- Zodiac - [Inactive]

Shaking her head, she tried to focus on the situation at hand; Nikky looked over at Farra and the redheaded fellow. Hearing Farra speaking of Zodiac’s as if objects to gain, made her feel kind of uneasy. Considering they had their own consciousness and all, makes it almost seem like owning a person. Nikky rested her chin in the palm of her hand, but it could be possible the Zodiacs were the ones that owned them. Nikky put on her thinking face, and then-


realization complete… you are now allowed to feel like an idiot.

...Thanks brain

Nikky’s eyes grew wide open and a grin spread across her face giving her the same kind expression a little kid would taking their first trip to Disney land. Nikky began speaking to herself as she began to place the pieces together,

“-The zodiacs are beings that have power and give them to the students of Armstrong high, for… reasons!?” Nikky’s tried to think but her attention was drawn to Ukime to see her suddenly jump alive from the corner of her eye as if the girl just took a defibrillator to her chest. Nikky’s response to this was; utter shock.

"Good thing I have a fro or that would have been fatal...damn that stairs fall was ....extreme. I think I dropped my guts, brains and my drink back at the top. "

A smile crept onto her face at her words; Ukime was strange, Nikky had taken a mental note.

"Well...so greetings."

Nikky stood up wiping her clothes, “Nice of you to roll in, Ukime.”
Ukime let out a small laugh before shoving her hands in her sweater pockets and leaning back.

"Ha , cuse I actually rolled, nice one there. I haven't heard your name but I've seen you around. First second day I think. I was in Soul Food while you were outside with the others. Names Ukime Kiyo, first name should be Kiyo but dad messed it up so its Ukime."

She was the socially weird one, probably the reason why she never introduced herself on the first day. She thought this girl was cool though, making her laugh was something not many could do. She was directly added to the liked section that was sectioned off in her brain. First it was Kai then Roe. Following up was the girl she met at the park whose name lingered on her tongue then it was her. She couldn't forget her first crush, the guide that helped her when she was lost and late on the first day.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Nikky Viole."

Nikky smiled but noticed a change in the Ukime's body language as her eyes fell onto Alice. Nikky looked at Alice then Ukime then back at Alice.

"Oh?" A sly smile formed on Nikky's face, as the pieces of the puzzle began to come together,

"her name's Alice." She smiled, giving her the 'I know who you have a crush ooon!' kind of look. She smiled deviously before skipping away, not sticking around to hear her response. Unknowingly Nikky ended up bumping into Dominic and Alice. "Oh soooorrry...?" Nikky paused for a moment looking at Dominic with an unwavering intense stare before shaking her head and speaking up.

"So yeah, we're all here I think, what now?"
Hotaru felt her back straighten up as she looked at Marabel. Hotaru's hand was no longer being held and was dropped to her side. Playing with her thumbs, Hotaru brought blood over to Marabel so she could read a message just for her, "Be careful, okay? If you get hurt and need our help, call us over. If you don't and continue to battle....I will get angry. >:T " She drew a pouting face with the red liquid to compliment her message. With a straight face she tilted her head a bit and gave Marabel another hug. At first, Hotaru was conflicted on whether she should be still hugging her or if she should let go. It was that moment when Hotaru began to squeeze her tighter. She was forced to let go to keep from causing any more trouble to Marabel. Blinking a bit, Hotaru gave Marabel a pat or two on her head with nod. Bringing her blood back, Hotaru made a message for her friends to read, "This building is about to break. We need to head off to the main building and get to the roof, okay?" It was obvious that they tower was breaking piece by piece. Hotaru was only trying to get her point across, so that no one would be hurt. They should not be standing around chit chatting.

Taking steps down the stairs, Hotaru was able to catch up with Alice and Tyrik. Her vision became distorted and a rolling mess falls from above. The figure knocks Tyrik and Alice down the stairs. Hotaru quickly held her hand up to keep from the others from falling. Hotaru watched with an eyebrow raised as she headed after the falling mess. Once the dust settled and everyone was out of the tower safe and sound, Hotaru blinked a bit recognizing the girl with the afro. Ukime! Ginning a bit, Hotaru waved at the girl.

In perfect timing, smoke and mirrors kind of magic had happened. Dominic, Damian, and James were standing in front of the group. Hotaru was very pleased that there was a show, but no dinner. Speaking of which, Hotaru was starving. The male cat in her arms meowed and Hotaru felt her eye twitch a bit. If anything happens, she could always eat the cat. Tyrik's form was slowly fading away, she glanced at Marabel. She was slowly fading away as well. Hotaru frowned taking steps toward her.

Putting her focus back to the group Hotaru jumbled the words made entirely of blood together and created a round ball from it. She kept her gaze on the magicians. The blood slowly raised above her head. Using her fingers she formed the blood into words that would resemble from being in a role-playing game, "Damian has joined your party. Quest completed!" Hotaru puffed her cheeks out as Alice began to ask for questions. Wrapping strands of her hair behind her ear, she took steps towards Damian. The blood from before swirled in the air before shifting into more letters. Hotaru flicked his forehead.

