart enough not to get himself killed. He either escaped early after a fight turned sour, or he hid away.

Regardless if they were ready or not, the circle was activated just off of the ethereal energy seeping from the hosts. A portal ripped open the fabric of space and like before, sucked them all in. In the black abyss, Dominic sighed of relief. Everyone was safe, excluding one. That was a worry for later, for now, he was just happy to have his friend back in one piece.

When Dominic's eyes opened, he was staring at the broken ceiling of the warehouse. Whether or not it was broken that way when they arrived, didn't matter. He sat up to see his friends in a similar position on the ground. Smiling, he stood up first, noticing Shun who also slept soundly despite the hard ground. Safe. Score. He happily went over to the warehouse's large double doors, but then he suddenly wished he didn't.

A row of police cars illuminated the night with their lights. Each and every one of them were parked in a position were there wasn't any escape. There was even an armored vehicle completely emptied of men. That was when he saw the various police officers converge on them, guns pointed and men shouting. Ben watched from the back of a police cruiser with a grim, sorrowful face as Dominic - and the rest of the cast - was quickly taken into custody. With their portal gone from existence, they seemed like a suspicious group to roam around at four in the morning.

"You are all under arrest for suspicion in the Brookfield killings."

It never ends, does it?

| Arc 1 |

| Completed |

| Arc 2 begins on the 7th. |



| Arc 2 |

| Episode: 0 |


| Part 1 of 2 |

On the last arc...

"If you're here, that means a Zodiac has chosen you." said a possessed Dominic to a group of confused and frightened students.


"E-Explain yourself.." Damian barked. "Relax. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to enlighten you." "Enlighte--" "My name, is Lance." The being said. His voice sullen, and echoed lowly. Sounding almost spectral. "I am a Zodiac. An immortal being who chooses mortal beings, such as yourself, to bear my sigil." "A.. Zodiac? Aren't Zodiacs star signs? Like Capricorn? Virgo? Pisces?" "Think of us as a sort of.. Pseudo-Star Sign. We just hold a different purpose. We're here as regulators to humanity. We were crafted by an Oracle who ascended to a sort of Godly-hood. Best said. We Zodiacs were created to choose leaders of humanity throughout time. Keeping humanity from destroying each other. There's a constant struggle for power. Our creator believed that if we are defeat a power, a greater one must made. So, a few incantations later and here we are. Our existence was abhorred throughout time, though. Those who bore our sign were looked at as Demons, Witches, things of the vice. Others, revered us as God's gift. That those who held our power were absolved from Original Sin. We were loathed, but at the same time looked up to with great reverence.""


The static on the television cleared through, and the channel was still set on the news. On the screen was a middle aged man, supposedly the one who had found the boy first.

"..So I took out my flashlight to see if it was just a dead animal, but sho'nuff it was a boy. His clothes were torn apart, glasses crushed-"

A shock was sent through Dominic as his eyes shot wide open. It was as if the world around him had disappeared and the only thing left was him and the TV. He turned his body to stare directly at the screen.

"-I said 'Surely there ain't no tigers out here'. But naw, there were bite marks and everything." The recording stopped and the TV focused back onto the female reporter. "Recently, the boy was confirmed to be alive at Brookfield hospital. Sheriff Donald advises the public to cut your day early. The culprit is still undefined, but they're certain it was by a human, NOT an animal."



He was unconscious, either by the accident or whatever drug they had given him. "H-Hey..." He started out, not sure what word to say next. "I uhh-.. I got here as fast as I could." Deep down, even though Ben was unable to talk and out cold, Dominic had that certainty that Ben would be upset with him. The duo that had stuck together throughout childhood and the like, and as soon as a new group of students show, Dominic dropped Ben in a heartbeat. He knew that's what Ben was thinking. "I'm sorry, Ben.. I knew I was supposed to be there for you. I knew and I didn't do anything about it, I'm so sorry-.."


Soon that relaxing was shot dead with the sound of an all too familiar voice. "DAMIAN!" Groaning beneath his breath, he stood up and walked up towards the doorway, opening it for his Stepfather. "You clean up the kitchen and living room like your Mom asked?" "She didn't ask me. She told you to." His Stepfather face grew cross. The man had gripped Damian by the collar of his shirt, but stopped before he could do anything excessive. "You f***in' lucky the baby is right there." He threw Damian into the wall, walking into the dining room. Removing his jacket and tossing it to the couch. "Are you afraid of the baby, or Mom?" Damian's Stepfather turned around. "You think I'm afraid of that heffa' little boy." Damian quickly frowned. "And by what right do you reserve to call my Mother that?" "The right that I pay the bills of this house. That I'm the man here and not you. That I made a family with her, and your Dad didn't." Damian clenched his fists. "What you gonna' do? Huh? I've been more of a Father to you than anyone else?" Damian stormed passed his Stepfather and took the baby upstairs with him. Slamming his room door behind him. "What I f***in' thought." Inside his room Damian broke down some. Silently sobbing from unbridled frustration, and defeat that he can't do anything to change his situation.


The television replayed the broadcast from yesterday over and over on a recording. It's light being the only real source since the rest of the basement was dark and dank. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way." a hooded man sounded as he lit several candles placed in a circle. The feeble light it gave off shed some visuals on the shaded ground, an arcane circle just waiting to be activated. "Don't point fingers - some plans don't work out the way they should." The man often spoke as if there was someone else in the room, but surely there wasn't.


Suddenly the suction that the circle gave off inverted, instead of pulling at one's soul, it pushed it away like a jet's exhaust. Ethereal air blew past the man as his eyes widened in shock. All around him, he could feel spirits escaping from the circle and past the walls. Wait-.. What's happening?! He screamed internally. He hastened to the arcane book, one that looked exactly like the book used by Commander Grimm, and flipped through it's pages looking for an explanation. I did it right.. I've written the sign exactly as the book portrays it!

The sudden rush of spiritual power that the circle was pushing out ended in an invisible explosion that knocked the power out of the entire town of Brookfield, much like an EMP. The candles, too, were blown out. "Damn it.. Will anything go right?" Subtle whisper sounded to his right. "Yes, I understand the situation, but it's not out of our hands just yet." Again, the whispering sounded. "Then we'll just have to dispose of them. A few lives will mean nothing when humanity as a whole is at stake here."


Damian looked in the mirror to see if he was at least presentable today as he did at least have one person to try and impress. Thinking about it made Damian's stomach flutter some. It wasn't even any real developed feeling, just an very small butterfly feeling of being flattered on Sunday. What was he do? He was an easily moved dork. Damian reached up to grab his school jacket from off a hook at the edge of his closet archway. As he reached up, three black, spear-like tendrils shot up and pierced through the ceiling from a shadow cast off from the closet doorway. It didn't cause any physical damage, but simply phased through but was steadily clung to the ceiling as if it latched on. At the tips of the spears exhausted a black fog from where they cut through. Damian has gasped loudly in shock and began choking. "What the f***!" He screeched out in a whisper. Dumbfounded by what he saw, Damian stepped back and eyed the three tendril carefully. He had to make sure he wasn't under some sort of ridiculous hallucination, or still dreaming. To test this, he slapped himself in the face, then went up to touch the three tendrils. They felt like the mist given off by dry ice if you leave your finger in it for too long. Cold, there but at the same time it isn't, and most notably it still had a physical presence. As much as Damian tugged on them they wouldn't budge. "What the hell is going on.. Am I awake? Am I on some sort of drug?"


Damian was gripped up by the collar of his school shirt by the rough hands of his Stepfather. Cigarette still in mouth, he continued to lecture Damian in a threatening tone. Occasionally blowing smoke into his eye. Damian felt no fear, as this has happened multiple times and he knew nothing would come out of it. The most his Stepfather ever actually did was just push him around. Of course it pissed Damian off, but it was still nothing impacting. "You ****in' hear me boy. Don't you ever disrespect me in my house. My house. That means everything. EVERYTHING in here belongs to me. Including that ho of your moms. So don't tell me how to treat her or handle her, you understand me!?" Damian grimaced.

"It's MY mother. I can tell you how to treat her if you want to treat her like shit!" From out of nowhere, Damian's stepfather pulled out the same kitchen knife that was flung at him this morning and cut Damian's bicep, severing the uniform and forming a clean cut that quickly began bleeding. It stained the white uniform shirt. Damian's eyes widened in shock. He wasn't expecting to have been slit in the arm at all. It only just made him more aware of the danger of the situation now that his stepfather had been willing to use a weapon to get his point across. "Yeah, see that? You tried to throw this knife at me this morning? Think you ****in' tought? ****in' hard huh?"

. . .

"Damian. For this moment I'll let you have a little

Suddenly, the same thick, dark aura coated Damian from head to toe. Most of it amassed to Damian's torso, arms, and head. Donning them pitch black. His eyes were replaced by dark red aureole's. Damian wasn't sure who the voice was or where the sudden influx of power came from, but it felt nice. His body felt lighter than before and he felt energized as well. A sinister grin spread across Damian's face, which was only a thin spread crescent. "Aaaaaaaah.. Hahahahaha..!!" Damian hissed, his voice was rippled and distorted. "Yo what--" Damian slapped his palm against the wall, and a large black abyss spread from behind him. A flurry of tendrils shot from behind him and pierced into his Stepfather. The tendrils drove the man onto the wall opposite side of the living room. Damian fell to his feet and eyed his handiwork. Pleased so far, he wondered what else he could do. Damian's circular eyes had narrowed and his demented smile grew wider.

"Have fun."


Looking over at the now once empty roof now filled with those strange dogs all wanting Alice's flesh she looked around for a way out, "Ugh... please just wake up me! Get out of this dream!"

Looking at her shirt in disgust she looked up at her savior and gasped. Her savior was a shadow-like figure with black armor-like skin. Her eyes were bright blue just like Alice's but was more like how Damien and Dominic looked when they were possess. Noticing that she finally found someone in this twisted dream, she smiled,"I'm not alone." She thought happily.

Her tone had calmed some now. "I'm Tyrik, I'll be your Zodiac for now on, don't try and get yourself killed, not until I find who I'm looking for." Her speech sounded altered from the helmet she wore, like it was being projected from her helmet rather than actually hearing it.

"Tyrik? Zodiac?"

"A Zodiac like me constantly needs to live on life-force, so we need a compatible host." She paused for a moment looking in Alice's direction. "Get it now? In order for me to stop feeling like utter shit, you basically have to live for me."

"Let's make it fast, I forgot to sharpen the eliminator before you appeared." 'Eliminator' being her weapon. Suddenly the female jotted out her hand in a fist. "Fist bump, that's how I always wanted to do it." Alice stared at Tyrik's fist and down at her hands. Curling it into a ball, she pumped her fist with hers,"Fine, but don't think you have full control over me!" She warned not wanting to be possess by this person or any of the sort. She was only going to agree with her because it seemed interesting but it was a risk she was taking, a worthy risk.


The red haired girl watched as Marabel curl up in ball like form, she seemed so sad and lonely, "B-But.. That's why I have you! So I won't be as lonely! Right?" Hotaru crouched down and poked at her grin. She gave her a smile and wrapped an arm around Marabel's neck. Hotaru did what she was best at, she gave the Zodiac a hug, "You won't be lonely anymore."