"I am extremely cross with you, mister. How could you leave like that? We were so worried. I'm not sorry for hurting your forehead."
Adonna listened to her classmates converse among each other. She learned their names, Farra and James, the two students who they'd tried to convince not to follow them. Ukimei, the girl who'd fell down the stairs. Nikky, the petite girl with glasses. And Alice, the blonde girl who was the owner of the axe. Or borrower, it seemed. The owner must have been the Zodiac, Tyrik's. Oh god, so many names. No way I'm going to remember all of them. Not for lack of trying.

"So yeah, we're all here I think, what now?"

"Now..." Adonna said slowly, more thinking aloud than answering the question. "Now we get out of here."

Meow. The sound startled Adonna. A cat? A black one, with golden eyes, nestled in Hotaru's arms. For a moment, she thought it could be another of Shun's creations, but it didn't have that offsetting energy to it. Funny she hadn't noticed it before. Well, not really, Adonna was always missing the details. As she had earlier, Hotaru was bending blood into the form of letters, placing them in the air for all of them to read. In the absence of her board, Hotaru had made use of her powers to communicate instead. Clever, very clever. Adonna was impressed. That was how Hotaru had greeted her earlier, with blood writing, but she'd been so focused on getting back to Ulysses and get word of Shun that it truly hadn't registered in her mind.

The words she wrote in the air caused Adonna to sniff out a small laugh. Damian, so that was the last one of them. Out of the seven names she'd just recently learned, hopefully she'd remember one. Abruptly afterwards, Hotaru stepped up and flicked this kid, Damian's, forehead. The blood words in the air, though without tone, were warm with worry and care. And Adonna had to laugh quietly at the immediate apology for the forehead flicking. Hotaru was one of those people who never allowed for a dull moment.

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"Thank you, very specific. Are your ghosty friends gonna poof us out or are we going to jump through a portal again?" Farra rolled her eyes and sighed. The beautiful castle was falling apart, and here she was, trapped and useless. "Obviously I can't 'keep watch' this time, so do you have another job for me, Your Majesty?" Farra bowed in Dominic's direction.

(On my phone. Enjoy the shitpost.)


| ??? |


Date: September 21, 2014

Nearly the moment after everyone's Zodiac's disappeared, all eyes were on Dominic, as if they all held a flash of murderous intent. Alice was the first, coming straight up to him and nearly shaking the non-existent answers out of him. "H-hold up, I don't know anymore than you do!" At this point, Dominic had turned into a wet noodle. He cringed at the pain since Alice was unknowingly gripping the wound on his shoulder.

Thankfully, Nikky had bumped into the two, breaking the death grip Alice had on him. A silent thanks to the higher powers and Dominic nodded toward Nikky as a way of accepting her apology. The glare coming from Nikky was strong enough to force Dominic to rub his neck and glance off awkwardly. What's with everyone..? Did this place drive them a little insane? Nonetheless, her question broke the silence that grew. A good question at that. Adonna was there to confirm their next action. Damian was here, now it was time to go.

How, though? Without Kenshi's tattooed fur, they wouldn't even know what circle to draw that would free them from the realm of the dead.


Curiously, Dominic lifted his own hand up to roll down his sleeve. Beneath the suit, his body held the same tattoos that Kenshi bore. Small arcane circles. However, there was only one circle, placed conveniently on the back of his right hand. The tattoo occasionally glowed a faint crimson.

"Obviously I can't 'keep watch' this time, so do you have another job for me, Your Majesty?"

Farra's voice brought Dominic to cover up his arm once more and focus his attention on the others. Her demeanor caused him to frown, almost angrily at that. "Yes, don't split up." His attention was now directed on everyone. "If we stay as a group, we'll have less problems getting out of here. In fact, we may just be able to escape right now." His eyes shot over to Hotaru. "Hotaru, I need you to make a circle for us." Why the drawing was on Dominic's hand, was a mystery. It was something they could figure out AFTER they escaped. Exposing the circle for it to be clear to all eyes, he waited.
Farra rolled her eyes. "Do Zodiacs make you speak the obvious--wait, NOW? We can leave right now?" She straightened up a bit and planted her feet firmly in the ground, preparing to either jump or teleport or...something. "Come on, Wolfy, snap your fingers and get us outta here!"
As Damian appeared in front of the girls, he did so in style thanks to Dominic. Damian had no idea what to make of the outfit change but he liked it, so he decided to go with it. As with his nature he ignored the newer faces as he wasn't sure how to interact with them' Especially under this circumstance! Beyond the girls was three Zodiacs. A dark armored knight, who looked battered and rusted. A red blouse wearing young woman, with red hair and a odd mushroom shaped had to boot. Lastly, another armor clad enigma. Her shape was more feminine than the other and considerable shorter. Her world shattering axe compensated for her height though. Funny enough, Damian could only study their physiology for a second before they started to vanish before his eyes. "They're--" Before he could even finish his sentence they were gone! That also meant... "Lance!" Damian turned his head to and fro seeing if Lance would appear to respond to his should but much to Damian's disappointment he hadn't shown. Now, Lance was like the absent father he never had. He was a little more dependent on him now. More so as a companion than a boone of power. Damian peered back forward, the Zodiacs still gone. The other two didn't even get a change to properly react they were so focused on something, something afar... Thinking about it Damian wondered where that other Zodiac was. The one that belonged to his "savior." He had a few words to say to him now anyway. From the corner of his eye he could see Nikky gawking at the trio from a short distance away. Catching her in eye contact caused Damian to flush red briefly before instinctively looking away to find a new focus. And that new focus was Hotaru who flicked Damian on his forehead, with floating red words above her head that read out: "I am extremely cross with you, mister. How could you leave like that? We were so worried. I'm not sorry for hurting your forehead." Damian felt the guilt settle in like apple juice when it sits hard in your stomach after drinking it too fast. With his guilt he couldn't even face Hotaru. Regularly he'd face the ground but doing that wouldn't help with Hotaru's height, so instead he just closed his eyes shamefully. But in the back of his mind he started thinking: They were... Worried? Why? I thought they didn't even really saw me as something worth worrying so much over... And I was so easily manipulated too... I always jump the gun... Ending that thought Damian had a grimace scrunch his face up as he grew disappointed with himself. "I'm sorry..." He yelped helplessly, almost inaudibly. Only loud enough for Hotaru to hear. The others could probably read his lips. When Dominic got back he was assaulted with Alice's question and Farra's snarky attitude, which brought a little aggravation from Damian as well. He loathed attitudes like that. "I'm not sure who you are or why you're here, but give Dom' a break. If you're going to act like that then I'm better off throwing you to Hierophant myself! One less smartass in the world." Damian barked. "Speaking of... Where is h--" "You needn't worry about that, Damian." A new voice had cut Damian off from above. Damian shot his head up and saw the same man who led him here. He was afloat and holding some strange lexicon in his hand! His fingers were tipped with a blue fire as they flipped through the pages. "I thought we could've started something beautiful, Damian. Lance's power is the most low key of all the Zodiacs. You can easily dispacth someone without a sound, or leave any evidence. That's a power that end wars." The man lectured. "But... You went with those who understand you less, instead of me who can make you into great things with a power like that. Why do you think Hierophant and I are together?" From the distance, you can see a silhouette leap into the air and with a thud landed Hierophant underneath his Host, all juiced up. He peered at Damian, obviously disappointed in his decision to walk away with the group of students. "I've never seen such a large group pact together before, especially High-Schoolers. I'd figure you'd be at each others neck in gossip or who you're going to fight next. Or would already be fighting each other." The man planted his fingertips into the book. The fire coating his hands shot into 5 pillars that rose into the sky. The book began to glow a shade of blue and from the open page 9 silouette's leaped from within! "Nine, powerstarved Hollows. Under my control and to accompany Hierophant while he eliminates the lot of you. Now, I have strings to pull elsewhere. But a cup of coffee sounds nice." The man flipped the book shut, holding it by its spine. "Ta-ta." He teased in monotone. He again disappeared from the Plane, leaving Hierophant and the Hollows with the group. "Shame. Damian. Here I thought you'd be a promising sprout. Do you not see the--" "No." Damian started. "You didn't let me finish." "I wasn't going to. I know that people blamed me for the murders, and that Lance's misanthropic tendencies may have led to some more speculation... But look. If they wanted me out the way, it should've happened. I... Made a mistake doubting them and trusting you and your Host." Damian's voice shook as he's no good at speaking outwardly. He took a second to swallow more of his shyness before starting again. "Maybe Red and that other guy was tipped about me... I can't explain that... But I no longer think it was them. Hierophant... I hate being cheated. Especially out of my trust for others. And you cheated me twice. As far as this goes, I want you and your Host skewered on my shadowy pike." Hierophant slowly shook his head. "Immature naivety. Eat em' alive, you dogs." The beast-like Hollows started their ferral dash towards the group, all leaping into the air to pounce on the Hosts. They weren't showing too much interest with the Non-Hosts, at least not yet. Damian slapped his hand onto the soil and from his shadow three eyeless leeches swirled around each other and bit into the belly of one of the beasts and ripping it in pieces. With Hierophant defenseless, Damian took this oppurtunity to get him away from the group... It was the least he can do to show his thanks for them coming to rescue him. Becoming a shadow himself, Damian darted towards Hierophant, a shadowy blade jutting from his palm. Before the giant could act he was pierced in the spleen, the phantom pains shocking him. Damian threw himself down and behind Hierophant. Potining the Zodiac towards him. "Agh.. Ahahahaha. So a duel is it? Why I cannot pass up the offer to make an example. Fine, fine. Court me, young Shadowman."
Seeing everyone gathered around and talking gave her a distinct sense of Deja vu. It was almost like a meetup at Soulfood! Well cross out the crumbling tower behind her and the ever omnipresent darkness, but yeah, just like Soulfood! Ah, but then again, this place didn't have the wonderful smell of delicious food or the soft mumble of customers conversing as they ate their meal. Nikky looked back at the tower and smile stretching across her face, the danger was behind her but her eyes still sparked with excitement. And in the end she had declared,

"This was fun."