Marabel's face lit up, she threw out her arms and quickly hugged Hotaru. Squeezing the girl some. "I won't disappoint you as a Zodiac and a friend!"


This isn’t a fight… it began to dawn on her. This is something else… What else it was, Adonna was unsure, perhaps she was gravely mistaken, but the thought pulled her out of her ‘fighter’s zone’. She swallowed, feeling suddenly all-too-aware of the pain radiating about her body. Her throat was dry, she swallowed once more before attempting speech. Adonna opened her mouth, but words were yet to return to her. And had they, what was she to say? Her eyes swept the man in the armor up and down, getting nothing save a good look the details of his dark armor. “What… is this?” she softly said, an effect due to the dryness of her mouth. She herself was unsure whether she was asking the man about himself, his actions, his power, this place, or all of it at once.

The Zodiac lowered his hands back to his side, the flame around them had wavered. The eye on its forehead finally dimmed and the magenta aureoles returned behind the slit of its helmet. He glared at the ember burning over Adonna's forehead and slowly nodded. It knew its work was done, now it needed test and see if Adonna will react accordingly. There was a faint howl echoing from inside the armor. It sounded as if rusted metal was being ground against. At first, the noise was obnoxiously loud. Completely killing the quiet that the Zodiac had so perfectly preserved. Though, as the howl lingered it started to muffle. The volume of the Zodiacs awful call became bearable but still a trial to listen to. Amongst the metal screeching there was a faint voice. One speaking in human tongue. It was faint but it was there. From what can be heard it was repeating a phrase. As the Zodiac reiterated it became easier to understand. "Can you understand me? Can you understand me? Can you understand me?" Finally, its voice projected on a level audible nough for Adonna to be able to respond to. What he fired from his head wasn't a lethal beam of focused flames, but a sign to understand its howling.

"Yes, I can understand you,"

"My name is Ulysses. While I must be honest, that's simply just a pseudonym. I abandoned my true name long ago. Under that name, I was a weapon of Justice. A misused weapon. I did not know how to control my devices and caused mayhem in the wake of any evil. But Justice does not destroy as I once did. But you aren't here to listen to my sob story. You're here because I chose you."

“If, uhm…” Adonna wasn’t quite a star with this ‘choosing your words carefully’ thing, “Could you, or, I mean, could I ask you to help me defend myself and others against H… against attackers in this world. And I would do my best to help purify…” though she couldn’t possibly think how she could do that, but perhaps he would let her know what she’d need to do, “this world as your… host…” The word felt strange in her mouth. Host.

From Ulysses' hand, a blinding magenta light completely eclipsed Adonna's vision of everything else around her until it suddenly turned to the black of her closed eyes. Her pact with Ulysses was established.


The masked man shifted his hidden eyes to a revolver that laid just above the piano keys.

"You're a smart boy, Shun Takumi. You know why you're here-... right?"

"Mutual interests, I would assume."

"You seem content locked in solitude, wallowing on the deteriorating memories of your past. So tell me, what is it that you truly want from me?"

"Be my vessel, and you will soon discover the 'mysteries and secrets' of this world equally, whatever sort of importance it holds for you. My knowledge will be yours, and vise versa. What do you say, Shun? Deal?"

Shun grinned in excitement as he placed the mask upon his face without further hesitation.

"I suppose we have a deal then...partner."


"September 18th, 2014. 4:39pm. Enoch Barlows perished of heart failure. Nyehehehehe... Hahahahahaha! Oh God, that's brilliant. It's so good to know no one's going to f*** with me now." Damian said, his grin widening and his aura intensifying for a brief moment before ceasing...


"Ayo, Boone!"

"Angelo." He spun his chair around to face his old opponent fully.


Len took mental notes like there was a recorder in his head. Ever since Damian had entered, Len had kept a close eye on him. It was necessary for scouting purposes, and for the well-being of the students themselves. If Damian was as dangerous as Kenshi explained, everyone was in danger, and the threat had to be eliminated.


A voice rang out about a dozen feet behind Damian. "Your name is Damian, correct?"

Len stood at the entrance to the shrines, at the top of the weathered steps. With nothing but a school uniform on, it was clear that rain wasn't on his list of concerns. "I believe you've made a deal with a Zodiac you shouldn't have."

His glare steeled behind his hair. This could be foolish of me, but I can sense that this boy will be much stronger if we wait. Forgive me, Boone, Kenshi. I'm starting ahead of schedule.

"Give up your Zodiac now, or I'll be forced to remove it from you." Len shot out his hand, his extendable staff stretching to it's appropriate size. Len grabbed the staff at it's center and swung it down to his side, awaiting Damian's most predictable response.

Much to Lance's dismay, he possessed Damian against his wishes like before. But it was an emergency at this point. With the possessed Damian now in front of Len, Lance spoke once more. "Leave the child alone. He has a bigger purpose than losing it to you. I don't want to fight you and neither does he. But I will act on self defense, Len."

"'Self-defense'? Is that what you call it? What of that ambulance last night? Or what of the murder cases that's got this entire town spooked? Now you've possessed a student who's clearly at the verge of losing his sanity, and for what? A greater purpose?"

"I'm doing what I came here to do, Lance, and it seems to be like we're doing it the hard way."

You could see the frown slanting Lance's spherical eyes. "The ambulance? That was a man who's been tormenting this boy and his family for as long as he could remember. As for the murders that has nothing to do with us! Of course everyone would assume it's me. Ahaha. Of f*cking course... F*ck off Len." The shadows around the trees began to darken and look like what was bubbling. From the shade came an armada of eyeless, leech-like creatures all lunging towards Len. Mouths agape as if ready to consume the boy.

| Part 1 of 2 |



Arc 2 |

| Episode: 0 |


| Part 2 of 2 |

One large spiky leg came crashing down onto the field, then another, then another, then a few more, until eight of them were speared into the ground. Following them up came the obvious - a pure black arachnid that's size rivaled the school itself. Atop the eight-legged beasts were the some colored crows that orbited the top. There, a distorted, disturbing image of the boy once called Resse sat upon the spider like a pet. His one visible eye glared an angry red when he looked down upon those that could see him.

She stuttered the name of the boy, staring into his bloodshot red eyes that glowed with anger that almost seemed to dig into her skull.


A sharp pain slashed into his spine while Adonna finished him off with a frontal stab of the altered branch. His eyes widened and his pupils shook with fear. At that same point in time, his spider's own blood had shot through it like a bullet, sending it down to crash on the earth.

It almost sounded like whimpering, but Resse's movements had failed him. The slash to his spine rendered him paralyzed and the stab to his stomach was a nail in the coffin. Throughout his uncontrollable whimpering, he uttered a stressed phrase.

"Th-Thank you.."

Resse's body began to fade into the air like dust, the last image of him was of sweet relief - the relief of dying. A final end to a stressful life. With his body, so went the spider's. All the while Dominic stood with a ice slurpee in hand, his employee's uniform still on. Without saying a word, he simply brought his hands to his eyes and rubbed them for a while.


I'm not sure about this 'Lance' person, but Damian isn't a bad guy. He's had a hard life so it made him bitter towards everything. Deep down, he's alright. He is nearing insanity, and so is Lance. The issue isn't apparent now, but when your favored friend cracks, everyone you care about will be in danger. It's not like I expected you to understand anyway. You're not a human.


Now was the time. Red swung out from around the corner, confronting Damian regardless of the nearby people or girl he was with. His clothes were ripped, he smelled of illegal drinking, and his demeanor was obviously not of himself, or was it?

"Damn you, Lucas! You murderer!" He slurred his words towards the boy. "You've taken all of lives-.. Now I'll take yours!" Red aimed his shot relatively in Damian's direction before squeezing the trigger twice.

Acting quickly and impulsively, Damian pushed Artemis out of the way with enough force to knock her off her feet. Afterwards, he threw up a ward made of his own shadow to protect himself and anyone that could've been behind him. Though, he was not faster than a bullet at relatively close range. He was only able to protect himself from one shot. The first bullet managed to slip through and hit him on the right side of his chest. With Damian's halved weight from the passive traits of Lance, he was blown back. Despite this, he wasn't done. While falling, he used his other hand to haphazardly throw the other side of his shadow towards Red as retaliation. His shadow curved around Red, and from the curve fired three black spikes. One at his side, one at his shoulder, and the last at the base of his neck.

A surging pain speared through him. First at the side, another at the shoulder, the two pinning him in place standing.
"Guh-.. What the fu-" The last spike impaled straight through his throat, turning his speech into a gurgling desperate attempt at breathing. Blood fell from his wounds and pooled at his boots, staining them in the same color as his hair. Red.

"Move out of the way!" He shouted.

Sirens were heard not too far into the future. The police were coming.
Kenshi, what's going on? Can you see? There was a brief pause before the spirit replied to him. No, but I sensed a great surge of power just now. It was Lance's. Oh no.


With Red's, gargling last words a gale of wind blew behind him. A transparent, muscular figure had dashed in behind Red. He could only be seen by those who had Zodiacs, other Zodiacs, or those who have interacted with them in some way. The figure snatched something from behind Red's head. A tag looking object with some odd scribes written over it. The man disappeared, only leaving the blue afterglow of his eyes, staining the eyesight of others for a second or two. Damian was on the ground, gritting his teeth from the awful burning sensation the hot lead was leaving in his flesh. The pain was only secondary, as Damian knew what he had done in public and it wouldn't have been forgotten anytime soon. They could pin him alone on all the murders occurring around town. They could have him trialed, and for his supernatural powers possibly put on Death Row. The possibilities concerning his fate are endless now... There was only one option Damian truly had left. Run. His face fell to a bitter frown. He looked over his shoulder and saw some of his friends in Soul Food behind the crown of people surrounding him. After taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Damian vanished into his own shadow and speedily lurked away.


"Damian.. Is he really a monster?"
He asked no one in particular. Ever since he discovered the boy's ability, he shoved off the thought in his head that pinned Damian as the murderer to the back of his head. Now it had become apparent that he was out of control with it.

Do I have to even say it?

No, you don't.

"I've got to talk to him." He stated, generally towards Hotaru, Shun and Alic- Well, Alice seemed to be taking a nap. She had most likely fainted because of the gruesome scene in front of them. "That's all he needs, just a little talk." He repeated, this time a little lower as if he was reassuring himself more than anything. Ben, who had been sort of hiding since it all began, finally shown himself to the others. "You're going after him? What if he attacks you? Or worse?" "Damian wouldn't do that. I know him too well to act out of line like that." Just like you expected him to simply be a misunderstood boy. Look in front of you. That's all the reason you need. Dominic clenched his head between his hands, baring his teeth. "J-Just shut up..!"


Bastion, it seems I need your help again.

Falling back into an alley, Shun took hold of Bastion's brush with his left hand and began a painting under an assumption he had devised from the experience of using this power. Having summoned both a swallow and phoenix, Shun had noticed a lack of difference in energy used to summon either smaller end painting. Rather it was the number of paintings he had attempted to summon in a row that brought upon the mental fatigue.

Praying for its silence among the rowdy crowd, Shun took hold of Bastion's gun and quickly shot the two paintings, bringing to life a group of three students with video cameras and a large sheet of cloth.