She softly smiled at everyone present, she tilted her head at the impatient Farra calling out to an imaginary dog and smiled.

"Maybe if we get a doggy bone he'll get here a bit faster, eh?"

She nudged the blue haired girl in the arm in a playful manner. Whatever bad feelings that had stirred from their previous conversation was gone now. Nikky was having fun. She took notice of the strange tattoos on Dominic's hand, curiously, she approached to get a better look. Deciding to ask a question to pass the time.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's it like having a Zodiac?"

She directed her question to Dominic, Alice and Adonna. Seeing how Hotaru was busy flicking Damian's forehead, just the thought brought a smile to her face. A love tap.

Nikky however, quickly turned her thoughts back towards the three waiting for an answer. Of course their discussion had to be cut short, a ghostly figure and a man appeared she immediately disliked him from the strange vibes he seemed to radiate. The mystery man then started speaking down at Damian, lecturing him, as she listened her fists balled up digging her nails in the palms of her hands. She wanted to say something, to shout, but she knew how that ended before and she felt hesitant. But then Damian started to speak and she looked over at him with a twinkle in her eye, a ghost of smile formed on her face watching him stutter and shake.

"Little chick." She whispered to herself fondly so no one else could hear.

Unlike Nikky, the man wasn't pleased and unleashed the 9 monsters before them. Nikky took a step back, maybe she spoke too soon about the danger being behind them. What happened next was too fast for Nikky to properly process.

All she could see was giant creatures charging towards them.

Love, Tapatalk
Dominic called Hotaru to him to aid him in creating a circle. Escape? Back to their realm? Now? Finally, she thought, relieved. Part of her had not thought it would be this easy, but had been. The hard part was over. They were returning home now...

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's it like having a Zodiac?"

Adonna was surprised by the girl, Nikky's, question. She didn't answer right away because she thought someone else would, and that someone else would offer a much clearer and articulate explanation. But the question she posed, it made Adonna think... what was it like? Yes, she was a Zodiac bearer. And it had been so few days since when she'd first met Ulysses, and through him obtained power. Yet she'd never fully thought about its impact or what it meant to her.

A new, unknown voice caught her attention. He floated above the ground, speaking to Damian. He seemed to know the man, or at least was semi-familiar with him, from the way they spoke. The next turn of events happened all too quickly. S
eemingly nowhere, the plane denizen from earlier appeared, right after which nine ugly creatures were summoned from the book. Adonna felt an inner rage stir up upon seeing again that Zodiac's being. And then partial vindication when the boy, Damian, stood up, if not a little shakily, against the larger being. It was from this conversation Adonna was able to garner a little more about what had transpired, how this whole scene had come to pass. She felt a very clear rust-flavored distaste towards the human who'd disappeared, and towards Hierophant (more names to remember)... something more, but of course, towards him, it was more personal... she remembered the dents in Ulysses' armor, from the beating he'd gained in Hierophant's hands up in the tower. Yes, this was definitely personal. And to top it all off, the plane's denizen sicced the nine villainous looking creatures towards them.


Damian quickly dispatched one with his ability, and then jumped into one on one battle with Hierophant.

The main villain preoccupied, Adonna herself quickly realized this-- there were three very vulnerable people here. Instinct fueled her.
"You three! Get behind me!" she called out to the three, Farra, James, and Nikky, the ones whom from the offsetting energy could not be sensed. Focusing, she called to the magenta fire. Having a clear and not rage-guided objective in her head helped. The flames formed as she wanted them to, a large half circle in the clear space in front of her. It was for the three, assuming they'd enter, she'd then close it off. Then assuming she could sustain it, the circle of fire could effectively protect the three from the feral supernatural creatures. She kept her eyes out above the low flames, ready to flare them up and let them consume any beast that got too close.

Despite its proximity to Adonna's body, the flames did not give off any sort of painful heat... For a moment, she wondered if they would be effective against the creatures.
The beam... Ulysses' beam. When he'd shot her with it, it had not harmed her. Yet when he'd shot Hierophant with the same beam, he'd been maimed severely (though not for long). Then, the flames of identical color, were they the same? Would it react differently to allies and enemies? If that's the case... then it was all about intention... possibly... Adonna readied herself. In case this didn't work, she'd have to think fast and move on her feet. Or die here.
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| ??? |


Date: September 21, 2014

Dominic's showcase attempt was interrupted by a mature but unfamiliar voice. Snapping his head around, he quickly spotted an unknown male with a book in his hand. The way he levitated above everyone instantly screamed 'I'm a villian' to him. If it wasn't his words about Damian's so called failed potential, his posture and outward aura would tell the tale.

Then another person revealed himself. Oddly enough, he only wore trousers, like a frequent beach-goer. This no doubt had to be another Zodiac. Ghostly energy surrounded the two, and soon 9 hollows were uncaged before them.
"Are you kidding me?" Thankfully enough, Damian still had some fight in him. The older host disappeared, leaving the students to fend for themselves against the horde and the naked man, Hierophant.

Looking back to Hotaru apologetically, he broke his frozen stance and ran up to the front lines. Adonna was able to place the non-combatants in a flaming bubble of sorts. That left them less things to worry about for the time being. With Tyrik's axe left behind like last time, and Dominic's new-founded energy to protect his friends, the battle waged on.

One beastly hollow destroyed, Dominic focused on the one after him. When the creature launched itself at him, Dominic only had time to react with an attack of his own. His fist came to smack the creature back down, luckily not landing in it's gaping mouth. Tch, I could really use a weapon right now..
James, along with the others, was suddenly encased in a bubble of fire, flames licking at the air all around them. He initially recoiled from it in fear of being burnt. Then, he realised something. It wasn't hot in there.

He gradually moved his hand closer and closer to the edge of the bubble, until he touched the flames, and pressed them like a rubber ball. When he did so, the bit he pressed became transparent, and released a fireball.


He poked his face up to the edge, shooting a fireball at the air. He then could see that those with Zodiacs were battling what looked like sort of people, but when he looked at them, he felt... wrong, inside. The hosts were fighting them, so they were obviously enemies. AS soon as one got close enough for an accurate shot, James punched at the bubble, and shot a huge fireball at the... well... bad guy.
Farra and the two others were encased in a fiery bubble. "Great. BORI--" Suddenly, James shot a fireball out of the ball at the 'hollows'. "Oh, that's bad ass." A smirk appeared on her face as she began to reach out for the bubble, but she was burned. "OUCH!" She cried, shaking her hand. While jumping around, Farra noticed a large pile of stones and rubble inside the bubble. "Here we go," she said, launching bricks at the Hollows. While they weren't killed completely, it seemed to have done a considerable amount of damage to the creature, since she happened to have impressive aim. "Protection and an opportunity to kill shit? Nice," she grunted, another stone hurling into a Hollow. It made direct contact with the animal's face, and it disintegrated into thin air. Target destroyed. Farra glanced over at the other girl, Nikky. "Well? Join the party, girly," she laughed.
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Being pulled away, or more like knocked away, from Dominic, she turned to see Nikky who accidentally bumped into them which saved Dominic before Alice got the chance to strangle him. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to calm down and turned to Dominic to speak her opinion about the strange symbol on his hand but before she could, a group of beast-like hollows came jumping at them, being ordered by the strange guy, who happened to be half naked, only wearing some shorts of some sort, now after getting a better look at him, named Elephant... or was it Hierophant?

Well whatever his name was again, Damien was distracting him while the minions came towards them,"Great... Another hollow battle." Alice thought, taking the Eliminator into her hands, the same blue flames appeared, coating it. Swinging the axe behind her like a bat, she swung it in a horizontal swing just like the time when Tyrik saved her from those hounds. The sharp blade of the axe slice at the hollows that dare come close to her, their throats being sliced and some getting their heads' chopped off. Blood flew everywhere and some spilling onto Alice's shirt, once more.

Ignoring the blood on her, she swung the bloody axe and chopped up more of the minions. She was quite upset at the moment, she didn't wish to be here and only wanted to wait for her friends to return but the wind seemed to have a plan of it's own. Pushing Alice into this mess which she did not want to get involved with,"Ugh!!! I had enough of all this crap!" Alice screamed in her head and bashed one of the beast which was a bit bigger than the others, quite harder in the head, ripping through the skull and cutting it's head in half to show all the disturbing parts in the head, if they had anything in their skull. A great way to see what goes on in a hollow's brain! :D

If this seems too OP and shiz, I do apologize, I'll edit this when I feel like it ._.
Nikky was a bit dazed, but followed Adonna's orders accordingly into the safety bubble she had made. Nikky rested for a minute allowing her heart to slow down. She cringed in response hearing a grunt from behind her, she glanced to see a dark monster, or what the man had called hollow, attempting to charge its way into the security bubble. The monster wasn't making any head way but the bubble did shudder a bit under the pressure, she let out a sigh of relief.

Nikky looked on the ground to find a brick, a cruel smile formed on her face as she looked back at the beast still attempting to get past the barrier. She picked up the piece of rubble and tested the brick's weight before flinging it at the monster's face.

"So... first question, did that hurt?" Nikky had the second brick already prepared to be thrown in her hand.

The hollow was caught off guard but after a second to process everything it let out an angry roar towards the girl.

"Good, lets proceed with more tests then!"

This was fun.

Love, Tapatalk
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Hotaru was called from behind ignoring it for a moment she looked back at Damian, he uttered out a small apology. With a nod and a small smile she looked back at the group. Dominic called for her attention to look at the magic circle engraved temporarily in his right hand. Hotaru took closer steps to examine the drawing. She was only able to properly examine the two outer circles before Dominic pulled away.