With the crowd focused on the scene at hand, Shun and his creations easily made their way to the front unnoticed just as Shun began his attempt to dispel the crowd.

"And that's a wrap, people."

Lifting his hand into the the air as if a signal, the arms of the students lowered their cameras just As Shun gave them a satisfied nod.

"Good work to everyone, but Ryan, how many damned times did I say no realistic effects!? Do you see this commotion you've caused!? Your going to be cleaning the street and apologizing to the shops."

Shun grabbed the shirt of the middle student as he directed his qualms toward the student's absentmindedness.

Releasing the shirt, Shun walked toward the boy and the corpse where he threw the manifested cloth over the body before addressing the public.

"I apologize for the trouble my club has caused. We were filming a movie for our school's festival. Had I known realistic effects were to be used. I would have personally gotten permission from you all."

The police had arrived not soon after the commotion ended. Once people began to gather and gawk at the scene, they were on scene. One student had done her best to avert eyes, or at the very least attempt to cease the blood pool that grew in size every moment. Luckily, Shun's club act trick seemed to get an 'Oh, okay' reaction out of the crowd. Even the police, who had just arrived by then, simply clicked their tongues in annoyance before driving away to complain about the youth later. An interesting use of my power, Shun. You helped ease the panic in their hearts. Bastion's voice was most enlightened by Shun's quick thinking and stage acting.


This was beginning to rub Damian the wrong way. Did more people know about his power than he suspected? Is it because he had this power he was now targeted as a threat? If that's the case how many more are willing to take him out? How many view him a monster? As he thought about this, he remembered that battle with Reese and the huge Hollow. The others had power as well... But Red didn't come after them. Neither did Len. They only came after Damian... Why him? Why me? Damian thought. The more he pieced this together himself the more frustrated and confused he became. None of it made sense. Of course he killed his Stepfather but that was his own vendetta... It would've hardly affected anyone else. He grew anxious. Damian was beginning to feel like he was targeted out of fear of what he has become. He also felt a little betrayed that he was being targeted and no one else. "I don't... I don't understand. Why me?" Damian fell to the concrete floor, pulling at his hair some. "Lance? Lance..?" Punctual as usual, Lance answered to Damian's calls of help. His face looking more desolate than normal. "I know, Damian. You did what you had to... I won't beat around the bush. I'll just say it. The other Zodiacs... They don't trust me. Nor do they 'like' me. They find my lack of allegiance and isolation disturbing with my type of power. For all we know, Red may have been tipped by Len who was led to us by another Zodiac who goes by the name of Kenshi... We have a history."

Lance was cut off by a strange noise. It sounded like something was being pulled apart along with the harsh cackle of electricity. The duo looked forward towards the source of the sound. A rift was opened in the atmosphere, a navy blue worm hole had spread itself open before Lance and Damian. Red orbs and ethereal tethers spewed from abyss within the hole. Soon, two figures exited from inside. One, the same perfectly sculpted figure from before. His body could match what the Greeks considered the body of a God. His hair and face was finally completely visible. His face was stoic. He had a serious exterior. His eyes glowed a hue of light blue underneath his flowing brown mane. The other, was shorter. He wore a tan trenchcoat over beige slacks, a casual shirt and grey vest. His dark hair was short and side swept, his eyes a gray blue, and he had an official posture about him. This man beside the 6'2ft Zodiac was his host. He looked like your common fodder businessman. The two appeared to be in some sort of sync. You could feel a sort of synergy off the two. This duo has been paired with each other for what may have been a few years. As Damian eyed the men he couldn't help but feel completely intimidated by them. They looked a lot more dangerous than he or Lance. Despite not knowing the limits to Lance's power. The coated man stepped forward, holding his hand out towards Damian. His once expressionless face had softened to a warm, inviting grin. "It's okay. I understand what you're going through. Me and my Zodiac both. If you come with us, we can shelter you until the accusations and hysteria passes."

Lance hadn't seen this Zodiac before or even heard of one fitting this description. His suspicion stood... With both the Zodiac and his Host. Taking his eyes off the Zodiac for a moment he saw Damian's concerned glare meet his own. Lance had felt a ping of guilt for not paying attention to Damian sooner. "Uh-- Y--Yeah. We have no other choice right now, Damian. I'm sure they're here to help..." Lance said with obvious qualm. The mans grin widened and the Zodiac had simply strengthened the pull of the portal, keeping it open for the three. Damian and Lance entered the wormhole and the other two followed, closing it behind them with a loud crack of lightning booming from the sheer force of the portals forced closing.


"This is the old soda bottling factory-.. I remember sneaking in here as a kid to watch the machines." "The trail ends here, but I don't sense Lance or Damian around." Dominic deepened his frown. "Still.. that other source of power, it was definitely here. My assumption is that Lance must have decided to take Damian into Limbo." "Limbo?" "The world of your so called nightmares. The name of it is Limbo." Dominic nodded slowly, running a hand over his hair to straighten it from the intense running. "We'll need to construct a magic circle and follow them in.


The portal opened. As Damian exited the portal he found himself inside a Castle-like setting. There was a large courtroom with a large, red, circular carpet with an intricate pattern in the middle. At the center of the carpet was a throne, behind it were two mahogany wood stairwells that turned upward to a second floor balcony. On that balcony were many closed doors that led to who knows where. The walls were littered with blue candles, giving off a haunted vibe for the interior. For a Castle the interior was underwhelming. There wasn't any other furnishings, no doors around the first floor save for the front doors, and the second floor was just a balcony with 4 doors on each side. Damian looked around, confused as to why he was brought here. "Why are we here?" He asked. The man chuckled. "You're within a special plane me and my Zodiac, Hier, has created. We've been using our power to create a new world. One where Hosts, Zodiacs, and Hollows can live from the prejudice of the real world. Now, mind you, other Hosts have looked at our humble plane as a means to corralling the Hollows but they just misread our intentions. Similarly to how others look at you and Lance."

Hier had inhaled deeply through his nose, picking up some new traces in his world. Multiple traces. Some where only humans without a Host. The distinction was in there Ethereal makeup. Non-Hosts were not welcome in this world as far as Hier was concerned but he was more worried about his true intentions than a couple of humans. Further away from the heard Hier snuffed out two singled out Hosts. Already knowing what he has to do, Hier vanished into a wormhole.


From that Darkness came Hier. He stealthily appeared into the tower with Hotaru and Adonna, choosing to eliminate them first. Ulysses recognized Hier from one instance before but this Zodiac was forgotten with time. Ulysses thought Hier for passed on but that was no longer the case. "Hierophant! You're--" "Alive? Yes." Hier's hand had arced with a dark blue energy. He poked the air and a wave of ripples had traveled through the air, it looked as if the surface of water had been touched. Hier used that same hand and balled it into a fist and slammed the middle of the ripple with his fist. The ripples had shot out violently and the atmosphere had cracked like glass. With the slam came a sound barrier shattering bang. When the soundwave hit Ulysses it rang his hollow suit of armor, affecting him the worst. The sound was too intense for the Zodiac and rendered him immobile as he clutched his helmet in pain. As he slowly fell to the ground, Hier had reappeared as a transparent shade in front of Ulysses and kneed him in Ulysses' jaw. The force of the blow crushed the bottom of his helmet and black steam splurged from the inside like an overflowed steam tank. Ulysses was thrown into the window sill, his own weight shattering the tower wall.

Were the few words exchanged before Hierophant acted. Whatever he did, it caused a sound so loud Adonna's hands, even her injured one, went up to either ear, trying to shut the sound out. When she refocused, her head splitting in pain, she saw the damage done. Her Zodiac had been slammed through a wall. A wave of helplessness threatened to overtake Adonna, but she forced herself to keep mentally grounded.

"You're weaker than I remember giving you credit for." Hier said stoically. He turned his attention to Adonna who was downed by the sound crash. The wave had subsided finally, giving anyone within earshot some respite. Hier pointed to Adonna, who was downed currently. "It isn't wise to grovel at your knees. Lest you want to share your Zodiac's pain."


"So, could you please try to explain what all of these things that have been happenng are? Those invisible people you talked to, your powers, this..." James made a vague gesture around them, "place. It's just all so weird."

"An explanation, eh? Well this po--"

As Shun began his reply toward James, he turned around to walk backwards in order to face the two boys for his explanation. He had originally intended to consult Bastion's wisdom of this world; however, out of the blue, Shun suddenly flinched whilst covering his face with his hands and falling over backwards. Because the owl's vision was one with Shun's, the collision of Adonna's zodiac and the window came as a shock for the boy who had been only half focused on his creation. Reopening his eyes, Shun instantly attempted to turn his focus entirely to the owl, but he was met with only darkness as the bird had been unfortunately caught in the shock wave that had occurred.

"We need to go now!"

Rising to his feet, Shun began sprinting off in the direction of the castle.


The boy started to huddle himself to sort of suppress his wild emotions and spiraling confusion. Lance began to notice that Damian was almost to the point of a mental breakdown, he had to step in. "Damian? Are you okay?" Damian shook his head in response. "No, I'm not." He said muffled within his arms. "The more I think about what's been happening the more possibilities I can think up as to WHY it's been happening. Len found me at a spot only Dom' knew of so what would he be doing there? Plus, why would Red just suddenly attack me? Why would he know of my power when I'm never around him? Only they knew. Len and my... That group of people. I finally gain the power to stop being so weak and the underdog but now that I have it people want me dead and powerless again. Lance, why? I don't understand, I thought they were my friends? I thought they actually cared about me? I thought they would understand my situation? Why I'm doing the things I do?" Lance closed his eyes and listened to Damian with complete sympathy... He knew what it was like to be alone and singled out due to bad judgement calls.

"Damian... Let me tell you something. When I was human, I was executed for being a Witch... My parents delved in Witchcraft, they were publicly executed for their crimes. When I was a boy, I was hardly vocal. I was almost mute. I never spoke, never interacted, always wanted to keep my space. Why? Because I didn't have a family to understand what interaction was. What love was... So they all thought of me as some byproduct of Witchcraft. As my anti-socia behavior wasn't necessarily looked at as an accepted social medium. It made me look suspicious. Like I was hiding something from the world... The world is filled with cruel, merciless people who will size you up without any consideration to even figuring out who you really are. I was eventually killed because my fiance was a Witch and they thought we worked together... I did not know of my fiance's Witchcraft. As much as I pleaded... My cries were on deaf ears. So I was killed, taken before my time. This... This reminds me a lot of what you're going through. They all look at you as the murderer. The evil one. Along with me and the Zodiacs. They look at me as Evil. The wrongdoer. Because I'm a dark spirit and so closed off... You'll learn that not everyone is who they seem. Or what you want them to be." Lance was cut off by the sound of another wormhole opening, it was Hierophant's unnamed host. Though, his face didn't look like he brought good news. "They're here." Damian picked himself up and turned his head towards the man. "They're?" "Your friends. They came here to finish what they started." Damian grimaced at the word "friends" to him these people weren't his friends... Not anymore. "If they're were so ballsy as to have a child try to murder you in broad daylight I don't think it would be above them to follow you to the Ethereal Planes." Damian rose from his throne and started to walk towards the front doors. "Damian? Where are you going?" Damian's face was already streaming with tears, warm with fury. He pushed open the double doors, the light of the outside poured into the dark castle interior. "If they're here to find a murderer than that's what they're going to get!" Damian said, his voice breaking.