She frowned and looked at him, Dominic looked sorry for a moment. Hotaru was a bit confused as to what was going on at first. Once growling was heard, she realized something. More cute things! Hotaru placed her left hand over her mouth as she watched the first batch of Hollows coming for the group. Alice's first swing at the monsters was enough for her to start paying attention.

Her first priority was to protect the others. Quickly shaping her ball of blood out, she scanned the moving figures. Adonna was protecting the ones without a weapon, Alice had her axe, Dominic was fist fighting, and Damian was.....no where to be seen. Hotaru decided to create a weapon for the offence. Hotaru stretched her arms out slowly shifting the blood and thinning it out. She created a sword. The part with the sharpest parts, the blade, was about an arm's length. It looked more like a katana rather than a regular sword. Having zero ways to contact Dominic, Hotaru whistled loudly and threw it at him.

Now for defending herself, Hotaru dug her nails into her wrist. Blood poured out slowly, Hotaru applied pressure after pulling out the flowing blood. It was too slow, Hotaru felt warm blood spray on her skin. Perking up a bit, Hotaru realized Alice's rash attacks were pouring out gracious amounts of blood. A wide grin appeared on her lips as she pealed the blood off of everyone, every drop counted. The swirls of blood was collected in midair before heading towards it's puppeteer. Inspired by Alice's large weapon, Hotaru made a baseball bat. Swinging it around, she was unknowingly encounter by a Hollow. The beast growled and jumped at Hotaru. Hotaru was caught off guard and bluntly swung the bat with her eyes closed. The familiar sound of her blood moving around was heard. She opened her eyes, instead of a bat in hand, the blood formed a frying pan. Hotaru looked at it curiously and then at the knocked out Hollow on the ground. Shrugging, Hotaru changed the density of the blood and dropped it from a height. The frying pan was now a block of blood, it smashed the hollow's head in. Hotaru changed the blood back to the baseball bat and grinned to herself.

The crack had traveled between Damian's legs and suddenly split open! A fissure had been forced open underneath the boy, leaving him to fall inside. Despite this, along with Damian's phobia of heights... He didn't show any reaction or fear. Looking down into what looked like an endless abyss Damian let himself fall without struggle or any reaction towards the possibility of falling to his death. When Damian had descended far below and out of sight Hierophant laughed mockingly. "Is that really it? You just saw an unavoidable crevice and just accepted your--" A volley of large tendrils shot from the fissure and pierced into Hierophant's torso, latching to him like a grappling hook. From the abyss came Damian rocketing back up with a dark bladed hand, being pulled to his target via the tendrils. Hierophant had pointed his hand in front of the oncoming Damian and a supersonic blast had forced from his palm. From what Damian could see, the air around him had rippled and a harsh "popping" sound had banged against his eardrum. It didn't take long for Damian to realize something was coming for him. Damian had retracted his tendrils and leaped to Hierophant's own shadow. When he finally emerged his swung his shadow blade at the giants back! "Arhh!" Hierophant wasn't staggered by the blow but felt a very realistic cut within his flesh. Damian jumped back with impressive ease due to his lightened body. Hierophant turned around to face his opponent. Surprised at his ability. Hierophant glared at Damian who was huffing and quietly gasping. Damian looked spent already thanks to his fight with Dominic. So he's a little winded? All I have to do is just tire his little body out. Hierophant grinned devilishly.
Ukime was more in a daze, the fall stopping her brain from functioning at its usually max. Before their were numerous situations, solutions, diabolic plans, eating habits, eating thoughts, sleeping, day dreaming. All of these she could do on her normal day, getting headaches since her mind couldn't choose at least one thing to stick to and think about. It must have been rushing to get itself in gear cuse the first thing that turned on was her reflexes, thank god for that. Her eyes slowly flickered toward a hollow who had thrown a punch, easy enough for her to just duck a little to the side and bring herself back up into a standing position. She whistled a little and snorted.

"Your a big fella...what are you again. You remind of that one tim-"

She squinted her eyes then smacked herself in the head as she shook it. Of course the first time wasn't a dream why would this be. She was in danger, real danger then the guys with the guns. She looked toward Nikky and saw a brick in her hand. She had the right idea, the others seemed to have something else going on with him that she didn't have. She picked up a broken shard of glass, carefully to not cut her fingers. Throwing it at the same hollow Nikky had she gave it a middle finer and a small brush against her fro.

"Can you handle something so powerful. Bow to the fro you hunk of odd looking tofu."
Finally after getting her anger vent out, she felt a sudden rush of incredible strength as if she could destroy anything in her path. Suddenly, the ground shook with great amount of force, Alice wobbling a little but from the change of ground. Looking over at where the cause of the rumble, she noticed Damien and Hierophant, Damien seeming to be in pain and was in some kind of shadow form-like thing like the Zodiac that was with him, Lance being it's name,"Shit, Dam in trouble." She thought, looking around her.

Gripping on the Eliminator, she held the Eliminator just like a bat and came charging at Hierophant at full speed, ignoring all the other hollows that tried to stop her, chopping them in pieces if they got in her way. Damien was in big trouble and the others were busy fighting off the other hollows. It seemed Alice was the only one who was able to help, bashing her way through the many minions.

Finally, she made it to them just in time before Hierophant could do anything to the wounded Damien. Making her surprise attack, she swung her axe just like before, batting Hierophant out into the air, the blade stabbing him in the gut with blood gushing out from the wound,"Take this!" She said, and jumped into the air after him. Appearing in front of him, she was about to swing once more but Hierophant was able to save himself, calling out one of his minions to be his shield but this only feed Alice's anger to strengthen her.

Chopping the minion in half, she came for Hierophant next, her axe ready to bash him down back to the ground where he belongs,"Now just die and let us get back to our world!" She demanded but instead of slamming him down, her anger took control and made him go up even further into the air but close enough for anything to be shot at him,"Shit..." She thought but kept on beating him up just for the heck of it all to vent out her anger more.
From her magenta bubble, Adonna watched Alice go on a rampage, making quick work of the minions with her flaming axe. Blood was everywhere, but not for long, not with Hotaru sweeping it all up. The barehanded Dominic found himself armed with a blood weapon. Hotaru too was using the blood to do away with the minions, squishing one to its death with a block of blood.

The three students within her dome were safe, some were even finding inventive ways to attack the minions outside. Adonna too felt the growing need to do more than watch from her cushy little safezone. Most of the minions were occupied with the aggressors, a few strayed around the magenta bubble, trying to get in. She heard one roar angrily, the one that Nikky and Ukime were tag-teaming with miscellaneous debris.
Ukime! Adonna cursed herself harshly, how could she have forgotten her?! The small details she missed each day, each moment, those were forgivable, but this! She'd have to chew herself out later. "Ukime! Quick! Get in!" Adonna created a small opening in the dome in the place closest to Ukime. The beast was no fool, it saw the opening too. Or sensed it, or whatever beasts did.

Back off. Do it now, Adonna thought with a ferocity that burned bright, bright like the magenta fire that appeared underneath the beast just as it attempted to enter the safezone. It caught on fire, fast, the supernatural flame engulfing the creature. It cried hideously in pain, but the screams were lost to Adonna. Because, suddenly, everything was blank. Her mind felt like it did after spending two hours in a classroom, she couldn't focus, not on her senses, not on her feelings, not on her thoughts. In fact, there were no thoughts, just numbness.

The sounds of the battlefield snapped her back. Her dome had flickered out and the fire had been snuffed. Thankfully the creature lay a sizzling carcass, burned to death by the fire before it had gone out.
What just happened...? Even as she asked herself, Adonna knew. It was the toll the ability had taken on her. The telekinetic shield, the psychokinesis, it all required the use of her mind. Trying to use the fire with the shield up had been too much, causing her mind to stop functioning all together.

She wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer. Adonna wasn't even sure if she could put up the shield again-- thankfully, she didn't have to. It seemed that whatever leftover minions had been killed, or were running over to protect...

Alice was slicing the Zodiac up badly, moving fast and solid, killing the minion who tried to protect the plane's denizen. One devastating swipe of her axe and Hierophant was flying up in the air.
Beat the living shit out of him, Alice! Adonna cheered silently. Hierophant was still stunned and hadn't retaliated. In fact, if Alice could keep that advantage...

Adonna ran closer to get into range. She was surely near her limit, but Alice was going to get as much of an advantage as Adonna could afford. Calling onto her given ability, she sent her fist upwards through the air in front of herself. The motion made to guide her mind. Several feet in front of her, a collection of magenta energy hit Hierphant's abdomen hard, shooting him further up into the air. Ideally she'd have aimed for the Zodiac's head, but it was too small a target and required the kind of concentration that Adonna wasn't sure she had left in her. Keeping to the abdomen, Adonna assaulted him once more, shooting him even further up into the air. Hopefully the hits would suffice and keep Hierophant stunned. Knowing Alice had no trouble reaching heights, as she'd seen in this and the previous battle, him going higher and higher up wouldn't be a problem...

Not that Adonna could do a thing about it anymore. Her mind grew void once more, all that was around her was lost to the white numbness she was enveloped in. She could hardly feel the hand she placed on her own forehead, forefinger and thumb massaging her temples in an attempt to quicken the time it took to refocus.
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Shun, whose conscious has yet to return, is still laying on the cold dreary floor of the warehouse. If the boy had woken up, perhaps he could have joined his allies in battle once more, but from the looks of his current situation, one can only hope he doesn't catch a cold instead....
Nikky giggled watching the monster get more and more frustrated, and then she spotted something come flying out of nowhere from the corner of her eye. Hitting the monster in it’s stupid fat head, The monster had turned it’s head towards Ukime then looked back to see an opening in the safety bubble.

"Ukime! Quick! Get in!"

Nikky wanted to turn her head to the source of the voice, but her eyes were fixated on the beast moving towards the hole in the bubble. No doubt to exact revenge.

Shit, shit shit shit.