Damian stood a yard outside the castle doors, awaiting the expected entourage. From above he saw a beam of fire soar through the sky like a shooting star. A... Magenta, shooting star. Damian took nothing of it, and awaited his "friends." Lance stood beside him, eyes locked onto the path snaking its way into the forest. "But of course. That mut is here." Damian arched his brow to Lance's comment. "A... Mut? They brought a dog?" "No. A wolf. Kenshi. Me and him have an unhealthy history. You can practically blame him for all of this." The anger in Damian began to well up. A wolf who shared history with Lance. No doubt a Zodiac. And so far, a Zodiac was always with a Host. "I wonder who his Host is." Damian said not sounding so curious, but as if he had a hunch who it could be.



"Why have you followed me here?"

"I came here to get you out of here!"

Nearby, Kenshi sat perched atop the castle walls, his gaze overlooking the confrontation between Dominic and Damian. "Ever since you've gotten that thing-.." Dominic pushed out the word 'thing' with a glare towards Lance. "..-You've been acting differently. No Skype, I barely see you anymore. Everyone knows that Lance is corrupting you, Damian. It isn't too late to come back!"

"If you want to settle this, then meet me inside. I don't want whatever pity party you brought with you interfering. Come alone." Damian said sternly, beginning his trot back inside.


Dominic found himself frozen, there, he watched as Damian retreated back into the castle with Lance. Kenshi dropped down from his vantage point and approached the stunned boy. "There's been a change of plans, Dominic." Slowly, the boy turned his head toward the Zodiac. "Do you remember that strange source of power I mentioned earlier? It's as I feared. Heirophant is here, that opens up many possible reasons as to why your friend is the way he is." Dominic looked away from Kenshi for a moment to glance at the large castle doors Damian passed through. "Nothing good comes from teaming up with that spirit. My assumption is that he's going to be betrayed at some point." "So either way, Damian dies?" "Damian can be spared, so long as I investigate this after this is all over."

Dominic's hair shadowed his face, he came to an agreement internally with the spirit at hand. "Alright, Kenshi. I will be your host." His battered hand came to rest on Kenshi's head, where light began to shine until it was blinding.


The large castle doors creaked with their forced movement across the flooring. Dominic parted them, only for them to close behind him. There was a renewed strength behind his expression. He didn't don the defeated, confused look anymore. It was one of determination, and stubbornness. His Soul Fool uniform gone, his clothing had changed completely. A black suit accompanied by a red vest and checkered tie. This was his fighting form. "No more games, Damian." His voice echoed through the great room. "I'm taking you back - conscious, or unconscious."

Damian was already sitting in "his throne" legs crossed above the other. Damian's dark presence is already at it's strong point. All of Damian's frustration, interpersonal demons, and disappointment went into this call of darkness that surrounded him. He saw that Dominic's outfit suddenly changed, a possible outcome from whatever Zodiac he wielded. It was only a matter of time before he got powers as well... That saying if everyone else got one. He slowly rose from his thrown, the darkness around the castle interior began to creep and rise in a black steam. Damian's upper torso was completely coated in darkness, his arms and hands would remind Dominic of Alex Mercer's scythe-like claws. Taking two steps forward Damian replied: "I'm not playing any games, Dominic. It looks like you all are playing me as the game. Saying you're all my friends but coincidentally a find an assassin at your meeting spot, and you all didn't even bother to help when Red attacked. Now you want to assume me corrupted when I'm innocent? What the f*ck ever. I should've known this school year would just be worse off sh*t than before! But I'm not playing victim to this torture anymore!" The shadows of the castle began to creep even more violently, and Damian's black aura exploded from the rage. As much as Damian was reluctant to finish his friend off, he wasn't so hesitant now.

. . .

"You need to wake up, Damian." Dominic's voice was breathy and strung out, although muffled by his cupped hand. "We all threw ourselves into harms way in order to get you back with us, where you belong." He glanced off towards the tower for a moment. "Honestly?" His eyes trailed back to him. "I don't believe you're a murderer. I can't. Your stepdad was an asshole, and from what I heard, he deserved what was coming. I would have done the same thing. But blaming those unfortunate events on me? The only one who bothered to hear you out, when everyone else wouldn't even give you the light of day?" Dominic dropped his hand, sniffing hard enough to control the blood that seeped out of his nose.

"We can fight all we want, Damian. But my intentions will always stay the same. Powers or not, you're still my best friend, and you're coming back with us."

Damian had rose himself up from the cracked tile that had pricked into his back. He glared at his darkness tainted hand. The black bog cast around it began to lift, revealing his original, pale arm. Seeing this, he knew the battle was over. On top of that he exhausted all of his stamina in that battle with Dominic. Damian let his arms fall beside him. As they fell the rest of the cloak had lifted off his torso and head, reverting him back to his human appearance. "Dominic. Then why? Why have I been targeted to be killed? Twice now? Red called me a murderer. That kid said the same. They're blaming Lance but that's impossible as he's been with me this whole time. Why am I taking blame for all of this?" Damian asked sullenly, keeping his face to the floor.

Dominic blinked a few times before breaking out into an injured chuckling fit. "Ahah~, did you forget? Life's shitty!" After taking a few good deep breaths, he was talking normally again. "With our luck, I'm surprised we weren't captured and tested on. You were lucky to only have two attackers. Regardless, we're all in this together now." Dominic couldn't make no real theory on why the situation had been what it was, other than simply 'luck'. A dark cloud that had hovered over their lives ever since they got out of the womb.

Dominic stretched out his hand for Damian so that he could rise to his feet.


"I am extremely cross with you, mister. How could you leave like that? We were so worried. I'm not sorry for hurting your forehead."

With his guilt he couldn't even face Hotaru. Regularly he'd face the ground but doing that wouldn't help with Hotaru's height, so instead he just closed his eyes shamefully. But in the back of his mind he started thinking: They were... Worried? Why? I thought they didn't even really saw me as something worth worrying so much over... And I was so easily manipulated too... I always jump the gun... Ending that thought Damian had a grimace scrunch his face up as he grew disappointed with himself. "I'm sorry..." He yelped helplessly, almost inaudibly.


A new voice had cut Damian off from above. Damian shot his head up and saw the same man who led him here. He was afloat and holding some strange lexicon in his hand! His fingers were tipped with a blue fire as they flipped through the pages. "I thought we could've started something beautiful, Damian. Lance's power is the most low key of all the Zodiacs. You can easily dispacth someone without a sound, or leave any evidence. That's a power that end wars." The man lectured. "But... You went with those who understand you less, instead of me who can make you into great things with a power like that. Why do you think Hierophant and I are together?" From the distance, you can see a silhouette leap into the air and with a thud landed Hierophant underneath his Host, all juiced up. He peered at Damian, obviously disappointed in his decision to walk away with the group of students. "I've never seen such a large group pact together before, especially High-Schoolers. I'd figure you'd be at each others neck in gossip or who you're going to fight next. Or would already be fighting each other." The man planted his fingertips into the book. The fire coating his hands shot into 5 pillars that rose into the sky. The book began to glow a shade of blue and from the open page 9 silouette's leaped from within! "Nine, powerstarved Hollows. Under my control and to accompany Hierophant while he eliminates the lot of you. Now, I have strings to pull elsewhere. But a cup of coffee sounds nice." The man flipped the book shut, holding it by its spine. "Ta-ta." He teased in monotone. He again disappeared from the Plane, leaving Hierophant and the Hollows with the group. "Shame. Damian. Here I thought you'd be a promising sprout. Do you not see the--" "No." Damian started. "You didn't let me finish." "I wasn't going to. I know that people blamed me for the murders, and that Lance's misanthropic tendencies may have led to some more speculation... But look. If they wanted me out the way, it should've happened. I... Made a mistake doubting them and trusting you and your Host." Damian's voice shook as he's no good at speaking outwardly. He took a second to swallow more of his shyness before starting again. "Maybe Red and that other guy was tipped about me... I can't explain that... But I no longer think it was them. Hierophant... I hate being cheated. Especially out of my trust for others. And you cheated me twice. As far as this goes, I want you and your Host skewered on my shadowy pike." Hierophant slowly shook his head. "Immature naivety. Eat em' alive, you dogs."


"It's over!" He shouted as they slammed into the ground with an exploding smoke suplex.

Again his form recollected after the impact, his smoke form saving him from actually 'impacting' the ground as Hierophant did. Dom was soon brought to his knees out of exhaustion of the rush he just had. So many things in such little time, it did a toll on his human body far beyond the saving of Zodiac abilities. With a large dust and debris cloud surrounding the area, he wondered if it was finally over.

With an explosion of smoke David killed the Goliath. Damian was vastly amused to see such a "powerful" being so worked over by a bunch of High Schoolers. There was no doubt that Hierophant either died, or succumbed to his wounds and is now unconscious. Damian was open to both conclusions... Something didn't seem right about how simple that was. Now with his nerves at ease and his adrenaline settled Damian was able to breathe again... Until his body finally gave out from the exertion. This whole time he's been trying to his best to ignore his exhaustion. This is the most he's used his power, and to the best of his ability as well. He's been picking up a lot things from watching Lance an experimenting in his room. But it did not push his bodily limit none. Damian fell to his knees with a sheepish grin on his face. His eyesight grew hazy and dark as his eyelids fell shut and his face dropped into the ground. If Lance were here he'd give Damian a pat on the back for trying so hard.


It didn't matter if Hierophant was dealt with or not. Right now the worry in everyone's minds was 'How do we get home?' With the help of Dominic's arcane circle inked into his skin, and Hotaru's blood blending that mimicked the design, a large circle was made from the blood of their fallen opponents. "Do we have everyone?" Dominic asked, concerned on the whereabouts of Shun. However, Shun was smart enough not to get himself killed. He either escaped early after a fight turned sour, or he hid away.

Regardless if they were ready or not, the circle was activated just off of the ethereal energy seeping from the hosts. A portal ripped open the fabric of space and like before, sucked them all in. In the black abyss, Dominic sighed of relief. Everyone was safe, excluding one. That was a worry for later, for now, he was just happy to have his friend back in one piece.

When Dominic's eyes opened, he was staring at the broken ceiling of the warehouse. Whether or not it was broken that way when they arrived, didn't matter. He sat up to see his friends in a similar position on the ground. Smiling, he stood up first, noticing Shun who also slept soundly despite the hard ground. Safe. Score. He happily went over to the warehouse's large double doors, but then he suddenly wished he didn't.

A row of police cars illuminated the night with their lights. Each and every one of them were parked in a position were there wasn't any escape. There was even an armored vehicle completely emptied of men. That was when he saw the various police officers converge on them, guns pointed and men shouting. Ben watched from the back of a police cruiser with a grim, sorrowful face as Dominic - and the rest of the cast - was quickly taken into custody. With their portal gone from existence, they seemed like a suspicious group to roam around at four in the morning.

"You are all under arrest for suspicion in the Brookfield killings."

It never ends, does it?

| Arc 2 |

| Episode 0: Recap|

| Completed |

| Part 2 of 2 |

The ear popping noises of distortion and tight pull of the portals sucking had awoken Damian from his collapse. When he had risen he along with everyone else was inside of the warehouse. From the looks of the interior the portal may have caused some external damage with its violent shift into reality. Noticing that he was surrounded by a pillar of light, Damian looked up to see that the ceiling had been blown open. Whatever portal the others made, it was crudely done. Though Damian couldn't judge. From the distance Damian heard the creaking of old doors being pushed open. He had looked over his shoulder to see Dominic opening their escape... Or so he had originally thought. Uniforms, lights, white cruisers all blocked off the exit of the warehouse. Damian sighed. He should've expected this. With whatever outward damage the portal made it was bound to cause some commotion. What he was most concerned with what how he was going to explain this to his mother. He had pushed himself up off the hard concrete flooring with some difficulty. His gunshot wound had finally welcomed itself back into Damian's sore body. With all that was going on, Damian didn't even pay attention to the fact he was wounded in his shoulder. When holding it to attempt to null the pain he noticed that there was a lack of a bullet stuck inside. He could feel a hollow wound. "Weird..." When he had finally stood up and took witness to the public authority blocking them from freedom he had only one thing to comment on: "I'm going to have a prison mate, aren't I?"

| Arc 2 |

| Episode 1 |

" Dawn "


| Morning |

| Sunday |

| September 22, 2014 |

..And so it continues.

The following hours for the group was a stretched out nightmare in itself. After jumping out of the fire-pan and right into the fire, they were taken to the local department and stowed away inside of a holding cell, where they spent the remainder of the night in. Dominic wasn't all that happy about being locked away in jail, but he WAS happy to see that everyone was at the very least, alive. With the holding cell crowded with familiars, it wasn't exactly a boring experience. Being locked in jail with your friends was the best thing you could hope for.

Just as the sun rose over the horizon, an overnight cop approached the cell and unlocked it, stepping aside to allow everyone to leave.
"Your story checks out. It's not necessarily smart to film stuff like that at a fragile time in our town, even if you are preparing for a Halloween flim." Shun's quick acting saved them from a ruined life. While the death of the Headmaster's son, Red, was suspicious, the timing of Halloween along with the evidence simply didn't add up. None of them could be charged with murder, except for one.

While everyone else had successfully walked out of the cell, the policeman blocked the way for Farra, who so happened to be the last one out. "Not you. You have previous murder cases against you, so we're holding you." The group was already shown the door out, but Dominic hesitated after learning that Farra was being blocked off. A sense of guilt waved through him along with a sing of uncertainty. A few seconds later, he walked back to the cell and confronted the cop. "Oh no, you've got it wrong." He explained convincingly. "Farra already went to court about the Rosewood murders. They ruled her 'not guilty'." Grunting, the cop eyed Dominic's sudden reappearance. It was if he was looking for a nervous pattern in his facial expressions, but all he found was a stern, honest-looking student. "Are you sure?" "Positive. I watch TV all the time, so I'd know. If you don't believe me, go check the files for yourself!"

A moment of silence passed before it was broken with the cop's sigh. He was too tired enough from the overnight shift to go over a pile of papers when his shift was nearly over. "Alright, Dominic. I trust you to be a truthful kid, since you grew up here." Dominic nodded in response and smiled as the cop freed Farra from a world of annoyance. From there, he walked with her to regroup with everyone outside.

From around an unseen corner, Len watched as the handful of students was freed from their prison. He grinned, satisfied with his work on discreetly disrupting information around. With a smile on his face, Len disappeared into the distance.


It was a Sunday - the school remained closed. However, the dormitory that stood nearby the school was open, and eagerly accepting new transfer students. There was supposed to be another wave of students to be transferred in. Their lateness caused by a mistake in paperwork that set their arrival a week or so behind the initial wave of students.

All newcomers would have a 'Welcome to Armstrong' letter, along with a map for those new to the town of Brookfield itself. Instructions on how to get to their dorm as well as a class list was also in the envelope. The dorm's double doors were wide open, inviting all newcomers in to a warm and relaxing atmosphere. A single clerk sat at the reception boredly while waiting for the supposed 'late students'. Each and every one of them that came through would be given a key to their dorm, as well as a spare just in case. A small ornament on the key-chain stated their dorm number as well.

Their rooms itself was quite nice. Bathroom, small kitchen, and even a laptop with free internet was installed. The rooms were nice, lofty, and felt quite expensive. The window granted them a perfect view of not only the school and the town, but the large lake that the residents often called; 'The ocean'. It surely wasn't one.

The day was new. Something about autumn’s fell wind created an air unrecognizable. A young girl sat on the passenger side of the Chevrolet Impala speeding down the street. The window had been let down approximately ¾’s of the way on her side, allowing for the wind to blow through her raven black hair. Her expression was dull and lifeless, watching the buildings pass by one after another. They were each of a different color: pale. They each had different signs atop them: mostly billboards. They each had different types of floral arrangements lining their window panes: mostly blue bonnets…

They all look the same to me…” she thought aloud. Her voice trailed in the winds behind the vehicle. As if her evident boredom wasn’t of enough irritation, for this to have been an inner city street, the man next to her, appearing to be approximately in his late 40’s to early 50’s, was driving incredibly fast. This was causing the harsh wind howling in the windows on either side of them to leave him bereft of the sound of her voice for the vast majority of the ride that lasted from the northern states to wherever they were headed. He didn’t seem to mind, though. He knew why she was so quiet now of all times. The girl detested him at the moment. She hadn’t spoken for hours and her mother had “borrowed” her iPod since she was gonna be in her truck driving behind them by herself with their entire luggage arsenal.

Akira?” the man said aloud, not taking his eyes from the road. For him to have been driving well above the speed limit, he seemed oddly calm. The girl, meanwhile, gave no response. He tried again.



Akira… why do you think your mother instructed you to ride in the car with me?

He sighed aloud, and then put on a reassuring expression before speaking again. “
She wanted us to talk during this car ride while we still had some father-daughter time together. So care to tell me what’s up?

” More silence…

Y’know if you don’t say anything, I’m just gonna stop and make you drive since you must think you’re adult enough not to speak when you’re spoken to!” He laughed, but she could tell he was getting annoyed with her silence. So she decided to finally make a subtle reply:

Mother tells me I drive too fast.

Yet she drives like your grandmother.

What is it that you have against gran’s driving?

She’s still in the parking lot back at home.

The girl almost began to laugh but covered her mouth, trying to stifle it. Dammit, how she hated when he did this. They’d argue and even though she swore all she wanted to do was talk it out; her pride could never bring her to do it. She hated being the first to say “I wanna talk to you” because it always resulted in the man somehow avoiding the conversation or making her laugh again. At this point, she just wanted to quit with him and get to this damned “surprise place” he mentioned. Of course as soon as the thought of that new school she’d have to go to with no friends to talk to, she immediately returned to the miserable look from before. And this time she made it evident by leaning her head on the wall of the car where the seatbelt could cradle her head and sighed. The man’s expression changed from trying to get her to talk, from one almost similar to hers. Miserable. He spoke again.

… Listen, kid; I know you’re mad at me. I don’t think you’re mothers too excited about this move either… but I needed this promotion. The location I’m being reassigned to is gonna give me my own firm! I’ll make enough to pay for your entire college tuition when you graduate AND buy us a brand new house! All we have to do is live small for a while so I can—

Are you done?” She interrupted. The sharpness of her voice was comparable to that of a double edged blade. Reasonable since she literally cut his hopes to a clean end to this miserable car ride to pieces.

The man stopped and sighed again, restraining from being the strict parent he was and accepting that his daughter had more on her mind that just his financial issues... though he knew Arella wouldn’t tolerate that from their daughter.

Yes. I’m done.

Akira's Inventory:

Purse x1

Mints x1


Hair Clip x1
After a fair bit of searching around and asking receptionists, James had finally found the door to Dominic's room. He could hear him inside, it sounded like he was typing something, maybe.

James had stood there now for around five minutes trying to work out what to say, what to ask...

What he had seen in that world, those wrong-feeling beasts that attacked them... it was the stuff of nightmares.

Finally, he took a deep breath, let slowly out, and knocked on Dominic's door, rapping it smartly with his knuckles three times.
It didn't take long at all for the car to stop outside the dormitories of Armstrong High. Akira examined the building, eyes instantly turning to the décor of the nearest rooms, internally praying that the inevitable wouldn't come to pass. She then looked at the surrounding area and came to realize that this was in fact a school regulated area, compliments of the giant Armstrong High sign nearby.

We’re here.” The man said sternly. Akira’s turn to him was swift, as he suddenly held up an envelope to her to block their eyes meeting. He continued:

Here. Get out the car for a second while I re-strap your suitcase to the top of the car.” The girl did as told while simultaneously getting out of the car, reading that the letter was from Armstrong High on the envelope, ripping the envelope open and skimming through its content. Immediately she turned the welcoming letter behind the other papers and opened up a map, flipped past that, then her eyes turned to the term “dormitories.” Her eyes widened as she looked back to the car. Of course her expression became as blank as the back of the paper she held when she turned to see not the car, but her three suitcases lying on the sidewalk and a gigasmic dust cloud where the family’s Chevy Impala once was, trailing down the street with the music blasting.

Did he—did he really just—of all the child endangerment methods--" There were honestly no words to describe just how she felt. Her father had actually allowed her to stay occupied in a surprise acceptance letter and, unbeknownst to her, unlatched all of her belongings from the roof of the car and driven off without her. Immediately Akira grabbed the suitcases she could and entered the building in a frantically upset march, not even bothering to speak to the receptionist at the door but instead snatching the key being held out that she knew was for her. She looked at the map and marched to the room, slamming the door upon entrance, throwing her suitcases in any given direction and face planting on the plush bed, screaming into the covers where her voice could be muffled silent.
Farra's heart was pounding. Dominic's quick lying saved her ass. Again. "Hey, Dominic--i just want to thank you. For in there. Um...yeah," she mumbled. She usually didn't thank people, so this was awfully awkward for her. Turning to the rest of the group, she quickly said, "I'm sorry if I was a burden for you guys. I guess I should be going...I have...stuff to do." And with that, Farra ran off into the distance.

Farra tore open her room's door. "How could I be so STUPID!" She screamed. "I SHOULD HAVE QUESTIONED THEM!" She sighed, calming down a bit. A knock sounded from her door. "Aye! Keep it down in there," a gruff voice yelled. "Go f*ck yourself," Farra muttered, laying down on the bed and falling asleep.
Zage sighs as she drags the last of her boxes into her new dorm room. She looks around lazily, not wanting to unpack again. She huffs and goes to grab a box labeled 'Posters and Pictures'.

//Sorry it's so short! "^^
Sam sighs with relief as he finally managed to hand enter the dorms. He'd been in the city for a few days but because of some stupid paperwork mixup he hasn't been able to attend. He'd been forced to crash at his parents' new place on the other side of town, which was awkward all in itself. Fortunately it all seemed to be resolved and he finally had some peace and quiet. He doesn't have anything on him at the moment as all of his things are in boxes in his room. He only got lost a few times...and since his father transferred here as a police officer about a day ago, he's fairly proud of himself in that aspect.

He walks up to his room, after making sure it is his room only half a dozen times he puts the key in and unlocks it, stepping in on what he hopes is a new life.