She watched as it made its way inside only to burst into flames only a few steps in, Nikky covered her ears as the Hollow cried dying a slow death. But her eyes were open, absorbing every second, watching the beast fall to the ground twitch and thrash and be reduced to a charred carcass. She bent over and grabbed her chest, easing her oxygen intake and allowing her heart rate slow down. After a minute, she stood up straight with a ridiculously huge grin stuck on her face.
With the baseball bat, Hotaru managed to only knock them out. It was not enough for an easy kill. She decided to go direct and wrap the blood around the heads of Hollows. The blood would enter through their mouth and noses drowning them in blood. Of course, Hotaru would quickly lose blood, so she needed to created a wound. Give and take, this chanted in her mind as she clenched her fists, the blood's pressure against the Hollow would increase and-- Pop! A headless Hollow. It was a wonderful sound, that pop was nostalgic to Hotaru. Younger Hotaru would be pulling the limbs out of her dolls and--

She was pulled back into her senses, Hotaru felt time slowly fly by as she fell backwards. Focusing her eyes she is face to face with a growling beast on her. It was baring it's teeth at her, drool was slipping from it's mouth. Hotaru realized that the Hollow had many features that resembled...her. For one, it had a hea--

Oh there goes Alice's axe. The skull fell on Hotaru, Hotaru quickly caught it in her hands. Grinning a bit, she hugged it and used her right leg to kick the body off of her. Standing up, she held the skull up in the light with a bright smile. So cute! She was almost tempted to kiss the beautiful skull. Shaking her head a bit, she looked at Alice wondering why she was angry. She was heading for two figures in the distance. One was grinning evilly over and over. It was like you could feel the evil radiating off of him the other one was--

Damian! Hotaru couldn't see over the large Hollow figures, she dropped the bass head. Using her blood, Hotaru made levitating steps that would support only her weight. Once she ran out of blood, she would reuse the blood from before to create more steps. Eventually she was getting faster and grew more tired. Alice shot the evil guy upward. As Hierophant fell, Adonna came in and made him fly even more. Hotaru realized what was happening.

They were playing a game! They weren't supposed to let him drop the bass. Hotaru wanted to join! Using all of the blood to create the steps except for the step she was on, Hotaru struggled to direct it to the guy. She never tried moving large amount of blood at a time, it was more heavily and took a lot more energy from her. Flattening out the blood, Hotaru sat down on the blood platform, her legs dangling dangerous over the edge. As if it was a large paddle ball, Hotaru kept playing with the guy as if he was a rubber ball. Her head seemed to be in a mix, closing her eyes the girl lost balance. She fell from the platform, head first.


| ??? |


Date: September 21, 2014

Hearing the whistle from afar, Dominic looked back just in time to receive a-.. blood sword? He felt odd with it in his hand, the blood no doubt making the sword feel unusually warm. Nonetheless, his prayers were answered swiftly. With the beastly hollow on it's side, Dominic rushed towards it and rented it's head from it's body. Black and purple blood sprayed from the wounds, nearly covering Dominic in it. Strangely effective..

A growling noise had come from the left, and Dominic glanced over to see one of the last few hollows lunge towards him. Copying moves from various games and animes, he simply turned his body and pushed the sword out, allowing the hollow's own speed to deliver the force that sliced it in half and rendered it dead. He grinned with the satisfaction of his plan working, when he saw the opposing Zodiac from earlier being juggled in the air from host to host. First came Damian, who distracted the man to begin with - then came Alice, who propelled him into the air quite a ways. Adonna was there just afterwards to keep the velocity up, and Hotaru simply played with the dazed spirit.

Wait, what?

Now this was strange. Hotaru was falling, free from any attacks near her. Alarm waved through Dominic at the realization that she was headed straight for the ground without any signs of stopping or self-saving. He soon found himself ditching the sword and running. He wouldn't make it at this rate, she was too far and he was too slow.

Taking note of Adonna's method of travel into mind, Dominic decided to try it for himself. Positioning his arms back, his hands shifted into smoke that constantly acted as propulsion. He soon found himself lifted up from the ground and into the air, headed straight for the falling girl at a higher speed. It took some careful adjustments, but Dom had actually lined himself up correctly for his foolish attempt. Being as careful as he could, he caught the falling Hotaru mid-air and came to a skidding thud on the ground. His moment of amazement and relief was short lived when he noticed Hierophant was coming down as well.

With no time to actually check on Hotaru, Dominic was on the move again, this time in a smoke trail that rocketed up and reformed into his original body, next to Hierophant, who was just falling from the apex of his juggle. Dazed! He confirmed it with his own eyes - the relentless attacks by the others had been able to thwart his senses for the time being. Getting behind the Zodiac, he gripped onto his form and barreled down towards the ground. "It's over!" He shouted as they slammed into the ground with an exploding smoke suplex.

Again his form recollected after the impact, his smoke form saving him from actually 'impacting' the ground as Hierophant did. Dom was soon brought to his knees out of exhaustion of the rush he just had. So many things in such little time, it did a toll on his human body far beyond the saving of Zodiac abilities. With a large dust and debris cloud surrounding the area, he wondered if it was finally over.

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