(Sorry it's a bit short compared to others, question: Are there roommates or does everyone have their own?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3097018_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon.jpg.1c81ca2fff2b18b25a7ca95dc668e4f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3097018_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon.jpg.1c81ca2fff2b18b25a7ca95dc668e4f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino could feel the wind blowing her sheer white hair, causing it to cascade all around her alluring figure like a veil. She hooked it behind her right ear that way she could see out the window, and she blankly stared at the scenery before her upon doing so. She was sitting in the backseat of her father's 2014 Cadillac XTS. She could tell, by the way he was looking at her with a expression filled with guilt, that he felt bad about this whole move.
"I'm sorry, Hoshino," he began in an apologetic tone as he looked at her through the rear-view mirror. "Though, it could be a nice change of pace since your mother--" he spoke, but Hoshino cut him off politely. "Don't worry, Daddy," she began, "I understand, and I won't complain," she stated reassuringly. She really just didn't want to give him the chance to mention anything about her mother. In fact, she didn't want to think about that woman at all. He seemed to understand, so he dropped the subject right then and there.

"So, do you have everything you need?" Her father questioned as they neared the Brookfield Settlements, and Hoshino responded with a sweet smile a nod. "Yep~ I'm all set," she stated, making sure she had her letter and map with her. All of her other things were in the bag resting in the trunk of the car. Soon, her father parked in front of her new home, and he shot her a warm smile from the front seat. He turned back to face her, watching as she gathered her things and opened the back seat door. "Be safe, and have fun!" Her father spoke in that chipper tone of his. Hoshino couldn't help but think he was trying too hard at times, and it worried her greatly, but she decided not to pry. "Thanks, Daddy," she said kindly, and with that, she shut the door. Her dad popped open the trunk for her so she could gather her things, and then she was ready to go. "I'll see you later?" She spoke in a questioning tone as she walked over to the drivers side. With the saddened laugh her father gave off, she figured out the answer.

"I'm going to be very busy for a while, Hoshino. Though, I promise I'll make time for you soon," he stated, and with a heavy heart, Hoshino nodded. She put up a smile and decided to not let it bother her. Her father was a hardworking man, and the last thing he needed to worry about was a lonely daughter. "Bye, Daddy," she said as she hugged him through the window. After that, he took off, and Hoshino watched as the car disappeared into the distance. See you later, she shrugged as she walked inside the Brookfield Settlements. It was quite the welcoming place, and there were plenty of other new students roaming about the area. I'm glad I'm not the only late transfer, she thought with an innocent smile. Gosh, just look at this place! It's so amazing! She complimented the scene internally, for though she's lived in extravagant places before, none of them have felt this warm and welcoming. They also were never this full of people, either.

She noticed that all of the other transfers were going to the front desk, and she listened as they spoke to the clerk about their dorm rooms.
"So that's where I go," she thought aloud as she walked over and waited in line. Soon enough, it was her turn to receive her dorm room key. "Hello," she greeted the clerk in a friendly, polite tone. "My name is Hoshino Shiromiya," she stated, and the clerk looked through some folders and checked the computer, and eventually she found her room. "Here you go, Ms. Shiromiya," she stated in a chipper, welcoming tone. "This is your dorm room key, and here's a spare, just in case," she spoke as she handed her the items. With an angelic smile, Hoshino accepted the keys and nodded respectfully. "Thank you~!" She spoke gleefully, not being able to contain her excitement any longer. I wonder what these dorms are like, she thought. She had studied abroad and had shared rooms with other intelligent girls, but this time, she actually had her own place.

Her room was on the third floor; number 303. Eventually, after searching around a bit, she reached the room and unlocked the door with delight. Once she stepped inside, she fell in love. It wasn't too spacious, but it was lofty enough for extra comfort. It had a bathroom, a kitchen, and--was that a laptop she saw over there?--free internet!
"This is so cool~!" She cheered with ecstasy in her sweet, soft voice. Immediately, she unloaded her things into the bedroom area. She folded her lounge clothes and placed them neatly in the dresser drawers before her, and she hung up her nicer clothes in her new closet. She also organized her favorite perfumes and lotions around her vanity, and she put all of her hygiene essentials in the bathroom. After she was all done unpacking, she set her handbag down on her bed and moved over to the large window before her. It had such a wonderful view of the school, and she could also a beautiful lake in the distance.

"Amazing," she spoke dreamily as she gazed upon the scenery.

"This place is absolutely amazing."

Handbag x 1

Wallet x 1


Cell Phone x 1

Juicy Fruit Gum x 5

Strawberry Chap-Stick x 1

((Wasn't too sure how to go about this, but here you go~!))



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Takumi Manor

Francis Takumi & Daichi Takumi & Man in a Black Suit

"The report you requested, sir."

Placing a black folder on the corner of a desk, a man clad in a black suit stood in wait of his dismissal from the presence which sat before him. As silence fell upon the room, a droplet of sweat began to form on the man's brow. Internally, he was suffering from an intense feeling of nervousness and fear; however, the man still attempted to hide his state of being as if he were in the presence of a predator, carefully sizing up the prey which stood before it.

"And these files, they are recent?"

"M-Most certainly, sir. I just returned from Brookfield this hour."

Given a signal to depart, the man gave a deep bow before turning to walk toward the room's exit with a sigh of relief; however, halfway along his journey, the man was reduced to yet another bow as the presence of a lady crossed his path and reduced himself to a state of pitiable existence from the overpowering aura that matched the presence behind the desk. It was once he breathed the air outside of the manor that the man truly felt at peace as he rushed toward his car with the intention to never hold business with such clients again.

"I believe Shun was under my care?"

The lady's voice sounded cold as she approached the same desk; her eyes fixated on the man which sat before her. Snatching the black folder out of the man's reach, she quickly began rummaging through the files within, taking careful note to inspect the three identities which it contained.

"Just what do you have planned, Daichi?"

The man simply chuckled in response to his wife's questions as he beckoned for the files which she reluctantly relinquished from her once protective grasp. After each stack of paper on a empty space of his desk, a grin came to the man's face as he ran his finger along the pictures of each file, eventually resting it atop the appearance of a young boy smiling in the arms of an equally happy pink haired girl.

"My dear Francis, Shun has strayed far past simple reformation into the heir that we desire. If a sculptor were to realize an imperfection in the core of his masterpiece, would he then waste time in correcting that which already exists?

No, he would crumble his life's work to dust, and remold that what he truly envisions from that which remains. A foundation of imperfection will only bring forth more impurity."

Setting the files aside, Shun's father rose from his desk and with a warm smile on his face, offered a hand toward his wife with the announcement of the morning's plan.

"Come my dear, let us set aside such depressing topics and go indulge ourselves on the wondrous breakfast Geoffrey has prepared for our arrival."

Graciously accepting his hand, Shun's mother wrapped herself around her husband's arm with a giggle and a glowing gaze of respect toward his face. Departing from the study, the pair would continue the remainder of the morning without a second thought toward that which they had just discussed.


Awakening to a line of police blocking the entrance to the warehouse was hardly a surprise for Shun as he simply accepted his new found fate with a sigh. Taking a quick glance around his surroundings, Shun noticed that their entire party had safely returned from a Limbo and a small smile came to his face as a result. As he rose to be arrested, Shun noticed that the pains, which had ailed him prior and after his fight with Heirophant, seemed to have healed themselves.

I suppose I owe the spirit now.

As the thought crossed his mind, The boy couldn't help but chuckle in response to the spirit's mercy all while hoping his instance of humor would not be misinterpreted by the police.

The night spent in the cell was hardly an unfavorable one as the presence of each other kept everyone relatively company until the story he had previously concocted somehow manged to pass as a believable alibi for their party. Having spent the most of the night sleeping on the floor of the warehouse, Shun was still quite fatigued, and as a result, he couldn't resist the series of yawns that occurred as he stepped out into gentle rays of the rising morning sun.

Checking his phone for the time, Shun sighed in response to just past six that it displayed as it was far to early in the morning to accomplish anything worth while for the day. With contemplation toward returning to his dorm for a nap, Shun stretched his head in frustration as he suddenly remembered the expectation of his arrival at Jess's Art Academy in just under five hours.

Hardly enough time for a proper nap.

Feeling a twinge of hunger in his stomach, Shun instead came to the only fitting conclusion for the early morning it was.

"Don't know about you guys, but I am off to find breakfast."

Giving a quick wave and smile toward the group, Shun detached himself from the crowd and set his destination toward Soul Food alone. Even after their experiences together, Shun still preferred the company of solitude, yet as Shun walked through the streets of the city, he began to loudly chuckle as he came to the realization that the destination of a few would more than likely be one in the same.
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Anne's hand held the box firmly within her grasp. Her fingers wrapped around the sides. The cardboard box was above her head, causing her to practically go blind, not being able to see what was in front of her. Slow and easy steps was what she was aiming for, but everything didn't always go her way. Tripping on gravity, the heavy, over-weight box fell out of her hands, lunging forward towards the ground.

"Umf!" Anne hit the ground face first. A hand rose to rub away the pain from her forehead. With squinted eyes, she stared at the box in front of her face. It had opened up and everything inside had sprawled all across the floor. With a groan, she got up from the ground and reached down to pick up the contents.

It took her quite a while to pick things up, but she managed. Her back ached even after stretching it out. Anne put everything back in the box, and headed down the hallway. She still had five more boxes to go. With a strong huff, she headed towards the door that she would be staying in for quite a while. Setting the box down, she dug into her pocket to find the keys. An excited expression appeared on her face as she inserted the key and turned to unlock it. As soon as it had unlocked, she twisted the knob and opened the door, looking at the empty room. Taking a deep breath, Anne inhaled the scent of the room. Somehow, it smelled like her former home. Where fresh food filled the air, and faint paw steps echoed through her bedroom, and a warm and comforting voice talking to her around every corner.....It was going to be hard adjusting to this atmosphere.

Anne had successfully settled into her dorm and headed outside of the building. There was a bench there, but it didn't seem like it was very clean. With a shrug and a deep breath, she leaned back on her heals, and shifted forward again. Swaying back and forth on her feet, her eyes searched for where she was to go next.

  • Nothing...
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Home, Alice was back home into the real world. The darkness of the world still lingered in her memories but at least she wasn't in there any more. Her eyes turned to see Shun was alright after disappearing from the world. Looking around her, they were still in the old warehouse, Dominic taking the chance to let them free. Her eyes twinkled but not twinkled of delight, oh no, it was from the light of red and blue sirens outside the building. Her face showing a frown of displease and her hands curved up in a fist.

Men shouted and guns all pointed at them as if they were some dangerous animals who copuld harm them but part of that could be true, especially for Alice,"You are all under arrest for suspicion in the Brookfield killings."

With that said, Alice and her friends were all taken into accustomed to be questioned over the murdering of Red and their strange reasons to be in the abandon warehouse this late at night. As Alice was restrained from movement and pushed into the back of the car, she saw Ben from the corner of her eyes, his expression showing guilt. Alice wasn't mad but questioning why Ben was even here but she knew he must have spilled something, her eyes turned away from him once the door was slammed shut behind her. The car started to move and off they went to be questioned.

Watching the night sky being lit with red and blue, she huffed, her hands cupped in chains so she was unable to break free but what was the point breaking free, it would cause more trouble for herself and maybe even her friends so she stayed cool, letting the popos do as they are suppose to do. After what felt like years behind bars with the others, Shun, was able to get them out of there with his silly excuse that they were doing some kind of movie, a horror one of Halloween which Alice thought was very clever since that world and the warehouse were both quite scary. Alice shivering at the thoughts.

Letting the group out of their little jail cell, they were escorted out the door but one of the officers stopped the Farra, Alice about to go and tell them to back off but Dominic made it first, explaining that she was good to go. The officer seem to be on good terms with Dominic and agreed with him, letting Farra go for now. Once they were all out, the group soon separated, all going their separate ways since it was only like 6AM in the morning and none got any sleep from the huge event. Who knows where everyone else would go to, Alice didn't care, she was too tired to worry but at least her friends were safe and sound.

Saying her goodbyes to them, she went off to the dormitory and headed to her dorm, not noticing that there were people who happened to be moving in, new students of Armstrong High. Unlocking the door, she slammed it shut, a loud boom could be heard throughout the dormitory and may have disturbed the people who lived among her. Stripping from her clothes which was quite dirty from the fight and from the ground where she laid. Changing into her pajamas, she jumped into her bed full of stuff animals and slept the day away. pulling her panda bear close to her chest, she drifted off to the dreamworld. Her dreams were involved with everything that happened, her sleep was not a nice one but at least she was sleeping.

  • Nothing...

Going through the portal made her feel a bit weak and unstable unlike the first time she jumped in. She began raising her hand to her forehead but paused as a loud voice only made her headache worse.

"You are all under arrest for suspicion in the Brookfield killings."

She slowly placed her hands up into the air in response, she was dazed and a little shocked by the voice of the policeman but still managed to smile to herself in surrender, “Of course, there are no actions without consequences.”

So… she got arrested. Huzzah.

But it was with people she knew so it wasn’t so bad. Besides, they didn’t have enough evidence to keep them locked up anyways. And she enjoyed the experience! Being in jail was new to her though she did sleep through most of it which made her frown at the thought.

A perfectly good chance to ask questions, slept away.

Nikky stretched and yawned, familiar pops and snaps as she did so. Making her way out of the jail cell, there was a slight crick in her neck from falling asleep in a weird position. She ran a hand through her messy hair in a half assed attempt to straighten it out.

Nikky watched as Farra, Shun and Alice walk off, the girl placed her hands behind her head. She was hungry but she didn’t have any money on her. A quick trip to the dormitories would fix it, and thus her first task of the day was made.

“I’ll see you guys.”

She wasn’t quite sure goodbyes were appropriate for such a situation after what they all went through, but it still couldn’t hurt. She followed after the girls toward the dorms.

Unbeknownst to Nikky, waiting for her was a pretty frustrated looking old woman, sitting on her bed. Though upon closer inspection, the woman was straight up pissed.

  • None ya
Ukime sat in the middle of the floor with her legs crossed and her hands on her legs. Her head was down as her eyes slowly followed Kai's steps as he paced across the store office. Ukime bit her lip as she looked away once Kai stopped In front of her. She closed her eyes as she tried to remember what had happened. First she was sipping on some iced coffee from a can, checking her emails and replying to role plays. Next thing she knew she decided to go get another but since she had ran out she had to go buy more. As she walked down the hall she was pulled by a force, wind maybe. All of a sudden she entered a hole and was found tumbling down a few flight of stairs and knocking a few out of the way on her way down. Her hair broke her fall plus a few bodies underneath her. She then met a few friends she had made in the past but never kept solid touch with. Then came the bloody monsters, what where they called..hollows. She remembered throwing glass , or was it a rock. Never the less something was thrown and it had hit the bloody thing, that was when she took a dash for the barrier a girl had up. By then Ukime's train of thought had stopped. It must cool to have a power , she wished she had something. As of now she was nothing but a side person in the school, everyone has such tight relationship but her's was nothing but a girl who pop up out of nowhere. She felt belittled for a second till a hard thunk knocked her out of her thought.

Kai stood there with a balled up fist and face that said he wasn't happy. Of course he wasn't. Late at night he got a call from the poilece office saying his sister was in jail. He had rushed down after hearing the news and tried his best to stay calm. She was sure everyone saw him with his arms crossed outside the cell doors. Hissing underneath his breath as he commanded me to start walking. I had no energy to argue nor any energy to care about his feelings.


Ukime stayed quiet, casually messing with her shoe laces as she looked away from him. Kai growled as he hit her on top of the head again. Ukime grimaced a little, her hair numbing the actual force of the hit. She gave a small smile before looking up toward him and letting a small chuckle lighten the mood.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, let's just say things went down. Honest, you know I wouldn't do anything to get you in trouble. They just had a misunderstanding. We were all just having fun chilling there, doing the usual thing teenagers do. They assumed we were that group thing or whatever they talked about. "

"So your saying your friends are a bad influence?"

"No, not really."

"Do you even know them, you like awed as you were in the cell with them. The majority of them were talking among themselves yet you were not. Quiet as a fickle is what I heard. Not a peep or any swearing from you. Surprising to hear that last one you know. "

"Sorry, really I am."

"It is whatever, don't let this happen again. You better run your ass off, cuse I swear to god if I have to do this again or find out what your doing is wrong....I will brutally kick your ass."

"How mean anue."

"Putting my line of work in bad spot and your life to. I care about your life understand, I don't need this shit happening again."

Ukime nodded her head before getting up from her seating position. The same time Ukime opened her eyes to see a bright blue sky. To think her dream was last nights conversation. She lifted her head up and rubbed the top of her head from where he had hit her. She groaned a little as she twisted herself about to crack various bones in her back and waist. She got up from the bench and grabbed the board that was by her feet. She was probably kicked off the basketball team by now, her attendance was getting sloppy and her attention was never one practice. Kai stopped taking her on his trips which angered her a little. It was supposedly her punishment for what happened. A month without payment or work. Her stomach growled as it reminded her that she was low on cash.

"What an ass"
Upon approaching the clerk at the reception desk, Abraxas came to an abrupt halt, looking back towards the exit. "They won't... send us back.... will they?" Her words fell to uncertainty, resulting in a her body shaking somewhat visibly. Abraxas tried hard to pass the program, she wanted to carry them out the door. And suddenly, the shaking would come to a stop, a light redness taking to her. "... Okay" the girl nodded before finishing her approach to the desk. The clerk looked at her somewhat awkwardly as if to ask what exactly that was about, but in the end simply looked over it. "Abraxas Nine.." The lady slowly turned to her computer, occasionally slipping a glance to the girl. A moment later, she retrieved the keys, and handed them over to the red hair girl, who now tilted her head in confusion.

Standing before the door, Abraxas couldn't help but smile ever so slightly. Unlocking the wooden barrier, she would push it open, immediately taking in the wondrous sight. At last, she had her own room, no cameras in the corners, no machines to run checks, no one to stand in the doorway as if she was some dying patient constantly needing aid. Setting aside her luggage for now, she quickly close the door before pacing around the room. Body leaning forward as if she had to inspect every little detail. Even when it came to the laptop within the room, she couldn't help but flick it open. "Can you see it?.... " The girl spoke allowed, taking a moment to look towards the bed as if it would answer her. " ...Free? We are free?" Finally Abraxas's smile shone bright as if something had responded to her with words of utmost praise. Even a giggle escaped her lips, a displaying a light twirl as she raised her arms, only coming to a stop with a lovely bow, once again facing in the bed's direction.

Finally pouncing on the bed as if capturing prey, Abraxas came to let out a light sigh, welcoming this new gentle comfort. Between the free internet and an overly soft bed she could not decide which to like better. For now, the bed had a slight edge on her worn frame, tired from the travel. "The bed wins" Her voice seemingly purred out as she rolled, a scarlet wrapping encasing her body as her frail frame crossed to the other side of the bed, only stopping when she met the wall. Another sigh of confront would escape her as she blocked the light away from her eye with her forearm. A moment of awkward silence and stillness captured the air as Abraxas laid there. A creeping presence slowly falling upon the room. Laughter began, not the light gentle laugh that is usually present, but one that gave off a hint of insanity. As this maniacal sound came to a close a smirk came to the girl's face. "Finally, we are rid of those annoying bastards once and for all."

Nothing~ Tis all in her bags!
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf30cff4c_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon.jpg.da554d45ca114307e16f2f52646e6628.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17868" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf30cff4c_HoshinoShiromiyaIcon.jpg.da554d45ca114307e16f2f52646e6628.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hoshino Shiromiya

Hoshino smiled warmly as she looked out the window, taking in the morning scenery. It's so beautiful, she thought as she took a deep breath in. Smells wonderful, too, she realized, and then realized just what she was smelling. Wait.. Are those.. Sweets?! When it came to those, Hoshino could practically smell them from a mile away. Funny enough, they probably were. With a dreamy--and now hungry--smile, Hoshino adjusted the strap of the small bag around her torso. It contained all of the things she'd need should she go out and about, so after tallying up her items, she decided she was all set to go. "It's breakfast time~" she spoke amiably, making her way out of her dorm and locking the door behind her. She stuck her key, along with her spare, in her bag and began on her way downstairs. Who knew that they had sweets nearby? This is amazing~ I can't wait to get there~ She thought, craving some cakes and some french vanilla coffee. Perhaps a breakfast muffin? Or, maybe a parfait would be acceptable? Hell, she may just order the entire menu. It wouldn't be the first time when it came to Hoshino and sweets.

With that thought--and now becoming a craving--in mind, she made her way out of the front door. However, she didn't forget to stop and thank the clerk before running out.
"I'm off!" She spoke, flashing her a friendly and refreshing smile. The clerk nodded in approval, seeming pleased by the king gesture. With that, Hoshino was satisfied, and she began making her way over towards the smell she sensed. It was quite a ways off from the complex she now lived in, but it wasn't too extensive of a walk. Besides, Hoshino was decently active anyways. Today was one of the few days she was actually seen out and about this early in the morning, but she has her father to thank for that. They had to leave early for the drive here, which resulted in a originally grumpy Hoshino. However, she eventually got a hold of her senses the more she woke up. And, right now, those senses were buzzing with sugar cravings. I can smell it~ Fresh bread, cakes, recently brewed coffee~ It smells so wonderful! Like a cat to catnip, she eventually found the cute little cafe where it was coming from.

She walked in to the adorable little restaurant, and a little bell attached to the door went off as she did.
"Oh, that's classic," she thought out loud approvingly. "I've only seen that in movies," she let out a giggle as she made her way to one of the booths and took a seat by the window. After that, she opened up the menu and scanned their items. "Definitely the french vanilla latte," Hoshino decided immediately, "Oh! They have some cute looking doughnuts! I'm going to have to get one of those, too. Oh, and perhaps that strawberry cream crepe, and I don't think I can resist that breakfast muffin and fresh fruit parfait, either~" She spoke out loud, and to her convenience, there was a waiter standing right beside her as she did so. With a raised brow, he waited with his pen in hand. His expression seemed to ask if she was serious, and--ever so innocently--Hoshino tilted her head with a smile.

"Did you catch all that? Here's the money for it all~"

Bag x 1

Wallet x 1

$100.57 Cash

Cell Phone x 1

Juicy Fruit Gum x 5

Strawberry Chap-Stick x 1



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Hotaru was in a small curl when she was awoken by bright lights. Her head was pounding, it felt like something was trying to break free from inside of her brain. The bright lights were looking at the group of students in the middle of the abandoned factory. Or was it a soda machine? Her head was filled with nonsense of some sort. She could not focus, her eyes were hurting, they were burning from the inside. It was all too strange. The dust and dirt on the floor stained her clothes, she sneezed twice and maybe thrice. She lost count after the first one. Some people chose a terrible time to remember her. Shivers ran down her spine as she watched Dominic rise from the floor. Hotaru rubbed her cheek and ran a hand through her ponytail to take care of any dust still attached to her. Her cold fingers retreated to her face to brush off any dust and sleepiness. Closing her eyes she pushed her body forward, forcing her to stand up. Rubbing her eyes, she could see from the corner of her eyes that everyone with their faces illuminated was getting up and was holding their hands up. Hotaru sneezed again, this seemed to create a loud pop in her ears, she could hear the muffled voices no more. Rubbing her hands together to create heat, she heard the words, "Under arrest" loud and clear.

She spun around on her heels and tilted her head in slight confusion as men in police outfits were crowded around the entrance of the factory. She winced as the bright light hit her eyes. Squinting, her lips curled up into a smile. So many people! She could meet everyone and give them....hugs! Hotaru clasped her hands together as she stood still. Inside her head she was having a fight with three voices. Oddly enough, Hotaru wasn't in the conversation. One voice sounded like an uptight lady with a sophisticated voice. Obviously with her strict voice she will be getting the darkest color. A more timid and cutesy voice reigned her mind, this is most likely going to give off a dark pink color. The last one was a silent person, but it made a few comments here and there even though it was unnoticed by all. Unless one would highlight the---

'Can we please go greet them with love and hugs~?!'

'No, can't you see that they are officers of the law?'

'...When are we--'

'Shut up.' They both yelled.

'Aww, I really wanted to meet them!'

'We'll get shot at.'

'It's worth the love~!'

'Are you this stupid?!'

'Are you this bossy?!' The cutesy voice mimicked.

'What's that rat...?'

'Why I ought to---'

Hotaru felt the voices fade away as she watched a fresh dead corpse of a rat a few yards away. She was paying more attention to the rat rather than what was going on around her. A police officer nudged her forward. She snapped back to reality and knelt down clicking her tongue. A black cat, rather, a male cat trotted happily into Hotaru's arms. Now the strict voice seemed to reign over her mind. The cat meowed along as if he was saying, "Move peasant." Hotaru obliged and kept walking.

'My turn~!'

Hotaru drop her hold around the cat, the cat pulled out his claws and grabbed onto her shirt. Hotaru gave the policeman a hug. The policeman grunted and told her to get off. Hotaru closed her eyes and kept hugging him.

'Um...guys...he is going to hit her.....um...'

'Stop hugging him!'

'No! I want to hug everyone!'

'...oh here comes the--'

Hotaru felt her head being hit. Seeing red and blue, she dropped her arms and looked up with teary eyes. One would be terribly sorry whoever had to experience the hours with her. That poor policeman is going to get a mouthful. Or rather....a cat and maybe some hugs.

Yawning even more, Hotaru stretched as Dominic explained to the head chief that Farra should be let off as well. She was so tired. Instead of sleeping, she was having a one-sided conversation with a policeman who-at first-hated her hugs and then grew to love them. Not soon after, Jack was spilling out his life story to Hotaru. His poor wife and kids. Hotaru had to talk to the person in charge of the wadges being made! Jack was such a sweet soul.

Stretching, Hotaru joined her group. She gave Alice a quick hug before she left. Farra left as well, one hug for her! Shun was going to Soul Foods and Hotaru gave him a hug. Nikky was waving goodbye as she gave her an attack like hug. Now for the rest of the group, Hotaru patted everyone's head before pulling them into a tight hug. After more yawns, she hugged the black cat as it squirmed. Home it is. Home. She considered the dorm room as her room, more shivers went down her spine.

  • Nothing, just a cat.

//crap post is crap
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5… 10… almost 20 minutes passed before Akira managed to bring herself to calm down about the situation, taking everything into consideration and then realigning all the bits and pieces so that they finally made sense. Her father had decided for her which school she'd be going to, which would thus explain why he wouldn't explain in full detail the “surprise” he had for her. He couldn't give any details because there was no “surprise.” It would be two new homes: One for him and her mother, Arella Sonaris. And there'd be one where he wouldn't be staying, but it was for Akira, all alone in this dormitory in a school that she'd never before heard of.

Granted, I can’t say that it’s ugly… or anything. It just… doesn’t feel like a home at all. And quite frankly it’s a bit too flamboyant in color for my tastes.” The girl thought, flipping herself on her back on the bed. The curls her hair were in acted as a pillow for her, though temporarily as the bedding eventually contoured to the weight of her body. Was this one of those God-forsaken Tempur-Pedics where if you didn’t move every 30 minutes the damn thing would suck you up like some demon trying to absorb you into its flesh? No… otherwise it wouldn’t have a slight bounce to it. Akira soon brought herself off the bed in a swoop to her feet, looking at the suitcases on the floor. Two standing, one on its side and half opened. She then looked around the room into the kitchen, then the bathroom door, then the window that overlooked the nearby lake. Considering this was the 4th floor… the view was fairly superb! It wasn't the Eiffel Tower but it was definitely a sight. There was certain serenity about it… the waves crashing against the shore. Could she go swimming there? Did this school even have a pool of its own?

Just what the hell am I sitting here questioning myself about this for? It’s a campus! I should be able t—wait a minute, it’s the weekend…” The girl slumped right back onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

And here I thought I could make the best out of a bad situation… is this truly to be my fate? Just thrown away like a napkin that my parents didn’t want anymore? How dare they!? While they ‘live small’ in a rinky dink apartment, I’m living even SMALLER in a rinky dink dorm! I don't even think I have a roommate!! God, you’d think there’d at least be some type of welcoming committee other than some phony letter. Like the staff REALLY wants to deal with us kids for longer than an 8 hour school day in dorms. Pfft!! Honestly, who do they think they're kidding?!” The girl’s thoughts roamed and roamed. All the way to what the staff was like to how they probably advertised student safety just like every other teacher did. This led to an interesting thought. This was the town of Brookfield! Wasn't there a recent string of happenings going on around here? Something about a murder?

That letter mentioned a laptop…” She looked over to the nearby table to see a nice, crisp laptop sitting there just waiting for her to initiate its use to her own curios content…


  • Clothing

    Purse x1

    Mints x1


    Hair Clip x1

Sam finishes relaxing in his room for a bit, he isn't really sure of where to go, so he looks at his map. He leaves the dorm deep in though, and wanders around staring at the map. It's fairly obvious to anyone almost half observant that he's new to town, and he keeps checking the map to find out where to go. After wandering for what felt like hours, (But was actually about 20 minutes.) He manages to come across a small bakery shop that you eat in. His stomach rumbles as he moves past it and when he looks up he's shocked at the sheer number of sweets at one table alone. He enters the shop, but his heart drops as he realizes he only has about 5.00, only really enough for one item. He seems to think about it for awhile before sitting down in the booth next to Hoshino, if he couldn't eat anything, he could at least stare at some food for a bit. He orders his one hot chocolate and waits for it, stomach grumbling quite loudly. He laughs to himself. "I really should have eaten something before I left..." He mutters to nobody in particular.

Inventory: $1.20 (After paying for hot chocolate.)
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| Morning |

| Monday |

| September 23, 2014 |

An entire day later...

Word traveled fast in a small town like Brookfield. Eventually, Boone had caught wind of his son's death by way of a letter. That Sunday, the headmaster stepped down from his position and assigned a temporary headmaster to over-watch the school in his absence. Today would have been the day that the replacement headmaster arrived. It was also the day when school picked up again.

"Don't be discouraged by what you encounter. There's going to be a lot of management to do, so if you need him, Len will be able to assist you."

"I assure you, Ivan; I won't need the boy's help. Never send a child to do a man's job, yes?"

The scrawny, hipster-like headmaster leaned back into the leather seat far more than what it was able to. Boots kicked up onto the desk, the man had to suppress his giggling fits at the do-dads he encountered while on the phone with Boone.

"And this-.. Angelo, person. Is he going to be one of my assistants too?"

"I don't know, he-"

"-Wonderful~! Two completely useless people at my disposal."

There was nothing but silence from the other side, then a sigh.

"Remember, you're temporary. Don't make any permanent changes to my school."

"I'll obey the rules, Booney. Sure I will. You have a nice vacation, yes?" The man was quick to hang up the phone and laugh to himself with a nice, slow recline onto the chair. "You're hiding something here, Boone. Something worthy of adventure. I'm going to find it, and when I do~.."

| Elsewhere |

Within the mail-slots of every newcomer's dorm, a letter would be waiting for them the moment they awakened. It stated:

"Dear _____,

On behalf of the headmaster, welcome to Armstrong High! You would have undoubtedly already discovered the benefits of your dorm, but have not been informed on the rules of the dormitory. Do not fret, we have taken the time to list the few but very important rules here.

  • This dorm is split into two sections; the Boy's wing, and the Girl's wing. Under no circumstances should you trespass onto the wing of the opposite sex. If there is an issue, alert the front desk. Their number is ___ ___ ____.

  • While an additional roommate is allowed, it is not permitted to allow an outside person (i.e Anyone who ISN'T enrolled in Armstrong) reside in your dorm. Breaking this rule will result in a fee to which YOU, the rightful owner of the dorm, must pay.

  • Keep it down! To the east and west of your room are other dorms, where students could be trying to focus on their studies! If you conduct a party, keep the noise at a tolerable level, which means; No loud music, no at-home wrestling tournaments, and no chemical experiments that has a chance to explode.

Keep those in mind, and we can assure you that you'll have the best time staying here at Armstrong High!

Another important note, due to a mix-up in paperwork, you arrived at the school later than the initial group. As a result, on
Monday, you will be required to attend a short, thirty-minute tour held by one of our veteran students. Whenever you receive this letter, make sure to meet the group in the lobby of your dormitory, where the dorm splits into the two wings.

Now that you are informed of the necessities, good luck and have fun!

~ Headmaster Stryker"

| In the dormitory lobby |

"I can't thank you enough for this, Ben. Really." Ben, who had looked only halfway ready for the tour as opposed to Dominic, simply shrugged with an obvious frown on his face. "I know you're not good with people, but I really do need an assistant - someone to watch over the group. You're the one I can trust with keeping up with it all." "H-how many people are coming again?" "A handful, that's all I know. They came in yesterday, according to the student body." "Student bod- Why won't they just do this tour themselves?!" "The new Headmaster insisted that I do it for some reason. Says I have the best people skills."

Ben's aggression eased with that curious thought that formed in his mind. "New Headmaster?" "Mhm. You know what happened to Red-.. It shook our old one up, so he's on temporary leave." Ben's eyes lowered to the ground, remembering exactly what happened that day. "Right-.."


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